Gay Alcorn

Gay Alcorn

Gay Alcorn has been a journalist for more than 20 years. A three-times Walkley Award winner, she was The Age and Sydney Morning Herald's Washington correspondent from 1999 to 2002, covering the 2000 presidential election and the September 11 terrorist attacks. She has also been an investigative reporter, Darwin correspondent and senior writer. She was The Age's deputy editor from 2006 to 2008 and editor of The Sunday Age for more than four years until September 2012.

Tony Abbott can't ride out the expenses scandal


Gay Alcorn As an editor, I always found scandals around politicians' expenses such as travelling to exotic places for meetings or spending hundreds on restaurant meals reliably dull.

Comments 322


Gillard's ghost haunts Rudd's second coming

Gay Alcorn dinkus

Gay Alcorn Whatever happened to Rudd the great campaigner who rose again to save the day?

Comments 89

Gambit or gamble?

Julian Assange

Gay Alcorn Julian Assange spent last Christmas in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London where he had been confined since June.