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Federal Politics

Politics wrap: June 19, 2013

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Another day, another day. What happened?

  • the government's attempts to toughen up the 457 visa scheme are still not through Parliament (only five days to go);
  • question time was very similar to yesterday and the day before that - only half hearted punches thrown;
  • five departing MPs gave their farewell speeches - Tony Crook, Mal Washer, Sharon Grierson, Steve Gibbons and Robert McClelland;
  • and everyone is dolling up for tonight's Midwinter Ball (expect an Oscars-fashion-style-gallery in the morning).

My thanks, as always, to photographers Alex Ellinghausen and Andrew Meares and to everyone who took the time to read and comment.

One more day! (Until next week.)


You know how people like to fantasise about what it would be like if Kevin Rudd was Labor leader and Malcolm Turnbull was Liberal leader?

Andrew Meares shows us what that would look like.

Kevin Rudd talks with Liberal MPs Malcolm Turnbull and George Brandis after attending valedictory addresses in Parliament House on Wednesday.

Kevin Rudd talks with Liberal MPs Malcolm Turnbull and George Brandis after attending valedictory addresses in Parliament House on Wednesday. Photo: Andrew Meares

Labor MP Steve Gibbons is now making his farewell speech (he is the last one for the day).

Mr Gibbons says he joined the Labor Party in 1976 because of its opposition to the Vietnam War.

Mr Gibbons says he never made it to the front bench in either opposition or government.

He couldn't see the point in being away from his (marginal) electorate in order to tend to a portfolio, he says, but more to the point: "You had to kiss the backside of some of the factional warlords and I wasn't prepared to do that."

Then there was the problem that he was the only member of his sub faction, so it wasn't all that influential.

(You will recall that Mr Gibbons is the author of a motion that went to caucus on Tuesday that would have returned the right to appoint the frontbench to the caucus. It was deferred until after the election.)


Steve Gibbons delivers his valedictory address in Parliament House on Wednesday.

Steve Gibbons delivers his valedictory address in Parliament House on Wednesday. Photo: Andrew Meares

I promised to bring you the video of Liberal MP Bronwyn Bishop's question time performance (see 3.07 pm post).

Here it is.

'A farrago of mendacities Click to play video

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'A farrago of mendacities'

Bronwyn Bishop makes an unsuccessful point of order during question time.

PT0M17S 620 349

Dr Washer lists his involvement with the Parliamentary Group on Population and Development as one of the highlights of his career - particularly its work to raise issues to do with reproductive choice for women.

Women "have the right to choose how many children they have" and not to die in childbirth, Dr Washer says.

Climate change and the treatment of indigenous people remain huge issues for the Parliament, Dr Washer says.

Dr Washer recalls a visit to his electorate by then treasurer Peter Costello who commented on the size of the moon when seen in Western Australia.

"I explained this was because he was looking at the face of it not the rear end," he says.

"I say to those who may be retiring involuntarily - stand tall and count yourself proud that you've been part of history serving these hallowed halls," Dr Washer says.



Dr Mal Washer delivers his valedictory speech on Wednesday.

Dr Mal Washer delivers his valedictory speech on Wednesday. Photo: Andrew Meares

Liberal MP Dr Mal Washer - another stalwart of the moderates' group - is now giving his farewell speech.

Dr Washer came to Canberra in 1998 and promised his former practice manager turned assistant that if she came with him she'd "never be bored".

Dr Washer - a former GP - is highly regarded around Parliament as a decent and thoughtful man who won't hesitate to offer help to fellow MPs if he believes they are in need.

Dr Washer says it is time to consider "streamlining" the hours and practices of Parliament to ease the burden not only on MPs but also staff.


Dr Mal Washer is hugged by Kevin Rudd after he delivered his valedictory address on Wednesday.

Dr Mal Washer is hugged by Kevin Rudd after he delivered his valedictory address on Wednesday. Photo: Andrew Meares

Prime Minister Julia Gillard is not in the chamber. Mr McClelland has not mentioned her or Kevin Rudd (but he has found time to mention the St George Dragons).

Mr McClelland says he would have liked "a little longer" in the attorney-general's job (he was replaced by Nicola Roxon in 2011).

Mr McClelland thanks his friends, particularly the ones he only spoke to when he needed "to ask them to come along to a fund-raiser or to hand out for me on polling day".

Mr McClelland says he may spend his post-political life collating his son's tweets about politics.


Robert McClelland delivers his valedictory address (Kevin Rudd can be seen on the far right of the picture) on Wednesday.

Robert McClelland delivers his valedictory address (Kevin Rudd can be seen on the far right of the picture) on Wednesday. Photo: Andrew Meares

Former attorney-general Robert McClelland has just begun his valedictory speech.

Mr McClelland - also no friend of Prime Minister Julia Gillard - is harking back to the days of Labor legend Mick Young.

Mr Young "was responsible for taking the Labor Party from the language of class warfare to a party that aspired to and was capable of governing for all Australians", Mr McClelland says.

(See what he's doing there?)

Mr McClelland says he supports comments made by Martin Ferguson and Simon Crean about the Labor Party's "tradition of bringing Australians together" and working through "issues in the national interest".



Robert McClelland delivers his valedictory address in Parliament House on Wednesday.

Robert McClelland delivers his valedictory address in Parliament House on Wednesday. Photo: Andrew Meares

A plane towing a sign stating "GO GO GO PLAMER UNITED PARTY" flys past Parliament House on Wednesday.

A plane towing a sign stating "GO GO GO PLAMER UNITED PARTY" flys past Parliament House on Wednesday. Photo: Andrew Meares

It's not as evocative as Skywhale but billionaire Titanic enthusiast, Clive Palmer, has taken to the air waves in a different way to get his message out.

Chris Bowen's new Facebook cover page picture.

Chris Bowen's new Facebook cover page picture.

Well that didn't last long.

Back in the 12.58 pm post I noted that former immigration minister Chris Bowen had changed his Facebook cover photo to a shot of him with Kevin Rudd. Now it's been changed again -to Mr Bowen with some cute kiddies.

Yes, delightful readers, the clever video people are going to deliver the footage of Bronwyn Bishop's "farrago of mendacities" to me soon. I'll post it as soon as I can (but that might not be for a little while as there are a few valedictory speeches to get through first).

Let's have a look at what happened while question time was going on.

Labor MP Joel Fitzgibbon has talked down the changes of Kevin Rudd returning to power. Apparently the whole leadership issue is "behind us". (Warning - please read this story with an enormous shaker of salt.)

Reporter Daniel Hurst has covered today's debate and provided an update on the state of play at the moment. The government is still struggling to get enough support for the changes it wants to make to the 457 visa scheme. One Liberal MP has called it "the most racist piece of legislation" he has ever seen.


Hmmm....What will I wear to the Midwinter Ball tonight?

(And yes, thanks everyone, I've noticed Mr Shorten is wearing a blue and red striped tie.)

Workplace Relations Minister Bill Shorten during question time on Wednesday.

Workplace Relations Minister Bill Shorten during question time on Wednesday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

And that's it for question time today. Another greatest hits kind of day. Is it just me or does it feel like people are marking time?

I think we can all agree Liberal MP Bronwyn Bishop wins question time today.

First, she managed to give a dramatic interpretation of an old quote from Prime Minister Julia Gillard (much to the amusement of colleagues Christopher Pyne and Julie Bishop).

Then, she one upped the government who has been overusing the word "mendacious" of late and accused it of "giving us a farrago of mendacities".


Speaking of back room deals....

Workplace Minister Bill Shorten talks with opposition treasury spokesman Joe Hockey behind the Speaker's chair during question time on Wednesday.

Workplace Minister Bill Shorten talks with opposition treasury spokesman Joe Hockey behind the Speaker's chair during question time on Wednesday. Photo: Andrew Meares

....while everything is coming up roses here.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott during question time on Wednesday.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott during question time on Wednesday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

All sunshine and lollipops here....

Prime Minister Julia Gillard during question time on Wednesday.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard during question time on Wednesday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Fear and loathing on the backbench.

Labor MP Kevin Rudd and friends during question time on Wednesday.

Labor MP Kevin Rudd and friends during question time on Wednesday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

You may have noticed that Prime Minister Julia Gillard has appropriated Climate Change Minister Greg Combet's favourite question time adjective - "mendacious".

This is what Mr Combet thinks of that.

Climate Change Minister Greg Combet during question time on Wednesday.

Climate Change Minister Greg Combet during question time on Wednesday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

While doing a quick email check I discovered a plea from independent MP Craig Thomson to contribute to his defence fund.

Not sure emails to reporters are the way to go there.

Ah - we can all relax because things are back to normal.

Labor MP Deborah O'Neill asks Prime Minister Julia Gillard about how totes awesome the government's education reforms are.

And we seem to be in an alternate world for question time today. The shadow treasurer, Joe Hockey, has started proceedings with a question for the Treasurer, Wayne Swan. It's on the carbon price so maybe not so much of an alternate universe after all.

The House of Representatives poses for a group photo at Parliament House on Wednesday.

