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Federal Politics

Politics wrap: June 28, 2013


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'Just chill', Rudd tells the media

Kevin Rudd answers press questions for the first time since being reinstated as PM, but says if the media are expecting an "avalanche of policies" by Monday they should "just chill".

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Today feels positively quiet given the events of the past 48 hours. But let's do a recap anyway:

  • Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has promised to be more consultative with his colleagues;
  • Mr Rudd has already flagged issues such as immigration and the carbon price as things he wants to discuss with his cabinet colleagues when they meet on Monday;
  • this means a new ministry will need to be sworn in which will happen some time before that meeting;
  • the Coalition had a mini campaign rally in where leader Tony Abbott ran through the issues he wanted to focus on - Labor instability and its track record on asylum seekers; and
  • the Senate was busy dealing with the final legislative business of the 43rd Parliament but has now adjourned. 

Again - a huge thanks to all our readers and contributors. We've had an astonishing response over the past few days and Andrew Meares, Alex Ellinghausen and I appreciate your generous comments. We try to bring you accurate, up to date information with a side serving of humour.

Andrew Meares and Alex Ellinghausen - take a bow. You are the best.

We will see you soon.

The Senate has also agreed to the government's proposed changes to the 457 visa program which will compel employers to demonstrate that they have done everything they can to show they have tried to find an Australian to fill a job vacancy before looking overseas.

Immigration Minister Brendan O'Connor says: "Most Australians would expect that employers look local first before hiring workers from overseas and these legislative changes will ensure that occurs where it's not already happening".

The changes were opposed by the Coalition.


The Senate sits on. Bill by bill it is working its way through the business of legislation.

Just passed is the government's plan to offer $300 million of pay increases to childcare workers.

The package is contentious inside the childcare industry.

On the one hand some staff (who among the lowest paid workers in the country) will get pay raises but, on the other, the money is enough to increase wages for only about 40 per cent of childcare workers in long day care centres.

Michael Throsby, the president of the childcare workers' union, United Voice, says the legislation is "a great start but our campaign will continue until 100 per cent of the workforce is paid fairly."

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd is the first prime minister to be a supporter of same sex marriage.

In this video you can see the comments he made in relation to the issue earlier today.

Rudd floats gay marriage referendum (Video Thumbnail) Click to play video

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Rudd floats gay marriage referendum

Kevin Rudd has called on Tony Abbott to allow Liberal MPs a conscience vote on same sex marriage, or Labor may consider taking it to a referendum.

Breaking news reporter Judith Ireland has filed this story about Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's press conference and where this leaves things such as education reform and Australia's relationship with Indonesia.

You can also watch some of the highlights here.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd during a press conference in Parliament House Canberra on Friday 28 June 2013 Photo: Andrew Meares Click to play video

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'Just chill', Rudd tells the media

Kevin Rudd answers press questions for the first time since being reinstated as PM, but says if the media are expecting an "avalanche of policies" by Monday they should "just chill".

Go on, you know you want to watch the video of Opposition Leader Tony Abbott crediting his communications spokesman Malcolm Turnbull with "virtually" inventing the internet in Australia.

(For the record - yes, I think he was joking and I giggled.)

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott during a meeting with Coalition members in the party room at Parliament House in Canberra on Friday 28 June 2013. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen Click to play video

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Turnbull 'virtually invented the internet'

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott describes his team as very strong, particularly Malcolm Turnbull, who he says 'virtually invented the internet in this country'.

Mr Rudd says he is a "daggy dad".

His daughter, Jessica, told him last night to stop using the phrase "cooking with gas" because it was "one of the daggiest things she had ever heard me say".

(And, let's face it, that's no small call. Remember the "fair shake of the sauce bottle"?)

Jessica appears to be making her influence known. For the first time in memory Mr Rudd finishes a press conference without saying he has to "zip".


Prime Minister Kevin Rudd during a press conference at Parliament House on Friday.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd during a press conference at Parliament House on Friday. Photo: Andrew Meares

Liberal Party Senator Bill Heffernan just press conference bombed Mr Rudd.

"Good to have you here," Mr Rudd says.

(Senator Heffernan has an alarming habit of looming up at the press conferences of politicians from all parties and throwing his own questions. So far he appears just to be observing Mr Rudd. The handsome gentlemen standing to Senator Heffernan's left are my colleague Daniel Hurst and Australian Financial Review stablemate James Massola.)

Liberal Senator Bill Hefferan during Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's press conference on Friday.

Liberal Senator Bill Hefferan during Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's press conference on Friday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

"I would like to see this done," Mr Rudd says of same-sex marriage.

(Treasurer Chris Bowen told ABC television last night there would be no change in the party's election platform despite Mr Rudd's views. In other words - MPs have a conscience vote on the issue.)

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd addresses the media at Parliament House on Friday.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd addresses the media at Parliament House on Friday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Mr Rudd says accusations that he leaked against Julia Gillard throughout her prime ministership and the 2010 election campaign are "completely false".

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd during a press conference in Parliament House on Friday.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd during a press conference in Parliament House on Friday. Photo: Andrew Meares

Mr Rudd says it is important women continue to play a strong role in politics.

He notes it was his good self who appointed the first female governor-general and the first female deputy prime minister.

There will continue to be a strong female line-up in the cabinet, Mr Rudd promises.

He asks the people taking part in the preselection for the Melbourne seat of Batman (where Senator David Feeney - backed by former prime minister Julia Gillard - is being challenged by Mary-Anne Thomas) to keep the issue of the number of women in Parliament in mind.

"We see things through slightly different eyes, these two genders of ours," Mr Rudd says and both should be well represented in Parliament.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd during a press conference in Parliament House on Friday.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd during a press conference in Parliament House on Friday. Photo: Andrew Meares

Ms Bishop is watching closely:


That prompted this immediate response from the Coalition:


Mr Rudd warns of the Coalition's policy on turning back asylum seeker boats to Indonesia saying it would make the diplomatic relationship with that country very difficult.

"You really need to have some pretty cool hands on the tiller when dealing with Indonesia," Mr Rudd says.

Mr Rudd warns the Coalition's policy on boats could leave to "conflict" with Indonesia.

He comes back to clarify that he means diplomatic conflict.

But when asked if it could go further Mr Rudd says: "I certainly hope it doesn't, I don't believe it would."

Re the debate (see 12.47 pm post):

Mr Rudd backs comments made by Foreign Affairs Minister Bob Carr about people who pose as asylum seekers being economic migrants.

"Some are genuine refugees," Mr Rudd says. "You would have to be deluded yourself if you thought there weren't a bunch of people seeking to come here who weren't economic refugees."

[Remember that when Mr Rudd lost the prime ministership in 2010 that he cited immigration policy as one of the reasons he was dumped. He is now being urged to move further to the right on this issue.]

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd addresses the media at Parliament House on Friday.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd addresses the media at Parliament House on Friday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

In relation to the carbon price Mr Rudd says he doesn't walk away from any of his previous statements but he also believes in "due process" and will speak to the cabinet about it.

(Note how careful Mr Rudd is being by saying he will discuss pretty much everything with his ministers first.)

"There is sufficient time for us to work through some of the significant problems we face in an orderly fashion," Mr Rudd says.

"Major policy settings" should be put in place before an election is called, Mr Rudd says, although he reserve the right to whip out a few new ideas during the campaign.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd addresses the media at Parliament House on Friday.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd addresses the media at Parliament House on Friday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Mr Rudd is asked what his approach will be to immigration.

Mr Rudd says he believes in a system of "orderly migration" and he is concerned about the "fragmentation of support" for immigration policy.

"We have to be very attentive to a basic national interest which is to sustain broad public support for orderly migration," he says.

On the question of the proposed visit to Indonesia - Mr Rudd says he will be briefed on the trip this afternoon and will make up his mind after that.

Mr Rudd reissues his challenge to Opposition Leader Tony Abbott (made after question time yesterday) for a debate about "the facts" to do with the economy at the National Press Club some time in the next two weeks.


Prime Minister Kevin Rudd addresses the media at Parliament House on Friday.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd addresses the media at Parliament House on Friday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Mr Rudd says he will no longer refer to the education reforms as "Gonski" (after the man who made the recommendations the changes are based on).

Mr Rudd says the package needs to be better explained.

He says he will proceed with the package as is but he will extend the June 30 deadline by two weeks (this gives the states and Northern Territory a bit longer to come to the party).

There is still a "gap" between what Catholic and independent schools want and what the government has offered, Mr Rudd says.

But his general feeling is that "this policy direction will continue".



The second reason, Mr Rudd says, is the people kept coming to him and saying they wanted a "real choice" at the election.

He believes his return gives people "a real policy choice".

The third reason, Mr Rudd says, is he wants to make "policy changes".

"These have been hard times," Mr Rudd says.

"Parties come through and we intent to come through.

"Any member of the ministry under prime minister Gillard who wants to continue to work under my prime ministership is welcome to do so . . . My business is to harvest talent."

Mr Rudd promises he has changed his ways and will work closely with his cabinet colleagues again.

For people expecting an "avalanche" of policy announcements between now and Monday, Mr Rudd says: "Chill."

Mr Rudd says he thinks it is important to tell people why he made a return to the leadership.

There are three reasons why he wanted to come back.

It is rare that a person is given a second chance to lead a political party, Mr Rudd says.

"The government was on track for a catastrophic defeat," Mr Rudd says and Labor stood to lose not only government but control of the Senate.

All of Labor's achievements since coming to office in 2007 would be "torn down", Mr Rudd says.

"If we lost in the Senate who knows what would happen" when it comes to industrial relations.

"I could not stand idly by and allow all these good changes that have affected millions of changes to be thrown away," he says.


Prime Minister Kevin Rudd addresses the media at Parliament House on Friday.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd addresses the media at Parliament House on Friday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Mr Rudd said he discussed the composition of the ministry last night.

The new ministry will be sworn in on Monday, he says (but has not announced the line up yet).

Mr Rudd says he has been having briefings on the economy and national security.

"So, we've had a bit on," Mr Rudd says.

I take it back. Prime Minister Kevin Rudd is on time.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd addresses the media during a press conference at Parliament House on Friday.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd addresses the media during a press conference at Parliament House on Friday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Parliament House was the place to be yesterday - and it appears there are more political junkies and tragics around than I thought.

A security guard told photographer Andrew Meares earlier this morning that the queues to get into the public galleries were 200 metres long all day. It was the biggest day he had seen.

In case the booklet of the Coalition's Real Solutions policy document is too cumbersome for you to carry around, it's now available in a handy bookmark form! No word yet on when the app is coming.


Booklet Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd is scheduled to give a press conference in about half an hour.

While we wait let me draw your attention to some of the stories looking at the whys and wherefores of the week that was:




Mr Abbott has been running through many lines we are bound to become very familiar with in the coming weeks such as the promise to return "stability and certainty" to Australia.

Mr Abbott capitalised on the Labor leadership saga - "Newflash Kevin, it's not all about you" - before going on to point out the differences between Labor and the Coalition.

As you might expect, Mr Abbott zeroed in on Labor's record on asylum seekers saying he was "not being negative" but merely factual when he makes the claim that "Kevin Rudd is the best friend people smugglers' have ever had".

Mr Abbott also praised his frontbench as a "strong team" but he singled out communications spokesman Malcolm Turnbull for a big tick - "the man who virtually invented the internet in Australia". (I got a lot of comments when I posted that remark on twitter. I stress Mr Abbott was joking. I thought it was quite funny.)



Opposition Leader Tony Abbott with frontbenchers Malcolm Turnbull and Andrew Robb at Parliament House on Friday.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott with frontbenchers Malcolm Turnbull and Andrew Robb at Parliament House on Friday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott is in full swing in the Coalition party room (more of that in a minute).

But take a look at the chap in the bottom right hand corner of this picture - the one in loafers and bright blue socks. It's former foreign affairs minister Alexander Downer who is set to become president of the South Australian Liberal Party.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott during a meeting with Coalition MPs at Parliament House on Friday.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott during a meeting with Coalition MPs at Parliament House on Friday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Former first bloke, Tim Mathieson, has spoken for the first time since the events of Wednesday.

Speaking outside The Lodge, Mr Mathieson said: ''For Julia, she's done some incredible things which I'm sure in time will be shown to be amazing.''

Mr Mathieson told Channel 9 he wished Mr Rudd ''all the best'' and was looking forward to a quiet weekend.

His plans include ''probably not reading the newspapers for the first time in three years''.


The quirky arrangement of the Coalition's partners always amuses me.

The Liberal and National parties are a coalition and the National Party is the junior partner - that's straightforward enough.

When in opposition, the leader of the National Party is not the deputy opposition leader. That title goes to the deputy leader of the Liberal party.

