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Federal Politics

Election wrap: August 20, 2013

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Nearly at hump day for the week and the campaign. Pace yourself. We've got all this to get through again.

In the meantime, let's look back at the day that was:

  • Coalition leader Tony Abbott was in Victoria and Labor leader Kevin Rudd was in Brisbane;
  • Mr Abbott announced $25 million to fix potholes in the Great Ocean Road and continued to be dogged by questions about how his paid parental leave scheme would be funded and when he would release its costings;
  • Mr Rudd announced a Labor government would kick in $125 million for medical research and a further $47.5 million for priority research centres;
  • Mr Rudd says Labor can win because most people will not make up their minds until closer to polling day; and
  • pre-poll voting has opened.

Thanks so much to you for reading and commenting. Lots of snaps for Alex Ellinghausen and Andrew Meares.

We will be back tomorrow. See you then.



More on Boris Johnson (see 3.35pm post).

Mr Johnson has been holidaying in the Northern Territory where earlier today he met a baby crocodile that the Territory government has gifted to Prince George.

He gave the crocodile a kiss safe in the knowledge its mouth was tied shut.


An update on the boat that capsized north of Christmas Island (see 1.39pm post).

A spokesperson for the Australian Maritime Safety Authority says: "The vessel was upright but partially submerged. A number of people were sighted in the water. At approximately 12.25pm AEST HMAS Parramatta arrived on scene and began recovering people from the water. A merchant vessel is on scene assisting the Roayl Australian Navy with the operation."

106 people have been recovered from the water and two have minor injuries, the spokesperson said.

(Yes, that's one more person than the initial report.)

Search and rescue operations are continuing and HMAS Pirie is on its way to offer further assistance as are additional aircraft.

Team Rudd and Team Abbott have both wrapped up for the day.

That means no more magic from Andrew Meares and Alex Ellinghausen.

However, the photo gallery of yesterday's campaign events is available to keep you going until tomorrow.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd visited Medicare Local Northern Rivers Branch in East Lismore NSW. Click for more photos

ELECTION 2013 - Day 15

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd visited Medicare Local Northern Rivers Branch in East Lismore NSW. Photo: Andrew Meares

  • Prime Minister Kevin Rudd visited Medicare Local Northern Rivers Branch in East Lismore NSW.
  • Prime Minister Kevin Rudd was embraced by supporter Glenn Thomas Clarke who told the PM not to worry about polls as they were prepared by "wombats".
  • Prime Minister Kevin Rudd visited the Condong Bowling Club in Tweed Heads NSW.
  • Prime Minister Kevin Rudd visited the Condong Bowling Club in Tweed Heads NSW.
  • Prime Minister Kevin Rudd visited the Condong Bowling Club in Tweed Heads NSW.
  • Opposition Leader Tony Abbott greets the STARS mascots during a NSW Business chamber breakfast, in North Ryde, Sydney.
  • Opposition Leader Tony Abbott greets Liberal MP John Alexander during a NSW Business chamber breakfast, in North Ryde,Sydney.
  • Opposition Leader Tony Abbott meets with NSW Premier Barry O'Farrell and NSW Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione, during his visit to the St Marys Police Station in Western Sydney.
  • Opposition Leader Tony Abbott during his visit to the St Marys Police Station in Western Sydney.
  • Opposition Leader Tony Abbott with Liberal candidate Fiona Scott visit to the St Marys Police Station in Western Sydney.
  • Opposition Leader Tony Abbott walks the streets of Liverpool.
  • Opposition Leader Tony Abbott walks the streets of Liverpool.

Labor's campaign launch will be held on September 1 in Brisbane in Kevin Rudd's electorate of Griffith.

Yes, you read that correctly, that's one week before the actual election.

The Australian Electoral Commission is preparing for its biggest election ever both in terms of the number of people enrolled to vote and the number of candidates standing.

500 pre polling stations opened today and a record 14.7 million people are enrolled to vote.

Some other facts and figures that bring a smile to the face of a political nerd such as myself have been issued by the commission

  • over 100,000 pencils have been bought and 140 km of string is required to tie them to polling booths (this is my favourite);
  • over 43 million ballot papers have been printed and 50,000 ballot boxes produced;
  • about 70,000 polling station officials are needed (50,000 have signed up so far);
  • 265 group voting tickets have been accepted; and
  • a record 1,717 nominations were received and declared from independent candidates.

Unfortunately I am unable to tell you how many sausages will be sizzled on September 7.


Having mentioned an American left leaning political strategist in my 3.05pm post I think it's only balanced to now refer to an English right leaning politician.

I speak of the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, who is in Australia to speak at the Melbourne Writers Festival. Mr Johnson will be here for 10 days, so one can only hope he will be asked to offer his thoughts on the Australian election campaign.

In this piece that was published by The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age at the weekend Mr Johnson spoke about pretty much everything. In case you don't have time to read it I have pulled out some of his lines:

1. "Voting Tory will cause your wife to have bigger breasts and increase your changes of owning a BMW M3."

2. "I think I was once given cocaine but I sneezed so it didn't go up my nose. In fact, it may have been icing sugar."

3. On possibly being prime minister: "About as good as the chances of finding Elvis on Mars or being reincarnated as an olive."

Anyone else out there a fan of The Sydney Morning Herald's economics editor, Ross Gittins?

Me too. According to office legend he buys a new pair of Dunlop Volleys for each budget and files his Wednesday column in time to make a film on cut price Tuesdays.

Anyone who has read Ross's work will know he does not suffer fools gladly, particularly those of a political persuasion (both the participants and the observers).

In this video Ross is in fine form as he decries the trend in increasingly emotional and vacuous election campaigns.


Gittins: The art of politics (Video Thumbnail) Click to play video

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Gittins: The art of politics

Election campaigns have become more vacuous and more emotional because the art of politics has become more professional and ruthless. Ross Gittins explains.

PT3M30S 620 349

We are nearly at the half way mark of the campaign.

Can Labor win?

Yes it can, says John McTernan.

Why should you care what he thinks? Well, he was the director of communications for Julia Gillard during her prime ministership and I am inclined to point you in the direction of any piece that quotes the Ragin' Cajun James Carville (who worked on US President Bill Clinton's 1992 campaign).

McTernan pulls out a particularly pithy Carville quote in his advice to Labor: "If your fist is down your opponent's throat he can't say bad things about you."

Quite a mental image that.

Maybe leave it aside and read the piece instead (it helps if you affect a thick Scottish accent while you do so).


PS to the previous post - you don't have to vote above the line when it comes to the Senate.

The parties like you to because it means they can direct your vote as they see fit. It's cumbersome, I know, but you can always vote below the line. Given the size of the ballot paper this year people are already suggesting this may cause congestion at polling stations so if that bothers you then vote early! (See 2.14pm post.)

Most of the focus of the campaign has been on the lower house.

But what of the Senate? After all, 529 people have put their hands up for just 40 spots. There are 110 candidates in NSW, 97 in Victoria, 82 in Queensland and so it goes.

The Coalition seems unlikely to win a Senate majority but, as The Age's economics editor Tim Colebatch points out in this article, it may end up with a Senate it can work with.

Well he's hardly going to say it was a bad day and everything went wrong, is he?


Did you know the polls are open? Already? Indeedily doodily you can.

Why don't you wander over to the Australian Electoral Commission's website here to find out where.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd gives the thumbs up to  protestors as he leaves  the Translational Research Institute in Brisbane on Tuesday.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd gives the thumbs up to protestors as he leaves the Translational Research Institute in Brisbane on Tuesday. Photo: Andrew Meares

Some commentators have pointed out the Coalition's paid parental leave scheme doesn't amount to a hill of beans unless it is accompanied by an accessible and affordable childcare system.

The National Foundation for Australian Women is one such organisation. You can see its argument in the below video.




Sunday: Mothers Day 2013. Four mothers will be experiencing their very first mothers day this year. Kylea Dunstan, 36 of Fisher and her 4 month old baby boy Lachlan. 10th of May 2013. Canberra Times Photograph by Katherine Griffiths Click to play video

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Parental leave misses the mark

The National Foundation for Australian Women says childcare funding should be the focus, not a more lucrative paid parental leave scheme.

PT1M19S 620 349

In breaking news Judith Ireland has confirmed that a boat containing 105 people has capsized north of Christmas Island.

A spokeswoman for the Australian Maritime Safety Authority told Judith that the organisation received a request for assistance earlier this morning.

"The vessel was 120 nautical miles north of Christmas Island with reportedly 105 people on board," the spokeswoman said.

"AMSA issued a broadcast to shipping and a Navy vessel was tasked to respond. HMAS Parramatta arrived on scene around 1220 AEST and reported that the vessel had capsized."

The Navy boat is conducting a rescue operation with support from a Dash 8 aircraft and a PC Orion will be in the area this afternoon. Another Navy vessel is also due to arrive shortly.

"This is an ongoing search and rescue operation and no further information is available at this stage," the spokeswoman said.

Chief political correspondent Mark Kenny has written this analysis piece on the Coalition's paid parental leave scheme which you may care to read here.

Meanwhile, Tony Abbott is considering the future of the Coalition's candidate in the NSW seat of Charlton, Kevin Baker, who has been running an unsavoury website featuring sexist and racist material. Breaking news reporter Daniel Hurst has more on that.

And still with Team Abbott - Mr Abbott has asked that abortion not be politicised as he campaigned with a candidate who once had divergent views on the matter.



A woman tries to catch a glimpse of Opposition leader Tony Abbott through a cafe window during a streetwalk in Geelong, Victoria, on Tuesday.

A woman tries to catch a glimpse of Opposition leader Tony Abbott through a cafe window during a streetwalk in Geelong, Victoria, on Tuesday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Exit stage right pursued by a bear (or clownfish, in this case).

A protester heckles Opposition leader Tony Abbott during a streetwalk in Geelong, Victoria, on Tuesday.

A protester heckles Opposition leader Tony Abbott during a streetwalk in Geelong, Victoria, on Tuesday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

In today's Fact Checker segment Peter Martin looks at Labor's claim that people living in the Northern Territory find life harder than the rest of us.

I'm sure Territorians would agree.

But what did Peter find? Click here to see.


As usual I've not been speedy enough to bring you everything I should have.

So back to immigration policy then.

Labor's Papua New Guinea solution faces its first legal challenge with an asylum seeker sent to Manus Island set to launch High Court action later today.

The Age's political editor, Michael Gordon, and Daniel Flitton have more.

Coalition communications spokesman Malcolm Turnbull says his party's immigration policy is "harsh" and "cruel" but so are all policies in this area.

"The problem is the status quo is cruel," Mr Turnbull told Fairfax Media. "You have to work out the least cruel, most effective, most efficient means of depriving the people smuggler of a product to sell."

You can read more of Mr Turnbull's thoughts here.

I don't actually know Santa Claus but if you tell me what you want for Christmas I might be able to pass it along.

Opposition leader Tony Abbott during a streetwalk in Geelong, Victoria, on Tuesday.

Opposition leader Tony Abbott during a streetwalk in Geelong, Victoria, on Tuesday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Anyone else feeling a bit like this?


Labor leader Kevin Rudd and Coalition leader Tony Abbott will both appear at a community forum in Brisbane tomorrow night. It's kind of like the second leaders' debate but not really because the pair will take questions from the audience rather than debate each other.

Keen political observers who were watching ABC television's Q and A last night were heartened by the feisty exchange between the two men who want to be Australia's next Treasurer - Labor's Chris Bowen and the  Coalition's Joe Hockey.

Neither offered any actual answers to any questions but it was at least a lively affair.

Business writer Michael Pascoe has written this piece about what you might have learned from their face off.

Enough of that frippery.

Back to paid parental leave.

Author John Birmingham has weighed in on the matter - what about dads, he asks in this piece.

Meanwhile, one of the Coalition's campaign spokesmen, Mathias Cormann, has defended the scheme saying it is fully funded without cutting services but has declined to say just when the costings documents might be released.

You can watch Senator Cormann in this video.


PPL: fully funded, no cuts (Video Thumbnail) Click to play video

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PPL: fully funded, no cuts

Shadow assistant treasurer Mathias Cormann says the Opposition's paid parental leave scheme will be fully funded, and not from cuts to services.

PT10M49S 620 349

I don't know about you but I need a bit of light relief after all that.

Music. That should do it.

The ABC's veteran music show, Rage, has gone all political and will host three politicians as guest programmers on August 31 (seriously - is nothing sacred in this campaign?). Labor's Anthony Albanese, the Coalition's Julia Bishop and the Greens' Adam Bandt have each submitted their playlists.

Ms Bishop has chosen, among others, Madonna's Like A Virgin and Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody. Mr Albanese has gone with The Pixies song Here Comes Your Man and The Triffids 1986 hit Wide Open Road. The Greens' Adam Bandt chose Bloc Party's Banquet and Talking Heads' Girlfriend is Better.

For more about the Rage special you can click here.

Mr Rudd says the Labor campaign launch will be held in Brisbane "capital of the world".

(But not when.)

Mr Rudd: "We're not even at half time yet....I believe people will make up their minds closer to the event."

Mr Rudd summarises his announcement: "What are we great at in Australia? We are great at inventing stuff. What do we need to be better at? Commercialising stuff."


Prime Minister Kevin Rudd visits the Translational Research Institute in Brisbane on Tuesday.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd visits the Translational Research Institute in Brisbane on Tuesday. Photo: Andrew Meares

Mr Rudd goes on the front foot over the Coalition's policy costings.

