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Federal Politics

Election wrap: 16 August, 2013

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And on that note - end of the second week, only three more to go.

But what happened today?

  • the Coalition announced that nearly 32,000 asylum seekers already in Australia will never get permanent settlement and will no longer be able to have the right of appeal;
  • Coalition leader Tony Abbott went back to the future for the announcement saying "This is our country and we will determine who comes here";
  • the Greens say the policy is cruel while Labor says it is won't make any difference to people smugglers;
  • Labor announced $30 million for a new oil and gas research centre in Perth; and
  • 14,712,799 people have enrolled to vote in the election.

My thanks to you all for reading, commenting and joining me, Alex Ellinghausen and Andrew Meares as we strive to bring you all the news and views from the campaign trail.

We will be back on Monday morning. Have a fantastic weekend.


No reason for posting this other than that it is another beautiful picture from Alex Ellinghausen. Seriously, how good are he and Andrew Meares?

A journalist shoots a segment after Opposition leader Tony Abbott's visit to the Mernda Recreation Reserve in Victoria on Friday.

A journalist shoots a segment after Opposition leader Tony Abbott's visit to the Mernda Recreation Reserve in Victoria on Friday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Meanwhile, the Liberal National Party MP for Brisbane, Teresa Gambaro, has posed in front of a sign saying "I'm sexy and I know it".

Oh yes she has. You can read about it here.

Mr Rudd is finishing the afternoon with a shopping centre visit in the Perth suburb of Cannington. The words 'cat' and 'cream' spring to mind.

Kevin Rudd and the Labor candidate for Swan, John Bissett, smile as they met a voter in Westfield Carousel in Cannington in Perth on Friday.

Kevin Rudd and the Labor candidate for Swan, John Bissett, smile as they met a voter in Westfield Carousel in Cannington in Perth on Friday. Photo: Andrew Meares

A total of 14,712,799 people are now enrolled to vote on September 7.

"The electoral roll has increased by over 624,000 since the last election, significantly more than the previous comparable period from 2007 to 2010 when the increase was just over 440,000," Electoral Commissioner Ed Killesteyn announced earlier today.

From the time the election was announced on 4 August until the electoral rolls close on 12 August over 162,000 people enrolled, mostly online.

25,000 people aged between 18 and 24 years enrolled between 2010 and 2013 but there are still 400,000 people in that age group who are eligible to vote but who are not enrolled.

The commission estimates 1.22 people remain unenrolled across all age groups.



It's good to know Mr Abbott is finishing his campaign week on a positive note. Team Abbott has now flown out of Melbourne bound for Perth.

Opposition leader Tony Abbott kisses a young boy  at the Mernda Recreation Reserve in Victoria on Friday.

Opposition leader Tony Abbott kisses a young boy at the Mernda Recreation Reserve in Victoria on Friday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Mr Rudd was in Perth to announce a new national research centre into something known as "floating systems".

The research centre will look at offshore oil and gas production with a view to attracting investment and creating jobs.

Labor has promised $30 million for the new centre.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd is greeted by a member of his advance team on arrival at the CSIRO Australian Resources Research Centre in Perth on Friday.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd is greeted by a member of his advance team on arrival at the CSIRO Australian Resources Research Centre in Perth on Friday. Photo: Andrew Meares

More techy coolness from the Fairfax Media interactive/web team.

This time the team has worked up an election map which allows you to look at the demographic make up of electorates using information from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. It tells you all kinds of things like who does what for a living, the most common household make-up, the average income and so on.

Get clicking!

I've been meaning to bring you Michael Leunig's cartoon about the campaign all day. Now seems as good a time as any.


Our video team has also recorded this interview with human rights expert Daniel Webb on immigration policy.

Deterrence: wrong way, turn back. (Video Thumbnail) Click to play video

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Deterrence: wrong way, turn back.

Human rights expert Daniel Webb says that deterrence is the wrong answer on asylum seeker policy, as the Coalition flags harsher scrutiny for current detainees.

PT8M21S 620 349

Some commentary on the Coalition's immigration policy announcement.

Here are Jane McAdam and Ben Saul, professors of international law at the University of NSW and the University of Sydney respectively, on the implications of the decision to strip away people's appeal rights.

The chief executive of World Vision Australia, Tim Costello, writes that there is a loss of concern for human dignity in the political debate about immigration.




Minister for Immigration Tony Burke has rubbished the Coalition's announcement.

"Even though it's irrelevant to whether or not people smugglers have a viable business, they've decided to be mean just for the hell of it," Mr Burke says.

It will not make a "scintilla of difference to anyone running a people smuggling operation", Mr Burke says.

"[Coalition immigration spokesman] Scott Morrison right now wants the boats to keep coming ... They want that for a political reason ... It says a lot about them [the Coalition] ... He enjoys the politics of this far too much."

Mr Burke warns that removing people's right of appeal through the court system will force people to take their complaints to the High Court.

Mr Rudd is asked if his "campaign is going off the rails".

Mr Rudd says he has "no intention of talking about campaign internals".

Why was Mr Rudd asked this? You may like to read the background here.

Mr Rudd says he will refer people with questions about the Coalition's immigration announcement to a press conference being held by Immigration Minister Tony Burke (which I can't watch and relay to you because I'm watching this).

And here is Mr Rudd.

Mr Rudd is being asked about his northern Australia policy.

"On the costings, it's outside the forward estimate," Mr Rudd says but promised that the numbers would be done next year if Labor was returned to government.

"I think our opponents are worried about it [the policy] because they know it's a winner."



Still waiting for Mr Rudd to do his press conference (just in case you're wondering what happened).

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd at the CSIRO Australian Resources Research Centre in Perth on Friday.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd at the CSIRO Australian Resources Research Centre in Perth on Friday. Photo: Andrew Meares

A few things to draw your attention to this lunch hour:


In today's Breaking Politics segment Liberal MP Wyatt Roy and Labor MP Amanda Rishworth debate the campaign issues of immigration, policy costings and leadership.

Campaign blame game (Video Thumbnail) Click to play video

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Campaign blame game

Liberal MP Wyatt Roy and Labor's Amanda Rishworth go head to head as the campaign kicks into overdrive and, no surprise, they don't see eye to eye on costings, asylum or leadership.

PT12M7S 620 349

In today's episode of Fact Checker economics correspondent Peter Martin looks at the Coalition's claim that the National Broadband Network will cost $94 billion.

What did Peter find? You will have to click here to find out.


The problem with going to public facilities is that the public sometimes turns up.

Mr Rudd has been visiting Perth train station where he was pursued by a gentleman urging him to "Give Tony Abbott a go" (as you can see below). Probably fair to assume Mr Rudd won't take that advice.

'Give Tony Abbott a go!' (Video Thumbnail) Click to play video

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'Give Tony Abbott a go!'

RAW VISION: A Perth resident weighs in on the election campaign and Kevin Rudd's tilt to retain the prime ministership.

PT0M53S 620 349

Ding, ding, ding we have a winner.

Thanks to commenter SteveH for pointing out that Precious is a "Labordoodle" (see 12pm and 12.04pm posts).

The political nerd in me really loves that at this moment, in offices around Australia, the Australian Electoral Commission is drawing the order in which candidates which be placed on the ballot paper.

In this age of the internet the AEC still works this out by using a blindfolded staff member drawing numbers out of a wire cage. Bless.



Mr Rudd is touring a Perth train station. I will come back to him when he holds his press conference.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd arrives at Perth City Link  on Friday.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd arrives at Perth City Link on Friday. Photo: Andrew Meares

In the 11.02am I posted a puzzling picture of Liberal MP Louise Markus showing up for the official switch on the National Broadband Network in her area. I say puzzling because of the Coalition's position on the infrastructure project.

Labor frontbencher Anthony Albanese has this advice for Ms Markus: "If Louise Markus wants the NBN she will have to vote Labor."

Stand down peeps - it's okay. I think we can all agree it's a dog. No doubt some kind of "-oodle". Just goes to show, once again, how important the camera angle is.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd cuddles 'Precious' while visiting Perth City train on Friday.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd cuddles 'Precious' while visiting Perth City train on Friday. Photo: Andrew Meares

Labor leader Kevin Rudd is touring a train station in Perth.

"Some people might find this a boring subject but I don't," Mr Rudd says.

"But I'm not a train spotter either."

If anyone can tell what kind of creature "Precious" is I'd be most grateful. I've sought clarification from photographer Andrew Meares.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd cuddles 'Precious' while visiting Perth City  trainstation on Friday.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd cuddles 'Precious' while visiting Perth City trainstation on Friday. Photo: Andrew Meares

You may remember yesterday that I was feeling a bit sorry for Team Rudd what with the pre 4am start and a dash across the continent that ended in Perth. To add insult to injury, the plane was put in a holding pattern above Perth for nearly two hours before the weary pack was able to head for their hotel.

Meanwhile, Team Coalition was being well looked after. One, two, three - oysters for comment!

Nicole Chant, media adviser to Opposition leader Tony Abbott distributes oysters on the flight from Hobart to Melbourne on Thursday.

