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Federal Politics

Political Opinion


Tipsters offering different odds on economy

Tim Colebatch dinkus

TIM COLEBATCH Opinion Melbourne Cup day is a good opportunity to look at where our country is heading.

Comments 11

Joe Hockey looking prescient as optimism makes a comeback

Peter Martin dinkus

PETER MARTIN Opinion Company profit expectations are their highest in 10 years, house prices are climbing the fastest since the start of the decade and the sharemarket has hit a five-year high.

Comments 157

It all adds up: port development on the Great Barrier Reef

Great Barrier Reef

Alana Grech, Bob Pressey and Rob Coles, JCU Opinion Although environmental impact statements are meant to examine cumulative impacts at the scale of ports, they fail to systematically address all the potential damages.

Comments 12

Broadband view out of whack with experts


Damon Young Opinion Tony Abbott recently pronounced the former government ''wacko''. He's talking about the NBN.

Comments 133


The lucky country? Try selfish and deluded, too

John Watson dinkus.

JOHN WATSON Opinion Cutting $4.5b from our foreign aid budget suggests we're happy to live in a world of obscene disparities.

Comments 691

Labor can't stop airing its dirty laundry

Bianca Hall

BIANCA HALL Opinion The most confusing thing about Labor strategist Bruce Hawker's new book, The Rudd Rebellion (to be released on Monday by Melbourne University Press), is why on earth he thought it would be a good idea to publish it now.

Action man Abbott runs government at a dawdle


JACQUELINE MALEY Opinion Is Tony Abbott - the runner, the marathon man, the parliamentarian least afraid to elbow Warren Entsch in a sprint from the House of Reps (readers will remember this sudden and athletic dash to avoid the ''tainted'' vote of Craig Thomson, from May of last year) - is this guy actually Australia's slowest prime minister? He is certainly not rushing back to Parliament.

Abbott and his inner Hulk

Peter Hartcher dinkus

PETER HARTCHER Opinion Whether Labor lost or the Coalition won isn't semantics, the consensus version of the poll result will shape future decisions.

Comments 64

A superannuation blow for low-income earners


Andrew Leigh Opinion Superannuation policy must be more equitable.

Comments 6

Winning office has its perks

John Warhurst Dinkus

John Warhurst Opinion Governments get to extend their influence by making appointments to advisory councils and boards.

Comments 1


Labor hurting, but not all was lost

Mark Kenny dinkus

MARK KENNY Opinion The ALP's campaign director did a remarkable job of keeping the party alive.

Comments 113

Chaos led to exodus of true believers

MARK KENNY Opinion Nobody likes losing but the former AFL half-back flanker-turned-politico George Wright wanted us to know this week he really hates it.

Diplomatic espionage long a weapon in country's arsenal

Philip Dorling dinkus.

Philip Dorling Opinion Australia has long spied on our neighbours, especially Indonesia, and we've long sought to take advantage from that in our diplomacy.

We're battling to keep quiet about all our secrets


Philip Dorling Opinion Australia has long spied on its neighbours, especially Indonesia, and we've long sought to take advantage of that in our diplomacy.

Comments 11

Labor must leave lost carbon battle to regather party for the war ahead

Mark Kenny dinkus

MARK KENNY Opinion It is a disservice to ''grief'' to deploy it literally in the political context, but there's no denying the trauma of losing office.

Comments 364

One for the pin, not a sword


JACK WATERFORD Opinion The Prime Minister's style is best countered by polite, respectful questions, not attempts to outdo his bluster

Comments 19

Tony Abbott well short of wacky diplomatic highs of previous PMs

Age file pic. P: Whitlam, Gough: Visits (Soviet Union).
Date filed: 14 Jan 1975
Gough Whitlam visits Soviet Union.

TONY WRIGHT Opinion In the annals of Great Moments in Bunyip Diplomacy, Tony Abbott's use of the term "wacko" to describe, in an interview with the Washing-ton Post, Labor's broadband policy, is a limp thing.

Comments 95

Audit must serve public not sectional interests

Tim Colebatch dinkus

TIM COLEBATCH Opinion The National Commission of Audit needs to be rigorous and objective to avoid creating problems for Tony Abbott.

Comments 27

What would a more literate world look like?


Stewart Riddle, University of Southern Queensland Opinion Let us suppose for a moment that there is a magic bullet for curing illiteracy. What difference would it make? And what might the world look like?

Comments 11

Economists remain convinced carbon tax or ETS is the way forward

Matt Wade dinkus

MATT WADE Opinion Years of bitter political combat over climate change policy has left the economics profession unmoved.

Comments 111

Can't we all just celebrate love?

Bianca Hall

BIANCA HALL Opinion I've always been bemused by some people's violent reaction to same-sex marriage.

Barbed wire fence tangle for PM

Peter Hartcher dinkus

PETER HARTCHER Opinion On bushfires, the argument is about perception and rhetoric, not policy.

Tony Abbott can't ride out the expenses scandal

Gay Alcorn dinkus

GAY ALCORN Opinion The onus is on the Prime Minister to overhaul a rorted entitlement process, or front a cynical, suspicious electorate.

Comments 322


Coalition to save stash of cash in abolishing tax

Peter Martin dinkus

PETER MARTIN Opinion As unlikely as it seems, axing the minerals resource rent tax will save the Coalition a fortune.

Comments 100

Wikipedia's verdict on Greg Hunt: 'terrible at his job'

Tony Wright dinkus.

TONY WRIGHT Opinion Anyone with an internet connection can look up Greg Hunt on Wikipedia.

Comments 28

What's behind Don Randall's disappearing act?

Member for Canning Don Randall during house of representatives question time at Parliament House Canberra on Tuesday 27th October 2009. Photo by Stefan Postles / Fairfax

MICHAEL HOPKIN Opinion The term 'besieged MP' is used too often . But in Don Randall's case, it's pretty apt.

Comments 36


Love and marriage in the time of uncertainty

Mark Kenny dinkus

MARK KENNY Opinion The ACT's same-sex marriage laws aren't set in stone, but that's not quelling optimism.

Comments 40

His chariot ride over, silver-tongued Bob Carr bids farewell

Tony Wright dinkus.

TONY WRIGHT Opinion And so, with malice to no one and generosity to all, as he put it, Bob Carr bid his farewell, unwilling to hog the prize of his life any longer.

Joe Hockey will blame it on predecessor

Peter Martin dinkus

PETER MARTIN Opinion It's called ''clearing the decks'', and there isn't a chief executive who hasn't at least thought about doing it.

Comments 270

Hearts swell in overflowing gallery for long-awaited day

Tony Wright dinkus.

TONY WRIGHT Opinion ''I have waited 58 years for this day,'' declared Lyn Grigg.

Comments 2
