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Federal Politics

Politics wrap: June 20, 2013

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Another week over, one more to go before the election. Let's look back:

  • the fate of the government's changes to the 457 visa program will not be known until next week when the bill will be voted on;
  • Prime Minister Julia Gillard announced she would go to Indonesia next month to discuss people smuggling and asylum seekers
  • Liberal Senator Sue Boyce crossed the floor to support gay rights although the bill (to recognise same sex marriages conducted overseas) was voted down;
  • union boss Paul Howes made a fulsome statement of commitment to Ms Gillard; and
  • everyone looked spiffing at last night's Midwinter Ball.

Thanks so much to everyone who read and contributed (and for bearing with our technical problems earlier in the day). Mega snaps to Andrew Meares and Alex Ellinghausen whose beautiful and candid images make this blog.

Have a good weekend people. It's bound to be a big week next week. See you on Monday morning.


Opposition Leader Tony Abbott walks through the Opposition Leader's courtyard at Parliament House on Thursday.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott walks through the Opposition Leader's courtyard at Parliament House on Thursday. Photo: Andrew Meares

You know they say about a week being a long time in politics? Well, there's a whole new week coming up.

Labor MPs Kevin Rudd and Ed Husic during a division in Parliament House on Thursday.

Labor MPs Kevin Rudd and Ed Husic during a division in Parliament House on Thursday. Photo: Andrew Meares

The PM's trip to Indonesia has been one of the main stories of the day. Online political editor, Tim Lester, has prepared this video looking at the circumstances surrounding the visit.


DARWIN, AUSTRALIA - JULY 03:  Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono with Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard address the media at the Northern Territory Parliament House on July 3, 2012 in Darwin, Australia. The Australian Prime Minister and Indonesian President are expected to spend time discussing human smuggling operations which have cost more than 90 people their lives on the trip from Indonesia to Australia in the past fortnight.  (Photo by Daniel Hartley-Allen/Getty Images) Click to play video

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Asylum mission

The Opposition and Greens have attacked Julia Gillard's plans to discuss people smuggling with Indonesia's President Yudhoyono.

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There has been some interest in the speeches given by Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Opposition Leader Tony Abbott at last night's Midwinter Ball.

I do have audio for the speeches but they are given on the understanding they remain off the record. I'm going to honour that agreement.

A few things to look at now question time is over:

There's always an exemption for sport, eh?

Prime Minister Julia Gillard during question time on Thursday.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard during question time on Thursday. Photo: Andrew Meares

Back in the 11.55 am post I mentioned a few names of people who voted against the Greens' attempt to recognise same sex marriages entered into overseas.

Labor Senator David Feeney was one (he who wants to move to the lower house in the Melbourne seat of Batman). He has taken to Twitter to explain his decision.


And that's it for question time for the day and the week. Only four more to go.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott and Deputy Opposition Leader Julie Bishop during question time on Thursday.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott and Deputy Opposition Leader Julie Bishop during question time on Thursday.

Tanya Plibersek with her husband Michael Coutts-Trotter arrive at the Midwinter Ball on Wednesday.

Tanya Plibersek with her husband Michael Coutts-Trotter arrive at the Midwinter Ball on Wednesday. Photo: Andrew Meares

Oh dear.

I was really hoping Health Minister Tanya Plibersek would resist the government predilection for "cuts to the bone". But no, she said it. That phrase just should not be used by someone who is in charge of amputations.

That's better.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott during question time on Thursday.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott during question time on Thursday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Not happy Jan.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott during question time on Thursday.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott during question time on Thursday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Opposition Leader Tony Abbott during question time on Thursday.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Opposition Leader Tony Abbott during question time on Thursday. Photo: Andrew Meares

Question time in a nutshell.

Can we just take a moment to pay respect to Liberal MP Bronwyn Bishop?

In yesterday's question time Ms Bishop seemed to stem to tide of government utterings of "mendacious" by accusing the government of offering a "farrago of mendacities".

Today, she seeks to make a point of order on the basis that the government is offering "tedious and repetitious answers".


We're going to win by this much.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott during question time on Thursday.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott during question time on Thursday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Independent MP Peter Slipper has the cross bench question of the day.

This forces him to read out Craig Emerson's entire title - Minister for Trade and Competitiveness, Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills, Science and Research and Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for Asian Century Policy.

Mr Slipper notes that when he was speaker he allowed the time for someone's answer to begin after the question had ended. I think they call that foresight.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard has taken a question from her own side to talk about the visit she will take to Indonesia next month (see story referred to at 12.13 pm post).

Ms Gillard is emphasising the importance of the relationship between Australia and Indonesia: "Of course Indonesia is a close friend, a neighbour and one of our most important bilateral trading partners."

A government minister has been in Indonesia at a rate of one every three weeks, Ms Gillard says.

(You can see why the government wants to talk about this. Opposition Leader Tony Abbott said earlier today that if Ms Gillard had such a good relationship with Indonesian she would have worked out a way to prevent  boat arrivals. The government has been pursuing the opposition over its plans to ask the navy to tow illegal boat arrivals back to Indonesian waters.)

NB. The question came from Laurie Ferguson, the backbencher who criticised Ms Gillard earlier this month for not doing enough to ease western Sydney voters' concerns about boat arrivals.



Prime Minister Julia Gillard during question time on Thursday.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard during question time on Thursday. Photo: Andrew Meares

Question time will be slightly delayed while there is a condolence motion for former Fraser government minister Michael Hodgman, who died yesterday.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard described Mr Hodgman - the so-called mouth from the south - as a "a gentleman larrikan with a story on his lips and a twinkle in his eye".

Ms Gillard says when Mr Hodgman was defending "Chopper" Reid in court he gave him a Liberal Party tie to wear.

"And yes, it might have been a blue one," Ms Gillard says.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott says Mr Hodgman's words live on through his son, Will, the leader of the Tasmanian (Liberal) opposition.

Mr Abbott praises Mr Hodgman's record public service but notes he "drew the line at serving in the Senate".

Mr Abbott also mentions Mr Hodgman's association with "Chopper" Reid: "Who said the Liberal Party is not a broad church?"


