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Budget day wrap: 14 May 2013


It's finally here - budget day. Everyone got their calculators ready?

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That's about it from me for the night.

To sum up:

* Treasurer Wayne Swan has delivered his sixth budget;

* it contains an $18 billion deficit but with a plan to break even in 2015/16 and be in surplus in 2016/17;

* the government stuck with its plans to outline funding for education and disability reforms;

* some of the money will come from scrapping the baby bonus and tightening access to family payments;

* the budget didn't get much love.

Thanks, as always, to the fine efforts of Alex Ellinghausen and Andrew Meares and to everyone who joined in the conversation. We'll be back in the morning.

Good night and good luck.



Treasurer Wayne Swan  departs the budget lockup.

Treasurer Wayne Swan departs the budget lockup. Photo: Andrew Meares

The Greens are declaring the budget will make Australia "weaker, dumber and meaner".


A few more details out of the budget with links to the full stories:

* the cost of asylum seeker policy will be $2.8 billion in 2013/14 alone;

* the cost of cigarettes will go up and a tax offset for medical expenses will be phased out;

* the mining tax will earn even less than the last time it was revealed it would earn less;

* and the carbon price will slide more than expected.




If the punters are to be believed the government's electoral prospects haven't been enhanced by today's budget.

According to Betfair, Labor's odds of winning the next election have blown out from $9.80 to $11 while the Coalition is on $1.10.

Betfair's Daniel Bevan says the only thing punters believe is less likely than a Labor victory is Wayne Swan taking over the leadership. That has odds of $1000.


Inside the sausage factory.

Finance minister Penny Wong talks with a reporter in the budget lock up.

Finance minister Penny Wong talks with a reporter in the budget lock up. Photo: Andrew Meares

Somehow all the television news bulletins managed extraordinarily similar and detailed budget "scoops".

They knew the baby bonus would be scrapped, the details of the transport package and the years in which the government believes the budget will be balanced and back in surplus.

Not to talk down the skills of my gifted television colleagues but that seems a wondrous set of coincidences.

But when other media outlets called the Treasurer's office for confirmation of the details of the story they were told nothing and spun some line about how it wouldn't be fair on the people inside the lock up.

Yeah right.

So much for the government's "new media" approach.


Treasurer Wayne Swan during the budget lock up press conference.

Treasurer Wayne Swan during the budget lock up press conference. Photo: Andrew Meares

Unions still like the government too.

The president of the ACTU, Ged Kearney, was a rare happy face around the halls of Parliament House.

"This is a good budget from a reformist government which balances jobs and growth and fairness and compassion, especially those with disabilities. There is much for workers and their families to be pleased about," Ms Kearney said.


There's nothing like a whole stack of numbers in front of you to produce some confusion.

For Joe Hockey, the budget went from being likened to a magic pudding to an onion in the space of one interview.


Nevermind Wayne, the PM still likes you.


Prime Minister Julia Gillard embraces Treasurer Wayne Swan after he delivered his 2013 budget

Prime Minister Julia Gillard embraces Treasurer Wayne Swan after he delivered his 2013 budget Photo: Andrew Meares

Mind you, welfare organisations were not happy either. And they already knew they weren't getting what they wanted - an increase in the base rate of the unemployment payment, Newstart.

The chief executive officer of Mission Australia, Toby Hall, wasn't exactly unhappy with the government's decision to allow welfare recipients to earn more money before their payments are affected.

But he wasn't exactly fulsome in his praise either.

"It will do little for the four out of five Newstart recipients who are out of work and living in poverty," MR Hall said. "We regret the government has been unable to begin at least phasing in an increase to the dole over the next few years."

We're starting to see some reaction from the main lobby groups.

Not much love for the Treasurer's efforts yet.

The Business Council of Australia, Jennifer Westacott, was decidely miss-ish.

"This leaves the country with little or no resilience to ongoing budget pressures and future economic shocks. We should have been left in better shape," she declared.

Left in better shape for what or whom?

Ms Westacott couldn't possibly have decided there's no longer any point finding something good to say, could she?

"Cut to the bone" - it's the government's new catch phrase.

It was peppered through Mr Swan's speech, his budget lock up press conference and now in the first of many interviews to sell the budget.

Much of the budget has focussed on the big picture issue of education funding and DisabilityCare (the rebadged national disability insurance scheme).

A lot of the sales pitch will be about choice such as the one Mr Swan mentioned in our 7.44pm post.

The Coalition wants to talk about what a bad job Labor has done in government. Labor wants to talk about its vision for the future hence the emphasis on what it sees as its signature reforms.

Labor believes it can outfox the Coalition with this budget - it wants to dare it to say no to changes to school funding and bedding down DisabilityCare.



Treasurer Wayne Swan during the budget lock up.

Treasurer Wayne Swan during the budget lock up. Photo: Andrew Meares

Opposition treasury spokesman Joe Hockey (or George Clooney as he's known in the Coalition party room as per the 1.55pm post) is not happy.

Mr Hockey says the budget "is in complete chaos".

Mr Hockey sheets it home to the government for the level of debt and "no credible path back to surplus".

He criticises the cuts to family payments but does not say whether or not the Opposition will block them in Parliament.