Nicole Chant, media adviser to Opposition leader Tony Abbott distributes oysters on the flight from Hobart to Melbourne on Thursday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Opposition leader Tony Abbott boards a truck during his visit to the Linfox depot in Melbourne on Friday.

Opposition leader Tony Abbott boards a truck during his visit to the Linfox depot in Melbourne on Friday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Keep on truckin'.

Greens immigration spokeswoman, Sarah Hanson-Young, says the Coalition's immigration policy is further evidence of the major parties' "race to the bottom".

"It's back to the future," Senator Hanson-Young says.

"The government's no advantage rule has now been superseded by the Coalition's no shame rule....This is just cruelty and punishment for the sake of Tony Abbott looking tougher then Kevin Rudd."

Senator Hanson-Young says it is a "lie" that the numbers of refugees "is just Australia's problem" or that they are not genuine asylum seekers.

"There is no national emergency, there is a humanitarian emergency."



I'm a bit confused as to why local Liberal Party MP Louise Markus showed up for the switch on of the National Broadband Network with Labor frontbencher Anthony Albanese in Sydney a little while ago:


Philip Ruddock is an essential part of the Coalition's campaign. Not only does he provide policy advice but the former immigration minister also works as a valet (very Downton Abbey) when required.

Liberal MP Philip Ruddock assists Opposition leader Tony Abbott with his high visibility vest during a visit to the Linfox depot in Melbourne on Friday.

Liberal MP Philip Ruddock assists Opposition leader Tony Abbott with his high visibility vest during a visit to the Linfox depot in Melbourne on Friday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

In the meantime let me compile a little package of stories about Kevin Rudd's northern Australia announcement.

This is chief political correspondent Mark Kenny's wrap of Mr Rudd's push north which took place while Coalition leader Tony Abbott was on his second trip to Tasmania in as many weeks.

Economics writer Matt Wade looks at what economists think about Labor's plan to attract more business to the Top End.

Last, but not least, is business reporter Peter Ker on the similarities between Labor's policies and views expressed by one G. Rinehart.

The Greens will respond to the Coalition's announcement in about 20 minutes time.

Labor leader Kevin Rudd, who is in Perth, is due to hold a press conference at about 11.30am.

I will bring both of those as they happen.

Mr Abbott has finished his press conference.

What do you think? Do you agree with the Coalition? You can have your say in our readers' poll which you can find here.

You can also follow the story as it develops here.

Mr Abbott says there is "common decency" in the asylum seeker policy.

Opposition leader Tony Abbott addresses the media in Melbourne on Friday.

Opposition leader Tony Abbott addresses the media in Melbourne on Friday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Mr Abbott is now taking questions and it's back to when policy costings will be released.

The reason for the delay is simple, Mr Abbott says: "We've got to have something to say for the next three weeks of the campaign."

He says one of the Coalition's significant policies - paid parental leave - will be released "in the next two or three days".

Mr Morrison says Labor has had a "tick and flick" approach to people who arrive by boat with nine out of then found to be refugees.

Labor wants you to believe the 32,000 people already in Australia "are just not here", Mr Morrison says. "They must have already rubber stamped their visas for the other side of the election. We'll get to the outcome which is the right outcome."

(Former immigration minister Philip Ruddock, who is travelling with Mr Abbott for the duration of the campaign, is in the room for the press conference.)

Mr Abbott says the 32,000 people who are already here have two possible futures - either they are found to be refugees and granted temporary protection visas or they are found not to be and will be sent back to their home countries.

"You can't expect to get permanent residence in Australia if you come illegally by boat, you just can't," Mr Abbott says.

Opposition leader Tony Abbott addresses the media in Melbourne on Friday.

Opposition leader Tony Abbott addresses the media in Melbourne on Friday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Mr Abbott says he expects to "make a difference" from "day one" [of becoming prime minister] when it comes to boat arrivals.

He would be happy if he could reduce the number of boat arrivals to three a year.

"Our ideal is to have zero boats a year," Mr Abbott says.

Within one term of a Coalition government Mr Abbott says the numbers of boat arrivals should have returned to the levels under the Howard government [but he does not specify a figure].


Immigration spokesman Scott Morrison says the people who would be most happy about a Labor win would be the 32,000 asylum seekers who are already in Australia.

Their cases will be "triaged" so an assessment can be made swiftly.

"We can get on with the job of removing people far more quickly than this government has been doing," Mr Morrison says.

The Coalition would scrap Labor's plan for a processing centre in Singleton, NSW, and use that money to fund an increase in the Nauru detention centre.



Opposition leader Tony Abbott addresses the media in Melbourne on Friday.

Opposition leader Tony Abbott addresses the media in Melbourne on Friday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Mr Abbott says people already in Australia awaiting resettlement - nearly 32,000 - will only get temporary protection visas.

"This is our country and we will determine who comes here," Mr Abbott says (not once but twice).

"That was the position under the previous Coalition government, that will be the position under the future Coalition government."

Mr Abbott praises immigration Scott Morrison for his handling of the portfolio in which he has shown "a touch of compassion."


Opposition leader Tony Abbott addresses the media in Melbourne on Friday.

Opposition leader Tony Abbott addresses the media in Melbourne on Friday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Coalition leader Tony Abbott and immigration Scott Morrison are now formally announcing the Coalition's immigration policy.

"If you want to stop the boat's you've got to change the government," Mr Abbott says.

"If you can't stop the boats you're not capable of governing the country."

Opposition leader Tony Abbott tours the Linfox depot in Melbourne on Friday.

Opposition leader Tony Abbott tours the Linfox depot in Melbourne on Friday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

At some point yesterday I was musing that asylum seeker policy hadn't made much of an appearance this week. What a difference a day makes.

This morning's newspapers are full of the Coalition's latest bid to further toughen up the system.

This includes the announcement that almost 32,000 asylum seekers who have already arrived in Australia by boat will never get permanent settlement as well as stripping them of the right to appeal to the courts.

The Coalition would also introduce indefinite work for the dole obligations for those found to be refugees and return to the "non statutory" process in which a single caseworker would decide the fate of asylum seekers.


Immigration correspondent Bianca Hall has all the details of the policy.

(A formal announcement is expected later today.)

Do you ever get the feeling election campaigns are an excuse for the blokes to play with big toys?

Opposition leader Tony Abbott gets into the driver's seat of a truck during his visit to the Linfox depot in Melbourne on Friday.

Opposition leader Tony Abbott gets into the driver's seat of a truck during his visit to the Linfox depot in Melbourne on Friday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Hello and welcome to Friday - the last day of the second week. Only three more to go. It's all about natural resources today - the kind in the ground for Labor and the natural resources kind for the Coalition. It's a pleasure to have your company as Andrew Meares, Alex Ellinghausen and I take you through all the news and views from the campaign trail.


Sort comments by:
  • Kev's always gotta upstage Tony. This photo will be everywhere tomorrow!

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 4:22PM
  • There will be no pink batts 20 20 sumit carbon refugee debt under the "new" Kevin/Julia/Kevin back stabbing opposition that I lead.

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 4:14PM
  • Hmmm not much going on here, guess I will just go back and watch the paint dry and have that afternoon nap!

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 4:02PM
  • Looks like the old boys still got it in him LOL Go Ruddy!

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 4:02PM
    • OH god stop it! I feel crook thinking about it.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 4:15PM
  • As this election progresses, it becomes clearer that splitting hairs will be easier than finding a difference between the ALP and the Coalition...

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 4:01PM
  • Looks like the Beattie idea of Rudds has turned into a corka of an idea according to the latest poll. Even Abbott is more popular in QLD.
    Julia must be wetting herself laughing while she sits by the pool at her new home.
    On a serious note, I think Julia would have done a better job of this campaign than Rudd actually.

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 4:00PM
    • You could be right

      Tim of Altona
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 4:09PM
  • OH that photo of Rudd looking, well you know where, has to be one of the funniest photo's I've seen for along time!!!! ROFL
    It has to take out "photo of the campaign"

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 3:55PM
  • Photo @3.45 - I wonder what John Bissett's eyes are focussed on - looks like Ruddy's having a bit of a sneaky peep as well.

    Tim of Altona
    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 3:54PM
    • Might find it a bit uplifting.
      He's human after all.

      A country gal
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 4:13PM
    • He looks like he's in no hurry to zip.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 4:18PM
    • True, but Rudd should just make a clean breast of it and admit his campaign is faltering.

      Tim of Altona
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 4:24PM
    • Didn't he say he'd been over the wire, a gaffe -he really meant underwire.

      A country gal
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 4:55PM
  • not"cat " and "cream" more like ogle. Kev did the sly ogle and his mate the full on ogle. Nice one boys....and have the nerve to throw the dirt at Uncle Tony

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 3:54PM
  • First it was 'moving forward', now we have 'a new way'. Just how many chances does Labor think they deserve by telling us that things will be different?

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 3:52PM
  • 3.40 pm
    1.22 people not enrolled?

    David D
    Ettalong Beach
    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 3:50PM
  • Oh my - have a look at Kev's smile and Bisset's eyes.