But when the Coalition is in government then the leader of the National Party gets to be deputy prime minister. Should the Coalition come to office later this year that person would be Warren Truss.

Joe Hockey, Julie Bishop and Tony Abbott wait for National Party leader Warren Truss to finish speaking in Canberra on Friday.

Joe Hockey, Julie Bishop and Tony Abbott wait for National Party leader Warren Truss to finish speaking in Canberra on Friday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Coalition MPs are meeting in Canberra. It's like they are having a warm-up campaign launch.

Treasury spokesman Joe Hockey introduced National Party Leader Warren Truss who introduced deputy opposition leader Julie Bishop who will introduce Opposition Leader Tony Abbott.

Mr Abbott walked in to a round of sustained applause.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott during a meeting of Coalition MPs at Parliament House on Friday.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott during a meeting of Coalition MPs at Parliament House on Friday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Should Prime Minister Kevin Rudd give in to the opposition and announce the election date?

Have your say in our reader poll here.

Even after extraordinary events there are still offices to be cleared out, boxes to be packed and houses to be moved.

After dropping into the Parliament House cafe, Aussie's, for a coffee yesterday morning these are the things that would have been occupying former prime minister Julia Gillard.

The masterful national affairs editor for The Age, Tony Wright, wrote this piece about the first day of the rest of Ms Gillard's life.

Labor MPs Wayne Swan and Julia Gillard leave the House of Representatives  on Thursday.

Labor MPs Wayne Swan and Julia Gillard leave the House of Representatives on Thursday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

A lightening fast poll conducted last night shows Labor has received an immediate bounce from Kevin Rudd's return but still trails the Coalition.

Have a look at the figures here.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd will hold a press conference at Parliament House at 12.30pm.

(Don't hold your breath for it actually starting at that time. If Wednesday night reminded me of anything it was that Mr Rudd often operates in a slightly different time zone.)


What will Prime Minister Kevin Rudd actually do is the question on everyone's lips. The carbon price and asylum seeker issues are two key policies Mr Rudd will need to focus on.

Already there is talk that Mr Rudd will dump the carbon price and move to an emissions trading system - something he could only say he would do if he is returned to government because the change would require legislation.

You can read about it here.

Greens' leader Christine Milne does not think much of that idea. You can see a video here of comments on the carbon price.

Milne: Keep the tax, Kevin. (Video Thumbnail) Click to play video

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Milne: Keep the tax, Kevin.

Greens' leader Christine Milne says Kevin Rudd's history of 'flip-flopping' on carbon pricing is a worry, and that he should not bring forward a floating price on carbon.

Yesterday I pointed you in the direction of links to the statements made by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, his deputy Anthony Albanese and Opposition Leader Tony Abbott late on Wednesday night (you can find the links in yesterday's blog at the 9.23 am post).

I have not, until now, had a transcript of former prime minister Julia Gillard's statement. Understandably, it probably wasn't a first order issue for her office yesterday.

Here is the link to Ms Gillard's statement. A video of it is also contained.

Former prime minister Julia Gillard surprised everyone when she named the election date - September 14 - way back at the start of the year. The move was supposed to short circuit the usual speculation about poll dates that runs through an election year.

But we are now back in that position with Prime Minister Kevin Rudd making it clear he will choose another date. He has hinted it won't be too far away from the date chosen by Ms Gillard despite the opposition howling for an election as soon as possible.

August 24 is a firm favourite but Mr Rudd has signalled he will go back to the traditional method of naming election dates - by not naming the date before he makes the trip to Government House.

As an aside - one senior Coalition strategist has been putting about the theory that if he was Kevin Rudd he would choose October 19. This date is the first Saturday after September 14 that does not host a major sporting event and would give Mr Rudd more time to rattle Opposition Leader Tony Abbott.

You can catch up on why some dates are more favourable than others here.

Although the 43rd Parliament has officially concluded the Senate is still sitting. It's kind of like it's on detention to catch up on things it didn't get done before.

It is the last day National Party Senator Barnaby Joyce will sit in the pink chamber - he's off to contest the lower house seat of New England. He is handing over the leadership of the National Party in the Senate to his deputy, Fiona Nash. Never one to be shy away from a stunt Senator Joyce has gifted his boots to Senator Nash.

Barnaby Joyce presents his boots to Senator Fiona Nash at Parliament House on Friday.

Barnaby Joyce presents his boots to Senator Fiona Nash at Parliament House on Friday. Photo: Alex Ellinghasen

The end of another extraordinary week. The Senate is sitting and we are waiting for Prime Minister Kevin Rudd to announce his ministry and hint at policy directions he might pursue.

Please join me, Andrew Meares and Alex Ellinghausen for all the day's events in federal politics.

Related Coverage

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd during a press conference in Parliament House Canberra on Friday 28 June 2013 Photo: Andrew MearesClick to play video


'Just chill', Rudd tells the media

Kevin Rudd answers press questions for the first time since being reinstated as PM, but says if the media are expecting an "avalanche of policies" by Monday they should "just chill".

Two agonising weeks before kingmaker turned on his queen

As Bill Shorten stood in the glare of the media in the minutes before the leadership showdown, he did not have to explain that the decision to withdraw his support for Julia Gillard had been an agonising one.

The Rudd effect: Labor bounces back in poll, but Coalition still on course for election win

28 Jun The resurrection of Kevin Rudd as Australia's Prime Minister has led to an immediate bounce in support for Labor, which has recorded a six per cent jump on a two-party preferred basis in the first poll conducted since the leadership showdown.

Rudd promises to consult colleagues on policy changes

28 Jun Kevin Rudd has declared he has learnt from his last experience as Prime Minister and will be running major policies by his cabinet colleagues before making decisions.


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  • I never thought I would say this, after reading today's blog, I now actually feel sorry for Julia. She has handled the last 48 hours much better than I expected, to a point I think that there will be a backlash against Rudd similar to what he enjoyed when he was ousted. I believe after a week or so this feeling may become more evident once everyone has time to digest this weeks events. The question is, will the leopard change his spots as promised?

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 2:18PM
  • Julia Bishop should be the next PM, she just slammed K Rudd beautifully over his Indonesian armed conflict comment.

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 2:12PM
    • Agree, I luv JB

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 2:19PM
    • Eh? Julie Bishop? She lied when she said that the LNP had an agreement with the Indonesians to turn back boats.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 2:24PM
    • She doesn't have the spine to mount a challenge.

      Mornington Peninsula
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 2:33PM
  • I was on my way to see the doctor today at the Super Clinic Kev promosed to build for me. On the way had to fill up with some petrol so jumped online (wireless not NBN) to look at Fuel Watch to see where the ceapest petrol was.

    Doctor told me I needed to go to hospital so headed off and got seen straight away given Kev had promised to take over the hospitals if they weren't fixed in 18 months.

    Luckily nothing was wrong and got sent home so on the way back thought I would do the groceries so again jumped online (wireless not NBN) to check out Grocery Watch to see where the cheapest groceries were.

    Not a good day. Got home to find out my house had burnt down because the dodgy bloke who did my insulation had done it incorrectly.

    Went to Centrelink to see what they could do but got stuck in a queue behind some assylum seekers trying to claim there free housing and plasma tv's.

    Some builders offered to replace my house with a COLA and at twice the price of the going rate.

    "Finally", I thought. My lucky day.

    Life in Kevvie Land is just wonderful isn't it.

    Anywho - gotta zip.

    Smokin Mo
    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 2:11PM
    • +100 and LOL and that about sums up Kev, great summary

      The Sceptic
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 2:26PM
  • Rudd craves global attention - there is zero chance of an election before the Sept 5-6 G20 meeting because he won't want to risk not attending as PM. In all probability he will be losing the election, so the G20 meeting will be his last hurrah on the world stage before his almost certain exit from domestic politics.

    Tim of Altona
    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 2:10PM
  • Avalanche of policies? There's a swipe ay Jool's if there ever was one:

    Gillard: There is an 'An "avalanche of science," to cut 159 million tonnes from Australia's emissions by 2020 and allow the nation to "seize its clean energy future".

    I suppose Rudd will talk about it some more as it never happened in the first place. More Labor B.S.

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 2:08PM
    • Have you ever uttered a sentence without spewing forth meaningless statistics? Have a look a the latest Morgan poll and give us your take on that.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 2:29PM
  • "In relation to the carbon price Mr Rudd says...[he] will speak to the cabinet about it."

    I hope he explains that while we are increasing our population by one million every 2.59 years wind turbines and voltaic solar will not and can not keep up with power demand. I hope he explains further this means increasing coal production that defeats the purpose of paying for inefficient green energy like wind turbines and voltaic solar.

    I trust that Rudd has the common sense to look at meaningful climate change technology (concentrated solar) as installed in Spain, California and Arizona, not to mention the Middle East and South Africa.

    Furthermore I trust he will mention that a fraction of solar energy above central Australia can satisfy all of Australia power needs without the aid of coal.

    The job creation alone should make the cabinet see a modicum of sense.

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 2:03PM
  • LNP trolls attempting humour. Are the polls narrowing? Can't wait for Tones to actually have to talk of policies and maybe even answer questions. What an ah, ah ,ah ,ah fest that will be.

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 1:59PM
  • Here we go again!

    highgate hill
    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 1:59PM
  • Kevin - you are PM.... unfortunately - drop the footy coach speak - albo, mate, smithy, kochy, chill. At least keep it for when you talk to your twitter "friends"

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 1:43PM
    • He is a goose- here to help - sure - help himself, egomaniac

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 1:56PM
    • We really need to talk about Kevin. The tone of his first question time did NOT inspire confidence. Condescending, imperious and arrogant. Has he changed? Is he the Messiah or just a naughty boy? Please bring the election early before I remember just how bad he became first time around...

      the drover's dog
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 2:31PM
  • Just been looking at the photos along the top row of the Coalition Prime Ministers in the party room in the photo at 1.46pm. This Prime Minister thing really is very hit and miss on both sides isn't it.

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 1:43PM
  • Too many promises, not enough following through with said promises. That's my final thought on all of this.

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 1:41PM
  • Kevin Rudd is renewing his application for Ban Ki Moon's job. Rudd's open border policy sits well with the influential Asian and Middle Eastern UN powers who are still resentful of historical white colonialism and exploitation in their region. However a rejection of the White Australia policy need not mean wholesale support for the people smuggling industry. A more nuanced approach existed in the Howard era. I guess John Howard and Alexander Downer were not trying to become the next UN Secretary though.

    Roger of Scoresby
    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 1:34PM
  • No one has mentioned the fact that the LNP never have a disagreement the last time I can remember that happening was in Germany

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 1:34PM
    • Then I'd be asking 'Why?' All good relationships, businesses, diverse groups have disagreements from time to time. It is what moves things forward out of a stalemate (or from just being stale). For the LNP to be in continual agreeance is problematic (just think of your own family/work environment for the evidence on this one).

      Sticky note
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 2:01PM
  • Looks like andrew leigh and kate lundy are going to keep their front bench jobs,well, I won't be voting for Labor. Two days in the job and already Rudd is choosing gillard's lackies.

    Bring on the election Mr Rudd.

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 1:32PM
    • Sharron, what did you expect? Your thinking and intentions are probably what most of us want but reality suggests that chucking out the Gillard lackies immediately can't be achieved without causing a massive walkout and total disunity. Should Rudd win the election I am certain he would then force positive changes and structural reform on the Labor party and for those who don't like them they can leave. I too would like a complete expulsion of those nit wits but it has to be done in a measured way. Otherwise, Abbott will walk straight into the lodge.

      Chatswood. NSW
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 2:17PM
  • Why would Tony feel the need in his party room address to single out Malcolm and make a joke at his expense? Revenge served cold for that time Malcolm had the joke at Tony's expense in the house when giving his eulogy for Robert Hughes, or something else altogether? Worried and feeling preemptive Tony? Malcolm seems to be able to take a joke with much better grace than thou.

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 1:29PM
    • Well done you for pointing out that everyone gets ridiculed in Parliament..not just women. Alexander Downer dons a pair of fishnets for a charity thing and years later he still gets lambasted for it. Don't recall him crying about fact I'm pretty sure he joined in the laugh.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 1:27PM
  • What a celebrity he is! Gay marriage, of many weeks to an election?

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 1:23PM
  • Oh boy, Kev has 3 years of "prime time Kevvie" to make up for.

    Buckle up "folks" and take a "chill pill", coz this "cool cat" is groovy!

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 1:23PM
  • It would be nice if Rudd's comments on same sex marriage were summarised, as not everybody can just watch the video. That's the whole point of reading this blog.