"What have you got to hide," Mr Rudd asks Coalition leader Tony Abbott.

He refers to the $70 billion figure again and says it is the equivalent of funding hospitals over four years.

"This is not a piece of loose change," Mr Rudd says.

"Mr Abbott has arrogantly concluded he has already won the election and so hasn't come clean with the Australian people about where the cuts will come."


Prime Minister Kevin Rudd visits the Translational Research Institute in Brisbane on Tuesday.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd visits the Translational Research Institute in Brisbane on Tuesday. Photo: Andrew Meares

Mr Rudd says: "None of this happens by magic."

Breakthroughs in research such as prostate cancer happen through a "series of eureka moments", he says.




Prime Minister Kevin Rudd visits the Translational Research Institute in Brisbane on Tuesday.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd visits the Translational Research Institute in Brisbane on Tuesday. Photo: Andrew Meares

Mr Rudd and the Health Minister, Tanya Plibersek, are announcing a new $250 million Medial Research Innovation Fund to help commercialise new medical treatments and 21st century healthcare technologies (half the money would come from the government, the other half from private investment).

"It means life changing innovations for ordinary Australians," Mr Rudd says of the work of medical researchers.

He also announces $47.5 million in funding for 19 centres of research excellence in areas such a indigenous health, genomics and national clinical trials of new drugs.


Prime Minister Kevin Rudd visits the Translational Research Institute in Brisbane on Tuesday.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd visits the Translational Research Institute in Brisbane on Tuesday. Photo: Andrew Meares

Mr Abbott has wrapped up just ahead of Kevin Rudd beginning to talk in Brisbane.


Mr Abbott is asked about paid parental leave.

Mr Abbott says he accepts that "some of my colleagues have been slow to adjust on paid parental leave".

"I have grown, I have changed," Mr Abbott says.

"I'm confident my colleagues will come with me."

(Still no sign of the costings though.)

Mr Abbott is also confident the states will come on board. He says he will have "an adult conversation" with state premiers about the costing of the scheme should the Coalition win government.


Opposition leader Tony Abbott addresses the media during a visit to a disability services business in Corio, Victoria, on Tuesday.

Opposition leader Tony Abbott addresses the media during a visit to a disability services business in Corio, Victoria, on Tuesday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Mr Abbott says that as "far as the Coalition is concerned the national disability insurance scheme is an idea whose time has come".

He says people will hear more about the scheme from the Coalition rather than Labor during the campaign.

Mr Abbott says it is "difficult" for Kevin Rudd to talk about the scheme because it was a signature policy of his predecessor, Julia Gillard.

Opposition leader Tony Abbott meets with employees during his visit to a disability services business in Corio, Victoria, on Tuesday.

Opposition leader Tony Abbott meets with employees during his visit to a disability services business in Corio, Victoria, on Tuesday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Mr Abbott says if a Coalition government was elected he would set up a bipartisan committee to oversee the scheme's genesis (it will not be fully operational until 2019).

"It should be something that's owned by the whole people [and is] not just a party political achievement," Mr Abbott says.

"If it's an achievement for the nation it will go on for decades."


Opposition leader Tony Abbott meets with employees during his visit to a disability services business in Corio, Victoria, on Tuesday.

Opposition leader Tony Abbott meets with employees during his visit to a disability services business in Corio, Victoria, on Tuesday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Mr Abbott is visiting a disability employment services business in Geelong, in the electorate of Corio in Victoria.

Mr Abbott is talking about the national disability insurance scheme (yes, I know Labor changed the name to DisabilityCare but Mr Abbott prefers the old name because that is what a Coalition government would use).

"It's only in the last couple of months that the name was changed," Mr Abbott explains. "As people have said, the sector sees the scheme as supporting them deliver a better life, it doesn't see it as simply a care for vulnerable people operation."


Opposition leader Tony Abbott meets with employees during his visit to a disability services business in Corio, Victoria, on Tuesday.

Opposition leader Tony Abbott meets with employees during his visit to a disability services business in Corio, Victoria, on Tuesday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

There's always one.....Coalition leader Tony Abbott is heckled along the Great Ocean Road.

'This is no place for you Tony' (Video Thumbnail) Click to play video

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'This is no place for you Tony'

RAW VISION: Opposition leader Tony Abbott is heckled by a passer by as he inspects a pot hole on the Great Ocean Road.

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Fuelled by an early morning sausage sanger and the shiny happy faces of school children Kevin Rudd has issued a rallying cry: "I believe in the power of the Australian people!"

Bianca Hall is with Team Rudd and has filed this report on the first stop of the day.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd at a rally outside Nyanda High School in Brisbane on Tuesday.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd at a rally outside Nyanda High School in Brisbane on Tuesday. Photo: Andrew Meares

Rupert's two bob:


There's just too much to write about babies!

The Coalition's case for the paid parental leave scheme has not been helped by a less than polished performance by treasury spokesman Joe Hockey on radio yesterday in which he stumbled over how it would be funded.

Initially Mr Hockey said the entire cost of the policy would be covered by the levy a Coalition government would impose on the country's biggest companies. Mr Hockey then said it would be paid for by a combination of factors including the levy, the money the government would save in family tax payments and state government contributions.

It is hard to determine exactly how the scheme will be funded because the Coalition has not yet released the costings (although it promised to do so).

The Age's political editor, Michael Gordon, writes it is ridiculous that whys and wherefores of such a big commitment have not been spelt out.

What do you think? Is the Coalition's scheme fair? Have your say in our readers' poll which you can find here.

Paid parental leave. It's supposed to be a dead set winner for the Coalition complete with photo opportunities galore of babies and radiant new mothers. Instead, the policy is being attacked by Labor (no surprises there) and big business and it is not exactly being embraced by everyone inside the Coalition.

That's a lot of angst for something that is going to cost $5.5 billion a year.

West Australian Premier Colin Barnett says the policy is overly generous and former National Party senator turned lower house candidate Barnaby Joyce has defended his party's commitment to the scheme. Breaking news reporter Judith Ireland has more on who says what about paid parental leave inside the Coalition.

What do the experts say? Will the scheme be a boon for workplace productivity? Maybe, some say, but only if it is matched by an affordable and accessible childcare system, report Matt Wade and Clay Lucas.


Both leaders have been out and about this morning as you can tell from the fine photographs Andrew Meares and Alex Ellinghausen have already sent through.

Labor leader Kevin Rudd has been in Brisbane at Nyanda High School which has been earmarked for closure by the Liberal National state government. Mr Rudd will be in Brisbane today where he make an announcement later this morning about medical research.

Coalition leader Tony Abbott was on the Great Ocean Road in Victoria campaigning with candidate Sarah Henderson. Mr Abbott committed a Coalition government to spending $25 million over five years to upgrade the iconic highway. Mr Abbott will spend the rest of the day in Victoria.

Opposition leader Tony Abbott inspects a pothole on the Great Ocean Road with Liberal candidate Sarah Henderson,  in Victoria, on Tuesday.

Opposition leader Tony Abbott inspects a pothole on the Great Ocean Road with Liberal candidate Sarah Henderson, in Victoria, on Tuesday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Coalition leader Tony Abbott is fond of telling his team that winning an election is like climbing Mt Everest.

Liberal MP Philip Ruddock assists Opposition Leader Tony Abbott to climb up a slope during his visit to the Great Ocean Road, in Victoria, on Tuesday.

Liberal MP Philip Ruddock assists Opposition Leader Tony Abbott to climb up a slope during his visit to the Great Ocean Road, in Victoria, on Tuesday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

I can almost see The Lodge from here.

Opposition leader Tony Abbott at the Anglesea lookout on the Great Ocean Road, in Victoria, on Tuesday.

Opposition leader Tony Abbott at the Anglesea lookout on the Great Ocean Road, in Victoria, on Tuesday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

We are the champions.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and his wife Therese Rein return to C1 after they attend a rally at Nyanda High School in Brisbane on Tuesday.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and his wife Therese Rein return to C1 after they attend a rally at Nyanda High School in Brisbane on Tuesday. Photo: Andrew Meares

If only they could vote.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd attends a rally at Nyanda High School in Brisbane on Tuesday.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd attends a rally at Nyanda High School in Brisbane on Tuesday. Photo: Andrew Meares

It's good to start the day with a nourishing breakfast particularly if it can be combined with a political rally.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd prepares sausages at a rally at the  Nyanda High School in Brisbane on Tuesday.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd prepares sausages at a rally at the Nyanda High School in Brisbane on Tuesday. Photo: Andrew Meares

Parents, poppets and Papua - these are the issues populating the campaign this morning.

Hello and welcome to our live coverage of the election trail. It's a pleasure to have you on board as Alex Ellinghausen, Andrew Meares and I buckle up for another day.


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  • "over 100,000 pencils have been bought and 140 km of string is required to tie them to polling booths

    over 43 million ballot papers have been printed and 50,000 ballot boxes produced;

    about 70,000 polling station officials are needed (50,000 have signed up so far);

    265 group voting tickets have been accepted; and

    a record 1,717 nominations were received and declared from independent candidates.

    All this to appease Fairyland under the Moon philosophy sprinkled with delusions of elf dust to enchant believers in what is untrue. Great?

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 4:37PM
  • Shouldn't the fact 105 boat people almost drowned be the headline story as opposed to Collingwood facing a 20,000 dollar fine for misleading advertising? Now I wonder, who is the Age supporting during this campaign?

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 4:29PM
  • Typical ALP overkill.

    1.4m of string per pencil!

    Swanny must have left his calculator on his desk....

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 4:26PM
    • Keep an eye on Hockey and Robb in case they trip over it.

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 4:33PM
    • Dont worry Stumbles Hockey will cut this government brown string wasteful extravagance ( and then lose all the pencils)

      David D
      Ettalong Beach
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 4:36PM
  • J. F-r-a-s-e-r

    Your calm down response means you still have not answered my questions.

    1: How would you stop the drownings?

    2: Why would any thinking person vote for liars?

    No tangents and no obfuscations only direct answers please. We can't have you comparing Pen with Disneyland, while refusing to answer questions can we? It smacks of Rudd and Abbot style cowardice that you are so keen to vote for?

    Answer the questions, Fraser.

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 4:24PM
    • @"Pen"

      Once again.

      Open up immigration.

      But you wouldn't like that.

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 4:28PM
  • ALP Playbook:

    Plan A - Attack Abbott
    Plan B - Be positive (not negative)
    Plan C - If B fails go back to A.

    And remember, we are always the victim!

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 4:23PM
    • NO the victoms will be the Australian public who have to feel the full brunt of some trulyterrible economkic policies from the Libs.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 4:27PM
    • Coalition playbook:

      1. Say slogan of the day
      2. Repeat slogan of the day
      3. Deny anything else to contrary has ever been said
      4. Repeat slogan of the day
      5. End press conference

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 4:33PM
  • Yee Hah! Paid Parental Lottery .
    Mumbles Abbott - *Its fully costed* (whatever that means)
    Stumbles Hockey - *its funded 50 or 60 percent - maybe thats 70*
    Matthias Conman * Its fully funded - no cuts to services* (the cuts will be for other programmes -we will write *not from cuts* on all the cheques)
    WA Premier * bugger off Tony - not with my money you dont*
    Who is going to be left holding the baby?

    David D
    Ettalong Beach
    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 4:22PM
    • We are.

      Mornington Peninsula
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 4:24PM
  • so much discussion about Abbotts paid parenting leave.......just goes to show how desperate people are to hear Abbotts policies.
    Even if he has only released the two policies....the other being his Austerity cut, cut cut.

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 4:03PM
  • Another school visit. I don't understand it, the kids don't even vote. Any stray vegemite sandwiches? Kev will be hurt if doesn't cop one.

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 3:59PM
  • Why is John McTernan still in Australia, hasn't the original job he was employed for been terminated?
    To All that bleat that the Coalition hasn't released their costing I would prefer that the time be taken to ensure that the costings are correct rather than scribble on a drink coaster like Rudds.
    The Charter of Budget Honesty Act 1998 underpins the release of the PEFO and provides (relatively weak) constraints on the Government as to its budget reporting.
    Importantly the Act does not mandate any action by the Opposition.
    It allows the Opposition (and other minor parties) to request the Treasury and the Department of Finance and Deregulation to undertake costings but it does not mandate that the Opposition take any particular action (the word ‘may’ is used in this context).
    Therefore, the Opposition is complying with the Charter of Budget Honesty even if it does not request a single costing.

    Lyle Marshall
    Castle Hill
    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 3:49PM
    • McTernan has obviously been giving advice to the Rudd camp.
      They're back to abbott abbott abbott again

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 4:09PM
    • Probably helping Jool's to move into her new pad.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 4:28PM
    • I wouldnt worry too much about the coalition costings either - their sterling effort so far on the Paid Parental lottery illustrates how relevant and realistic they will be.
      Knickernomics rules again.

      David D
      Ettalong Beach
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 4:46PM
  • Read the article by McT. If you didn't know who the author was you would swear it was the best satire you have ever read. Knowing who the author is makes it hilarious..

    P.S Did Fairfax poach him from News or is he working in the 'Latham reporter' role this election??

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 3:49PM
    • Can we please please send him home?