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 3:50PM
  • Good god Kevin and John seem to be blushing and perving.
    Great pic.
    "PM announces his breast, whoops best policy".

    A country gal
    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 3:49PM
    • Nice one ACG

      Tim of Altona
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 3:59PM
  • Labor’s shock decision to recruit Peter Beattie as its candidate for the federal Queensland electorate of Forde appears to have backfired spectacularly, with the Coalition on track to win the seat in a landslide - from AFR poll.

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 3:37PM
  • Tell Indonesia the actual cost to the Australian Tax Payer for refugee that comes to Australia by boat will be deducted from the total aid money Australia gives.

    No more boats.
    No more suffering
    More refugees through the front door.
    Reduced Deficit

    Problem Solved!

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 3:36PM
  • End of Week 2.

    Abbott well ahead on points.
    Rudd backs into corner to find his trainer.... has left the stadium.

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 3:34PM
  • Does anyone else wish the Election was this Saturday?
    I'm weary of seeing Rudd surrounded by people in shopping centres or in schools as though being in perpetual motion nearby people unknown to him will make voters like him more?
    Abbott spends more of his time with his Liberal candidates in their Electorates, supporting their campaigns, meeting their constituents.
    I like that.

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 3:30PM
    and dogs, toddlers.
    It's gross and insincere.
    JUST STOP....
    (and seriously.. kids are taught NOT to want or even let total strangers that close.. )

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 3:30PM
  • Newspapers continue print decline

    The Sydney Morning Herald fell 17 %

    I would expect being an election year that circulation would be higher than normal, once the election is over and things return to normal, circulation will drop even further and another round of redundancies at Fairfax will be announced.
    Good luck on the future and a change in media laws by Abbott, then the eventual buyout and shut down of Fairfax by Murdoch.

    Charles Foster Kane
    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 3:21PM
  • Steph, The Map is great concept except on my first click the info on my seat of Mallee is wrong.. The Libs are trying to gain control putting up a candidate but it is held by retiring National John Forrest. Even John would be insulted to be called a Liberal.
    It is at present the least marginal seat in the nation.

    A country gal
    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 3:16PM
  • Let me see if I have this right; under the RRA
    (Rack off Refugees Arrangement), the Government will send irregular arrivals to PNG; they wont settle in Oz or get Oz visas.
    The Coalition accepts that they will be sent to PNG, wont settle on OZ, and the wont get OZ visas. Not only that, the visas they wont get are TPVs.
    Bit like saying *no porridge for you!.. and the porridge you*re not getting will be cold!*
    Thanks Admiral Bumbles; all clear now

    David D
    Ettalong Beach
    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 3:06PM
    • If the election was not so farcical I would vote?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 3:21PM
  • buffy, latest odds at 2-57pm.
    Libs $1-10
    Labor $ 7-00
    Says it all really.

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 2:58PM
    • No wonder we never hear from 'ten seat majority for Julia' J. Fraser anymore.

      Actually there's an entire platoon of the regular Leftie regular commentators who seem to have gone missing in action since the demise of Julia whats her name.

      We're down to the last bunker crew now.

      counting the cost
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 3:10PM
    • and there's more.........

      Shorten is on $2.80 to be new ALP leader by Dec 31

      Rudd is on $4.00.

      Speaks volumes..

      Tim of Altona
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 3:18PM
    • SteveH - at least Buff is still having a go fighting for the reelection of the Pepsi Max kid as Smack would say. Points for effort Buff.

      thepres - those odds seem a little unbalanced in a two horse race.

      Kev's still got about $30 billion spare on the national credit card until he's broke.
      Perhaps he should put it all on Labor at $7. If he wins there's $210 billion windfall to pay off the debt, if he loses he won't care anyway.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 3:25PM
    • In the meantime your dopey mob can't stop opening their mouths and coming out with nastier and nastier positions - all they had to do was shut up and win by default, but that's the trouble with ideologues; they can't help themselves.

      What's Morrison's next step? Midnight raids on those who have already arrived by boat? You neocons must be so proud - you're outdoing the teabaggers in the US.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 3:30PM
    • True Hacka, and don't think we don't appreciate your efforts BBill, mind you life isn't any easy for Demons fans either.

      If only Labor hadn't sacked their star full forward so early in the season.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 3:42PM
    • Time to fire up the bbq gents, thankfully I got my bet down at $1.19 when Jules was still PM.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 4:04PM
  • Classic Leunig as usual.
    Given Anthony's obsession for mixing with trucking magnates - whoops donors, gambling tycoons and Clubs Australia it's not far from the truth.
    There will be no light with Abbott just darkness. No glimmer of hope.

    A country gal
    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 2:57PM
    • It'll be like the fall of Rome ACG, we'll all have to ride shaggy ponies and wear pointy steel hats with horns on them.

      Oh and drink lots of beer (sounds kinda fun to me).

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 3:16PM
    • As long as we aren't fed to the lions SteveH. I'll go for the wine and togas though.
      Few slaves, I could do with a slave or two.
      A Nubian one.

      A country gal
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 3:36PM
    • A total of 14,712,799 people are now enrolled to vote on September 7.

      Err, make that 14,712,798, I am not doing the dastardly deed. Do I come across as stupid?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 3:45PM
    • Go on, Kev open your eyes, I dare you.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 3:48PM
  • Rudd accused of "glitches" in communication with Party HQ

    Off on a "frolic" of his own

    Ain't "The New Way" grand !

    Louis Cypher
    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 2:56PM
    • Who would ever imagine Kevin off on a "frolic" of his own, he has never ever ever ever done that before has he.

      tick, tick, tick, tick,,,,,,

      All air force flight attendants had better lodge their holiday forms before the explosion, because it will not be Kevin's fault.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 3:18PM
  • Genghis

    You said it not me, all I can do is agree with what you say. Indeed the facts of the matter prove my agreement to be right and true.

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 2:43PM
  • We have so much to be proud of. A camp on Nauru and PNG. So many lies from our politicians. They have even convinced us that climate change is not worth voting for. The economy is not worth costing. We can pay off $500 billion without cutting costs and increasing taxes.

    Are there any further stupidities we need to believe before voting?

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 2:40PM
  • We have so much to be proud of. A camp on Nauru and PNG. So many lies from our politicians. They have even convinced us that climate change is not worth voting for. The economy is not worth costing. We can pay off $500 billion without cutting costs and increasing taxes.

    Are there any further stupidities we need to believe before voting?

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 2:35PM
  • I love in the video of Wyatt Roy, he states that "Kevin Rudd and labor have outsourced boarder control to another country"
    It's amazing how people can just lie willi-nilli an no body challenges them if it's the truth or not.

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 2:25PM
  • Interesting issue pending now for the voters in Rudds electorate of Griffith. With all polls indicating a Labor loss, do you get rid of Rudd now, or have to wait for the bi-election to elect Dr. Glasson? When Labor loses, Rudd will probably be replaced as leader, and Griffith will end up again with a powerless and friendless back bencher in opposition. Rudd will probably then retire from politics, causing a bi-election which Bill Glasson would be unlikely to lose. Just another side issue worth contemplating. You saw it here first.

    Facts are
    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 2:25PM
    • Rudd's already sent his resume across to the UN. Glasson will take his seat in the Griffith by-election.

      Rudd knows within himself he only has a couple of weeks left as PM.

      Tim of Altona
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 2:40PM
    • Given you're both so clairvoyant could you please enlighten me as to who will win the Melbourne Cup this year?

      Mornington Peninsula
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 2:57PM
    • No, but I can give you the numbers of last night's Powerball.

      Tim of Altona
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 3:14PM
    • Actually tasch, I have picked the winner of the last two Melbourne Cups.

      Facts are
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 3:32PM
    • I don't care about the last two, I'm worried about the next one. It is instructive though that both comments involve going back to the future it gives a window into our potential new government.

      Mornington Peninsula
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 3:55PM
  • Rudd says -
    "I think our opponents are worried about it [the policy] because they know it's a winner."
    This sounds so childish. The Coaltion have already in Feb discussed this.
    So he steals an idea from Abbott and then goes on to say Abbott is worried because he knows it's a winner!
    Hello his own Party ridiculed Abbott for it!
    Has Rudd lost the plot?

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 2:24PM
  • Alistair

    Exception: this atheist tells the truth about religion.

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 2:17PM
  • I'm amazed at how many lies Kevin Rudd keeps telling. Even when he's proven wrong he continues to parrot them.

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 2:11PM
    • Its because he has nothing, simply nothing else to say.
      He can't spruke labor's record of the last three years can he!

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 2:20PM
    • Consider Nauru has six portable toilets for several hundred people, many with dysentery. No running water to wash clothes. And an Australian government is about to send children without parents to this?