The House of Representatives poses for a group photo at Parliament House on Wednesday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

The House of Reps is having a quick break so the "class photo" for this Parliament can be taken.

Speaker Anna Burke reminds Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Opposition Leader Tony Abbott to move to the front. They are not taking the chance to engage in pleasantries.

As ABC television's Lyndal Curtis notes, people years from now will look at this picture and wonder about the fashion for blue ties.

The House of Representatives poses for a group photo at Parliament House on Wednesday.

The House of Representatives poses for a group photo at Parliament House on Wednesday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

An update on the Midwinter Ball auction (see 10.46 am post). It appears the PM's scarf is one of the most hotly contested items at the moment.

Bid early, bid often people, it's for charity.


And the winner is Michelle de Krester for Questions of Travel.

(I'm going to go out on a limb and say de Krester's literary prize does not attract as many MPs' tweets as the Socceroos win.)

The winner of the Miles Franklin Literary Award is about to be announced in Canberra.

Here are a few of the finalists with Greens leader Christine Milne.

Greens leader Christine Milne talks with Miles Franklin Literary Award finalists Carrie Tiffany (left), Annah Faulkner (centre) and Romy Ash (right) at the National Library of Australia on Wednesday.

Greens leader Christine Milne talks with Miles Franklin Literary Award finalists Carrie Tiffany (left), Annah Faulkner (centre) and Romy Ash (right) at the National Library of Australia on Wednesday. Photo: Andrew Meares

West Australian National Party MP Tony Crook is also bidding farewell to Parliament - after just one term.

Mr Crook arrived in 2010 but said earlier this year he could not continue because he was disappointed with the way politics worked and the constant travel was taking him away from his family too much.

But Mr Crook departs politics with his sense of humour intact (which is more than could be said for some departing MPs).

He began his farewell speech by apologising to his father for not getting Tawny Port onto the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme.

National Party MP Tony Crook delivers his valedictory speech on Wednesday.

National Party MP Tony Crook delivers his valedictory speech on Wednesday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Chris Bowen's Facebook cover page.

Chris Bowen's Facebook cover page.

Anyone Facebook friends with former immigration minister Chris Bowen? You might have noticed he has just changed his profile picture to feature a shot of himself with Kevin Rudd taken during Mr Rudd's visit to his electorate last week.

Debate on the 457 visa bill has been suspended and Labor MP Sharon Grierson is giving her valedictory speech.

There is some speculation that the government has allowed the speeches to begin now because it needs more time to get support for the 457 bill.

(Incidentally, this morning I was told the valedictories would not start until 4 pm. Others due to say goodbye today include former attorney general Robert McClelland and Liberal MP Mal Washer.)

Everyone loves the Socceroos:


Various Labor MPs during a division on the government's 457 visas.

Various Labor MPs during a division on the government's 457 visas. Photo: Andrew Meares

While the House of Representatives continue to debate the government's 457 visa bill let's look at a few other things that have been going on:


Environment Minister Tony Burke has filed this report form the Senate (I'll have more on this later):

A moment of friendship across the party divide.

Deputy opposition leader Julie Bishop hugs Labor MP Janelle Saffin during a division on the government's 457 visa bill on Wednesday.

Deputy opposition leader Julie Bishop hugs Labor MP Janelle Saffin during a division on the government's 457 visa bill on Wednesday. Photo: Andrew Meares

Kevin Rudd and Prime Minister Julia Gillard during debate on the government's 457 visa bill in Parliament on Wednesday.

Kevin Rudd and Prime Minister Julia Gillard during debate on the government's 457 visa bill in Parliament on Wednesday. Photo: Andrew Meares

You can see the Prime Minister's chair from here!

Much going on lads?

Kevin Rudd with (left to right) Ed Husic, Andrew Leigh, John Murphy,  Stephen Jones, Joel Fitzgibbon and Alan Griffin following a division during debate on the 457 bill in Parliament on Wednesday.

Kevin Rudd with (left to right) Ed Husic, Andrew Leigh, John Murphy, Stephen Jones, Joel Fitzgibbon and Alan Griffin following a division during debate on the 457 bill in Parliament on Wednesday. Photo: Andrew Meares

Leader of the house, Anthony Albanese, gives a preview of some of the moves he will bust on the dance floor at tonight's Midwinter Ball.

Leader of the House Anthony Albanese debating legislation in Parliament.

Leader of the House Anthony Albanese debating legislation in Parliament. Photo: Andrew Meares

Kevin Rudd and Joel Fitzgibbon converse during a division behind Prime Minister Julia Gillard on Wednesday.

Kevin Rudd and Joel Fitzgibbon converse during a division behind Prime Minister Julia Gillard on Wednesday. Photo: Andrew Meares

The opposition's immigration spokesman, Scott Morrison, is seeking to suspend standing orders that the bill not be considered until a full report on the government's claims about rorting of 457 visa is completed.

"This is a bill the government is seeking to ram through before the election," Mr Morrison said.

The leader of the house, Anthony Albanese, says one can't force a bill through when "there is no bill even being discussed" (referring to the various points of order, attempts to stop debate and so forth that are going on).

(The divisions being called are, at least, creating opportunities for pictures such as these ones by Andrew Meares.)

Kevin Rudd and Joel Fitzgibbon converse during a division behind Prime Minister Julia Gillard on Wednesday.

Kevin Rudd and Joel Fitzgibbon converse during a division behind Prime Minister Julia Gillard on Wednesday. Photo: Andrew Meares

This is about as close as you will ever see Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd these days. Sometimes democracy (voting on the 457 bill) forces closeness.

In the House of Representatives the government's bill regarding changes to the 457 visa scheme is being debated.

The government wants to compel employers who hire foreign workers under the visa scheme to prove they have first tried to recruit suitably qualified Australians. This could include demonstrating employers had advertised and participated in career expos.

The government argues the visa scheme is being rorted while the independents question the need for reform.

Immigration Minister Brendan O'Connor got put through his paces last night on the ABC's Lateline over the government's claims about the numbers of businesses rorting the scheme.

Business remains sceptical that any widespread rorting is going on.

Tonight is the political-media-hangers'-on social event of the year (don't laugh - it's a lot of fun) when the annual Midwinter Ball is held. The event is a charity fundraiser with the event raising well over a million dollars over its lifetime.

It is organised by members of the press gallery and features speeches from the prime minister and opposition leader of the day who generally treat the affair with good humour and general bonhomie.

Money is raised via an ebay auction and includes some excellent prizes. This year's offerings include:

  • dinner for four with Prime Minister Julia Gillard at either The Lodge or Kirribilli House;
  • a scarf knitted by the PM;
  • join the Prime Minister in January next year for the England vs the PM's XI cricket match including entry to the official pre-match function with the team and the PM the night before at the Lodge;
  • a bike ride with Opposition Leader Tony Abbott followed by breakfast; and
  • dinner for six with the opposition's foreign affairs spokeswoman Julie Bishop and communications spokesman Malcolm Turnbull in the board room of the National Press Club in Canberra.

Bidding closes at 5pm tonight and you can find the details by heading on over to the eBay site and searching for "Midwinter Ball".

Remember, it's for a good cause!

The fall out has continued from last night's valedictory speech of Labor Senator Trish Crossin who managed to get through her entire speech without mentioning Prime Minister Julia Gillard. There is no love lost between the two after the PM decided to oust Senator Crossin in favour of former athlete Nova Peris.

Senators Doug "colour and movement" Cameron and Kim Carr have since spoken out in Senator Crossin's defence but Climate Change Minister Greg Combet said - more or less - she should suck it up.

Breaking news reporter Jonathan Swan has filed this story on the reaction.


Senator Trish Crossin delivers her valedictory speech in the Senate on Tuesday.

Senator Trish Crossin delivers her valedictory speech in the Senate on Tuesday. Photo: Andrew Meares

The view from "the doors" this morning - the usual line up of MPs spouting the line of the day.

Liberal MP Greg Hunt waits to speak to the media at  Parliament House on Wednesday.

Liberal MP Greg Hunt waits to speak to the media at Parliament House on Wednesday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Let's have a look through the stories doing the rounds this morning.

Chief political correspondent Mark Kenny has looked into the constitutional ramifications of a late switch to Kevin Rudd. People well versed in this area have told Mark that Governor-General Quentin Bryce could be in a tricky spot because a new Labor leader would not necessarily command a parliamentary majority.

Ms Bryce, whose term expires next year, is the mother-in-law of Workplace Relations Minister Bill Shorten.

The Age's national affairs editor, Tony Wright, has written this tasty piece in which he likens the Labor games to the "Caucus-race" from Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland.


Workplace Relations Minister Bill Shorten during a function at Parliament House on Tuesday.

Workplace Relations Minister Bill Shorten during a function at Parliament House on Tuesday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Sports photographers call it "jubo", the shots of elation when a team or individual wins an event. The best we can hope for in Canberra is an enthusiastic fan getting into the spirit of things.