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 1:15PM
    • I personally think the whole thing should be summarised, so that I don't have to actually think for myself and form my own informed opinion. Why can't the media just tell us definitively who to vote for so we can get this whole thing over and done with: then at least State of Origin pregames will never be interrupted again.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 1:34PM
    • Don't believe anything Rudd says as it is likely BS - just a bit of advice. He will say whatever, to keep himself in the news frames. Manipulator extreme

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 1:42PM
    • Congratulations Benjamin on completely misreading & misinterpreting my comment - you have made yourself look quite the fool. Quite clearly I was not asking for an interpretation, nor voting direction ... simply that a news article on a newspaper's website might actually PRINT the remarks they're reporting on, not just post a video. Those who can't view the footage like to read about it. That's why we have these news sites.

      Otherwise we would just watch it directly ourselves.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 1:55PM
    • Benjamin @ 3.34pm. Don't bother closing the gate on that one - the horse has already bolted.

      Sticky note
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 1:57PM
  • "You really need to have some pretty cool hands on the tiller when dealing with Indonesia," Mr Rudd says.

    That's more offensive to Indonesia than anybody. The man is a worry!

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 1:14PM
    • The man is our biggest threat to national security - I remember him putting his foot in it over the white paper
      Defending Australia In The Asia Pacific Century: Force 2030.

      He was always making outrageous claims about knowing everything, the US will not defend us, China may attack us, Rudd - think before you speak!

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 1:29PM
    • Laughable given the way he allowed a bunch of Sri Lankan asylum seekers to take command of the Oceanic Viking when it was marooned in Indonesia.

      That was the biggest 'do what you like' signal the people smugglers ever got.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 1:31PM
    • This is a plea to Age commenters
      I think Kevin Rudd will win, he is your best mate, he is silly and smiley yet smart and intelligent and a little bit cheeky and wicked, he likes to joke, yet is very serious and sensitive, he is very religious and against gay marriage yet supports gay marriage in order to get elected, he doesn't want a carbon tax , yet he does, he keeps everyone on side. He is one amazing actor, move over Nicole Kidman - there is a new acting champion. I know Australians love him, I mean they love celebrities - the masterchef lot, the block contestants, anybody on the tele.
      But I have a problem - I hate him, I don't like Abbott much and was so so about Julia, but this guy, your mate Kevin he drives me wild. Is there a group for people who don't like Kev, cause If I don't get support whilst he controls Australia for the next 3 or 4 years I may lose the plot. Am I the only one who doesn't love Australias favourite mate Kev? please help

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 2:02PM
  • What's the chances Mr Turnbull got singled out for special attention on the theory of keeping your friends close, but your enemies even closer? Well Mr Abbott, care to comment?

    Didn't Al Gore invent the www?
    Ringwood East
    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 1:10PM
  • Maybe it's Stockholm Syndrome but I miss (the real) Julia already. Am I alone?

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 1:05PM
    • Yep.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 1:17PM
    • Actually Fraser posted in another forum that he's bailed out of the Labor Party in disgust.

      Can't say I blame him.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 1:18PM
    • Yes I already miss the honest incompetence of Jools as weighed against the remembered smug incompetence of Ruddy we have now.

      City of the Fallen
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 1:32PM
    • After watching 15 mins of Rudd at his press conference, I think I may start the "Bring back Julia" campaign. This guy is going to bore us all to death by the election - the underlying current in his conference was "this is all about me". Don't put the pool cue back in the rack just yet Tony Abbott.

      Tim of Altona
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 1:35PM
    • Good to see you boys/girls still focused on who is talking, not what they are talking about.... Pathetic.

      Mornington Peninsula
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 2:22PM
    • @ SteveH - do you reckon Frase might link up with Garrett, Roxon, Emerson, and Smith, and form the GLP - the Gillard Labor Party?

      Tim [unfortunately not from Altona]
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 2:35PM
    • The ALP policies are in the same place as their logos are. In the rubbish bin.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 1:05PM
  • Rudd says he has learned to consult, yet his reason #3 was "I want to make policy changes", changes that will be "considered" by cabinet, then released to the public. That doesn't sound like cabinet will have any say in it.

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 1:05PM
    • And you can't actually locate the latest versions of the ALP's policies, because they're being re-worded, re-hashed or simply flushed down the tubes...

      Tim [unfortunately not from Altona]
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:58PM
  • Has Kevin13 mentioned the budget yet? Does he have a plan to repair our fiscal situation or is it another case of different leader, same lack of ideas?

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 12:55PM
    • I waiting on his promise to deliver a surplus!

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 1:03PM
    • What is wrong with our fiscal situation - yesterday we had AAA ratings from the three major credit agencies (first time in our history).

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 1:08PM
    • Probably another cheque in the mail

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 1:10PM
    • Zacca, we will not retain that credit rating if we keep running deficits every year. Labor, under both Rudd and Gillard, promised to deliver a net budget surplus 'across the (business) cycle'. So far, it has been deficit after deficit, even in the midst of a mining investment boom. That is not sustainable. Surely even Labor people understand that?

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 1:18PM
    • AdamC? If the budget was run like a normal family budget, then perhaps you would have grounds for your question. Moreover, you could also promise your kids something but then re-neg because your budget no longer covers it. I can understand why people of both political persuasions cannot think of the bigger picture. Maybe more people could understand the economics of it all then!

      Sticky note
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 1:55PM
  • Rudd would like to see same-sex marriage done.. What about 'the Party'?

    Box Hill
    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 12:52PM
    • Kevin Rudd is on his own on this one. Everyone else knows the only votes in homosexual marriage are the votes which will be lost ... like mine.

      I thought he was smart, but I was wrong.

      Another Aussie
      Alexandra Headland
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 1:49PM
  • @thereisnoyouinLabor the longest part of reading the Liberal Party policies would be getting into the website.
    It may be quicker to find the Conservative Party website in the UK because this is where Mr Abbott's policies will be found.

    Robyn L
    Rural NSW
    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 12:46PM
    • And you can't actually locate the latest versions of the ALP's policies, because they're being re-worded, re-hashed or simply flushed down the tubes...

      Tim [unfortunately not from Altona]
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:58PM
    • The ALP policies are in the same place as their logos are. In the rubbish bin.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 1:05PM
  • It is sad that Labor think the electorate can be as stupid as to forget the blunders of Rudd before he was knifed and the poor policy and policy implementation since then to this point including the introduction of the carbon tax despite it being an election promise to not introduce a carbon tax. The change of the individual leading Labor does not change there incompetence or ability. It is still the same team with the same agendas.

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 12:44PM
    • @PaulK86

      "It is sad that Labor think the electorate can be as stupid as to forget the blunders of Rudd before he was knifed..."

      Do you know what the bell curve for intelligence is? Put it this way, roughly 2% of the population have an IQ above 130.

      Malik the magic sheep
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:47PM
    • Your right....but people should only need an IQ of 100 to figure this one saying that though I've heard a lot of idiots get excited for Krudd "maybe I'll get another $900!" etc.....just hope the change only saves them a few seats and not an election win.....

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 1:06PM
  • If Turnbull invented the internet in Australia he is certainly going to do a good job of destroying it.

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 12:41PM
  • Work Choices or whatever its new name is will be a killer if the Libs get in. We are already heading into recession.

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 12:37PM
    • You should have your own comedy show

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:56PM
    • And there are communists under the bed.'Dont forget the the unions in Aust's declining job market in your scare tactics.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:58PM
    • I think the new term for Workchoices is called Fair Work.

      Smokin Mo
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 1:02PM
  • 'Abbott says . . .'

    Air. Abbott hasn't said a thing for several years and isn't about to start now. The fact is, he has very little of substance to say that he would dare say in public.

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 12:36PM
    • If that was really the case. The 29% club would not constantly mention him. No Labor politician or supporter can make a case for Labor without mentioning Tony Abbott. Like the rest of the country, the 29% club are mesmerised by our next PM. To all you rustic’s Don’t fret.. it won’t be long.. it’s almost Tony Time

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:49PM
  • Same sex marriage! Really! Is that our number one priority?
    Rudd fiddles while Australia burns.

    Michael M
    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 12:36PM
    • "Rudd fiddles while Australia burns."

      Julia knitted just the same.....

      Malik the magic sheep
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:43PM
    • What happened to the moral challenge of our generation?

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:45PM
    • That challenge was an ETS. Ms Gillard faced it head on and won.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 1:04PM
    • In what way exactly is Australia burning?

      I'm sick of all the melodramatic negativity. We live in one of of the most prosperous, peaceful nations on earth. Peole should start being a little more grateful for that fact, instead of whinging when there is nothing to whinge about.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 1:09PM
    • It is now that the citizenship act has been amended to widen the selection options for the Australian Cricket Board and the upcoming series.

      Didn't Al Gore invent the www?
      Ringwood East
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 1:18PM
    • Don't you hate it when a section of society is being denied the same human rights as the majority, simply on the basis is sexual orientation.

      Human rights trump just about most issues. It is worrying many people are so insulated, as to not understand this point.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 1:31PM
  • Julia Gillard an excellent policies maker
    Rudd an excellent salesman, sadly they not meant for each other. Anyone for PM but not Tony Abbott.

    Old Mary
    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 12:35PM
    • Rudd an excellent salesman.

      Like used car salesman that in the end can not be trusted.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:54PM
  • Actually, all joke and surliness aside there is one thing I would like to thank Kevin for...lifting the single pension for my old Dad. It was desperately needed. I won't vote Labor because I want my children to get jobs (which at the moment is really difficult due to the lack of business confidence), but the rise in pension was a really good, true Labor policy.

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 12:31PM
    • Don't worry. If Tony gets in your kids will get jobs. They'll be on $2 an hour with no worker protection, but hey, they will have a job!

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:40PM
    • thereisnoyouinLabor.....Well said. However I suggest if you want to ensure your children have a secure future go with the party that wants to ensure a strong and adaptable education system for the nation. The nation needs to start competing globally and your kids like mine will be doing precisely that. We won't be able to compete on labour costs. So our advantage is going to have to be a high intellect high tech economy.

      Think about it
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:44PM
    • Don't be absurd..there was no issue with pay when Howard was in and the business community was confident, hiring..lots of jobs and therefore no reduction in wages. My kids don't mind getting paid a bit less for full time jobs now because when the economy fires up the market dictates wages. People aren't tied to employers any more and good workers get rewarded or leave.....whether you want to pretend otherwise or not. I'm not saying unions are obsolete..for some workers those who do not feel they have a voice they can be a godsend..but they don't appeal to everyone these days and idiotic remarks like this do not serve to further your cause.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:51PM
    • Under Howard's WorkChoices laws the way minimum wages were set was changed. in the period of WorkChoices the wages of over 1.4 million Australians reliant on award wages went backwards in real terms. Average award wages dropped by around $30 a week and some award workers had their real wages cut by almost $100 a week. In July 2009 the WorkChoices pay commission decided in to freeze minimum wages so award workers did not get a pay rise that year. i think it had an effect on real wages TINYIL

      rod steiger
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 1:01PM
    • Ignoring at Jon's comment, I would agree with you @thereisnoyouinLabor.

      I am not a labor voter and think Abbott has done a great job - but I dips me hat to labor on lifting the pension. Too often overlooked, the pensioners deserve to be looked after as most of them made this country great.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 1:01PM
    • That last bit was to Jon btw ..and @Think about children had a very good State education and are now at Uni...I don't buy into the Gonski thing..although education can do with more money, of course,I don't believe in federal interference with education, nor do I believe in publicising Naplan results. Do students whose schools have done well need ammunition to bully students of schools that do not do so well? Ridiculous and divisive concept! Whilst I believe in a core National curriculum in english and mathematics I think schools should have flexibility in all other subjects depending on the student needs in that school.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 1:01PM
    • thereisnoyouinLabor
      "I don't believe in federal interference with education" Really. have your kids paid their HECS fees up front? Didn't think so buddy. They obviously have one of the nearly 200,000 new tertiary places created by Labor. Typical nimby aren't you mate. Does your Dad access universal healthcare? Subsidised medicine? Pensioner discounts? Yeah your a bright spark.

      Think about it (seems you can't)
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 1:48PM
    • Think about it (seems you can't) - It would probably help, when criticising someone else's intelligence, if you could spell. I actually agreed with the point you were making, but cringed when I got to "your a bright spark".

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 2:00PM
  • Gillard knifed Rudd and now Rudd is taking back what was rightfully his. The featured comment here makes no sense.

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 12:30PM
    • It's politics, nothing makes sense. Not outwardly at least....

      Malik the magic sheep
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:36PM
  • You guys are all so............young.
    "Cooking with gas" was made popular by the late great Tony Hancock in the TV episode "The Missing Page" where the hero of a paperback he was reading, one Johnny Oxford, used this and Hancock picked it up as a catch phrase of his. Along with others such as " a pint of blood? thats almost an arm full!"
    I use "cooking with gas" all the time to the great mortification of my teenage son!

