• Vital role of grandparents

    With increasing numbers of children living in families where both parents work, more grandparents are stepping in to give a helping hand but the process isn't always smooth sailing.

    More grandparents lending a helping hand then ever before ...
  • The Ten Commandments of travelling with kids

    ''There are two classes of travel: First class, and with children,'' the humorist Robert Benchley wrote. But family travel can be lovely, as long as you follow these Ten Commandments.

    Siblings enjoy an outdoor swimming pool.
  • Gnocchi with beef ragu

    The hearty ragù works with all sorts of meats - chicken, oxtail, rabbit, pork or duck. Freshen it up by grating fresh lemon rind over the top as you're serving.

  • 5 Fun Science Experiments for Kids

    Help the kids discover the fascinating world of science with these five fun experiments you can set up with materials easily found around the home.

    Science experiements
  • Forcing parents to invite entire class to parties

    Why expecting parents to invite their child's whole class to their birthday party is a bad idea for kids.

    How forced invites backfire ...


TV limits that keep everyone happy

Louise Wedgwood Worried about the amount of time your children spend in front of the television? Here is how to reduce the time without the tantrums.


Boys not immune to body image concerns

Body image isn't only an issue for girls ...

Josefa Pete As a mother of two boys Josefa Pete is aware of some of the parenting challenges that lie ahead but she always thought she would be immune to this one until her four-year-old son asked her this question.


Preschool teachers' lasting effect

She's selling it ... but she's four

Can Love Be Taught?

The four-year-old boy who berated a terrorist in Kenya's Westgate Mall

Younger Kids

5 Fun Science Experiments for Kids

Mashable Help the kids discover the fascinating world of science with these five fun experiments you can set up with materials easily found around the home.

Older Kids

Scary skeleton paper puppet

Download and print this free Scary skeleton paper puppet to create a fun Halloween decoration.

Is this the proudest dad in the world?

A beautiful exchange between a father and son.

Staff writers Do you remember your father’s reaction to your high school report card? This British teenager proudly uploaded a video of his dad’s to the news that he passed maths for the first time and it is a tear-jerker.

Comment: Mothering lessons for the girl who cried bear

Stalking charges don't solve bullying problem

When your child is a bully

Bat bon bon craft

Entertaining Kids


Screen time link to insomnia in young children

Kate Hagan Time spent in front of screens affecting sleep of children as young as two, research shows.

No split custody for celebrity mum Kate Winslet


Kate Winslet doesn't believe in 50/50 custody with her ex-husbands. " None of this 50/50 time with the mums and dads - my children live with me; that is it. That is it!"

Trekking through parenthood

McDonald's publishes children's books as part of Happy Meal giveaways

Lock down Facebook privacy

Top 10 failed young fiction franchises

Family Life

Vital role of grandparents

Sussana Smith With increasing numbers of children living in families where both parents work, more grandparents are stepping in to give a helping hand but the process isn't always smooth sailing. Here is how to overcome challenges faced by all involved.


Forcing parents to invite entire class to parties

How forced invites backfire ...

David Keatley Why expecting parents to invite their child's whole class to their birthday party is a bad idea for kids.


Are rich families less happy?

Should you bring your kids to work?

Holding out for news

The Ten Commandments of travelling with kids


Blood & Guts Pasta

The Spooky 3D Cookbook A delicious Halloween meal for your little monsters. Use a combination of unusual pasta shapes for a gross, gory effect.

Reader reviews

Ratatouille recipe

Ratatouille recipe

Karen Martini A great full-flavoured dish for winter and one of my favourite ways of eating Mediterranean vegetables.

Reader reviews

Mummy pops

Graveyard Dip

Caramel apples

Foaming fairy potion recipe

Lemon and berry cream recipe

Quick chicken enchiladas

Slow-cooked American ribs