      What does it it remind you of in recent human history?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 2:26PM
    • He was railroaded from office the first time after the breathtaking lies about the mining tax parrotted by the Coalition, the big mining companies and a completely compliant media (apart from a handful of brave voices like Laura Tingle). If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

      Any Coalition supporter attacking Rudd for exaggerating anything is a hypocrite, pure and simple. They lied about the auditing of their figures last time. They lied about the mining tax, and about the carbon tax. Many of them including Abbott were part of the government which lied about children overboard during an election campaign. It's a joke for the Coalition to campaign on trust or honesty, an absolute joke, and the media rarely dares point this out.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 2:34PM
    • Rudd tells porky's big time! He's even better than Julia at it.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 2:45PM
    • Apparently, we, the voters, gave Kevin Rudd a mandate in 2007 to dismantle the Pacific Solution, even though he never even mentioned he would do that during the entire campaign. In fact, he said he would 'TURN BACK THE BOATS'.

      Unbelievable, if it weren't true.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 3:58PM
  • Rudd should realise that he looks like Harold Wilson and take into account what happened to Harold after his overspending?

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 2:01PM
    • you must be a coalition supporter - you are focussed on the past

      21st cent
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 2:46PM
    • 21st cent

      Not me. I simply make an observation that KRudd looks like Wilson. All Rudd requires is a crooked pipe?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 3:07PM
  • IT seems as though the coalition are still living in the howard era,
    their policies are still the same,Does anyone remember the children overboard ,which they used to gain power ,now its happening all over again.
    the same goes for the economy still talking about howards surplise's
    they seem to forget that is hockey and abbot now and not costello and abbott

    why worry
    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 2:01PM
  • Cairo is another Damascus waiting to happen. Religion mixed with politics? Will they never learn?

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 1:33PM
    • Atheism - the new religion

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 1:40PM
    • genghis

      Atheism is the absence of religious belief, therefore not a religion.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 1:54PM
    • Pen, you missed the sarcasm. The point was so many atheists approach their lack of belief with such religious fervor these days, they may as well be a religion.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 2:00PM
    • It's not religious like fervour, it's frustration, that otherwise intelligent people can believe in all that rubbish in the 21stC.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 2:11PM
    • Norm - 84% of the world with religious faith must be dumb then, and the intellect of down under is leading the way?

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 2:25PM
  • Ten photos of Abbott and posed hor camera. The 3 photos of Rudd include his standard air blowing all over his face
    Should Rudd wear a hairnet like Abbott. When will he get equal pictorial representation in the biased column

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 1:29PM
    • Because people have more interest in the next PM, not the one on the way out.

      Tim of Altona
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 2:11PM
    • You'd think Alex and Andrew could find someone with more sex appeal.
      Not favouring someone who gets confused on which end the suppository goes.

      A country gal
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 2:21PM
    • A country gal

      I think I have found something else for us to agree to disagree on :-)
      Abbott does have a measure of sex appeal,
      In my view his authenticity, sparkle in the eye, good turn of phrase, not being a slave to political correctness, athleticism and that weird odd ball laugh of his make him much a more interesting man than fake Rudd.

      It's another 'in the eye of the beholder' thingy

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 3:03PM
    • Fair suck of the sauce bottle ACG don't tell me you think Rudd has sex appeal.. Pale, a bit pudgey and a comb over? Mind you I didn't realise he had a comb over until the photo I realise why he was screaming mad when there was no hair dryer available in Afghanistan.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 3:25PM
  • Until Albo comes clean on the status of the NBN (by releasing the updated business plan that sits on his desk), the opposition has every right to claim a cost of $94 billion.

    After all Labor said they'd spend $42 billion on the GFC stimulus package and finished up spending more than $200 billion on top of that.

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 1:18PM
    • I thank them Hacka as do many others including but not limited to -

      The IMF thanks them as does the World Bank, OECD, Blackrock and lets not forget the Nobel Prize laureate and Professor at New York's Columbia University Joseph Stiglitz and of course so do the millions who have kept there jobs and seen the economy continue through out.

      But hey once you clear the plastic bags off the copper network..and have a quick lesson on smoke signal then the LNPs version of the NBN will have advanced to in the 1850s by then

      Buffalo Bill
      Sydneys Northshore
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 1:49PM
    • So that means that until the LNP releases the costings on their policies people have every right to say that there is $70Billion black hole...or could it be $170B?

      Mornington Peninsula
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 2:01PM
    • tasch2 - well yes i suppose you could. The only small difference is that Malcolm's $94 billion claim is based on a few reasonable assumptions.

      Buff - the bond market sure thanked them. Tell us, why do you think Albo might be sitting on that report and not releasing it ?

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 2:11PM
    • Buffalo Bill

      Modern wire and cable joining techniques do not require plastic bags or anything else to keep integrity.

      Copper from an average street to a house carries more than adequate capacity for the vast majority of home computer users.

      If anyone wishes to have more data carrying capacity than copper can provide then they can pay for it like everyone already pays for gas, water, and electricity installed on private property.

      You are trying to make the absurd seem reasonable.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 2:15PM
    • Hacka
      Apparently there is an NBN $5billion overspend.

      When will they ever learn?

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 2:41PM
    • yys - probably because the back of the envelope didn't include enough space for proper costing estimates.

      When your contractors are going broke en masse, it suggests you haven't got your numbers right.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 2:49PM
    • Is a reasonable assumption "mostly true" or "mostly false"? Or, if you base your assumption on a statement from the Shadow Finance spokesperson does it improve its value on the reasonable assumption scale. Of course then you have to actor in that the Shadow Treasury spokesperson contradicted the Shadow Finance spokesperson saying the Shadow Finance spokesperson was wrong and it could either be 50, 60 or 70B and then said it was all BS. Perhaps you could define it all as "mostly confused" or "mostly inept".

      Mornington Peninsula
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 3:07PM
  • I know a quick fix to the Australian budget deficit why doesn't the government invest a flotilla of leaky tubs from ebay and start ferrying reugees back here.

    captain haddock
    Timor Sea
    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 1:16PM
  • So the NBN costing $94 million and not $44 million is "half true", but probably true according to Peter Martin.

    Either way we have another porkie told repeatedly by Labor, don't we?

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 1:13PM
    • I wish it were only millions...

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 1:22PM
    • "Probably true" is overstating it.

      We'd have Politifact look at the cost of Coalition policies except of course Abbott is hiding the numbers to prevent that scrutiny. And apparently to save us all from boredom.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 1:29PM
    • I'm losing count of the Rudd Labor lies now. I find it interesting Journo's never ask him questions to explain the lies he keeps telling.
      The 70 billion dollar lie is still being advertised on our TV's everyday.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 1:34PM
    • Sorry, I stand corrected billions it is.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 1:56PM
    • I don't get it. Why we wasting money on this technology. It will be out of date in a couple of years when everything moves towards wireless. Seems like a White Elephant.

      Sarah of Carnegie
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 2:08PM
    • No porkies there from Labor.. It only is 1/2 true because polity-fact cant verify it. It's a bit like "stop the boats" from Abbott , it can't be verified cause it hasn't happened yet, so does that make "stop the boats" true or false?

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 2:42PM
    • Sarah you are absolutely just dont get it going by that\ statement.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 2:43PM
  • Anthony Albanese @AlboMP

    Joined at #NBN switchon in Windsor by @Susan4Macquarie and Liberal @LouiseMarkusMP #everyonedeservesNBN

    1:51 AM - 16 Aug 2013

    Gee - that's the switch for the NBN??? 100 billion dollars for that new technology, can anybody from Windsor verify this? are you connected?? can you send proof, just tweet a pic

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 12:52PM
    • Labors NBN is like Sanat Clause. Lots of peolpe believe in it lots of peolpe look forward to it, and lots of people believe it will come right into their house.
      Just like sanat clause, it doesn't actually exisit but we don't want to tell the kids untill they are old enough to handle it.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 1:15PM
    • I'm from Windsor, didn't know Albo was in town until I saw the picture. Coincidence, I actually called Telstra yesterday to see if they could connect me. Gave them 2 numbers, one is my home and one my business - both literally in the same block, 5 doors apart. They could connect my home, but not my business. Which is why I was interested to see the quote about "homes and businesses"

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 1:56PM
  • I suspect Rudd having talked about surviving Kokoda and going over the wire in Afghanistan will be due to bring up how he landed in Gallipoli any day now.

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 12:49PM
    • No, but I think he claims one of his forebears landed at Gallipoli - where's the fact checker when you need him?

      Tim of Altona
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 12:58PM
    • But he is Kev. From Queensland and he is here to help!

      Kev my hero! Save us Kev. Save Australia!

      It is in trouble because of the Labor Party!

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 1:17PM
    • Never underestimate Kokoda Kev........

      * Ghosts sit around the campfire and tell Kevin Rudd stories.

      * When Alexander Bell invented the telephone he had 3 missed calls from Kevin Rudd.

      * Kevin Rudd doesn't call the wrong number. You answer the wrong phone.

      * Kevin Rudd counted to infinity - twice.

      * Kevin Rudd was born in a log cabin he built.

      * Kevin Rudd does not sleep. He waits.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 1:39PM
  • Kev - stop the comb over and hair flick you are going bald, please just accept it. You will get a few less offers for selfies but Australia will still love you.

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 12:46PM
  • Hi Stephanie. Anyone thought of interviewing Julia Gillard and asking her what she thinks of the latest poll numbers?