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 12:29PM
    • To quote another Hancock catchphrase: "What do you mean, never heard of him? He's only been dead for 40 years..."

      Chris TP
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:46PM
  • The sugar hit is already wearing off for the milky bar kid. We can already see signs of Rudd fatigue in the electorate and we are not even 48 hours deep. In another 48 hours everyone will remember why they hated him so badly last time. People are already being reminded of why he was called Rudd the Dudd, Kevin’s decline has begun. Pretty soon Shorten will start thinking he made a big mistake... again!

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 12:29PM
    • Oops, I onlyl put one "l" in funnelling, and a "u" in Labor....maybe they should have implemented Gonski when I was at school

      I hate pies
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:28PM
  • If the Libs put Turnbull back, I wonder if they would call it "knifing". This is the most ignorant argument I have seen in this country in years. Even Kev's daughter does not understand Australian politics. The people do not choose the leader, the party does. WE ARE NOT AMERICA! Wake up and know your politics people and medial!!

    Clifton Hill
    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 12:27PM
    • Nope, it's about funneling money to teachers. It's another Labour trojan horse; union interest disguised as public interest

      I hate pies
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:24PM
  • If only the Libs would do the same and put Turnbull in. Abbott has shown nothing of his ability to be a PM, rather just a critic. Turnbull has shown leadership and forethought .

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 12:22PM
    • I fully concur, I have been a Liberal voter all my working life, but I would not vote for the Liberals with Abbott as leader

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:44PM
    • @kozeyekan, Abbott has shown real leadership. He has kept a united opposition and, while setting a policy direction, allowed his shadow ministers to develop policies for their portfolios. That is how a good system should and does work.

      Abbott then went about systematically knocked over two sitting PM's, with Rudd about to be bowled over again.

      Abbott has shown discipline and leadership and inspired the coalition to stay united.

      Malcolm Turnbull, when leader, could only dream of Tony Abbott's success. Tony Abbott is the better political leader of the two hands down.

      As for Kevin Rudd, he undermined his leader for 3 years and is more celebrity than leader. The fact he has only lifted labor to 48% in the polls during the 'honey moon period' of his return does not bode well for him.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:55PM
    • Turnbull is a turncoat that's why he got ousted - he veers to the left. Tony has shown leadership his led the libs out of the wilderness and saw the end of two labor leaders...he has been critical because he is in opposition but he has shown more than enough that he will be more than capable once he becomes PM.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 1:14PM
    • Love Tony Abbott. He will be a fine Prime Minister. Adorable, all the little Laborites praying for the Liberals to turn into the mess the Labor Party has become but you won't blow the Liberal house down..solid.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 1:31PM
    • Just like the leader ship he showed with ute gate.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 1:41PM
  • Kevin's desire to eliminate decency from marriage laws means no vote or preference for the ALP from this voter.

    Another Aussie
    Alexandra Headland
    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 12:19PM
    • Ooops, getting your 'D' words mixed up again. It's discrimination he wants to eliminate from marriage laws, not decency.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 1:19PM
  • Well we all now know why Penny Wong sold out on Gillard - Rudd offered a conscious vot on same sex marriage. Good on you Penny - another self serving politician.

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 12:19PM
    • Uhhh wouldn't you do the same??

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:36PM
    • Julia already gave them a conscience vote on gay marriage.

      It's TA who won't allow it on the Libs side.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:37PM
    • Um, I think you will find Julia also allowed a conscience vote. She also wanted to improve education so the nation could spell correctly.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:42PM
    • Labor has long had a policy of allowing a conscience vote on this matter, so nothing has changed other than Kevin Rudds personal position. I think a little bit of your prejudice is showing from under your cloak of ignorance

      David D
      Ettalong Beach
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:46PM
    • Again the reason that the Liberal party voted against gay marriage was that in the 2010 election they promised not to change the marriage act like Gillard did but Gillard was forced to change her mind.
      They simply said we keep our election promises where the ALP do not. If at the next election they have a different view then so be it, people will know where they stand on this issue.
      Remember it is all about politics.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:46PM
  • I agree his bum does look big in that suit, and can he please get rid of the haircut that his mother obviously gave him when he was 3 years old, though it does match his toddler tamtrum personality.

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 12:12PM
  • Is Gonski all about the 3 Rs ?

    Reading, Riting and Rithmatic ?

    Is that what they've been trying to tell us so unsuccessfully over the last few months ?

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 12:12PM
    • Nope, it's about funneling money to teachers. It's another Labour trojan horse; union interest disguised as public interest

      I hate pies
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:24PM
    • Oops, I onlyl put one "l" in funnelling, and a "u" in Labor....maybe they should have implemented Gonski when I was at school

      I hate pies
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:28PM
  • Second photo. Observe Turnbull's crossed fingers and what appears contemplative slightly amused and entertained, yet hidden smirk of contempt.

    Surely he's waiting for the stumble and drop in the polls. I'm sure he would love to be leader. We just need to see those Labor polls improve and be consistent, so we can get some more entertainment on the Liberal side of politics. Give it a few weeks.

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 12:09PM
    • Yawn ... What is the 21st century equivalent of a broken record?

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:17PM
    • The day a liberal republican becomes the PM is the day the socialist left has infiltrated both sides of parliament.

      Malik the magic sheep
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:20PM
    • LNP supporter who, like their leader, has nothing new to say.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:21PM
    • AdamC...I think you need to pose that question to Hacka, SteveH or Tim from Altona.

      Tony's not happy
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:25PM
    • Mark, are you suggesting that whole Turnbull leadership conspiracy nonsense is fresh and new? Where have you been for the past 4 years?

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:43PM
  • Seems to me that the negative comments about Rudd are made by one-eyed Libs who have already decided who to vote for (more likely because of what Mummy or Daddy did rather than based on policies).
    But any swinging voter who watched that press conference would have been impressed with what K. Rudd had to say and the way in which he delivered his speech and eloquently answered the questions.
    Libs will more than likely still win the election but having seen Rudd today it isnt going to be as much of a walkover as I had previously thought.
    Love him or hate him, KEVIN RUDD is very, very good.

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 12:06PM
    • And as soon as you counter their arguments with facts they revert to the Liberal play book of fear and scare, if they reply at all.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:08PM
    • You'd have to be dyed in the wool ALP to regard that as impressive. The best thing krudd has going for him is that he isn't Gillard. The poll effect says more about the drag that Gillard has been on the ALP ticket than anything else. And the power of name recognition. I will sit back with popcorn and watch Rudd unravel as the LNP goes to work (for the 2nd time) to tear him a new one. But for now I gotta zip.

      NeoCon II
      In Orbit
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:16PM
    • @David

      "But any swinging voter who watched that press conference would have been impressed with what K. Rudd had to say and the way in which he delivered his speech and eloquently answered the questions."

      I'm a swinging voter and I was equally impressed with his stance on the boat people issue in '07.

      Now, what happened after that?

      Sorry mate, Vote 1 Labor = Vote 1 The People Smugglers, Economic Migrants and Corrupt Indonesian Officials Party.

      I'll take a hit and vote Lib if it means this problem is addressed. Sometimes, when the future of the country is at stake, you have to vote for those who will work to preserve sovereignty, rather than those who have no qualms about giving it away.

      Malik the magic sheep
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:16PM
    • @ David: Sorry to disappoint you and your stereotyping, but my parents were strictly neutral about politics when my sister and I grew up. I made my decision to support the Liberals on my own. My sister has much different voting preferences to me. Kevvy is simply more polished and more rehearsed than perhaps Jools was. It doesn't mean that there's anything substantial to him. Kevvy is only good at the superficial - just look at him prior to June 2010.

      @ Mathew - I'll willingly debate you on any policy you want. The only fear-mongering that's happening at the moment is coming from the ALP and its blind supporters.

      Tim [unfortunately not from Altona]
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:46PM
    • David, (Libs will more than likely still win the election but having seen Rudd today it isn't going to be as much of a walkover as I had previously thought). That is the cleverest thing you have said, I am glad you are happy with Rudd but then you would be impressed with anybody who can string 2 words together.
      The swinging voters wouldn't mind if the Libs win by 1 seat as long as it gets rid of Labor.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:47PM
  • Put simply Rudd was knifed in the back because he turned out to be useless. I am happy for his revenge...but he is still useless!!! that has no changed...and its already starting to show again. Labour need several years to sort themselves... and I would bet, Rudd would not be around for that.

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 12:05PM
    • @Bill

      "Put simply Rudd was knifed in the back because he turned out to be useless." the unions.

      Malik the magic sheep
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:12PM
  • "...conflict..."

    Well said Kevin, any other countries we should be jeopardising our diplomatic relations with?

    Malik the magic sheep
    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 12:04PM
  • "I would like to see this done," Mr Rudd says of same-sex marriage.

    There is a ploy of self preservation and self interests for you. Is it a surprise that most thinking Australian's, that is apart from the religious loons, want equality in marriage. Appealing to popularism, what a surprise.

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 12:04PM
  • Going by the photo top of page, looks like he's got to zip.

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 12:03PM
  • Rudd's silly Indonesia comment reminds me why his PMship hit the skids in the first place. The arrogance is like a solid object around Kevin13. And still there is no hint of policy change.

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 12:02PM
    • Ask the people of Whyalla about silly comments

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:05PM
    • @AdamC

      Don't you know we can't stop the boats? The people smugglers and their corrupt Indonesian officials told Kevin so.

      Malik the magic sheep
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:07PM
    • Hi Adam,

      Eagerly waiting to see your response to Matthew.....

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:22PM
    • I suspect the people of Whyalla, not to mention the overwhelming majority of normal Australians, took Abbott's 'wiped off the map' comment as a rhetorical flourish. Which is clearly how it was intended.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:47PM
    • Actually the people of Whyalla were insulted by his comments and thought he was in idiot. Lamb is not $100 a leg either.

      Simon from Whyalla
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 1:06PM
  • "I would like to see this done" but his party likely wouldn't based on passed positions. Kevs just having a bet each way to appease the fringe vote. He know's full well it won't likely pass. He's a crafty and experienced politician, which is what's they need him to go up against Abbott.

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 12:02PM
  • A vote for Labor is a vote for more boat people.

    Malik the magic sheep
    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 12:01PM
    • And a vote for the LNP is a vote for Gina and Rupert. I know who I'd rather see benefit.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:27PM
    • @Jon

      " I know who I'd rather see benefit."

      I'm guessing you're not referring to the people of Dandenong?

      Malik the magic sheep
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:41PM
    • The only asylum seeker/boat people problem we have in this country is the sheer number of self absorbed closet xenophobes whos meanness basically dictates they would not even share a slice of s**t with a starving seagull.About time we became a grownup inclusive nation

      David D
      Ettalong Beach
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 1:14PM
  • It's good to see Malcolm Turnbull wearing the yellow Palmer United Party tie!

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 11:58AM
    • LOL! And not a single one is wearing a BLUE tie!! Way to jump on a bandwagon. Leadership material? NOT!! And to think they may soon be in charge ....... **sob**

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:07PM
  • lol Didn't take long for him to drop another "in due course"!

    Honey Badger
    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 11:52AM
  • Predictable of Rudd wasn't it. Squeeze a few more votes. Oh wait! The ALP/Greens already get the pink vote...doh! Have to find another issue. Hey McTernan! How many left-handed eskimos vote?

    Jack Black
    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 11:52AM
    • They don't get this pink vote mate

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:08PM
    • They get this one, mate!

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:26PM
  • Who would Abbott choose to be GG if the coalition won the election? Downer, Howard, Costello?

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 11:46AM
    • Bronwyn Bishop?

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:55AM
    • you are right - Abbott ""If seaworthy asylum seeker boats are taken back to the limit of the Indonesian territorial waters, escorted back there and then left there so that their only option is to return to Indonesia - then the Indonesian navy is not engaged, because it is action that is not occurring within Indonesian territorial waters," I cannot see how Indonesia could possibly get upset with Australlia shunting indonesian flagged boats to the limit of their territorial waters, 24 nautical miles off Ashmore Island and abandoning them there? How could they? What possible cost to the INdonesians or risks to their nationals could that possibly impose?

      rod steiger
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:16PM
    • There's been a pretty good guesstimate of who'd be a prime candidate for GG if appointed by Abbott, and it's none of the political figures mentioned.
      In fact the person rumoured would be different, in some respects, from what one might expect if you were to believe the litany of lies told about Abbott.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:43PM
  • Here we go again. Rudd is now implying that under the Coalition there is intent to order the Australian navy to escort boats back to Indonesian territorial waters. Not only is this wrong it is absurd.

