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Federal Politics

Politics wrap: March 20, 2013

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So where do things stand?

1. The media reforms look shaky with a compromise plan to save central elements of the plan now resting with Craig Thomson;

2. Tony Windsor faces a fight to keep his seat of New England after Barnaby Joyce said he would seek National Party represelection for the seat;

3. The government backed away from its controversial anti discrimination laws;

4. The opposition is making hay while the sun shines and has reissued its lemon ad - the one that says all Labor leaders, no matter who they are, are duds.

I'm really enjoying everyone's feisty contributions. Thanks so much for joining me, Andrew Meares and Alex Ellinghausen.

Until the morrow.


And in some breaking news National Party Senator Barnaby Joyce has confirmed he will seek preselection for the National Party in New England - independent Tony Windsor's seat.

Chief political correspondent Mark Kenny has more details here.

The PM looks for the subtext in Julie Bishop's question.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard listens to a Julie Bishop question

Prime Minister Julia Gillard listens to a Julie Bishop question Photo: Andrew Meares

Bob Katter attempts to explains his amendments to the media reform package to Peter Slipper.

Peter Slipper and Bob Katter on the cross bench

Peter Slipper and Bob Katter on the cross bench Photo: Andrew Meares

Yes, Albo, I agree the press should be more heavily regulated.


Leader of the House Anthony Albanese talks with Greens MP Adam Bandt

Leader of the House Anthony Albanese talks with Greens MP Adam Bandt Photo: Andrew Meares

"......there's nothing going on."

Kevin Rudd speaks with Chief Government Whip Joel Fitzgibbon

Kevin Rudd speaks with Chief Government Whip Joel Fitzgibbon Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

I'll hand over to Andrew Meares for Photos Without Notice now.

A few minutes ago independent MP Andrew Wilkie responded to the pressure placed on him by the Greens earlier today (see 1.08pm).

Mr Wilkie will not be voting for any of the government's four remaining media reform bills.

"These reforms are rushed and poorly constructed....No reasonable person could expect quality decisions to be made in these circumstances," Mr Wilkie says.

"These reforms fail to give more rights to members of the community subject to media mistreatment and fail to comprehensively enhance the Australian Press Council. Moreover they're not accompanied by the essential supporting legislation."

Independent MP Andrew Wilkie comments on the media reform bill

Independent MP Andrew Wilkie comments on the media reform bill Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

And that's it for Question Time today.

Meanwhile, Kevin Rudd is engaging with constituents. On the topic of his favourite cup cake flavour.


Speaks for itself really.


Anyone who is wondering why the government is asking itself so many questions about pensioners should be aware that today is the day pensions rise due to indexation.

The Opposition's front bench is Wayne Swan's "economic neanderthals".


Shadow immigration minister Scott Morrison during Question Time.

Shadow immigration minister Scott Morrison during Question Time. Photo: Andrew Meares

Christopher Pyne asks the PM when the government will stop counting votes and stop the boats.

The PM doesn't look too impressed by the tactic of linking every government policy to leadership.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard during Question Time

Prime Minister Julia Gillard during Question Time Photo: Andrew Meares

A word in your ear.

Independent MP Tony Windsor in discussion with Labor MP Kevin Rudd

Independent MP Tony Windsor in discussion with Labor MP Kevin Rudd Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

The deputy leader of the Opposition, Julie Bishop, asks the PM if she has had any discussion with any of the independent MPs about legal fees they may be incurring as a result of legal action.

"I have not had anybody raise with me the topic the deputy leader of the Opposition refers to," Ms Gillard says.

Hmmmm. That's an answer the Opposition clearly wants for a reason. What can it be?

Prime Minister Julia Gillard during Question Time

Prime Minister Julia Gillard during Question Time Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Should I or shouldn't I?

Labor MP Kevin Rudd during Question Time

Labor MP Kevin Rudd during Question Time Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work we go.



Kevin Rudd arrives for Question Time

Kevin Rudd arrives for Question Time Photo: Andrew Meares

Question Time is focussing on the economy. No surprises there. The Opposition seeks information from the Government as to the size of the deficit and how long it might take to pay it back.

Opposition leader Tony Abbott wants to know why the economy is in debt when the global financial crisis ended four years ago.

Oh, it's over is it, asks the PM. That might come as a surprise to the people of Cyprus, Greece, Italy and the United States where things are still mighty rough.

"We actually deal with the circumstances of the real world including the circumstances of the Australian economy," the PM says.

The PM arrives.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard during Question Time

Prime Minister Julia Gillard during Question Time Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

See what I mean about Coalition MPs spreading leadership rumours? Bear in mind this man has his own Dalek.


Question Time.

There's a lot of white noise around today. Static even.

There's also an awful lot of governing going on.

The Minister for Workplace Relations, Bill Shorten, is firmly in the governing camp.

Earlier today he introduced new legislation to establish the Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency.

With asbestos related deaths not expected to peak until 2020, Mr Shorten said, a national agency with the powers to tackle illegal dumping and promote safe disposal is vital.


Meanwhile, it's the first International Happiness Day. I wonder what colour ribbon MPs will have on in Question Time to mark that?


Shadow communications minister Malcolm Turnbull and chief government whip Joel Fitzgibbon chat during the debate on media reform in Parliament last night.

Shadow communications minister Malcolm Turnbull and chief government whip Joel Fitzgibbon chat during the debate on media reform in Parliament last night. Photo: Andrew Meares

Greens leader Christine Milne has secured a deal with the government over media reform.

"We don't want a scenario where Gina Rinehart can set up her own press council," Senator Milne says.

Under the deal the West Australian press council will be grandfathered allowing, essentially, two press regulators to operate for a limited period of time.

The Greens have also pushed for safeguards for regional news and current affairs content.

Senator Milne had some stern words for independent MP Andrew Wilkie: "I'm calling on him not to allow Rupert Murdoch to run the agenda on media reform."

Earlier this morning Mr Wilkie's fellow independent, Tony Windsor, said the changes had a 70 per cent change of passing.

Senator Milne said she would rate the package's chances as higher than that.

In a few minutes the leader of the Greens, Christine Milne, will hold a press conference where she is expected to announce the government has reached an agreement with the Greens on media reform.

At 11.31 I reported on some comments made by chief government whip, Joel Fitzgibbon, on what is or is not happening on leadership.

Dan Harrison has now filed a longer version of Mr Fitzgibbon's comments.

The story also contains the video of the interview which I promised to show you.



You might recall The Sydney Morning Herald's political editor, Peter Hartcher, wrote a story yesterday that suggested the Minister for Foriegn Affairs, Bob Carr, and the Minister for Aged Care, Mark Butler, no longer had confidence in the leadership of the Prime Minister, Julia Gillard.

It caused quite a stir and led Senator Carr and Mr Butler to say they still supported Ms Gillard.

The Age's national affairs editor, Tony Wright, has written a rather pithy piece about the "50 shades of grey" of truth in politics and in reporting.

I recommend it as we swing into the lunch hour.



At 11.17 I bought you the news that Attorney General Mark Dreyfus was dumping the more controversial aspects of the government's anti discrimination agenda.

Daniel Hurst has had a look at the details of what the government is proceeding with.

So what is going on with media reform?

It's not in the House of Representatives, that's for sure, and may not come back until after Question Time which gives the government valuable time to continue its negotiations with the cross benchers.

Lenore Taylor reports that independent Craig Thomson may now be the key.


So far the background to all of this has, of course, been leadership.

Chief government whip and Rudd man, Joel Fitzgibbon, has told Fairfax Media's Tim Lester that: "I'm too honest in politics. But I wear that as a badge of honour. The newspapers are full of it so the public must conclude that something must be going on....It would be silly to tell people watching your program that there is nothing going on."

Mr Fitzgibbon says "internally people are looking at the polls and they are expressing concern about the future of the government and indeed the party".

But he ruled out any extraordinary meetings of caucus to discuss leadership saying "the prime minister continues to enjoy the support of the party room".

"I think people prove themselves a little bit over excited speculating that there will be a change this week or indeed necessarily before the election," Mr Fitzgibbon says.

Mr Fitzgibbon also said it was a "silly concept" to suggest the party could change leaders between budget day and the September election.

I'll have the full video of that interview for you shortly.


One of the pieces of legislation referred by Mr Pyne in our 9.54am post is the amendment to the Sex Discrimination Act which will give protection to people against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity and intersex status.

The Attorney-General, Mark Dreyfus, said the changes would build on the government's previous reforms which discriminate against same-sex couples and their children.

However Mr Dreyfus would not commit to a timetable for the consolidation of five anti-discrimination acts that had been pursued by his predecessor, Nicola Roxon.

"I'm not satisfied the bill.....passes the test of striking the right balance," Mr Dreyfus said.



Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus during a press conference at Parliament House

Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus during a press conference at Parliament House Photo: Andrew Meares

The leader of the Opposition, Tony Abbott, greets mining magnate Andrew "Twiggy" Forrest at a breakfast at Parliament House this morning.

Mr Abbott was at a function to promote Mr Forrest GenerationOne initiative which works to find jobs for indigenous people.

Andrew Forrest greets Opposition Leader Tony Abbott

Andrew Forrest greets Opposition Leader Tony Abbott Photo: Alex Ellignhausen

It's nothing but rainbows and lollipops in the Liberal Party today.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott and Deputy Opposition Leader Julie Bishop at a GenerationOne breakfast at Parliament House

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott and Deputy Opposition Leader Julie Bishop at a GenerationOne breakfast at Parliament House Photo: Andrew Meares

Which brings us back to Mr Pyne who is angry the government has just introduced 18 more bills into Parliament.

He makes the point that it would "take hours and hours" just for ministers to make the introductory speeches and inevitably pushes debate on the media reform bills down the agenda.

Mr Pyne wants Parliament to sit next week to debate the media reform package and is critical of the government's management of the parliamentary schedule.

"This is no way to run the country. It's well and truly time we had a stable government run by adults," Mr Pyne said.