The office of Immigration Minister Brendan O'Connor has confirmed the proposed changes to the 457 visa scheme will not be voted on until next week.

Beanies for all! Although Greens leader Christine Milne prefers to style hers a la beret.


Greens leader Senator Christine Milne during the anti coal seam gas rally at the front of Parliament House on Thursday.

Greens leader Senator Christine Milne during the anti coal seam gas rally at the front of Parliament House on Thursday. Photo: Andrew Meares

And a little bit more detail:


This just in from education reporter Daniel Hurst:


For those people interested in the gay marriage debate that was held in the Senate earlier today here is a video with some excerpts from the speeches.

Crossing the floor (Video Thumbnail) Click to play video

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Crossing the floor

Liberal Senator Sue Boyce crosses the floor to support the recognition of foreign same sex marriages.

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The party cabinet.

Treasurer Wayne Swan with partner Kim and Labor Minister Jenny Macklin with partner Ross, arrive for the Midwinter Ball at Parliament House on Wednesday.

Treasurer Wayne Swan with partner Kim and Labor Minister Jenny Macklin with partner Ross, arrive for the Midwinter Ball at Parliament House on Wednesday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Malcolm Turnbull and his wife Lucy arrive for the Midwinter Ball on Wednesday.

Malcolm Turnbull and his wife Lucy arrive for the Midwinter Ball on Wednesday. Photo: Andrew Meares

Don't they look positively regal?

A quick word before going into the ball.

Foreign minister Senator Bob Carr talks on the phone with his wife Helena as Malcolm Turnbull and his wife Lucy arrive at the Midwinter Ball on Wednesday.

Foreign minister Senator Bob Carr talks on the phone with his wife Helena as Malcolm Turnbull and his wife Lucy arrive at the Midwinter Ball on Wednesday. Photo: Andrew Meares

Senator Bob Carr and his wife Helena arrive for the Midwinter Ball on Wednesday.

Senator Bob Carr and his wife Helena arrive for the Midwinter Ball on Wednesday. Photo: Andrew Meares

Foreign Affairs Minister Bob Carr attributes his youthful good looks to activated almonds (he said in an interview in January that he was partial to the snack).

Deputy Opposition Leader Julie Bishop arrives for the Midwinter Ball on Wednesday.

Deputy Opposition Leader Julie Bishop arrives for the Midwinter Ball on Wednesday. Photo: Andrew Meares

While it's lunchtime and there seems to be - momentarily - a lull in proceedings let me show you some more pictures from last night's Midwinter Ball. Everyone scrubbed up beautifully.


Here's Bob Katter from Katter's Australia Party arriving for last night's Midwinter Ball.

Just kidding.

Well, it is Bob Katter but he's attending a protest by landowners calling for more federal action to protect them from mining giants that's taking place outside Parliament House right now. (Greens leader Christine Milne has tweeted in to say the beanies were made by a group called Knitting Nannas.)

Bob Katter was presented with a hand woven wool beanie by coal seam gas protestors as they blocked the front entrance to Parliament House on Thursday.

Bob Katter was presented with a hand woven wool beanie by coal seam gas protestors as they blocked the front entrance to Parliament House on Thursday. Photo: Andrew Meares

Paul Howes, head of the Australian Workers Union, and a key mover behind the installation of Julia Gillard to the prime ministership in June 2010, says he and his union remain supportive of Ms Gillard.

"This government is second to none in terms of delivering for working people," Mr Howes is telling Sky News' David Speers. The union movement's "best chance is to unite behind the Labor Party under the prime ministership of Julia Gillard".

Mr Howes says "there's always going to be discussion about internal, inside the beltway activities" but it's like living in "Opposite Land" when it comes to leadership speculation - he says something one day and it's reported in a completely different way the next day.

Opposite Land is a place where "hamburgers eat people and we wear hats on our shoes", Mr Howes says in exasperation.

"I think Labor will win the election under Julia Gillard," Mr Howes says. (He has just rubbished opinion polls so he can say this).

It's been one of those mornings.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott is now speaking in the House of Representatives about the government's changes to 457 visa.

"True love for this country is expressed by trying to unite us, not by trying to divide us," Mr Abbott says. "True patriotism means putting the nation first....This bill is false patriotism from a failing government."

"We appreciate our debt to the migrants of this country, we appreciate everyone who has come to this country the right way," Mr Abbott continues. "Never, never, never will you find any attempt from this country to say there are first class and second class Australians."

Reporter Daniel Hurst has this update on where the bill is up to. Its passing is by no means assured at this point.

Earlier today The Age's political editor, Michael Gordon, had the story that Prime Minister Julia Gillard will travel to Indonesia to discuss the issue of boat arrivals. You may remember Ms Gillard declined to tell the opposition she was going when asked about it in question time yesterday.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott in Queanbeyan on Thursday.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott in Queanbeyan on Thursday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

The vote. Finance Minister Penny Wong can be seen on the right of the frame.

Liberal Senator Sue Boyce  sits with ALP Senator Louise Pratt to vote in favour of recognising  international same sex marriages on Thursday.

Liberal Senator Sue Boyce sits with ALP Senator Louise Pratt to vote in favour of recognising international same sex marriages on Thursday. Photo: Andrew Meares

The half way mark.

Liberal Senator Sue Boyce crosses the floor to vote with the Greens in  recognition of international same sex marriages on Thursday.

Liberal Senator Sue Boyce crosses the floor to vote with the Greens in recognition of international same sex marriages on Thursday. Photo: Andrew Meares

It's a rare thing to see an MP cross the floor of Parliament.

This sequence of photographs by Andrew Meares captures Liberal Sue Boyce's journey from the opposition benches to vote with the Greens (and other senators) in support of a proposal to recognise same sex marriage.

Labor Senators David Feeney, Stephen Conroy and Ursula Stephens were among those who voted against the bill.


Liberal Senator Sue Boyce crosses the floor to vote with the Greens to recognise international same sex marriages on Thursday.

Liberal Senator Sue Boyce crosses the floor to vote with the Greens to recognise international same sex marriages on Thursday. Photo: Andrew Meares

The Senate has voted against Senator Hanson-Young's bill that sought to give recognition to same sex marriages conducted overseas.