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 12:32PM
  • Stand down peeps - it's okay. I think we can all agree it's a dog. No doubt some kind of "-oodle". Just goes to show, once again, how important the camera angle is.

    Its called a Labordoodle, Steph.

    They start off as cute puppies but soon grow up to be huge bloated creatures that eat you out of house and home,
    bark incessently at the moon, and make a terrible mess of the carpet.

    A breed best avoided.

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 12:30PM
    • Ha ha ha.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 12:38PM
    • SteveH

      Seems as though you are Steph's pet for the day, whilst we are on topic.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 12:43PM
    • It's a Spoodle actually

      Cocker Spaniel + Poodle

      Tim of Altona
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 12:56PM
    • Time to make a Ruddoodle

      An attention seeking dog that doesn't shed hair or require comb overs.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 1:01PM
    • onbviously, because if it was a Liberaldoodle it would have been wearing speedos

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 1:07PM
    • A ruddoodle would be quite snappy when not getting his way

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 1:16PM
    • I would expect you would have to carry hundreds of plastic bags when taking the ruddoodle out for a walk

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 1:26PM
    • Its a wonder that Scott Morrison has not yet put the put dog in Mandatory dentention !

      The dog would probably be afforded greater rights though !

      Buffalo Bill
      Sydneys Northshore
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 1:35PM
    • A ruddoodle may not be a mans best friend

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 1:49PM
    • BuffBill, I reckon Morrison would have a tough time prying it out of Rudd's hands, it looks like Kevin has finally found a friend in politics.

      Lets hope Precious doesn't turn on him, a lot of Labordoddles do that in the end.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 1:49PM
    • I think there is little doubt who would win a contest of the "Precious".

      Should the contest be extended to the attributes of faithfulness, loyalty and unconditional love. - the dog wins.

      Louis Cypher
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 2:20PM
    • Kevin - You need to step AWAY from the dog - please understand it doesn't vote, it doesn't understand your lies, it doesn't remember your shoddy performances, it doesn't get the concept of white-anting your ALP collegues....

      City of the Fallen
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 3:05PM
  • For those looking to vote for the Coalition, are you voting that way because you can't stand Labor, or because you actually like the policies that Abbott is putting out?

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 12:15PM
    • I can't speak for everyone, but I'd say equal amounts of both...

      here to help
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 12:17PM
    • I like their policies.
      Soon they will tell us how they cost them.
      Hopefully they will do it sooner than the standard Labor time: 5pm Friday the day before the election.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 12:28PM
    • All those in favor of European style austerity measures as well as the violation of human rights and the Geneva convention say: "Abbott for PM"

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 2:01PM
    • I've never contemplated such a regressive/repressive act.
      I value my vote and my country.

      A country gal
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 2:09PM
  • Where is English boat person Abbott putting his 100 Dams?

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 12:08PM
    • Does the word suppository give you a hint Steeden?

      Buffalo Bill
      Sydneys Northshore
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 12:16PM
    • Nauru?

      Mornington Peninsula
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 12:26PM
    • If we are to populate our northern climes further then climate change will insist that we use alternative water storage methods than in the past. Indeed we could do worse than to copy the Greek method of water capture and storage still in use at Alexandria.

      A modern version would be to accommodate any new city with underground car park like structures as water reservoirs connected together by pipes. In rural areas super-size pre-cast concrete tanks comprising individual wall sections slotted in place to realise one or more kilometres in diameter is not beyond our engineering skills.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 12:44PM
  • I wonder what the Aboriginals thought seeing the first fleet refugees arrive here.

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 12:07PM
    • Steeden, if you believe so strongly in this being Aboriginal land, should we all leave it to them now? Lets not be hypocritical and stay on their land. Or is life too good for us all now?

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 12:55PM
  • Even a poodle cannot escape from the clutches of Rudd fast enough?

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 12:05PM
    • Here we go, Rudd has run out of kids so now he is on to the poodles.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 12:30PM
  • Kevin Rudd is like a boxer who hasn't fought for 3 years. He is rusty and starting to come apart at the seams.

    Out of Shape
    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 12:04PM
  • Rudd brought out his asylum policy and many people cried foul. Abbott brings out a new policy and hey preso the same reaction from the same groups. Unfortunately all these naysayers beat the commentaries with negativism and never offer any alternate solutions. Well to all you naysayers contribute some positive solutions before your criticize any of the political parties for their asylum policies. If you cannot offer any positive solutions then please spare us from your negative comments.

    Alternate Solutions
    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 12:02PM
  • Recently someone mentioned the “Talmudic Distinction”: after 70 CE the Rabbi’s of Pharisee tradition were in control, thus all writing was banned, because the word of God did not require pen and parchment, all that was required was the word of the Rabbi’s.

    Come forward 1900 years and here we are back in the old tradition. Rabbi Rudd and Rabbi Abbott tell us their words and off we go into the wilderness following a cloud by day and a fire by night. Err, in case you are getting confused cloud and fire are metaphors by the way?

    However, every generation for 1900 years believed in a literal cloud and a literal fire as God’s guiding hands through the wilderness. No one told them it was a proverbial Abbott and proverbial Rudd each pulling a fast one.

    The wilderness turned out to be a hell of place, either it was too hot or too cold, no rain at all and then floods were everywhere. Food requirement required miracles, and things got progressively worse despite cloud and fire promising a land of milk and honey, which incidentally resulted in the longest war ever known.

    The moral of the story: do not trust the clouds of Rudd and the fire of Abbott because where they lead the change of climate will give you nothing but hell.

    Here endeth the lesson.

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 11:57AM
    • Yeah, I was thinking that....

      here to help
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 12:02PM
  • I'm prepared to call the election now - Labor 65 seats, Independents 2, Greens 0, Coalition 83.

    You read it here first....

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 11:40AM
    • Bob Katter is no longer considered an independent MP. He now heads the KAP. I do agree with your count however. The Coalition with a majority of 18.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 12:25PM
  • I wonder which Perth primary school Rudd is making his WA Business Council (uncosted thought bubble) policy announcement from?

    Tim of Altona
    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 11:38AM
  • With Labor it's Rudd Rudd Rudd and the occasional cameo of Burke.
    Where have Bowen, Wong, Albo, Pliebersek etc disappeared to?
    Apparently their media strategy is going awry.
    See this:

    Not Ruddy Happy Campers
    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 11:22AM
    • Where's Mal Brough?

      Mr Ed
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 12:10PM
    • Mr Ed - Mal Brough is not a minister or even a shadow minister. He is even a recently ex-shadow minister. To add to the questions where is Emmo, Wayne Swan, Conroy, Combet, Shorten, Gillard..... the list goes on and on and on. None of them prepared to stand up and endorse Rudd. It should make an interesting campaign launch. Who will be sing in the front row as Kev enters the arena? Who will be first to shake his hand?

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 1:04PM
  • SHY statements illustrate why the Greens vote will fall at the coming election. They don't see their role as representing the people but as telling the people what they should think, how they should behave and what is good for them.

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 11:22AM
    • That's right because the Greens focus on policy and deal in science and fact where as the typical LNP voter is immersed in ignorance, focussed on self interest and hero worships that guy playing with a oversized Tonka Toy , gutting a fish in a factory somewhere and uttering meaningless 3word slogans..

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 12:20PM
    • Ah, puzzled is Populist Fundamentalist! Do what the great mass think today. What you want is leadership puzzled, not dictatorship though, but someone who listens, reflects, feeds back, develops the best course of action, explains it, takes criticism on it, refines it, implements it.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 1:25PM
    • They don't deal in economic science. thats for sure.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 1:39PM
    • Puzzled, that is one of the good things to come out of this election, SHY will be gone along with Brandt.
      Also Labor are going to take a pounding.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 3:11PM
  • Still yet to hear how the Coalition propose to "turn back the boats when it is safe to do so".

    When is it safe to turn back a boat??? Would a boat from Sri Lanka be turned back??

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 11:21AM
    • It may be pertinent to refrain from deep sea fishing in the future.

      Mornington Peninsula
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 12:11PM
    • tasch2 good point you might find yourself in Iraq make sure you take your papers with you when fishing.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 1:22PM
  • @11.02am, why not, it's about to become theirs.

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 11:18AM
    • Funny, I thought it was supposed to be Ours.

      Mornington Peninsula
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 12:05PM
    • Ha ha, wishful thinking, we are but citizens, we own nothing.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 1:49PM
    • Precisely Norm and that is the issue.

      Mornington Peninsula
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 2:02PM
  • As my grandfather used to say "The simplest solutions are often the best" and perhaps this philosophy should be applied to our undocumented arrival policies instead of the current expensive and unsuccessful "race to the bottom" policies of our two largest political parties.

    The basic problem appears to be resentment towards "queue jumpers" gaining an unfair advantage over genuine UNHCR refugees awaiting resettlement after unacceptable waiting times. Surely a simple unambiguous policy of returning all undocumented arrivals to a UNCR refugee centre for processing and accepting an equivalent number of UNHCR-certified refugees who have been waiting longest for resettlement would immediately and effectively annihilate the marker for people smugglers through a measure that would be welcomed by all sides and set an example for other countries facing similar problems.