Manager of Opposition Business Christopher Pyne

Manager of Opposition Business Christopher Pyne Photo: Andrew Meares

The manager of Opposition business, Christopher Pyne, is about to hold a press conference about what happened in the House of Representatives last night.

Before he starts talking let me walk you through what happened because it was a bit crazy.

At 9.30pm Labor MP Kelvin Thomson under instruction from the manager of Government business, Anthony Albanese, got up to defer the adjournment debate which means the government wanted people to keep talking, presumably because they believed a deal with the independents was close.

A division was called and everyone turned up. But as they arrived the Speaker, Anna Burke, withdrew the division.

Even the PM looked confused as this photo shows.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard pauses when entering the Chamber to vote on a division to continue debate on the media regulation bills

Prime Minister Julia Gillard pauses when entering the Chamber to vote on a division to continue debate on the media regulation bills Photo: Andrew Meares

Independent MP Tony Windsor has good reason to look chipper. High profile NSW National Party MP Richard Torbay has been sacked as the party's federal candidate for Mr Windsor's seat of New England.

It is understood the Nationals are concerned about links between Mr Torbay and the family of Labor powerbroker Eddie Obeid.

Mr Torbay's loss is possibly Queensland Senator Barnaby Joyce's gain. He is again considering running for the lower house.

As Labor MP Ed Husic quipped this morning: "If Bruce Willis can make five Die Hard films Barnaby can make a come back."

Tony Windsor and Rob Oakeshott during Question Time yesterday

Tony Windsor and Rob Oakeshott during Question Time yesterday Photo: Andrew Meares

Lenore Taylor and Peter Martin followed the debate until its conclusion and have this account of what happened.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard laughs during a division on one if the the media regulation bills last night

Prime Minister Julia Gillard laughs during a division on one if the the media regulation bills last night Photo: Andrew Meares

Two down, four to go. It was a late night last night for MPs as Parliament deliberated over the media reform laws.

The PM took the helm and is now one third of the way to securing her reform package amid signs a deal with the crossbenchers has been reached.


Prime Minister Julia Gillard looks towards Leader of the House Anthony Albanese during debate on the media regulation bills late last night

Prime Minister Julia Gillard looks towards Leader of the House Anthony Albanese during debate on the media regulation bills late last night Photo: Andrew Meares


Sort comments by:
  • Bob Katter is attempting to explain his contribution to the media reform package to Peter Slipper.Slipper is obviously unconvinced of the necessity to include an amendment stipulating that:"It is vital for press freedom and democracy that all news outlets be required to publish a prominent photo of Bob Katter wearing a large hat at least once a day".

    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 5:15PM
  • Sooo, Barnaby Joyce is a Senator for Queensland, but is going to be dropped into the NSW electorate of New England to try to get a seat as an MP????????

    Hope the Queenslanders like the rejection and the New Englanders like the fly in.

    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 5:04PM
  • 4:28pm,
    Hmmm... looks like Gillard had something bad for lunch.

    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 4:53PM
  • I wonder which portfolio Fitzgibbon will get under a newly formed Rudd government?
    Any damn thing he wants I'd say!

    Tim of Altona
    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 4:50PM
  • Is that true that Paul Howes has a meeting with Caucus tonight and that Truthful Julia isn't invited. I heard it from the independant media source, which can't be wrong - apparently.

    enough is enough
    Labor party La La Land
    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 4:48PM
  • I wish Tony Windsor all the best. Agree or disagree with him, it can't be disputed how diligent he has been over legislation.
    particularly the MDBP. he has put not only his electorate first, but also the future of the nation.
    One very decent pollie.
    I'd certainly embrace him with welcome arms to my electorate.
    My longstanding member is retiring (John Forrest 20 years) .
    So, hopefully after Sept I won't need to claim I live in the least marginal. Wonder why Barnaby didn't pick our safe seat.
    Best of Luck Tony, that'll be one dirty fight from the Nats.

    A country gal
    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 4:47PM
    • Good chance Windsor will pull out of the race before the election.

      Tim of Altona
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 4:54PM
    • Yeah, if your definition of decency includes betraying his (lowest Labor voting) electorate with a Labor government.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 4:56PM
    • The voters of New England think differently, so says the independant media. You can believe the indies every time can't you?

      enough is enough
      House of Windsor La La Land
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 5:00PM
    • Windsor is a turncoat of the highest order, who should be held accountable for allowing this incompetent government to exist.

      His electorate is very conservative but he choose to back a Labor government.

      He deserves to be kicked out in Sept along with his other turncoat buddy...

      He positioned himself for the glory of Tony Windsor...nothing else...

      Long may people remember Windsor and Oakshott, and what they allowed to happen..

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 5:08PM
  • Can anyone tell me where 'negative equity' Swann is? I did hear a rumour, from those wonderful independant media sources, that he is at the Mint printing more cash to try and balance the budget.

    enough is enough
    Labor party La La Land
    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 4:47PM
    • Wayne Swan has gone to Moscow on a working holiday for discussions. I kid you not.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 5:14PM
  • Just back to the keyboard and I see the rabid socialists haven't changed their tune. What is it with these people? can't they see the writting on the wall? Julia is apparently clearing her desk - I heard it from an independant media source, so it must be true. Thank you independant media.

    enough is enough
    Labor party La La Land
    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 4:43PM
    • La La please do share.

      A country gal
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 4:51PM
  • @Whyalla Wipeout - you have a very short memory.

    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 4:31PM
  • "Katter explains his amendments"

    I wasn't expecting to feeling sorry for Peter Slipper today, but there you go

    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 4:29PM
    • I think Slipper is asleep- can hardly blame him - or at least pretending to be so, with Ole Bob the Hatter mumbling in his ear

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 5:22PM
  • Wilkie is a chicken without a head who runs around Parliament, who runs around Parliament trying to impress the Press Gallery, but confusing every one including him self. What has he achieved? Well I can honestly say he has out performed Abbott as the master of delusion, illusion and confusion.

    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 4:29PM
    • So you couldn't come up with something proactive and wise to refute his position, so instead you call him names. Not a very good way to have a debate about policy.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 4:50PM
  • "Slick" J.Fraser, with a mind like a razor. If you only realized you're doing the socialist cause more harm than good. McTernan wouldn't be pleased.

    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 4:07PM
    • I did not know J Fraser supporting the Socialist Party.

      I thought he was a Labor supporter.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 4:36PM
    • J. Fraser of Queensland aka J. McTernan of Canberra.

      Sloppy PR
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 4:41PM
    • Same thing ccb. They both march under the same red flag.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 4:48PM
  • Why are there so many photos of Rudd each day?

    Catching up
    Central Coast
    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 3:59PM
    • The media is aiming for another false reporting of a Rudd challenge.

      Who says there needs to be more control over the media?

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 4:38PM
    • Do you really want to see more photos of his boss(es)? The faceless men (where are the faceless women I ask?)aren't very photogenic.

      enough is enough
      Labor party La La Land
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 4:45PM
  • Sam

    The NBN is meant to connect 12.2 million premises by 2021. By mid. 2012, 38,914 premises were connected – 278,086 less than promised? By July 1 this year, $2.832 billion of taxpayers' money will have been spent on the NBN, more than $900 million has vanished in three years of accumulated losses. The NBN lost $520 million last year alone? It will cost at least $3000000000 more than Labor claimed it would and that is on current projections?

    The NDIS is all but dead by under-funding?

    ‘Gonksi’: ditto.

    Labor tax hikes include changing Medibank from non-profit to tax paying entity for reason of $850 million in fees and taxes, realising third yearly increase in Medibank fees.

    By Labor withdrawing superannuation tax concessions - routinely put at about $30 billion discourages further contributions to Australia's $1.4 trillion private savings pool. Superannuation helps to pay the long-term cost of the age pension, which at about $35bn a year is by far the largest burden on Australia's taxpayers.

    Gillard stated unequivocally, ‘I will not allow a carbon price without consensus?’ She then insisted, ‘Australians want climate change.’ Then on July 11, 2011 she declared, 'An "avalanche of science" included in her carbon tax package that would cut 159 million tonnes from Australia's emissions by 2020 and allow the nation to "seize its clean energy future". The only substance is Gillards rhetoric: substantial yearly increases in coal production produces an extra 100 million tonnes of emissions this year alone. Meanwhile Labor claim emissions have fallen 8.6%?

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 3:39PM
    • Excellent response! I'm surprised you were allowed to put this out there seeing as 95% of the posts are from J.Fraser and his onanistic obsession with Tony Abbott.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 3:57PM
    • I am in an area where NBN is in the process of being connected.

      there is a significant amount of work involved. Firstly the pits are being replaced and then paths reconcreted. Fibre has to then be installed to replace existing copper wires. That is a street by street job. It is huge.

      Of course there is going to be delays in getting it done.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 4:05PM
    • Governments that help us move toward clean and sustainable energy in a balanced way without sending us to the dark ages = common sense.

      Promoting the supply of record amounts of material to China to pollute their cities until they are no longer inhabitable = ok by Labour.

      Double standards is the norm for the party once Hawke and Keating left.

      Only Simon Crean would have a chance with this party but he would need to clean it out.

      Opinion Only
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 4:06PM
  • Another day where "Slick" Abbott and his squad completely ignored the interests of Australians.

    I can't wait to vote to see "Slick" Abbott thrown out of the Liberal party and hear them say "he was so much less than what we thought".

    J. Fraser
    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 3:30PM
    • Geez you're optimistic...

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 3:50PM
    • What planet did you arrive from? Planet John McTiernan?

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 3:55PM
    • Another day where Gillard and her squad completely ignored the interests of Australians.

      I can't wait to vote to see Gillard thrown out of the Labor party and hear them say "she was so much less than what we thought".

      Tim of Altona
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 3:59PM
    • @Tim of Altona

      Nailed it.

      Alternate View
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 4:13PM
    • Abbot has the common touch; only explanation for the opinion polls. Gillard has an integrity issue. This is clear

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 4:24PM
  • I know KRudd is photogenic, but do we have to have 3 photos of him every question time?