The vote was 28 in favour, 45 against.

One of the fantastic things about my job is the awesome people I have the privilege of working with.

For example - the great Tony Wright, aka national affairs editor for The Age, has been checking the blog from his sick bed and called in to tell me about the provenance of the word "bellwether".

A bellwether is a neutered ram. Said ram would always stay with the flock so a bell was tied around its neck to alert the shepherd to its location.



Sitting member Mike Kelly defends his hold on the seat via twitter:



Meanwhile, if it's a sitting week then Queanbeyan beware! Politicians may descend on you and they may be wearing blue ties.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott is on his fifth visit there this year in aid of Liberal Party candidate Peter Hendy. He hopes to replace the incumbent, Defence Materiel Minister Mike Kelly, in the closely watched seat which is referred to as a bellwether seat because it tends to go with the party that takes government.


2 year old Cameron de Jongh and Opposition Leader Tony Abbott in Queanbeyan.

2 year old Cameron de Jongh and Opposition Leader Tony Abbott in Queanbeyan. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Just to clarify the situation regarding Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young's proposal to recognise same sex marriages that were conducted overseas - should the bill go to a vote Labor MPs will be allowed a conscience vote while Coalition MPs would not.

This is why Senator Sue Boyce's decision to cross the floor is significant - not so much because she is in defiance of the party line but because it is an extra vote for those supporting the bill.

The bill is unlikely to garner enough support to pass but every vote counts.

Veteran Labor Party Senator John Faulkner has just spoken on the bill: "We can't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.....I support the bill."


Just an editor's note to all readers and contributors: "A technical problem means all comments are appearing twice. We are aware of the problem and are working to rectify it."

Liberal Party Senator Sue Boyce is now speaking.

"Surely, surely in 2013 we're passed the sort of homophobic, scared of difference, scared of diversity view that would attempt to put the marriage of men and women in the constitution," Senator Boyce says (she is referring to Senator Madigan's proposal in the 10.27 am post).

Senator Boyce says her "only hope" is that the "appalling track record" for altering the constitution through referenda would mean such a proposal would fail.

"It would go down because in 2013 it's a disgraceful and immature idea."



Liberal Senator Sue Boyce addresses the Senate on  Thursday.

Liberal Senator Sue Boyce addresses the Senate on Thursday. Photo: Andrew Meares

Senator Penny Wong and partner Sophie Allouache arrive for the Midwinter Ball on Wednesday.

Senator Penny Wong and partner Sophie Allouache arrive for the Midwinter Ball on Wednesday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Finance Minister Penny Wong is now speaking. She supports the bill.

"If you subscribe to the principle of equality....then simply substitute the words 'inter racial' or 'different age' for same sex marriage and see if that changes your view," Senator Wong says.

"Can you image if we told someone they could not marry the person they love because they were of a different religion?"

Senator Wong says marriage is "unique" and "special" and "that is why those of us in same sex marriages also want to be able to demonstrate our relationships".

"It is a discrimination that will one day come to an end," Senator Wong says.

Since Parliament voted on same sex marriage last year Senator Wong says the debate has "become more hurtful and divisive".

She says comments by Liberal Party Senator Cory Bernardi linking gay marriage to polygamy and bestiality "are  nothing other than bigotry and we should not shy away from calling it for what it is".

Democratic Labor Party Senator John Madigan - who is against gay marriage - say the issues dealt with in the Greens' bill are bigger than the Parliament.

Senator Madigan wants a referendum.

"The issue here is marriage itself because we cannot agree to this bill without changing our understanding of marriage itself," Senator Madigan says.

"The definition of marriage is not something that can be left to Parliament.....I believe this is an issue every Australian should have a vote on....We can't legislate the conscience of the nation."


DLP Senator John Madigan addresses the Senate on Thursday.

DLP Senator John Madigan addresses the Senate on Thursday. Photo: Andrew Meares

Liberal Party Senator George Brandis is now speaking on the bill.

Senator Brandis says there is something "chillingly unpleasant about hearing [Greens] Senator Hanson-Young giving one of her emotional speeches and claim, as she does, that her point of view is the only morally legitimate point of view".

"How dare you," Senator Brandis says. "How dare you be so puffed up with moral vanity? Because, Senator Hanson-Young, there are millions and millions of Australians who vigorously dissent from your view, who have a commitment to the definition of marriage that has always been understood."

Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young addresses the Senate on her bill to recognise same sex marriages conducted overseas on Thursday.

Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young addresses the Senate on her bill to recognise same sex marriages conducted overseas on Thursday. Photo: Andrew Meares

At 9.51 am I promised to bring you Tim Lester's interview with Liberal Senator Sue Boyce. Being a woman of my word I can bring it to you now.

Crossing the floor on gay rights (Video Thumbnail) Click to play video

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Crossing the floor on gay rights

Liberal senator Sue Boyce says crossing the floor is difficult and painful, but that she is prepared to do so twice today on gay rights legislation before the Senate.

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The family that parties together stays together.

Labor MP Kevin Rudd was escorted to the Midwinter Ball by his daughter Jessica. Mr Rudd has to "zip" early but the younger Rudd partied.

Kevin Rudd and his daughter Jessica arrive for the Midwinter Ball.

Kevin Rudd and his daughter Jessica arrive for the Midwinter Ball. Photo: Andrew Meares

Labor Senator Louise Pratt is speaking about the gay marriage bill (which seeks to recognise same sex marriages conducted overseas under Australian law).

"I fear it won't be successful because marriage equality in this Parliament will only succeed when all parties work to see it done. We are a long way behind community expectations on this."

I interrupt this news bulletin with a fast-breaking news story.

Liberal Senator Sue Boyce may cross the floor twice in defiance of leader Tony Abbott - both in defence of gay rights.

Senator Boyce (who will retire at the end of her term) will vote in favour of the Greens proposal to recognise same-sex marriages performed overseas and another - from the government - seeking to remove provisions that allow aged care homes to refuse residency to same-sex couples

The same-sex marriage bill is due to be voted on later today.