Sadly, Socceroos' jerseys seem to be in short supply around Parliament House. Although the Sports Minister, Kate Lundy, is delighted with the win she is sans jersey today I'm afraid. And Communications Minister, Stephen Conroy, who is a huge soccer fan, was on duty in the Senate last night.

Basically there's nothing to match the enthusiasm of former prime minister John Howard in this archive shot by Andrew Quilty from 2006.

Prime Minister John Howard cheers as the first goal is scored by The Socceroos to equalise 1-1 in their final pool match against Croatia in 2006.

Prime Minister John Howard cheers as the first goal is scored by The Socceroos to equalise 1-1 in their final pool match against Croatia in 2006. Photo: Andrew Quilty

Rio fever has swept Parliament House like it has everywhere else. Expect a bit of chest puffing and displays of green and gold. What else will happening during the day? Join Alex Ellinghausen, Andrew Meares and myself to find out.


Sort comments by:
  • I suppose the highlight of the day was the group photo. I wouldn't like to be the photographer who no doubt tried 'smile' then 'cheese' then tried to keep them all within the frame at the same time. Maybe a montage can be done with a few selected shots?

    enough is enough
    Labor party La La Land
    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 5:23PM
  • Xtremly rude of the PM to miss speeches of retiring labor members. I guess she's only game to stay and listen if she's sure they will say ooey, gooey stuff about her, instead of the truth.

    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 5:14PM
  • Go Clive!!

    ps. can we watch the ball too please?

    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 5:01PM
  • I think we're going to have to move the capital of Australia to Sydney.

    Canberra just isn't big enough to house both Clive and Kevin's egos.

    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 4:42PM
    • Qld is big, so can we get them both to go back there pronto?

      enough is enough
      Labor party La La Land
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 5:11PM
  • Nice blue tie Mr McClelland :-)

    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 4:36PM
  • I would have thought Truthful Julia would have scrambled a few F-18's to sort out that Cesna over Parliament House. And I thought she was a fan of Obama.

    enough is enough
    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 4:35PM
    • Cesna? I thought it was Clive's version of a drone.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 4:48PM
    • Shouldn't the plane be the shape of a TerraClivasaurus Rex ?

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 5:06PM
  • When Peter Garrett looks at Gonski, he is pursuing a well worn political agenda, derided by some, supported by others. What however he fails to explain is the trend of times past. For this, sometimes, we need to go no further than the statistical products of the ABS, like its Education Statistics 2012 (etc). They make for fascinating comparisons.

    For example, between 1991 and 2012, the student enrolments in VICTORIA increased by 78K with 12K enrolled in State and 66K in Private. In NSW, the increase was 100K (1K = State, 99K = Private). In QLD, the increase was 217K split 100K public and 117K private. Across these 3 states, enrolments increased by 395K (State = 113K; Private, 282K).

    In 1991, the average public school size was 263 in VIC, 343 in NSW and 302 in QLD.

    By 1999, it was 321 in VIC (Kennett impact), 350 in NSW and 328 in QLD. Even with Kennett’s impact, Victorian public schools were still the smallest in size of the 3 main states.

    Private schools however were larger, averaging from 368 (1991) to 392 (1999) for Victoria, 340 to 360 in NSW and 336 to 402 in QLD.

    By 2012, average Victoria school sizes were 355 (public) and 461 (private) whilst in NSW it was 344 (public); 424 (private), and for QLD, it was 402 (public); 525 (private).

    Reforming education is one thing. But at the risk of being Gonskied, Gonski has missed out on encouraging school hubs /networks to develop through creating educational synergies whilst encouraging learning efficiencies. >50% of the Gonski reform funds will go towards supporting an increased bureaucracy and /or with entrenching these continuing inefficiencies.

    As for improving learning outcomes, or in driving future learning capabilities, that’s little heard of.

    Minister Garrett, what’s (the “real”) Gonski?

    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 4:24PM
    • Well said Grant. I am sure that the minister would say "I'll have to get back to you on that.".

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 5:08PM
  • I actually can't get over how one-sided this blog is.

    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 4:15PM
    • Nick, you are right. The blog should span both sides of the page.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 4:22PM
    • anyone is welcome.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 4:23PM
    • Censorship in action.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 4:33PM
  • @ Zacca
    * No mention of the cost blowouts in the NBN, or the fact that NBNCo's estimates on so many measures are completely inaccurate and/or overly optimistic.
    * No mention of the fact that all the fabulous ALP promises cost money - which we don't have a lot of, and which the ALP is spending like it's going out of fashion.
    * No mention of steeply rising deficits since 2007.
    * No mention of the undelivered promises to produce budget surpluses.
    * No mention of the collapse of the carbon price as opposed to the Government's unbelievable forecasts.
    * No mention of the ridiculousness of the MRRT collecting less than 10% of its forecasted revenue.
    * No mention of the fact that Rudd tore up a perfectly good policy that was working, only to replace it with nothing but panicked responses and hypocritical criticism of Opposition proposals.
    * No mention of the alleged agreement between Julia Gillard and East Timor - the one that East Timor didn't know about.
    * No mention of the fact that the money we are spending on servicing our national debt, could fully pay for the estimated NDIS cost without needing a levy.

    Tim [unfortunately not from Altona]
    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 4:08PM
    • @ Tim
      I really did think I was on The Pulse - Politics Live.

      PS You are repeating worn out LNP mendacities.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 4:32PM
    • Nice summary Tim. Do you want to include the money wasted on "Schoos for the Future" and the "Pink Battts" (or was it Pink Bats) Scheme as well, just to tidy it up and round it off.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 4:48PM
    • @Tim - as fine a case of a farrago of mendacity as I've ever seen!

      Big Tone
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 5:05PM
  • gillard's Scotdoodle Ian McTernan may have to be returned to Scotland if changes to the 457 visa are implemented.

    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 4:05PM
    • He's going back on Sept 15, apparently. His job won't exist.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 4:46PM
  • Hmmm....What will I wear to the Midwinter Ball tonight?

    I don't know but I'm taking the youngest and his mate to waterpolo training tonight, you can wear whatever you like there.

    Have a good time Steph. and make sure you don't get caught up in any frontpage farragos.

    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 3:54PM
    • "Fess up Steph - you actually worked that out weeks ago didn't you ?

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 4:07PM
    • Hacka: going where no sane man should ever go.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 4:14PM
    • Yeah there was some ummming and ahhhing over the "Post comment" button SteveH but figured the Mod would express displeasure if required. It was actually meant as a compliment, hopefully taken so.

      Sharron's comment at4:22 was pure gold.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 4:43PM
  • No mention that our Internet system will be overwhelmed by 2015 if the NBN is not continued with.

    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 3:48PM
  • Poor old Malcolm trying to defend Fraudband.

    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 3:43PM
  • No mention that "stop the boats" Abbott did not have the guts to raise it with Indonesia or that Julie told porkies about Indonesia agreeing to "tow back the boats".

    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 3:40PM
  • Stephanie, is it possible to have a video clip of Bronny Bishop's question please? I was otherwise occupied when she posed it?

    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 3:38PM
  • No mention that China has introduced a carbon tax despite Tony saying this will never happen.

    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 3:36PM
    • No mention that China's carbon tax is 10 yuan a ton to be introduced in 2015.

      It's now 2013, and 10 yuan a ton is less than $2 per ton.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 4:54PM
  • Stephanie @3.14pm - it's like the opposition are just going through the motions now, they know their work is done. They just need to sit back and watch Labor tear themselves apart.

    Tim of Altona
    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 3:33PM
  • Marking time the same way vultures do.

    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 3:21PM
    • Vultures circling their prey.
      I throw a curve ball into the batsmen - why is Simon Crean so quiet?? Will he put his hand up to still the waters & somewhat save the titanic wreck??

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 3:28PM
  • But Bill likes what Joe is saying though.

    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 3:20PM
  • Bronwyn Bishop=awesome!!

    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 3:10PM
    • I noticed that the PM referred to Bronwyn Bishop as "she" three times early in her answer to a question. Misogyny, clearly.

      David Morrison
      Blue Mountains
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 3:23PM
  • Joe and Bill are obviously discussing how it feels to be third in line to the throne.

    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 2:55PM
    • they are working out how to blame it all on the Boss o' Nova...

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 3:27PM
  • Perhaps Joe was asking "Hey Bill, how do I join Women for Gillard".

    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 2:55PM
    • I thought Joe might have been making representations to Bill on behalf of Julie Crossin about whether she could get a refund on her membership with Women For Gillard?

      City of the Fallen
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 3:26PM
  • "Workplace Minister Bill Shorten talks with opposition treasury spokesman Joe Hockey behind the Speaker's chair

    "You tell her"
    "No, you tell her"
    "But, you want her gone"
    "Yeah, but so do you"

    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 2:54PM
    • That is comedy gold, exceptional work SteveH.

      Tim [unfortunately not from Altona]
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 3:04PM
    • I see Mr Shorten and Mr Swann, waiting patiently in the wings for both Ms Gillard and Mr Rudd to annihilate each other. Could they be the faceless people, or am I imagining it? Neither looked too happy after the last spill, but after all politics is really a blood sport!