    My understanding is that the Coalition intend to escort sea worthy boats to a point outside but as close as possible to Indonesian territorial waters. To do otherwise without Indonesian approval would be a breach of maritime protocols.

    Nothing has changed under Rudd, all we are getting is more lies compounding lies, and I for one am sick of it.

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 11:46AM
    • Oh sorryyyy. Towing into and near are two completely different concepts. How stupid of Rudd. I mean its not as if towing a boat away 100 miles is bad...its just the towing it 100 1/2 miles that Rudd claims is digusting is bad politics. Makes me feel much better for the psedu Christian Tony Abbott now. And all this time I thought he was someone that didn't care.....

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:57AM
    • At which point, said sea worthy boats will just turn around and head back to Australia again.

      Do you really think if we point them back at Indonesia, they'll go willingly? Of course they won't. They'll start sabotaging their engines, jumping into the water, etc. and basically force the Navy to rescue them.

      That Guy
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:02PM
    • you are right - Abbott ""If seaworthy asylum seeker boats are taken back to the limit of the Indonesian territorial waters, escorted back there and then left there so that their only option is to return to Indonesia - then the Indonesian navy is not engaged, because it is action that is not occurring within Indonesian territorial waters," I cannot see how Indonesia could possibly get upset with Australlia shunting indonesian flagged boats to the limit of their territorial waters, 24 nautical miles off Ashmore Island and abandoning them there? How could they? What possible cost to the INdonesians or risks to their nationals could that possibly impose?

      rod steiger
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:23PM
    • pen, The policy of burning smuggler boats already means that, typically, asylum seekers are put to sea in rotting hulks. This is a contributory factor in the number of boats sinking as it is. I fully expect this will be Abbotts get out of jail free card . They'll all be found unseaworthy and therefore cant be towed and thus the farce will continue. If the objective really is to save lives and disrupt the people smugglers business model why not do what businesses do, compete. Run a regular charter service with properly equipped vessels and undercut the smugglers rates. This might provide employment for the boat crews and the money thus made could be channeled back into funding accommodation and services once the passengers have landed. Of course this will never happen because all the noble rhetoric about saving lives is just a fig leaf to cover purchasing votes.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:24PM
    • Indonesia has already said they do not agree to this 'boat turning around' policy! And typical enough Abbott never brought it up when he visited. Duh. The LNP was try to fib a lie a few weeks back, that it doesn't matter what Indonesia thought. Well, it does.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:29PM
    • They are Indonesian boats, Indonesian crews, and paying passengers to Indonesians. Can we have some common sense here. Take the passengers and crews of the boat and lock them up on Australian naval vessel while it tows boat to the edge of Indonesian territorial waters, off load crew and passengers and give the Indonesian navy a call, and then exit the scene.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 2:21PM
  • "cooking with gas"

    A dig at the Greens?

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 11:45AM
    • Better make sure that it's not coal seam gas, or else there will be serious problems... ;-)

      Tim [unfortunately not from Altona]
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 1:05PM
  • Jessica Rudd was the one a week ago talking about the night Julia knifed my Dad. I wonder of there will be a reprise along the lines of "the day my Dad knifed Julia".

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 11:44AM
    • Is it knifing...or is it taking back wat you were elected to do by the population?
      If your robbed and subsequently see your property and take it back...are you in fact a thief as well and deserve to be locked up with a sentance just as harsh as the original thief?? I'm sure in your crazy world someone probably would....

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:01PM
    • Mr Rudd was NOT elected to be prime minister, despite what the idiots who live in this country believe, he was leader of the party elected to govern. The PARTY then chose another leader cause he was ... well Kevin Rudd, and they despise him. We do not elect prime ministers, if you don't know the basics, stay off the interwebs!

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:16PM
    • We don't elect the leader here - you are thinking of the US.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:23PM
    • Unlikely for Jessica as the rules for "Daddy Dearest" are completely different as the fact that his the ultimate narcissist needs to be considered. Wonder how the Labor Party is feeling after only 2 days of dear Kevin hogging centre stage - cringe big time for many voters who are trying to avoid the pantomine - urgh!

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:26PM
  • Negative Nancy is at it again I see! Tsk tsk tsk

    Miss M of Melbourne
    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 11:44AM
  • Smart move by Rudd to recognise Gay marriage, puts the stick right to abbott on a divisive issue. Three word slogan Tones is going to have to really work hard now on polices, finally.

    Mt Evelyn
    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 11:44AM
    • pies, Being a Rhodes scholar and all I'm sure knocking a out a multiplicity of policy gems to shock and awe will be a doddle. I circulated the 16 page summary of 'The Plan' around the office this morning to much shock and awe. Oh wait, that was laughter and derision.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:29PM
    • Most do not care abut gay marriage - it's a non-event. It is more like a vote loser. What about the unemployed and homeless???

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 1:40PM
    • edgeofreason,

      Is that right? Why don't you tell me one positive that came out of the knee jerk reaction to shut the industry down overnight?
      While you're at it, maybe you could educate me as to what influence we will have on how cattle are slaughtered in Indonesia if they are importing cattle from another country?
      If the knee jerk reaction to shut the live export industry down overnight wasnt to appease the likes of inner city lefties - then what was it for?

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:37AM
  • I reckon Kevin's bum looked big in that suit...

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 11:37AM
    • so would yours if you had to sit on a backbench for 3 years.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:50AM
    • That's misandrist sexism!

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:42PM
  • Apart from his involuntary grimaces Rudd either did a pretty good impression of a very relaxed person or he was relaxed. He seems to be handling the whole issue of the sticky past including Gillard very well to date and can't see much mileage for the opposition if they keep trying to mine that particular seam.

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 11:31AM
    • I think thats because he doesn't have a conscience. Besides he has been playing this scenario in his mind every night for three long years..relaxed? You bet. Rudd, vengeance is thine.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:44AM
  • Kevin, provide equality to all and you've got my vote, I know T Abbott has no chance of this, I feel sorry for his sister, she must be ashamed of him.

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 11:29AM
    • Wow, and your parents must be so ashamed of you, I don't why, because I've never met them or even spoken to them.

      But apparently this how your logic works, what an idiot.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:39AM
    • @SteveH......No Steve an idiot is someone who would say "the F35 strike fighter is the latest lefty obsession" or refer to his own country as "a backwater". Or make remarks about someone living in a bedsitter in Brunswick as though that in some way diminishes their opinion. That Steve is an idiot.

      Ramp it up
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:50AM
    • Good call, Abbott's sister isn't even allowed the same rights as the rest of us and he still won't budge, draconian mindset at best. Lets all hope that Rudd gets in and moves Australia into the 21st century, because right now we are looking very backward when compared to other developed nations, wow a PM with some real vision, it's refreshing.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:52AM
    • Ramp it up, thanks for following my comments so closely, stay tuned to this channel, more to come soon.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:58AM
    • SteveH - your response was a bit unintelligible but I presume you were being critical of Simon's contribution. Perhaps I could explain Simon's motive. I think he was alluding to Abbott's echoing Allan Jones' comment that Julia Gillard's father died of shame. He did it in Parliament and it was the trigger for Julia's famous misogyny speech. People tend to forget what actually set her off that day.

      Charlie Zero
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:04PM
    • SteveH, But it's ok when the coalition uses the same logic in parliament ?

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:05PM
    • SteveH....Its always easier to remember a fool. Especially a fool who causes the author of an article such as John Birmingham to respond in a fit of laughter. You are in rare company Steve.

      Ramp it up
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:10PM
    • I think Simon may have been referring to the fact Abbott's sister has come out as lesbian?

      rod steiger
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:19PM
    • Charlie Zero, well you might think that, but I would say he was alluding to the fact that Abbott's sister who happens to be gay 'must be ashamed of him'.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:22PM
    • Ramp it up, John Birmingham, is he some sort of pop star or something?

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:33PM
  • Rudd will get alot of sypmpathy votes since
    He wasnt fairly well treated in the eyes of voters. He is not all that bad hardly anything like tony Abbott.

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 11:29AM
    • or julia gillard.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:37AM
    • There was more to shutting down live cattle exports than just to please us Melbournites. Reasearch the kind of things that happen to both the animals and the people beofre you make judgement next time.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:27AM
  • "PM Rudd first major gaffe - his absurd alarmist statements on Indonesia are irresponsible and reckless"
    1:06 PM - 28 Jun 2013 - Julie Bishop

    Big statement from the party that said Whyalla would be wiped off the map, lamb was going to cost $100kg, the coal industry would disappear. But that's not being irresponsible.

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 11:25AM
    • Big statement from the PM that said
      We will not touch the PHI rebate,
      We will not touch Supa,
      Grocery watch,
      Fuel watch.
      Promised a referendum on taking over all public hospitals in 18 months if he did not fix them.
      Promised to ease the cost of living then imposing RET that drove up the cost of electricity
      Voting to a carbon tax that the voters had no say in,
      Border Protection, over 45,000 boat people have arrived since he changed the system that worked at cost of over $2billion a year,
      The greatest moral challenge of our life time. Now what was that?
      Abusing Air Force personal who bring you the wrong meal or when they cannot find your hair dryer.
      Wasteful spending and racking up a debt that costs $22million a day interest,
      Spending more time overseas on junkets than any other politician ever.
      Leaking documents to destroy your party's electoral chances.
      Saying he will never challenge for the Leadership again then doing it three months later.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:32AM
    • Is this the same Julia Bishop who was left red-faced a few weeks back over *her* comments on Indonesia?

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:38AM
    • Okay so it wasn't was Geelong,okay? And you may not have noticed but the coal industry has taken a dive.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:41AM
    • will be interesting to see what Press Muppets make more of this than a possible diplomatic shit fight.Big deal,we have those with Indonesia on a regular basis.I notice that these 3 have fallen for the hyperbole straight off.God it would be good to have press representatives that hear what is actually said and not report it as what they think it could mean.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:41AM
    • Nice list you have there. Straight from the the Liberal Party quote book I assume.

      But you didn't address the point. Just ran in circles trying to distract from the truth.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:42AM
    • Rudd was absolutely spot on with that issue. Indonesia has made it increasingly clear that it would not accept boats turned back under any circumstances. For the Opposition to continue to push that proposal publicly risks a serious diplomatic incident.

      Rudd's point, soundly based on the history of our relationship with Indonesia, is that a diplomatic incident (aka a war of words) can become seriously physical. Julie Bishop, who appears to know nothing about foreign policy should look up Konfrontasi (mentioned by Rudd) to find out where these things lead, rather than hit the Twittersphere with political spin.

      Whyalla Wipeout
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:43AM
    • The coal industry has taken a dive because world demand has dropped.
      There a world outside of Australia, and what happens in other countries affects our country.
      If you honestly believe that the carbon and mining tax alone is the reason coal has taken dive, then I fear for the future.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:45AM
    • Mathew
      If it were from the Liberals play book it would have been ten times longer. Notice you did not try to deny any of the points.
      You cannot argue with facts and there are many more to come.

      There would be no tension with Indonesia if Rudd had left the border controls that were there when he came to Office. All the boat people problems are that Rudd caused, which has resulted in over 45,000 boat people arriving and over 1,100 drownings that we know of.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:13PM
    • The only reason Whyalla survived is because the government is propping it up with $600m. Take that money away and it goes under. Tony Abbott was spot on; unless there is some other reason the government gave it $600m in carbon tax compensation?

      I hate pies
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:34PM
  • Blah blah blah. Announce the ministerial line-up already!

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 11:25AM
    • Didn't you hear Kruddy, mate. He said just "Chill".

      Sarah of Carnegie
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:27AM
    • Its Robert oakshott all over again. Have Microphone - will talk

      Peter G
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:30AM
    • "Chill" was in respect of policy announcements.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:34AM
    • A news conference with no news - just hogging the airwaves. Lots of froth and platitudes and no substance - again. Refreshing change from Gillard's dull voice, but still nothing inspiring. Oh well. just 'chill' as he 'zips' around the place...until next week, or the week after....

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:40AM
  • It seems to me, no matter how much Rudd's popularity soars, Abbott will still have that edge for the sole fact his party seems to be in order. Shitty policies or not, Abbott's got something that Rudd's never going to have,

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 11:24AM
    • Plus the fact that he already had the measure of him once. Tony Abbott, in opposition, saw off 2 prime ministers in less than 3 years. Give credit where its due.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:47AM
    • But will he ever be PM? Doubt it!

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:03PM
  • Rudd is so condensing in this press conference. Talking down and lecturing. He just a big show pony that likes the sound of his own voice. There has been nothing of value to come out of the conference so far.

    Sarah of Carnegie
    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 11:22AM
    • Sarah. Please.