Breaking news reporter Jonathan Swan has the story.

Online political editor Tim Lester has recorded an interview with Senator Boyce, which I'll have for you shortly.

Tony Abbott and his wife Margie arrive for the Midwinter Ball on Wednesday.

Tony Abbott and his wife Margie arrive for the Midwinter Ball on Wednesday. Photo: Andrew Meares

The Abbotts - tall, tanned and terrific.

Let's spend a while looking at everyone dressed up in their finery. It's not often MPs get dolled up for a night on the town so let's make the most of it before getting down to the serious business of the day.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Tim Mathieson arrive for the Midwinter Ball in Parliament House on Wednesday.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Tim Mathieson arrive for the Midwinter Ball in Parliament House on Wednesday. Photo: Andrew Meares

It's the morning after the night before (the Midwinter Ball) so it's not so much a case of ''clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose'' as ''bleary eyes, heavy hearts, must stay awake''. Join us for our live coverage of the day in federal politics.



Sort comments by:
  • Gillard is going to Indonesia to "short circuit" Tony Abbott's plans to turn boats around. She wants Indonesia to publicly reject the plan so she can use it against Abbott.

    The Indonesians know Julia Gillard will lose this election, so will have very little regard for anything she promises.

    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 4:55PM
  • And if i'm not mistaken, not one single bill introduced by the government all week.

    So much for governing, not campaigning.

    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 4:44PM
  • I'm disappointed to see the Libs going along with these uni cuts, in the end these places aren't going to be much more than glorified Polytechnics.

    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 3:56PM
    • get ready for a lot more disappointment Steve

      rod steiger
      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 4:03PM
    • Lifes like that.

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 4:12PM
    • That it is. Do we expect Midnight Oil to reform in October ?

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 4:34PM
  • Hmmm many people on here have bagged Gonski becuase it is funded by taking money from Uni's - now it turns out the Libs are going to take the money from Uni's and not fund Gonski - interesting!

    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 3:49PM
    • Hmmmm, how many people talk about Gonski as though its a plan from the messiah instead of a promise of money with no plan at all.

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 3:59PM
  • Who paid for the tickets? Must they be declared?

    Moss vale
    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 3:40PM
    • Umm I don't know. I assume some people bought the tickets themselves (I imagine they could be claimed as a work expense). Others would have been guests of companies so probably would have to declare (unless there's a threshold for declarations).

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 3:55PM
  • Well after this week the APH Services guys really should hire about 20 buses to facilitate the mass evacuation to Canberra Airport. Most members won’t be able to get out quickly enough.

    Supposedly all that legislation to get through in the last sitting week – but did Labor finish up introducing a single bill this week ?

    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 3:37PM
    • Labour's GONSKI September 14.

      Had Enough
      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 3:50PM
  • In my opinion Speaker Anna Burke is well and truly doing her bit to send Labor into oblivion. She is arguably one of the Coalitions best assets. Every time she allows Gillard and co to rant themselves into irrelevance we all cringe and Labor dies a little more.

    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 3:13PM
    • I'd say the entire Labor Party itself right now is the Coalition's best asset.

      You have to ask yourself how an LOTO can have such a low approval rating and yet be on the cusp of annihilating a government.

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 3:33PM
    • Speaker Burke needs to toe the party line. If she doesn't give the Government a long leash she'll lose her pre-selection for Chisholm faster than you can say AWU. But one has to wonder whether the continual screaming and shouting by the Prime Minister does her any favours.

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 3:38PM
  • The budget allows for 1,000 refugee arrivals by boat per month. We are currently getting 3,000 per month.

    Why won't this government acknowledge this and amend the forecasts?

    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 3:10PM
  • They must have cranked up the heat at the ball just looking at Tanya's skimpy ensemble.....what sort of a carbon footprint does that leave I wonder?

    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 3:10PM
    • exactly how is it skimpier than Julie's or Lucy's (not that I am complaining about anyone) ?

      rod steiger
      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 3:42PM
    • Or Ms Rudd's or even Margie's? Kinda strange observation considering..

      rod steiger
      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 3:56PM
    • I think its great, that subdued apricot coloured classical chiton look with a bare off the shoulder really suits Tanya.

      I'm giving it an 8.5 out of 10.

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 4:01PM
    • The point was not who was wearing what Rod, rather that those who profess to be so concerned about our carbon emissions are happy for the ball room to be heated enough that they can wear summer clothes...are you being deliberately obtuse Rod ?

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 4:07PM
    • then i think you should be more careful about the word skimpy as it is value-laden

      rod steiger
      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 4:31PM
    • Possibly right on that..perhaps I could change the definition to mean "lightly one shouldered." after all the PM has supposedly changed the meaning of misogynist to suit herself...why not? And Steve H. Tanya does look nice but a little more colour would suit her lovely fairness.

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 4:48PM
  • Robb in a red tie! With spots,

    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 3:07PM
  • Why do the ALP let David Bradbury speak?

    It's like letting the "work experience" kid talk at a Board Meeting.

    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 3:05PM
  • Stephanie

    Can you pleas ask T. Abbott to retain the carbon tax and implement worthwhile climate change policy like that of Spain. Furthermore not to take us for blithering fools like Gillard has done with her climate change policy, which like the coalition climate change policy is not a climate change policy at all.

    Thank you

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 3:05PM
  • Nice to see the red and blue ties where they belong, isn't it?

    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 3:01PM
  • "Question time in a nutshell."

    Whatever they're measuring Tony's is clearly bigger.

    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 3:00PM
    • That is very funny.

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 3:03PM
    • vacuousness I suspect ...

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 3:09PM
    • bigger ego? bigger nut?

      rod steiger
      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 4:47PM
  • Bronwyn Bishop is my hero. (BTW is everyone seeing the comments printed twice?..I'm starting to panic here.)

    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 2:59PM
    • Yes we are all seeing double - sigh.

      The Mod.
      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 3:01PM
    • Dual posts: something to do with twofold blithering. I believe it can be contagious if not arrested in time. It stems from doublespeak care of Gillard and began with climate change.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 3:53PM
    • Is Gillard taking the appearance of a rusted on?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 3:54PM
  • Ms Bishop accuses the government of offering "tedious and repetitious answers". Maybe if her side came up with some fresh qustions instead of tired old retreads?