Mr Hockey is treading carefully - should the polls be right come September 14 these will become his books to manage.


Shadow treasurer Joe Hockey

Shadow treasurer Joe Hockey Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Chief political correspondent Mark Kenny has our budget wrap here.

The Sydney Morning Herald's economics editor, Ross Gittins, finds himself quite astonished by the government's election year budget.

He calls it the "weirdest budget you or I are ever likely to see" because it has "loads of nasties and next to no sweeteners".

You can find his analysis here.


Hello middle Australia.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Treasurer Wayne Swan

Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Treasurer Wayne Swan Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Mr Swan has faced many calls to wind back so-called middle class welfare.

Last week the government got some of the bad news out of the way when it announced the increases to family payments that it promised in the 2012 budget would not go ahead.

But there were further cuts tonight.

As of March 1, 2014 the baby bonus will be scrapped but with additional loadings to people who receive Family Tax Benefit part A when they have a new baby.

This is one of the "booby traps" Mr Swan spoke about to journalists in the budget lock up. The government is daring the Coalition to argue against that cut.

Treasurer Wayne Swan and Prime Minister Julia Gillard

Treasurer Wayne Swan and Prime Minister Julia Gillard Photo: Photo by Alex Ellinghausen

Mr Swan says the government was faced with the choice of "radical cuts to the bone that would risk jobs and our economy" or "a sensible, calm and responsible approach that puts jobs first".

Not surprisingly the government went with the latter.

Mr Swan confirms the budget deficit is $18 billion. All things being equal the budget will be balanced in 2015/16 and in surplus by 2016/17.

Treasurer Wayne Swan and Prime Ministern Julia Gillard arrive in the House of Representatives for the budget.

Treasurer Wayne Swan and Prime Ministern Julia Gillard arrive in the House of Representatives for the budget. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

And we're back with the "stronger, smarter, fairer" budget.

We've put together a Twitter list following various politicians and interest groups, plus Fairfax journalists who've been in today's lock-up, so yoou can keep an eye on the live reaction to the budget.

I am heading into the budget lock up along with Andrew Meares and Alex Ellinghausen for the next few hours.

We'll be back at 7.30pm (or as near to that time as we can hot foot it out of there) to take you through what's in the budget.

See you soon.



The PM has called time on an unusually short Question Time today.

Must be something else happening.

The Opposition is spending quite a lot of time trying to get the PM to admit that any promises made in tonight's budget won't be kept on the grounds that the government has already dumped the family tax benefit increases promised in last year's budget.

It's a logical tactic.

The government isn't going to give it any such joy but you can't blame it for trying.



This is the Assistant Treasurer, David Bradbury. You might have seen him out and about because the government likes to offer him up as someone it believes is a good communicator of its messages.

Mr Bradbury is having difficulty communicating his own message as the Opposition probes him as to what he told whom about changes to thin capitalisation rules contained in the budget.

Mr Bradbury said it was appropriate to consult giving Christopher Pyne room to jump in and accuse him of leaking information ahead of time.

Anthony Albanese jumps in to defend Mr Bradbury saying he is being "verballed".

Mr Bradbury takes a while to point out he did not give any specific information to any individual stakeholder.

Assistant Treasurer David Bradbury during Question Time

Assistant Treasurer David Bradbury during Question Time Photo: Andrew Meares

The former chief government whip, Joel Fitzgibbon, offers some words of advice to the two new deputy whips, Rob Mitchell and Graham Perrett.

You'll find it a bit easier if you're on the PM's side, he says.

Former chief government whip Joel Fitzgibbon (centre) speaks with new whips Rob Mitchell (left) and Graham Perrett (right) during Question Time

Former chief government whip Joel Fitzgibbon (centre) speaks with new whips Rob Mitchell (left) and Graham Perrett (right) during Question Time Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

If Joe is George Clooney then who does that make me?

Opposition leader Tony Abbott during Question Time

Opposition leader Tony Abbott during Question Time Photo: Andrew Meares

Independent MP Peter Slipper (he only lasted about six hours in Clive Palmer's party) is asking the Minister for Infrastructure, Anthony Albanese, about roads.

Mr Albanese looks as if he'd rather take him up on points other than roads' funding.

It's definitely budget day.

"Thin capitalisation," thunders Opposition frontbencher Christopher Pyne.

"Fiscal rectitude" can't be too far away.

As you might expect Mr Abbott is using Question Time to argue the case against the government's economic credentials. As the Treasurer is absent the PM is answering the question.

Mr Abbott reads an old quote from Mr Swan in which he questioned the reliability of ten year forecasts.

Is that the best you can do, the PM scoffs.

"Isn't he embarassed to be so pathetic on budget day," she asks.

Mr Abbott does not appear to be.


Prime Minister Julia Gillard during Question Time

Prime Minister Julia Gillard during Question Time Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Thinking time.

Labor MP Simon Crean during Question Time

Labor MP Simon Crean during Question Time Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

One of the previously mentioned new backbenchers, Martin Ferguson.

The former attorney general, Nicola Roxon, is seated in front of him. She could give him some pointers.

Labor MP Martin Ferguson during Question Time

Labor MP Martin Ferguson during Question Time Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

The leader of the Opposition, Tony Abbott, is noting the death of Margaret Thatcher, "one of the towering giants of modern history".

The Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, refers to the statement she made at the time.

What do you mean you replaced the jelly beans with nuts? (See yesterday's posts 1.31pm and 1.33pm.)

Prime Minister Julia Gillard during Question Time

Prime Minister Julia Gillard during Question Time Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Tony Abbott to the meeting of Coalition MPs: "Joe is the George Clooney of Australian politics."

The eyes have it.


Shadow treasurer Joe Hockey

Shadow treasurer Joe Hockey Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

There's been more than a bit of argy bargy about constitutional recognition for local governments at a referendum that the government wants to hold in tandem with the September 14 election. Much of that has been whether the Coalition will support it.

A meeting of the Coalition party room has just wound up at which its position became clearer. Sort of.

The party room agreed that the bills setting out the conditions for the referendum should go through Parliament.

However there will be a provision for "dissentience".

This means MPs who disagree strongly with the referendum proposal will be able to have that opposition recorded. Which in turn means the no case for the proposal will be published alongside the yes case.

Does this matter? Well, yes. History shows referenda are very hard to get up and the ones that do generally have strong bipartisan support.

Today's turn of events means the Opposition is having a bet each way - saying it wants the referendum to go ahead while making sure the no case gets a wide hearing.

Question Time is nearly upon us where you can expect a bit of "But that's my seat" and "Not anymore it isn't".

Former ministers Kim Carr, Chris Bowen and Martin Ferguson will be joining Simon Crean on the backbench (and even he only sat there for a brief moment in the wackiness that was the last sitting day in March).


There's never a day so busy that there isn't time to mention Clive Palmer, business tycoon, dinosaur enthusiast, backer of the Titanic and all round political upstart.

Mr Palmer is in town today meeting with "important people".

He's staying mum on whether or not that includes the Australian Electoral Commission which has erected an administrative hurdle in the path of the Palmer United Party. Something about being too popular.

Breaking news reporter Judith Ireland has the details.




And in a shock move the former prime minister, John Howard, has endorsed the economic management of the Labor government. Kind of.

You can read about his off-the-cuff speech here.

It seems the Usher of the Black Rod, Brien Hallett, was not happy with the Swan family media opportunity.

The photo shoot is a traditional budget day event but, at the beginning of the year, parliamentary officials brought in new rules regulating photography and filming throughout the entire parliamentary precinct.

Today's photo, apparently, contravened those guidelines even though the event was made widely known by the Treasurer's office.

All the Treasurer wanted was a nice family portrait - that's not too much to ask is it?



Treasurer Wayne Swan and family

Treasurer Wayne Swan and family Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

There's just time for a quick, quiet coffee with the family.

Treasurer Wayne Swan and family

Treasurer Wayne Swan and family Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

The war reference in the 9.07am post might require a bit of context.

It stems from a rev up the government's spin team was given yesterday.

Given the members of said team are largely, shall we say, on the younger side it might have been a bit more effective to show a film made in, like, the 1980s but whatevs.

The Age's national affairs editor, Tony Wright, explains why World War 2 references are appropriate.

All that flicking through papers and walking purposefully along corridors takes a lot of practice.

If you don't get it right the first time, you can always try again.

The sausage factory at work people.

Shadow treasurer Joe Hockey

Shadow treasurer Joe Hockey Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

....along with representatives of every media organisation.

Treasurer Wayne Swan poses for the media

Treasurer Wayne Swan poses for the media Photo: Andrew Meares

Here's the Treasurer flicking through the budget papers......

Treasurer Wayne Swan poses for the media

Treasurer Wayne Swan poses for the media Photo: Andrew Meares

Today becomes a bit of a waiting game leaving lots of time for hijinks and shenanigans.

The government has been assiduous at getting a lot of the "bad news" out of the way leaving space for a few good news stories that it would like to dominate the coverage tonight and tomorrow.

In the meantime chief political correspondent Mark Kenny has written a story about how the government will try to use tonight's budget to lock in its DisabilityCare and education reforms over the next decade.

The idea is to protect what it hopes will become its signature reforms from future raiding while also forcing the Opposition's hand on whether or not it really, truly supports DisabilityCare. Nifty, huh?

You can read the full story here.


A little bit of housekeeping while it's on my mind.

DisabilityCare is the new name for the national disability insurance scheme. It is one word as in Medicare.

Mr Swan has already told us what he thinks about when he wakes up in the morning.

Mr Hockey says when he woke up this morning he thought of Mr Swan "laying down a political challenge for the opposition" instead of laying out a proper economic plan for the country.


Shadow treasurer Joe Hockey

Shadow treasurer Joe Hockey Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Basically this week is a duel between Wayne Swan and his opposition counterpart, Joe Hockey.

Shadow treasurer Joe Hockey

Shadow treasurer Joe Hockey Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Only another 10 and a half hours or so to go until I get to give my speech.


Treasurer Wayne Swan arrives for Budget day

Treasurer Wayne Swan arrives for Budget day Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Okay, back to looking focused and in charge.

What was that World War II film that's supposed to get me going again? Did Bruce do the soundtrack? All I can think of is Apocalypse Now - the horror, the horror.


