Masanori Oji Reception

October 23rd, 2010

On Thursday night we had a very special event for one of our designers, Masanori Oji. It was his first solo exhibition in North America, and was a real honor having him in our store available to meet Toronto design enthusiasts.

We cleared out the whole front of the store allowing Masanori to curate the entire show.

The exhibition was titled “Life on the Floor”. Masanori debuted two new prototypes: chabudai (traditional low tables) and Zabutan a floor cushion.

Here is the artist statement:

Japanese people take off their shoes before entering the house. Traditionally, they spend most of their times in the house sitting directly on the floor. They even dine on the floor, so you can still find tables with short legs in furniture stores all over Japan.  After World War II, their lifestyle has become more Westernized, but the custom of sitting on the floor is deeply rooted in their cultural DNA.

Melinda, Celine and Jin checking out the Dharma Sponges and Kawa-Kado (protective leather table corners).

Everyone congregates in the kitchen. Even when it’s not a real kitchen.

Amazing cheese platter by the Junction Fromagerie. I am embarrassed to say I didn’t get a shot of the sheer quantity of sushi and appetizers from Kokoni Izakaya. I am happy to report that all the food was gone by the end of the night.


John chatting with graphic design team Sali Tabacchi. Thanks for the posters guys!

Holly from Twice Found Vintage had an intriguing question for Masanori:

She collects small wooden boxes from Japan and wanted to know what this little one would be used for. Turns out it is for umbilical cords, and everyone has one and keeps it for life. Strange but true!

Holly managed to get in a lot of photos! They look like they are having a good conversation…

Gord chatting with Masanori (right) and Taku (left).

At one point Masanori was signing autographs, with a Sharpie, like a rock star.

It’s not a party without Bonsai!

One of our customers had her son stop by to chat Bonsai Trees with Masanori.

Thank you Masanori and Taku for being a part of our first craft exhibition!

Thank you Lauren for taking the camera off our hands, and getting some great photos!

We’ll have more images of the exhibition in all it’s minimalist beauty shortly.

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