    Most importantly, this measure would meet with approval from all sides of the undocumented arrival debate as it gives a win-win outcome for all sides whilst possibly helping reduce waiting times for resettlement of genuine refugees fleeing persecution and/or genocide.

    Mid-North Coast NSW
    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 11:18AM
    • While your idea has merit, you need to run the scenarios. The number of people that are processed through the camps is minicule, and the UNHCR is totally overwhelmed. Add to that, the unlikelihood that any of the countries with the camps would accept a one-for-one exchange, and it all falls over. What is certain, though, is that more needs to be done to make processing work - it's alright for the conservatives to take umbrage at "queue jumpers", but when the queue is decades long I'd fancy they would jump pretty quickly themselves if placed in the same situation.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 11:31AM
    • BC,

      Yes I am aware of the problems you mention however I believe most of these can be reduced by negotiation and "aid diplomacy" from the First World.

      The first step is always the hardest and Australia could make a start by offering foreign aid using money currently allocated for refugee accommodation and processing that will not be required once the policy is implemented and helping Third World countries that will benefit from increased foreign aid and generation of local employment.

      The solution has to start somewhere by someone taking a stand and championing the cause; perhaps Australia could take this on when it assumes the Presidency of the UN Security Council in the immediate future.

      Mid-North Coast NSW
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 11:47AM
  • Both major parties are going election-crazy. The north plan of both parties sounds very problematic to me...and now this bizarre twist to the refugee issue! The coalition approach is simultaneously less effective but more cruel. Least the PNG solution is a clear choice; if a genuine refugee, either apply to live in Australia through the other channels or take a boat (to a life in PNG). TPVs by contrast give people hope but indefinite limbo. You may settle in here, meet someone special, only to have it all ripped away when your country is deemed safe (however true or not that may be). Refugees (like most humans) won't think that far ahead - they will risk their life for a TPV...hoping things will somehow work out and they'll get to stay. In short, more boats will come! Am I missing something?

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 11:15AM
    • The other cruel aspect is the retrospective bit. It's one thing to "punish" those who come knowing the consequences (however questionable that process may be); it's quite another to punish those who acted in different circumstances. Imagine the furore if negative gearing was abolished for both new purchases and properties already bought with this factored in! Unfair, people would scream (me being one of them). So how does anyone think this refugee policy is okay then?

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 11:32AM
    • When this whole thing started (when Howard twigged that there were votes to be had) it was all a matter of "border protection" - we weren't going to let undesireables into the country, after all look at where they were coming from - some of them were probably even TERRORISTS! When the influx grew in the past 6 years, it was once again a matter of National Security - until we all witnessed in real time the horror of what happened at Christmas Island. It then shifted from keeping the terrorists out to saving the poor unfortunates from drowning. All of a sudden it was HUMANITARIAN. But now that Rudd is playing the same game, it's back to tracking down those undesireables who have "breached our borders" so we can send them packing. Not really a matter of saving lives anymore, is it?

      And if it appeals to you, says everything about you.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 11:49AM
    • BC, for me personally it's a bottom of the list issue. The problem is not everyone is like me. There are only two ways this will stop being an ugly divisive issue (with the horrible consequences for all, including our country - to get a bad government by default due to this issue): a warm cuddly bipartisan (or tripartisan) approach where somehow lives arent lost, or the boats stop or slow to a trickle. I suspect Labor realised the former just ain't going to happen...for years if ever? So they are left with stopping the boats. Of all the proposals by the major parties so far, the PNG solution plus greater humanitarian intake is the most logical path. That's why I'm moved to write - if we are going to have an approach that some deem "cruel" then can we please have the most logical, most effective one. I happen to think Labor's is the least cruel as well because of greater certainty involved.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 12:59PM
    • Passionfruit, good post.
      Abbott is singing straight out of Howard's song sheet. Ruddock is his shadow on the trail/trial both Ministers when Tampa attracted the votes.
      Dumbing down has been an outstanding success.

      A country gal
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 3:05PM
  • the tub thumpin, chest beatin, pitchfork totin protectors of our morality and borders have outdone themselves. Very cleverly. I can almost hear them mumbling *that*ll stop em askin about our costings* while spittin terbacka and chewin straw.

    David D
    Ettalong Beach
    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 11:01AM
    • And yet sadly a recent poll has the good burghers of Penrith supporting Abbott at 60%+ primary. Maybe we should just build a big electric fence.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 11:09AM
    • Can it be around Penrith?

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 11:16AM
    • They Support the local Fiona Scott!
      When compared to David "I am with Julia" Bradbury. Selecting Fiona Scott is very easy. Although Fiona Scott has been helped by Kevins Same sex marriage announcement and the tax hike for people with lease cars… turns out there are a lot of nurses in the seat worried about getting to work.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 11:33AM
    • Please explain to me the "tax hike", Cwitty - foolishly I had thought that the law hadn't changed but the requirement to actually keep a log of business miles to claim BUSINESS MILES was to be enforced. Tell me how people who actually do legitimate business miles (for which they get the tax break) will be subject to a "tax hike"?

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 12:27PM
    • BC - Ask the nurses that will have to get a bus home after their late shift. They are the ones who have not broken any laws but will now be asked to pay extra TAX. If people have to pay extra tax when they have followed all of the rules it is a TAX HIKE. The government is already banking the predicted extra money because it is a TAX HIKE. The law HAS changed (don’t worry you don’t look foolish) twice. Gillard already changed the rules… But Rudd had to change it again for branding purposes. These same tax avoiding nurses probably claim the standard $300 unsubstantiated deductions in their income tax returns as well like thousands of other people! Outrageous! Luckily Rudd’s here to sort out these cheating nurses! Luckily for the Nurses they have the option of voting for Fiona Scott.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 1:00PM
    • So by your standards, Cwitty, if there's a rule that says you should have legitimate expenses before making a claim, it's ok to NOT have them because nobody's going to check. Hmmm.

      If you'd said that poor suffering nurses (who by the way your Liberal Party State Governments underpay) should be given a tax break because of their circumstances, that would be different. But I suspect that you wouldn't want that, because then how would the struggling six-figure earners with cars get any of that?

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 1:10PM
  • A propos of fluoro vests--I know a coupleof long-term unemployed blokes who always wear fluoro vests to the club--they reckon girls will think they've got an actual job!

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 10:55AM
    • Jacko they better watch it - someone might mistake them for pollies and egg them or worse...

      David D
      Ettalong Beach
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 11:21AM
    • Who buys their beers?

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 11:30AM
    • Norm, Anthony prefers a light shandy- all froth and bubble no effect.

      A country gal
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 2:24PM
  • 10:36 post
    The critics of Rudds northern development plan are limp wristed when compared to how the plan was originally criticised back in Feb when it was just a Liberal policy. Back when it was a liberal only plan it was described as "dividing the country". Here is the missing link to SMH criticism of the plan before it was adopted by Labor.

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 10:50AM
  • You seriously taking Kevin Rudds Northern "what ev's" non policy seriously?
    It's not worth even commenting on, it's absolutely nothing. No costings, no details, no documents, Rudd changed his mind on the policy 3 times in one press conference.
    C'mon get real. It's not even a talking point. Rudd wouldn't have a clue!

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 10:43AM
    • Rudd's campaign is unravelling by the day - yesterday's 'announcement' in Darwin was a farce.

      Rudd is now resorting to saying anything knowing he will never have to deliver - the election may as well be tomorrow so we can put this Labor govt out of it's misery and move on.

      Tim of Altona
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 11:01AM
  • Abbott has shown how low a politician can go, his cruelty towards asylum seekers is no policy to safeguard Australia. He is turning us into a nation of heartless bigots. Shame on you. How dare call yourself a Christian.

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 10:37AM
    • Yeh Rudd's a better Christain look at his asylum seeker policy. Fair and humane.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 10:50AM
    • Yes let's just open the door let everyone in. Why don't we run boats ourselves to and from Indonesia ?

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 11:09AM
    • Rudd's policy tries to stop future asylum seekers from jumping on boats, Abbott is about to take away the rights to those who have made formal applications and have been waiting for processing in detention camps for years. One is prevention, the other is annihilation.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 11:17AM
    • Kaboda, that is the Greens policy.

      Tim of Altona
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 11:25AM
  • Another day another pro Abbott "featured comment" what a shock.

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 10:29AM
    • Macca75 - you could always jump on the bandwagon :-)

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 10:43AM
    • Macca75 - c'mon over from the dark side and join the winning team.

      Winners are grinners and Hacka and I have plenty to grin about.

      Tim of Altona
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 10:50AM
    • Tim - yes there's plenty to grin about right now but never forget the ghosts of 1993. Or is that the chocolate cakes of 1993 ?

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 11:05AM
    • This might be a novel idea..... but if you write something witty, interesting or relevant, you've probably got a fair chance of getting on the featured comment list

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 11:07AM
    • Hacka, I have every confidence that Credlin and Ruddock will ensure there is no repeat of '93.