Treasurer Wayne Swan  arrives at Parliament House

Treasurer Wayne Swan arrives at Parliament House Photo: Andrew Meares

Dude, don't ruin my purposeful walking shot.

Treasurer Wayne Swan arrives for the budget

Treasurer Wayne Swan arrives for the budget Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Treasurer Wayne Swan arrives at Parliament House this morning.

He assures the waiting media pack that when he wakes up in the morning "I think about making our country better and stronger."


Treasurer Wayne Swan arrives for budget day

Treasurer Wayne Swan arrives for budget day Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

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Sort comments by:
  • If I can balance my cheque book, then why can't the government balance the budget ???

    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 9:45PM
  • The best part of this budget is the really tough decisions have been saved for after the election. Abbott isn't so hot on tough decisions.

    Of course Labor's habit of making non-promises on infrastructure is a habit I hope they break with some quality time in opposition.

    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 9:44PM
  • Libs 98 Seats Lab 48 Seats 4 Others Party around my place

    Election 2013
    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 9:12PM
  • Wayne at 1000/1 for PM? Fair shake of the Suace Bottle!

    enough is enough
    Wayne's World La La Land
    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 9:12PM
  • No Australian child will be living in poverty by 1990. There will be no carbon tax under the Government I lead.
    These are two of the biggest lies in Australian politics.
    We will be back in Surplus in 2012/13. If you can't manage the economy you shouldn't be running the country.
    On September 15 2013 the words "Bloodbath" and "Landslide" will appear on the front pages of our papers and justifiably so.

    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 9:05PM
    • ALP's primary vote of 28% - 32% will now tank at 18% - 28%. That's a 'rock solid promise and anyone who says otherwise is just relentlessly negative'

      enough is enough
      Labor party La La Land
      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 9:20PM
    • Never ever GST, children overboard and weapons of mass destruction pale by comparison.

      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 9:43PM
  • "Howard upbeat on resilient economy"

    That's the only article I need to read. Funny that Abbott talks our economy up when overseas. Truth is the Libs know Labor is doing a good job in tough times. Can't wait for Abbott to put Australia in recession as the Libs have done in Victoria.

    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 9:00PM
    • Good Comment.

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 9:12PM
  • What does it matter what is in the Budget - the Government has repeatedly proved that they will either renege, or be incapable of implementing any proposal.

    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 8:47PM
  • Good job Leigh Sales on taking it to Wayne Swan. This is what proper journalistic interviews should be.

    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 8:37PM
    • Good Comment.

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 9:13PM
  • does anyone honestly think the liberals would do any better, remember we will all be old and disabled one day, its an ok budget

    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 8:36PM
  • Photo @8.25

    Last waltz?

    Tim of Altona
    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 8:31PM
    • Yes Tim i was wondering about a caption for it. Maybe "Thanks Wayne, just as we planned there would be no surplus under a government i lead".

      Looks like almost a respectable budget though. Maybe growth and employment numbers a bit high, but not the stupidity of recent years.

      Haven't seen a debt ceiling figure. A rise presumably from $300 bn ?

      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 8:42PM
    • Tim i've also just been through all 46 pages of the budget overview, and not once (from a quick read) is the debt mentioned.

      Although our "Net Financial Worth" - Appendix H - says out net worth is minus $271 billion.

      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 8:48PM
    • No this a practice, albeit a long one, until 14 Sept 2023 when the 10th anniversery of the dunce class of 2013 is giving each other high fives whilst saluting the faceless men.

      enough is enough
      Labor party La La Land
      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 9:18PM
  • Have we heard Wayne's swansong. Of more concern is the damage that jumpin Joe has lined up for we poor punters. In order to maintain the facade of a junk economy, jumpin Joe will have to spend years saying how hopeless the mess is, and that it will take up to a decade to do anythig worthwhile. Joe has an empty glass approach, watching his sincerity almost brings me tears. Lets hope Joe tells us before the election the number of years he plans to dragout his magic puddin, empty glass view of Australia.

    Slightly Gruntled
    Land of weird whale like balloons
    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 8:24PM
  • The Pulse 8:10PM

    Good Comment.

    J. Fraser
    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 8:12PM
    • Yes, a very well measured and astute comment.

      A country gal
      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 8:18PM
  • Seriously, from a forecast $1 billion surplus to a $19 billion deficit. Who the hell is doing the maths for these guys? Can't wait for September to give them my "forecast"!

    Crazy Maths
    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 8:03PM
  • Gillard used the same line as Swan a few years ago: "You can't win the economic race if you don't win the education race".

    Besides not being too clear on what this "race" is, Labor's been telling us for years that we're the best economy in the world.

    Doesn't that also make us the smartest then ?

    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 7:47PM
  • Milne says the budget will result in 'A weaker, dumber and meaner Australia' - is this the last budget she led in her deafcto marriage with Truthful Julia that is now imploding in this budgte? Go girls!!!

    enough is enough
    Labor party/Greens La La Land
    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 7:37PM
  • Is there any chance Swan will never deliver another budget? We can only hope that someone gives him and his mates a calculator, at least a bit of common sense and early retirement, hopefully without the perks! Pity, pretty sure the next lot ain't no better

    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 7:14PM
  • So this ten year forecast business - how long ago was it Swan told us forward estimates past the four year cycle were meaningless ?