    "Heres KRudd"
    "Heres KRudd doing something"
    "Heres KRudd talking to somebody around him because hes bored because he actually has nothing to do in question time except show up"

    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 3:28PM
  • Dear AV. Compare and contrast the performance of nations that held on to their funds during the GFC to those who stimulated, or pump-primed their economies. A visit to the RBA website will yield lots of examples where stimulated economies outperformed do-nothing-close-your-eyes-and-hope-it-goes-away economies.
    I do hope you're not in a local government area whose Council suffered from the sub-prime losses.
    And I think you'll find that iron ore at $80 per tonne brings in less than iron ore at $150 per tonne - in dollar terms.
    Again I urge you to check the RBA for comparisons of debt-to-GDP ratios.

    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 3:26PM
    • The certainly was an argument for a stimulus to offset the approach of the GFC. But the approach taken by the ALP was so over the top and took so long, that it is a fallacy to say that it saved us from the GFC. As you know the opposition agreed that some stimulus was worthwhile. But to waste billions on useless school halls (when we could have been building something worthwhile like ports or transport infrastructure, was just plain irresponsible.

      Alternate View
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 3:53PM
    • AV - how many ports would you have had built, and where? Surely you'd agree that school halls are useful additions to schools and communities, and their construction provided jobs locally. That "local" engagement was a key factor in distributing the stimulus widely, as opposed to a handful of large projects in a limited number of locations.
      Ports and "infrastructure" are major developments and generally employ few people. And they genrally involve the importation of lots of expensive equipment such as cranes and specialist materials handling equipment.
      At least the were lots of tradies employed in the BER program and that flowed to their families and through the economy. It also flowed through to local building supply companies and building product manufacturers - again, trying to spread the stimulus as widely as possible.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 4:29PM
  • Good on you Andrew, I don't always agree with you, but your determination to stand on principle is more than commendable.

    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 3:22PM
    • Yes, it's about time an independant did this.

      Alternate View
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 3:54PM
  • Whew! That's QT over. Now the ALP can get back to the serious business of beating each other senseless over lack of leadership.

    What does it matter what the MPs think anyway? Isn't Paul Howes and his Union mates calling the shots?

    Perhaps that's the problem.

    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 3:20PM
    • Whew! That's QT over. Now the Liberals can get back to the serious business of beating each other senseless over lack of leadership.

      What does it matter what the MPs think anyway? Isn't Rupert Murdoch and his billionaire mates calling the shots?

      Perhaps that's the problem.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 3:41PM
    • I don't know whether you have noticed or not, but the Incoming Government, aka The Coalition, has solidarity that the AWU would die for.

      Not the case in the Government benches...

      Alternate View
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 4:21PM
    • If you read J Fraser's paper of choice, The Green Left Weekly, one could be excused for thinking he has strong socialist tendencies.

      Tim of Altona
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 4:47PM
  • Bit of a sense of inevitablilty around the halls of the House on the Hill today. Anyone willing to bet a cup of tea on a leadership spill by the end of the day?

    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 3:19PM
  • Pretty safe bet McTernan has scripted each and every Dorothy Dixer today.......

    Tim of Altona
    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 3:10PM
    • I resent that.

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 3:16PM
    • J. Fraser of Queensland aka J. McTernan of Canberra.

      Slppy PR
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 3:55PM
    • Why would you resent that John?

      Alternate View
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 3:57PM
    • Obviously "Alternate View" doesn't have a funny bone in his/ body.

      Alternate view with only 1 outlook.

      "Slick" Abbott must be cringing after telling everyone he now has a different outlook than he had 30 years ago.

      "Alternate View" doesn't.

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 4:51PM
  • What are the folded pieces of paper being collected from Labor MPs by Fitzgibbon?

    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 3:07PM
    • He's taking up a collection for Julia's farewell present.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 3:21PM
    • Pretty sure it's what little is left of their shredded credibility.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 3:26PM
    • Surely they're not voting on the leadership already?

      Alternate View
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 4:31PM
  • "Hell hath no fury like a (red headed) woman scorned....It says a great deal about the Labor Party that nobody has the gonads to take her on.

    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 3:04PM
    • Yeah "Slick" Abbott and his squad have certainly learned their lessons.

      Fortunately for "Slick" Abbott the mining bosses, the media bosses and the gambling bosses take on the Prime Minister of Australia, Julia Gillard.

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 3:19PM
    • Mr.Fraser....Some they do, some they don't. Some they will, some they won't...Even with GPS navigation nobody could lead those Labor Party Trotskyists out of the dark.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 3:47PM
  • Wayne Swan is calling someone an economic Neanderthal..didn't know they allowed mirrors in parliament.

    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 3:04PM
  • Why won't swan answer a question about his carbon tax black hole and if he is going to raid superannuation.
    They are patting themselves on the back about pensioners while at the same time planning ways to ensure more people will become pensioners in future. The more people dependant on government the better it is for labor.

    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 3:01PM
    • Stupid questions like the supplementary one M.Turnbull asked are the sole domain of the "Slick" Abbott squad.

      You are keeping the average up.

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 3:12PM
    • J. Fraser of Queensland aka J. McTernan of Canberra.

      Sloppy PR
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 3:33PM
    • Denny

      David Kassulke, who manages AJ Bush and Sons' electricity -hungry meat processing plant in Beaudesert, Queensland does not think the price on Carbon will leave a black hole in his business he loves it,

      Though pensioners and the like will not benefit from an LNP government if they are successful in September this year

      Buffalo Bill
      Sydneys Northshore
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 3:43PM
    • Buff, why wouldn't he love it? He got a $6million grant from the government. Do you honestly think he would feel the same if not for the subsidy?

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 4:37PM
  • Gillard is so funny when she stands up and says the coalitions asylum seeker policy is in shambles. Do you think she is trying to give us a laugh or is she simply delusional? More boat people have arrived in this financial year then under 11 years of Howard. To quote a soon to be forgotten hypocrit "another boat; another policy failure"

    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 2:53PM
    • Over 2,000 have a arrived this year already.
      3 boats yesterday and the Liberals policy is a shambles so says PM Gillard.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 3:14PM
    • Ahh but the coalition policy was been to turn back the boats.

      So instead of rickety unseaworthy boats sinking in Aussie waters so they sink in other countries waters.

      I cant wait to see how international maritme law is applied against Aus when a towed boat sinks and people die.

      Closest boat etc assists in rescue etc etc

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 3:21PM
    • 4. That's the number to remember.

      Only 4 people were in detention when the ALP came to power.

      That's what effective border control should achieve.

      Alternate View
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 4:28PM
  • 2.42 comment, is this an opportunity for the Govt to raise the impending issue on Abbott or not!
    Bishop may have bitten off more than she can chew.

    A country gal
    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 2:49PM
  • "Should I or shouldn't I?"

    Rudd's not challenging today, he's just hitchhiking his way closer to September.

    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 2:38PM
    • Time for a cupcake "SteveH.".

      Go on, nobody here will miss you.

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 3:13PM
    • Actually I made some killer scones the other day, I'm not really a big fan of them myself, but youngest often demands them on wet weekends for some reason.

      The things you do.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 3:39PM
  • Sam

    The NBN is meant to connect 12.2 million premises by 2021. By mid. 2012, 38,914 premises were connected – 278,086 less than promised? By July 1 this year, $2.832 billion of taxpayers' money will have been spent on the NBN, more than $900 million has vanished in three years of accumulated losses. The NBN lost $520 million last year alone? It will cost at least $3000000000 more than Labor claimed it would and that is on current projections?

    The NDIS is all but dead by under-funding?

    ‘Gonksi’: ditto.

    Labor tax hikes include changing Medibank from non-profit to tax paying entity for reason of $850 million in fees and taxes, realising third yearly increase in Medibank fees.

    By Labor withdrawing superannuation tax concessions - routinely put at about $30 billion discourages further contributions to Australia's $1.4 trillion private savings pool. Superannuation helps to pay the long-term cost of the age pension, which at about $35bn a year is by far the largest burden on Australia's taxpayers.

    Gillard stated unequivocally, ‘I will not allow a carbon price without consensus?’ She then insisted, ‘Australians want climate change.’ Then on July 11, 2011 she declared, 'An "avalanche of science" included in her carbon tax package that would cut 159 million tonnes from Australia's emissions by 2020 and allow the nation to "seize its clean energy future". The only substance is Gillards rhetoric: substantial yearly increases in coal production produces an extra 100 million tonnes of emissions this year alone. Meanwhile Labor claim emissions have fallen 8.6%?

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 2:37PM
  • Here we are 30 minutes into question time and we have had 1 post on what is actually going on 2 photo's of Rudd, a photo of Gillard walking in and a ridiculous tweet form some Lib backbencher.
    More evidence the media prefers to focus on trivialities and non existant challenges than actual substance.

    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 2:35PM
  • Stephanie,

    Please print Malcolm Turnbull's question to the PM. It is Gold!

    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 2:32PM
  • Pulse - is the gallery full today or are the public deserting it in droves ?

    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 2:07PM
  • Oh well done Bill Shorten? How rapid his brain grasps reality by introducing the Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency.

    Err, let me see now: when was the first recorded death from asbestos made public: 'The first documented death related to asbestos was in 1906. In the early 1900s researchers began to notice a large number of early deaths and lung problems in asbestos mining towns. The first diagnosis of asbestosis was made in the UK in 1924. By the 1930s, the UK regulated ventilation and made asbestosis an excusable work-related disease, followed by the U.S about ten years later. The term mesothelioma was first used in medical literature in 1931; its association with asbestos was first noted sometime in the 1940s.

    Yep, speedy is the word when comes to those Labor brights like Shorten.

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 2:01PM
    • NIce history Pen. Why is Bill Shorten being sneered at for introducing this legislation when generations of Governments, most of them Liberal, did not.

      It is a sad indictment of our country that a Government, any government, can be derided for doing something on the basis that previous governments did not do anything.

      Whyalla Wipeout
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 2:34PM
    • This commenter has been posting this same post for a considerable time.