      Now you see them
      Soon you won't
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 3:59PM
  • Words of wisdom from Mike Kelly (the PM's pick for Defence Minister) : We won’t be competing in the region and the suffering we will have inflicted on ourselves through not dealing with climate change will turn the Bega Valley into the Death Valley, the Sapphire Coast into the Saline Coast and the Snowy Mountains into the Sandy Mountains. We can’t afford catastrophic climate change so I want you to work with me on that as well. I believe that deeply. So join with me in that struggle. Hello!!

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 3:49PM
    • Tip don't take what he said too seriously, however best take it as an half truth. It took thousands of years for Co2 to reach 315 ppm and 55 years to reach 400 ppm? Do the maths?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 4:43PM
  • Blimey!! I have just received my postal voting papers & the Senate paper (white one) is almost as long as my kitchen bench!! (I live in a very small unit)!! I think there will be long lines & much delay on voting day.

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 3:46PM
    • Is worth the effort? Do you believe what the politicians have told you is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth? Therein lays your answer.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 3:57PM
  • J. F-r-a-s-e-r

    You still have not answered my questions.

    1: How would you stop the drownings?

    2: Why would any thinking person vote for liars?

    No tangents and no obfuscations only direct answers please. We can't have you comparing Pen with Disneyland, while refusing to answer questions can we? It smacks of Rudd and Abbot style cowardice that you are so keen to vote for?

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 3:45PM
    • I know what I would do. Set up a processing centre in Indonesia. Declare that any person comes to Australia by boat, they will be declared an economic refugee automatically and sent back.

      If they are processed in Indonesia, then they can determine if they are genuine refugees there.

      If they aren't, then great, don't accept them.

      Talk with other countries about taking some of the refugees.

      If they are, put them in a camp in Indonesia, give them cultural, language and skills training so that when they land in Australia/Canada/US/New Zealand they have the best chance at becoming productive members of that society.

      I would certainly expect this approach to be cheaper than the current choices, and far more humane!

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 4:00PM
    • Pen no point trying to take on J Fray Fray - He can be a little Cray Cray.
      This morning we discussed 'Trashing democracy" You inferred that coalition not releasing costings was Trashing our democracy.. you even went on to make comparisons to Hitler, just in case anyone wasn’t sure if the debate was over..
      How do you reconcile your choice not to vote with your perceived Guardian of democracy status? Would you agree that if everyone acted like you and didn't vote, our democracy would be Trashed? As a citizen what is your personal obligation to democracy if you do not even vote?

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 4:03PM
    • Calm down.

      You are in danger of becoming like "thepres".

      I am not responsible for what gets posted and what doesn't.

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 4:04PM
    • Doesn't really solve the drowning problem.

      Mornington Peninsula
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 4:04PM
    • You should ask Kevin Rudd the question.
      After all he is the cause of this mess!!!
      He was the one that dismantled the policies that actually worked!!

      You must be joking
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 4:05PM
    • Cwitty

      Point to where I have mentioned Hitler, yo cannot because it does not exist. Voting for liars is not democratic, however, refusing to vote for liars is democratic. If you do not understand this principle then I suggest that you read up on ethics.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 4:19PM
    • Sorry 'you must be joking'. Apparently it wasn't Ruddy Boys fault - it was our fault as voters for apparently giving him a mandate to dismantle the Pacific Solution. He only did what the voters wanted.

      Now if he would only do what the voters want come September 7 and just go away. Please just go away.

      Smokin Mo
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 4:21PM
    • But Tom your solution will not stop the drownings?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 4:21PM
  • Boris Johnson would make a great guest on Q&A.

    Tony Jones get on the blower

    Tim of Altona
    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 3:41PM
  • Whats all the fuss about PPL. As long as my wife can still make payments on her new X5 when the baby is born and not have to worry about going back to work for 6 months i'm all for it.

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 3:40PM
  • What chance of being convicted for not voting postal when information on policy costings was not forthcoming?

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 3:32PM
    • What chance of you posting of some money to Treasury to pay for all the times you haven't voted ?

      Help the big bad debt you keep banging on about.

      And possibly salve your conscience.

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 3:36PM
    • J.Fraser

      Please answer my question: why should I vote for liars? What is the matter is the reality too perplexing for you?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 3:52PM
  • Good question. Why would we care what John McTernan thinks? Now that his gig is over shouldn't he be deported? At the very least Kevin should resettle him in PNG.

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 3:24PM
    • He's apparently trying to carve out a media career for himself
      Doubt he wants to hang around in Australia too long after Sept 7 given the part he played in turning the ALP into a smoking ruin with his management of Gillard.

      Tim of Altona
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 3:38PM
  • Stephanie You suggest vote early.... Based on many elections as AEC staff I suggest that unless you absolutely have to vote in the morning the best way to avoid a queue is to vote later.leave it to early or mid afternoon and the chances are better there will be a very short queue

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 3:22PM
  • So Kevin Rudd tells Tony Abbott to quote "show some leadership and man up" - how do we take that? Misogynistic or just Sexist?

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 3:16PM
    • Like Kev "Manning Up" when he sent Simon Crean into fight for him, then didn't even Show Up!

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 3:28PM
    • Kevin must have been thinking about himself when he said that.

      Kev's not my man
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 3:30PM
    • Its a sorry state of affairs when the geek is telling the boxer to "man up".

      Whatever happened to Liberal principles that took Australia to so many wars ?

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 3:38PM
  • McTernan wrote one article for the Sunday Tele a few weeks ago - supposedly the first of a weekly column - then disappeared.

    Are we expecting regular contributions to the SMH from Julia's most famous 457 recipient ?

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 3:14PM
    • When can we send him home?

      Now you see him
      Soon you won't
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 3:18PM
    • Well this might mean that Fairfax is now sponsoring the 457 visa - so perhaps Stephanie could answer that.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 3:52PM
  • The Paid Parental Leave is the best form of upper class welfare I've ever seen ... anywhere.

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 3:11PM
    • Woman earning $20k a year might not agree.

      $75k for those on $150k as opposed to $10k for those on $20k.

      Who could afford to do with less ?

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 3:19PM
    • It’s a big word but I know you can do it!! Say it with me "Universal"
      Not Upper nor Lower nor Middle class. Universal. Just like Medicare a 'UNIVERSAL' entitlement. Universal entitlements make Australia the best country in the world. There are plenty of universal entitlements that don’t create a divided class based society of envy. That’s why they are good (unless you like class based societies of envy – then you will not like universal rights)

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 3:31PM
    • Cwitty - Medicare doesn't pay you more of a refund the more you earn - you get the same no matter what.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 4:16PM
  • “If the ALP's ETS had been proposed by Tony Abbott it would be a perfect example of Liberal policy, letting the market do the work and determine the best approach to drive down carbon emissions.

    But instead it is a terrible cost on business and the libs support govt”

    If Kevin’s northern Australian special Tax zone was proposed by Tony it would be laughed out of town as ‘Dividing the nation’. The treasurer’s assistant would complain about gold plated footpaths in the north while people in west Sydney are stuck in traffic. They would demand detailed costings...

    But instead its … Oh hang on a minute. It was announced by Tony… The government did say that. WTF??

    Pfft - Ruddy Labor ... Go Figure

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 3:10PM
    • I know, right? What a terrible policy whoever gets into power. Lots of blown money on a white elephant just so Gina can have a low taxation zone.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 3:22PM
  • There seems to be a return of the Gillard tactic. Abbott Abbott Abbott all of them every press conference. Back to sounding desperate again. Everything is about Tony Abbott!
    Do they have anything to campaign on except Abbott Abbott Abbott!

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 3:07PM
    • I know Rudd is on the ballot paper.

      Who is this Abbott you are talking about ?

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 3:12PM
    • That did not work for Gillard and i unlikely to work for these clowns as well.

      Now you see him
      Soon you won't
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 3:16PM
    • J Fraser - getting more desperate by the day - just like the PM

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 3:26PM
    • You know what, returning to "Abbott Abbott Abbott" is a sure sign they have nothing left in the locker and nothing to campaign on. Oh except "cut cut cut to the bone"
      It's a ridiculas tactic, it sounds of desperation, it's childish, they look silly trying to get it out every time they talk to the media, it's obvious and it never worked for Gillard. And the other thing with this Abbott Abbott Abbott thing is Kev is supposed to have a "new way". This isn't knew Kev. I'm voting Abbott Abbott Abbott

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 3:33PM
    • Rudd is only on the ballot paper in the electorate of Griffith. You won't see him anywhere else. Or is it just, "Kevin"??

      Facts are
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 3:36PM
    • All I seem to have heard in the last few days from you lot is Rudd Rudd Rudd. Even Amanda Vandstone was targetting Rudd yesterday in her Liberal Party advertorial.

      It's just typical Liberal Party strategy to try to paint Rudd with the same brush as Abbott.

      Rudd hasn't exactly had the time to show his personality since taking over the role of PM - he's been running all over Australia trying to get elected. So all this personality stuff is mostly made up by the Liberal Party spin machine.

      The difference is that with Abbott, it's all true.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 3:51PM
    • LNP's diversionary tactics haven't ceased i see........Oh look over there >>.........

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 4:19PM
    • They sound like they are in opposition, with nothing left but to attack the other side. The reaction to the PPL is a case in point. Whether it is good or not, Abbott has stolen the high ground on this one and they are sounding very shrill about it.

      Bligh's campaign in Qld employed the same tactic and turned what could have been an honourable defeat into an absolute rout. The first time in the election she proudly listed achievements was in her concession speech, the rest of the time was spent attacking Newman.

      Anywhere but Canberra
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 4:34PM
  • For all those who follow the bookies :

    "Pen of hrba" fell at the first sign of democracy.

    "thereisnoyouinLabor" ran off the track and is now ensconced in a retreat.

    "SteveH." is out in the paddock filling up with knowledge.

    "terry" was slow away from the barriers and is not making any headway.

    J. Fraser
    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 2:58PM
    • Gosh, I wish I was in a least until after the 7th Spetember. Its like an addiction reading these comments when I know they are the same day after day after day..including my own. Oh the serenity of the 8th of Spetember with, hopefully, the LNP in Government and all is well with the world. BTW you do know I'm agnostic don't they have retreats for agnostics..if so I'd love to know of it.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 3:24PM
  • J.Fraser

    As ever the alarmist. Mandortory sentence following a verbal and written warning following conviction of a second offence of people smuggling.

    What is your alternative, Fraser let more children drown? Time you took a grip of reality. It is no fun losing a child Fraser, I can assure you of that reality.

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 2:50PM
    • @"Pen"

      If your posts are reality I would prefer Disneyland.

      Once again commiserations on your loss.

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 3:14PM
    • J,Fraser

      Another of your tangents does not cut the mustard, Fraser. So, explain how you would stop the drownings. Not the boats the drownings, those horrible things that cause death. You know when the lungs fill with salt water. And our Labor and the Coalition's answer is to do what?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 3:26PM
    • @"Pen"

      Open up immigration.

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 3:41PM
  • I'll still vote below the line no matter how many stand to confuse the issue. might take me half a day, but I'll pref where I want to.
    No matter how the machine thinks.
    Voting OS, so that should at least be interesting and a bit of fun.

    A country gal
    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 2:48PM
    • You risk ending up with an informal ballot.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 2:53PM
    • I did it at one of Howards elections but at that time there were only 89 candidates.

      If I was in an electorate where it was absolutely solid Liberal I would do it and get as many of my friends to do it as well.

      That way the polling booths would probably only have about 20 votes and the Libs would be screaming rigged election.

      Oh wait a minute they have already been screaming that for 3 years.

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 3:02PM
    • No.

      Pick up ballot papers when registering.

      Fold ballot papers neatly with a pre typed explanation of why they remain unmarked.

      Place in ballot box.


      It is the only practical way of how not to vote for liars.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 3:18PM
    • Lewis, I always double/triple check and only once have had to ask for a new ballot.
      There will be plenty of deliberate donkeys around this time, but mine won't be one.
      I value my vote.

      A country gal
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 3:27PM
    • Hey Pen. Why the pre-typed explanation. Do you really think anybody would bother to read it or even care?

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 3:35PM
  • "If Tony Abbott's PPL scheme was actually being proposed by the ALP, it would be lauded as visionary and essential, a la Gonski and Disability Care.

    Because it isn't, it's too expensive and overkill."

    If the ALP's ETS had been proposed by Tony Abbott it would be a perfect example of Liberal policy, letting the market do the work and determine the best approach to drive down carbon emissions.

    But instead it is a terrible cost on business and the libs support govt intervention.

    Go Figure!

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 2:42PM
    • Hmmm - kind of like the hypocrisy of embracing neo-classical economics, and then rejecting a market-based ETS for dealing with carbon emissions because it's inefficient...

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 2:52PM
    • A policy which will see no employer in Australia hiring women of child bearing age is mysogynistic - a perfect example of Coalition attitudes towards women.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 3:01PM
    • Hey Macca,

      Maybe the difference is the ALP bought in a Carbon Tax instead of an ETS.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 3:15PM
    • Beasleyest - If you actually looked past the name and saw the operation you would see it was a ETS with a fixed price period.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 3:33PM
    • Woman. The 3000 businesses will be paying the extra tax, whether they employ women...or not. So, I don't follow your point. Please explain.

      Facts are
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 3:41PM
  • Kev seems to be saying the following quite a bit:

    "I've been in a few tight spots before and I've managed to fight a way forward," he said. "I intend to fight my way forward."

    When is a journo going to finally put him on the spot and ask "Like when"?