      As it stands now all the happenings of the past 3 years reminds me of a movie I saw many years ago (can't remember title) about freedom fighters eradicating the dictators only to become the next dictators???

      Lynette Hughes
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 3:23PM
    • Fully agree. Sensational stuff.

      Tim of Altona
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 3:35PM
  • Another beauty about cuts to education under an Abbott Govt. No mention of the 2.8 billion taken from higher ed to fund Gonski to be spent at School Principals' discretion. The tea-room lamington budget will go through the roof. I also foresee grand three-thousand seat school halls - in schools with 300 students.

    Oh the hilarity!

    Malik the magic sheep
    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 2:54PM
  • Hahaha another beauty, criticising any approach that involves Indonesia receiving illegal boat people back is unworkable due to Indonesian reluctance. Last I checked, most of the asylum seekers were coming from Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Iraq, Iran etc. Sri Lanka is actively stopping people leaving their shores. I'm sure they'd have no problem with any illegals' return by air. ROFL no wonder they're on their way out. Who needs Yes Minister? LOL!

    Malik the magic sheep
    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 2:45PM
    • LNP talking about turning back the BOATS from where they came - vast majority depart from Indonesia the half-way station. Malik are you suggesting Australia turns them back via an Australian airport? immigration issues there. Or by hauling the fishing boat into a C-5 Galaxy and fly it back to Sri Lanka? just as likely ... The fact Indonesia refuses to take back boats which depart from its shores completely flutes the LNP proposal

      rod steiger
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 2:58PM
    • @rod there is a solution. John Howard found one. Why can't Labor? BECAUSE THEY DON'T WANT TO. Don't fall for the straw man argument about Indonesia. They will come to the party when the time is right. It's called being a good neighbor - its also why we give them over half a billion dollars in foreign aid. Of course Gillard won't say any of this - because she DOES NOT WANT TO STOP THE BOATS. That's ok - she seems to forget this is a democracy - and her policies will see her get the boot come Sept.

      Malik the magic sheep
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 3:08PM
    • of course - our mates in indonesia - it'll be alright in the end, just you wait and see - just have faith (abjure reason from established fact)

      rod steiger
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 3:16PM
    • My understanding is that asylum seekers were going to Indonesia to get on boats to then come Australia. That is, while originally coming from the Middle East (or other places) they are actually coming to Australia from Indonesia.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 3:17PM
    • Why all this "stop the boats"? Should be stop people getting on boats. ASIS should be working behind the scenes, top priority uncover people smugglers. AFP in cooperation with Indonesian counterparts hunting people smugglers top priority. Stop the boats certainly, but do it early before the voyage starts.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 3:58PM
  • Combet watches Rudd approaching him.

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 2:43PM
  • "All sunshine and lollipops here"

    or perhaps

    "People say I'm the life of the party
    Because I tell a joke or two
    Although I might be laughing loud and hearty
    Deep inside I'm blue
    So take a good look at my face"

    (Apologies to Smokey R.)

    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 2:41PM
  • Maybe, judging by all the funny faces, Thommo accidentally hit the "Reply All" button.

    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 2:38PM
  • Hahahaha, I just heard J Gillard's impassioned warning against the opposition "plan" to cut financial support to Holden Australia. No mention of how Ford Australia's manufacturing shutdown has caused 9000 direct and indirect jobs to vaporise under her leadership. The hypocrisy is mind blowing.

    Malik the magic sheep
    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 2:38PM
    • Well you have to laugh: pump billions of tax payer dollars into the Australian car industry, and then lower import duty on foreign cars from 50% to 3% and hey presto down the gurgler goes Ford, quickly followed by Holden?

      Yes indeed you have to laugh?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 3:09PM
    • Hey Malik,
      Just heard Holden's complain about carbon tax expense, also how GM is building massive car factory in China, err, cause its cheaper there to manufacture. We can all thank Gillard the grate for that, I do mean grate.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 3:11PM
  • Picture 2.04pm...Anthony Albanese..Labor's chances of winning the election are how big?

    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 2:37PM
  • If the Labor leadership changes there will only be a constitutional crisis it will be because the independents make it happen. How can they say they made a deal with Julia Gillard "personally" rather than with the party - it isn't supposed to be about personalities but policies and issues in the interests of the country.

    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 2:37PM
  • One has to ask the question of why the GG ( mrs Bryce) has not intervened for the sake of the country and Julia Gillard.
    No PM should be left on the bar b que this long- she will get too tough

    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 2:36PM
  • Photo @2.21p.m. - that's what we all look like listening to you Greg & others.

    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 2:34PM
  • Very sad former Liberal Michael Hodgman dies in Tasmania.

    R.I.P, Mouth from the South, a man who got involved after our initial rejection and assisted in my family been allowed to emigrated from Australia. Thank you and Vale Michael Hodgman!

    Gavin H
    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 2:33PM
  • Greg Combet - crikey!

    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 2:32PM
  • Obviously Combet has just recieved his copy of Craig's email.

    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 2:29PM
  • That class photo reminds me of the 'Guess who' board game.
    "... I am looking for a blue tie and no idea.."
    Then turn down the entire Liberal party *BOOM*

    Rusty Worker
    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 2:28PM
  • "Not sure emails to reporters are the way to go there"

    Are we to assume Craig has drawn a blank with you Steph?

    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 2:20PM
    • I wonder if he emailed Kate McClymont as well?

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 2:24PM
    • That actually makes me feel a bit sad..even though he is being accused of rotten stuff and all that...I can't help it, must be the woman in me....or can't I say that?

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 2:31PM
    • Does he accept credit cards?

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 2:34PM
    • 'Must be the woman in me'..
      C'mon now... Craig Thomson... I saw what you did there.
      SteveH would you like to finish it off?

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 2:42PM
    • Cwitty, you're flying solo on this one.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 2:47PM
    • Thanks SteveH there are none more reliable.. :)
      Now back to my anti wind farm BBQ.
      * I invited plenty but none showed*

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 2:57PM
    • Cwitty, was this a surprise?

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 3:03PM
  • nothing that really criticises this government or the left gets published in this blog and in this paper so sayonara off the Guardian. by by forever

    out of here
    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 2:00PM
    • That is an odd statement as the media, including theage is quite right wing

      Mark S
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 2:34PM
    • Well in the case of the Age, only in the sense it's not pravda. I'd love to see a cut and paste of the photos of JG and TA published in the Age over this term of parliament.I think JG gets a better selection.

      NeoCon II
      In Orbit
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 2:40PM
  • Interesting Facebook pic of Rudd and Bowen. According to my dentist (who u never argue with) all these Rudd phot ops are fake. There are never more than half a dozen people they are all crowded around to make it look like a crowd and they are are all family and the local members stooges anyway. So can we please have a wide shot at the next Rudd gathering?

    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 1:59PM
    • seriously - your dentist? is your dentist a photoshop expert? does he crowd your teeth together?

      rod steiger
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 2:23PM
    • Ah rod, what an actor ... No my dentist is not a photoshop expert but he is a man of very strong opinions on everything and itis very difficult to argue with a man who has the potential to inflict physical and financial pain, not to mention that he has me at a disadvantage because it is hard to talk with a drill in your mouth.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 2:31PM
  • Political Highlights of Australia's most trusted from Readers Digest Survey

    1. Charlie Teo, neurosurgeon

    68. Malcolm Turnbull, federal politician
    69. Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks
    70. Kevin Rudd, federal politician
    74. Joe Hockey, federal politician
    75. Tony Abbott, Leader of the Opposition
    77. Julie Bishop, federal politician
    78. Campbell Newman, Premier of Queensland
    79. Tom Waterhouse, bookmaker
    80. Bob Carr, federal politician
    82. Clive Palmer, businessman, mining
    85. Barnaby Joyce, federal politician
    86. Jenny Macklin, federal politician
    88. Bob Katter, federal politician
    90. Bill Shorten, politician
    91. Nathan Tinkler, businessman, mining
    92. Wayne Swan, Deputy Prime Minister, Treasurer
    93. Stephen Conroy, federal politician
    94. Christine Milne, politician, leader of the Australian Greens
    95. Julia Gillard, Prime Minister
    96. Kyle Sandilands, radio personality
    97. Eddie Obeid, businessman, former NSW politician
    98. Craig Thomson, federal politician
    99. Peter Slipper, federal politician
    100. Matthew Newton, Actor

    Nice to see that the PM scraped in just before Obeid, Thomson and Slipper.

    Unfortunately anyone coming lower than 81 came after an actor who is currently charged with 11 counts of child sexual abuse, oh dear

    Gavin H
    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 1:59PM
  • @ Big Tone, only stating what happened here in Geelong. This is Labor dominated city Federal, State and Council; all running their own agenda, all for themselves, all portray they are for the people and all use the Labor mantra 'We are for the workers'.

    I personally have had all politicians political spin and petty attitudes. All want Geelong to be the tourist city not the prosperous, industrial, proud city we once were. Only fools do not want to be self-sufficient, and that is how the Labor Party treats all its constituents. Look at all the well-heeled countries in the world today all are high in industry not tourism.