      No doubt those suffering from asbestosis gain great comfort from "Pen" and his absolute disregard for even the most basic compassion.

      2 of my friends go to the Wesley Hospital here in Brisbane every 6 weeks to get their lungs scraped.

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 3:01PM
    • It's probably because much of the responsibility for dealing with asbestos has been in the hands of the states. This looks like. Something happening at the federal level.
      Of course, there have been many years of conservative governments since 1906 and the first asbestos-related death you cite.
      Are you also lamenting that nothing was done then?

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 3:02PM
  • What is the rush with the media bills?
    Why is it so important to the ALP to rush these bills through now?

    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 2:00PM
    • Just in case Julia, Wayne and Stephen aren't around after tomorrow.

      Alternate View
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 2:27PM
  • Here's another laugh you head off indication of how Australia is going down "Slick" Abbott's drain.

    This "dysfunctional government" is really hurting business.

    ha ha ha.

    J. Fraser
    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 1:50PM
    • @ JFraser ..
      How many people do you employ ?

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 2:45PM
    • A whole raft of them.

      Perhaps you should go back to being a taxpayer.

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 3:15PM
    • J. Fraser of Queensland aka J. McTernan of Canberra.

      Sloppy PR
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 3:38PM
  • Bob Katter. If you listened to him speak you would swear he was from The Greens.

    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 1:48PM
    • Bob's an all-rounder.He wears a different hat every day.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 3:01PM
  • If a "panel" is implemented as a media "watchdog", I wonder if it will be as independent as Fair Work Australia? How many Union cronies will be appointed to this panel?

    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 1:45PM
    • It won't matter because after the election the Libs can get rid of that panel and insert their own choices. Thats only fair.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 3:00PM
  • "There's also an awful lot of governing going on."

    Thank you for saying this Stephanie, but I worry for your career. It does not seem healthy for any mainstream journalist to even refer in passing to the fact that the government was actually doing its job.

    For example, the appalling shadow minister for education, who does not seem to have any acquaintance with his shadow portfolio, gets air time for attacking the Government for introducing legislation into Parliament.

    And nobody in the press interviewing the bursting blood vessel realises how ludicrous it is for the Government to be criticised for doing its job. They just accept it.

    Whyalla Wipeout
    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 1:44PM
  • Who will Gillard insult in QT today ?

    Perhaps she'll target Bishop for being female, or Wyatt Roy for being young.

    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 1:43PM
    • Anything to get out of answering the questions.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 2:24PM
    • There is nothing wrong with someone being young or a woman. I think there is every justification for pointing out how nasty and unprincipled they are Hacka.

      Whyalla Wipeout
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 2:36PM
    • Have you got something against Wyatt Whyalla ?

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 5:15PM
  • International Happiness Day, Hmm the opposition might need to handout blue speedos to put on their heads to hide the displeasure of the media reforms deal.
    BB could have the honour after her smoochy morning with the LOTO. Or Pyne if he's actually in the chamber, a dose of humility in order.
    And what's the go with MT of late, been having lunch with Rupert too.

    A country gal
    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 1:41PM
    • International happiness day? Not sure about that but National Happiness Day will be the 15th of September.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 3:13PM
    • National Happiness Day will certainly be on 15 Sept when Gillard and the rest of her deceitful bunch get booted out!!

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 4:36PM
  • This whole thing is totally embarrassing! They should be governing the country, not fighting with each other. Bring on the election!

    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 1:26PM
    • I only hope in the landslide the Rudd supporters who have leaked, agitated and caused so much instability and damage are not spared and lose their seats too.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 1:41PM
  • The Greens are calling on Andrew Wilkie to come to the party on the Media bill.
    I wonder why Julia Gillard isn't calling on Andrew Wilkie...

    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 1:25PM
    • With Katter,Windsor,Milne in the bag he is not needed.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 1:50PM
  • Senator Milne had some stern words for independent MP Andrew Wilkie"

    I bet Andrew enjoyed another dressing down from Christine, it must have been like old times.

    No wonder he left them.

    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 1:21PM
  • I wonder if any of the cross-benchers will show up with red underpants on their heads for the vote on the media reforms? If nothing else, that would make this whole farce complete and inject a little bit of smiles and happiness into parliament...

    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 1:19PM
    • LOL. This should be the featured comment for today!

      Alternate View
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 1:55PM
    • No ,but the opposition could suit red white and blue ,and push tumbrils .You know to fill up with souvenirs and the like.From their pals .

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 2:58PM
  • "This is no way to run the country. It's well and truly time we had a stable government run by adults," Mr Pyne said.

    Well, that rules him out, then...

    paul of chester
    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 1:08PM
    • Anyone with a smidgen of education would understand that the Shadow Minister for Education had ruled himself out of the conversation and political power.

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 1:21PM
    • Actually Pine's vision for education reform aint half bad. I don't think many education observers have too many concerns with the next Education Minister, unless you are a hard and fast Gillard supporter who blindly demonizes each and every member of the Opposition day in day out. Wonder who that could be eh Slick?

      Tim of Altona
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 1:41PM
    • Hey nice typo Tim, Christopher is continually "pining" for his days of old on the other side of the dispatch box, as they all are.
      But if he's up to regular form he'll be fined for truancy as Education Minister.

      A country gal
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 2:34PM
    • Sam, not lib or labour, but just looking at the ones under this government

      5. NBN - hugely over budget, behind schedule, minimal take up,denial of alternative technologies, lots of jobs for the boys. Know anyone that has NBN ??
      6. Action on Climate Change - no improvement whatsoever, more jobs for boys
      7. NDIS - unfunded, not implemented, on enquiry my disbled father was advised the earliest any assistance would reach him would be 2016!, yes 2016! the NDIS is a lie

      12. Apology to the Stolen Generation - well done Rudd, shame your government since has ignored the aboriginal community resulting in the worst living conditions for aboriginals of all time

      Sorry mate - this government from Rudd to Gillard has done nothing but create jobs for canberra, bullying commissions, sports panels,expert panels, boat people panel, lots of panels, lof talk, no action.

      Vote Katter People, the only one who cares for Australia, not just Canberra

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 2:58PM
    • Pynes vision for education is the same as the Liberal Newsltd Party (LNP) in Queensland.

      In their first year in government in Queensland they have reduced the Teacher numbers by 519.

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 3:07PM
    • love the typo Tim,
      "Pine", they're always pining they are not on the other side of the dispatch box.

      A country gal
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 3:15PM
    • Genghis

      And the LNP success strories are er um er um let me think er um er um no still cant get any maybe you can assist me ? and while your at it add some infrastructure achievements into that mix too please

      Buffalo Bill
      Sydneys Northshore
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 3:19PM
  • Gillard' s misogynist slur on Abbott is pathetic ...she does it to avoid answering the question ... and to get herself international Youtube acclaim as a "strong, feisty woman" ... Unfortunately she has set back the cause of women by exemplifying us as backstabbers who use gender politics to get our way.

    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 12:54PM
    • As a voter in Gillard's electorate I have heard similar sentiments from female voters here. Gillard will be returned here, but with a swing against her much larger than Labor would want.

      Tim of Altona
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 1:15PM
    • Poor Tony Wony. He can hand it out but he cannot take it. Ex-boxer with a glass jaw.

      Whyalla Wipeout
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 1:20PM
    • I've been delighted to see the woman in the Prime Minister's office continually trump the man in the Opposition Leader's office on policy outcomes.
      Naturally, I'm disappointed by the outcome in the court of public opinion, but allowing all Australians eighteen years old or older to have a vote does have a downside :-)

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 1:23PM
    • Cobblers.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 1:31PM
    • Timmy checks the chicken entrails on a daily basis.

      Full moons really get him going.

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 1:32PM
    • Gary, at least those votes can't be bought the way the media barons buy influence.

      Whyalla Wipeout
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 1:34PM
    • Indeed

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 1:39PM
    • So Gary,you think not answering questions and snide asides muttered under the breath is trumping the leader of the opposition?. No wonder Labor is in so much trouble.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 1:51PM
    • You're right, Gary - we should definitely limit voting to people who need emoticons to convery meaning.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 1:57PM
    • @Whyalla Wipeout. Name the personal insults that TA has thrown at JG? I think you will find that the ALP as a whole wins that award. JG plays the gender card when she is not winning the policy debate.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 1:59PM
    • So, if Abbott had said, 'This pathetic no policy woman is going to get smashed by this hard man... '
      Would he be sexist? As Julia clearly is following her comments.
      Pot, this. Is Kettle!

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 2:17PM
    • Oh dear. Not answering questions? When was the last time TA was on Q&A, or face the media until all questions about the LNP's involvement in the Ashby incident, and subsequent adverse findings against LNP figures, were asked by a slavering media? Overseas "doing important work for the country"? Hadn't read the Federal Court findings? Thankful the everything shuts down over Christmas?
      And since you can understand emoticons, sjr001, you must be a voter just like me! Congratulations. I'd smile for you, but you're obviously not in a good mood today.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 2:46PM
    • My apologies I forgot to mention the "Misogynist is back" remark. Oops

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 3:00PM
    • Not at all, Gary, I'm in a fantastic mood. The closer we get to seeing the back of this government the happier I get, it seems.

      And for the record, I can recognise what an emoticon is, it's just that I've never seen the point of using one. You know what I mean - it's similar to how Julia Gillard can recognise what making a promise is, she has just never seen the point of keeping one.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 4:37PM
  • Rudd's supporters are probably waiting for Carr to return from his overseas trip so that he could possibly lead a delegation to Gillard's office to tap her on the shoulder. The switch to Rudd is inevitable and the suggestion that Crean should take over the leadership beggars belief. Crean may be a Labor elder but his personality is so uninspiring and dry that nobody will even know he is around except of course when he opens his mouth and all you will hear is a drone-like noise.

    Chatswood, NSW
    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 12:54PM
    • We're used to the "drone like noise"

      Louis Cypher
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 1:12PM
    • It's Murdoch who does the tapping or haven't you heard.
      As for your critique on Crean, would you prefer the shrillness of someone like Pyne?