    Three weeks ago he told us the current year revenue numbers had fallen ($7bn). A sledgehammer hit. They then changed the week after that ($12bn). Then the week after that again ($17bn).

    Given the figures change weekly, a ten year forecasts sound like a real challenge, especially the part about a surplus.

    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 6:58PM
  • PM in waiting once again looking very dapper in that pail blue tie. Bringing stability and order to what can only be described as a chaotic previous six years.

    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 5:28PM
  • They may well get ditched come Sept but I think Australians have been prettty well governed - triple A ratings would seem to attest to that? Don't quite understand some of the commentators. 'Train wreck'? not according to John Howard it would appear. I'd happily vote for either party (and as many point out there is really little to chose between them) depending on who had the better POLICIES. Does rusted on membership of a particular party mean mindlessly adopting slogans and abandoning capacity for rational thought? Bad julia/Bad tony is all pretty childish isn't it? And the convenient liberal argument that overlooks the GFC or the fact that the Libs would be in deficit had they been in Govt now is wilful blindness. Come on team. Reality check please?

    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 4:36PM
    • Totally agree, there are policies I disagree with but overall a govt of much needed reform. They are unjustly maligned and derided continually.
      I seriously blame the MSM/ABC, Murdoch in particular. Blind Freddy can see it.
      Attempted coups, you name it.
      If we are to have a change of govt, please no tea party or Abbott as the alternative PM. the hard right have taken over the libs.
      Hardly a real "liberal" left.

      A country gal
      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 5:44PM
    • Good Comment
      Preamble from the Press Council of Australia:
      "Freedom of opinion and expression is an inalienable right of a free people. Australia is committed to The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Article 19 of the Declaration provides: "Everyone has the right of freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers".

      In a truly democratic society open debate, discussion, criticism and dissent are central to the process of generating informed and considered choices. These processes are crucial to the formation of values and priorities and help in assessing and finding solutions to social, economic and political problems.

      A free press is a symbol of a free people. The people of Australia have a right to freedom of information and access to differing opinions and declare that the following principles are basic to an unfettered flow of news and views both within Australia and across the nation's borders."

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 6:49PM
    • Fraser - ou have now caught up with todays shortfall of letter/words counted compaered to the long term trend. So after that unforeseen scenario you can now go back to just 'Good comment' and we will all be happier for the experience.

      enough is enough
      Labor party/Greens La La Land
      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 7:33PM
    • They started wit +$20BN and ended-up with -$185BN. That's a $205BN net loss in 6 years.

      How can you honestly think you've been least in a financial sense?

      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 8:14PM
    • I recall the interview with either Hockey or Turnbull who confirmed that they too would have gone into debt through the GFC but 'perhaps not so much'. No certainty about numbers of course. The estimates (from non-political groups) are, I believe, doing so saved 200,000 jobs. You do realise the GFC occurred i take it? Or is it Labor climate change?

      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 9:05PM
  • Listen, can you hear it? listen ... it's the death march or it's Labor's election campaign song

    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 3:22PM
    • Yes, I can hear it but it sounds more like the PIed Piper of Abbottsville. Promising and luring, with ill intent.

      A country gal
      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 7:48PM
  • It shocks me people are taking this budget seriously. Based on Swannie's record it will all change by next Thursday anyway. Maybe he could do weekly budgets to let us know how many 'axes' have been taken to revenue and how many promises he's going to break each week...

    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 3:16PM
  • Who stole David Bradbury's personality?

    Menai Pete
    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 3:04PM
    • With Swanny as his mentor what would you expect??

      Tim of Altona
      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 3:17PM
    • Wow. Deep intellectual analysis there. Seems like Abbott is about to lead Australia into a period of shallowness that will make a child's wading pool seem deeper than the Marianas Trench.

      Whyalla Wipeout
      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 4:31PM
  • No doubt the next set of polss will show that the trainwreck of Federal ALP is upon Australia. Truthful Julia will soon get the tap on the shoulder - sometime before Parliament finshes. Then it will like the Stawell Gift - some on handicap and others not. Get your bets in soon before the good odds on J.C. making a third comeback as a back marker disappear.

    enough is enough
    Labor party/Greens La La Land
    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 2:56PM
    • In about 18 months people will be looking back on the Gillard Labor government with great sentimentality. Abbott's economics is appalling.

      Whyalla Wipeout
      Half of Liberal is a lie
      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 4:39PM
    • I doubt that - they're still trying to get over Howard.

      Only today did the SMH lead with an article saying "how good the economy was".

      Even the looney left still value Howard's economic stewardship, something I doubt will ever be attributed to either Gillard or Swan.

      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 8:20PM
  • The New Zealand Budget is on this Thursday and it promises to be pretty low key with no money to spare!

    New Zealand
    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 2:51PM
  • "Fiscal Rectitude" ? Is that a prescribed Medicare approved condition ?

    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 2:37PM
  • I just read an article in today's Herald-Sun - << Nothing adds up in Wayne's world>> written by Peter Costello.
    It is so funny but true.

    Warning! - ALP supporters bewared, you might die of embarrassment after reading it.