    Last time he was in a tight spot in 2010 he meekly resigned rather than facing ballot of his own party and then went about the cowardly undermining of his own party.

    He is a fraud.

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 2:23PM
    • And in the other corner, we have Tony Abbott. Tony Abbott lost the last election, but insisted on remaining the LNP leader even though he knows the voters prefer Malcom Turnbull.

      Don't be too sure about the arrogant, self-centred Abbott becoming PM.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 2:29PM
    • Sharron...The LNP got MORE votes than the ALP in the 2010 election.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 2:53PM
    • Sharon, Tony Abbott almost won the unwinnable election last time - first term governments rarely get thrown out.

      Further, Abbott did not lose, he tied. And his party chose to keep him as leader afterwards - unlike labor who dumped Krudd, then Gillard.

      Finally, Abbott has kept a united team for four years.

      There has been far more stability from the opposition than from the government. If the coalition wins it because under Tony Abbott they have shown themselves to be a better and more stable alternative.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 3:02PM
    • @Sharon, just to complete your bollocking, LNP voters do not prefer Turnbull to Abbott, labor voters might, but who cares about those simpletons.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 3:51PM
  • So Kevin Baker, according to Tony Abbott, has "adjusted" his behaviour has "changed" and has apologised about his links to pornography.

    And, according to Tony Abbott, the matter doesn't need anymore attention. Could we expect anything less from Tony Abbott? No. Has Tony Abbott changed? No.

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 2:22PM
    • There you go except porn, but don't talk about abortion, spoken like the true hypocrite Abbott is.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 3:01PM
  • PPL needs to be generous. Not simply because people shouldn’t have to take a pay cut to go on leave or that only a very small percentage of the work force are actually earning the minimum wage. It needs to be generous to address long term gender inequality problems that are structural in our society. We need to make a structural change to make a difference. Women are historically and presently under represented in the highest quintile of income earners. Woman with dependent children have statistically a very low chance (almost no chance) of being part of the highest quintile of earners.* having a partner or not makes bugger all difference the greatest determinant of female poverty is ‘dependent children’. The framework is wrong. The labour market has failed and requires intervention. As a society we must protect and enhance the ability of woman to be represented in the top quintile of wage earners. It is never a good time for transformative change agendas but we must address the structural problem that woman with dependent children face in becoming high income earners. Not asking women to take a pay cut to drop right down to the minimum wage when they decide to produce a dependent child is a solid first step. In time this gender equity initiative will no doubt enjoy by partisan support.

    * 4102.0 - Australian Social Trends, 2008

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 2:18PM
  • Think I've worked out how the Coalition are going to balance the budget.

    Selling off Government assets.

    It's the next step. Government land sold off to developers. Building turned into apartment blocks.

    the Coast
    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 2:16PM
    • Thus potentially increasing housing supply and helping remedy the current housing bubble. Great idea. I'll vote for that.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 2:27PM
    • Where is your proof?
      Like the ALP/Union add with the woman in the kitchen, get the irony is that, she says that Abbott will sack teachers and nurses. Where does the Federal Govt employ teachers and nurses?
      The first truth about ALP/Union adds is they are all based on a lie.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 2:29PM
    • The Queensland LNP newman government is now outsourcing Queensland's hospital system to the Catholic Church.

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 2:35PM
    • At least they can get a payroll right, J. Fraser. Ever stayed at the Mater?..terrific service.Had both my children at the Mater Private and an emergency stay at the Public...lovely...and they don't even care if you aren't Catholic, don't even ask....go figure.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 2:48PM
    • J,Fraser

      A crucifix above every bed? Only in Queensland?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 2:58PM
    • @ Terry

      Sorry can't provide the proof at this stage it's hidden away with the policy costings. It makes sense.

      If you are not going to raise taxes for anyone, or increase the GST and no one is going to be worse off, because of the cuts. It's the only way. It's been done before.

      the Coast
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 3:08PM
  • So, why is it that the National Foundation for Australian Women are not criticising RGR's PPL scheme which is substantially less generous, that women are not entitled to be paid at repalcement wages whilst on maternity leave, and where, for the last 6 ears, RGR has sbeen looking after the entire childcare environment.

    Commentators seem to forget that the same eligibility criteria as what R PPL scheme is relying upon, is also being used by the Coalition, yet if it is a TA scheme, it's bad, but if it's an RGR scheme, then it's all good.

    RGR essentially stands for an unlevel playing field when it comes to PPL, yet demands that employers pay penalty rates, etc in what is essentially now a 24/7 economy. No wonder an increasing proportion of business /small businesses, etc are simply choosing to shut down on weekends. It costs them, they get no support, and the Goverment simply keeps on clobbering them.

    RGR, big government, but no people.

    But then again, RGR was quick to up the PM's salary to >$500,000 when Howard's salary back in 2007 was $350,000.

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 2:08PM
  • One is amused by how 50-50 is "Australians are equally divided between the major parties" but a shift of just 4% of voters becomes "all Australians hate Labor and love Abbott" in the eyes of some.

    It's all pretty marginal. 2%, 3%, 4% of voters changing their minds one way or the other is not "everybody" despite the way journalists and commenters tend to talk.

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 2:02PM
    • The bookies think the favourite is going to win while all the time hoping the long shot will get up and help the battlers.

      Bookies usually live in mansions.

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 2:07PM
    • excellent point

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 2:26PM
    • Unfortunately, the popular trend or vote by the public effects the odds not the bookies. Bookies raise the price on a dead a horse(Labor) to try and entice more money out of the idiot public and lower it when they are exposed to a "sure thing''(Coalition) But sometimes they loose.They don't care about the ''Battler''I know where the smart money is on this election.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 2:28PM
  • The breaking news regarding the boat capsizing off Christmas island is indeed an unfolding tragedy. The news on this occurring has not yet been posted in the media section at Border Protection Command.

    Since Sunday, there have been 4 new boat arrivals in Australian waters, including today's rapidly unfolding crisis.

    Those boats contained 223 (Sunday), 51 (Sunday), 131 (Monday) and 105 today.

    That's 510 arrivals, received in or in serious distress, in the last 48 hours and takes the numbers since the 19th July announcement, to well above 3,000.

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 2:01PM
    • Grant, I am sure Rudd will tell us about it on the TV tonight.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 2:07PM
    • Highlighting the fact that we really need to de-politicise the issue, and work towards a robust bipartisan solution - one that is owned by both major parties.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 2:15PM
    • Look, there is only one practical solution to stopping the deaths, like it or or not the boats and passengers must be returned to Indonesia. How? See my post to J. Fraser.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 2:15PM
    • A word of warning.

      Don't bother seeing the post from "Pen of hrba".

      He's just talking about throwing democracy out the window and having 20 year mandatory prison sentences.

      No trial, no Jury .... just lock people up.

      Hope he's not breeding.

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 2:30PM
    • pseudomys

      We had a system that worked. It was called the Pacific Solution. It worked well till Rudd got hold of it and destroyed it allowing over 50,000 boat people to arrive and over 1,300 drownings.
      All of this was caused by Rudd and the ALP with the help of the Greens who will not accept responsibility for the damage they have helped cause. They blame everyone else and everything other than admitting they stuffed it up.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 2:35PM
    • Grant the most "interesting" but distrubing development in the asylum seeker "thing" is that we are seeing an increasing number of vessels......capsizsing and sending a distress signal so Abbotts turn them around sorta looks a shot duck hey ?

      Though he may deploy HMAS Rankin ( Collins class sub) to retreive them from the bottom of the sea

      Buffalo Bill
      Sydneys Northshore
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 2:41PM
    • @"terry"

      What "damage" would that be ?

      Looking for a better life perhaps ?

      Looking for freedom perhaps ?

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 2:42PM
    • terry

      it doesn't count as a bipartisan solution if one party says "do it my way or there'll be no agreement". The Pacific Solution didn't work for a range of reasons - but foremost among them because it didn't account for the range of views on this complex issue.

      To pretend that asylum seekers will stop arriving purely based on Australian policy is farcical - there are simply too many regional and international factors at work.

      We need a truly bipartisan solution that is embraced by the entire parliament, and to de-politicise this as soon as possible.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 2:48PM
    • Yepp, and according to Tony Burke the new PNG policy is working... what a complete and utter joke!

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 2:52PM
    • thepres,

      Rudd only does the "cool and groovy" stuff! Questions on bad news must go to others.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 3:25PM
  • Why is it that we have huge complaints about the LNP paying maternity leave on $150k salaries (minority), and I don't think anyone has acknowledged the majority of women that earn between $30k and $65k will actually be much better off under the LNP PPL scheme.

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 1:52PM
    • The issue is more that while the libs cut things like the low income super rebate and the school kids bonus and talk of budget crisis they are pay people who are already well off $75k to have a baby.

      It is redirecting scarce tax revenue to exactly the opposite of who should be getting it.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 1:55PM
    • Exactly, Australians are so quick to say "but she gets more", instead of "I get more" than they would get under the ALP plan.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 1:56PM
    • Macca,

      And who contributes more of that "scarce" tax revenue Macca?
      The majority of women that will get the benefit of this PPL get paid far less than $150k pa, so why don't we just be happy for them!

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 2:03PM
    • Notlad - It's not about "she gets more" it's about "should the govt be supporting someone earning $150k or above?

      And when the govt is cutting payments to lower income earners because they "can't afford them" why is this extravagence tolerated?

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 2:07PM
    • Macca,

      If you want to see "extravagance" take a look at the Public Service benefits paid to their employees regardless of salary.

      This PPL helps small business compete on benefits for employees.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 2:12PM
    • Beasleyst - The GST and corporations tax contribute a fair bit but yes the higher the income the more tax you pay, that is how the system works which is why it is ridiculous for Abbott to cut benefits to low income earners to fund benefits to high income earners (and the PPL is just 1 such policy) it is the exact opposite of how the system should work.

      Scarce tax revenue needs to be distributed to the greatest need and high income earning mothers to be don't fit that category.

      And if Abbott capped his policy at say $40k per 6 months he would find it much more popular and it would still benefit the majority of women and probably still be excessive.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 2:17PM
    • Stephanie - Peter Beattie seems MIA. Haven't heard much or seen any happy snaps of him around the campaign trail over the past couple of days. Can you check that he's still got a pulse and wasn't used as a puppet to puff up the Ruddster.

      Sarah of Carnegie
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 2:26PM
    • beasleyst

      So Abbott will take 1,5% off through a reduction in comapny tax yet he will impose a 1.5% levy tax or whatever its called.
      business doesnt like it (BCA) there is growing internal LNP rumblings, somethiong is unravelling as we speak

      Then its going to be running at $5.5bil per year + how is this sustainable into tomorrow and indeed beyond especially when he is cutting off revenue and indeed revenue is falling, so i guess if Abbott will not cut services hahahaha he will have to raise something somewhere wonder what that something will be from where ?

      And BTW its not going to start til 2015...but will it actually start then?

      For me the ALPs is not as generous i will concede that but it is more sustainable but it is good to know that the ALP are the parents of the PPL scheme
      Watch this space I say

      Buffalo Bill
      Sydneys Northshore
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 2:58PM
  • "Turn back the boats".

    Who was the idiot who thought of that ?

    "Turn back the boats".

    Who are the idiots who listen to that ?

    J. Fraser
    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 1:50PM
    • Well under your beloved ALP watch over 1,000 people have drowned and 40,000+ have arrived - the PNG solution - 2764 have arrived this month. The Rudd government has sent a few hundred to Manus Island - is this working for you J Fraser?

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 2:05PM
    • Do you have any answers Fraser?
      Or are you just sniping from the sidelines again?

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 2:05PM
    • Drones in the air with real time video down link and radar capability, the rest is easy especially with satellite imagery downloaded to our border protection vessels and drones.

      A few more high speed interception boats and we have a very high rate of boats intercepted and turned around. Crews photographed and their fingerprints taken followed by the issue of informal and formal warning of a mandatory 20 years imprisonment and boat destruction for any repeat offence.

      The few that make it to Christmas Island place on board a vessel that tows their boat back to the border of Indonesian waters on good weather days, provide sufficient fuel to make harbour, place them back on boat, or if boat is considered unseaworthy sink it and place them in inflatable craft with outboard motors, and bid them bon voyage. Anyone threatening suicide handcuff them to boat.

      Notify Indonesian authorities of precise location.

      Make it clear to Indonesia that Indonesia made itself a transit country despite Australia not wanting people in transit. It is not incumbent on Australia to support in any way criminal activity conducted on Indonesian soil. We will support the financing of regional refugee centres along with our regional neighbours to help support the retinal refugee problem, but we will not allow anyone to enter Australia without due process.

      There you go, Fraser pick the bones out of that.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 2:11PM
    • @"Pen"

      I see all your talk about democracy is just that.

      20 year mandatory prison sentences.

      Thank god you don't vote.

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 2:24PM
    • J. Fraser,

      Who was the idiot who thought of that ?

      Good question the Labor spokesman on immigration, Senator Tony Mulvihill demanded in 1977 that Vietnamese refugee boats should be turned back by the Navy. He said an ALP government would reverse Fraser's open door policy on refugees, and make an example of refugee boats by returning them under a Navy escort.

      Here's another idiot, Clyde Cameron during the 1977 election campaign said that “the only effective means of dealing with illegal immigrants would be to have them arrested and deported as soon as they land”

      Who are the idiots who listen to that ?

