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Federal Politics


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Election wrap: August 8, 2013

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Day four - bit of a quiet one wasn't it? Let's have a look back at the day that was:

  • neither of the major parties made any significant policy announcements;
  • but Labor secured much of the attention with the announcement former Queensland premier Peter Beattie would run in the seat of Forde;
  • this caused a rearrangement of Kevin Rudd's schedule so that he could be by Mr Beattie's side for the moment (this is twice in two days Mr Rudd has been upstaged);
  • it all provided fodder for musings about just what Mr Beattie expects to do should he be elected;
  • but for now Mr Beattie says he would be happy to be a humble backbencher; and
  • this left Coalition leader Tony Abbott happily pottering about Tasmania, a state on which Labor has a very shaky hold, inspecting cars and fish and getting a friendly lick from a dog.

My thanks again to everyone who reads and contributes.

And props to Alex Ellinghausen and Andrew Meares for their wonderful work. We'll be back in the morning.

See you then.

Okay - it's that time of the day where I remind you, politely and respectfully, that you only have a bit over four days to enrol to vote or change your details if you need to do so.

The rolls close at 8pm on Monday (12 August).

Click here to find out more - go on, you know you want to.

Readers will remember Coalition leader Tony Abbott faced some babies who were not thrilled at the prospect of being turned into political props.

Mr Abbott has kept away from babies today but he did score a lick from a canine political enthusiast. Best in show.

Opposition leader Tony Abbott meets Boo, a 15-month old Pomeranian, in Devonport, Tasmania, on Thursday.

Opposition leader Tony Abbott meets Boo, a 15-month old Pomeranian, in Devonport, Tasmania, on Thursday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Bit of housekeeping.

As you will be aware former Nationals senator Barnaby Joyce has his sights set on the NSW lower house seat of New England (the one formerly held by independent Tony Windsor who retired during that crazy last week of Parliament way back in June).

Mr Joyce resigned as a senator and as the leader of the Nationals in the Senate in order to contest the seat.

The person who is now acting in that job is NSW senator Fiona Nash.

A new leader of the Nationals' Senate team will be elected after the election.


Camos for Kids.

These fine gentlemen are some of the photographers, cameramen and sound recordists travelling with Coalition leader Tony Abbott during the campaign. In between events they are all busy not shaving for the duration of the campaign to raise fund for SIDS.

If you're interested in reading more about what they are doing and why and would consider donating to this excellent cause please click on this link.

The photographers and cameramen travelling with Coalition leader Tony Abbott in Devonport, Tasmania, on Thursday.

The photographers and cameramen travelling with Coalition leader Tony Abbott in Devonport, Tasmania, on Thursday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Our man on the road with Kevin Rudd, Tony Wright, reports that Peter Beattie's emergence has produced the first demonstrators of the campaign.

Tony writes: "Armed with signs decrying 'We Remember the Last Time Beattie' and 'Blow In Blow Out Beattie' a small group of demonstrators was waiting outside the Beenleigh Events Centre an hour south of Brisbane."

Protestors gather before the arrival of Kevin Rudd and Peter Beattie in Beenleigh on Thursday.

Protestors gather before the arrival of Kevin Rudd and Peter Beattie in Beenleigh on Thursday. Photo: Andrew Meares

Mr Rudd concludes by saying he has not met with "Mr Murdoch for about three years" but he "stands to be corrected on the date".

And with that, they finish.

(That was exhausting. I'm not sure if Mr Rudd was out Petering Peter or if Mr Beattie was out Kevining Kevin.)

Mr Beattie is asked if he is prepared to be a "humble backbencher" (many people have noted today that Mr Beattie must want to do more should he be elected to Parliament).

"I've been humble all my life," Mr Beattie says with a megawatt smile before demurring that he really just wants to help the good people of Forde.

He out-Kevins Kevin by saying how much he loves the seat, he looks forward to spending some time with his children there, he'd like grandchildren but his children "haven't been as productive" as Mr Rudd's and points out his son in the back row.

Mr Beattie's wife, Heather, is thrust before the microphones to confirm that she supports her husband's return to politics.

"I think we both know who runs our families," Mr Rudd chortles. Ms Rein and Mrs Beattie are "a higher order".

(Gee - gender politics have came a long way haven't they?)


Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and former Queensland premier Peter Beattie with  Heather Beattie in Beenleigh on Thursday.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and former Queensland premier Peter Beattie with Heather Beattie in Beenleigh on Thursday. Photo: Andrew Meares

Mr Beattie says education is the key. It is what took him from "working class trash" to Queensland premier.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and former Queensland premier Peter Beattie in Beenleigh on Thursday.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and former Queensland premier Peter Beattie in Beenleigh on Thursday. Photo: Andrew Meares

Mr Rudd says this is not a "captain's pick" because it did not involve a sitting member.

The wooing of Mr Beattie was initially a matter for the state party, Mr Rudd says, but he did call Mr Beattie and ask him to step up a few days ago.

Mr Beattie says he would serve a full term even if Labor did not win government.

Questions begin.

Mr Rudd steps forward but the first one is for Mr Beattie.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and former Queensland premier Peter Beattie in Beenleigh on Thursday.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and former Queensland premier Peter Beattie in Beenleigh on Thursday. Photo: Andrew Meares

Mr Beattie warns of "wall to wall" Liberal National Party representation across Queensland: "That's just not fair and it's just not good for Queensland."

Mr Beattie says that would mean "you can't keep the bastards honest".

He promises to be a "pain in the neck for Queensland".

Mr Rudd introduces Mr Beattie: "I'm sure he's shy. He's a media retiring person [so] I just want you to go easy on him."

Mr Beattie begins by saying he and his wife, Heather, moved into the electorate this morning. If he wins the seat they will buy a house there.

"I believe in being part of the electorate," Mr Beattie says.


Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and former Queensland premier Peter Beattie in Beenleigh on Thursday.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and former Queensland premier Peter Beattie in Beenleigh on Thursday. Photo: Andrew Meares

"For me, it's water off a duck's back. It doesn't really matter," Mr Rudd says of Mr Beattie's previous protestations that he did not want to enter federal politics (which the Coalition has been helpfully distributing to journalists and which you can read about in the 11.19am post).


The Rudd/Beattie juggernaut has rolled into town - Beenleigh (about an hour south of Brisbane).

"Tell me when you're ready to rock 'n roll," Mr Rudd begins.

"My name's Kevin, I'm from Queensland and I'm here to help. His name is Peter, he's from Queensland and he's here to help," Mr Rudd says.

Mr Rudd says Mr Beattie is "rolled gold Queensland" and confirms he will be Labor's candidate for the seat of Forde.


Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and former Queensland premier Peter Beattie in Beenleigh on Thursday.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and former Queensland premier Peter Beattie in Beenleigh on Thursday. Photo: Andrew Meares

Mr Abbott is accompanied by the Liberal Party candidate for the seat of Braddon (where they are now) whose name is Brett Whiteley.

This is - obviously - not the painter but it's a bit confusing every time Mr Abbott says his name.

Tasmania did this to me yesterday when I read about Labor's candidate for the seat of Denison - Jane Austin.

One of the more closely watched seats is Melbourne, which is held by the Greens' deputy leader Adam Bandt. It used to be prime Labor territory but fell to the Greens in 2010 after the resignation of long-time Labor member and former minister Lindsay Tanner.

The Age's state political editor, Josh Gordon, wrote this story this morning citing polling that suggests Labor might be able to snatch it back.

Mr Bandt has hit back in this video report saying he plans on winning the seat in his own right despite the argy bargy between the majors parties about their preferences.


Bandt: 'it hasn't been done before' (Video Thumbnail) Click to play video

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Bandt predicts Greens breakthrough

Greens MP Adam Bandt says the party plans to win the seat of Melbourne in its own right, regardless of a preference deal between "mortal enemies" Labor and the Coalition.

PT10M1S 620 349

"Tasmania has got to be a strong economy as well as a beautiful national park," Coalition leader Tony Abbott says.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott visits seafood processing plant in Devonport, Tasmania, on Thursday.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott visits seafood processing plant in Devonport, Tasmania, on Thursday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

The man who thought he was Labor's candidate for the seat of Forde (before he was seat-bombed by Peter Beattie) was a chap called Des Hardman. In a statement issued a short time ago Mr Hardman confirms he is standing aside for the good of the party.

"When I started this campaign twelve months ago I said that my main concern was ensuring a Labor victory in Forde and to ensure a Labor government was returned," Mr Hardman said.

"I am standing aside as a candidate in the interest of ensuring a Labor victory. While I am personally disappointed that I will not have an opportunity to stand as the Labor candidate in Forde, my primary concern has always been a Labor victory. I wish every success to the Labor campaign for Forde."

(Mr Hardman did not mention Mr Beattie by name.)

The RAAF C-17 carrying the media following Kevin Rudd's campaign has now landed in Brisbane. Andrew Meares tells me the plane had to - basically - be jump started in Sydney. The media pack has disembarked (our own Tony Wright is on the left of the frame sporting his trade mark Ray Bans) and is now on its way to the much delayed formal announcement of Peter Beattie's candidacy.

The media covering Prime Minister Kevin Rudd arrive in Brisbane on Thursday.

The media covering Prime Minister Kevin Rudd arrive in Brisbane on Thursday. Photo: Andrew Meares

Wow - how cool is this? When you're a RAAF pilot your cock pit comes with cup holders!

The media plane for Kevin Rudd on Thursday.

The media plane for Kevin Rudd on Thursday. Photo: Andrew Meares

I am so proud of the work Andrew Meares and Alex Ellinghausen do. Day after day they file the best pictures as fast as they can. Their work is a huge part of what makes this blog so much fun.

I know you enjoy and appreciate their work as much as I do.

However I'm getting increasingly annoyed with people who take screen shots of their work and then retweet them or use them on Facebook. I understand that most of the time you mean no harm but when you do this it allows other outlets to photograph your image and run it as if it was their work. This is not only uncool but is a breach of copyright (not to mention stealing the hard work of Alex and Andrew).

Please consider how hard Alex and Andrew work before doing this. It's not difficult to credit their work.