    Lynette Hughes
    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 1:55PM
  • If Rudd triggers a constitutional crisis by turfing Gillard, his historical legacy will be worse than Fraser. Gillard's supporters resign their seats, independents revolt; majorrity gone, GG stands aside for conflict of interest; Administrator appoints Abbott as caretaker.. and pulls election forward. What a mess. We dont need 1975 revisited... for one man's ego. Julia, stand firm... .

    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 1:45PM
    • Seriously, Rudd doesn't want her job he just wants to sink her.
      Why would he want her job now? It's all about making her and her Govt sink like a rock on Sept 14. He wants those polls to go as low as they can.
      On election night he will be sitting back throwing down the champagne and laughing his head off. That's what's going on with Rudd. Revenge.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 2:08PM
    • Yes, the plum job of Ambassador to China awaits...

      Alternate View
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 2:18PM
    • Yes please Julia, stand firm so that the Australian public can be the judge on Sept 14.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 2:26PM
    • A medley of mendacities, more melodious methinks.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 3:12PM
  • @ Rusty Worker - I notice the expression *BOOM* in your posts. That must be the sound of the hand grenades and molotov cocktails being exchanged between the Gillard and Rudd clans (like a modern version of the Hatfields and McCoys)...

    Tim [unfortunately not from Altona]
    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 1:25PM
    • Yeah my 10yr old son uses that term too. Have you got the day off school Rusty?

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 1:42PM
    • Tim
      It is a device used as an onomatopoeic expression of punctuation or gravitas. But for the Liberal Glee club I need to explain it in three word slogans. So any time you see the *BOOM*

      Yes I do :)

      Rusty Worker
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 1:58PM
    • Is there a suitable onomatopoeic word to describe what's happening in the ALP at the moment? How does one describe the sound of Prime Ministers being ignored in speeches, the sound of party discipline being laughed at, or the sound of offices being pre-emptively packed? What about the sound of issues being invented for political gain (e.g. 457 visas)? I know - it's the gentle "pfft" of a ballot paper being put into the box on 14th September! I also look forward to hearing Rusty's *BOOM* when either Jules or Kevvy give their concession speech (that is, if they've got the guts)...

      Tim [unfortunately not from Altona]
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 2:37PM
  • A funny valedictory from Mr Crook, a nice change from the hysterics from Sharon Grierson.

    Now Don Randall is firing up and exposing the hypocrisy of the Prime Minister and the Government Party on 457 visas.

    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 1:13PM
    • What to make australians the first choice for Australian employess - sound a good policy idea to me. Can't really see how you cannot support it - unless you like somebody from overseas to take your job.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 2:01PM
  • @ Joe and Rusty Worker - you must mean the Australians who believed Julia Gillard's carbon tax pledge in 2010, and/or the Australians who believed Wayne Swan and Julia Gillard's surplus promises...

    Tim [unfortunately not from Altona]
    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 1:12PM
  • pulse 12.58pm - salacious

    down the mine
    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 1:05PM
  • All the rushing of bills through parliament without debate, committees and community input only means that when the liberals form government after September 14 the parliament will waste more time and money repealing these bills. I bet they will cry foul when the guillotine is used when Abbott is PM .... double standards labor and you will feel the pain on September 14.

    Tony of Kureelpa
    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 1:05PM
    • Of course they will start to repeal all of the great bills the government has introduced - how would they be able to justify not doing it when they have been shouting them down for the last three years. It a pity they won't acutallly be able to introduce any bills of their own since they actually have no policies.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 1:59PM
    • For the most part the LNP are not worth debating with. And please don't use the Carbon Tax, NDIS, Gonski as something lacking debate.

      Don’t forget also that on anything with potential political mileage (kilometreage?), Abbott earned the name of Dr No.

      Occupy Cronyist Governements
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 2:04PM
    • What Bills have been rushed through Parliament? And do you give consideration to the very detailed policy development that goes into developing legislation before it enters parliament by government departments? And what do you think is going to happen when the Liberal party has the majority in both the House and the Senate. Do you think the Parliament is going to spend any significant amount of time on debating, and amending legislation developed and introduced by the liberal government, given that it is guarenteed it will go through with the support of the liberal majorty? I would argue that the minority parliament has provided an environment where legislation is properly able to be debated, as oppossed to a majority parliament where legislation will flow through with the support those who developed it.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 2:11PM
    • let's wait for the election outcome shall we? funny if it was another hung parliament LNP's way - wonder how much work LNP would get done without the guillotine? anyhow, despite the written in core blood promise, odds-on the carbon tax will remain as any government will need all the revenue they can extract

      rod steiger
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 2:28PM
  • Part of me wants Rudd to take the leadership now, so we can see Tony unleash some criticism of the ALP and their policies, without being tagged sexist!

    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 1:01PM
    • A good point. Presumably John McTernan would be out of a job too.

      How would the ALP cope?

      Alternate View
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 1:10PM
    • no, no no, she must stay. We're all waiting to see that "game over congratulations Tony" speech!

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 1:23PM
  • Photo 11:23am.

    This is disgrace! There should be a minimum of 40% women in this photo....

    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 12:58PM
  • Hundreds of thousands of people protesting in Brazil over the cost of hosting the 2014 World Cup. Can we gift Tony and Julia tickets? - they seem to be keen

    rod steiger
    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 12:50PM
  • Im just about sick to death of politics now, none of em really give a rats clacker about any of us. Fact. I don't know how so many get so obsessed in this crap day after day on here.

    Mt Evelyn
    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 12:15PM
    • I'm with you Piesnchess! They give us no respect so why should we vote for either party. Its a choice between dumb and dumber. I now vote independent, because I know that the independent candidate has a real and local agenda to look after their constituents and is not controlled by party politics. They are there to do a job for their local electorate and thats all.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 1:12PM
    • You are dead right piesnchess and this is the feeling across the nation. Sadly this attitude of disenchantment usually results (in affluent) societies in a quantum shift to the right in the politics of the Nation resulting in massive income inequities and long run political instability. I can see this happening almost in front of my eyes in Australia and this is down to the self interest that overrides just about all our politicians.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 1:17PM
    • piesnchess. Agree with the sentiment but the problems we have are as a result of people turning their back on the political process and not keeping the bastards honest.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 1:37PM
  • As the sun sets on the Gillard era it might be worth asking what the biggest achievements and failures have been.

    In terms of success, would it be the creation of the NDIS ? The other might be the Royal Commission.

    On the fail side of the ledger it would have to be the budget for mine. It's not just the failure to balance a budget, it's the rhetoric that's gone with it, the false sledgehammer hits, the ridiculous assumptions. Another might be the divisiveness - the pitting of one Aussie against another on gender, class and cultural lines.

    The boats are out - they belong to Rudd, and must be one of the biggest policy failures in Australian history.

    Any other candidates ?

    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 12:12PM
    • You might be counting your chickens too soon Hacka, a reliable sauce assured me that Julia will win with a 10 seat majority.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 12:16PM
    • SteveH - you said this with tongue in cheek I am guessing?

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 12:29PM
    • The Noalition can't even recognise tactics that are possible even if they used it themselves. That’s the thing with Men in blue ties.. Predictable.
      What if the next PM is not even in the current parliament.. Has no baggage.. Has leadership qualities and experience. If we get Paul Howes to campaign for PM from outside the parliament.. He would win and you all would be stuffed. *BOOM* another fiberal Hack gets owned..

      Rusty Worker
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 12:35PM
    • Baltic13, small joke for someone who unfortunately cannot be with us today.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 12:40PM
    • Rusty worker..Paul Howes? Please tell me you jest.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 12:46PM
    • Julia Gillard's biggest achievements will be:

      a) Managing to con the independents for a full term of parliament.

      b) Managing to trash the ALP so decisively that they may never govern again in their own right.

      And @Rusty Worker: You're just too much fun.

      Alternate View
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 1:14PM
    • Interesting theory Rusty. That AWU just cannot seem to get itself out of the news.

      SteveH that slick source seems to have found a new guardian.

      In terms of chicken counting, there's not too many certainties in life but that JG will not lead this nation on 15 September is one of them. It's hard to envisage any event, issue or the like that would change that. There's no Tampa for her, no rabbit.

      The ALP can still win, but doesn't seem to want to.

      Nobody wants to highlight any policy achievements ?

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 1:15PM
    • Well its not often you see a postman writing letters to himself thats for sure.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 1:22PM
    • Hacka,

      For me it's signing that asylum detention agreement with East Timor.... What? There was no agreement?

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 1:47PM
    • notlad - you remind us about a couple of High Court cases the government lost.

      Can't remember them being mentioned in a valedictory speech yesterday.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 1:58PM
  • Think I might bid on item 3 (10.46am) at tonights ball. I would'nt mind joining Tony Abbott at the cricket match in January - should be a cracker of a day.