    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 2:58PM
    • Maybe if labor would actually answer a question, it wouldn't need to be repeated so often.

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 3:15PM
    • Well they need to keep asking the same question because they can never get an answer, its always a farrago of mendacities.

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 3:17PM
    • better than a mash of mediocraties

      rod steiger
      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 3:31PM
    • The Labor party's ability to not properly answer any question from the opposition is their greatest achievement in government.

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 4:01PM
  • Turnbull came up looking all suave and sophisticated, looks like he has lost the diet sheet though. He should look at KRudds form and be aware of too many secret lunches?

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 2:46PM
  • Is everyone seeing double or is it my cold medicine? Seriously.

    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 2:41PM
    • Glad to see you can spell.

      But have you figured out that there's no "you" in Coalition or Liberal yet?

      You can't Spell
      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 4:47PM
  • Good to see Slipper stands for principles and good practice

    enough is enough
    Labor party La La Land
    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 2:38PM
  • Milne looks like a London busker - maybe that's her real future?

    enough is enough
    Labor party La La Land
    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 2:36PM
    • I wonder how much electricity was used to make her coat

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 2:50PM
    • I love Christine's beanie - it covers up the tin foil hat perfectly!!

      City of the Fallen
      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 5:13PM
  • Whats myth to you Rod, is truth to me.

    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 2:29PM
    • Whoops.. was meant as a reply to Mr Steiger...I'm sure he can pick it up from here though.

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 2:34PM
    • Inconvenient truth of Labour deregulation pointed out by Paul Kelly (the journalist not the singer) - "Howard was aware that he followed Hawke and Keating as the third prime minister of Australia's age of economic reform, an age inaugurated by the float of the dollar in 1983. He described the post-1983 reform age as resting upon five pillars - financial de-regulation, the dismantling of the tariff wall, industrial relations de-regulation, fiscal consolidation and tax reform. It is a convenient list because it enables Howard to claim credit for the final three pillars and to restrict Hawke and Keating to credit for the first two pillars. My view is that Labor's contribution is considerably greater than Howard concedes (consider, for example, competition policy), but that is not an argument for this lecture."

      rod steiger
      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 3:01PM
  • What is the matter with those people that we pay to vote on our lives? A catalogue of the day's events shows appalling collective ignorance. The PM preaches Edjucayshun day and night and attacks Universities. People, good and caring people who have been joined in wedlock elsewhere are denied the right to be themselves, because our paid representatives are afraid of the NSW Right and The Christian Lobby? Or backlash from those who believe in the torments of mumbo jumbo from the cruel god they have invented to punish themselves with. Why? In a secular country? Then they all go trundling off to show themselves off. Get loud, get drunk. I just want it all to be over in the course of the next week. To those who bare about to lose their seat I have this to say. "You lost the seat, so don't come grizzling at my door and asking for your job back!

    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 2:28PM
  • Photo of Turnbulls at 1:17pm.

    Look at the Carr's in the background. Looks like Bob is being very stubborn!

    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 2:23PM
    • On the phone speaking to KRudd no doubt?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 2:53PM
    • On the phone to Obama?

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 2:55PM
    • Nah, I don't reckon his on the phone at all. Just having a little hissy fit!

      "I don't want to go in!"

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 4:34PM
  • Wow, Julia and Tim, you both look utterly stunning and Julia, your hairstyle is just amazing and your dress is just so gorgeous! Hope that you had a great night and good luck for September.

    New Zealand
    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 2:19PM
    • Yes, and then the clock struck at midnight and the fairy tale ended.

      enough is enough
      Labor party La La Land
      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 2:34PM
  • The supposed balance of power doesn't seem to working too well for the Greens today.

    Must be hard dreaming that you represent the populist middle ground, only to discover everyone else is on the other side of the dance floor.

    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 1:52PM
    • Hacka - A quick lesson in the current Australian political spectrum: Greens - left of centre; Labor - right of centre; Coalition: much further right of centre.

      Charlie Zero
      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 2:20PM
    • Thanks Charlie. The comment was about where they think they are, not where they are. The gap between the two is known as delusion.

      So who's in the centre then in your spectrum ?

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 2:29PM
    • The centre is a vacuum. Maybe it is a mythological state that doesn't really exist.

      Charlie Zero
      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 2:38PM
    • Charlie - perhaps the centre needs redefining. One could suggest it sits between Labor and the Coalition..

      Shouldn't the centre represent the median voter in theory ?

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 2:53PM
    • I reckon the centre should be static, caste in concrete, so movements over time can be measured and assessed. The recent historical trend to the right is socially significant (and scary when environment destruction is being becoming a reality).

      Charlie Zero
      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 3:38PM
  • Is that Don Draper in the background of the Swan-shot?

    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 1:38PM
  • Is Swan's partner, Kim dressed to symbolise Swann's budget performances?
    The last hooray?

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 1:24PM
    • I think Mrs Swan looks very nice, as do all the other women, but I thought it was a ball? Where are all the lovely floor length gowns?

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 1:33PM
  • Well at least from the ball Julia appears to have gone to hair dresser and arrived with somewhat stylish curves. I think it's a great look for her; perhaps something we could have seen more of instead of straight up and down. I think she looked fab!

    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 1:23PM
    • She does look fab - agree with you cairnswk!

      New Zealand
      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 2:22PM
  • Wow, Julie Bishop, now that is class. Take a few notes, Jool's.

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 1:18PM
    • Not much point, Pen. Do you think Lucy T borrowed those spectacles from Dame Edna ? Regal indeed.

      I see Paul Howes has popped up to remind us of his gloating role in installing Gillard as PM. Thanks for the reminder, Paul, almost three years to the day.

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 1:33PM
    • Pen - please take note of what exactly?

      Rational Thinker
      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 1:48PM
    • I have to say I think Julia looked pretty awesome on the night, along with Penny, Julie, Lucy T.,Helena...what the heck they all looked fab. Lot of bow ties askew though.