If I see you doing this I will call you out. (And therein endeth the lecture.)

Google has announced the top search terms for Coalition leader Tony Abbott in the past 30 days.

The top ten biographical search terms people used once they had plugged in Mr Abbott's name were daughters, birthday, sister, catholic, biography, age, boxing, speedo, young and ancestry.

The top ten policy searches were fbt, divorce, boats, gonski, abortion, religion, refugee, muslims, carbon and nauru.

(I did not capitalise any of the terms because that's the way they were cited in the press released - presumably people don't worry about capitals when they search.)

Isn't Peter Beattie doing an awesome job of hijacking the agenda for today without even making an appearance? While we wait for him and Kevin Rudd to steal the afternoon's limelight let's have a look back through this photo gallery of Beattie highlights.

Peter Beattie premier for Queensland during the Labor conference at the convention center Darling harbour Sydney. April 2007 Click for more photos

Peter Beattie to stand in election 2013

Peter Beattie premier for Queensland during the Labor conference at the convention center Darling harbour Sydney. April 2007 Photo: Jacky Ghossein

Oh dear.

Sometimes media training is a good thing as One Nation candidate Stephanie Banister discovered when she confused Islam for a country and did not appear to know about DisabilityCare (formerly known as the National Disability Insurance Scheme).

I always wonder about these stories. We - the metropolitan media - run them and tut tut over a candidate's lack of knowledge and polish. But the stories go viral and end up giving the candidate far more publicity than he or she could ever have dreamt of. So what has been gained? (I type while providing you with a link to said story.)

Today's Fact Checker is now available.

In today's episode The Age's economics correspondent, Peter Martin, looks at Coalition leader Tony Abbott's claim that cutting the company tax rate would be good for workers.

You can read Peter's analysis of the claim here.

Tuesday's going to be a big day - that's when Treasury and the Department of Finance have said that the pre election economic and fiscal outlook (PEFO) will be released.

Bring your calculators.

It would normally be unthinkable for me to say whether or not I agree with something a politician says but in this case I whole heartedly endorse this tweet by Coalition leader Tony Abbott. This place is fabulous. So fabulous it was packed with staffers and media last night and poor Alex Ellinghausen could not get a table (or a steak).

Remember the kerfuffle that erupted when it was reported that Coalition immigration spokesman Scott Morrison flew to Nauru courtesy of a logistics company that stood to profit from its policy?

No? You can find the story here.

The eagle-eyed Alex Ellinghausen noticed the Coalition's media bus pootling past one of the company's trucks while on the campaign trail earlier today.


The view from inside the Coalition media bus in  Tasmania on Thursday.

The view from inside the Coalition media bus in Tasmania on Thursday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Former Queensland premier Joh Bjelke-Petersen used to call stories for reporters "feeding the chooks".

On the Coalition media bus in Tasmania someone is talking his words very seriously. It's a golden rule of media management - a hungry journalist is a grumpy journalist.


Media adviser Nicole Chant  passes out treats on the Coalition media bus on Thursday.

Media adviser Nicole Chant passes out treats on the Coalition media bus on Thursday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

The Coalition's communications spokesman, Malcolm Turnbull, is holding a press conference in Sydney.

He's having fun. He's also sporting a trench coat.

"Kevin Rudd might look like Tintin but he's not much of a detective," Mr Turnbull chortles while ridiculing any supposed conspiracy between the Coalition and Rupert Murdoch over broadband policy.

(Mr Turnbull is a huge Tintin fan so it probably pained him to liken the comic book hero to an opponent.)

"I know Rupert Murdoch very well," he adds in one of those lines that should come with its own hashtag - thingsonlymalcolmcansay.

Name dropper.


When do you think the Coalition should show you the money?

Coalition campaign spokesman Mathias Cormann says all in good time. The Coalition will release its costings sometime between the release of the pre election economic and fiscal outlook (that's PEFO for those up with the jargon) and polling day.


Costings? All in good time. (Video Thumbnail) Click to play video

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Costings? All in good time.

Shadow assistant treasurer Mathias Cormann says the Coalition will release its costings sometime between PEFO and polling day.

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Our man with Kevin Rudd, Tony Wright, reports from inside the C-17 RAAF plane being used to fly the media about that take off is imminent.

It is taxi-ing down the runway as I type. So the Kevin Rudd/Peter Beattie event scheduled for 12.30pm is likely to be pushed back again.

After all, as Tony notes: "Not much point making a big announcement without the media there. It'd be like a tree falling in the forest. If nobody saw it or heard it, did it really fall?"

Tony Abbott might have professed himself unconcerned by the emergence of Peter Beattie (see 10.38am post) but Coalition headquarters must be worried about something.

A comprehensive list of Mr Beattie's past utterings on the Labor party, not wanting to enter federal politics and what the Coalition sees as his failings as premier has just landed in the inboxes of press gallery journalists.

There's another term for such a list but I'll use the more polite one - dirt file.

Incidentally the Liberal National Party MP, Bert van Manen, holds the seat of Forde with a margin of 1.6 per cent - not exactly comfortable.

Peter Beattie - your appearance on the campaign trail cannot come soon enough.

This is the man who once swam in a shark tank and happily described himself as a "media tart".

"It's like two prostitutes standing on a corner talking about virginity. I plead guilty. I plead guilty for using every opportunity I can to get into the media to sell my government," Mr Beattie said back in 2000. "I'm a media tart. You tell me one politician that's not a media tart, tell me one that's not."

We're waiting.....

Labor's relationship with News Ltd has been a bit of a theme this week.

It started on Sunday when Fairfax columnist Paul Sheehan wrote this piece asserting that the reason Labor received such rough treatment by the media stable was because Rupert Murdoch did not care for its plans for the National Broadband Network.

I'll leave you to decide whether you think Labor gets a fair go by those particular outlets. (I note that it does not stop Labor from frequently favouring News Ltd with exclusive "drops" on stories. The relationship could possibly be described as co dependent.)

Naturally, the Coalition has jumped on the bandwagon and is upping the personal attacks on Kevin Rudd which alll came about because Mr Rudd inflamed the situation by suggesting Mr Murdoch was conspiring with the Coalition on broadband policy.

Breaking news reporter Judith Ireland has the latest.


Kevin Rudd's press conference is now due to take place in Brisbane some time after 12.30pm. This may have something to do with the fact that the media plane has broken down and is stuck on the tarmac at Sydney airport.

Coalition leader Tony Abbott is in Launceston firing off some pithy comments about the various news stories of the day.

"We are here to rescue the Australian people from unnecessary high taxes," Mr Abbott says while visiting a car dealership with the Liberal Party candidate for the seat of Bass, Andrew Nikolic.

What about Peter Beattie's decision to enter federal politics?

Oh, he's just "another flim flam man", Mr Abbott says. "You might ask 'Am I worried about Peter Beattie?' - no, but I bet Kevin Rudd is."

He finished by counselling Mr Rudd not to be so bolshy about the coverage he is receiving in News Ltd papers. 

"Senior politicians have to take the rough with the smooth," Mr Abbott says (that statement should probably be bookmarked for future reference). "We've got a prime minister with a glass jaw and a thin skin."

Opposition leader Tony Abbott visiting a car dealership in Launceston, Tasmania, on Thursday.

Opposition leader Tony Abbott visiting a car dealership in Launceston, Tasmania, on Thursday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Oh the glamour of the campaign trail.

The media travelling with Kevin Rudd on board a RAAF C17 on Thursday.

The media travelling with Kevin Rudd on board a RAAF C17 on Thursday. Photo: Andrew Meares

We're less than one week into the campaign and chief political correspondent Mark Kenny has already spied one campaign corpse - truth.

Surely not - would politicians really try and get your vote by fibbing or gilding the lily?

Here's Mark's take on the first few days.

Opposition leader Tony Abbott prepares to speak to the media in Launceston on Wednesday.

Opposition leader Tony Abbott prepares to speak to the media in Launceston on Wednesday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Youth vote? What youth vote?

Opposition leader Tony Abbott with Coalition supporters during a campaign office opening in Launceston, Tasmania, on Thursday.

Opposition leader Tony Abbott with Coalition supporters during a campaign office opening in Launceston, Tasmania, on Thursday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

The day started with the news former Queensland premier Peter Beattie (the story was broken by the political editor of ABC TV's 7.30, Chris Uhlmann, this morning) will run as the Labor candidate for the seat of Forde.

Kevin Rudd has changed his campaign schedule to be with Mr Beattie for the announcement. I'll have all the details of that when it happens (it is expected to be later this morning).


Ah the colour and movement of the campaign trail. Yesterday was a great one filled as it was with photobombing kids and babies reluctant to be kissed.

It's worth going back for a look see.

The Age's national affairs editor, Tony Wright, is travelling with Kevin Rudd. He filed this wonderful piece about Wednesday's events. Read it if only for Tony's magical description of Mr Rudd's curious way with words. Tony describes it as "a folksy Queensland dialect loosely related to English".

The Sydney Morning Herald's sketch writer, Jacqueline Maley, is with Tony Abbott. She describes what happens when politicians spy babies presenting all sorts of potential cute photo opportunities only to be thwarted by the little creatures 


Opposition leader Tony Abbott and his chief of staff, Peta Credlin, leave  the Bickford's factory in South Australia on Wednesday.

Opposition leader Tony Abbott and his chief of staff, Peta Credlin, leave the Bickford's factory in South Australia on Wednesday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

While things are a little quiet event wise let's have a look at some of the stories running this morning.

Chief political correspondent Mark Kenny has the story that Labor would not match the Coalition's company tax cut because they are unaffordable. Labor suggests that the Coalition would have to raise the GST (a familiar catch cry from Labor yesterday) or accept a larger deficit.

The economy is a clear frontrunner for theme of the campaign thus far.


Well hello Peter Beattie. The former Queensland premier is throwing his hat into the ring for the seat of Forde. Says a lot about what he thinks Labor's chances are doesn't it? Get set for cheesy smiles and possibly the only person who can out folksy Kevin Rudd.

Great to have your company as Andrew Meares, Alex Ellinghausen and I bring you all the news from day four of the campaign.