    Tim of Altona
    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 12:00PM
  • Can we get Bill Ludwig and Paul Howes to declare that they have not placed any early bets on Abbott to become PM ?

    enough is enough
    Labor party La La Land
    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 11:55AM
  • I notice both Rudd and Fitzgibbon have steadfastly worn blue ties since Gillard's disasterous attempt to re-ignite her gender tactic. Good on them.

    Tim of Altona
    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 11:54AM
    • "re-ignite her gender tactic"
      This is what happens when a female stands up for her rights in this country - This is how the Fiberals portray it as some sort of Gender Tactic. Dismissal of the Misogyny and sexism is in itself an example of the Misogyny and Sexism. Let me guess. Tim, are you a Man in a blue tie?? *Boom*

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 12:11PM
    • Give us a break Rusty, we all know why she has gone down that sexism path. It hasn't got much to do with womens' rights and equality at all but everything to do with her trying anything and everything to hold onto power and like so many of her other tactics it has backfired bigtime. The Gillard experiment has been a disaster for the ALP and overall bad for the country and you know it.

      Tim of Altona
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 12:32PM
    • Rusty

      This comment has been put through a voice to text program. Hasn't it?

      Mine spits out incomprehensible, syntax deficient, cognitively bereft stream of consciousness stuff too.

      Louis Cypher
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 12:38PM
  • Can't wait until the next Young Turk comes along, stacks the branches and organises the numbers to get a superannuated Greg Combet disendorsed for his seat. (If he survives September, of course.)
    Will the Black Wiggle just "suck it up" when he is cast on the scrapheap?

    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 11:42AM
  • The Labor Party treated Gavan O'Connor, sitting member for Corio in same way and replaced him with Richard Males. This has been the "bullying" way of union bosses and union lawyers for years under Labor Party banner. We the constituents had no say, but end the result is, we the people have mediocre people representing their own and Labor Party interest, not the interest of the constituents.

    Labor Party politicians and their Puppet-masters in Geelong are there for themselves 1st, 2nd and 3 rd and us the people last, with your article showing it is an Australian-wide disease.

    Lynette Hughes
    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 11:41AM
    • Before you cast stones, I'd have a look at the electorate of Wentworth. Just ask Peter King how he feels about Malcolm Turnbull.

      Big Tone
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 1:22PM
    • King lost in a pre-selection ballot - according to the rules.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 4:49PM
  • Please vote for this bill. Enough of our highly skilled jobs being taken away by outsiders, while we have students graduating in Engineering and IT with almost zero prospects because companies don't want to train anyone anymore. Australians who have lived here all their life and whose parents paid taxes all their life are finding their career prospects whittled down to retail worker or menial jobs because their degree means nothing in the competition with the 457 holder.

    Malik the magic sheep
    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 11:40AM
    • Agreed Malik..Very few companies willing to train our young people...all the jobs advertised are for experienced workers. There should be legislation that ensures companies, for every 457 worker, employs an apprentice or trainee.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 12:01PM
    • Nice understanding of how the scheme works. With amazing insight like this you should run for parliament...!

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 12:06PM
    • The LNP are going to vote against this bill.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 12:38PM
  • The Oppositions resistance on the 457 visa issue today is somewhat bizarre, and as a rusted on LNP supporter have to say that they are out of touch with reality and rorting is widespread, but then you pollies would have to venture out into the real world to find this fact, and not simply go into denial, and its the first sensible move by Gillard in a long time (that was very hard for me say). Its symptomatic of our failed immigration policies. I work and have worked worldwide for many years on similar visa's with similar requirements being put up. Nowhere does a temp work visa give access to PR, and that is what all recruitment agencies currently lead with overseas on the job adverts, its a pathway and that has to cease and the 457 cannot be used as a backdoor skilled migration tool the same goes to student visa's a sits undermining the system and being rorted by all. Out here in real world, job finished and the home you go. Maybe you need to copy Singapore and Korea for how to manage temporary work visa controls, very efficient systems.

    The Sceptic
    Working In Asia
    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 11:35AM
    • Better ask the PM how many senior people in her office are on 457 Visa?

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 12:34PM
    • I don't find the Opposition's resistance to the legislation at all bizarre.

      I understand you're a rusted on, so it pains me to say this, but it appears to fit the Liberal ideology perfectly.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 12:57PM
    • The shortage of skilled workers led to the introduction of the 457 . An easy way out for Howard to overcome the shortage. It was shortsighted and a lazy way out. despite the fact the party was in surplus and rolling in with money. It was totally a lazy plan. Quick fix. It should be phased out.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 4:40PM
  • What's with the purple Ties today?

    Isn't purple the colour you get when mixing Red and Blue?

    Maybe there are a lot of fence sitters in Parliament today?

    Alternate View
    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 11:30AM
    • And I hope the Brownish tinge of the ties of Emmerson and Combet don't allude to where they think they are.

      Alternate View
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 11:39AM
    • Purple ties or ribbons represent Grand Champion in show events, or it can be a Red, Blue & Yellow ribbon/rosette,so those men who are purple tie adorned think they are champions!!

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 12:09PM
    • Purple was the colour of the Emperor in Ancient Rome. Derived from the cochineal insect - the wings. Much valued. Very expensive

      The Royal houses of Europe and the hierarchy of the church adopted the fashion

      Kevin's tie IS very purple, isn't it......

      Louis Cypher
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 12:46PM
  • Love the pics. So funny. Kev's having a good time by the looks of it. Jules is looking a tad serious though.

    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 11:26AM
    • Jen - perhaps Kev and Jules can share a dance tonight, for old time's sake.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 11:32AM
    • I agree best photo yet!

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 11:36AM
    • Looks Albanese is practicing the twist for tonight's ball.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 12:27PM
  • Photo at 11.20...would that be the ball celebrating Labor's mid-winter of discontent?

    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 11:26AM
    • Yep, I can't fathom the fuss made over Shorten, other than the media likes to speculate on such matters.

      Personally I'd bet that Shorten will never become a PM - he lacks charisma.

      Occupy Cronyist Governments
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 11:25AM
  • All the hoo haa in Canberra during these last 2 sitting weeks is of course very interesting.

    More interesting, and completely off the radar are the ongoing Police investigations into the AWU Slush Fund Affair and of course, the charges laid against Craig Thomson.

    With both of those matters still to come to a head, is there a chance that there will be even more fireworks before Sept 14?

    Alternate View
    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 11:24AM
    • I understand the Victorian invstigation into the AWU slush fund will not be completed until after September 14 - according to media reporting. Lucky for some.

      NeoCon II
      In Orbit
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 11:32AM
    • The investigation in to the AWU matter is of great interest, what with the Victorian Fraud squad seizing boxes of documents from the offices of Slater and Gordon. Put this together with the investigation by the Legal Services Board of Victoria into matters relating to the Trust Account at S&G. The Legal Services Board only investigates matters relating to legal practictioners. It is said they are now co-operating with the Fraud Squad.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 12:03PM
  • When are they replacing Gillard with Bob Hawke?

    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 11:19AM
    • They're having trouble deciding whether to go with Hawk or Chloe Shorten.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 11:30AM
    • Oh surely they're not going to roll out the old Labor relic again ?

      On the fence
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 2:49PM
    • Australia will be best served if the next ALP Prime Minister hasn't even been born yet!

      Arthur McKenzie
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 11:19AM
  • For anyone that wants to know, before KR and JG, you always had to prove that you had advertised for well over 6 months, show them proof of the advertising, send them certified copies of the Job Ads, and do a market research on that position. You also had to supply them Monthly Records that you were paying the correct wages to them, Superannuation etc
    I know because i had to go through it for 1 position when Howard was around.
    This is the joke of this government - they want you to think they are doing something about it, but in fact like everything else they are the ones that are the cause of these problems

    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 11:12AM
  • Hope you fun with the Midwinter ball this evening, though I think you'll find the following stipulations from the PM in regards to the prizes on offer:

    * the diner for 4 at the lodge can only be taken up after Sept 14 & if you guarantee she is re-elected.
    * the scarf will be knitted by the PM in her free time, probably due for delivery around Sept 15.

    It's for a good cause though, best of luck with it ;-)

    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 11:10AM
  • MP Wyatt Roy is precocious aka William Hague and should perhaps give himself time to grow up a tad before he tries taking on the grownups.

    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 11:08AM
    • Doesn't look like the electorate is going to let him go, bookies have him at $1.10, the union hack Labor has put up is at $6, thought his question was fair, pity none on the other side has the guts to answer the question.
      Joe, better get yourself up to Longman and see if you can rally the troops, Labor wins this seat, the world will reverse on it axis.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 11:58AM
  • The 457 Visa bill is very interesting indeed.

    Did the ALP advertise locally for a candidate before appointing John McTernan?

    Not likely.

    Alternate View
    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 11:07AM
    • They didn't advertise locally as the Prime Minister indicated yesterday in QT. Interesting now that Albanese is trying to gag every single member of the opposition on this matter. He's already tried the Members for Cook and Sturt, now he's attacking the Member for Brisbane.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 11:32AM
    • Derrrr,
      The change is only for low skilled workers and not high skilled workers. The PM's staff and the TWU's staff on 457 visas are highly skilled... Another Liberal hack just got owned *BOOM*

      Rusty Worker
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 11:37AM
    • Yeah, Typical of the Australian way these days, what's seen as good for the politicians is not the same for business.