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 2:11PM
  • The Gillard government has been the best government Australia has had since Gough Whitlam.

    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 1:14PM
  • Don't tell me, Tim hasn't got blue tie?

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 1:13PM
    • Is Tim on the left or right?

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 1:45PM
  • Take out the 'de' in Federal Politics and you have 'Feral Politics', which is what Canberra really is.

    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 1:08PM
  • Looks more like a teacosy to me.

    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 1:07PM
  • Is Opposite Land the place where you predict the opposite of all indicative data and uphold it as fact?

    The polls mattered a lot more and were a lot more accurate when Mr Howes was agitating to depose PM Rudd apparently.

    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 1:05PM
  • "Hamburgers eat people and we wear hats on our shoes" - sounds like LNP Policy.

    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 1:00PM
  • Congratulations to the Senate..........well done!

    not the same
    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 12:57PM
  • This is the type of political rubbish that we don't want. Govts continually invading our lives more and more because they believe it gives them more power; and it does because we allow them to do it. People can make up their own minds who they marry, for how long etc etc, don't need politicians to decide. We get the Govt we deserve and we have at least one tier too many and if we vote yes for councils to get into the constitution we will never get rid of them. VOTE NO

    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 12:55PM
  • Mr Howes certainly lives in Opposite land. Does he mean the opposite of what he says?

    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 12:46PM
  • With Sue Boyce crossing the floor shows that the Liberal party can have diverse views and allow MPs to vote according to their views, not like the ALP who sack people if hey say or vote another way unless the PM says they can.

    Tony of Kureelpa
    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 12:37PM
    • Good point, nicely made.

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 12:43PM
    • that is hilarious Tom - please pay attention - Labor has given members a conscience vote on this issue - Senator Boyce faces the possibility of disciplinary action by the Liberal Party - exactly the reverse of your comment

      rod steiger
      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 12:45PM
    • Road are incorrect. Liberal party MPs are entitled to cross the floor without fear when they feel strongly about the issue. That has always been the Liberal Party way...Labor however can sack you for the same action.

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 12:49PM
    • Is this meant to be ironic? It was the ALP that allowed a conscience vote on gay marriage; Tony demanded his party all vote along the same lines.

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 1:04PM
    • Used to be under Menzies, and although Fraser stopped floor crossing in the House, couldn't do so in the Senate. Howard changed that. Howard decided everything that happened in government. Anyone wanting to get on, toed the line and dissent, even behind the closed doors of the party room, was infrequent. In 2006, several Liberal backbenchers, including Washer, rebelled against the Howard-Abbott ban on stem cell research. President Bush had used his veto to block a Senate Bill to increase government funding of human embryonic stem cell research and Howard followed. Also, the Vatican exppressly threatened excommunication for politicians that approve the law. Mal Washer led a group of rebels which eventually forced Howard to allow a the stem cell would conscience vote. Howard and Abbott in Parliament spoke against a measure to allow stem cell research and were defeated. Very rare occurance under the New Liberals.

      rod steiger
      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 1:10PM
    • Okay..if you are a Liberal MP, the party makes their choice on an issue..if you feel strongly enough not to toe the party line then you are free to cross the floor, it has happened on many an occasion..but never with Labor. If you are a Labor MP then you toe the party line or you are out. Both parties can allow conscience votes on different issues, if they choose.

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 1:16PM
    • Libs can cross the floor? Look what happened to people like Judi moylan s and Petro Giorgiou and Mal washer I seem to recall a photo of Julie bishop almost physically restraining an emotional washer to keep him in line . Howard treated moylan and her colleagues appallingly after they challenged him on refugees, even it is said , to removing the spare chairs from his office when they met him so they had to stand, like the errant schoolboys called before the head.

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 1:23PM
    • Well it musn't be a problem under Tony Abbott then must it? And Judy is still there, able to do the same thing today...can't have been too traumatic. The fact is you can't be ousted for crossing the floor in a Liberal government. But nice to know Tony is so flexible compared to John Howard..I look forward to him becoming PM.

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 1:31PM
    • Errr, sorry I meant Sue Boyce, of course, not Judy...sorry about that. And good on her anyway.

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 1:40PM
    • you seem to be clinging to the idea that the Liberal Party is a cameraderie of like minded free spirits, not a political party which maintains discipline to vote as a block, particularly since the increased Howard style autocracy. I guess it fits the mythical perception of the Liberal Party as the party of freedom and reduced regullation.

      rod steiger
      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 2:08PM
  • Oh come on happywanderer - live and let live. I am a happy hetero married lady and I don't see what earthly difference it makes to me or anyone else if others are allowed to marry. It takes NOTHING from the rest of us and from their perspective gives them so much.

    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 12:30PM
    • Beautifully put helenB. +1

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 12:49PM
  • Now what is wrong with Penny Wong and partner? Absolutely nothing, they look great, happy and are obviously enjoying life just as they should be. Watch and learn the art of individual freedom you obscene wretches, who would deny these people human rights.

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 12:28PM
  • For goodness sake someone tell the loons to enact a law that states all boats entering Australian waters of any capacity that carries passengers must be sea worthy to the highest of standards: every passenger must have separate sleeping quarters, one working flush toilet for every four passengers. Working fridges and freezers must be on board for safe keeping of food; boats to have hygienic shower and dining facilities, and adequate lifeboat facilities etc. In effect any boat operating in Australian waters not in compliance then its master and crew suffer the most severe penalties with fines of $500,000 and 20 years imprisonment without remission.

    Intercept boats heading for Australian waters by air (dropping leaflets) and by sea to warn crews of arrest without bail and ultimate imprisonment if their boats are not compliant when entering Australian waters. Inform both crew and passengers that the doorway to Australia is shut. All passengers will be taken to a ship permanently on station out at sea where they will held until they can be sent to a facility outside Australia or agree to return home.

    In the meantime aid neighbouring countries to build refugee facilities for the processing of claimed refugees by the U.N.. The U.N. to comply with the number of refugees the Australian government will accept. Australia to accept a quota of refugees on temporary visas, family reunion for all refugees on temporary visas abolished. Have an Australian official at every airline terminal in Indonesia and Malaysia to warn and advise all passengers making way to Australia of the above consequences. Any claimed refugee entering Australia proven to have made a false declaration or to have a criminal record to be deported immediately.