      A country gal
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 1:12PM
  • The closer Labor gets to electoral wipeout, the more hysterical the insults from the members and supporters become.

    What is clear is if labor puts in another Prime Minister then it is likely that Tony Abbott will be the first person to take out three PM's on his way to the top job.

    As for those who are saying the leadership speculation is a figment of the media's imagination - really???

    And @Sam of Sydney, the Menzies government had effectively dismantled the White Australia Policy by the time Whitlam came to power. Whitlam just put the finishing touches on it. The action by this government on climate change is an international joke, the PRRT - you really want to claim that??? I could go on (such as what have the labor mob done since the apology - nothing).

    This labor government is an example of how not to govern and will be talked about for years to come in that manner.

    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 12:53PM
    • "The action by this government on climate change is an international joke"

      Your evidence for this ludicrous claim? If anything, our response to the huge threat of climate change has brought great international credit to this country.

      Whyalla Wipeout
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 1:08PM
    • So, how's the global climate doing these days? Oh, I get it. Now that we have the carbon tax, everything is fine.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 1:24PM
    • A moment of seriousness, here, Rodrigo.

      The threat of global climate change is the greatest threat facing the whole of the world this century. If the average of predictions prove to be correct the social dislocation of virtually the whole world population will be immense. Previously fertile areas will become infertile; crops will fail and people will seek to go where things are improving or not as badly affected. Unauthorised movements of people around the world will make current boat people problems a drop in the bucket. Countries faced with an inability to feed their own people will do what they have always done when faced with internal threats - go to war with other countries.

      And that does not even go into the environmental impact.

      Against that background, it simply is not open for Australians to sit around and do nothing on the basis that a small, wealthy middle-class country is too mean to do anything about it.

      We cannot solve a problem as huge as this overnight, but Australia's movement towards action, which is a long way behind Europe or even China (where many more people live under carbon trading arrangements than here), at least positions us to have a say in what happens going forward. To do nothing will condemn us not just morally but economically as we continue to use up more and more expensive non-renewable energy sources.

      Whyalla Wipeout
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 1:52PM
    • Rodrigo,

      The World hasnt ended wiith the implementation of the price on carbon Whyalla has not been wiped out he is here posting, and China and other countries are coming on board.

      We should be world leaders Rodrigo the LNP would still have us rub two sticks together to genrate light and heat

      Buffalo Bill
      Sydneys Northshore
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 2:00PM
    • The action by the government on Climate change IS an international joke - and the joke is on US. Nothing we do on climate change makes the slightest difference to world CO2 levels. At 1.4% of total world CO2 emssions, Australia could shut down completely tomorrow and have the increase in China's emissions our 1.4% in about 8 weeks from now. Consequently, our imposing the world's most expensive Carbon tax can only be seen from outside Australia as falling on our sword for no good reason.

      Alternate View
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 2:00PM
    • The dilemma of the Australian Politics and the media is that they have not allowed even for one day the current labour government to govern. From day one they wanted them out.... How shallow!!!!!!!!!

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 2:17PM
    • @ kp

      "The closer Labor gets to electoral wipeout, the more hysterical the insults from the members and supporters become."

      I note that your sweeping assertions make no reference to actual "hysterical insults", but, as is usual with your ilk cannot sustain your assertionsby providing facts. Here is a fact - since the ascension of Gillard, the opposition and their lap dogs have not made one positive contribution to the Australian polity, but merely sought to gain power by denigration, personal attacks and outright lies.
      So pick any subject and prove me wrong.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 2:19PM
    • @ Rodrigo

      Benefiting from the 8.6% reduction Australian pollution since the introductions of the carbon price.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 2:22PM
    • @BillR,
      Really mate? No evidence. Accusing Tony Abbott of misogyny when he asks a question on media laws is hysterical and an insult. And do not even start me on J Fraser. Did you really believe what you wrote or did you feel the need the need for attention?

      As for your request to pick a subject and prove you wrong, I will happily pick every subject and prove you wrong. The coalition opposing the policies of this desperate government is correct and had the government listened would have resulted in a positive result for the country as it would have prevented the pink batts farce, not resulted in the massive stream of boat people arriving, not cost Australia with a bizarre carbon tax (which is a tax, but not a tax, but is a tax...), not racked up the huge deficit seen under swan, nor would millions have been wasted on 20/20 conferences which achieved nothing...this is just a start but I am limited by word count.

      The coalition will release more policies closer to the election just like Rudd did when he won in 2007, only they will not 'ape' the current governments policies and claim to be labor lite (thank god). But then, who would?

      I leave you with this question, how many labor candidates will chose to run without ALP on their election signs? My guess is most of them will chose not to have ALP or labor on their signs because they are ashamed of their brand - just like happened in the state elections around the country.

      Now run along and select a new leader, we are sick of seeing black smoke coming out of the chimney and I am sure it is bad for the climate.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 3:17PM
    • Really, Buffalo Bill? Global carbon emission has gone up. Whatever reduction we managed has been swamped. If you like useless policies, go ahead. The rest of us want policies that actually work.

      The carbon tax is:
      1. not reducing global carbon emission;
      2. economically disruptive;
      3. nothing but a wealth redistribution scheme.

      It's a good thing that come Sep 15, LNP will begin the work to repeal it.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 4:46PM
    • Rodrigo,

      Emissions have reduced by 8.6% the policy does work will direct action? hahahaha that policy is about as efficient and effective as a bull producing milk.

      No wrecking ball, no whyalla wipeout all good Rodrigo just business as usual from the LNP and that business is scare mongering.

      Buffalo Bill
      Sydneys Northshore
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 5:13PM
  • "In a few minutes the leader of the Greens, Christine Milne, will hold a press conference where she is expected to announce the government has reached an agreement with the Greens on media reform."

    This should be good. I suspected that the all or nothing approach of Gillard and Conroy was designed to smoke out all of those who wanted to do something about reining in the viciousness and dishonesty of some media empires but who would not agree.

    The fact that the Media bosses, particularly the hysterical Kim Williams who compared a Minister in a democratically elected government with one of the greatest mass murderers of all time, were so over-the -top about laws that were as strong as feathers slapping wrists, shows that no change would have been acceptable to them.

    Now we are going to have laws, I think, and soon, that will provide real protection to the community.

    The process may have hurt the Labor Party, because of the appalling press it gets with everything, but, again, achieved a good outcome for Australia.

    Whyalla Wipeout
    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 12:51PM
    • Yet again the Greens demonstrate their hold on the ALP. Yet again the ALP panders to them.

      Leadership pffft!

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 1:13PM
    • Hysterical seems a subjective classification of Williams's views.

      The new PIMA has the ability to deregister an industry self regulatory body effectively preventing all it's members from operating. No small thing. The Fairfax CEO also described it as the 'Nuclear Option'.

      The govt wants the minister to appoint the PIMA and the PIMA to receive 'administrative support' from the communications minister's dept. Also built into the legislation is a provision for the PIMA to provide reports to the minister on it's activities.

      I don't understand how anyone could be convinced of it's independence?

      Do you really expect the industry to be happy with the appointment of one individual by the government with unfettered legal power to oversee industry press councils, whose decisions can't be appealed through the courts?

      Also back in reality, the news ltd papers didn't compare Conroy to dictators, they merely provided a list of those who share Senator Conroy's enthusiasm for regulating the media. It was certainly distasteful, but inaccurate - why shouldn't we individually get to decide that?

      I'm glad that I get to decide whether to read distasteful reporting and that a government appointee isn't making that decision for me by leaning on the press councils to discourage anti government reporting.

      A Bodhi Nuisance
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 1:14PM
    • Yet again the Nationals demonstrate their hold on the Liberals. Yet again the Liberals panders to them.

      Leadership pffft!

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 1:22PM
    • Puzzled, if I can unpuzzle things for you. In the rest of the world it is called democracy.

      It works like this. In order to pass laws, you need a majority of representatives in each house of the legislature. If you cannot pass laws, you cannot govern. Simple as that.

      In Australia, a little less than half the seats in our two houses of Parliament are held by members of the Party of No. They are not interested in seeing any laws pass, no matter how beneficial to the nation they are. For example, they are prepared to see asylum seekers die at sea rather than allow the government the possibility of an arrangement with Malaysia that might work (and looked like it was working until the Liberal Party laws that the deal was negotiated under were found to be invalid by the High Court).

      So, like any government, anywhere in the world, the current government negotiates with those members of the legislature who have the interests of the nation at heart, rather than desperation for power, to come to an agreement on a form of laws that will meet the constitutional requirements for passage.

      Now people might not like the Greens - but at least they have not tossed everything they stand for overboard in the single-minded pursuit of power at any cost (other than votes) like the Liberal Party.

      Whyalla Wipeout
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 1:29PM
    • puzzled, have you ever compared the actual votes for The Greens in comparison to The Nats? You should and then you may see your illogical observation for what it is.
      Strangely the power of The Nats is downplayed as a positive thing yet the power of The Greens is always viewed as a negative.
      Funny about that.
      Without the Nats the Libs would never govern in their own right.
      I don't understand why a more Media regulation is deemed a negative.
      Unless you are a media magnate you and every other Australian will be more reliably informed.
      how can that be a bad thing?

      A country gal
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 1:30PM
    • Looks like Murdoch will now have to add the British government to the murderous list published by his "Telegraph".

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 1:34PM
    • A Bodhi Nuisance: Everyhting you have said already applies to television broadcasters. The ACMA, which is government owned and not independent, has the power to revoke TV and radio licences for breach, effectively turning networks black.

      Outraged now?

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 2:23PM
    • ACMA is not one person appointed by Conroy reporting to Conroy...

      A Bodhi Nuisance
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 3:35PM
  • Any chance of a photo, of a warm glass of milk and a biscuit, from Andrew or Alex ?

    To calm the "Slick" Abbott cheer squad down a little.

    "Slick" Abbott cheer squad nothing is happening, just Prime Minister Julia Gillard getting more and more Legislation passed ... it's been happening for the last 2 years you know.