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 3:02PM
    • @Michael

      If they are on the 2013 election ballot I will not be voting for them.

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 3:10PM
    • J Fraser

      Did not realise that there was time limit on your question, in future if you only want the answer that you want, you should be more specific and define the question as "other than idiots from the Labor party who asked?", or "who in the years 2013 to 2103 asked?" Otherwise people would take you seriously and could also quote Bob Hawke, Gough other Labor politicians, Labor Premiers Labor Prime Ministers going back to Federation.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 3:27PM
    • Pen,

      Do wooden boats emit a radar signature just asking ?

      Will the drones replace the PC3 Orions?

      Oh taking of drones im so glad the silly "election now" cry from LNP supporters has stopped just like they will the boats hey ?

      Buffalo Bill
      Sydneys Northshore
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 3:29PM
  • another capsized boat off of Christmas island - can Burke talk his way out of this one, I thought he had intelligence the boats were slowing, they have sped up!

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 1:47PM
  • Actually, I was talking about the rich bastards that get $75,000 paid parental leave, to take 6 months off work, while most families would think it would be heaven to have $75,000 for 6 months of hard work.

    Just because you have lots of money does not mean you worked hard. I find the hardest workers are those on low incomes that need to work two or three jobs. I for one would like to help those less fortunate than myself.

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 1:45PM
    • What's stopping you from helping those that are less well off? There's plenty of charities that could use some help.
      You might also note that these higher earners are also paying higher taxes (and at higher proportional rates).
      That said, I believe the scheme is too generous.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 2:00PM
    • I can't do it alone!

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 2:57PM
  • I am starting to like Tania Pilbersek, it is quite obvious to all - she cannot stand Rudd one bit.

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 1:43PM
    • Wonder why she didn't resign like many of her colleagues who couldn't stomach working with Rudd?

      Tim of Altona
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 3:15PM
  • RGR's answer to most things is to spend, spend, spend.

    Look back to May10, the the 4 years since, and RGR was predicting cumulative deficits of $48B, including $40B for 2010/11.

    Look now at ES13, and for the same 4-year period, 2010/11 through 2013/14, and the cumulative deficits exceed $140B.

    That's a $92B, 4-ye RGR deterioration, despite many new taxes being in place.

    But whereas when this is faced by household, they go out and find 2nd jobs (RGR = 2nd taxes, etc), tighten their belts (RGR = spend up big on shiny new things), and economise by trimming their spending habits, etc (RGR = increase spending, laterally and personally).

    In a deteriorating federal setting, RGR have added $92B in cumulative deficits over and above their May10 forecasts, in 4 years, whilst adding 20,000 public servants to their bottom line.

    Instead of managing the economy fectively and efficiently, RGR has been condemning it like the veritable bull let loose in a china store.

    Of course Abbott is going to have to attack wasteful spending, the bloated lic ervice and like. But if by chance RGR does get back in, they will have to do exactlyhe same, or the deficit plans for the next 4 years will mirror those in reality of the last 4.


    It's the headache you have when uou wake up and everything else about you still remains a blur.

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 1:42PM
  • "Tony Abbott is considering the future of the Coalition's candidate in the NSW seat of Charlton, Kevin Baker, who has been running an unsavoury website featuring sexist and racist material."

    For God's sake don't tell Jool's, she'd have the flash house sold by 2.00 pm and be back in Canberra before one could say misogamy.

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 1:39PM
    • He should be considering the future of a few more, some in high places.

      A country gal
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 1:47PM
    • Pen - A Labor candidate swore at a fellow councilor who just happenned to be disabled 12 years ago and it was front page news of the Murdoch papers and he got disendorsed.

      Where is the outcry on this Liberal candidate?

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 1:49PM
  • Great photo at 1:30pm.

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 1:36PM
    • yep, Note it appears Abbott is wearing his "collar" and "frock" very apt, bit too descriptive of his other self.
      Anyone heard from Pell lately?

      A country gal
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 1:45PM
    • sure does look like that just as sure as Atheism is the new religion

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 1:59PM
    • Keep trying ACG..discrimination on religious grounds is pretty ugly stuff and I wonder if you'd do the same to a Muslim MP..or perhaps you can have a go at Pen of hrba who mentions he is of the Jewish faith. Christians are such easy targets for shallow minded cowards. Not having any religion of my own I still find it distasteful to hear others using religious discrimination as a basis for their hatred.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 2:13PM
    • Thereisnou, look again at the pic objectively and think again re his history.
      As for Pell, well his MIA is obvious isn't it.
      So, no this is not bias (this time) a mere observation.
      Even Kevin came close to a similar one but not so mystical with the reflection.

      A country gal
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 3:38PM
  • Each one of Kevin Rudd's and the ALP's election "promises" need to be described as "admissions of past negelect". This is because unlike Tony Abbott and the Coalition, Rudd and the ALP have been in government for the past 6 years and should have implemented or at least started all the programs that support these new "promises".

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 1:30PM
  • Can somebody please remind Rudd how many schoolls he and his new Bestie Peter Beattie closed down? Please? Anyone?

    He can say anything without any fact nor recollection. It is bewildering that the Journos are not doing their job. just blindingly accepting this drivel. It should be compulsory for all voters to check vote checker......

    ALP Amnesia
    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 1:27PM
  • The Greens have missed an opportunity for a media grab. Three wrecked ships have been found off the Great Barrier Reef. Wrecked in the 1800s apparently, but don't let that get in the way. Admonish the owners in the loudest possible manner, and preferably on the 6pm news thanks. Call for a Royal Commission and funding for more research!!!

    Facts are
    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 1:19PM
    • Facts are - I am surprised the Libs aren't blaming it on Labor failing to protect our borders.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 1:27PM
    • Excellent idea Macca.

      Facts are
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 1:42PM
    • Macca75- Silly comment!

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 1:52PM
  • The Prime Minister: Address to the Nation (If only)

    My fellow Australians. I address you now to acknowledge my shame for the part I have played in this country's response to asylum seekers.

    I and my Party have failed to provide any moral compass to our people in this matter. Indeed we have led the way at times in penalising, even dehumanising, those desperate people who have found our way to our shores in search of refuge from persecution and life-threatening situations.

    I am ashamed of what we have done and what we have failed to do.

    I am ashamed that we have allowed, even encouraged, our people to turn away from their natural goodness, tolerance, and generosity to support the harsh and inhuman policies of their, of my, government.

    I am ashamed that we, one of the richest nations on earth, have declared that no asylum seeker, whatever their desperate plight, will ever be allowed to join us in the citizenship and opportunities built up by many generations of migrants.

    As of this moment I repudiate the measures I and my Party have taken to turn our backs on genuine asylum seekers. We will redouble our efforts to work with our neighbouring countries to establish an orderly migration process for asylum seekers.

    We will do everything possible to discourage asylum seekers from undertaking a perilous sea voyage to reach a refuge here.

    If defeated in the coming election, our Labor Party will not go down in history with a reputation blackened by the memory of policies untrue to all our basic values.

    wentworth falls
    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 1:18PM
  • It really is amazing that "Pen of hrba", who apparently doesn't vote could have so much to say about politics in Australia.

    Just goes to show how good Australians have it.

    And why so many people would like to share it with us.

    J. Fraser
    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 1:16PM
    • I repeat: give me one good reason why any thinking person would depreciate democracy by voting for politicians who lie, conspire, withhold vital information from voters and are anything but ethical?

      Personally I cannot think of one, so the only conclusion is?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 1:33PM
    • J.Fraser, your latest comment "I would be only too happy to answer every question of yours that I could". OK how about answering the question I have asked you many times, I look forward to an answer "Why did 7 Labor frontbencher refuse to serve under Rudd, leaving Labor with substandard ministers?'

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 1:40PM
  • A great question in Michael Pascoe's article: why is the PPL different for stay-at-home dads?

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 1:07PM
    • Because Dads don't have to recover from childbirth, both physically and mentally..because dads can't breastfeed..because in all the animal kingdom to which we belong..little babies belong with their mothers. Like it or lump it..its the truth.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 1:41PM
    • A nice try, but not really convincing.

      If mothers want or need to go back to work, there's no reason why fathers, in this day and age, can't become the primary caregivers.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 4:31PM
  • “During his years as Employment Minister under John Howard, Mr Abbott never made any attempt to introduce a paid parental leave scheme. He is on record as opposing it.”
    In 2002, he told a Liberal Party function in Victoria:
    “Compulsory paid maternity leave? Over this Government’s dead body, frankly.”

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 1:05PM
    • Politician changes his position after ten years. Alert the media!

      They are meant to represent and implement the will of the nation. Perhaps (like stated this morning with the NDS) he now considers it's time has come.

      And if you say that it is just because there are votes in it, isn't that therefore representing the will of the nation?

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 2:31PM
  • I like the picture of Kevin Rudd making sausage sandwiches for the Nyanda High School children this morning. He's got the sauce bottle firmly grasped and giving it a fair shake. Guess the ids would have missed the irony of the whole event.

    Western Sydney
    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 1:03PM
  • "Louis Cypher" and "Pen of hrba".

    "Two nations between whom there is no intercourse and no sympathy; who are as ignorant of each other's habits, thoughts, and feelings, as if they were dwellers in different zones, or inhabitants of different planets. The rich and the poor."
    Benjamin Disraeli

    J. Fraser
    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 12:58PM
    • J.Fraser, what is that all about?.
      Turn on the radio and listen to Shorten at the Press Club, another Labor hack not answering the questions.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 1:07PM
    • @"thepres"

      Turn on your own mind and understand that I do not control answering your perennial questions.

      The deity you should look to is the Moderator of Fairfax Media.

      I would be only too happy to answer every question of yours that I could.

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 1:20PM
    • "Yes, I am a Jew, and when the ancestors of the right honorable gentleman were brutal savages in an unknown island, mine were priests in the temple of Solomon" (Benjamin Disraeli).

      Disraeli obviously had no understanding of history either?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 1:20PM
    • @"Pen"

      "How much easier it is to be critical than to be correct."
      Benjamin Disraeli

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 1:28PM
    • Actually I am correct, The Temple of Solomon is myth as his the Davidic Empire. The stories are embedded in metaphoric language and not to be understood as literal truth.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 1:47PM
    • @"Pen"

      I was referring to Disraeli.

      Think its about time you hopped down of your high horse.

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 1:57PM
    • Laugh of the day..J.Fraser dictating to another to get off his high horse.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 2:26PM
  • Christ Almighty - does anyone even begin to believe this lying crap? Each one is trying to outdo the other with half-baked schemes to appeal to whatever special interest group is flavour of the month. Day after the election every single promise will be forgotten, the boats will keep on coming and life goes on as normal.

    Hertz Van Rental
    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 12:53PM
  • I do not want to see the GST raised. 10% is fair. Anymore is a way for the elite to feather their nest. Don't fall for the rich bastards siren calls. Rupert Murdoch has a lot of power and can make something that will benefit him look good to you. Beware!

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 12:52PM
    • Ummm...really Casa? how would a higher GST benefit private industry? Do you actually KNOW how the GST works?????

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 1:18PM
    • I was talking about the effect individuals, not business.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 1:26PM
    • Do you mean the rich bastards who did not see a cent from the government handouts after the GFC, the rich bastards who get nothing in support for price increases due to the Carbon Tax, you mean the rich bastards who actually do pay some tax and not get more back in handouts than they contribute, you mean the rich bastards who probably employ you while their house is mortgaged and pay 12% interest to run their small business because the banks say its commensurate to their risk, probably the same rich bastards that while you enjoy your weekend they are still working to make ends meet.

      Peter G
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 1:27PM
    • Private industry doesn't pay GST. They apply GST on top of their products and services and hold onto the money until Mr Taxman wants it. Whenever private industry purchases products and services, they claim the GST against the GST that they are waiting to provide to Mr Taxman.

      So private industry don't pay GST. But you, the individual, do. The rich, who operate though companies aren't impacted much by GST, but they will get the interest on any extra GST while waiting to remit to the tax man, and you will be paying their share of tax.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 1:53PM
    • Actually, I was talking about the rich bastards that get $75,000 paid parental leave, to take 6 months off work, while most families would think it would be heaven to have $75,000 for 6 months of hard work.

      Just because you have lots of money does not mean you worked hard. I find the hardest workers are those on low incomes that need to work two or three jobs. I for one would like to help those less fortunate than myself.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 2:05PM
    • PeterG, yes those rich bastards that can afford to live without government handouts because, well, they're rich.

      Mind you, the middle class shouldn't need handouts either.

      Most of Australia's truly wealthy inherited a huge proportion of their money. They are also notorious for not being very philanthropic.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 2:13PM
  • Sharron, When you say " Doesn't say much for the LNP's credibility when they keep the past failed leader as their PM candidate". What about Rudd who was turfed out by his Labor colleagues, then brought back again because they had nobody else. Then half the frontbench refused to work with Rudd.
    One of the priceless things is the look on Plibersek face as she watches Rudd waving his arms around and making a fool of himself.
    Just listening to Shorten at the Press Club, he has come up with a new phrase "Educating Century" and he said it 8 times in 68 seconds.

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 12:40PM
    • Has the "Education Revolution" stopped revolting?

      Has it given birth to a new slogan?

      Louis Cypher
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 12:54PM
    • thepres, when did 'midnight stab in the back' become 'turfed out by his colleagues'? And even the so-called professional journalists are buying the LNP spin.