      At the end of the day, right or wrong, we invite workers to come to Australia then we belittle them. Gillard is making a cheap political football match out of this but when you think about it, it is she that has got it wrong considering John McTernan is her elephant in the room on this issue, more two faced ill thought out drivel from Gillard and is probably why her perception is growing every day with business leaders as a poor political judge. Next she may want to try to ban blue tie 457 visa applicants as a diversion. chuckle

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 11:50AM
    • Mcternan a high-skilled worker? Surely its not that complicated to flick the misogyny-switch on the Gillard-bot.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 12:02PM
    • Rusty,

      A good plumber would be higher skilled than McTernan! If he has been a success for the PM, I can't begin to imagine what her support numbers would be without him....

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 12:20PM
    • Ah the Noalition when will they ever learn..
      You don't have to be good at your job to get a 457. You just have to get sign off from a certifying authority. Many are controlled by unions and this process is fairly simple. Workers are ranked in three categories from highly skilled 'occupations' to lower skill jobs. How well one performs in the job does not determine its skill level. *BOOM* The changes made today only require evidence that an employer attempted to find Australians to fill the lower skilled jobs. The gov is happy for foreigners to do the highly skilled jobs; we don't want people rorting the system so foreigners can do the low paying jobs. They should be reserved for Australian workers, as many of these jobs are the back bone of rank and file union membership! Low skilled 457 workers are not likely to join our unions so what is the point. Another victory for the PM that will no doubt be brushed over by the media.

      Rusty worker
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 1:08PM
    • The ALP is in power today only because 2 ex-NP independents decided to betray the base politics of their electorates. Not because Kevin Rudd was so fabulous.

      Kevin Rudd would be demolished by the LNP should become leader again and he knows it. That's why he hasn't picked up the sword and actively tried to replace Julia Gillard.

      ALP supporters wishing for the glory days of 2007 are wasting their time. Those days are gone, like the glory days of 1973. The grim reality is that they have been a truly hopeless government and the voters of Australia know it.

      Alternate View
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 11:05AM
  • Alternate View, very well said.

    Mark S
    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 11:05AM
    • I am staggered that anyone can serious consider Bill Shorten as a possible future leader of the ALP.

      His inadequacies for the job are becoming more and more evident on a daily basis.

      No, the next ALP Prime Minister may not even be a member of the party as yet.

      Alternate View
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 10:58AM
  • It's becoming clearer now that the smart money will be on Julia Gillard leading the ALP to devastating defeat, on Sept 14.

    The unions are not ready to cede their vice grip of the ALP and all the key players other than KRudd are heavily indebted to their union background and support.

    Similarly, KRudd is in all likelihood just enjoying rubbing their noses in the dirt, following his humiliation in 2010 by those union driven MPs.

    If you think the acrimony within the ALP is high now, just wait for Oct 2013.

    Alternate View
    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 10:55AM
    • I'll give you an alt view.
      Union POWA only gets stronger on the back of the TV adds. Paul Howes is given a safe seat and campaigns as the Labor leader just like Campbell in QLD. Paul becomes PM, brings in Mr Sheldon to the Senate to become transport Minister. Eventually all workers line up to join a union... the Fiberals spend decades in opposition and become no more than a protest party.

      Rusty Worker
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 11:53AM
    • Good luck with that one!

      Alternate View
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 12:03PM
    • Rusty,

      You missed the bit where the Unions negotiate higher and higher wages, and better and better conditions (like only turn up to work if you feel like it), and the rest of manufacturing and industry leaves Australia. Unemployment rises to 25%.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 12:37PM
    • Yes, the cosy deal that the unions made with Holden lasted a long time, didn't it?

      Sorry to bring you down, but the all powerful union workforce model has long been proven to be just as bad as bosses having all the power.

      Balance is the key, along with mutual respect between workforce and management. Grow the pie, reap the rewards. Bob Hawke understood that and he was an ex-ACTU president.

      Alternate View
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 2:00PM
  • Is there a date set for the Dinner with PM Gillard auction prize ?

    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 10:49AM
    • The setting for this banquet might be a more modest abode in Altona depending when it is held.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 11:35AM
    • Nope, they are having trouble with the menu.

      No one has seen it.

      Occupy Cronyist Governments
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 11:49AM
  • The Socceroos victory last night has lessons for the Labor party. It might be 10 minutes to midnight but its not too late to bring a matchwinner off the bench.

    Little Johnny
    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 10:47AM
    • The only one left on the bench who might be keen to play is Peter Slipper. Good luck with that lesson.

      Fruitcakes and Watermelons
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 11:01AM
    • Craig Thompson is waiting on the bench too.

      He's a match winner.

      Alternate View
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 11:11AM
    • Or to celebrate like you've won the competition when all you've actually achieved is to qualify for the finals in a group most European nations would slide through like a hot knife through butter.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 11:16AM
    • Actually, on second thoughts, I am quite surprised that the ALP didn't ask Bob Hawke to come off the bench.

      Alternate View
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 11:19AM
  • Trish Crossin has very good reason to be bitter about her situation. Her replacement with the undemocratrically preselected Nova Perris is a shining example of what is wrong with the ALP.

    Similarly the parachuting of David Feeney into Batman.

    They have "Labor Principles" right up to the moment that they don't suit the desired outcome.

    Alternate View
    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 10:47AM
    • I agree totally. Our PM seems to be acting more like a President or the head of a Junta - ALP principles of democratic process and member consultation have been jettisoned in her desperate attempts to hang on to what she has never made her own in the minds of the people and to make sure she pays back old scores and looks after her mates on her way out. I have voted Labor all my life but I cannot bring myself to vote to keep this lot in power. I don't want Abbot but maybe being chucked out is what it will take to bring the ALP to its senses and remember and apply its principles.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 10:55AM
    • Same goes for the LNP.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 10:56AM
    • Let me refresh you memory about "parachuting" in replacements.

      Do Mal Colston and Albert Field ng any bells?

      Both sides do it so pls don't have a go at the PM for what she calls 'a captains pick'.

      Chokyi Nyingpo
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 10:56AM
    • However bitter she may feel, Trish Crossin is out there urging those who think she was knifed not to hold it against the party and not to change their vote. Unlike some others she is a team player who typifies the best principles of the labour movement. I'm sure she also knows that Nova Perris was courted by the PM not the other way around and holds no personal grudge. It would be just like her to help the novice anyway. The principles are more important than the personalities. Gillard should take a leaf out of her book. She seems happy to let the whole ship go down rather than move her backside out of that chair.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 11:04AM
    • Trish Crossin appears to be one of the "old guard" of the ALP and is respected by the opposition for good reason.

      The same cannot be said of the new guard.

      Alternate View
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 11:43AM
    • I would like to see Trish go as a independant. She should get good results and get back into parliament if she really wants to.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 4:30PM
  • Trish Crossin should "suck it up"?? This is the most naked payback to someone who was a supporter of Rudd from a vindictive PM. Sen Crossin has made a huge contribution to public life and has been slapped down for personal reasons. She could have mentored an indigenous candidate during this term but paying her back was more important apparently. We need more women in Parliament that means you create new opportunities not maintain the status quo by bumping a capable woman for a novice. Gillard has done the cause of female representation a huge disservice and shown herself to be a spiteful person to boot.

    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 10:42AM
    • Care to list her achievements?

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 5:09PM
  • Shorten will be thinking if KRudd takes over will there still be time enough for him to take over before the September election. How about that for entertainment fellow Woooorking Australians?

    Arthur McKenzie
    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 10:33AM
    • I am staggered that anyone can serious consider Bill Shorten as a possible future leader of the ALP.

      His inadequacies for the job are becoming more and more evident on a daily basis.

      No, the next ALP Prime Minister may not even be a member of the party as yet.

      Alternate View
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 10:58AM
    • Australia will be best served if the next ALP Prime Minister hasn't even been born yet!

      Arthur McKenzie
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 11:19AM
    • Yep, I can't fathom the fuss made over Shorten, other than the media likes to speculate on such matters.

      Personally I'd bet that Shorten will never become a PM - he lacks charisma.

      Occupy Cronyist Governments
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 11:25AM
  • Pulse@10am-
    Some other really good articles over past 2 weeks have come from John Watson. Discussion on the tenor of political reporting, & last week, how measurables (facts) aren't forming the basis of journalist's arguments in political articles.

    down the mine
    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 10:30AM
  • "Ms Bryce, whose term expires next year, is the mother in law of Workplace Relations Minister Bill Shorten"

    You failed to point out that she is also the mother of the President of Women for Gillard campaign. Her daughter Chole might like to have Rudd punished if he throws out Gillard?).

    The GG now has a conflict of interest should her advice be needed. In my view in anticipation of this she should step down.

