NEWS- Clive Palmer speaking to media in Brisbane.

Clive Palmer says calls to reform the voting system are "an attack on democracy". Photo: Glenn Hunt

Clive Palmer and the micro-parties that will hold the balance of power in the Senate from July are threatening to play havoc with Prime Minister Tony Abbott's legislative agenda if the government gives in to growing calls to reform the voting system.

The major parties want Australia to be run by a duopoly dictatorship. 

New South Wales senator-elect David Leyonhjelm told Fairfax Media he would not co-operate with the government if his political party was ''put out of business'' by scrapping the current ''above-the-line'' voting system.

Was the success of David Leyonhjelm's Liberal Democrats party a result of voters confusing it with the Liberal Party?

The Liberal Democrats' David Leyonhjelm. Photo: James Alcock

The system has been blamed for the rise of ''preference harvesters'' such as the Motoring Enthusiast Party, which got its candidate Ricky Muir elected on a little more than half of 1 per cent of the primary vote in Victoria.

On Wednesday, Liberal Party federal director Brian Loughnane called for a parliamentary review of the voting system, saying the rise of the micros ''did not reflect the will of the people''.

An optional preferential system, which is backed by the major parties and the Greens, would end the chances of the niche parties entering the Senate again.

Mr Leyonhjelm, who formed the Liberal Democrats, warned the government not to acquiesce to Mr Loughnane's demand, saying the veteran campaign mastermind was ''obsessed'' with owning the word Liberal.

''If they are going to put us out of business, why do we need to co-operate with them at all?'' he said. ''We would have no reason to go along with anything. We could be as hard-headed as we like. There would be no need for pragmatism.''

Mr Leyonhjelm has spoken to Family First's South Australian senator-elect, Bob Day, over the threat to micro-parties by any changes.

Mr Palmer, whose Senate voting bloc could number four, including Mr Muir, said the comments from Mr Loughnane were ''an attack on democracy''.

"The major parties want Australia to be run by a duopoly dictatorship,'' he said.

"Australia's international standing will be damaged by Mr Loughnane's attack on democracy, which Australians have fought and died for in two world wars and other conflicts. Any party should be allowed to stand for Parliament and our political system should not be about simply upholding the standing of the major parties.''

Any change to the current system will also hamper the business model of political operatives such as Glenn Druery, the so-called ''preference whisperer''.

It was Mr Druery's success at the 1999 New South Wales state election that led to a move to optional preferential voting.

Mr Druery, who has been advising the Motoring Enthusiast Party on strategy, has told political contacts that any move away from group voting tickets - which allows his ''micro party alliance'' to exist - is ''non-negotiable'' with the Abbott government.

The Special Minister of State, Michael Ronaldson, says he will send a reference to the joint standing committee on electoral matters to review the 2013 election.