      Whyalla Wipeout
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 12:59PM
    • an important part of education is learning about honesty Bill.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 1:04PM
    • After talking about history and Michael Clarke and love of children I think Bill modelled his speech on this famous Whitney song

      I believe the children are our future
      Teach them well and let them lead the way
      Show them all the beauty they possess inside
      Give them a sense of pride to make it easier
      Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be

      Everybody's searching for a hero
      People need someone to look up to
      I never found anyone who fulfilled my needs
      A lonely place to be
      And so I learned to depend on me

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 1:13PM
    • Agree, the look on Tania Plibersek's face and her body language says it all. She is bored to death with the antics of her leader and probably understands it will lead them nowhere. I feel sorry for her. She should have remained loyal to Julia Gillard and quit the front bench. Now she's standing on the deck of the Titanic next to her captain as the ship sinks. If I remember correctly the Captain went down with his ship (he was a courageous and faithful officer). I wonder if Captain Rudd will do the same?

      Western Sydney
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 1:14PM
    • The shorten revolution.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 1:25PM
  • If Tony Abbott's PPL scheme was actually being proposed by the ALP, it would be lauded as visionary and essential, a la Gonski and Disability Care.

    Because it isn't, it's too expensive and overkill.

    Go figure.

    Alternate View
    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 12:35PM
    • AV, it wouldn't be proposed by the ALP because as it is currently constructed it is biased towards middle class welfare for high earning mums to be.

      Like the FBT rort that your Tony is so desperate to protect, the people who make the most out of it are the people who are the best off.

      Whyalla Wipeout
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 12:57PM
    • Which political party proposing it doesn't change the fact that it is too expensive and overkill.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 12:58PM
    • So you're saying big business would support it if the ALP had proposed it?

      Mornington Peninsula
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 12:58PM
    • I'm struggling, but if rich mums say they want more, who am I to disagree?

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 1:04PM
    • Alternate View - If it was proposed by the ALP it would be derided as something akin to socialism and putting an unfair burden on the tax payer and business in particular, Mudoch papers would be savaging it.
      Hypocrisy isn't just the domain of the left, just look atthe emmissions trading scheme - classic liberal party policy opposed by the liberal party.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 1:12PM
    • Think you might find it's the other way around.
      Anything put forward by the ALP and Greens is labelled as waste, however any idea put forward by the Coalition is investing in the Community. eg Tony Abbott recently announced a grant to a football club.
      Joe Hockey would call this "waste"

      the Coast
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 2:11PM
    • Exactly, could not agree more ...

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 2:27PM
    • But strangely supported in form by the Unions.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 2:42PM
  • Just when you thought the laughter had eased :

    J. Fraser
    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 12:34PM
    • J.Fraser, the latest odds Libs $1-00 Labor $7-00, the only chance Labor supporters have now is to take a quinella.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 12:52PM
  • "Mr Abbott has arrogantly concluded he has already won the election..."

    I'll have ten bucks on that bit of Rudd wisdom. But I sure has hell refuse to vote for either of them.

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 12:28PM
    • Abbott will win the election but it will not be a win for Abbott but a win for the one eyed media.

      Grey Nomad
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 12:32PM
    • So that tells me you must be a member of the PUP. If that's the case you will have to change your name to Puppie of hrba.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 12:35PM
    • K Rudd can get a good price for himself.
      Labor $7.00
      Coalition $1.10

      Facts are
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 12:41PM
    • Can all you die hard ALP supporters get yourself down to TAB or hop online and support Rudd with your rent cheques on for the win......I need to get the LNP odds down a little

      The Other Waterhouse
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 1:07PM
    • Sharon

      Sorry I could not bring myself down to the level of PUP, have you seen their climate change policy?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 1:26PM
  • 11:37am: Mr Rudd says the Labor campaign launch will be held in Brisbane "capital of the world".

    Who said the man is not delusional

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 12:26PM
  • Golly gosh ! ... I remember the good old days when "hacka", "SteveH." and even my own humble self were the golden children of the Fairfax Moderator.

    Now it's "Pen of hrba" with his quasi religious anti right, anti left, anti green, anti whatever !

    But pro nuclear.

    J. Fraser
    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 12:25PM
    • Ahh, Fraser

      Sentimentalising over a "golden" age

      Fantasising about being a member of a star- chamber of select brethren.

      Hardly "Labor values"

      What next?

      Is there an ambivalent right -winger about to leap from the closet?

      Louis Cypher
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 12:39PM
    • Yeah... I know what you mean. I too miss the pithy comments of old.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 12:44PM
    • What you are saying is be a dullard and vote for Labor lies, or be a gullible twit and vote for Coalition lies, or go with Fairyland under the Moon and go with the Greens.

      Seriously do I strike you as a fool. No you don't have to answer that. And yes the latest nuclear technology is far safer than using coal to generate power.

      No there was nothing wrong with the reactors in Japan, they were simply put in the wrong place.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 12:53PM
    • Don't confuse "golden children" with "frequent flyers" Fraser.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 1:01PM
    • Some honesty from Lewis.

      And far and away the best "Reply".

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 1:13PM
  • "This is not a piece of loose change," Mr Rudd says.

    Err, neither is Australian government debt to GDP ratio

    Commonwealth net debt: 10.6%

    State and local government net debt: 13.4%

    Public company net debt: 20.4%

    Public superannuation debt/liquid investments: 25%

    Result: gross debt: 43-45% realising around $500 billion.

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 12:16PM
  • Are we there yet?

    Democracy should always be hand?

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 12:10PM
    • Are you talking about the left "hand" or the right "hand".

      Or are you the centre "hand".

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 12:18PM
    • The "invisible hand"?

      Mornington Peninsula
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 12:27PM
    • J.Fraser

      My finger slipped of the a and t keys. Democracy should always be at hand.

      The right is as bad as the left, where the centre is I simply do not know. My best course is to steer clear of the whole sorry shambles. Meanwhile wish climate change was not accelerating as fast as it is. I suspect it is too late for the dreamers, Fraser, but you cannot say I did not try.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 12:36PM
    • "The Third Hand" walking down "The 39 Steps".

      "Revenge of the third hand".

      "Friday the third hand".

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 12:37PM
    • I suspect that you're adroit with either

      hand , Fraser

      Louis Cypher
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 12:41PM
  • Don't get me started on Queen, God I loved that group, best ever.

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 12:09PM
    • Since the election was called there has been no chance of anyone stopping you.

      Once upon a time it appeared you were sleeping in until the afternoon.

      Has your shift changed ?

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 12:16PM
    • J.Fraser

      Been retired many years, my garden and orchard dictate my shifts.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 12:38PM
  • "What are we great at in Australia? We are great at inventing stuff. What do we need to be better at? Commercialising stuff" (K.Rudd).

    Labor spent billions commercialising climate change. Meanwhile our CSIRO scientist created ground breaking technology in concentrated solar power generation (CSP).

    Australian solar efficiency derive from ground breaking solar reflector designed by ANU (Australian National University) called the SG4 500 m² paraboloidal solar concentrator.

    However, Labor’s commercialising resulted in foreign built wind turbine eyesores on the landscape, whirling around to produce 67% annual inefficiencies and no CSP?

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 11:55AM
  • Liberal candidate Kevin Baker's off-colour website closed down after links to pornography..CANT WAIT TO HEAR ABBOTTS EXCUSE!!!

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 11:47AM
    • Abbott will brush it of with "he will adjust, change and grow".

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 12:02PM
    • Abbott's excuse for what - I don't think Abbott was involved in the website or its creation.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 12:08PM
    • Steeden, good old Labor mud-slinging again, I wish they were good at running the country instead.
      It's funny I always thought that Labor stood for the workers, but we now find that unemployment is on the rise and it is 25% for the Youth of Australia.
      Maybe you, J.Fraser and Tone can get together and let us know why Labor can allow this sort of thing.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 12:17PM
    • steeden, I don't know if Rudd even will respond. Given recent saucy revelations in the fifth estate, yet no response from Labor or the MSM.
      Perhaps they have some skeletons too. I suspect a back room deal.

      A country gal
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 12:45PM
  • Slogan alert.

    "Culture of cuts"

    KRudd, Desperation Rally, Qld

    Gotta love the multi-faceted Labor spin

    "Cut, cut, cut to the bone"

    "Cut! , Cut! , Cut! ".

    Must be the "New Way"

    Louis Cypher
    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 11:46AM
    • When read "slogan alert" I knew it had to be one of your posts.

      Mornington Peninsula
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 11:54AM
    • A bit rich of a "Louis Cypher" commenting on slogans.

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 11:55AM
    • And that took you all morning to make up that "slogan"? Maybe that's why the LNP don't have any policies, because they can't think of any!

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 11:59AM
    • J.Fraser

      You have everyone's comments on record do you?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 12:06PM
    • @Pen

      Isn't "Louis Cypher" a slogan in itself ?

      Much like "Pen of hrba".

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 12:14PM
    • J. Fraser

      hrba is not a slogan it the name of a person?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 12:40PM
    • A combination of Euphemism and pedestrian pun,
      actually !

      Louis Cypher
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 12:44PM
  • Kevin Rudd must surely be running out of school kids for his campaign by now.

    Now you see him
    Soon you won't
    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 11:41AM
    • He will have to return to South Park Soon

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 11:54AM
    • There's none left because they're all on the Opposition front bench.

      Mornington Peninsula
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 12:24PM
    • Those poor school kids. Why won't anyone think of the school kids??!

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 12:26PM
  • Kev's right - some people will make up their minds between now and casting their vote.

    According to some research, about 10% of voters will walk into their polling station on election day undecided who to vote for. If the polls are both accurate and tight, say 52-48, then the choice this group make will decide the outcome.

    So all this speculation that Abbott's got it in the bag is just speculation. Rudd could pull off an unlikely victory. It's a troubling thought.

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 11:39AM
    • I just want to see Kevy's tears of agony when he loses the election.

      Now you see him
      Soon you won't
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 11:48AM
    • Oh deary me. Seriously? No disrespect intended to anyone, but if you have to wait for election "campaigns" before you decide who to vote for, one must have been very inattentive for the past few years.

      Facts are
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 12:18PM
    • That would explain why polls this far out from election day are traditionally inaccurate. Only people who are pretty sure about their vote are likely to agree to be polled. Add to that the landline issue. Polls in the very last week are more accurate, but surprises can still happen. There is only one poll that counts!

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 12:23PM
    • Facts are - one suspects most commenters on this forum aren't in the "undecided" category, although perhaps there are some exceptions.

      Labor are banking on the undecideds, although all those in the past few weeks that have made up their mind (based on Newspoll Rudd satisfaction ratings at least) have gone from "undecided" to "dissatisfied".

      Which is why Rudd's net satisfaction rating is now below Abbott's.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 12:40PM
    • That is why all political parties put so much effort into manning polling booths on election day. That 10% of undecided voters is crucial, particularly in marginal seats. It is common for 'paid' volunteers to give out how to vote cards at polling booths if the Party has insufficient followers who are prepared to spend a day handing out how to vote cards at the booths. In 2001 the One Nation Party used a number of Asian 'paid volunteers' to hand out how to vote cards in Lindsay. Many voters who thought the One Nation Party was anti-migrant and racist were gobsmacked to be handed One Nation how to vote cards by smiling young Asian volunteers who they thought must be One Nation supporters. Just don't believe what you see. In politics everyone does whatever it takes to win votes.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 12:57PM
  • Peter G

    Your argument is totally irrelevant, The issue I am addressing is the undermining of democracy by withholding vital information that voters need. You are assuming that everyone is sick of Labor, yet no poll shows this? However, even if it was the case it does not justify any party withholding information does it?

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 11:29AM
  • Does Kevin Rudds wife always have to walk behind him?? it is very strange and old fashioned, some would say sexist!

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 11:28AM
    • Yes, what's he doing stealing another Liberal Policy

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 12:41PM
  • Oh Dear.

    Looks like Ruddy Boy has been spending too much time over at Hillsong Church. His sermon this morning to more school students had an almost biblesque tone to it. At one stage I thought he was getting ready to heal the sick and turn water into wine although we all know anything he touches only turns to crap.

    All we needed were some "hallelujah brother's" thrown around and Plibersek walking around with a collection plate looking for donations to help fight the News Corp demons?


    Smokin Mo
    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 11:25AM
    • Courting Hillsong and Catch The Fire Ministries used to be the domain of Costello/Howard.
      Where are the ultra religious zealots placing their prefs?
      With the unprecented amount of zealot parties running that will be interesting. I'd bet with Abbott.
      Remember God controls the climate. Black Saturday bush fires caused by liberal abortion laws.
      I think you are way off the mark.

      A country gal
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 11:40AM
    • Gold pure Gold

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 11:42AM
    • A country gal - I am not religious but to make a mockery of Black Saturday is immoral to all.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 11:47AM
    • genghis, I didn't say that Danny Nulliah did.
      Sorry I should have elaborated on the origin of that statement. It was vile. And I've never forgotten it.

      A country gal
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 11:59AM
    • Smokin Mo

      The recipe for turning water into wine is as follows.

      Take a ladle full of Roman wine (concentrated like port) add water and you have turned water into wine as practised in the Middle East for centuries.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 12:01PM
  • "I have grown, I have changed," Mr Abbott says.'"

    Then in light of people voting today without knowledge forthcoming of Abbott's costing we are in a very shoddy place indeed, democratically speaking.