    Gavin H
    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 10:29AM
    • Good point. Maybe Gillard could appoint Shorten as GG? Great entertainment value!

      Arthur McKenzie
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 10:42AM
  • rod stieger is backing Kevin Rudd#1 and Dwight D Eisenhower #2

    rod steiger
    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 10:25AM
  • Interesting we haven't seen Julia Gillard at any major sporting event over the last few years. PM's of the past were always on the stage at presentation time.
    Do you think 457 McTernan is protecting her from the crowds?

    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 10:24AM
    • Yes, maybe she'll attend a few school athletic carnivals. Schools are safer, less the sandwiches.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 12:28PM
  • It really is time for Julia Gillard to do the honourable thing and step down from the leadership.
    Back in 2010 Gillard was reported as having used poor polling figures as a reason to snatch the leadership from Kevin Rudd.
    However, the tables have turned and the polls are now heavily against her and she has never been able to achieve Rudds level of popularity in the community with voters. 

    She has had 3 years to establish her position as PM, but under her leadership the Governments support has plummeted and they are headed for an electoral wipeout.

    She should put her own personal ambition aside and do the right thing for the future benefit of the Government and many of her colleagues who will lose their seats if she stays.
    Wayne Swan is also unable to communicate with the public effectively anymore, and should be replaced by Chris Bowen as Treasurer and Simon Crean as Deputy PM would help to maintain stability as the election draws closer.

    The main issue for the Government now should be EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION WITH THE ELECTORATE.
    Kevin Rudd is a much better communicator and campaigner and should be given the chance to lead the Government into the upcoming election.
    The Labor party is in government today because of his brilliant election campaign back in 2007.

    Rudd has recently shown that he still has the hunger and the drive to run a strong and positive campaign and create a real contest against the opposition.
    He is still well liked and respected by the voters

    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 10:17AM
    • Yeah, then once the election is over, the ALP can knife him again and select a new leader!

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 10:28AM
    • Get real
      Regardless of whether I agree with you or not, I have seen this post (more or less just cut pasted) from you at least 6 times in the past week!
      They aren't listening, you need new material

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 10:30AM
    • You know, posting this every day doesn't actually achieve anything except convincing other contributors that you have nothing worthwhile to add to the discussion.

      Move on sunshine.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 10:33AM
  • I am surprised that so many Labor MPs cant see that Rudd is THE PROBLEM!!! He is not a solution. He has been remarkably purposeful and calculated in systematically undermining the Labor electoral fortunes ever since he was replaced. As Mark Latham correctly observed; He is 'evil.' I have never known anyone with such pathological hate. He would destroy the entire party to satisfy his urge to pay back to those he hates.

    The only way for Labor to get some resemblance of unity and harmony is - to expel Rudd from the Labor party. This must be done ASAP, otherwise 'the great Labor split' will continue for years to come, resulting in decades in the wilderness for the Labor party.

    Sandra S
    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 10:13AM
    • That would take a "leader" to do that. Julia Gillard should have done it at the last election when Rudd started his white-anting. If she can make "Captains picks", she should also be able to make "Captains Kicks".

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 10:26AM
    • I agree. Rudd reminds me of a jealous child who did not get a present on the day of another child's birthday and throws tantrums until he gets the present.

      In this case Rudd is after a return to being PM.

      Rudd needs to grow up and stop destabilising Labor as well as providing food for the media who like to run the Rudd return story during a slow new week

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 10:32AM
    • Couldn't agree more. Kevin Rudd is the modern day Judas of Australian politics. He looks particularly joyful at the havoc he is causing. The cameras keep capturing his ever increasing crazy smirking smile.. The back bench who think they can get through on Rudds coat tails are not just weak, they are being pretty short sighted.

      South Western Sydney
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 10:39AM
    • Absolutely. Kevin Rudd is the Frank Underwood / Francis Urqhuart of Australian politics.

      House of Cards
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 10:59AM
    • agree with you 110%

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 11:07AM
    • Yep, and there should be articles written by journo's that cover this - yet the context of articles about the leadership are almost always geared to stir up those who support him, not the PM.

      Occupy Cronyist Governments
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 11:38AM
  • Well that it for me, a Howard pic from 2006?
    Is that the best we can do on opposition scrutiny? Says it all.

    A country gal
    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 10:03AM
    • Nostalgia is in vogue in these troubled times. Maybe to provide balance we can have a photo of Hawkie celebrating Australia II's victory. Or to placate a country gal, Gillard celebrating the legislation of the carbon tax.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 10:24AM
    • There is no need to scrutinise the opposition any further - they are a Government in waiting, unified and with well defined goals.

      When the Government of the day cant go for 24 hours without tearing itself to pieces, well that's where the news stories are. Simple really.

      Alternate View
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 10:39AM
    • acg - you're right on this score!

      perhaps i'm wrong but was also irks me about this shot is that is that i seem to recall the picture was faked?

      Chokyi Nyingpo
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 10:50AM
    • "they are a Government in waiting, unified and with well defined goals."

      Alternate View, you'll have to forgive me if I don't vote for my local liberal member.

      They're fronting up with basically the same failed policies that lost them the 2007 election aside from paid parent leave (thanks, but no thanks, I'm a single male and it just sounds like a great big new tax on business) and tepid gerry-built policies on broadband and climate change (direct action)

      Where's the vision? Sorry but Tony and Joe have done nothing to earn my vote.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 11:08AM
  • Who next? Cate blanchett?

    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 10:02AM
    • carte blanche is how the Rudd camp operates.

      Occupy Cronyist Governments
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 11:26AM
  • Oh no, same old stuff day in day out.
    Lets bring in Russell Crowe a clear thinking man.He voted Julia G 1 and Malcolm T .2
    Lets kick out Wrecker Abbott and Rudd out out.

    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 9:33AM
    • I wish I knew whether ALP voters really loved Malcolm Turnbull or is the love for Malcolm Turnbull expressed as hate for Tony Abbott, helplessly, watching Tony Abbott destroy the entire Labor Party.

      Troy boy
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 10:12AM
    • Malcolm Turnbull is charismatic and a man of many talents however he is often viewed with rose-tinted spectacles. Under Turnbull the Liberal Party was on track to an electoral hiding until Abbott won the leadership and turned it's fortunes around.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 10:25AM
    • Abbott turned the Coalition fortunes around by keeping the message simple and appealing to the masses who need simple messages because any sentences utilising words of 3 syllables or greater is lost on them.

      That and a lot of help from a Government seen to be failing by its own hand, has done for Labor for at least a decade.

      What a truly terrible prospect in store. 10 years of Abbott !!

      Personally I believe he is an intellectual light weight and as such cannot possibly survive as PM for 10 years, but, seeing how he appeals to my dim witted countrymen, I could be very disappointed.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 11:13AM
    • Jo is right about 70% of Australians must be stupid. There is no other explanation!

      Rusty Worker
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 11:40AM
    • Joe
      Have a read of Abbott's beautifully written, heartfelt tribute to Christopher Pearson. It was in The Australian recently.
      Abbott is no intellectual lightweight.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 11:43AM
    • Joe,

      "keeping the message simple and appealing to the masses who need simple messages because any sentences utilising words of 3 syllables or greater is lost on them."

      jobs and growth
      working families
      modern families
      jobs and growth
      budget surplus
      men in Blue Ties

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 12:23PM
    • Ah yes, Russell Crowe, that well-known political guru. He's good at acting and being the major supporter of a rugby league club. He appears to be a good bloke, but really, he should stick to those interests.

      @ Beasleyist - you forgot these pearlers of simplistic (yet totally unbelieveable) messages from the Feds:

      * "Julia Gillard will lead us to the next election"
      * "It's going to be difficult/a challenge, but we/Labor can win the election"
      * "The only poll that counts is in September"
      * "carbon pricing"
      * "a share of the mining boom"
      * "economically responsible"
      * "Smarter, Fairer Australia"
      * "making the big calls"
      * "making the big investments"
      * "(insert name of school) will get an extra (insert money amount) million dollars"
      * "we have manageable debt"
      * "we will produce a surplus"

      Tim [unfortunately not from Altona]
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 1:09PM
  • The big question of the day is not the ALP leadership - it's whether The Pulse will be covering tonight's mid-winters ball.

    The word is that the PM has a very special speech prepared for the occasion.

    Date and time
    June 19, 2013, 9:28AM
    • Do tell

      Tim of Altona
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 10:42AM
    • What do you think McTernan has conjured up for her tonight?

      Tim of Altona
      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 10:43AM
    • Tim - can't offer you much more than that. PVO raised the issue last night - he mentioned he'd seen a copy of the speech but left us dangling on the details.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 10:53AM
    • The word is, Hacka doesn't have a clue. Never has and never will.

      Not even a decent effort Hacka. Surely you can do better.

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 11:02AM
    • Yeah everyone knows now, she is going to announce the forming of a new political band called, the "Gonski Beat", Peter G will be the front man, Abanese said that it was his educated guess that McTernan thought of it... :)

      Date and time
      June 19, 2013, 5:57PM
Comments are now closed