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Federal Politics

Tony Abbott's ALP criticism could affect US links

DAVID WROE Tony Abbott's use of a Washington Post interview to brand his Labor predecessors as ''wacko'' and ''embarrassing'' could set back his working relationship with the Obama adminstration, a leading US commentator says.

Comments 1103

Latest political news

Tony Abbott's new direct action sceptics


Matt Wade, Gareth Hutchens Leading economists have overwhelmingly rejected Tony Abbott's direct action climate change policy and backed carbon pricing.

Comments 549

Bigger carbon cuts needed, report says

Loy Yang Power station

ADAM MORTON The gap between climate change commitments and what scientists say is necessary is underlined in a new report.

Rudd ministers told not to use VIP aircraft


HEATH ASTON Ministers in the Rudd government were warned off using VIP military aircraft to commute between capital cities because the expense would not pass ''the front-page test''.

Comments 78

Centrelink job too much for post office: Labor

Australia Post

JUDITH IRELAND 1:39pm Australia Post office would not be up to the task of taking on Centrelink work, according to the opposition, arguing that there was more to the welfare agency's job than simply receiving forms or giving out payments.

Palmer fury at senate recount confusion

Federal election candidate Clive Palmer

1:22pm Billionaire Clive Palmer has accused the Australian Electoral Commission of "complete incompetence" after more doubts emerged during the recount of votes for Western Australia's new senators.

Shorten urges expansion in bushfire relief

A difficult and challenging day (Thumbnail)

JUDITH IRELAND 8:57am Labor leader Bill Shorten has written to Tony Abbott, calling for the eligibility requirement for relief payments to bushfire victims to be ''urgently'' expanded.

Fifty new drugs listed on PBS

health - pharmaceuticals

8:16am Fifty new and amended medicines have been added to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS), including cancer drugs.

Digger 'forced to kill' rogue Afghan soldier

Mark Binskin

DAVID WROE An ''insider attack'' in which an Australian was forced to shoot dead an Afghan soldier who had opened fire on coalition troops happened after an argument between international and Afghan forces, NATO and Afghan officials say.

DisabilityCare to be sent to private providers


ANNA PATTY The NSW government plans to transfer all its disability services to the private sector from next year in preparation for the introduction of the national scheme, the National Disability Insurance Scheme, in 2018.

Comments 30

Judicial Inquiry into pink batts scheme

Memorial fights to keep cash

Asylum seekers warned

Goodes aims to kick political footballs

Abbott function for conservative media faithful

Federal belt-tightening figures deemed wobbly

Politicians immune to salary reforms: Mack

Funding cuts 'worse' without Gonski funds

MPs caught up in bank spying

Swan took Treasury advice on RBA fund

Palmer candidates 'waiting to be paid back'

Indonesia ready to grant parole to Corby

Local Iranians on hunger strike over killings

Pair facing asylum seeker charges

Climate change raising fire risk

Two arrested on people smuggling charges

Challenge to same-sex marriage in High Court

Minnows threaten Senate havoc

O'Farrell to speak with Abbott on Defence fires

Activist in bid to replace Carr

Comment & Analysis

Investors become like bulls in a China shop

Fairfax Media writer

PAUL SHEEHAN A friend of mine, a high-income executive, and her husband, also on a good income, want to buy a bigger home on Sydney's north shore. They've had another child and need more room.

Comments 204

How to fund a better public transport system


KENNETH DAVIDSON Step one should be to refinance the dreadful desal deal.

Comments 52

Big Junk is just as evil as Big Tobacco


Mike Daube There is little evidence that governments of any colour will take serious action on obesity.

Comments 86

Let's wake up to role of fathers


Sam Dastyari You won't remember the 2004 British game show Shattered. Nobody does. A group of contestants were put in a house and were not allowed to sleep for a week.

Comments 35

Can't we all just celebrate love?

Bianca Hall

BIANCA HALL Opinion I've always been bemused by some people's violent reaction to same-sex marriage.

Racial tolerance begins in Parliament

Julia Baird dinkus

JULIA BAIRD Blackface. Will it ever stop? In 2009, Harry Connick jnr was forced to spell out to Daryl Somers that skits where white people made black people look like buffoons were deeply offensive.

Comments 30

Bless this marriage law


Judith Ireland When the Federal Parliament resumes next month, don't expect it to have the rainbow flag flying. Capital Hill has a history of lagging behind popular opinion on same-sex marriage.

PM must do more than put a finger in the dyke

Martin Flanagan

MARTIN FLANAGAN Those who demand action on climate change are dismissed for being religious in their fervour.

Fighting fire with fire: A lot of hot air?

Tony Wright dinkus.

TONY WRIGHT A few small burnt patches are preferable to the loss of thousands of hectares and properties.

Lecture a call to arms for media women

Lisa Wilkinson from channel 9 will be delivering the Andrew Ollie lecture.

Neil McMahon For women making their way in the media, self-doubt often shares space with sexism among the obstacles.

Special features

Is Australia ready for 2.3 million more people?

Michael Pascoe Despite all the headlines, it's not the boat people we need to worry about – it's the other 2.3 million arriving just when public investment in the nation is at an all-time low.

Comments 212

Many Sri Lankans 'in danger' if sent back

Nick Toscano Hundreds of Sri Lankan asylum seekers are being sent home to face persecution because Australian authorities are rushing through refusals of their protection claims, human rights lawyers say.

Abbot's US interview 'course and incouth'

Americans will see Tony Abbott as uncouth, coarse and amateurish, according to international relations expert, Dr Clinton Fernandes, after the PM criticised his Labor predecessors in a Washington Post interview.

Direct Action or Market Mechanism?

33 out of 35 economists have rejected the government's Direct Action policy to limit climate change. Labor's Andrew Leigh and Liberal Andrew Laming reflect on the survey.

Centrelink move?

Could Australia Post take over Centrelink's 'front office' services? Liberal MP Andrew Laming concedes the idea will worry many, but says a limited takeover would have benefits, while Labor's Andrew Leigh slams the idea.

Hockey has promises to keep in budget battle

Tom Allard Campaign pledges leave the government little room to cut federal spending, leaving the ballooning welfare budget in its sights.

ADF 'warrior ethos' poisons the system

Christopher Knaus 'I just had a f---ing sick idea pop into my head. F--- her and film it,' Deblaquiere wrote in 2011.

Everything that's wrong about TV makeup

Annabel Crabb on the many problems with the TV makeup industrial complex.

Comments 4

The minister for debasing the language

Warwick McFadyen Let us call a spade a spade shall we, Scott Morrison?

Investigating MPs' expenses

Fairfax Media has conducted an extensive investigation on MPs claiming expense entitlements. Read our coverage here.

Cartoon Gallery

Home of the best cartoons by our resident artists from The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age and The Canberra Times.

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Tony Abbott's ALP criticism could affect US links

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