Campbell Newman after his 2004 election as Lord Mayor.

Campbell Newman after his 2004 election as Lord Mayor. Photo: Robert Rough

The Queensland premier prefers his old job as the lord mayor of Brisbane.

Campbell Newman says being lord mayor was "the best job I've ever had".

"I believe it was actually the best job I've ever had - better than this job," he told delegates at Local Government Association Queensland conference in Cairns on Wednesday morning.

But he said his previous admissions along the same lines had been misunderstood.

"That's been misunderstood by people in the media, commentators, who say Newman doesn't want to be the premier but I'm not saying that at all," he told conference delegates.

"I'm just saying what a great job it is to be a mayor or a councillor."

Opposition Leader Annastacia Palaszczuk has seized on the "extraordinary comments", saying it showed some inner-reflection was in order.

"If the Premier's heart is not in it, he should simply get out," she said.

"Move aside and let someone else take over the role, who actually enjoys being the Premier of this great state."

She dismissed suggestions Mr Newman may have made his comments lightheartedly.

"I don't think the Premier is joking at all," she said.

"His comments were made very seriously and honestly, if your heart is not in being the premier of this great state, simply get out."

However, Ms Palaszczuk acknowledged that being premier was a "tough job".

A spokesperson for the premier said Mr Newman was speaking to an audience of mayors and reflecting on the honour and privilege they had as champions of their local communities.
“The Premier has said time and time again how much he loved both his time as lord mayor and his job now serving all Queenslanders," the spokesman said.
“After years of Labor neglect, the LNP government is delivering better services and infrastructure right throughout the state to create opportunities for all Queenslanders, no matter where they live.”

Being a lord mayor with a majority, as Mr Newman had in Brisbane from 2008 onwards, is considered by some to be a more powerful position because it carries more influence. Cabinet and party influence hinders some of that power at a state level.

During an interview with Gold Coast radio station Hot Tomato in August, Mr Newman admitted he found being lord mayor a more enjoyable position, leading to speculation he would vacate the premiership early.

But Mr Newman said he would stay for as long as the people of Queensland wanted him and only they could say when his time was up.

with AAP