    J. Fraser
    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 12:44PM
    • Gosh, standby for the massive amount of positive legislation that will be passed in the next 3 years when the Coalition have a 30 seat majority in the Lower House and possibly control The Senate. Labor and the Greens, along with J Fraser, will be mere bystanders.

      Tim of Altona
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 1:03PM
    • "Slick" Abbott will be putting forward all his policies = 0.

      The Liberal Newsltd Party (LNP) will be putting forward Murdoch wish list = massive amount.

      Is that what you mean Timmy.

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 1:30PM
  • SteveH - Is that all you have to say?? Is that the depth of your argument?? For someone who is on this blog on a daily basis, barracking for the Liberals, you could only list 4 worthy achievements and "lots of things I can't remember". SHAME on you and the Liberals!!

    As a nation we need to be debating as to which of the 2 parties have a vision for this country and which of the 2 have delivered for us in the past.

    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 12:36PM
    • Crikey, I thought the SHAME word was on the blacklist.

      Only for some apparently.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 1:03PM
  • It's this simple - the Australian public have consistently and overwhelmingly requested that Kevin Rudd lead the labour party. It's that simple.

    We're a democracy Julia, so stop with the self serving - move aside and give Australia what it wants.

    John Dunbar
    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 12:35PM
    • They have also requested that Malcolm Turnbull lead the Liberal party. At least the same polls that favour Mr Rudd favour Mr Turnbull. Whether that is what THE Australian public want is another matter.

      It is not selfish, by the way, of the Prime Minister to stand her ground. Rudd would be slaughtered as leader of the opposition. He was a poor leader of Government and Abbott and his mates would happily remind us all of his failings if he got the top job.

      I think your post is just another Liberal shill. Every parrot is talking leadership, but the government keeps producing good government.

      Whyalla Wipeout
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 12:56PM
    • Thats right , another complete dysfunctional in the Lodge until the election

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 1:00PM
    • Here I was thinking that the polls were showing that the Australian public wanted the Liberal Newsltd Party (LNP) to run the country.

      Lucky no one follows the polls .... just ask "Slick" Abbott.

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 1:00PM
    • It is self serving as Gillard cannot win the next election... the ALP's own party secretary has refused to borrow more debt than would be supported by a primary vote greater than 32% at the next election.

      At what point do we stop calling it speculation and start calling a Labor defeat under Gillard inevitable and in that context Gillard remaing leader an act of putting personal preference before the interests of her party?

      Not saying it has to be Rudd, I suspect Shorten or Smith would be more effective leaders.

      A Bodhi Nuisance
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 1:27PM
  • I like the photo of Julia having a laugh during the Division! She needs to have a sense of humour with all the hassles happening to her at the moment. Hang in there Julia! You do have a lot of supporters in New Zealand!

    New Zealand
    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 12:21PM
    • "You do have a lot of supporters in New Zealand!"

      In that case don't be surprised with a Gillard motion to annex the long white cloud. She needs all he support she can get.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 12:40PM
    • Thanks for yet another post from the NZ Labor Party - identical messages from NZ in the past week - "Hang in there Julia! You do have a lot of supporters in New Zealand!"
      Problem is they have a different name against each post.
      As an aside i would think Kiwis' would be pleased to see Abbott as PM - then there will be a Kiwi "First Lady" from Lower Hutt in The Lodge.

      Tim of Altona
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 12:47PM
    • @Gertrude

      You can see by the "Slick" Abbott cheer squad "Replies" what a hateful country Australia would become under a Liberal Newsltd Party (LNP).

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 12:58PM
    • Annexing NZ wouldn't be so bad. We could ship off J "10 seat majority" Fraser to Invercargill for starters.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 1:25PM
    • Invercargill is a bit windy, Clutha was nice, Akaroa beautiful, Nelson nice, New Plymouth is temperate, Mount Maunganui too much like Noosa, East Cape beautiful but then again Northland really does appeal to a Queenslander.

      Thanks to the "Slick" Abbott cheer squad for giving me the chance to tell Australians how beautiful New Zealand is.

      Another community announcement.

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 1:42PM
    • @J Fraser - Watties are from NZ and their baked beans are not only superb but also cheaper in the supermarkets there (under a conservative govt too!). Also, try out the wineries in and around Hawkes Bay.

      Another announcement from Tourism NZ.

      Tim of Altona
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 1:55PM
    • It would be inhuman to send anyone to
      Invercargill , my flight was diverted there once. It was flat, waterlogged and next to brownest looking sea on the planet.

      When I tried to get something to eat, all they had were slices of white bread rolled around mashed onion and egg.

      Needless to say the woman at the counter was less than amused when I ordered an 'Invercargill Roll.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 1:59PM
  • How true. No one trusts her, them or the logic if any of their decisions. Never seen a team of fools destroy an economy so comprehensively so quickly. Here we are $250 billion gone, no achievements other than higher taxes and massive debt. But they happy prancing around with their AWU mates.

    Western sydney
    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 12:04PM
    • No Tim, we have tens of thousands of people in jobs who would have lost those jobs if the GFC had been allowed to bite - like what happened in the UK.

      We had a gigantic reduction in revenues as a result of the GFC - and that would have happened under Howard and Costello too. There was nothing that any government of any stripe could do to replace those revenues because trade virtually stopped.

      But in your alternative universe (and apparently one where you can pop from one place to another in Australia by the stroke of a keyboard), these things did not happen.

      No GFC, and jobs would not have been lost anyway. Because Howard and Abbott were such economic geniuses that all future Adam Smiths and Keyneses and even Hayeks and Ayn Rands would pay pilgrimage to their shrine.

      Let's be clear. The policies of Wayne Swan and the Labor Government saved Australia. The policies of the economically stupid conservatives, who only know how to govern when the money is pouring into the coffers, would have condemned us to double unemployment. Which they would be happy with because wages and conditions could be driven down to African standards, as per the desire of a certain mining billionairess.

      Whyalla Wipeout
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 12:28PM
    • Aahh Tim. Not sure where you get your facts from, but I've taken the advice of finance commentator MIchael Pascoe who advised that the Reserve Bank of Australia website is your best friend. Have a look at some of the interesting reports about Australia's economic performance against the rest of the world. We stand out head and shoulders above the rest - and the RBA has covered a lot of economic factors and industry sectors.
      If you're still not happy with your lot in Australia, you may consider the environment faced by those in the US (read up about sequestration), Ireland, Greece, Spain, or Italy. You may even have heard of Cyprus - and are rightfully scared.
      And recall, if you can, the fact that Howard and his mob squandered the opportunities provided by the first mining boom, and left Australia with what is called a "structural deficit" - brought about because they didn't DO anything while in office except focus on selling assets and declaring surpluses.
      Of course, opportunities await overseas, if you're still disenchanted.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 1:13PM
    • The ALP did not save Australia from the GFC. China and the previous good governance of Howard/Costello did. The reality is that the Australian economy was never going to be hit hard by the GFC, we had very little exposure to the sub-prime loans and we had no Government debt at that time. Revenues are larger now and the so-called "declines" that the ALP are crying about are not real. The revenues being collected are only LESS THAN FORECAST, not less in dollar terms. Of course it has been this Government's curious ability to forecast revenues extremely optimisically in all budgets, while underestimating spend. That is why we have gone from a positive bank balance to nearly 10% debt as a proportion of GDP in only 5 years. That is disgraceful and one of the largest proportional increases in debt by a western nation during the last 5 years.

      Alternate View
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 1:52PM
  • Stephanie, your post @11.31am made me spurt my coffee all over the keyboard! Seriously, did 'Honest Joe'l keep a straight face when he declared himself. I mean, we are talking about the same man who had to resign because he breached the Ministerial Code of Conduct. Good lord, some people really are delusional!

    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 11:56AM
    • He thought he was a good Minister too in Defence.

      Whyalla Wipeout
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 12:39PM
  • So what's with the LOTO's new tie colour, Simply a Peta recommendation with an indication he is a man made of steel.
    Special inference for Twiggy.

    A country gal
    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 11:51AM
    • I bet you'd love to get your hands on one

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 12:09PM
    • Well, I expect he reckons if David Cameron can break out and wear a green tie, he can live it up a little too! Now don't distract me and let's get back to the leadership speculation - at least until until 4 pm when doomsday cometh, supposedly. Oh no, wait that's not until May, or maybe June...blah, blah, blah...whatever.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 12:26PM
    • So you have nothing left in the locker except to criticise Abbott's tie colour. Of course if I had made a crtical remark about the PM's clothing you would be quick to accuse me of sexism and misogyny. Tactics employed by Labor supporters have pretty much hit the bottom the barrel such is your desperation to keep Gillard afloat.

      Tim of Altona
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 12:34PM
    • @A country gal

      Margie is reasserting her conjugal rights to dress her husband.

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 1:45PM
    • Steve H, NO, I don't have that crush you have insinuated before, and I didn't even mention his skin tight shirt.
      Much prefer the Pyne type, LOL. Could whip him into gear.
      oh Tim lighten up, it's International Happiness Day, I actually quite like his new tie BTW. Very distinguished and steely.
      I notice such things (used to be a designer in a past career life).

      A country gal
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 1:56PM
    • Me thinks the Lady doth protesth
      too much!

      Don't worry AGC, its just our little secret.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 2:29PM
  • 400 plus legislations passed so far under labour and were they rushed too?
    What were they about anyway? sounds like bureaucratic empire building to me
    just more rules and more rules and more rules ..about what we do not even mostly know and does it all make us a better country with better citizens?or just more and more public servants to interpret and implement the legislation?

    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 11:51AM
    • If you don't know please direct your criticism at the media and yourself. The media chooses to fill pages with innuendo and speculation about leadership, rather than facts and figures so readers can make their mind up. Regardless, every legislative change is gazetted before it comes into force so all of us can go have a look. Get involved, if you feel left out, rather than snipe from the sidelines.

      Brenda Loots
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 12:32PM
    • Who's sniping Brenda? Looks more like it could be you.