Sort comments by:
  • Recent polling in Queensland shows a dramatic drop in voter personal satisfaction with Rudd since the election was called.

    The same result was also detected in The Australian's national Newspoll two days ago. Labor lags behind the Coalition in the eight marginal LNP seats which Labor hoped to win.

    This means Beattie would have to lift the ALP vote to win Forde, which the LNP holds by less than 2%. Therefore the ALP's national campaign is in trouble: without any Queensland gains the ALP strategy to retain power is not possible.

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 5:02PM
  • Could Beattie be the next leader of the opposition? The rusted would love that.

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 4:25PM
  • Sorry Stephanie

    I simply cannot do it. It seems to me that if we are forced to vote fore liars then democracy has been turned on its head and I will not aid turning democracy on its head.

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 4:22PM
  • I'd rather watch the Krusty The Clown and Sideshow Bob act than watch the capitalist fascist Monty Burns release the hounds.

    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 4:18PM
  • Latest internal polling show Rudd and Qld labor seats on on the slide. Even Jim Soorley 's name was included in the labor reachtel polling of some electorates.

    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 4:11PM
  • I just watched George Brandis commenting on pre-selection of Peter Beattie,in yhe Qld seat of Forde

    He got so worked up that he nearly burst his puffle valve...
    A sign that the libs are worried...very worried

    James Kinkade
    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 3:58PM
    • I doubt it according to the Libs latest internal polling in QLD.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 4:16PM
    • So they polled internally amongst themselves and came out ahead. What a relief... I am surprised each person asked didn't just vote for themselves.

      Mornington Peninsula
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 4:27PM
    • Labor has just lost in Forde.

      Facts are
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 4:30PM
  • Did the hairnet brigade travel by plane that requires "a crew of three (pilot, copilot, and loadmaster) for cargo operations. Cargo is loaded through a large aft ramp that accommodates rolling stock, such as a 69-ton (63-metric ton) M1 Abrams main battle tank, other armoured vehicles, trucks, and trailers, along with palletized cargo. The cargo compartment is 88 feet (26.82 m) long by 18 feet (5.49 m) wide by 12 feet 4 inches (3.76 m) high. The cargo floor has rollers for palletized cargo that can be flipped to provide a flat floor suitable for vehicles and other rolling stock?" Or is the idea too ostentatious?

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 3:47PM
  • My god this is more like some sort of weird TV show.

    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 3:33PM
  • Abbott has already lost. Beattie is just the free after game entertainment.

    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 3:30PM
    • Beattie is the Sideshow Bob to Rudd's Krusty the Clown act.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 3:41PM
  • I'm so sure some real protesters with nothing better to do with their time today just happened to hear about Beattie standing this morning and hate him so much that they banded together and raced to the location of Rudd's press conference.

    Or, you know, they're all LNP campaign volunteers. Any chance of some investigative journalism here?

    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 3:28PM
    • I think they are all real protesters horrified at the thought of beattie entering federal politics.

      If I was lucky enough to be a Queenslander, I would be joining them!

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 3:32PM
    • Arky
      If you are so sure why ask for some investigative journalism?
      You just do not like the fact that some one would dare to protest at another media tart being parachuted into a seat which he does not even live in and to hell with the local ALP choice for the seat.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 3:37PM
    • Yeah Sharron,

      Just like how Liberal party member and losing Beaconsfield candidate at the 2010 election, Rosie/Rosemary Hopgood was the concerned Beaconsfield mother worried about the carbon tax and affording fish and chips, and hosted a morning tea for Tony Abbott attended by the media.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 3:52PM
    • Sure they're real protesters. Can I offer you the Sydney Harbour Bridge for a knockdown price?

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 3:55PM
    • Sharron,

      They're as real as the "independent" candidates the Liberals field at the local council elections in my electorate in Victoria.

      Funny how the "independent" candidates failed to mention how they work as political staffers for Victorian Liberal MPs (Hi Tim).

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 3:55PM
    • Think I saw the same protesters outside the hearing in London that Murdoch featured at earlier this year!

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 4:10PM
    • Tristan,
      Rudd's last visit to Fairfield had him surrounded by "friendlies" from the local ALP branch, chanting and praising the return of the great one.
      It's not a new ploy Tristan, and certainly not one the ALP won't use.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 4:32PM
  • another day..another factory for Abbott- three in a row. and again I wonder- why do all the media and other hangers on need to wear hair nets, but Abbott is allowed to wear a black baseball cap? Obviously they are keen on the factory but not on the result of photos with hairnets on. And has he had the factory logo printed on different black caps? It's all well orchestrated.

    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 3:22PM
    • Good question... Is it more important that TA looks good in pics than the proper hygenic treatment of food??

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 3:31PM
    • Actually Sam. We allow caps but usually staff turn them back to front. But caps have to be laundered, usually at the wearer's expense, so most food workers opt for single use disposable factory supplied hair nets.

      Food Safety Auditor
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 4:51PM
  • (Gee - gender politics have came a long way haven't they?)

    Yes, and its looks like the blue tie 'blokes' are back in control Steph.

    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 3:16PM
  • It said among economists that what Rudd is to federal economics Beattie is to state economics?

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 3:15PM
    • Rather Beatty than the LNP hypocrites we have in Qld at the moment.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 3:36PM
  • Having watched Tony Abbots latest press conference in Tasmania. Why is it that his speech becomes more stilted and awkward as the questions from journalists gather pace? Then once the questions become to tough he just walks away. What does this man who aspires to become prime minister have to hide from the Nation?

    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 3:14PM
    • I think he gets peeeed of answering stupid questions, you have to remember this guy is extremely intelligent, despite what the rusted would have us believe.

      But of course the rusted do not understand what is required to obtain a Masters never mind a degree.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 3:34PM
    • Abbott's speech in Tasmania about converting it into a "special economic zone" is Coalition speak for trashing environmental standards, much like Abbott's "northern special economic zone" for his mate Gina who gets rewarded with special tax concessions, lax IR and environmental regulations and a fast tracked guest worker scheme.

      Let's not forget the businesses that exploited those overseas oil rig workers on 456 visas on $3 per hour claimed they were exempt from Australia's Fair Work laws.

      So when Tony Abbott talks about "special economic zones", be afraid, be very afraid.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 3:40PM
    • Tristan saying anything on these forums is "code" for an ALP staffer with a very big database pretending to be an everyday person with an interest in politics.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 4:51PM
  • Beattie economics equates with public sector workers in Queensland rising from 160,000 to over 200,000 under Labor. Employment in Queensland Health rose by two-thirds in a decade, to over 80,000 in total. There was a blowout in public servant numbers of 8.7% under Labor with 3.5% attributable to the number of employees and 5.2 per cent wages growth.

    Beattie economics equates with higher public expenditure than the national average resulting in loss of AAA rating in Feb. 2009. Queensland net debt to GDP 10-12%.

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 3:00PM
    • Yes, this is what happens when the State is growing at a very rapid rate. One of the fastest in the country.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 3:23PM
    • What losing AAA rating? Get out of here.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 3:41PM
    • Yes lost it but the current Labor Government picked it up instead.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 4:12PM
  • Queensland - the Smart State - hahahaha

    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 2:51PM
    • Don't laugh its the home state
      of J. Fraser.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 3:06PM
  • Nice of Beattie to call working class - trash.

    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 2:46PM
    • Exactly what I was thinking, the working class trash is good enough to vote for them, but they wouldn't dream of inviting any of them home for dinner.

      Probably wouldn't appreciate the canapes anyway..

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 2:55PM
    • except that if the quote is correct, he did not call all of the working class 'trash' - only himself.

      Jimbo from Logan
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 3:02PM
    • Could Beattie now rederegulate the electricity industry then we could have the cheaper electricity prices that he promised in the first place.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 3:02PM
    • Think he actually said
      "he would have been called working class trash"
      referring to when he was in his youth.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 3:05PM
    • sorry Jimbo - he called the working class - trash, including his family. Take another listen. Only one man full of trash and responsible for Qlds 100 billion debt and that is Pete. Poor Logan

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 3:10PM
    • Spot on! that was exactly what my wife and I said. So according to Beattie, apparently we are just TRASH!

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 3:37PM
    • Now they just laugh at them.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 3:37PM
    • Wow, I am used to such trivial debate from our politicians but the informed public? Thankyou all working together with our politicians to find ever increasing inanities to argue about, its like listening to a "he said she said" argument between my kids.

      Mornington Peninsula
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 4:48PM
  • You lucky Queenslanders! Now you have Rudd and Beattie!

    Just please stop sharing your politicians with the rest of us, keep them in Queensland.

    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 2:41PM
    • Isnt Beattie the one that ran Queensland into over 100 billion debt ??

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 2:49PM
    • That's right and now beattie is calling the working class - trash.

      Way to go Labor, just drag an old pollie back into the limelight to call Australian workers - trash. An excellent way to campaign us working class for votes!

      One thing that really annoys me is the false throw back the head laugh.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 3:10PM
    • Sharron,

      As the Employment Minister who created the widely rorted Job Network which had to be bailed out despite their failure to find paid work for 720,000 unemployed people, Tony Abbott referred to the unemployed as "job snobs" and "work shy" and asserted that governments couldn't help those in poverty because they were often homeless by choice.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 4:32PM
  • Beattie isn't really part of that electorate is he? Renting and new to the area.
    Labor must really lack people to put their hand up for election when they rely on recycling the likes of Carr and Beattie.
    How did the Beattie Labor Government perform?

    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 2:38PM
  • Mr Rudd steps forward but the first one is for Mr Beattie.

    Oh dear.. trouble brewing.

    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 2:38PM
  • He promises to be a "pain in the neck for Queensland".

    Mission accomplished (again)

    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 2:37PM
  • Now we now why the media were held up - it was because Rudd and Beattie couldn't get to Beenleigh any quicker than in 4 hours driving on that wonderful carpark called a motorway that Beattie built connecting Brisbane to the Gold Coast. Nation building at it's best.

    enough is enough
    Qld Labor party La La Land
    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 2:30PM
    • You mean the one Mr Emerson just messed up by removing the transit lanes because of his government's objection to anything other than one-person/one-car?

