
The right stuff: From top, Piers Akerman, Andrew Bolt and Gerard Henderson.

When entertaining at home Tony Abbott prefers like-minded company, if the guest list to his Saturday soiree is any guide. The Prime Minister's first gathering of the Australian media is an invite-only affair of conservative columnists and broadcasters.

Many are disagreeable but, happily, rarely so with the nation's 28th leader. Invited to dinner and drinks at Kirribilli House is a roll-call of Mr Abbott's strongest supporters, among them Andrew Bolt, Piers Akerman, Janet Albrechtson, Miranda Devine, Dennis Shanahan, Paul Kelly, Chris Kenny and Tom Switzer.

Daily Telegraph editor Paul Whittaker, whose newspaper backed Mr Abbott to the hilt, will be attending. News Corp editor Col Allan is believed to have flown back from New York in time for the intimate gathering of friends. The Australian editor-in-chief Chris Mitchell was invited but told Fairfax Media he was unable to attend.

Former prime minister Julia Gillard was mocked for her ''mummy bloggers''. Here then, perhaps, was a conspiracy of conservative columnists. That the majority of Mr Abbott's guests come from News Limited would surely please Rupert Murdoch, who is back in Australia.

Mr Abbott this week divided Australia's media landscape into two broad camps: ''There tends to be an ABC view of the world, and it's not a view of the world that I find myself in total sympathy with. But, others would say that there's a News Limited view of the world.''

Fairfax Media columnists Paul Sheehan and Gerard Henderson were also invited to the knees-up, which was orchestrated by Mr Abbott's chief of staff Peta Credlin.

Guests were asked to keep details of the evening strictly confidential. ''We do not release details of the Prime Minister's private functions,'' a spokeswoman said. She declined to respond when asked whether the taxpayer would foot the bill.

Columnist Miranda Devine said she was ''very happy'' to attend. ''I don't personally think it's a thank you. I don't write about politicians in order to gain favours like dinner,'' she said.

Why then the preponderance of News Ltd journalists?

''I guess you would have to ask Tony. … You get an invitation from Kirribilli House, you don't knock it back, that's my motto.''

Columnist and broadcaster Andrew Bolt said he was unable to join his ''friend'' Mr Abbott. His peer Piers Akerman for once had little to say, declining to discuss his invitation.

Devine said prime ministers had long invited journalists around for dinner.

''I didn't get an invitation when Julia Gillard was in office but I know she had lots of dinners and I know lots of Fairfax people went.''

The dress code for Saturday was ''relaxed casual'', Devine said. ''I would imagine men don't feel they have to wear a tie,'' she said. Not even a blue one.

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