      And who has time i.e what ordinary working Australian has time to be sitting down or around reading 400+ obscure gazetted legistalion (writtne in plain English??) documents and taking notes?

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 5:21PM
  • Gillard cannot answer a single question directly in parliament. It's a sham, and the media laws are a sham dressed up as "reform" This government, this sp called leader is killing this country. She's cant be trusted, can't be believed and can't last.

    Western sydney
    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 11:46AM
    • Can we get the opposition to put forward a new law that requires Gillard, or anyone else for that matter, to answer a question directly?...i.e answer the question asked/

      This speaker is very weak...and seems hell bent on throwing Opposition MPs out as often as she can...

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 12:17PM
    • "The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter."

      You're a perfect example of the average voter.


      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 12:22PM
  • So has Dreyfus basically killed Roxon's pet anti-discrimination/anti-free speech proposals?

    A rare win for freedom and democracy, then.

    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 11:38AM
  • Stephanie - after reading and re-reading your post at 11:17, I really think you need to go and get some strong coffee before the next post... ;)

    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 11:25AM
  • I see. So Howard's compromises on the GST with the Australian Democrats according to the logic of 'Airato',is an example of incompetence on Howard's part? Or any other policy he negotiated through parliament, and with stakeholders.
    Except 'Airato' appears unable or unwilling to make those sort of comparisons. Doesn't suit the anti Gillard rhetoric I suppose.

    Hillbilly Skeleton
    Central Coast,NSW
    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 11:22AM
    • Don't mistake desperation for competence! Howard took the GST to an election and negotiated a good outcome. The botched media laws, if they get through, are a dog's breakfast.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 11:51AM
    • So you guys are comparing negotiating into effect legislation which was a key election issue and which the government had a mandate to enact with vaguely defined legislation which the government originally said was not up for negotiation and had to be passed (in a week) in its entirety or not at all? Am I correct? Beggars belief really...

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 11:57AM
  • I don't hear the media saying 'Another Victory for the PM" after successfully securing the new media laws. I wonder why.

    The Goanna
    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 11:21AM
    • Because it doesn't suit The Agenda. Couldn't possibly create an air of optimism or an accomplishment.
      How silly to even raise the issue or expect it.

      A country gal
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 11:35AM
    • Maybe the media just doesn't see a successful strike at freedom of speech as a Victory.

      I know I don't.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 11:48AM
    • How true. No one trusts her, them or the logic if any of their decisions. Never seen a team of fools destroy an economy so comprehensively so quickly. Here we are $250 billion gone, no achievements other than higher taxes and massive debt. But they happy prancing around with their AWU mates.

      Western sydney
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 11:59AM
    • The PM has not secured all the media laws - get your facts right

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 12:04PM
  • It is so entertaining that the media and the Opposition just cannot win. The government just keeps going with the business of government and the PM is trouncing everyone in Question Time.
    Great stuff.

    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 11:17AM
    • The Cons(don't deserve to be called libs) have failed all this time, yet no-one has bothered to report anything. Name one day when we don't see a Cons fuming about something.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 11:34AM
  • The LNP have taken knifing to a new level now axing Torbay before he is even in Parliament.

    Along with Ted,Mills,etc Tony must be on his bike shortly.

    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 11:10AM
    • Zacca - Clearly you are an Obeid supporter since you criticise the Nationals for dumping Torbay.

      Tim of Altona
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 11:34AM
    • No, Torbay quit, he was not pushed. Torbay was another of Obeid.s mates.

      it would appear there is a difference between Lib/Nats at NSW state and federal level though, or is the distinction just that Torbay was Nat and not Lib.

      Sinodinos was also connected to Obeid, and bought in the donations from a company he chaired, which was bidding for state govt contracts.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 11:37AM
    • zacca,

      I guess that is the difference between the Coallition and the ALP - the coallition act swiftly and within high morals. The ALP on the other hand would fund a defence for him, continue to support him, use his vote, and eventually when he had "crossed the line" (read found a vote replacement), request him to leave.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 12:13PM
    • beasleyst, don't say 'the coallition act swiftly and within high morals' when I could read it while drinking coffee. Now I have a mess to clean up.

      Whyalla Wipeout
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 1:57PM
  • The only problem with these media reforms is that they do not go far enough. Domination of ownership by one person is bad for democracy - it's bad enough as it is. The media consistently ignore their own recommendations.

    Forcing the media to actually report on a factual basis would be a breath of fresh air in this foetid and fevered environment.

    Riddley Walker
    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 11:05AM
    • Riddley, at least you're honest about the anti-Murdoch regulations. The ALP would probably garner more support for the bills if they just told the truth and admitted they want to muzzle News Ltd.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 11:29AM
    • Idividuals such as Joanne Lees who was unfairly villified and personal safety compromised might get some protection from media if the Murdoch empire was made accountable.
      Far more restrictive press controls have just been agreed on in the UK yet News Ltd is not howling that there is a dictatorship.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 4:28PM
  • @ Alternate View

    Barnaby Joyce has great appeal to the congenitally grumpy, because he's passionate and has a great facility with one-liners. When you examine what he actually says, basically it's about the level of the pub whinger - all negativity and no positive proposals that are any better than pub-talk.
    Do you think he's a fit person to be a potential deputy PM?
    Outback barman is about the extent of his real capabilities.

    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 11:03AM
    • Your flattery of Barnaby knows no bounds.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 11:57AM
    • You probably should do some homework and see what Barneby actually does. I believe that there is a lot more substance than meets the eye (and the press) and anyone who underestimates him would do so at their peril, I suggest. Deputy PM, yes please!

      Alternate View
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 2:07PM
    • @ Alternate View

      Barnaby's a bush accountant and rancher who can't converse on fiscal matters which should be his bead and butter without making such a foo of himself that he gets yanked off-stage.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 2:57PM
  • 400 plus legislations passed in a hung Parliament. The Opposition has tried over 70 suspension of standing ordes - all failed. How many original Bills has the Opposition introduced? NOT ONE.

    What we have is an extremely competent and well run Government, that has been consistently misreported in the press.

    Riddley Walker
    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 11:02AM
    • The opposition hasn't got time to introduce bills, even whilst in this enviable situation. What an opportunity they have dismissed. They are that busy working in the dirt unit and forever obsessed with derision and vindictive outbursts.
      Appears Pyne spends more time outside the chamber than in, what an Education Minister. And naive me thought we discouraged bullying in schools.
      This is the worst opposition ever in my lifetime. Negative time wasters, any wonder the negativity in the community is as it is; that deems an effective opposition.

      A country gal
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 1:22PM
  • 'Even the PM looks confused'

    Well it is unusual for a government to so methodically destabilise itself as relentlessly as this one does.

    I'm not surprised she's confused.

    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 10:59AM
    • Arrrhh Stevo - a fine example of a professional propaganderist, and nothing else.

      Never misses a trick - somewhat like Pyne.

      Occupy Cronyist
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 12:34PM
  • I look at the numerous comments bagging out the GOvt and salivating over their defeat in Sept but I wonder if any of those posters could provide 5 reasons to vote for an Abbott govt - not vote out this one - but vote for Abbott.

    After all if all you want ot do is vote someone out with no thought as to what you are putting in invariably you end up disappointed.

    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 10:32AM
    • That's easy.

      1. No Carbon Tax
      2. Actual Border Control
      3. Fiscal Responsibility
      4. No Mining Tax
      5. Less Government Interference in business.

      And guess what: at least 56% of Australian voters want this.

      Alternate View
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 10:50AM
    • OK, Macca:

      1. Repealing the carbon tax.
      2. A coherent strategy on border protection, as well as migration policy generally.
      3. No longer having IR and migration policies being run out of ACTU headquarters.
      4. An education policy that is affordable and goes beyond splashing cash the nation does not have.
      5. A greater committment to national defence.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 10:57AM
    • Only 5?

      Lower, more equitable taxes
      Reduced cost of living pressures
      Speech/press freedoms
      Less government waste
      Less refugee boat sinkings

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 11:03AM
    • Julia Gillard, Wayne Swan, Anthony Albanese, Kevin Rudd, Craig Emerson are the first five reasons. There are many more. Abbot may not be a perfect alternative but the thought of another three years of this mob is a strong incentive to give the other side a go. In fact to give anyone a go (ABL anything but Labor). The despair amongst the electorate at the constant chaos and almost anarchy surrounding Labor cannot be waived away by saying the alternative is worse. The longer they continue to (mis)govern the more attractive the alternative becomes. Blaming the press, the oppostion or anyone else but themselves for the mess is not getting traction, its getting derision. It' time for a change

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 11:08AM
    • Macca, as you can see above, there are many reasons. However, it's generally governments which lose elections, rather than oppositions winning them.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 11:26AM
    • Interesting the people who think repealing something or saying "no" to soemthing is a positive reason to vote for someone.

      And given this govt has produced lower interest rates & lower unemployment than Howard, plus low inflation and good real wages growth how exactly are "cost of living pressures" being exerted and how will Abbott fix them.

      As for the "less govt waste", lower more equitable taxes, fiscal responsibility etc they are all great motherhood statement but how are they actually going to be achieved by Abbott? What are his plans for taxation - the only policy so far is increasing taxes to pay for his fiscally irresponsible Paid Parental leave.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 1:14PM
  • No matter the outcome of the watered-down media laws, Gillard is terminally weakened by another botched implementation of key policy. Everything she touches turns to that brown stuff. The classic example was her rushed re-negotiation of the mining tax and there have been too many false steps since for her to continue as PM. This is not about policy it is about competence.

    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 10:25AM
    • Yes, and it's a sign that she is under extreme pressure when the misogyny and gender card gets played together as was the case in QT yesterday.

      Let's face it, she can't even competently use the word misogynst, because it's clear that she doesn't understand it's true definition.

      Alternate View
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 10:45AM
    • From some very dumb commentators, It seems that the PM's ability to negotiate legislation though a hung parliament is a short coming. Dah.