      Jimbo from Logan
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 2:50PM
  • Rudd's hard-line shift on asylum-seekers will certainly boost the Green vote in Melbourne and rightly so. In fact after Sept 7 I suggest the Rudd's try camping on Manus Island for a month, so they can work out the error of their ways.

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 2:25PM
  • This country is on the verge of being the world's laughing stock, when Tony Abbott is sworn in (if enough people vote the libs in), the likes of Greenway libs candidate Jaymes Diaz will be runing this country on slogans, and on slogans alone. Very scary.

    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 2:22PM
    • Yes Ray

      There must be "A New Way".

      Louis Cypher
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 2:30PM
    • yes u are correct.. floods, tsunami, famine and drought will attack the country all in 1 go..
      "A New Way " thats the best labour supporters can come up right now...

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 2:33PM
    • Don't forget to check for Ruperts under your bed before nightie night time ray.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 2:38PM
    • Even when LNP supporters attack they have to rely on a slogan. Predicable really.

      Mornington Peninsula
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 2:38PM
    • Ray,

      Now compare the junior Diaz to either Bill (whatever the Prime Minister said) Shorten or David (what's your last name) Bradbury.

      Be very careful when you want to compare gaffes Ray...

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 4:44PM
  • A New Way? - Bring in that old Bloke from Brisbane, no not Gossy the other one. Who next Eric Reece in Tassie, Don Dunstan in SA, Stevie Bracks in Vic???? Yep, two are dead but still more alive than anything Labor currently has

    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 2:22PM
    • Great to see Beatie back. He's not that old. Think you'll find that he's younger than John Howard was when he became PM. Glad I don't work in your office. It's good to have a mix of all ages in the work place because there is less chance of going broke.

      the Coast
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 2:30PM
    • It should have been
      I knew the way

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 2:50PM
    • "old Bloke" Yeah you wouldn't want old people leading you party like say Brownwyn Bishop or Phil Ruddick?

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 2:56PM
    • Macca75

      The difference is they have never left politics and said they were too old for a new political career.
      Beattie does not even live in the electorate and was only convinced 48 hrs ago to run. What about the existing ALP candidate.
      So much for local ALP people having a say on who will be their candidate.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 3:08PM
    • get Bill shorten on the phone - lets bring back Julia

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 3:16PM
    • Isn't tabbott recycled - he's already lost one election what about someone new!

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 3:54PM
    • Terry,

      Christopher Pyne only took 24 hours to do a complete 360 degree turn on Gonski after criticising it for the last 3 years.

      One day Pyne is bagging Gonski and mainintaining the status quo, the next day the Coaltion claimed they'd match the ALP dollar for dollar on education spending.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 4:05PM
  • I posted the post about not posting photos on Facebook ... on Facebook.I've said it before ... I believe Andrew and Alex should be nominated for Walkleys. We all love the pics.

    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 2:20PM
  • Looks like Tony is advising these apprentices on how to slice and dice. Though in Tony's world he has bigger fish to deal with like Coral Troutous Rudderlessia

    enough is enough
    Labor party La La Land
    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 2:16PM
  • Frankly all of this is pretty lame
    Steph, isn't it about time the media wheeled out Latham or somebody to break a few eggs and get the ball rolling.

    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 2:12PM
  • The plane for 8 requires a crew of three (pilot, copilot, and loadmaster) for cargo operations. Cargo is loaded through a large aft ramp that accommodates rolling stock, such as a 69-ton (63-metric ton) M1 Abrams main battle tank, other armoured vehicles, trucks, and trailers, along with palletized cargo. The cargo compartment is 88 feet (26.82 m) long by 18 feet (5.49 m) wide by 12 feet 4 inches (3.76 m) high. The cargo floor has rollers for palletized cargo that can be flipped to provide a flat floor suitable for vehicles and other rolling stock."

    And, wait for it, costs $280 million US? Couldn't they find a Cessna?

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 2:01PM
  • The reason the unemployment rate is going up is because Campbell Newman is speeding up the process of sacking Queenslanders. Wonder if this is done on the instigations of Abbott and Hockey and Murdoch?!

    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 1:54PM
    • No it was because Beattie and Bligh sent Qld broke and despite Bligh selling the family jewellery Newman and Qld can't afford a bloated public service.

      enough is enough
      Labor party La La Land
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 2:06PM
    • Rubbish.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 2:14PM
    • Looks like the usual suspects are starting to get a little touchy. Angry middle aged conservatives unite. Together you can install a party that has no plans no policy and no vision. I hope Uncle Rupert is at least providing you guys free Foxtel.

      PEFO? What's that?
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 2:31PM
    • Let me be clear abut this Mike.

      You believe Abbott and Hockey have instructed the Qld Premier to sack workers in order to drive up unemployment?

      This is so patently preposterous it leads one to think you may be J.Fraser travelling incognito

      Louis Cypher
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 2:34PM
  • The good old RAAF C-17 affectionately known in Qld as the 'Flying chook pen' Don't look up Qld'ers you might get a nasty surprise.

    enough is enough
    Media La La Land
    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 1:52PM
  • All the ALP (and others) bleating about Rupert Murdoch have remarkably short memories. After all, the Daily Telegraph was a strong supporter of Kevin07 and that wasn't deemed a conspiracy...

    And of course ignoring some Fairfax entities also passing a negative judgement on the performance and re-electability of the ALP government conveniently adds weight to the Murdoch haters.

    Alternate View
    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 1:52PM
    • The shame of it all appears to be that Murdoch has to run the show for Tony, because Tony is not up to it himself. Never thought I'd see myself having choose between Rudd or a Murdoch lacky.
      In 2007 Murdochs papers attacked and ripped into Rudd and his family until Rudd had to get on media and complain and ask for more privacy for his family.
      I'd hardly call that supporting Rudd.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 3:56PM
  • That's one helluva pane to ferry 8 people - costings please?

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 1:52PM
  • Hope the hospitality staff at the Black Cow asked Tony about penalty rates and their future wages and job security under a Murdoch Govt.

    A country gal
    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 1:51PM
    • Hope those staff can advise on how often Bob Brown and Christine Milne have supported them by having a meal there.

      enough is enough
      Greens La La Land
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 2:13PM
  • "Fact Checker is now available." Day four of lying recalls falsies from Rudd’s closet of falsehoods:

    “Promised $290 million to be spent on improved dental care?

    Promised a federal takeover of hospitals should their performance not drastically improve by July 2009?

    Pledged to build 36 GP 'super clinics'?

    Destroyed border protection policies?

    Broadband network, budgeted at $4.7 billion, now $43 billion?

    Promised to keep fuel and grocery prices down with Fuelwatch and Grocerywatch?

    Promised to build 260 childcare centres on school grounds?

    Said 'I am an economic conservative'? Then became highest-spending PM in Australia's history.

    Promised to keep the Medicare Rebate at 30%, means tested the rebate.

    Placed caps on all IVF treatments, all obstetric services, and some ultrasounds.

    Criticised NT intervention policies, then expanded them.

    Pledged to hold a referendum on fixed four year terms for federal parliament?

    Australia's carbon emissions have massively increased since Rudd was elected.

    His $2.45 billion home insulation scheme, killed several people and caused almost 200 house fires after letters of warning were ignored. He defied calls to front a Senate inquiry into the catastrophe.

    His $16.2 billion school stimulus generated widespread profiteering.

    Said “Global warming is the great moral and economic challenge of our time,” thereafter dumped climate change policies wasting billions in the process.

    Henry Tax review, cost $20 million, made 138 recommendations, most have been ignored?

    Criticised Coalition for political advertising, then spent $38 million on taxpayer funded advertising campaign to defend mining tax.

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 1:29PM
    • Please Pen,

      There aren't too many people here that "want" to see these issues. They have to attack Tony Abbott because he "might" do some stuff....

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 1:55PM
    • Yeah but now we have "Positive Kev", so everything he says this time he'll do.... right?

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 1:58PM
    • dRod

      It's simply dear old Pen sticking to the facts and only the facts, because those who argue against the facts are peeeeeeing into the wind.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 2:08PM
    • Pure Gold Pen, just super stuff. Now let us hear what the rusted on Labor supporters have to say .Hmmm thought so.Oh well the Dudd show continues to roll on, will be in a town near you soon.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 2:31PM
    • Fact checker Today: Tony "Treasury believes if you reduce company tax, you increase pay, you increase GDP and you increase employment." = True

      Fact: LNP believes Treasury when it suits them.

      Mornington Peninsula
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 2:34PM
    • Fact: The statement is true, but it's all based on a lie.

      If the intent was really to help the workers, they'd give workers an income tax cut, not companies.

      And in a time when the Liberals are over sensationalising and over exaggerating the budget emergency, how is going into more debt going to stop things getting worse?

      The Liberals have no idea about the economy.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 2:42PM
    • As opposed to the Liberals, who are still policy void. They promised us policy and we still have nothing. 3 weeks to the election and they're treating us like mugs.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 2:45PM
    • Tone, you just commented on and criticised liberal policy and then said the liberals had no policy. You better get your labor spin straight. Lol.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 3:28PM
    • I know, right, I don't know what happened there, the bot just went crazy. <grin>

      Will the real me please stand up and stop making a fool of myself?

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 3:53PM
    • Tone,

      What good is an income tax reduction when you can't get a job?

      Small business is the life-blood of Australia. It's about time you rusted-ons learnt. The government doesn't pay the rest of us....

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 4:39PM
  • Peter Martin has stated that Abbott's statement that Treasury thinks a cut in the Company Tax Rate is good for workers. But that's only half the story. Surely if they really wanted to help the workers, they'd give workers themselves a tax cut?

    Oh silly me, that's not obfuscation.

    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 1:23PM
  • Day 4 and hardly a sight of Pyne ,Hunt,Mirabella and even Morrison is running out of puff .I think Joe needs a Bex and a lay down but Corman got his words from Abbott perfect but nothing New !!!!!

    Trev of Billysville
    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 1:14PM
    • Could you tell me where Tanya Plebersek as she is my local member and for years I've never seen her in the local area. Maybe she's hiding out with that other great political ghost Clover Moore. I'll post a reward for anyone who can find them.

      enough is enough
      Labor party La La Land
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 1:33PM
    • Perhaps you should spend more time in Redfern. Its like in my electorate, if you want to find Greg Hunt your better off traveling down to Portsea or Sorrento.