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 11:21AM
    • Which is nothing like those who would vote Labor - they can absolutely be assured that whatever their leaders rule out today will be implemented tomorrow.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 11:25AM
    • You are aware that the Rudd campaign has not released the costings of their election promises either aren't you?

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 11:35AM
    • Pen

      People voted Labor .

      Even when their costings were released the afternoon before the election in 2007 , in 2010

      People will vote Labor in 2013.

      Even when none of their previous costings have been proven to be accurate.

      And the true blow out of the NBN is hidden on Albo's desk

      There's no shortage of idiocy amongst the voting population, Pen.

      Labor cultivates them.

      Louis Cypher
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 11:52AM
  • So Abbott's new manipulation terms for his colleagues are "adjust" and "grow" and "change". Anyone who doesn't agree with Abbott will be charged with not being able to "adjust" to Abbott's royal wishes.

    Tony Abbott has not "grown" and "changed" because as soon as this election campaign has ended, Abbott will be back to his old stand alone behaviour. Not one of Abbott's colleagues will be consulted. Tony Abbott will be Australia's worst prime minister if the LNP wins this election.

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 11:18AM
    • Or a matter of "who pays the ferryman".

      A country gal
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 11:30AM
    • Don't know about that Sharron. Gillard and Rudd have set the standard for Australian PM's so low I doubt anyone else will be able to compete for the "worse PM ever" title.

      Smokin Mo
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 11:36AM
    • Has Abbott passed on this bit of news to Murdoch?

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 12:07PM
  • The Liberal Party have a history of introducing regressive policies like WorkChoices and the GST, the biggest tax in Australia's history, that benefit the rich at the expense of the middle class.

    They are making all sorts of promises in this campaign, and in the first term of government from them, I expect them to walk on egg shells so that they can introduce a whole lot of regressive policy in their second term of government.

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 11:17AM
    • The gst is the fairest tax we have wages and benefits were adjusted to help the low paid. And if you buy a table for $100 you pay $10 if you buy a table fro Italy at $10000 you pay $1000 in tax.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 11:32AM
    • OMG !!
      why dosent labour honour its promise made in early 2000's to abolish GST...
      its a win win situation for govt, voting public and economy

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 11:37AM
    • Tone, I just dont get what you are trying to say.GST/VAT are in most countries do you still have a brick as a mobile phone?
      Facts are if you can not manage yourself how the hell can you manage Australia it is that cut & dry Tone.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 11:38AM
    • Tone, people in glass houses...

      Labor's track record of government is abysmal, be it at state or federal level. When was the last time labor paid back any debt? How about the last time labor ran a budget surplus? How many times do labor break election promises straight after elections (carbon tax).

      What is more interesting is when labor is in power employment in the public sector increases while employment in the private sector decreases. This is the opposite of the coalition who provide a platform for the private sector to create jobs.

      Finally, labor cannot claim to be low taxing just because revenues dry up when they are in power. Revenues dry up because the government introduces policy which restricts private sector growth, therefore the private sector does not achieve profits which can then be taxed.

      Labor is dysfunctional and directionless - just ask the former ministers who refuse to work with Krudd.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 11:41AM
    • It's what they are NOT saying that alarms me Tone.

      A country gal
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 11:41AM
    • @countrygal
      dont worry
      libs will honour the benchmark set by labour and release costings at 6PM on 6th of Sept..

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 11:50AM
    • Thanks for all the responses. It must have hit a raw nerve there.

      The GST is exceptionally unfair, because the poor and middle class pay considerably more as a percentage of their income for products and services than the rich. That is, the people with the least capacity to pay are charged the most tax relative to their income.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 11:54AM
    • Tone, your desperation is showing through when you talk about GST and Workchoices, you have learnt nothing in the last 6 years.
      Just to refresh your memory, do you remember when Gillard said "There will be no Carbon Tax", then as soon as Labor got in we had a Carbon Tax. How did you feel about then?.
      Well the people are not stupid and they never forgive Labor for that.
      25% Youth unemployment in the Western Suburbs of Sydney is another legacy of Labor, what happened to the promise of Trade Schools in every school, a bit like the promise of Medical Centres and Aboriginal Housing.
      I have watched politics for many years and I can tell you that when a polly loses his cool during a press meeting, like Rudd did with Chris Uhlmann it is all over. Bill Shorten is another one ready to explode.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 12:03PM
    • Nice try thepres, but the reality is simple. Labor's policies hit the rich as much as the poor - everyone shares the burden. The Liberals have a pattern of introducing these regressive policies that hit the poor hardest.

      The Liberals have a pattern of introducing policies that cost most of us more and the rich less.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 12:15PM
    • Hmmm, not referring to costings, Referring to their regressive, repressive policies and implementations after the election if elected.
      Very quiet on a myriad of things we know will occur.

      A country gal
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 12:17PM
    • Tone,

      You've hit the nail on the head. The LNP push for regressive takes (to help to rich) and the ALP push for progressive taxes (to help the poor). To me, taxes are to help the poor, not the rich. Even though my salary puts me above average, I believe in social justice, so will be voting ALP.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 12:48PM
  • The Liberal Party's $70 billion dollar black hole is pretty big. It puts Labor's $184 billion dollars debt in perspective. Labor have only have about $3 billion dollars to add to that in this campaign, whereas the Liberals want to add a whopping $70 billion dollars, and they have no excuse - it's not even the GFC.

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 11:12AM
    • I have read this three times.

      With each re-reading it becomes less coherent

      Louis Cypher
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 11:21AM
    • still talking about that GFC, Europe is out of recession, America unemployment down, US stock market at all time highs, things have picked up around the world, only Australia has been stagnating, unemployment on the up, stock market going nowhere. Even China hasn't slowed much at all, from last reports they are on the up again. All the signs around the world show we should be booming?? please explain, didn't the pink batts, school halls and plasma tv send us to greater prosperity?? Queue - Chris Bowen - its the volatility. Well done Chris, you are on track to ruin another portfolio

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 11:26AM
    • Hi Genghis, I think that was a CUE, not a QUEUE :)

      The world is in far from wonderful condition, Europe is still very sick and now you need to worry about India

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 11:55AM
    • It's simple. We have a debt of certain level of debt. Each party is talking about increasing this level of debt by a certain amount.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 12:56PM
  • dcs

    Why do you imply that I have a problem with Abbott alone. I have gone to great lengths to explain that both major parties are guilty of undermining democracy. It is simply against all democratic principles to keep voters in the dark when they are actually called upon to vote as they are today.

    What is so difficult that you do not understand this principle?

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 11:12AM
  • It is decidedly disturbing to read Rupert Murdoch’s claim: “Conviction politicians hard to find anywhere. Australia's Tony Abbott rare exception. Opponent Rudd all over the place convincing nobody.”

    Murdoch influences the Australian media perhaps more than anyone, not so much from personal tweets, but within board rooms and expensive dining retreats in company with other influential executives who wish to chart a common cause. So should we be surprised that Murdoch does not condemn the practice of both parties in withholding costings even after people are actually voting? There is an urgent need for those like Rupert Murdoch to voice disapproval of this practice in no uncertain terms. However, Tony Abbott can hardly be a man of “conviction politics” when his conviction disallows learning of his party’s costings when people are voting. Clearly Rupert Murdoch understands that ethical convictions are far sounder than those of doubtful sincerity?

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 11:04AM
    • The vast majority of CEOs in the world would have fallen on their swords and quit ..... not Murdoch.

      He closed down a newspaper and sacked most of the workers.

      And now tells Australians how to vote.

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 11:08AM
    • It may not be long before a number of former devotees of the Murdoch style of journalism become 'conviction' journalists.

      Whyalla Wipeout
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 11:13AM
    • Will be interesting if Tom Watson's visit has any impact or can get a message out.
      See he is given a voice on Q&A.
      He is a politician of conviction- to paraphrase Rup.

      A country gal
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 11:23AM
    • I don't vote according to what Rupert Murdoch says. I can't imagine that anyone would use Murdochs opinion as a basis for their political decision making.

      Facts are
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 12:30PM
    • facts are, all of Murdoch's editors and journalists in Australia use his tweets to determine how they present politics in Australia.

      You may not think the US citizen tells you how to vote, but he has a big impact on what you think the facts are when the 'facts' have been given the full treatment in Murdoch's sewage works (the only sewage works that treat clean facts with ordure and waste).

      Whyalla Wipeout
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 1:02PM
    • So it's not OK to hold off your costings until 17 hours before the Rudd did in 2007. Glad that's been cleared up.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 4:36PM
  • J.Fraser, $9,400. how does that equate with the waste Labor has created in the last 6 years. Don't answer straight away, talk it over with your union mates.

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 11:01AM
    • The so-called waste is like the husband bawling out his wife for the high electricity bills because she left the light on in the bedroom for an hour.

      We all have a small amount of waste in our lives- because we would waste more of our energy and time and money trying to eliminate it.

      Only Liberals can banter this into the Great Big Waste Lie.

      Whyalla Wipeout
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 11:12AM
    • @"thepres"

      Peter Slipper was charged over $1,194.

      Go figure.

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 11:18AM
    • That 'small amount of debt" all you pro-Labor supporters are happy with, while only a small percentage of GDP, is actually now at the level that it is close to being 100% of a full years government revenue.

      To put that in terms Gillard and Rudd have used, it is like a person on $100,000 a year with a $100,000 debt. Not so bad you say?

      The problem with this debt is that ALL of the revenue is already earmarked for spending leaving nothing to pay off the interest let alone the actual principal. Keep going this way and your grand-kids children will still be paying off the debt.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 2:34PM
  • J.Fraser, Good to see you back, you obviously have got over the drop in Rudd's popularity and realise that September 8th. is the day Australia says "No more Labor mess".
    We all knew Rudd would not last long, just look at his body language, he is OK with the Kiddies but cannot get away with the con with grown-ups
    Beattie was another flop for Rudd

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 10:48AM
    • J Fraser picked up his bat and ball and went home when his idol Gillard was dumped by the ALP, who got in before the voting public.

      It will be interesting to see how JFraser goes supporting Rudd given his proclaimed dislike for him when Gillard was leader.

      Tim of Altona
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 10:57AM
    • @"Tim of Altona"

      When did you get back from your overseas holiday ?

      How did you go with the exchange rate ?

      Lose a bundle ?

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 10:59AM
    • You have to understand where the bat and ball actually is?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 11:06AM
    • I have said all along. Rudd only likes to be with children. Love to debate him, (without his notes). But I would have to go back to a childish mentality.

      Sorry Mr Rudd but Australia needs someone with intelligence and a united team that he represents. Not a spoil t child running amok when the team went home 6 years ago!

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 11:07AM
    • @"Pen"

      I know where the bullies are.

      But I have never been cowed by them.

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 11:10AM
    • Rudd only damaged his own party. Abbott has and will continue to damage Australia.

      Whyalla Wipeout
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 11:15AM
    • 4Ken - there is no truth in the rumor that Rudd's government car no. plate is changing from C1 to W1 (Wiggles 1)

      Tim of Altona
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 11:15AM
    • J Fraser where have you been cant you see so many have missed you!!!

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 11:46AM
    • Number Plate could also be B1 or B2

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 11:52AM
  • Dear oh dear; I think Murdoch has Abbott mixed up with someone else...not sure who. Abbott a conviction politician? Don't have enough words here for his flip-flops. Maybe the annoying word selector chose "conviction" over "conflicted"?

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 10:34AM
    • The words "conviction" and "politician" are contradictory. Being a politician means keeping all options. The phrase is an oxymoron.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 10:47AM
    • I agree. Maybe Mr Murdoch should think about handed the reins over to his younger staff members, he gets a bit confused lately.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 10:48AM
    • I see your point Lewis. I think a conviction politician could be a dangerous thing. I'd rather they be open to change and evolve their ideas. I guess the real issue is whether someone has genuinely evolved...or whether they are simply a conniving politician.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 11:10AM
  • On the issues of costings perhaps the following will help the hapless who are voting today: Politifact found “new independent modelling has shown the Coalition's alternative climate change policy will cost billions of dollars more than Tony Abbott claims and has no chance of meeting Australia's emissions reduction target” mostly true.

    Now that is a surprise isn't it?

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 10:34AM
  • 9:12am: We are the champions.

    Kevin Rudd - just like Bono but the only crowd member a 5 year old kid in the back.

    Not long now Kev, seeya

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 10:22AM
    • He is Australias Obama

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 10:31AM
  • True feminist and even true supporters of Women’s equity support the coalition’s PPL. Leading academic Eva Cox declared that the shrill criticism of the scheme by some of her cohorts was motivated by their dislike for Tony Abbott rather than dislike of Women’s Equity. It is a case of critiquing the message because of the messenger not because of its content. Like the NDIS, PPL is expensive, and like the NDIS it is essential initiative that helps make Australia the type of Country we want it to be, where highly skilled women get to work in highly paid leadership roles – AND be mums.