      The Goanna
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 11:26AM
    • I beg your pardon - it was Pristopher PYNE who played the misogyny card - I saw his spittle-flecked lips spraying in beautifully manufactured outrage towards the p.m. on the evening news - over-and-over - are others blind?

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 12:29PM
    • No Majority but over 400 peices of legislation.A concentrated campaign by NLP state Governments to undermine her regardless of the benefit to their constituents ,a GFC successfully fought,a greater standing on the world stage,

      counting the numbers
      hung parliament
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 1:11PM
    • Wow, 400 pieces of useless legislations. Must be some sort of dubious record.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 1:32PM
    • 400? Wow. Have the ALP really over-regulated the country by that much?

      And by the way, repealing bad legislation is POSITIVE, not negative.

      Alternate View
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 2:17PM
  • So Simon Crean is the new poster boy. Didn't he get shafted many years ago - oh well, at least he seems to have gotten over it. Maybe he isn't too busy with his 'cultural' revolution after all. And it gives the theatrical intelligencia an each way bet between Crean and Rudd for the next love in to determine where the great unwashed should be directed in future vision.

    enough is enough
    Labor party La La Land
    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 9:45AM
    • Actually, Crean is the logical choice in the "anyone but Julia" scenario. K Rudd although allegedly popular with the public, is toxic in the party. Shorten and/or Combet are either both too inexperienced or incompetant (depending on your point of view). So I could see Crean being given a go. But he would have no chance of winning the election of course, and would have to reverse a lot of dumb policies to have ANY chance of saving the furniture to any great extent as well. The ALP federal director has apparently budgeted on a 32% primary vote for funding purposes, so that really says it all.

      Alternate View
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 10:05AM
    • Shorten and Combet don't want the job. Why take a party to an election only to get annihilated? Better to wait until the blood-letting after the ballot and make a fresh start. Rudd is a bad choice. He's not nearly as popular as the media make out and he's even less popular within the party room. At least Crean would be a relatively uniting leader who could hopefully prevent a total bloodbath and it would be a good way to reward a loyal Labor servant.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 10:37AM
    • The problem for Crean is that the moment a spill is called Rudd will challenge. And Windsor may rescind his support that he made with Dear Julia.

      Labor are really between a rock and a hard place. They made their choice in Feb last year. That was seriously their last viable chance for a chance of leaders. Not to say they won't change their leaders, but they've left it too late to make much difference, and they've left themselves at the mercy of the Independents.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 1:29PM
  • Forget Labor

    Isn't it interesting how everything the Liberals have done in the past 3 years have failed?

    Think about it, what policy did they end up changing/impacting?

    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 9:41AM
    • You're joking right? Labor has, up until this point, not allowed a vote on anything that they didn't know for sure that they would have the numbers for. Think Malaysia solution...

      Alternate View
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 10:07AM
    • Point proven? Libs had no impact whatsoever. Hence they have failed the people they were representing.

      Sure, you can say that the angry mobs had some impact... but oherwise none.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 10:44AM
    • @ Alternate View March 20, 2013,

      Abbott was given the chance to put bills before the house which would then be treated on their merits. For 3 years he has refused this offer and instead chosen to behave like a bull in a china shop. So yes, as he has not even attempted to pass legislation, and his avowed promise that he would be in the Lodge before Christmas 2011has not happened, by the criteria he set himself, he is a monumental failure.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 10:47AM
    • Nonsense. The fact that the coalition has opposed many of the ALP's more draconian excesses is why they have not happened. If you think that is not being effective as an opposition, then good luck to you. If the ALP can't get the independants to support the media bills, they will not go to a vote. That is the ALP's normal approach, i.e. to run away.

      Alternate View
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 11:02AM
    • Okay, I'll let you list it.

      Name all the policies that the libs have been involved in constructively building and attempting to pass in the past 3 years.

      Clearly, they have failed. Labor's won ggwp

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 11:30AM
    • Labour just goes on failing and failing day after day. Labour is smelling like the dead cat next door

      Western sydney
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 11:51AM
    • And Labor impacted how many policies from 1996-2007 ?

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 2:02PM
  • You can fully understand why the Nationals want to distance themselves from Torbay. Obeid has single handly ensured NSW Labor will occupy the opposition benches for many years to come.

    Tim of Altona
    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 9:35AM
    • Mouthwatering contest between Barnaby and Windsor if it happens.

      Perhaps an independent may even put their hat in the ring.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 9:47AM
    • So, looks like it's still black smoke from the ALP caucus chimney. Wonder what Obeid is making of all this - with his Federal Labor connections, he could have sorted it all out for them (if he wasn';t so far up the creek that is).

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 9:56AM
    • LOL - "black smoke from the Labor caucus chimney". Very funny.

      Tim of Altona
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 10:20AM
    • @Whyalla: You're up to your normal standard using your first post of the day to personally attack Barneby Joyce's appearance.

      The joke will be on you! BJ is not a fool, he is a refreshingly honest politician who has the ability to cut through the spin.

      I am pretty sure that Tony Windsor won't be relishing a contest with Barneby at the next election.

      Alternate View
      not Whyalla
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 10:23AM
    • Oh come on. Do you really think NSW voters want to keep putting up with do nothing BOF?

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 10:59AM
  • Good job there is no connection between Obeid and Federal Labor.

    They've already got enough on their plate with Craig Thomson.

    Date and time
    March 20, 2013, 9:21AM
    • SteveH - give it some time and see how far the stench goes. Remember the former Presdent of National Labor party - a man for all seasons apparently.

      enough is enough
      NSW Right faction La La Land
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 9:42AM
    • Hi SteveH,

      Can you list the top 10 social & economic reforms that the LNP have legislated against the top 10 reforms legislated by the ALP in the last 50 years.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 9:48AM
    • I wouldn't count on there not being more connections between Federal ALP MPs and the Obeids. Certainly Bob Carr has tried to distance himself from them, but the fact remains that he appointed Eddie as a minister. Bob Carr is not known generally for being a naive politician.

      And of course, there is the distinct possibility that non-ALP MPs may also get implicated, as has now been the case with Richard Torbay. Of course, in all these instances, the associations with Obeid may be totally above board, but any associaton is pretty toxic politically at the moment.

      Alternate View
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 10:13AM
    • Sam, oh come on buddy, how tedious is that, anyway here goes off the top of my head:

      LNP (it used to be called the coalition):
      Free trade agreement with US
      Gun control
      giving money to pregnant women
      Future Fund
      Paying off Labor's debts
      lots of stuff I can't remember

      Free set top boxes for oldies
      Free home insulation
      Free$900 cheques for everyone
      Free laptops for kids
      lots of stuff I can't remember

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 10:17AM
    • @SteveH: you missed the biggie! An effective immigration policy.

      Alternate View
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 10:40AM
    • @ Alternate View

      Another half-truth by the cons. Carr did not appoint Obeid as a minister, the caucus did. The only say Carr had in it was to allocate the portfolio.
      One thing Rudd was absolutely correct about was that the factional system which delivered ministerial power in to hands of people like Obeid had to go.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 10:54AM
    • Here is my top 10 reforms implemented by the ALP mate. You can compare it to your top 10 LNP list and make up your mind on the better party to rule Australia...

      1. Superannuation
      2. Medicare
      3. HECS
      4. Native Title
      5. NBS
      6. Action on Climate Change
      7. NDIS
      8. PRRT (Petroleum Tax)
      9. Floating of the Aussie Dollar
      10. Abolition of the White Aussie Policy
      11. Commencement of the Snowy Hydro Scheme
      12. Apology to the Stolen Generation

      That was 12 of the top of my head... Compared to the 4 (worthy of mention) from your list you can make up your mind on the choice we have.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 11:01AM
    • @ Alternate View

      "you missed the biggie! An effective immigration policy."

      The immigration policies are almost identical, so I guess that's a win for Labor too?

      If you're talking about the asylum seekers policies, then both have failed monumentally, and given that the latest failure is coalition policy into which the government was forced to try to stop the drownings, unlike the opposition and the Greens who were willing to let people drown rather than compromise their ideology, then the blame for that lies squarely at the feet of the Greens and the cons.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 11:11AM
    • Apologies... No 5 should be "NBN" not "NBS".

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 11:28AM
    • BillR, sure, like there are no faction bosses in caucus, and they all vote according to their conscience.

      Makes you wonder how Rudd lost his job, oh, thats right it never happened.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 11:38AM
    • Thats ok sam, you can't spell it and Labor can't figure out how to run it properly.

      We'll just have to wait until September.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 11:55AM
    • Sam, surely flag poles in schools should outweigh all those other "uneccesary" reforms. And not to dismiss the fridge magnets which saved the nation from terrorism.

      A country gal
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 11:55AM
    • @ SteveH. March 20, 2013, 11:38AM

      Of course there are and the fact that Rudd stood up to them meant that he was probably on a shorter leash than would otherwise have been the case.

      He was right in trying to curb them. That doesn't vindicate Rudd's inability to run a government. So what's your point?

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 12:08PM
    • Steveh has outdone himself this morning. Liberal achievements: 'lots of stuff I can't remember". Wonderful. That is the Liberals all over - we can't tell you the details but we are going to do lots of good things. Trust us. We are Politicians.

      Oh, and Steve - the set-top boxes for pensioners was a Liberal initiative - and those $900 cheques saved a hell of a lot of jobs when the economy could have seized up like an engine without oil.

      Oh, and the 'money for pregnant women' was a Labor initiative, if you are referring to legislated maternity leave, and also a Labor initiative if you are referring to the 'baby bonus'. Except it was called 'child endowment' then and Labor invented it in the 1940s, along with old age pensions and social security.

      But the Liberals did give us the GST - which really was a GREAT BIG NEW TAX.

      SteveH, you are brilliant at propagating Liberal propaganda and lies; you are not so good when it comes to facts and real history and not the history of the place where your fellow poster, Alternative Universe, lives.

      Whyalla Wipeout
      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 12:10PM
    • Whyalla, seeing as we're doing lists today, feel free to post some of the the 'lies' I've told.

      It will make interesting reading.

      Date and time
      March 20, 2013, 12:43PM
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