      Mornington Peninsula
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 3:16PM
  • Tony Abbott says senior politicians have to learn to take the rough with the smooth. Well now Peter Beattie enters the fray TA may start to feel the rough end of the pineapple.

    Research Department
    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 1:14PM
    • Don't forget, Kevin Rudd got his job back, not because he was a good PM the first time around, but because he became a celebrity (remember all the ministers who resigned rather than work with him). Peter Beattie too is nothing more than a celebrity candidate.

      Labor is all celebrity and no substance.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 1:35PM
    • Substance you say? Well how about TA and Libs release the costings of all proposed policies so the Australian people can put them to scrutiny compared to Labor policy costings.
      Why does Abbott avoid scrutiny on Q&A by Australians. The interview he gave Leigh Sales 7:300 Report was won of the worst performances since John Hewson and the infamous birthday cake on Willisee years ago. Not to mention the disaster re Fraudband with Kerry O'Brien when he hosted the 7;30 report.

      Research Department
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 2:10PM
    • First @Research Department, you should probably research how to spell (it is 'one of the..", not "won of the...").

      Regarding releasing costings, when Krudd and labour were in opposition they did not release their promises for costings until 24 hours before the polls. Last election the coalition released their figures early in the last week before the polls.

      The reason they are not released earlier is because, like all parties, you can only release final costings when the final promise has been made. I notice labor has not released their final costings yet either...

      And did you catch the Leigh Sales interview with Kevin Rudd last night - I actually cringed for Kevin Rudd, so bad was his performance I thought he was going to explode - it really went that badly.

      And the NBN - how much over budget is it already? How many screw ups are we up to? How much further back has the rollout date been pushed? How many more billions of dollars will it cost taxpayers? Fraudband - it is indeed!

      However, you are right, labor is full of substance and the substance is cr@p.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 2:57PM
  • looks like Abbott is hitting his stride today, probably because he won the day yesterday and Rudd went a bit flat.

    Bringing in a superstar candidate feels like 2007 Rudd tactics.

    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 1:03PM
    • Agree Jaymes Diaz really made a win for someone yesterday.
      But it wasn't Tones.

      A country gal
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 1:40PM
    • ACG - I think Tones would would consider it a win that it wasn't him making a fool of himself in front of the cameras for a change.

      City Chick
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 3:54PM
  • Stephanie - quite true regarding the giving of publicity to the One Nation fool, but it's a necessary evil once in a while to remind everyone how ignorant they are. As long as it is only once in a while, and not every day as used to happen with Pauline Hanson.

    I was actually reading an article in the UK press about a UKIP pollie (their version of One Nation for those unfamiliar with UK politics) who seems to have the job of making these statements to rally the racist ignoramus vote while his party lader officially tut-tuts about it, suggesting people really need to stop giving the troll publicity. It's a fair point.

    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 12:58PM
  • Is Labor bringing in Mr Beattie as a backup plan so it has a ready made leader should Kevin crash and burn on 0709. No one else really when you look at those who deserted the frontbench post Ms Gillard. Anyway I thought Mr Beattie suggested he was too old for politics at 58 and now 60 he is ready to go? Shame about the endorsed candidate who is being shafterd. I wonder if he will offer an honest assessment of his feelings. Will Labor be repaying any expenses he has incurred in adveritising, signage etc?

    Jus wonderin'
    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 12:55PM
    • This will all end in tears for Labor

      Tim of Altona
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 1:27PM
  • Do we really need FactChecker to tell us that a company tax rate cut is good for workers ?

    Besides being simple economics (lower cost to business means more money to invest), it's also something that Wong and Labor have been talking up for a few years. Crikey, even Swan talked it up.

    But as soon as the Coalition decided to implement it, company tax cuts became a bad idea apparently.

    On a related issue, Labor keep asking how Abbott will fund spending commitments - the premise is every dollar spent needs to be matched by a dollar saved.

    In the last five years, every dollar Labor has spent has had less than 90 cents of revenue attached to it. Someone better tell Bowen and Rudd.

    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 12:55PM
    • But Hacka, when Labor wanted to do it when it had a funding stream, your mob voted it down. Now, when there's no funding stream, it's suddenly their idea ... and surprise, surprise - you are its biggest fan.

      You're a crackup. Are you posting from on the bus with Tone, or are you back at the office?

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 1:18PM
    • Hacka, no one is saying that reducing the company tax is a bad thing.

      Everyone (except News Limited) is asking how it will be funded.

      Peter A
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 1:27PM
    • The deceitful thing is saying that a company tax cut is directly of benefit to workers. If you wanted workers to directly benefit, surely you'd cut income tax rates for workers?

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 2:08PM
    • @BC, labor tried to do it by tying it to the carbon tax. That is why the coalition had to vote it down. However on its own the company tax relief is good for the economy. If it isn't, then why would labor have wanted to implement it?

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 2:12PM
    • @kp - it was tied to the mining tax. Get your indignation target right.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 3:25PM
    • Sorry @BC, I sometimes get confused with all the new taxes labor introduces whenever they are in power.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 3:50PM
  • Looks like politifact has delivered another win to Tony Abbott. I wonder when Kevin Rudd will denounce them as well as in cahoots with Murdoch?

    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 12:44PM
    • Like Politifact's finding that the Coalition's black hole is "only" $50 billion, I can see this is going to be another finding where Liberal Party stooges trumpet the headline while pretending the body of the article (e.g. it's true that company tax cuts are a good thing in principle, but the question is whether they are worth the cost) does not exist. Headlines without substance- very Tony Abbott, really.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 1:10PM
  • Joe is on the media talking about unemployment..........blaming labor........while Newman is on a sacking spree in Queensland..........keeping up the unemployment figures for Joe so Joe can keep parroting in the media......blaming Labor ..........while Newman keeps Joe can keep spinning.....

    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 12:29PM
    • Fortunately not everyone is a communist and doesn't see the need for everyone to be employed by the state.

      Queensland had a massive expansion in public servants over the Beattie/Bligh government and for example in Health, despite this massive increase there was no improvement to hospitals and many health employees went unpaid. This argument applies to Federal Health employees who don't manage a single hospital and is in desperate need of a trim. Perhaps being liberated from the taxpayers teat will prompt these government employees to work in the private sector or shock horror start their own business.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 12:51PM
    • Nulla mean liberated from the taxpayers teat so we can all work like serfs under the soft hearted capitalists for $2 a day just like Gina would like us to do........
      so what you're saying is that Tony and Joe should get voted in to get rid of Government (because we don't need it), and we should all be working for the likes of Gina for a couple of dollars a day to keep Gina and her friends in the manner they have become accustomed to?

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 1:37PM
    • Gosh ... you learn something every day. If a government employs workers, it's Communism. And all this while I thought they were providing services ... well played, Stalinists ... well played.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 1:41PM
    • Ahh, no, Qld's public servant increase didn't keep up with the population.

      Jimbo from Logan
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 3:00PM
  • Psst. Beasley is returning to politics? Oh dear, bye Rudd?

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 12:23PM
  • "Tuesday's going to be a big day - that's when Treasury and the Department of Finance have said that the pre election economic and fiscal outlook (PEFO) will be released.
    Bring your calculators."

    The Opposition have already said they don't need calculators. They are bringing the magic savings pudding and a promise to establish a shonky commission of (haha) audit.

    Whyalla Wipeout
    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 12:23PM
  • I can only imagine Mr Turnbull in a trench coat. I would like to think it is 'Inspector Gadget' Grey... But deep down I know it will be Burberry Camel, with matching lamb’s wool scarf.. #thingsonlymalcolmcanwear

    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 12:16PM
    • Cwitty I am simply making the point that State and Federal governments of all persuasions have, over the last 12 years, spent bucketloads of cash to try and negate a longstanding cultural and economic right to utillse a partcular area of Australia.The Supreme Court rightly upheld the claims of the original custodians of that area, who are overwhelmingly not rich or of a eurocentric bent.

      David D
      Ettalong Beach
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 12:15PM
  • "When do you think the Coalition should show you the money?
    Coalition campaign spokesman Mathias Cormann says all in good time."

    You can bet your bottom dollar that when Mathias says 'in good time' he means good time to avoid any serious scrutiny (just like 2010 when they were hiding $11 billion in miscalculations).

    Come to think of it, if you buy Matty's schtick you have bet your bottom dollar! And will probably lose it too unless your real income is over $100,000.

    Whyalla Wipeout
    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 12:09PM
  • With all this talk of media tarts, it's a shame the media in that photo are receiving choccies instead of baked goods. Could have made for some delicious captioning!

    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 12:08PM
    • They look like mini quiches or tarts on my screen.
      So perhaps a missed opportunity.

      A country gal
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 1:27PM
  • "I know Rupert Murdoch very well," he adds in one of those lines that should come with its own hashtag - thingsonlymalcolmcansay.

    Malcolm loves dabbling in his own conspiracies - remember Godwin Grech who fed Malcolm fake emails?

    Malcolm launched Fraudband at Fox Studios. I wonder what discussions Malcolm has had with Rupert about the NBN and the value of Fraudband in keeping up the Foxtel virtual monopoly of pay TV?

    Whyalla Wipeout
    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 12:05PM
    • Telstra who own 50% of Foxtel say the NBN is good for Foxtel. Look's like the mum and dad owners of Telstra shares will be happy with that statement and their excellent franked dividends.

      Over 10,000 jobs lost to the economy announced today. Sharemarket's sliding. What was that recently discarded slogan 'Jobs and Growth'

      Oh well Australia can't have everything except intergenerational debt.

      enough is enough
      Labor party La La Land
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 12:44PM
    • Telstra will win either way. But it is far, far more invested in the NBN (and will get a motza even if the NBN is dumped for the LNP Fraudband) than it is in Telstra.

      The real threat of the NBN to Foxtel is not that Foxtel cannot benefit from NBN connections, but that the availability of very high reliability and high bandwidth connections to 93% of Australian premises means that the Foxtel model will face very serious competition from other models, such as a genuinely HD based Netflix equivalent.