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 10:19AM
    • I do not dislike Tony Abbott & loath Kevin Rudd but the Coalition's PPL and Direct Action on climate change policies are absolutel duds. I only hope that if Abbott wins they will both be dumped.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 10:41AM
    • The problem is that we have finite dollars (particularly if we want to keep the debt and deficit at its current manageable levels) and numerous expensive but desirable causes. Thus we have to prioritise. I would put the environment way above unnecessary help for mothers. A compromise would be Labor's PPL. And I can't see any evidence that highly paid women are not having children; to the contrary! So why throw in this huge impost onto the budget? Just doesn't make sense to many people.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 10:42AM
    • Lewis so you don't want cleaner air for our children or cleaner water for aquatic life or more forests for our native animals you would rather see this happening in Africa or south America.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 11:39AM
  • Some in "big business" may like to have a cry about the PPL scheme, but they know that they will benefit from gaining the stability and confidence to make future investment decisions, given that the opposition is set to win this election. They won't be crying too loudly about that prospect.

    Facts are
    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 10:08AM
    • The facts are, Facts Are, this election race isn't over yet!

      And by the way, remember Abbott's behaviour when he lost the last election? Doesn't say much for the LNP's credibility when they keep the past failed leader as their PM candidate.

      So what's new with the LNP? Nothing!

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 10:28AM
    • So they are crying but not crying? The facts are with the amount of young graduates looking for work these days it is probably more cost effective to lose someone who wants to have a baby and then hire a younger just as qualified and more desperate for work individual that they can pay less and work harder.

      Mornington Peninsula
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 10:38AM
    • tasch2 Sounds like you are wanting a WorkChoices type model.

      Facts are
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 11:53AM
    • Facts are Sharon, that the race is over, bar the shouting. And there will be something new with the Coalition by September 8 - they'll be sitting on the right of the speaker....

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 11:56AM
    • That's right Alistair. The share market has already priced in a coalition victory as well. It's too late now to get on McMillan Shakespeare. It's already had it's run back.

      Facts are
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 12:33PM
  • As we know from that last parliamentary sitting week, a week's a long time.... Just have a feeling that the true state of the electorate is 50/50 right at ths point. I think the Coalition's PPL is s stinker and will have the net effect of shifting some votes Labor's way. I thought Rudd's stump speech this morning is what Labor needs. Why not throw some passion into this campaign? What has he got to lose!? A couple of days ago he was being written off by many in the media! Ridiculous this far out. That said, playing like you have nothing to lose can be a powerful thing...both in politics and football.

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 10:01AM
    • The problem is it's Kevin.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 10:16AM
  • oops I see we are in the process of rescuing the 4th boat in three days and three of them have been from Indonesian waters!!! thats now 2700 asylum seekers since the PNG solution was launched and boy is it working well

    impy the doubtful
    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 10:00AM
    • where are they going to settled ? as PNG's PM said last week essentially that Rudd is lying, that they will not be settled permanently PNG. Another problem left for the libs to sort out, well done Kokoda kev

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 10:34AM
    • When Kevin Rudd and PNG Prime Minister announced this policy (on the run) did they not say they would only be able to cope with a maximum of 3,000 refugees? If that’s still the case, then the PNG solution is finished, if 2,700 have arrived since the announcement was made, where do the rest now go Kevin??? Your place???

      Peter G
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 11:08AM
  • I bet the money for the Great Ocean Road Fundingonly covers the Corangamite section (the most Marginal seat in Victoria) and not the Wannon section (one of the most Liberal seats in the country) the same as the Princes Highway duplication.

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 9:57AM
    • And the Gonski funding does not come into this fiscal outlook period, nor the $500 million Rudd promised Holden, nor the Disability Insurance Scheme, nor the National Broadband Network, none of these are included in Rudd’s current budget estimates. These costs will all be part of Rudd’s next term budget deficit targets.

      Peter G
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 11:12AM
  • I suppose its going to be another day visiting the kiddies at school for Rudd.

    Honestly he should touring around in the Wiggles' Big Red Car not C1

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 9:50AM
    • Why don't you put in a call for Rudd to visit your ongoing educational centre ?

      Tell "The Pulse" readers how you secretly love the hair flick.

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 10:00AM
    • I love Rudd's hair flick!

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 10:02AM
    • Fraze the last thing any of us need to do is stoke Kevin's ego.

      Queensland is a big place but there is still only so much room in the place.

      Actually talking about education I better get going, right now I'm making a house out of cardboard Fraze, you'd love it, it's even got a miniature toilet seat.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 10:20AM
    • Dear "SteveH",

      Gave up "making" houses a long time ago and as soon as the LNP newman government is gone I will go back to building real houses in Queensland.

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 10:27AM
    • Frazzles

      What's a real house?

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 10:53AM
    • I think Fraser is having a Three Little Pigs moment.

      With Newman in the starring role as the Big Bad Wolf

      Certainly consistent with his previous posts - "Prime Minister Julia Gillard by 10 seats ! "

      Louis Cypher
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 11:29AM
    • $ceptic, perhaps a reference to an upper house with lots of Indi's,Greens etc.
      A true house of review, not a rubber stamp.

      A country gal
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 12:02PM
  • Mumbles Abbott tosses some more gravel out of the bag, this time at the Great Ocean Road; not at the Coalitions much vaunted 80/20 funding ratio, but a 50/50 split with a compliant Mothballs Napthaline. Imagine the howls of horror if Labor proposed an equal split on any road funding. Huh? they have? There was?

    David D
    Ettalong Beach
    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 9:32AM
  • Interesting the betting agencies have Bill Shorten as most likely to lead the Labor party by years end.

    Richard from Sydney
    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 9:25AM
    • I bet Bishop will be taking over from Abbott before the year ends.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 9:36AM
    • No Bishop will just be a loyal deputy to yet another liberal leader!!

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 9:46AM
    • Only in Barbie world does the Barbie doll rule Ken.

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 9:50AM
    • J.Fraser, Abbott and Bishop certainly aren't Barbie and Ken!

      Although, Tony Abbott really does believe he is Ken doll. But be warned voters, if Abbott becomes PM, he will wear those red speedos like a uniform.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 9:58AM
    • So Sharron, how many people have you rescued from the surf? None. Thought so.

      How about Labor supporters cease criticising Abbott for participating in community service activities. He's been doing this all his adult life and Labor supporters like Sharron seem to think it is somehow shameful.

      Tim of Altona
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 10:24AM
    • @"Tim of Altona"

      I doubt that anyone in this forum has mistakenly claimed on their expense account for charity work.

      Let alone $9,400.

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 10:29AM
    • You don't have a clue about what I have done Tim.

      And the facts are, many people have rescued other people from the surf, but that doesn't mean they will make good PMs, does it Tim?

      And yes Tim, I think it's shameful that Tony Abbott wears those speedos when he knows cameras crews will be around.

      I also think it's shameful that people like you are happy that a potential PM wants to consistently show off their body parts that people do not want to see. Abbott's speedos are disgusting.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 10:37AM
    • Sharron

      Good to see you are tackling the hard issues. I thought speedos are the uniform of surf life saving (all ages).

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 10:51AM
    • Sharron

      Do you intend to use your vote as a protest against "disgusting" Speedos?

      Or does your all too obvious loathing of Abbott subvert any potential for rational discourse you may still possess?

      Louis Cypher
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 11:25AM
    • need some help. They are just a pair of swimmers (togs for us Queenslanders). Keep your eyes up, love, and you'll be fine.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 2:04PM
  • Kevin has definitely got the numbers for a tilt in 2025. Most of the citizens he's met in the past three weeks should be eligible for voting by then.

    Honestly, what is this fixation with school visits - is he avoiding scrutiny from grown-ups ?

    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 9:21AM
    • Hacka the ALP actually have an Education policy which is why Rudd is at the schools.
      As for avoiding scrutiny - where are those costings again? And how often does Abbott walk away from a presser conference without actually answering a question!

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 9:35AM
    • Perhaps Rudd is banking on the children telling parents how to vote? It fits: people are voting today without knowledge of Coalition costings? What does that state of affairs bring to mind other that non compos mentis?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 9:47AM
    • The trouble with your theory Hacka is that children grow up and begin to realise that "selfies" and folksy chatter doesn't cut it in the real adult Kevs wasting his time.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 1:39PM
    • thereisnoyouinLabor - well isn't it interesting that in broad terms, younger people are more likely to vote for Labor than older people, who generally vote for the Coalition.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 3:03PM
  • Yesterday, Stephanie wrote: “You can vote as early as tomorrow. If you will be overseas, out of town, getting married, in hospital or something else on September 7 pre-poll voting stations will be open from tomorrow.”

    There is a terrible problem: these voters have to vote without knowing Coalition valuations, which dictate how the economy under the Coalition will be structured, not to have this information makes this election a travesty of democracy. It seems we have reached a stage of naive susceptibility of adhering to a law that insists we vote on pain of prosecution, irrespective that we don’t have information that aids our reason of which way to vote? This inane trashing of democratic principles happens in Moscow and Zimbabwe? We are supposed to be one of the pearls in the crown of democratic process not a nation of credulous disciples excepting insult to intelligence on the whims of inhibitors of truth.

    Labor committed the same pretence at the last election, which makes acceptance of this repetition dangerous. Democracy dictates the right to know what we are voting for, not major political parties depriving us of that right simply because the truth may not be agreeable to their own cause. The electorate is not subservient to its own political appointees; our politicians have either forgotten or choose to disregard this basic principle of political ethics.

    It’s long past time the press as guardians of democracy acted on this issue with decisive action and with a sense of urgency for the sake of all Australians, although impending Coalition costings are worthless by their absence for those who must vote today.

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    August 20, 2013, 9:16AM
    • Was that your opinion of Labor when they didn't announce costings until less than 24hrs before the election ?
      Or have you just had this epiphany.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 9:25AM
    • Pen, that's exactly why the LNP and Tony Abbott cannot be trusted.

      I never did trust Tony Abbott, Hockey or Bishop, and I certainly don't trust them now. I'm voting before the election and that will be for a Labor government.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 9:34AM
    • Luke

      You seem to under the delusion that because one party commits a travesty of democracy then it is ok for another party to commit the same travesty of democracy. I should not have to explain why this is not only an error of reason but most importantly both parties are systematically trashing democracy.

      The way I vote as absolutely nothing to do with my opinion on this issue, other than I refuse to vote and I will not vote. Is this clear enough for you?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 9:38AM
    • Labor still has not released their costings - yet are demanding the coalition release theirs!!!
      So how is labor going to pay for it's Northern Territory committment? They don't know.

      I think it is more important labor release their costings than the coalition as this is the party who has presided over - on average - $40billion worth of budget black holes per year since they were elected.

      Labor are just one big economic con act!

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 9:38AM
    • Oh, I see what you mean now Pen, Postal Votes. Sorry for my comment yesterday.
      I also take your point, hard to vote when you don't know finance details.
      May i point out that this has always been the case and unless the Government amend the law re submitting costings then nothing will change. As has been well reported Labor waited til election eve to provide theirs!
      Perhaps you could organise a pressure group and agitate for change?

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 9:45AM
    • Morning Pen. As you pointed out it always happens like this. Labor released costing the night before in 2007 etc..We all know about John Hewson and his ‘Fight Back’ detailed costing experience…. So if it has always happened like this how is not releasing until the last minute trashing democracy? If nothing has changed there is nothing to worry about. You often have really good points that are hidden by your gross exaggerations. It is not good form to release the costing late in the piece. But not releasing them is in no way some type of existential threat to democracy. A rational person wouldn’t really think that because Tony Abbott hasn’t released funding details of policy that is yet to be announced – that somehow Australia will turn into a dictatorship like Zimbabwe? It is a hyperbolic comparison. Nobody believes that Pen.. Not even you. – You see Sharon from Canberra above has already voted for Labor, without the requirement to be protected by the “Guardians of Democracy” costings or no costings she was always going to vote Labor… that’s what she always does.

      ..”Systematically trashing democracy” C’mon now Pen you’re out of control!!

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 9:46AM
    • kp

      It is equally incumbent on all political parties to provide all relevant information in a reasonable space of time before any voting begins, otherwise is a travesty of democracy.

      Australian democracy is systematically being trashed by the two major parties, we, through the press, are the only means to stop this process.

      Lying, withholding information, refusing to answer questions, manipulation of facts, and disregarding honesty and ethics is not democracy they turn democracy on its head.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 9:59AM
    • Labor have woken up that every time they try to attack the Coalition on costings the voters are being reminded that they themselves have done the same thing in the past.
      Now you will notice they don't say "costings" they say "numbers".

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 10:03AM
    • Cwitty

      The erosion of political rights is more important than flippancy as I am sure any Jewish person, or any German person will tell you who lived through years 1930-1945. It started then by denial of political rights. An extreme comparison granted, a comparison nonetheless.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 10:07AM
    • Pen
      Is this some poor attempt to equate Abbott with Hitler? Hyperbole indeed. You dilute any relevancy of your arguments with such drivel.

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 10:21AM
    • Pen, whilst you sound a bit anxious about not knowing the final costing of the coalition before the election, Most people have already made up their minds that this Labor government is so so bad, that they know the coalition will always be far better managers of the economy, they are prepared to trust the coalition to improve things and are leaving it up to trust, that’s how bad labor is.

      Peter G
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 11:17AM
    • @pen: Godwin's Law. Keep to the matter at hand, please.

      And, for the record, a pox on both the ALP and LNP.

      Are we there yet?
      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 11:37AM
    • It will all change after the election anyway, so no point in all this angst over costings.

      You're voting for a philosophy/attitude at best (yes, yes, yes, I know, some of you will now pipe up Labor=spend spend spend Liberal=save save save, Nationals=whinge whinge whinge Greens=tax tax tax)

      Date and time
      August 20, 2013, 12:09PM
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