      Condensing gives me flash backs of thick, white, sickly, stuff which should rightly be canned.

      Hold on. You may have a point. .....

      Louis Cypher
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:32AM
    • If only Rob Oakshott condensed his press conferences

      I hate pies
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:40AM
  • Rudd introduces paternalism to the gender debate.

    Why heck Mabel, y'all see the world through "slightly different eyes".

    Fair suck of the sauce bottle Kev !

    Louis Cypher
    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 11:20AM
  • It doesn't seem to matter who is driving the bus if the wheels have already off.

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 11:18AM
    • Going by todays opinion poll, id say the wheels have been tightened quite nicely.

      Mt Evelyn
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:35AM
  • I don't get it.... Ms Bishop believes unilaterally turning back the boats would not cause a conflict with Indonesia. That's hard to imagine. There is also the question of the Safety of Life at Sea convention and the concerns expressed by our navy.

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 11:17AM
  • uh oh - turning boats around is a bad idea because Indonesia doesnt like it?

    Too bad - that is not a good enough reason not to do it.

    Interesting that the ALP has suddenly become aware of what Indonesia wants - they certainly didn't care too much when they shut the live export trade down overnight to appease green Melbournites

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 11:17AM
    • There was more to shutting down live cattle exports than just to please us Melbournites. Reasearch the kind of things that happen to both the animals and the people beofre you make judgement next time.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:27AM
    • edgeofreason,

      Is that right? Why don't you tell me one positive that came out of the knee jerk reaction to shut the industry down overnight?
      While you're at it, maybe you could educate me as to what influence we will have on how cattle are slaughtered in Indonesia if they are importing cattle from another country?
      If the knee jerk reaction to shut the live export industry down overnight wasnt to appease the likes of inner city lefties - then what was it for?

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:37AM
  • Mr Rudd backs comments made by Foreign Affairs Minister Bob Carr about people who pose as asylum seekers being economic migrants.
    "Some are genuine refugees," Mr Rudd says. "You would have to be deluded yourself if you thought there weren't a bunch of people seeking to come here who weren't economic refugees."

    A bunch Kevin? that’s 45,000 people we are talking about, that’s the population of Wagga Wagga, you haven’t lost your ability to spin Kevin, next time my son says dad, hope you don’t mind, but I invited a bunch of friends to come over to study after dinner, I will have to reconsider given your new definition of a bunch.

    Peter G
    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 11:17AM
  • Hmm does appointing the first woman GG and Deputy negate his ousting of the first female PM? How does one score this type of thing?

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 11:16AM
    • There's no "You" in Liberal either, theresnoyouinLabor.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:28AM
    • That makes it a one all draw!

      Peter G
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:37AM
    • A"U "stralian Labor Party..

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:43AM
    • Time for the tie breaker then, Peter G.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:49AM
  • Coalition policy could lead to conflict with Indonesia?
    I see that hyperbowl is something that afflicts all Labor leaders.
    He's just guaranteed his first negative headline. Ah, yes. Good ol' Kev has had three years on the sauce bottle, it seems.

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 11:11AM
    • Your apparently hard of hearing.It was explained eloquently...

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:16AM
    • refresh my memory - what is hyperBOWL again?

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:18AM
    • Helen, it's like the Superbowl but only better.

      That Guy
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:19AM
    • A type of American ball game on a grand scale, Helen

      Louis Cypher
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:23AM
  • To everyone complaining that they did not vote for Gillard to be PM you have to understand we don't vote for who is to be PM, we vote for a political party who then decide who will lead the country. IF you want to directly elect who lead the country we need a different political system. A republic with direct election of head of state for instance

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 11:11AM
    • Give it up astrovouk. The sheeple don't want to understand the system, they merey want to complain about it.

      That Guy
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:20AM
    • Coalition and Labor voters should be angrier that none of them votes for the Greens (approximately 88% of the country), yet we ended up with Greens policies implemented. That, folks, is undemocratic

      I hate pies
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:21AM
    • so 88% vote for lib/lab. one side gets 45% of the total vote and is to impelement their policy unimpeded? That's democracy is it?

      The reason we have the system we have is to protect the rest of us, who want to live in a representative demorcracy, from you, who wants to live in mob rule quasi-dictatorship.

      was public now private
      enjoying my career
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:35AM
    • Democracy is the will of the majority; hence the party with the majority gets to implement their policies. My point is that the minority got to implement their policies. This has nothing to do with a single person enforcing their will on the public. If the pollies truly represented democracy we would have had a mish-mash of Labor and Liberal policy implemented.

      I hate pies
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:33PM
  • Dear Prime Minister, Indonesia has for ages been actively trafficking, encouraging and managing the transit of asylum seekers through and towards Australia. So, who's violated whose sovereignty, first? Equally, the number of times when boats in distress have been in Ondonesian territorial waters yet the Indonesians have t fulfilled their maritime rescue /Law of the Sea obligations and gone to their aid. In Tomorrow When The War Began, Australia's north was invaded by an unnamed Asian force. Some 7 books later, the New Zealand SAS helped return Australia to Australia. Indonesia is not interested in respecting Australia's borders. The asylum trafficking issue demonstrates this. East Timor demonstrates this. West Papua demonstrates this. The recent lethal smoke haze from Sumatra over Singapore and the malayan peninsula demonstrates this. PM Rudd does nobody any service or indeed himself any justice in claiming that TA is on a war footing with Indonesia. How's about having an Australian Prime Minister actually standing up and protecting the integrity of Australia's sovereignty.

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 11:09AM
    • .See this is where Kevin becomes dangerous, he was happy to embed a wedge in his own party to get his own way, now he is prepared to put a wedge in our relationship with Indonesia by portraying Tony Abbott as wanting to start a conflict with Indonesia as way of self-promotion, for a former Foreign Minister a very poor choice of words and showing once again that Kevin’s strong suit is not diplomacy, hasn’t taken long Kevin, two days to show your still not a team player.

      Peter G
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:25AM
    • Wow. Did you just cite a FICTIONAL book series to support your claims? Does the PM need to ban marriage altogether cos, you know, massacres and stuff?

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:16PM
  • rudd doesn't need to differentiate himself from Gillard - It's a different leader not a diffferent party - policy development will continue as usual - watch and learn LNP

    rod steiger
    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 11:08AM
    • Yes Rod, the Coalition has already watched and learnt from the ALP's policy development. That's why the Coalition will never have anything remotely resembling the carbon tax, either version of the mining tax, Pink Batts, Grocery Watch, Fuel Watch, or version 526 of asylum seeker policy. Even when the ALP has a policy that makes some sense, they manage to do something that screws up the pitch...

      Tim [unfortunately not from Altona]
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:26AM
    • Tim, LNP haven''t restricted themselves as you suggest - LNP has disavowed all policies - LNP's only promise is never to provide voters with t policy to vote for or against

      rod steiger
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:36AM
  • We assume you participated in the poll yesterday Whyalla Wipe-out and no doubt responded to the framing of the question, so WW, what is your voting intention now that Kevin Rudd is once again the leader of the Labor party, now keep in mind he has only named two running partners so far, the rest of the executive is not yet known, your answer, oh, yeah mate, no mate, yeah mate, I love the Ruddmeister mate, I don’t care if he’s running with Mickey Mouse mate, yeah mate, no mate. Come back on election day WW, there’ll be plenty of humble pie for you and it will still be warm, mate.

    Peter G
    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 11:07AM
  • Poor old Tony Abbott. He's up the proverbial creek now. To counter the Rudd factor he'll have to release some policies, oh...wait...they don't have any. Just snappy three work sound bites. This is gnna be fun to watch.

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 11:03AM
    • No it is a book mark

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:33AM
  • Unfortunately Julia Gillard could not pull a crowd like Kevin Rudd can.And he gets to explain exactly what is going on in all areas.It's a beautiful thing...

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 10:59AM
  • I do not get the strategy here. Is Rudd seriously not going to try to differentiate himself from Julia on policy?

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 10:57AM
    • Adam it is never about policy...

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:15AM
  • We would like to interrupt the discussion about leadership with some policy debate. Will the Leader of the Opposition have the fortitude to debate the newly appointed PM on the issues. One liners won't cut it in policy debates.
    Bring on policy examination. Where is our nation going?

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 10:54AM
  • After all of the "I will not challenge" and "guys take a cold shower" comments from Kevin Rudd I am amazed how quickly he has taken back control of the leadership with the same rhetoric and persona, obviously nothing has changed, and I tell you this guy is a great story teller with a rare acting ability.

    Garry of Melbourne
    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 10:53AM
  • I can't believe Rudd is already flagging workchoices. As a country we need to get past the fear mongering and have a decent debate on workplace relations. Current laws are suffocating our businesses. There has to be a compromise between reasonable wages and business interests. It's in everyones interests. Look at the mining industry for example - people are getting cut left right and centre simply because the wages are unsustainable. No business can afford negative cash flow for sustained periods, even miners.
    Time for a sensible debate - time for Rudd to stand up for the national interest.

    I hate pies
    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 10:50AM
  • If the previous incompetent Government had done "all these good changes that affected millions of changes to be thrown away", why knifed the sitting PM?

    If a incompetent Government achieved so much can you imagine what a Competent Government could and would do!

    Glen Iris Melbourne
    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 10:43AM
    • Your assertion that the current government is incompetent is only your narrow minded opinion. This government has achieved a lot of very positive reforms both socially and economically in very difficult circumstances. In the fullness of time this government will be judged as critical in adjusting our economy and technological capabilities to compete on the in a modern world. Stop listening to the biased and well scripted diatribe being peddled by a well resourced self interest groups AKA the mining lobby

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:07AM
    • In the fullness of time we'll still be paying this government's debt off.

      I hate pies
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:43AM
  • Well all you naysayers, I sayn fair shake of the sauce bottle, welcome back Kevin.....I'm sure no one will remember the pink batts, the school halls (even for schools closing down), the computer for every child, (where are they again?) etc etc. But most of all I bet they won't remember you opening the floodgates to people smugglers. How many people are we taxpayers accommodating these days,.and how many, sadly didn't even make it.. Thats all folks, gotta zip!!!

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 10:41AM
    • there is no story in history - oh, no maybe there is - how many people will remember the whole story - how the IMF applauded Australia's stimulus approach to the GFC, and the way Australia sailed through that storm unscathed in comparison with the economies which followed the neo-capitalist austerity programs, championed by Abbott who sees investment as "waste" .

      rod steiger
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 10:55AM
    • How many countries went into the GFC with a huge surplus courtesy of the Liberals.? What if there was another GFC tomorrow? Oops!.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:08AM
    • The ALP budgeted for a surplus of $21.7 billion in 2008‑09, 1.8 per cent of GDP, the largest budget surplus as a share of GDP for nearly a decade. Larger than LNPs the year previous - this is because the surplus was a result of a mining boom, not the result of any budget management by LNP, in fact a study by the IMF found this year that
      "Australia's most needless wasteful spending took place under the John Howard-led Coalition government rather than under the Whitlam, Rudd or Gillard Labor governments".
      (another part of the story TINYIL)

      rod steiger
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:32AM
    • I do so love quotes by the IMF. Such star predictors of the world economy.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:47AM
    • TINYIL, that report was not a prediction, it was an analysis of spending and benefit of past governments. It was economic analysis - you should read some before venturing into economic comment

      rod steiger
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:06PM
    • Thereisnouinlabor I remember that our economy was held firm in the wake of the GFC while other countries suffered greatly.. The pink batts in my house keep it warmer in winter and cooler in summer and save on my energy bills. The multi purpose building built where I taught was a huge addition to the school and put to great use. If Abbott has a better idea for refugees coming to our shores. I haven't heard it. Turn back the boats? Please ! We are talking about human beings not to mention a very small minority compared to those who arrive by plane.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:06PM
  • The Coalition's booklet is too old fashioned, they need to brighten up a bit. It's a boring look.

    I think Malcolm Turnbull would be a good refreshing replacement for Mr Abbott.

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 10:40AM
  • "In case the booklet of the Coalition's Real Solutions policy document is too cumbersome for you to carry around, it's now available in a handy bookmark form! No word yet on when the app is coming."
    They could summarise it to it's substantive policies and issue it as a postage stamp

    rod steiger
    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 10:33AM
    • I am sure that would suit your attention span Rod.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 10:45AM
    • it's the usaual length of time i can read LNP fluff before I start to feel ill, yes

      rod steiger
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 10:56AM
    • When did you receive your copy, Rod?
      Mine must still be in the mail.

      Louis Cypher
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:00AM
    • A bit like the NBN business plan written on the back of a napkin. Thats why we are getting abestos fibre to the home.
      Nobody did their homework.