    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 2:27PM
  • The PM's response to her first dixer in today's QT sounded very much like lines from her forthcoming concession speech in Sept.

    Tim of Altona
    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 2:26PM
    • Tim of Altona and Hacka
      Are you guys professional trolls? What on Earth do you do for a living. Are you paid political stooges. Absolutely fascinating that you sit in front of your computers day after day and contribute zero to any serious policy discussion. Perhaps the Productivity commission needs to examine delusional bloggers and their drain on the economy.

      Get a job
      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 2:37PM
    • Yep - abusive language is all she can muster on budget day. Then again she sets the example of the education revolution. Noticed there were only nuts and jelly beans and no vegemite sandwches on the table yesterday. A precaution no doubt.

      enough is enough
      Labor party/Greens La La Land
      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 2:51PM
  • Swan has not been able to balance a one-year budget and now he wants to try a ten-year budget ? Does anyone see anything wrong with this picture ?

    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 2:01PM
    • cparry
      If Howard left any government assets, Swan would have been able to balance the budget the same way Costello did - by selling stuff.
      Unfortunately, he has had to do the hard yards with the mess Howard left of the Revenue line combined with the effects of the GFC.
      Even Howard thinks he has done a good job!

      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 2:18PM

    Woohoo I passed.

    - abolish fuel tax rebates

    - tax capital gains at same rate as work income

    - abolish negative gearing for landlords

    - reduce tax benefits for family trusts

    Result "This may be economically palatable, but 1.5 million people get income from these trusts"

    I can live with that!

    Opinion Only
    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 1:36PM
    • +1 YAY

      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 3:32PM
  • The Pulse 12:45PM

    Good Comment.

    J. Fraser
    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 1:08PM
    • Stuck for words todaay? Get Dr Ross in for a full checkup.

      enough is enough
      Labor party/Greens La La Land
      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 2:49PM
  • Mr Swan less than one month ago "long-term forecasts are unreliable"
    Mr Swan today: here is our 10 year plan

    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 12:58PM
    • There is a difference between a plan and a forecast. Look up a dictionary, Adam.

      Whyalla Wipeout
      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 1:13PM
    • they will revise their 10 year forecast every 3 months

      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 1:56PM
    • Funny one panda. The opposition benches can get lonely and boring so they might have plenty of time on their hands to do so.

      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 2:11PM
    • Hi Whyalla Wipeout
      "Forecast - verb, fore·cast or fore·cast·ed, fore·cast·ing,
      to contrive or plan beforehand; prearrange."

      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 2:12PM
    • Circumstances change.

      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 2:17PM
    • quite right hasbeen, circumstances do change. I'll use that one next time i stuff up at work.

      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 2:45PM
    • AdamD, that bizarre definition is not in the Oxford and I have never seen it used that way anywhere else. A forecast is a prediction. The prediction may be made on the back of a plan - but a forecast is not the plan.

      Whyalla Wipeout
      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 4:36PM
    • Panda. and on past performances it will be downwards, except for the deficit which will be upwards. There that covers the forecasts ups and downs.

      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 9:12PM
  • Lovely family photo. The girls
    Doesn't look sassy or precocious.
    The boys look fairly sensible.
    Mr.Swan thanks for sharing, you a good dad.

    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 12:56PM
    • We expect similar sentiments from you next time Abbott is photographed with his wife and daughters.

      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 1:42PM
  • Wasn't one of Swannie's extended family missing in the photo - Springsteen ?

    After Abbott's red book release yesterday, you almost expect Bruce to be there with the Swan's proudly displaying his current album "Wrecking Ball".

    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 12:51PM
    • Yes Hacka, Abbott's little book of great big Liberal lies looked like a comic book for five year olds. Which is consistent with what he thinks the mental age of the average Australian voter is.

      No doubt, the Rhodes Scholar will be proven right in September.

      Whyalla Wipeout
      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 1:22PM
    • WW, a poster unintentionally referred to Abbott as a "Road Scholar" in another publication yesterday. Very apt IMO. LOL.

      A country gal
      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 2:13PM
    • Hacka
      I wonder how your boss is going with his former boss's plaudits for the economy.
      Seething I guess.
      I wonder if Gerard H will write an article denouncing Howard tomorrow. Especially given the savaging that Alex Hawke got.

      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 2:13PM
    • WW - isn't Gillard telling us how far behind our education standards are ?

      Steve - yes a glowing reference from JWH. He pointed to both China and the mining boom as the reasons.

      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 2:25PM
  • How does Wayne live with the shame?

    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 12:47PM
    • What shame?
      Obviously, you didn't read the article on JWHs comments on the economy if that's what you are referring to.
      Or been listening to Hockey too often? The negativity message is wearing thin, is unsubstanciated and it's time the country was more optimistic. Some people are just so hard to please!

      A country gal
      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 1:39PM
  • Good Comment.

    J. Fraser
    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 12:31PM
    • Glad you like the comment above yours!

      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 1:02PM
    • I just knew J Fraser would eventually see the light.

      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 1:53PM
    • Agreed JF. Least you get "good comment" posted. Or as I suspect that's all.