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 12:24PM
  • All are equal under the law. It is just a shame and pitiful that in 2013 in Australia some are still more equal than others.

    Kam Berra
    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 12:16PM
  • Oh come on happywanderer - live and let live. I am a happy hetero married lady and I don't see what earthly difference it makes to me or anyone else if others are allowed to marry. It takes NOTHING from the rest of us and from their perspective gives them so much.

    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 12:15PM
  • Good on Sue Boyce. As much as I want to see a Coalition win, I don't agree with Abbott's position on this issue. I guess we will have to wait until Malcolm Turnbull is PM before we see real progress on same sex marriage in this country.

    Tim of Altona
    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 12:13PM
    • It is hardly a priority issue - except for a minority- Referendum please to let the Silent Majority have their say if it must be said - not letting the trendy lefties and the fawning pro gay politicians have their way

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 1:37PM
    • i wonder what tony abbott's sister's view on same-sex marriage is?

      rod steiger
      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 4:50PM
  • If Gillard was being payed on performance, she would be earning $1 per week.

    Garry of Melbourne
    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 12:11PM
    • Define her KPIs?

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 12:21PM
    • That much?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 1:12PM
  • @Tim Altona. If Abbott make a distinguish
    Speech last nite it will make headlines this morning. Like a shot.
    MSM will assure us how brilliant Abbott is.

    Terry Webster
    Canada bay
    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 12:09PM
  • Labor Senator David Feeney was among those who voted against the bill.

    Why no photos of him crossing the floor?

    Highlighting a woman crossing the floor, but not a man smacks of sexism.

    Bob from Ballarat
    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 12:05PM
    • Senator Feeney did not cross the floor. As reported, he voted against the motion but because Labor members have a conscience vote they cannot be said to be crossing the floor no matter the way they vote. The phrase can only be used if the person voted against their party's line - as Senator Boyce did.

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 12:24PM
    • That is a pedantic lawyers answer, and you know it.

      I suppose i should have put quotation marks around 'crossing the floor', to show I meant the commonly used phrase when someone votes against the party - line or no line - not the physical act of walking across the chamber.

      Only one Labor member broke ranks and used his conscience vote to vote no.

      Is there an emotive political name for that?

      Bob from Ballarat
      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 12:34PM
  • That kid is NOT getting away from Abbott... vice-like grip...

    rod steiger
    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 11:59AM
    • He could be Rudd or Abbotts successor wearing that blue tie :)

      Future politician?
      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 12:12PM
    • Must have been his father that gave him the blue tie, because his mother, a woman no doubt would never do that, would she?

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 12:57PM
    • @Atomant: Actually it was his mother:
      Seems you believe in the gender wars more than democratic government.

      Rad from can
      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 2:03PM
  • I'm a conservative, and I really do not understand why gays cannot legally marry. Conservatism is, at its core, supposed to be based on LIBERTY. The right to do as you please, as long as you don't infringe upon the rights of another. Denying gay people the right to marriage is absolutely wrong, no matter what side of politics you're on. I wish our politicians could see that. As for Christians, I respect your beliefs, but we have the separation of church and state in this country. Please allow others to live their lives as they will, free from dogma.

    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 11:56AM
    • Interesting comment ... no doubt you have equally serious issue with the Churches rejecting gay philosophy ...

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 12:47PM
  • Bernadi is breathing a sigh of relief that no one will be rushing overseas to marry their dogs or cats

    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 11:55AM
  • Interesting how both Kelly and Leigh have been vocal in the past day attacking the Coalition.

    But as a local, it's rather hard to remember a single thing they've done for their own electorates, especially in the safe seat of Fraser.

    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 11:52AM
    • Kelly seems to have a problem with utterances if his legal woes with Crosby Textor are any indicator.

      City of the Fallen
      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 12:09PM
    • Yes Smack, you'd reckon Kelly might have learned the dangers of being a tweet.

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 12:20PM
  • Hey they all look human. In fact they all look wonderful. There's hope yet .

    Be Fair
    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 11:12AM
  • two for the price of one today!
    Julia looks good, so does Margie Abbott.

    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 11:06AM
  • Penny and Sophie look great. Lovely couple.

    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 11:05AM
    • They both look stunning - agree with you Altered!

      Auckland New Zealand
      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 2:27PM
    • I agree, they both look stunning ( From a male hetrosexual)

      Moss vale
      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 3:49PM
    • You're not alone Geen. :)

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 4:14PM
  • And still we rave on about people who choose to be different (yes, it's a choice, make no mistake about it) wanting to have things the same as others. Choices have consequences. The line that says "I choose to be different but I want everyone else to change so I can be the same" is just ridiculous.

    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 11:02AM
    • Lead by example then, Wanderer - you go ahead and choose to be gay for a few years, so everyone can see how easy it is to change your sexual orientation.

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 11:36AM
  • can we PLEASE fix the doublle comment publication?

    rod steiger
    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 10:59AM
  • Yes Zacce you're right - also poor form for the Leader of the Opposition not to show respect to departing members by attending their valedictory speeches - I do think we should expect our PM to show some leadership though

    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 10:50AM
  • Margy looks incredible!

    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 10:50AM
  • Love the dress Penny.

    Garry of Melbourne
    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 10:49AM
  • looks like someone advised Gillard to go for the 'Gatsby' look........

    Agree about Margie Abbott - wow - timeless elegance

    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 10:48AM
  • Is the echo a portent?

    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 10:47AM
  • Is it possible for SHY to say anything in the Senate without giving it the teary eye and trembling lip?

    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 10:46AM
    • The realisation that she will lose her Senate seat come September 14th is sinking in so she needs to milk her emotional gymnastics for all its worth in these final days.

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 10:58AM
  • It's a bit surprising that Gillard hasn't thrown her support behind the gay marriage bill. You'd reckon that if this is the populist issue that some would have us believe, then she could get a few votes out of it.

    Besides, it's not as if she's ever let principals stand in the way of politics.