      Babel Fisj
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:06AM
  • Why have so many voters made up their minds on how they will vote without any policies from Tony Abbott???
    Until policies are announced it is very hard to know where our vote should go.
    We need Gonski asap to give us a better education system and perhaps more discerning voters.

    rural NSW
    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 10:33AM
    • try looking at their website..lots of policies there...but you'd rather just whine wouldn't you?

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 10:42AM
    • "policies" which have been pilloried as insubstantial, ill-considered, unfinished, and inaccurate to the point of deception. Most of them finish with - "and then we'll have a discussion and issue a Wgite Paper' ie another discussion paper. Not much to build confidence in an "alternative government"

      rod steiger
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:01AM
    • Robyn, that is why a leadership change is vital. People have stopped listening to Julia. This is the PM that gave us the Carbon Tax that we do not want. This is the PM that watered down the MMRT. This is the PM togethter with Swan insisting on the surplus. This is the PM that created the divisive gender and class war. This is the PM that did nothing on the boat people. This the PM that backstabbed the former PM and insist she made up her mind on the day itself. The list goes on............

      John of Melbourne
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:01AM
    • If they have policies,why do they NEVER talk about them?

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:07AM
    • Agree Robyn. The LNP Policies are no-where to be found, and the party hacks that proliferate these forums are now floundering as they know they're now caught. The only policies so far have been the 50 shades of grey on the faces of Tony Abbott and Julie Bishop (whom he didn't even acknowledge) that was evident on Wednesday night at their press conference. Good luck buddies.

      Fade to black
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:43AM
    • @Steeden
      Too busy standing back & watching the Labour party implode.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:28PM
  • Has anyone seen that elusive Labor party logo anywhere ? It still doesn't seem to be on Ruddy's website, nor on the Treasurer's.

    What is the Labor brand now ?

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 10:28AM
    • even without an obvious logo, I think most people would strongly suspect those two are members of the ALP, don't you Hacka?

      rod steiger
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 10:45AM
    • Hacka.....Maybe Mal Brough or Steve Lewis have it. Abbott says he has "no specific" knowledge of its whereabouts and Christopher Pyne reckons he never requested the logo's contact details. Although when pressed Pyne said "why shouldn't he seek out the logo's contact details". Hockey says he never asked Clive Palmer to cover the logo's legal costs. Mal Brough says he was only trying to help out the logo in a time of distress.I think we need to refer this off to the AFP.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 10:49AM
    • Which ALP Rod - the Gilllard one or the Rudd one ?

      Most teams tend to have something that identifies them, and they're proud to wear.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 10:51AM
    • Hacka - I'm sure the Parliamentary cleaners will be able to fish it out of the Men's cesspool over the weekend.

      City of the Fallen
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 10:56AM
    • "Cooking with gas"

      Do you like it?

      Louis Cypher
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:03AM
    • Given the hue of his recent choice of ties, maybe Kevin13 will adopt 'Coalition blue' for his election materials? Could be a bit confusing for the voters, though ...

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:04AM
    • hacka, you mean something like the slogans abusing the PM Abbott was happy to stand in front of ? that certainly made me identify Abbott with violent ignorant bigots - maybe they should be plastered over LNP websites?

      rod steiger
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:06AM
    • I heard that the logo has turned whistleblower and has the true stories of what happened in June 2010 and this week. The logo is said to be in fear of its life from both the Rudd and Gillard factions. Reliable information indicates that the logo has escaped Australia by boat, and may be holed up in a transit lounge either in Indonesia or Malaysia, awaiting safe passage to an undisclosed destination...

      Tim [unfortunately not from Altona]
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:19AM
    • Rod - I remember seeing lots of union banners being waved about the front of Parliament House when the unionists broke into Parliament, assaulting security and trashing the Parliamentary Bookshop - is that some of the violence you're referring to. I remember Beasley & Combet being at the rally too

      City of the Fallen
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:59PM
  • Tony Abbott says our biggest problem is stopping the boats which in reality is only uncontrolled immigration.People from the same countries are flying in daily and over staying their visas.If Tony Abbot can continue to con thinking people that this is Australia's most urgent problem,then these people aren't capable of rashional thinking and easily lead to hysteria .Go figure...

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 10:15AM
    • +1

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 10:18AM
    • Don't let the truth get in the way of a scare campaign.
      How's the weather in Whyalla today?

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 10:21AM
    • Steadi
      Abbott doesn't con thinking people. He cons lemmings who can't think for themselves.
      Peta Credlin employs a whole heap of people to keep on message in blogs like this so the lemmings think it's not a lie.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 10:22AM
    • Two differences between those that come by plane and those that arrive by boat. 1 that the taxpayers do not need to pay for their rescue and their up keep. 2. those that come by plane have been screened and given a visa. Those who come by boat deliberately throw out their passports to frustrate their identity check process.
      SteddieEddie - if you do not see this is a problem you are deluded.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 10:27AM
    • Not likely to get too many replies,Steve.Who actually wants to admit to being a political moron..

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 10:30AM
    • Steadieddie, Start to think about other things that govt can do to improve our future lives in Australia....the soap opera is over and there are more important decisions on infrastructure, education, health, export comparative advantage, lower dollar, etc etc. Demand more substance out of all pollies, not just about a relatively few people on leaky boats.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 10:31AM
    • The question of what policy is of the most importance depends on the perspective of individuals, for me it is climate change, because it has the ability to send progress back thousands of years. A two degree increase in sea temperature will destroy the Great Barrier Reef and its associated tourist industry. When compared with a few boats - well what is there to compare?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 10:37AM
    • How utterly ludicrous! A few hundred, even a few thousand 'boat people' do not effect any of us. To use this as a political issues deciding who runs the country is totally idiotic. what is a bigger drain for all of us is all the perks the politicians have at all levels of government
      Gillard, Howard, Keating all getting $200,000 a year plus free travel, plus money to run their office. I read Howard spend $2million of our tax dollars to run his office/ Why? What are they contributing to the country after they retire. If they truly feel honored and privileged to lead the country why all the perks?

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 10:39AM
    • If the LNP do not 'stop the boats',, does that make the leader of the opposition a liar?
      If he prices of all goods and services do not fall when they 'abolish the carbon tax', does that make the leader of the opposition a liar?
      Whyalla is still on the map, employment in Australia remains strong, the price of a leg of lamb has not gone ballistic: is the leader of the opposition a liar?
      If he does not allow his parties a conscience vote on gay marriage after the next election, does that make the leader of the opposition a liar?
      I look forward to the headlines - Abbott Lies ... again....

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:00AM
    • there is nothing illegal bout seeking asylum. Wish people would understand that. And quite often, people fleeing will not have their passport or travel documents - life is not so black and white unfortunately. If our Australian political parties were serious about tackling this issue - they'd looking at speeding up the process in Indonesia so these refugees can be processed quicker, instead of waiting around for years, where they have no legal rights and can not work to sustain their families. We are talking about people's lives here. People who are so desperate, they are willing to sacrifice their own lives. Turning back the boats will add to the number of deaths.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:05PM
  • How long before the Gillard camp starts de-stabilising?? Does anyone honestly believe that Emerson or Conroy will remain silent? C'mon they are still Labor politicians... In a couple of days the media backgrounding and white anting will start. We all know they hate Kevin, they know what Kevin did to Julia during the last campaign. They will return the favour. Does anyone believe the union boss that has lost power will leave it as is? Will Ludwig and Howes do nothing whilst their influence is eroded? This is only a ceasefire it is not the end of the internal war in the Labor party. They will not be able to help themselves. The next three months will be all about the Labor party and nothing to do with Australia. Just like the last three years.

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 10:04AM
    • The last 3 years have all been Abbott whinging and complaining and nothing to do with the future of Australia. He has promoted the tactics of fear and scare.
      What has he proposed to better Australia?

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 10:16AM
    • What has Abbott proposed to better Australia? He has proposed to rid us of Labor. Job done.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 10:50AM
    • cwitty

      Sorry to burst your bubble, but I suspect this is no more Gillard Camp. Union factions is another matter altogether; however, too close to an election now. Will have to wait and see post election to get a better idea I.e. Howes, Ludwig et al

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:03AM
    • But cwitty, Howes still " has the Prime Minister's back"

      Doesn't he?

      Louis Cypher
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:05AM
  • Photo 11.20am
    Is that Alexander? Are they socks he's wearing or the famous stockings? Why would you have AD in the room? Pulling out all stops now.

    Burn baby burn (Alexanders version)
    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 9:55AM
    • Well done you for pointing out that everyone gets ridiculed in Parliament..not just women. Alexander Downer dons a pair of fishnets for a charity thing and years later he still gets lambasted for it. Don't recall him crying about fact I'm pretty sure he joined in the laugh.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 1:27PM
  • Tony has done it before and he will do it again. Abbot annihilated Rudd last time they faced off. Rudd was made to look so incompetent he was sacked by his own party. It is amazing that the 29% club have such short memories, the 29% club seem to think that Rudd will deliver a victory against Abbott because Rudd is a good campaigner. Fact is Abbott is the best performing politician in Canberra. He has a trophy room that includes two first term Labor PM’s. As Kevin has a second chance at achieving competence as PM. So too does Abbott get a second chance to bury Kevin for a second time. If History is any guide, Tony will make short work of the Ruddinator v2.0

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 9:44AM
    • Is there oxygen on your planet?

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 10:02AM
    • Not so sure about that...I think we've already had that change in government. Besides, just wait for the Labor campaign to start...with reminders of Abbott's comments about the late Bernie Banton, and other gems too numerous to mention. Moreover, wasn't Abbott John Hewson's media adviser during the 1993 election?

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 10:06AM
    • Fact is Abbott is the best performing politician in Canberra.

      Are you serious? best performing scaremongering, fear and lies perhaps?

      The economy is in great shape, record low interest rates, record low unemployment, Triple A rating and on and on...all Abbott has managed to do is raise fear and tell Australians we are all doing it is that allowed? How do you get away with telling so many lies?

      Abbott is no match for Rudd in any area - all Abbott can do is raise fear, as he has nothing else. Can't wait until the debate between Abbott and Rudd - Abbott hasn't a clue....he's likely to come out with another..."Don't believe me unless it's in writing" blurb! How does someone so intelligent come out with that on National TV? This is your leader? l be an embarrassment to Australia on all levels...especially at G20..."Ar ar arh,climate change is crap"

      Yeah, a real statesman that Abbott!

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 10:08AM
    • Cwitty, you are right that Abbott got the better of Rudd somwhat last time although I'd suggest it was more Rudd's personality catching up with himself.

      The difference this time is that we've now had 4 years of Abbott, including in the hung parliament, and we don't like it.

      The thing is...
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 10:14AM
    • Give it a few weeks and everyone will; be running for the remote control again when Rudd comes on.
      This guy is unwatchable, he thinks he's in some sort of TV celebrity game. Got to zip folks.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 10:24AM
    • Vwitty the fact Is Abbott is an extremely poor media performer. We see lots of photo opps but very little interviewing that is unscripted. I'm sure Tony will find a excuse not to debate Rudd at the Press Club. He and his colleagues looked a bit green when challenged by Rudd to a debate.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 10:37AM
    • Gosh, AnneO, I didn't realise that running the government relied on media performance. Heck I thought there was more to it. I think I'm gonna zip right along and get me some votes and mebbe become PM..My mama always said I should be on the stage.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:12PM
  • The fear in Abbotts face is priceless.

    Sterling Archer
    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 9:40AM
    • Tony thought he had the balance of power in the Sentae and wouldn't need to associate himself with the Greens. That has knocked his confidence.

      I don't think Rudd can win it for the ALP but al least it may not be a landslide which would have been disastrous for the country.

      What will Tony do if they deal with the carbon issue and make some inroads into the asylum seekers ? Will Tony actually have to discuss some (any) of his polices/does he have any ?

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 10:12AM
    • Tony ended up in opposition because he lacks the skills to work with minor parties and independents. He is not a nuanced politician. He is one dimensional. If the coalition doesn't control the upper house they will struggle to achieve their legislative agenda. Labor under Julia got 87% of their agenda up because she was a consummate negotiator. Tony doesn't understand that not all adults can be bullied into submission.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:03AM
    • Err Yep, you just named two of Tony's you are saying if they name more policies Labor will simply rebrand them and make them their own. I wonder why the libs keep a lot of ideas to themselves until closer to the election..or are we close to the election? When is the election mark 11?

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:01PM
  • It's an interesting comparison - all Coalition members gathering to plan for the election and beyond, while Labor members scurry back to every corner of the continent.