      A country gal
      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 2:03PM
    • You know the ALP/Greens defacto electoral marriage is finished when all J Fraser can comment today is 'Good comment'. Finito comes to mind.

      enough is enough
      Labor party/Greens La La Land
      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 2:45PM
  • Working family's day off?

    enough is enough
    Labor party/Greens La La Land
    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 12:16PM
    • Flights and accom on the taxpayers dime??

      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 12:39PM
  • Interesting situation - Labor handing down a Budget that they, along with most of Australia, know they will never have to deliver on.

    Tim of Altona
    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 11:48AM
  • Swan dive, like a lead hot air balloon. Incompetence at his best!

    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 11:47AM
    • Reads JWHs appraisal.

      A country gal
      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 2:04PM
  • 10 year budget, I can only imagine what devastation we have in store for us and the country. Thanks Labour as I am now on the verge of bankruptcy since you came into power, yep can't get any worse!!!!!!

    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 11:39AM
  • If you can not save money, then the seeds of greatness are not in you." - W. Clement Stone.

    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 11:31AM
  • The 10 year funding thing is just a concerted distraction from the pitiful state of our finances. Let me guess; Left wing journalists will write about it ad nauseum and the others will focus on the main game.

    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 11:29AM
  • Swan says the budget is about fairness. Just not fairness for WA. School students in NSW get $6b of funding over 4 years, WA students get $300m. That doesn't seem fair. That seems like pork barreling and trying to buy an election.

    Now he wants to lock in this discrimination for 10 years? Typical Labor waste and desperation trying to hold on to power.

    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 11:15AM
  • Wayne Swan...The most capable Treasurer this country has ever produced. The most serious, the highest of integrity, superlatives are not close enough to describe this current Treasurer. Thank you Mr Swan, you have brought professionalism to this respectable position. This country should and certainly is proud of you. Thank you once again.

    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 11:13AM
    • You must be talking about a different Mr Swan. This one is an incompetent treasurer who blamed low revenue on the high exchange rate, when in last year's budget papers they predicted an exchange rate between 1.02 and 1.05, right where it has been.

      He can't predict what is happening right now with any accuracy, but still you wait with bated breath for his 10 year plan.

      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 1:18PM
    • I hope your treatment is successful. Mindless Delusion is difficult to cure.

      SwanDive locking in a 10 year Spend whilst over 3 weeks gave 3 different deficit estimates(7, no 12, no 17Billion in the red)

      Red Juliar
      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 1:28PM
    • Wayne more I can say except...PM! He must & will become the next Prime Minister of this great country. The BEST!

      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 2:17PM
    • Like your work, Daniel.

      Alternate View
      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 2:53PM
    • This must be a joke Daniel. How can a government go from promising a $1Billion surplus to a >$17billion deficit. This level of incompetence is of biblical proportions. It is the ultimate get square at the Australian people that voted against them in past election. Sw'illard; Scorched earth policy; Lets saddle them with as much debt before we turn the lights off. I don't think even the most staunch labor supporter can honestly vote for this rubbish.

      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 9:16PM
  • I am glad that Swan and Gillard are not cutting for cuttings sake.

    Their management of the economy over the last 5 years has been satisfactory considering the global environment and the Australian political environment.

    To be able to deliver Carbon Pricing, NDIS and Gonski, whilst withstanding the worst of the GFC is no easy feat.

    Results speak for themselves; Low unemployment, a growing economy, low government debt and still delivering great services.

    Give them a break!

    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 11:11AM
    • Good to see at least you're still on message Steve. Blind support like yours is getting increasingly hard to find.

      Pity it's all a delusion, like this year's surplus.

      Alternate View
      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 11:27AM
    • ???? Carbon emissions have increased, they have announced Gonski (fitting name) and announced NDIS - they have delivered anything. They have had years and years to do this, and failed, now what? we'll do it in the next 10 years? give me a break!

      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 12:50PM
    • Funding for new projects (NDIS etc) not out of current revenues but an increase in Medicare levy ... they're all *very* worthwhile projects - but please call an increase-in-taxation an increase-in-taxation.

      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 2:32PM
  • A ten year budget on the eve of an election wipeout. Only ALP budget incompetence could try this on - sorry Wayne's World Part 3 is not going to work this time. Back to the Future Wayne - get in your time machine and hit a date back in the dark ages where you belong.

    enough is enough
    Labor party/Greens La La Land
    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 10:52AM
  • No need for calculators here, where surplus = deficit. Bring on the fudget!

    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 10:51AM
  • Unfortunately nothing that either Gillard or Swan say can be believed, which is a real pity for our country. Now you see a surplus, now you don't...and on it goes.

    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 10:21AM
    • Well actually, we never did see a surplus.

      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 10:57AM
  • a claytons budget being delivered by a claytons government.

    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 10:14AM
  • Can I post just to say I hate labor? Thinking about wasted tax payer monies is already making my blood boil

    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 10:11AM
    • You can, but how dare you be so honest!

      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 10:26AM
    • Yeah you can but it says more about your lack of understanding and political bias then it says about the topic.