      Tim of Altona
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 11:15AM
    • Tim - hope you're right. The Ruddock role is interesting. He seems like he's there as a mentor / minder / protector. Or maybe he's there to add some sex appeal to the Abbott campaign team !

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 11:56AM
  • The long and luminous shadow of John Howard appears on the campaign - "we will determine who comes here".

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 10:26AM
    • Disgraceful, isn't it?

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 10:41AM
    • The Shadow is long because the sun has just about set on him, yet still his successors live in without regard for the dawn of tomorrow.

      Mornington Peninsula
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 10:50AM
    • and cry foul like a baby when other countries in the world laugh at us...

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 10:50AM
    • John Howard, his government and his time in office will stand tall as a cornerstone of competence in the annals of this nations history, casting a dark shadow over the speedbump formed by this Labor governments gross negligence and incompetence.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 11:14AM
    • Asty, John Howard was like Smaug of Hobbit fame, he took a pile of gold and sat on it as an ends in itself and a monument to his own lack of vision.

      Mornington Peninsula
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 11:40AM
  • I'm looking forward to David Bradbury commenting on Kevin's NT development plan. Given the coward will run a mile from interviews today, what do you think he would have to say?

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 10:26AM
  • The Liberal's policy is the most heartless in a generation. I'm absolutely ashamed to be an Australian and I'm literally fighting back the tears as I type this.

    Who's going to march down to the local school and remove the little kids who've been there for 2-3 or more years and send them back to the hell-holes from where their parent's fled?

    Who's going to rip away families from the communities where they've actually managed to make somewhat of a better life?

    I can't believe it's come to this,

    Lismore, NSW
    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 10:20AM
    • And Labor policy is good?
      At least under Liberal if they are true refugees they get to stay.
      Under Labor (supposedly) they all end up in hell in PNG regardless!!!!

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 10:29AM
    • Good ole Shire christian boy Scott Morrison. He*s gonna love it

      David D
      Ettalong Beach
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 10:34AM
    • Peter,

      There will always be some hardship in a decision like this. BUT, something has to be done. This is a decisive "hard" call, but unless someone takes a hardline approach, we will continue to see people drown attempting to get here.

      Refugees will still be accepted into Australia via controlled measures. The TPV's are only for boat arrivals.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 10:34AM
    • I'm ashamed that you are australian too. Typical labor luvvie who always prepared to attack a conservative and ignore both truth and labor policy. Its funny how you cheered rudd when he dismantled the policy of Howard, you ignored the 1200 deaths, you cheered rudds plan to send everyone to hell in PNG and you are back to sneering and jeering a coalition plan.

      I shouldnt be suprised but the hypocricy of the left never ceases to amaze.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 10:52AM
    • George @ 10:29....wrong, wrong, wrong. The inhumanity of the policy is that people who have already arrived by boat, and who are found to be refugees don't get to stay. They get put on TPVs and could be kicked out after having lived here for 3, 5, 8+ years. Would you like to live with that threat hanging over your head?

      Lismore, NSW
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 12:39PM
  • Love the fluoro vest photo. The sign they are standing on pretty much sums up their form of political debate and discourse over the last 3 years....NO.

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 10:16AM
    • They look like the 3 Amigos. I'm sure the Liberals will accuse Alex Ellinghausen of typical Fairfax bias in framing this shot.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 10:46AM
  • Seriously going on about the costings is so ridiculas. Both side always do this every election so WHY do the media waste so much time on it!
    Fair enough they get questioned about it BUT all day every day!

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 10:16AM
  • Pandering to the worst of the Australian character. This is a perfect example of why we just can't afford to have this man and like thinkers anywhere near the reins of power in Australia. I don't want a man in control who believes he could be a world maverick. This is colonial nineteenth century isolationist thinking.

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 10:15AM
    • RTP,

      What is your solution? How would you stop people jumping on boats and potentially drowning?

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 10:36AM
    • If the issue is preventing people drowning then I can't see why its ours to solve. Are we extending the "nanny state" beyond our own borders and into the lives of people who are not Australian Citizens. Surely the Liberal party of free enterprise can understand the notion of individual choice. If someone wants to pay top dollar to risk their life then surely it is their own business and not that of a free enterprise government, especially where the transaction takes place on foreign soil. To say the policy is being implemented to stop people drowning is far fetched.

      If you were to say the policy is aimed at saving money, or, keeping people out of the country, or, trying to implement an orderly process then at least you would have something credible to hang your hat on. But then you would have to deal with the cat calls involved with appearing to be heartless, a bigot or a racist.

      Unfortunately it would seem that any of the reasons mentioned have given way to the fact that in modern Australia it appears that whoever can be the hardest line on this issue will get the most votes, which is a sad comment on all of us.

      Mornington Peninsula
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 11:02AM
  • Abbott's asylum policy makes me ashamed to be an Australian. I am so disappointed in my fellow countrymen for giving these views support.

    David Allen
    Woy Woy
    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 10:14AM
    • I am ashamed of being Australian today. Please do not let this man be our PM.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 10:39AM
    • You should be ashamed that Rudd and labor changed the policy that has lead to over 1200 people dying at sea. If you had integrity then this policy would cause you eithe shame or anger.

      Why is it the left forget that this whole issue comes back to poor policy decisions by labor. Boat re not even an issue in 2007 because Howard fixed the problem.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 10:59AM
    • So many of you say ashamed of the solution etc. It is so easy to be negative. Instead of just being ashamed what do you propose to be the solution to the boat people?

      Neutral Voter
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 11:14AM
    • Neutral Voter, my solution is to treat these people with humanity, process them in Australia, give permanent residency to genuine refugees and quickly return any people who are not refugees to their home.

      David Allen
      Woy Woy
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 12:47PM
    • David Allen - if you were that ashamed you would you have not continued to occupy aboriginal land. It is not too late to correct past wrongs.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 12:57PM
  • Forget the politics of this.

    Goal: Stop drownings of people getting on boats to travel to Australia.
    Result: LNP policy will work.

    Australia will still have refugees processed through the proper systems.

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 10:12AM
    • Exactly, there will still be refugees allowed into Australia. This policy is directly aimed at boat arrivals. It is harsh, but the right thing to do. It will stop the boats.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 10:30AM
    • +1

      Alternate Solutions
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 12:04PM
  • Please remember that the Coalition is simply targetting the boats. There are still tens of thousands who are deseprately waiting on formal approval to come here, who are being processed through the proper channels (and these do not include any form of maritime craft).

    Kate (short for Bob)
    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 10:08AM
    • > Please remember that the Coalition is simply targeting the boats.

      They're not targeting the boats.

      They are targeting the votes.

      Peter A
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 10:16AM
  • Are real people actually impressed by these guys (and sometimes gals) poncing about in fluoro vests?

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 9:57AM
    • The facts are Norm, that OH&S regulations apply to every worksite/place in Australia. All visitor's are required to comply with those regulations. Abbott regularly gets out into the real world of manufacturing plants, factories and other work places and correctly follows the regulations. If you don't want t see politicians in protective regulatory gear, follow Kevin Rudd who spends every day in primary schools campaigning to 8 year olds. Not too many high vis vests needed there.

      Tim of Altona
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 10:20AM
    • I can see you're "impressed" Tim, but then we know you are a rusted on Abbotite, so your comment is far from unbiased. I did say "REAL PEOPLE". And your little attempt to turn my question sideways into WH&S (It's not been OH&S for a while Tim) is irrelevant.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 11:35AM
    • Norm - correct WH&S, my apologies.

      Also, I am no great fan of Tony Abbott.

      Tim of Altona
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 2:18PM
  • Refugees.... Yes I agree we can't just let anyone in. Neither can we afford to take all in, no matter how much we might wish.
    However, look at the enormous contribution previous comers to our country have made.
    Somewhere, there must be middle ground, where we operate with compassion.
    Allow in ones who will be peaceful and live with our laws, leave out any violent/ terrorist ones.
    We gain a lot from new people and cultures. And be fair, many people are genuinely desperate.

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 9:56AM
    • The "plane people" don't get much attention. They must be feeling left out.

      A country gal
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 2:03PM
  • Some interesting articles in SMH today -

    1. When Alan calls Barry picks up
    2. Baird attacked over Board appointments.

    These might not be in the same category of the Obied scandal from a "$" point of view but very much in the same category from a "principle" point of view.


    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 9:52AM
    • Sam I still have a couple of straws left from Gillard sweep out.

      You can have them to grasp in the next few weeks if you'd like.

      Louis Cypher
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 2:36PM
  • Abbott just loves his Tonka Toys doesn't he?

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 9:44AM
    • Mee too
      I have always loved Tonka toys and Frankly the public are a bit sick and tierd of the opposition hidding behind the true cost of their Tonka Toys, when frankly they have always been part of true Labor values...

      from Queensland
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 10:02AM
    • And Kevin Rudd loves himself.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 10:15AM
    • @George_ you comment is totes amazeballs #yolo #MyRuddyFuture #MeToo

      From Queensland
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 11:09AM
  • Abbott has just put the people smugglers out of business. They and their potential clients, will look at this policy, together with the opinion polls and probably the betting markets, and realise that, with the pending coalition win, the game put in place by Rudd in 2007, has now finished.