      The NBN will render all those expensive satellite dishes, which guarantee only Foxtel controlled content, redundant as competitors can offer equivalent services of higher quality through optical fibre.

      Fraudband, on the other hand, will be sufficiently slow and variable and unreliable (dependent as it is on ageing copper wire at the delivery end) to continue to encourage people to be signed up to Foxtel's one-stop shop of second rate quality.

      Whyalla Wipeout
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 1:16PM
    • I'm presuming after Tony's denial, that next we hear is that they payed full tote odds for the rental of Fox studios.
      Like there wasn't any other studio or venue available for the "job".

      A country gal
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 1:20PM
    • Apparently Turnbull couldn't hire out the Barvarian Bier Barn as it was booked solid for an ALP old members reunion function care of Alb. The other alternative was the nearest telephone booth and whilst the Greens had just finished using it for their national conference the booth just wasn't big enough for Malcolm's launch.

      enough is enough
      Labor party La La Land
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 1:31PM
    • Classic clever obfuscation from the far right.

      Strange with all the smarmy cleverness that you still can't tell us just what the relationship is between Fraudband and Murdoch's commercial interests in Foxtel and other communication monopolies?

      Just how much influence did US citizen Murdoch have in developing the disabled broadband system that Turnbull announced at Murdoch's Sydney business premises?

      Tony has launched all his other 'policies' at the premises of businesses that will benefit from those policies. That's why he does it. How can Murdoch's business be different?

      Whyalla Wipeout
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 1:57PM
  • Shorten reading text: “I said, You are gods” (Jn. 10:34).

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 12:01PM
  • Beattie; he might be an unashamed media tart, but he is definitely value for money.

    David D
    Ettalong Beach
    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 11:39AM
    • Ah so we can rejoice in his spend, spend antics just like when he was Premier of QLD? Lets see just how far the country's borrowings can go before the lifestyle we currently enjoy will have to change.

      Neutral Voter
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 12:28PM
    • Neutral Voter??? your screen name and stated opinions might lead to suspicion of misleading as defined under Trade Practices legislation.

      David D
      Ettalong Beach
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 12:40PM
  • "Not much point making a big announcement without the media there. It'd be like a tree falling in the forest. If nobody saw it or heard it, did it really fall?"

    The answer is yes.

    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 11:34AM
    • Without observation it cannot be confirmed. So someone has to see it or hear it to prove it happened. The real question is.. How does anyone but Tony benefit from the observation of Peter Beatie??

      Schrodinger's Cat tray
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 11:54AM
    • But if voters don't know it fell, it doesn't affect their votes.

      That being the point.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 11:58AM
    • The answer is not necessarily 'yes'. This was discussed at length on a recent episode of QI.

      Of course, SteveH, you must have missed that episode while you trawled the Liberal Party Press Releases trying to make sense of them so you could keep up with the party line.

      Probably explains your absence yesterday too. Still gobsmacked by the incongruities and inconsistencies in the Ticker-free Tony's circus.

      Whyalla Wipeout
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 12:13PM
    • SteveH - an example might be today's unemployment number. Labor have been telling us how good their employment record is, and to be fair it's not too bad.

      But do we expect Shorten to hold a media conference to discuss today's bad employment numbers ? i.e. will he tell us that his tree has fallen ?

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 12:21PM
    • Even that's not entirely true Cwitty. Quantum physics actually says it doesn't exist when it's not observed. Not that these guys could understand, of course, because they don't believe in science.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 12:24PM
    • You city boys don't know much about trees, thats for sure.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 12:37PM
    • Tom- can we agree that Kev can occupy a superposition. AND be observed at the same time... he is pretty special.
      SteveH - closest we get to a tree is the pine shaped smelly thing that hangs in our tax effective lease cars.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 2:02PM
  • May as well join the Libs here and say my piece.
    You Libs have got Murdoch running the show now because he has decided Tony is not up to it, even though he chose Abbott over Turnaball as future PM.
    What are you going to when Tony gets in as PM and he still is not capable of doing interviews and running Australia?
    This is not going to be a good look for Australia if he has to go overseas as PM.......

    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 11:29AM
  • Rudd suggesting Murdoch was conspiring with the Coalition on broadband policy?

    Why on earth would Murdoch be concerned with the connection to the NBN of 8.18 million Australian households after he is dead, when broadband connections in the US are in overdrive mode and will have millions more connected to broadband in the US than in Australia before he expires – duh?

    Was the comment for the rusted on?

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 11:18AM
    • It's amazing how much people care about their legacy after their death. This is especially so with megalomaniac emperors.

      Whyalla Wipeout
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 12:20PM
    • Whyalla Wipeout; Nah - Rupes has a cunning plan; he is going to buy Disney, end up with the Star Wars franchise, and discover the longevity secrets of Yoda and DV (and probably marry Princess Leia).- and install MT*s granddaughter as Oz Prez

      David D
      Ettalong Beach
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 12:49PM
    • Pen, I think you have been chopping too much wood.
      Get off your party line. You of all people know what Murdoch is capable of and how he operates.
      Ask Clive how he's being treated and why by Rups.
      Can't get any positive press, any press much for that matter. Ask Julian how he's been treated and why.

      A country gal
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 1:17PM
  • Are you sure Kev's plane has broken down? I'm guessing they didn't have the right brand of tea on board....

    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 11:15AM
    • All it will take is for one of the journos to loan him their hairdryer and then the show can get on the road again.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 11:44AM
    • Perhaps the stewardess didn't turn up?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 12:03PM
    • Is it OK to be rich if you are non White? I am missing the point on the distinction in colour...

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 11:13AM
  • I just want to say how fabulous Andrew Meares and Alex Ellinghausen's photos are.
    What a wonderful addition they make to all the written commentary.
    I Love the one of Abbott with the older bloke @9.55am.
    Too right it's not just about the youth.

    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 11:10AM
    • The Coalition victory is a done deal. Get ready to have the same look on your face as Roxon wore on the last election night telecast!

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 11:00AM
  • The fact of national tax reform is most of the Henry Tax Review recommendations have not
    been implemented including gradual Company Tax reductions, broader based and simplified tax equity; higher efficiencies with the focus on raising revenue from personal, business, private income and consumption, natural resources and land.

    In effect the Henry reform advocates reforming the GST by advocating reforming tax on consumption without mentioning the GST. The GST is a consumption tax?

    Nevertheless let’s have the facts stated from the onset: the Coalition have stated that they will commission a tax audit, which means every tax will be audited for it viability or otherwise including the GST.

    The Coalition have said if the tax audit comes down in favour of raising the GST then they put the question to the states, who will all have to agree to the rise, and then the question of a rise in GST will be put to the electorate at the following election in 2016 for the electorate to decide.

    This is far cry from the hysterics of Swann and Rudd, who have nothing to campaign on other twisting the truth into lies.

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 10:59AM
    • Pen- it's nice of you to admit that Abbott and co have indeed put raising the GST on the table. Yes, it would need to be approved by the states. Yes, it would be after an "audit" (although after Joe Hockey's agreement with the auditors of last election's costings to not actually audit them- speaking of twisting the truth into lies- it's a bit of a laugh for Abbott and Hockey to talk about auditing anything). But it IS on the table.

      I would have liked to see more of the Henry review implemented, but after the reaction to the mining tax imagine the way the media and the Coalition and their wealthy backers would have reacted to an attack on negative gearing...

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 11:24AM
    • Arky

      I have not said that or implied it. I said that every single tax will be audited including the GST. The GST IS NOT SPECIFICALLY ON THE TABLE it will treated to an audit along with every other tax.

      Manipulating the facts will get you nowhere. People prefer honesty to manipulation of honesty.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 11:52AM
    • The GST is a regressive tax. It benefits the rich at the expense of the middle and lower classes. If you are old and retired, like Pen here, you are likely to pay a lot more tax than your fair share.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 11:55AM
    • Arky

      Yep, another pile of money wasted by Labor: have a revue, spend millions on it and don't implement it?

      If only it wasn't my money?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 12:06PM
    • Tone

      Tell me about it? It's a system of taxing pensioners of their pension. Best advice load up your super as much as possible and don't buy that car.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 12:21PM
    • How is the GST a regressive tax Tone? It is a comsuption tax. You only pay it if you spend. If you spend $50 then the GST you pay is $4.55. If you spend $500 then the GST you pay is $45.45.

      It is still 10%. It is a flat rate tax which you only pay if you spend.

      I cannot therefore see how the rich are better off than the poor under a GST system. Everyone pays the same rate.

      Smokin Mo
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 12:38PM
    • You do realise Pen that Hockey has specifically said that a review of GST is on the table? Labor, on the other hand, saw how regressive the GST was once it was implemented and said that they will never increase the GST.

      I don't have a problem with the GST being 10%. At 10% it seems like a reasonable fix to a real world problem.

      But it doesn't need to be higher than 10%. As the GST increases, it does benefit the rich at the expense of the rest of us.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 12:50PM
    • Smokin Mo- because the poor spend a much higher percentage of their income on stuff covered by the GST.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 1:05PM
    • Not on stuff, Arky, on tax.

      With a GST, the rich pay significantly less tax as a proportion of their income than the poor.

      I'm otherwise happy for the rich to earn as much as they like in the society which supports and allows their lifestyle.

      And as Bill Gates says, "There are limits to how much one can consume."

      So once you are loaded, you don't pay much tax because you don't buy many things that GST applies to.

      Company structures can also claim back any GST. In that case, the GST they pay is zero.

      So if the rich don't actually have to pay much GST, who ends up paying it all?

      Why, the rest of us, of course!

      The GST shifts the tax burden from the rich to the middle class. The poor are certainly hurt by it much worse than anyone, but they never had any money so we have to support them anyway.

      But its the middle class who loses.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 1:37PM
    • Whoops. Abbott is saying that the states will have to agree inferring that any increase is way down the track ( Don't you worry about that now!) but they have not told you all the conservative states have already asked Abbott to review the GST. Either it goes up to 12% ( like other parts of the world) or it is extended to food( like other parts of the world).