      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 10:28AM
    • Say I'm bias. I'm just an average person and looks at my savings and it get tougher. Labor keep saying how much economy has grown over past few years, yet still in deficit after promising surplus every budget? I dont care about surplus, but NBN delay, super clinic fail, asylum seeker cost blowout? Come on already

      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 10:53AM
    • Wait till Teflon Tony gets in. If you're just "an average person", then you'll be paying lots, lots, lots more tax! PPL - a great big new tax! Increase to GST, reduction of tax free threshold from $16,000 down to $6,000. You're whinging now - you won't know what hit your pocket if Teflon gets into power!

      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 11:41AM
    • @amc. A true blue labor supporter you are. Always resort to name calling and scare mongering. If you really want the rest of Australian to vote labor, you'd better start talking up labor achievement, not using stupid name calling like school kids

      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 12:16PM
    • Hi Jo
      Stop reading and watching the Murdoch news and I'll guarantee your outlook on life will improve.

      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 12:22PM
    • Hi Ted,
      Since you don't read newspaper, why not enlighten me with your true blue labor achievement and make my day?

      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 1:16PM
    • Jo, what makes you an 'average person'? How do define 'average person?

      There have been a lot of millionaires protecting family trust tax breaks and a real income in the hundreds of thousands who claim to be average. The problem with this country is the sheer number of people who don't realise how genuinely good they have it compared to the rest of the developed world or even the past in Australia.

      The one good thing about the coming Abbott victory is the hundreds of thousands of 'average' Australians duped by his stunts and outrageous misrepresentations, who will wake up after a year and look back on the good old days of the Gillard Government. And they will!

      Whyalla Wipeout
      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 1:20PM
    • Jo
      Only if you are honest enough to hate Liberal for the waste of the Howard years.

      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 2:11PM
    • Nice, seems like I'm the only delusional voter in whole of Australia to think labor is wasting monies. I'm sure labor will win this election. Excellent, and dont forget to keep blaming Howard for any screw ups. Keep up the good work guys

      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 2:41PM
  • Swan warns of the unpredictability of budget forecasts while locking in $100 billion over ten years? Would this type of CFO still have his job in the private sector?

    Jonathan C
    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 9:58AM
    • Given he waited until Christmas last year to announce downward revisions in revenues that even the figurative pet store cockatoo knew about, you would have to think Swannie would have breached continuous disclosure rules, if nothing else.

      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 10:21AM
  • Well, so far so good. Swannie managed to find Parliament House.

    I guess it's all down hill from here.

    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 9:46AM
  • He (Swan) assures the waiting media pack that when he wakes up in the morning "I think about making our country better and stronger."
    .......and "where did all this go so horribly wrong?"

    Tim of Altona
    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 9:28AM
  • A ten year budget this year sounds interesting. Lock in the NDIS and Gonski.

    Does that mean Labor aren't expecting to be back in power until at least 2023 ?

    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 9:25AM
    • Well, they may well be giving their Coalition replacements 10 years of budget excuses. ('Don't blame us, blame Labor's super-budget that wrecked everything ...')

      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 10:01AM
    • No, Hacka. They're just not fooled by your mob and they know given half a chance Teflon Tony & Joe will make up any excuse to dismantle the Gonski reforms and the NDIS. That's what extreme conservatives are all about - cut, cut, cut, and if you can't look after yourself financially, tuff t...tty!

      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 11:37AM
    • What's the point though amc ? We all know there will be two budgets this year, and the one today doesn't count for much.

      The Coalition don't support Gonski, so it's gornski anyway. The NDIS lacks detail now, so much more work is needed before funding is meaningful to those that need it.

      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 11:59AM
    • Its quite disgraceful really. They know they are gone & they are trying rule from the grave like some crazy old mining billionaire. The ALP has spent the past 3 years so fixated by Tonay Abbott & the idea that if only they could explain how truly awful he is people would stop judging them on their own performance. You would think that after 3 years of disastrous polling they would figure out that it wasn't working and change direction. Oh no, not for Swanny Gillard, and the AWU. They have spent so long in their own little universe where everyone agrees with one another that they have completely lost whatever connection to the Australian people they had to begin with.

      Little Johnny
      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 12:59PM
    • I guess it suggests that they have a long-term view for Australia, rather than trying to stay in power just for the sake of it... I don't remember Gillard suggesting she'd do 'anything' to get to power (and Abbott offered anything but his lycra-clad bottom...)

      The big 'L' liberals within the LNP are uncomfortable with the fact that Abbott's policies are becoming more inconsistent with the party ideology. This just emphasizes that Abbott is a man without conviction,a man who just wants to be in power.

      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 1:21PM
    • The country can only hope that is a minimum. It will need to be longer to repay the massive debt they have accumulated.

      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 1:45PM
    • Haka do you do any work??

      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 2:58PM
    • All bets are off until the Govt is back to $0 in debt and the Coalition fully understand the quagmire Labor has left this nation in.

      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 8:23PM
    • I thought the same thing when I heard this.

      2023 ALP win
      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 8:43PM
  • "Dude, have you seen my surplus?"

    Date and time
    May 14, 2013, 9:24AM
    • That made me laugh out loud...thanks for cheering up my morning.

      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 9:42AM
    • Brian, wrong - its, what is a surplus?

      Date and time
      May 14, 2013, 9:14PM
Comments are now closed