    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 10:43AM
    • Hacks, the PM doesn't have direct control over school principals but she does stand by her principles. If she didn't she would be like the populist and unprincipled Tony.

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 10:56AM
    • Thanks Peaksnik. It sounds like she's trying to get complete control over principals - to which most of the states are saying no thanks.

      In terms of principles perhaps you could point out any. In three years i haven't been able to work out anything she stands for, except for not Kevin and not Tony.

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 11:05AM
    • Hacka - let's see, off the top of my head I am thinking NDIS, climate change, reduced taxes for low income workers and their super, NBN for all.

      Now let's ask the following - name 1 PROMISED policy of the alternative government in the following areas
      1. Economic reform
      2. Infrastructure
      3. Social reform for low income families

      Rational Thinker
      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 1:54PM
  • Senator Hanson-Young's legislation is pointless. Australia already recognises marriages that occurr overseas. A "same-sex marriage" is not marriage. It is a union of two people of the same sex and requires an institution which rightly celebrates its uniqueness.

    not the same
    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 10:32AM
  • It does look like someone from The Age is still to recover from the Ball - once is really enough to read some of the comments.

    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 10:32AM
  • I think McTernan advised Gillard she was going to the Logies.

    Garry of Melbourne
    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 10:31AM
  • I don't have strong views either way on gay marriage except that I suspect that there will be a whole host of knock-on effects in the legal system that have not been anticipated.
    That said I agree with Brandis, SHY repeatedly espouses views that she claims are those of the majority and preaches her moral superiority on a range of issues. It's painful.

    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 10:29AM
    • Sorry and Tony, Joe, George, Eric, Barnaby, Christopher, Scott, Julie and Bronywn...and Corey don't do exactly the same thing....or are the rules different for the Politically Corrective of the conservative parties... I don't always agree with Senator Hanson Young, but I accept her right to assert her view as legitimate - how about we see some evidence of what the constituents of the electors really want - and a constituent is not confined to the people who vote for you - but who vote period.

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 12:49PM
  • Is this Sarah Hanson-Young's valedictory speech? No? pity. At least we have the comfort of knowing she will be gone very soon.

    enough is enough
    Greens La La Land
    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 10:27AM
    • Hope so

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 11:27AM
  • Senator Boyce must represents the wishes of the Electorate of her State. The rather silly Senator was not elected to pursue her own private vendetta. The Senator is obliged to be beholden to her constituency. She ought to respect those, for whom she represents. She represents the voting constituents. She is not a Senator for public grandstanding. The Senator was elected tioPublic Office, for all - not for her own prejudices

    Robert - Hunter Valley
    Hunter Valley
    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 10:21AM
    • It doesn't work like that Robert, and it never has and never will. MPs and Senators are not ciphers directed by the "people". Electors elect people to parliament based on (whatever) and then those people act according to their conscience (and their party line!).
      You don't have any right to direct your local member to do anything!

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 11:13AM
    • how do you think a conscience vote works? she is defying Abbitt to make her vote a conscience vote

      rod steiger
      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 11:29AM
  • Typical, winter hasnt even started.They couldnt even get the season right.

    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 10:17AM
    • In Australia we mark the start of a season from the start of a month and not the 21st or 22nd like in United states and other places. So winter goes from June the 1st through till August 31st. Where are you right now?

      rod steiger
      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 11:28AM
    • I'm always puzzled about this Northern Hemisphere-timing of seasons. Shouldn't the shortest day of the year be mid-winter, not the start of winter?

      Castle Hill NSW
      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 2:14PM
    • Winter officicially starts on June 1st and officially end on the 31st August. The shortest day is June 21st/22nd. Summer officially starts on December 1st and ends (officially) on the last day of February.

      New Zealand
      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 2:24PM
  • Wow - Margie Abbott looking fabulous :-) Trim, taut 'n triffic!!

    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 9:40AM
    • I agree Maggie Abbott did look amazing, loved her dress. Also another Julie Bishop look amazing seen Maggie Abbott & Julie Bishop both on Sunrise Ch 7 this morning, both wearing a beautiful dress.

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 12:55PM
  • I think it's rude and very disrespectful for the PM to absent herself during valedictory speeches - seems having a make over for the ball was more important.Very poor form.

    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 9:31AM
    • You forgot about Abbott also not attending.

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 10:34AM
    • It was a poor decision I think by the Prime Minister unless she had something urgent and pressing she should have made an attendance for her own MPs regardless of what she thinks about them.

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 10:42AM
    • zacca, instead of mouthing off with no idea I suggest you check the footage from the House of Reps yesterday and you will see that Abbott was in attendance.

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 10:57AM
    • @ Nulla

      Suggest you check your facts (very hard to do for Abbott followers) - there have been a number of valedictory speeches some attended by the PM and Abbott but the one referred to by Helen neither were in attendance.

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 11:41AM
  • I have to admit it Julia looks great,
    Tim's a lucky man.

    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 9:29AM
    • Misogynist comment Steve - haven't you been listening to the shrill PM and Ms Plibbersick - it is not about appearances nowadays !

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 11:25AM
    • Jeez, if you haven't noticed I don't take any notice of PC nonsense like that, keep reading.

      Be what you wanna be
      Do what you wanna do

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 12:12PM
    • If Tim did the hair, Julia's a lucky woman. I have heard of many women swooning at the thought of a wash and blow-dry from their partner each morning. And, if I may make an appearance-based comment, Julia should keep this style for the campaign. It makes her look a lot softer and personal, compared to her 'battlefield helmet' hardo of late.

      Castle Hill NSW
      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 2:10PM
    • Agree with you Steve - Tim is one lucky man! They both look just stunning don't they?

      New Zealand
      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 2:20PM
  • Any coverage of the speeches made by Gillard and Abbott last night? Can't see any vision of this anywhere.

    Tim of Altona
    Date and time
    June 20, 2013, 9:27AM
    • Yes Tim, curious about the speeches. Did Kev cross the floor and take Jules for a waltz ?

      There's probably a few cases of blurred vision this morning but is anyone else seeing double ?

      Date and time
      June 20, 2013, 9:56AM
Comments are now closed