    Facts are
    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 9:43AM
    • You really have no idea do you?top the boats? Neither side can do it in the current world climate and their dogged determination to make this an issue when there is so much more to discuss of greater importance is mind boggling. Just a shame the government now decides to follow the rednecked, racist and scaremongering ways of the Noalition.

      First Rate
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 9:54AM
    • Agreed. I always felt that Howards most effective border protection policy was the TPV.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 10:09AM
    • Yeah cause Indonesian people smugglers spend all their time reading Australian opinion polls and checking the odds at centrebet...

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 10:11AM
    • Harold you are out of touch if you don't think people smugglers and their clients don't know everything about our policies and which government means what it says.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 10:16AM
    • Harold. There's something around now which is well used by the people smugglers. It's called, "the internet".

      Facts are
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 11:28AM
  • Liberal Candidate for Chisholm John Nguyen, who originally came here as a refugee, was quoted in The Age on 8 August as saying about the Liberal asylum seeker policy ''It's a more equitable and fair process. Let's see if we can take as many people as we can from camps".

    Anyone journalist want to go ask him if the Coalition is actually taking "as many people as we can from camps" or if in fact they're dead set on slamming the door on people in the same position he was once in?

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 9:34AM
    • I imagine a Murdoch newshound will jump at the chance and have huge bold headlines, "WHO LET THIS MOB IN".

      A country gal
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 1:56PM
  • How come there is so much focus on 7 weeks of Rudd rule and no focus on 3 years of gillard mess ups? It just doesn't add up. are the ALP taking the voters for fools? There should be a justify Gillard campaign for this election campaign!

    Kelly K
    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 9:23AM
    • Kelly

      How about 3 years of TA in opposition beating his chest... The reason the election is still a contest is because of TA. Only 30% of AUS like him and his negative politicis and that is along party lines.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 9:43AM
    • Yes they need to justify how they governed in a majority government. How they got away with legislating groundbreaking reforms like the NDIS and set the ball rolling on Gonski. They had also better step up to the plate on how they did all this within a period of some of the most vitriolic, deceitful, negative behaviour from the opposite side of parliament. Yes they have a lot of explaining to do. Lets hope you never require DCA or a decent education.

      First Rate
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 9:47AM
    • Me too.
      Frankly I was just about to mention two things. 1. Julia ruined the Party 2 The oposition have been very oppositional and Frankly we do not like it.

      from Queensland
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 9:57AM
    • Very good response First Rate, there should have been a lot more, unfortunately it is just going to be ripped to pieces after all the hard work.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 10:17AM
    • With over 10 billion taxpayer dollars wasted on a refugee mess created by Labor, they decided to make hardworking taxpayer pay more on a Medicare levy. Also only half of the 800,000 disable people will qualify for something substantial. Don't make a comment that makes you like Labor an open target! If Gillard was so good why did Labor replace her?

      Kelly K
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 10:27AM
    • Kelly K you need to get some facts in your Coalition spin. I work in disability and the NDIS is the best thing and has been demanded by disability organisations for years and it took one gutsy politician to get the job done. Little Johnny Appleseed had the surplus to do it but refused. Nothing from the coalition little blue book will change that fact. I invite you to read up on the policy, read up on the implementation and talk to people who are in the middle of it.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 11:15AM
    • Rob68 if you work in the disability sector you will know the NDIS is a selective BS scheme. If you state otherwise I know you are a liar

      Kelly K
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 12:06PM
    • Yes I do work in the disability sector and responsible for setting people up into DCA and its as selective as it needs to be so that correct funding goes to who needs it when its needed otherwise you would have a scheme like say the current FBT model for cars, where people can reap the taqx benefits when they are not entitled to them. But I tell you what kelly when I come across a person with a disability that doesnt say this is going to change their life for the better then I will vote liberal....not going to happen. Again get your facts from the policy, from the people implementing it and from those that can't wait to access it. If you still think it's BS and would prefer to keep block funding models where the majority of people get little to no support, are left on wait lists for years and where people under 50 have to live in aged care because the supports just aren't there then go ahead live in la la land.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 1:12PM
  • Abbott showing his true colours again. So much for the rhetoric about asylum seekers on boats taking places away from refugees who go about it "the right way". It's really just about playing on fear of brown people.

    I look forward to the likes of Hacka telling us how this actually shows what a caring natural bloke Abbott is.

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 9:21AM
    • Well at least it is better than Rudd showing his true colors on the Northern solution (copied from the LNP) and the gaffs in one press conference on the topic. Rudd has done the complete opposite of what he stated in the election announcement.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 12:08PM
  • It seems that history does repeat itself. Back in 2007, in order to be a small target, Rudd copied many Howard policies. 2013 looks no different. The dams and food bowl plan, offshore processing, public service cuts – all scoffed at initially are now Labor platforms.

    In the next few weeks perhaps we can expect to hear Rudd adopt three word slogans and utter the famous words: I will “stop the boats”.

    Date and time
    August 16, 2013, 9:08AM
    • Obviously Hacka, this is why Labor has been so keen to hear the coalitions policies. Rudd wants to copy them and say "me too" again. It's a lot easier than creating your own ideas. On another point, I see that Labor has not yet released their costings. Bit hypocritical to keep pointing the finger at Abbott, when you haven't done it yourself.

      Facts are
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 9:32AM
    • It seems that history does repeat itself. Look at Abbott running a small target campaign as well. Just as Rudd is going down the Howard road on areas the Coalition is seen to be strong in such as border protection, Abbott has gone "me too!" on education and on aged care, and is trying to minimize the target for attack by waiting until late in the last week to explain how his promises will be funded (not just the costings, but even to explain how the funding is meant to happen).

      Unfortunately neither side of politics at the moment is very brave.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 9:38AM
    • Hacka,

      Remember Gonski/Better Schools??

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 9:39AM
    • Yes seems they are copying the Noalition by copying? TA on 7.30 said he would keep the tobacco increases etc but not the FBT changes (these are too easy to use in care campaign about nothing). Then of course he did a complete backflip and decided to take up 'Conski'. As far as an ETS that was always the plan by the ALP, in fact it was the Limited News Partys stance also until they knifed Turnbull. One thing they wont be copying is the es to the GST and TA's avoidance answer "it can't be changed" is wearing a little thin.

      First Rate
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 9:51AM
    • Facts are - yes the double standards have become almost humorous. People are smart enough to make up their own minds.

      Arky - well yes it does work both ways. Abbott's working on the small target theory as well.

      Perhaps we'll see Kev walking around clutching a blue pamphlet soon. Or maybe we'll see him on a bike, running a city-to-surf or even firefighting.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 9:57AM
    • Hmm I wonder if this is a little bit of chest beating and posturing from Abbott and Morrison.

      Though im sure this will be a subject of a High court challenge Hacka?

      Whats next apathied? Abbott is appearing to channell one JWH?

      "Remember that a life lived in fear is a life halved lived".

      There are a number of mechanics of this policy that needs to be better explained !

      Buffalo Bill
      Sydneys Northshore
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 10:15AM
    • Hi Buff - you're not channeling positive Kev's fear mongering are you ?

      The Greens response promises to be a classic - how much vitriol can we expect ?

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 10:41AM
    • Hi Hacka

      Reading your posts regarding this issue at least, you dont strike me as someone who sports a mullet yet your views on this policy now has me wondering !

      Buffalo Bill
      Sydneys Northshore
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 11:07AM
    • For all your comments Buffy Bill it looks like your ALP is on track for losing 22 seats. How fun!

      Kelly K
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 11:19AM
    • KellyK

      Looks can be deceiving, Never count the chickens before hatching.

      Remember Mike Tyson was at unbackable odds against James "Buster" Douglas and look what happened to poor old Mike ?

      Buffalo Bill
      Sydneys Northshore
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 11:52AM
    • Buff - you don't need a mullet to think that we need border control. We have the third most generous refugee intake in the world, and it should be done in an orderly fashion.

      If someone is sitting in Indonesia having fled Tehran, then you'd think they'd avoided persecution in the first place.

      Yes the argument is much broader than that but don't tell me that people must make it to Australia to protect their families.

      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 12:03PM
    • Buffy Bill I'm using NSW/QLD's latest State election as a gauge. You can use Mike Tyson if that is your coping mechanism.

      Kelly K
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 12:04PM
    • Hacka

      Our Border control “problem” by worlds comparison is extremely small we are not being invaded by Warships we are being sort after by leaky boats (unarmed) the PNG solution now states that people will be resettled to PNG and I would suspect that for the non “reffos” that natural justice applies but under the LNP it does not.

      Yes true though (correct me if I’m wrong) Indonesia is not signatory to the UN convention so those in Indon would seek a place that is and be afforded those human rights? Perfectly understandable

      I suppose in a perfect world we would have everyone do as we want though as you know our world is far from perfect


      The Analogy is the same, nothing should be taken as given as Mike Tyson found out !

      Buffalo Bill
      Sydneys Northshore
      Date and time
      August 16, 2013, 12:49PM
Comments are now closed