      I for one don't trust them!,,

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 4:23PM
    • Pen – Is there anyone who doesn’t think that the way that Abbott will pay for his budget shortfalls is by putting up the GST? And all of this talk of it being hard to do cos the states need to agree to it is rubbish cos they get the revenue so yes, they will be happy to agree.

      I’m not against a GST increase, but find it hilarious that Abbott is making a scare campaign of the Carbon tax which costs non-low income earners about 10% of their power bill ($2000pa x .10 = $200pa ish), whereas a 10% GST increase would cost the average family would cost over $10,000pa per family.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 4:33PM
    • There's not much that GST doesn't apply to Tone so not sure where you are going with this. The list of GST free items is rather small. Or are you saying that once you are rich you stop spending money?

      The rich will pay a lot more in Personal Income tax than the poor. Shouldn't you really take the two together to determine an individuals tax impost?

      And yes company structures can claim an input tax credit for the GST they pay on taxable supplies however they are also required to remit GST on revenues earned. To claim the input tax credit the business also needs to be registerd for GST and the input tax credit can only be claimed if it was incurred for the purpose of carrying on a business. Personal company structures cannot claim an input tax credit.

      Smokin Mo
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 4:54PM
  • Is it true that in response to Rudd's remarks on the NBN and Murdoch that Hockey said that as far as he was concerned all media moguls look the same.

    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 10:58AM
  • From the way Abbott is talking about Murdoch's war on the ALP anyone would think that Abbott and co had never got shirty about "bias" on the ABC.

    Oh wait.

    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 10:49AM
  • Sideline Stuff;
    Gina Rhinehart gets told to dig her own dirt
    Twiggy Forrest gets told to pay for his
    Rich white governments of all persuasions get told that the original brown people can fish where they bloody well like.
    Love this country!

    David D
    Ettalong Beach
    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 10:48AM
    • Is it OK to be rich if you are non White? I am missing the point on the distinction in colour...

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 11:13AM
    • Cwitty I am simply making the point that State and Federal governments of all persuasions have, over the last 12 years, spent bucketloads of cash to try and negate a longstanding cultural and economic right to utillse a partcular area of Australia.The Supreme Court rightly upheld the claims of the original custodians of that area, who are overwhelmingly not rich or of a eurocentric bent.

      David D
      Ettalong Beach
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 12:15PM
  • I read in the media that Kevin Rudd is considering taking julia gillard on the campaign trail with him to help win the election.

    I hope he does because that will really seal Labor's fate. Go on Kev, take julia with you!

    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 10:43AM
    • I hope Julia goes along, she can finally have her sweet revenge!

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 11:18AM
    • Maybe they can sit in stony silence with occasional mutterings over an electorate map. Wayne can come along too provided he's given a sippy cup and not a glass to drink out of.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 11:46AM
  • PHOTO @10.24

    The Australian obviously the newspaper of choice for journos

    Tim of Altona
    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 10:36AM
  • Bang and crash ! That's the sound of Liberal party staffers fainting with shock and woe, now peter beattie has entered the fray in Qld. ! Love Dysons cartoon too, the abbott and hockey two step dance, carbon and refugees, the ONLY policies they know. ! LOL

    Mt Evelyn
    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 10:29AM
    • You have got to be kidding! Only you and Rudd don't seem to realise that Beattie has been brought in so he can rebuild Labor once the "spray and wipe" of Mr Sheen (aka Rudd) fails to clean up the mess he has created and he gets thrown on the rubbish heap.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 10:45AM
    • Wait till Tones the 3 word slogan bogan man,loses the once unloseable election,-seen the polls lately have we ?- Turnbull will takeover the Libs, and have you loving a carbon tax in no time. ! LOL

      Mt Evelyn
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 10:58AM
    • Abbott already coined the phrase for Beattle, keeping the tradition alive with the three word slogan "Flim Flam Man".

      Sarah of Carnegie
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 11:15AM
    • Get a grip. Beattie is despised by a majority of Queenslanders.

      Facts are
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 11:33AM
    • Facts are - I think you are short on facts!

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 4:16PM
  • I love the idea of Labor ex Premiers coming to Canberra!!
    We already have Bob and now we will get Peter. But where is Emily’s list?
    We don’t need more men in Blue ties we need to bring in the Girls. Let’s get on the phone to Dr Carmen Lawrence and Kristina Keneally.

    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 10:28AM
  • Here we have two dismal superficial failures Beattie and Rudd attempting to morph into bright shiny new Superficial Failures

    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 10:25AM
    • You would rather have someone who has had 20 years in Federal parliament, 9 of those as a Minister ..... and who still has a mortgage on his home.

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 10:37AM
    • Mortgage???
      Oh I am so glad you are here J Fraser... You are like a double agent. V.entertaining

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 10:42AM
    • J Fraser on overdrive. How many polls have the ALP won over the Coalition in the last few years? Who is the ALP PM this month? Come on JF surely you guys have a surplus for as as promised. And the carbon tax good or bad? Cause one ALP PM started it as good and another is taking it apart as bad. And how much money has the ALP governmnet earned for Australians through being excellent fiscal manaers? Clearly Australia is waiting for one good answer Fras.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 10:56AM
    • Only few months back Beattie in an article in the Australian was calling on Rudd to resign from Parliament for the good of the ALP even if it did cause a problematic by-election.
      So how does he justify that now

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 11:30AM
    • oh my, you lot are starting to sweat all over the comments section of the free press and it's only the first week, what goodies has the Ruddster got lined up for the next three ! too funny

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 11:31AM
    • JFraser, perhaps a politician who lives in the real world with cost of living pressures - mortgage, education costs etc is of higher value to Australians' than one who lives in the not so real world with a net worth of $50m+ and a wife with a net worth of $100m+, aka KRudd.

      Tim of Altona
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 12:27PM
  • I'd be very interested in seeing the poll results of this question:

    "If the LNP were to alter their stance on the NBN and support the current ALP plan of FTTP would it affect your vote in the upcoming election?"

    I suspect it would result in big swings to the LNP.

    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 10:11AM
    • I agree. But the Liberals won't do it. That would put Malcolm in charge, and Rupert doesn't like that.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 12:27PM
    • I imagine it would, but it won't happen. Abbott is working for Murdoch/IPA and no NBN or action on CC is their agenda.
      75 point wish list- how's that going?

      A country gal
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 1:10PM
  • Labor is getting stronger everyday.
    So far so good . They all look articulate
    And policies in place. Good mate.

    Old Mary
    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 10:00AM
    • Huh???

      Tim of Altona
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 10:07AM
    • Mary, are we watching the same election? Mr Rudd getting flustered and irritated on the ABC last night, David Bradbury abusing a radio journalist, Anthony Albanese out drinking with Craig Thompson, and now parachuting in Peter Beattie as a future leader since Krudd looks like losing.

      If this labor's idea of winning, no wonder the economy is in such a mess.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 10:15AM
    • @kp. Mind giving some facts for the economic 'mess' you're talking about? I find it interesting how we, the public, believes what the politicians say, but when financial leaders the world over say we're in good shape we seem to dismiss it. Same goes for global warming, we listen to politician spin but ignore the scientists.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 10:45AM
    • Really @Prosper, you want to go there???

      How does $15 billion deficit announced in this year's budget sound, or losing a further $15 billion less than 3 months later. How about rising unemployment tipped to hit 6.25%. What about the slowest retail figures since the 1980's.

      As I said, if this is labors idea of winning, than no wonder the economy is in such a bloody mess.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 12:11PM
    • KP The change in the deficit and revenues over the past 3 months would have happened whatever party was in power. Richardson from Deloitte Access Economics says the drop in revenue was due to the softening of our trade with China, due to China's restructuring of their economy.

      It was out of the government's control, and it is absolutely incorrect to say that government, of any colour, has absolute control over the economy!!

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 4:10PM
    • KP, ah yes unemployment.

      Need I remind you that it is the state Liberal governments in Vic, Qld and NSW sacking tens of thousands of public servants, collectively spending tens of billions of dollars on employment agency tenders to replace those staff with casuals, contractors and labour hire employees.

      Abbott is also committed to sacking 20,000 employees although he wont specify where.

      Abbott and the Coalition also strongly opposed the ALP's amendments to strengthen the integrity of the Coalition's 457 skilled migration scheme and voted against labour market testing and requiring employers to advertise jobs locally.

      Abbott also said 457 visas would remain a "mainstay" of the Coalition's immigration program regardless of the graduates and skilled Australians languishing on Newstart and work for the dole programs, and Abbott's "northern special economic zone" includes lax IR regulations and a fast tracked guest worker scheme for his mate Gina.

      The Financial Review reported that the Coalition and IT offshoring companies have an "understanding" that tech offshoring of jobs would accelerate under an Abbott government.

      And the Coalition's widely rorted uncapped, semi-skilled 457 skilled migration scheme has faciliated the outsourcing and offshoring of skilled jobs overseas since it was introduced 17 years ago in 1996, exacerbated alleged skills shortages and undermined local wages and conditions while helping to deunionise the workforce.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 4:15PM
    • Tristan - enjoy your comments.

      The Qld LNP has undertaken the biggest attack on Unions since the Dockers' Dispute, except they are shamelessly using legislation ( because in a majority government with no upper house, they can).

      Supposedly to allow employes to have a better say they are effectively blocking the Union's ability to communicate with the greater public to explain the worker's view in wage negotiations. They are trying to stop demonstrations by affected workers. They are trying to stop Unions representing workers in arbitration and the courts.

      Public sector workers have already faced loss of conditions and forced redundancies. Some have faced reclassification downwards.

      Now they face restriction of pay increases to below inflation at 2.2%. The LNP are also introducing new pay scales that drop the lowest paid workers salary by $10,000 but increase executive salaries by $25,000 or more.

      This supposedly because of contestibility.

      But the hypocrites have accepted a 43% increase to politician salaries. That is an increase of $57,000 to $110,000 plus super and allowances.

      This, and the fact that Abbott says he will abolish the School Kid's Bonus which helps struggling families and stops poor kids being bullied at school because of what they don't have, are the reasons I will NEVER vote for Abbott.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 4:44PM
  • It appears that "Recycle Bins" are now used for collecting more than just paper, cardboard and cans.

    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 9:59AM
  • Peter Beattie? A new way? really?

    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 9:49AM
    • Carr, Rudd, Beattie - the ALP recycle machine doing well. When will Latham make a come back?

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 10:57AM
    • Things must be going badly for Labor in Queensland now when they think they can't win a marginal seat like Forde on a margin of 1.6%.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 11:06AM
    • Does he live in the electorate?

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 11:32AM
    • It might be Gillard coming back...after all cranky old Kevin is wanting her to campaign with him..why I don't know since (because of him) she is leaving politics.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 2:17PM
  • Labor has been preaching the need for local Branches structures to influence and encourage local candidates. In the Seat of Forde, there is and was a SELECTED CANDIDATE. Now Teflon PETRUS, has the gall to 'dump - kick out - an openly selected candidate. So much for Labor values. It seems it cares little for the Branches and their Members, who shall be expected to man the booths.

    Robert - Hunter Valley
    Hunter Valley
    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 9:48AM
  • Day four of how to tell a lie while keeping a moonbeam face, and today's fib construct from Rudd’s closet of falsehood invention:

    “We are investing in Australian families and what they need, as opposed to Mr Abbott, who has said he will be in the business of ripping $70 billion out, which means cuts to jobs, education and education services, as well as cuts to health.”

    The umpire’s decision (PolitiFact) is one of mendacities of the sort usually described as assumption of a dodgy nature, guesswork drenched in over simplicity and plain exaggeration bordering on libel.

    Who would have believed it?

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 9:45AM
    • Are you voting today ?

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 9:58AM
    • J. Fraser

      No, I prefer to keep my integrity intact, so jokes aside about Palmer and Assange, no my conscience will not allow me to vote for liars. It's the honest thing to do?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 10:30AM
    • I'm sorry, if he said $50 billion instead of $70 billion you'd be ok with it?

      I shall remember you called Politifact the "umpire"- I'm sure eventually they'll come up with something you don't like.

      The Coalition told outright, undeniable lies on the mining tax, on the carbon tax, on whether their costings last election were audited. (This is without going back to Howard era lies like children overboard). That's a lot worse than exaggerating the size of the already mammoth $50 billion black hole in the Coalition's costings (which is, incidentally, now larger than when Politifact did their piece because of the company tax cut announcement).

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 11:27AM
    • Not even PoliFact can tell what is in Abbott's head, or the heads of the liberal back room boys - the strategists.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 4:13PM
    • The $70 billion blowout figure came from the Coalition's own internal documents leaked to channel 7 and confirmed by Fairfax.

      "THE Coalition will have to find $70 billion over four years to pay for its promises, including $27 billion to cover the cost of scrapping the government's carbon price scheme and up to $8 billion in pledged tax cuts, its own internal documents reveal."

      "The internal minutes, leaked to Channel Seven and confirmed by the Herald, were circulated during a round of recent meetings at which the shadow cabinet's razor gang looked at how to pay for its promises."

      "Coalition stumbles over its $70 billion black hole" (The Age 12 Aug 2011)

      Until the Coaltion finds the ticker to release its latest costings for all its policies, the $70 billion blowout figure stands.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 4:38PM
  • I find the figures tossed around about the corporate tax cut and the PPL interesting.
    The PPL will cost $5b a year and is part funded by a 1.5% levy on about 3500 companies.
    The corporate tax cut of 1.5% on 750,000 companies will cost $2.5b a year.
    So either the levy will raise significantly less than half the annual cost of the PPL or the tax cut will have minimal impact on anyone outside the top 3500 companies.

    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 9:43AM
    • Macca75;
      Stumbles Hockey isnt worried;
      Hockeynomics is MAGIC!
      We mortals dont have the fine tuned minds to understand it.
      Thats why he doesnt have to *splain it**

      David D
      Ettalong Beach
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 11:09AM
  • What comes around goes around, in circles that is. Can we expect any other failed ALP wannabies to surface? I wonder who had the beers with Beattie?

    enough is enough
    Labor party La La Land
    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 9:35AM
    • Give it a rest Ken.

      Up here in Queensland your type would be holding a half glass of red wine.

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 9:45AM
    • How is Mr Beattie a failure, he won four elections and retired whilst in office. Rather commendable I would think.

      Mornington Peninsula
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 10:00AM
    • The QLD economy was left wrecked by Peter Beattie and Anna Bligh.

      Beattie and Bligh may have won elections, but they failed the people of Queensland by destroying our economy.

      But then, I understand labor people do not care as much about the economy as they do about winning. The current diabolical state of the national economy proves. (If Kevin Rudd thought differently why would he preach a new way).

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 10:11AM
    • Beattie presided and created the biggest State Govt debt per head of population. What did Bligh have to do when she got in? sell Qld Rail, sell Ports and everything else she could to bolster a huge deficit burden. Even those sales weren't enough, hence the position Newman inherited. Gee you Qld'ers get confused with the facts.

      enough is enough
      Labor party/Qld La La Land
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 10:42AM
    • No excuse me Enough is Enough, what do you think the Peter Costello led Commission of Audit for Qld recommended?

      Mass privatisation of public assets and outsourcing government services.

      Costello made 155 recommendations including selling ports, energy providers, rail, Queensland Investment Commission, outsourcing government jobs to the private sector, and Costello's recommendations directly financially benefitted clients of Costello's company ECG.

      "Yesterday the government said those businesses were safe, but it would seek a mandate to sell power generators Stanwell and CS Energy, and the Ports of Gladstone and Townsville, as well as the Queensland Investment Corporation."

      (The Courier Mail 1 May 2013)

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 3:48PM
    • It is the LNP managed Qld economy which is in a diabolical state. Just look up the bankruptcies. The Australian economy is in good shape according to the IMT and three independent credit agencies - AAA stable, in fact. And this was achieved by Swan and Rudd, followed by Gillard and Swan.

      I really wish this election was in Qld!!

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 4:02PM
    • Oh Dear @Tired of Spin, you seem to have tripped yourself up.

      The credit rating for Australia when Howard and Costello was elected after 13 years of labor was only AA, meaning billions was spent on servicing the interest on debt alone. It took a coalition government to restore the triple AAAcredit rating.

      The credit rating in QLD before Beattie and Bligh got to it was also AAA. they knocked it down to AA resulting in billions again being spent on servicing the debt alone.

      Labor are economic vandals. Rather than trying to spin it any other way, when not just be honest and own the tag. Surely you must be Tired of your own Spin by now.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 4:52PM
  • So the man who swore black and blue he had retired from politics has resurfaced. I wonder what senior cabinet post Rudd has promised him should Labor get back in? Trade Minister most likely.

    Tim of Altona
    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 9:32AM
    • Tim,

      He's there to lead the ALP after the election whilst Kev runs off to the UN begging for a job. Would love to see the faces of Shorten and Howes right now...

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 11:08AM
    • beasleyst

      After the election Beattie will be the Leader of the Opposition.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 11:35AM
    • The ALP is setting up camp in opposition land. They can reading the writing on the wall. The biggest problem they have is bargaining without the money back up! Surplus Ha!

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 12:52PM
  • With Peter Beattie now getting the nod for labor in the seat of Forde, labor is planning for life after 'conspiracy theory KRudd' loses this election.

    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 9:32AM
    • KP And Turnbull is all set to take over if ol Tones loses the unloseable, which is looking more likely as he runs out of 3 word bogan slogans with each passing day. LOL

      Mt Evelyn
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 10:31AM
    • So Kevin Rudds 'A New Way' is not a three word slogan? Oops.

      And why do you love bagging bogans. Just because they aren't chardonnay sipping socialists does not make them bad people.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 10:48AM
  • Great Beattie come aboard. Win win
    Rather have him any time than Chainsaw

    Chou chou
    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 9:32AM
    • Yep, thanks to chainsaw Newman, Tones will be struggling bigtime up there, Neman made too many cuts and slash to everything. The entrée to a Lib govt under Tones, and the people know it too. !

      Mt Evelyn
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 11:00AM
    • Beattie was the reason we needed chainsaw Newman as you refer to the Qld Premier. I wonder how many Traveston Dam like projects he can come up with. Maybe he'll try forced amalgamation of the States, I wonder what he can sell and con us the results will be cheaper...hmm. Lets hope the people of Forde can remember the Peter Beattie we so know and despise.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 11:41AM
    • You conveniently choose to over look the fact, that it was "because" of Beattie, and Bligh for that matter, that "chainsaw Newman" as you put it, was required.

      Facts are
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 11:52AM
    • Really?

      So Beattie and Bligh forced Campbell Newman to sack tens of thousands of public servants, then spend hundreds of millions of dollars on employment agency tenders to replace the sacked public servants with casual, contractors and labour hire employees.

      You would also have us believe the ALP forced Campbell Newman to hold a Peter Costello led "independent" Commission of Audit recommending the mass privatisation of public assets including ports and energy providers, which benefits clients of Costello's company ECG.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 3:16PM
    • With Beattie and Bligh big business was not getting their projects rubber stamped and their usual grants etc. So of course its their fault newmanseeny had to sack so many - how else could they waive away all the community and environmental protections!

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 3:57PM
    • Campbell Newman is allowing mining companies to build so many wells on farmers' properties, and in some cases contaminating groundwater, that you can see why Abbott has announced that northern Australia is to be our new food bowl.

      The pristine land in Tasmania is designated by Abbott as a "special economic zone" (code words for trashing environmental standards) and Qld's prime agricultural land is opened up for coal seam gas exploration, often against the farmers' will.

      It only took 2 months for Abbott to backtrack on Alan Jones' 2GB program.

      Abbott claimed farmers should have the right to lock the gate against coal seam gas exploration, then 2 months later, Abbott was supporting the miners.

      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 4:24PM
  • How will the ALP be able to withstand two media tarts, from the same state, in the same election?

    Neutral Voter
    Date and time
    August 08, 2013, 9:29AM
    • Yes, very funny! I expect boundaries have been agreed upon in negotiations.

      cranky ol' bugga
      Date and time
      August 08, 2013, 10:30AM
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