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 9:38AM
    • LNP huddle together to backslap and gee up before playing the A-Team - good luck underdogs - great speeches! ALP wait to sit in the Senate for unfinished work and return to constituencies to listen to concerns

      rod steiger
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 9:51AM
    • Sure Hacka, their work in Canberra is done, no need to plan, the election is in the bag now that the Messiah is back in control. For the LNP MPs they need to be together to elect a new leader, come up with new slogans and printing new glossy brochures, all their works so far is washed away by the reappearance of PM KR.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 9:58AM
    • Rod,

      Your posts are always the funniest.

      "ALP ... and return to constituencies to listen to concerns".

      Most would have forgotten where to go!

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 9:59AM
    • A coalition in panic. They overplayed their hand and lost Julia.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 10:11AM
    • Steve - one of the unanswered questions from this week is whether indeed the alleged "circulating petition" ever existed.

      There's some suggestion it didn't, and it was Gillard who panicked by calling the leadership spill.

      Perhaps Jules left her worst piece of political judgement until the very end. Perhaps she fell for a bluff.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 10:23AM
    • To all the ALP supporters coming out of the woodwork since their alleged "saviour" knifed Jools: There's NO PANIC in the Coalition. They remember this same sort of breathless hype over Kevvy in November 2007. Abbott totally destroyed Rudd when it counted. It took until June 2010 for the ALP to wake up, although everyone else woke up to him much earlier. The old saying about insanity: doing the same thing as before and expecting a different result. Going back to Kevvy is simply doing the same as before, and unfortunately for you - but fortunately for Australia - the result is going to be the same.

      Tim [unfortunately not from Altona]
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 10:58AM
  • JG was too nice a person to be effective in her dealing with Abbott, take this answer from PM KR to a question from Abbott regarding the changing of the Prime Minister: Leadership is an internal affair of the Party, and that during his first four years he deal with four LNP leaders: Howard, Brendan Nielson, Malcolm Turnbull and Tony Abbott, that answer shuts him up, and I am sure no more question of that nature will ever come up from TA.

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 9:38AM
    • You reckon? Nothing ever shuts up TA.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 1:18PM
  • The newly installed PM (who kindly asked to be called by his preferred nickname The Messiahs) has announced on the Twitter a set of new progressive policies, designed under the directives of the PM chief of Staff, recently graduated dux of one of London’s (UK) leading primary schools:
    1.The illegal boat arrival highly successful policy (introduced by The Messiahs 6 years ago) will be further strengthen by limiting the TV size for new arrivals to 50”, one set per family only. As that may infringe the UN human rights regulations the foreign affairs minister will travel to Indonesia to negotiate a compensation for any suffering it may cause to illegals.
    2. The Gonski reform will be enhanced by conversion of all primary and high schools to the University standards, effective immediately. That will result in a highly skilled population able to meet challenges of the 21st century at a very fast pace, at no costs to the educational system.
    3. Australia undertakes to send a man to Mars by 2020 and establish a colony over there under our flag.
    4. As a result of the above the jobless rates will be reduced to 1% by 2015 (as the Mars mission alone will generate a demand for highly skilled engineers designing and manufacturing rockets and space capsules).
    5. No child will live in poverty by 2020 – which obviously is the only rational conclusion from the above visionary solutions.
    The Canberra press gallery has been very impressed by The Messiahs vision as it opens ways to limitless speculations and gossiping and the Channel 7 decided to rename the SunRise show to The MessiahsRise in recognition of The Messiahs services to the country.
    The future is bright!!

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 9:36AM
    • I like this one: "3. Australia undertakes to send a man to Mars by 2020 and establish a colony over there under our flag." May all 'men' with LNP views be transported to the settlement on Mars for permanent residency'. And good luck to them he he

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 10:10AM
  • C. Milne needs to explain:

    Capacity factor (CF) dictates one KW (1000 watt turbine running at 50% capacity for two hours provides one kilowatt hour (1 KWh) of power. CF measures how often an electric generator runs for a specific period of time, usually measured over one year.

    Typical wind farm efficiency: Hallett 4, total capacity 132.3 MW (MW = one million watts, or 1000 KW), cost A$334 million. CF denial: 132.3 x 24 hours x 365 days = 1158948 MWh (megawatt hours) at 100% capacity. Reality of CF: average CF for Hallett 32.5 % of full capacity = 376658 MWh (376.658 million KWh) annually, not the 100% capacity boasted by Labor?

    Sold domestically for 28 cents per KWh 376.658 million KWh = $1.054 billion per annum as opposed to $527000 per annum at previous 2005 rate of 14 cents per KWh. By driving up tariffs from 14 to 28 cents Labor policy made the most inefficient green energy (wind/voltaic solar) exceedingly profitable, why, coal?

    For Australia’s climate concentrated solar power (CSP) with salt storage is manifold more efficient than wind power, operating at base load quantities 24/7/365 days a year, capable of relegating coal as the primary power source to reserve source (see CSP in Spain and Arizona). Conversely inefficient green power delivers negative climate change by inability to keep pace with power demand of population growth, triggering annual coal production increases from 220-500 million tonnes?

    Increased coal production through wind and voltaic solar inefficiencies is detrimental to climate change and taxpayer wishes. Irrespective while continuing with coal expansion and ignoring CSP hence, Gillard taxes carbon, increases emissions, for no positive climate change, and allowed doubling of tariffs.

    Milne is lying like Bowen: claiming reduction in emissions, our carbon emissions are rising with increased coal production.

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 9:21AM
    • Your lengthy and complicate calculations ignore one important factor: Wind and solar cost nothing to run and last decades, cost little to maintain, produce no pollutant by-products. More often than not the capital cost is nothing when compare with the annual running and maintenance cost as well as the environmental impact of a thermal power station

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 10:11AM
    • mais51

      You wrong. Hallett 4, t cost A$334 million for 63 turbines. Yet is only 32.5 efficient. Compared to concentrated solar that is more than twice as efficient with the ability to produce power at night or on overcast days.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 10:28AM
    • Efficiency is the ratio of the output gain over the input cost. In the case of wind turbine as the input cost is nothing then the output however small is still 100%. Obviously the owners of the wind farm have to pay for the renting cost of the land to the respective land owners, but that is chicken feed in comparison to the cost of mining coal, transport to the power stations and the cost of environmental clean up. and the best coal fired power station efficiency is less than 30% - Now what happens to the 70% of the remaining energy: it becomes environment heat pollution contributes to global warming and damaging local ecological system

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:48AM
    • mais51

      You still going off on tangents and failing to understand the efficiencies of capacitor factor. Therein lays the problem with wind turbines: no wind? Nothing. Voltaic solar no sun and clouds next to nothing. Concentrated solar with salt storage: no problems the heat from the salt keeps producing power come rain and clouds. And in central Australia what is the solar model?

      "Modelling for Central Australia, possibly the best solar thermal location in the world" (Odeh, Behnia and Morrison, 2003).

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 2:43PM
  • Julie Bishop is the Helen Mirren of federal politics.

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 9:16AM
    • So the Libs' policy booklet is now available in a bookmark format! Just reinforces how much of their so-called "policies" are just simple-minded slogans and rhetoric!

      Go Rudd!
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:45AM
  • Watching Abbott's speech on ABC24 is hilarious. There are literally alarm bells ringing. Not metaphorically....they are going off. An omen for the nation one would think.

    Is there a fireman in the house?
    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 9:10AM
    • That's right they are already putting out Rudd's fires, it won't be long before we all go up in smoke.
      Bring on the election.

      Babel fish
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 10:33AM
  • I reckon Abbotts popularity will go up after a couple of weeks listening and watching Rudd.

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 9:05AM
    • The only time Abbott's popularity rises is when he shuts up.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 10:13AM
  • Kevin Rudd is not the messiah, he is just a very naughty boy! So said almost half of the labor cabinet.

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 9:02AM
  • Rudd the cryogenic snowman cometh: turn up the heat and substance melts away. Substance meltdown began by attacking Abbott with an outright lie.

    Apparently Abbott will treat our economy to purposefully wreck it to the extent it will mirror the UK economy by the time he has finished. It's a pity someone did not inform Kevin that the UK economy is slowly recovering from 20 of its major institutions either going bankrupt or taken over and losing its AAA status.

    The next lie came from Snowman’s new treasurer, Chris Bowen. Bowen’s fairy tale: Labor has cooled the planet by thrusting an imaginary icicle into the Antartic ice field by the carbon tax reducing Australia’s carbon emissions.

    Can someone please tell the Snowman and Jack Frost Bowen that we are sick and tired of being lied too, we have suffered the lies of incompetents for sick six years, ENEOUGH. WE CANNOT REDUCE OUR CARBON EMISSIONS WITH CHEAP AND INNIEFICIENT VOLTAIC SOLAR AND WIND TURBINES PUT IN PLACE BY LABOR. Bowen is continuing the scam put in place by Gillard. Our emissions are not reducing they are rising and at an alarming rate.

    Our 2003 coal production was 220 million tonnes. According to Monash University Department of Economics it increased to 518.9 million tonnes in 2010. New mines or expansions with rail and port expansions are set to triple coal exports by 2020. Coal from the Galilee Basin alone would use up around 7% of the total global allowable carbon budget out to 2050 – creating a global climate tipping point. Annual production of only half of the projected increase (800 million tonnes) releases 2.24 billion tonnes of emission compared to 616 million tonnes in 2003?

    Meanwhile Bowen on behalf of Rudd is telling us that Labor is reducing emissions?

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 9:02AM
    • Pen
      Your rant again makes no sense.
      The UK economy is in tatters. It only has one direction to go. Abbott and his neo-cons have been advocating austerity for years. Why is it suddenly a lie?

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 9:41AM
    • Once again you fill our screens with blatant nebulous rubbish. The fact remains Australia has reduced emissions and your coal data is just grand spin at its best. how about you own up and tell us which LNP Minister you work for? Compared to the Lib's stance, viewpoint and 'policy' on global warming the ALP is doing pretty well, but then TA doesnt actually believe in climate change as his continuous dodging of the question details, but hey lets plant a tree and put money into unproven technology while lying about the 'price on carbon' (not the carbon tax). Who would have thought our coal output increased after the introduction of a price on carbon when the doomsaying lying inept TA said it would shut down industry and be the death of us all..

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 9:45AM
    • Steve and LieDetector

      Th UK economy is nothing like our economy. Our Banks our the fifth most profitable in the world. Austerity includes cutting back the civil service which has grown more than population growth since 2003.

      I do not tell lies nor do I support Abbott's climate change policy. The figures that I provide are accurate. Of course you could try and prove them wrong instead of making up wild assumptions that have no basis in fact.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 10:13AM
  • Gillard: "The loser of the ballot should commit to retire from politics.....but let me be perfectly clear, if I lose, I may have another crack at some stage"

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 9:02AM
    • JimC, are you suggesting that Julia Gillard will recontest her seat, despite her confirming that she will not?

      If so, do you have evidence for this suggestion, or is it just another bit of nastiness from the Opposition who cannot let go of the meanness and negativity in their hearts and in their DNA.

      Whyalla Wipeout
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 9:21AM
    • WW,

      The proof I have is Gillard's propensity to the opposite of what she says she will do

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 9:44AM
    • JimC, you mean like Abbott supported Malcolm Turnbull implementing the Coalition's ETS policy only to knife him when he had the opportunity on the policy and the leadership.

      Whyalla Wipeout
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:10AM
  • Rudd thinks he's in celebrity big brother again. Shouldn't take long for the electorate to remember.

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 9:00AM
  • I think its disgusting that most of these Labor ministers leaving parliament with a massive fat golden hand shake. Simply put, thieves. Think of our pensioners who have worked most of their lives and can barely afford bills these days. Power Bills has skyrocketed, why dont you do a story on that? Small families, mum and dad working just to pay the bills
    While our politicians walk with a 200,000 per year pension plus plus plus
    Disgusting to say the least

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 8:56AM
    • A lot of Liberals do too. Howard and Costello would have had pretty handsome outcomes too.

      If you want to splutter about pensions and golden handshakes, you may like to turn your attention to the Captains of industry who are routinely tipped out for poor performance with multi-million-dollar payouts.

      Whyalla Wipeout
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 9:02AM
    • Why don't you put your hand up and become one of them. It is a free country, anyone can contest and try to win an election and become a member of the parliament then wait in line to be picked by the party leader to serve in his or her front bench - I am sure it is a piece of cake !

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 9:12AM
    • Howard is on $330,000 PA plus plus plus.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 9:14AM
    • i agree David. and we should claw back all the perks and cash handed to all those Ministers who retired during the Howard years

      rod steiger
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 9:18AM
    • Like they do with us any Govt benefit lets Means Test their Supa and they are not allowed to touch it till they are 65.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 9:27AM
    • David
      Given the pittance we pay them when they are in office, and the crap that is dished out to them by the shock-jocks and their lemming followers, I think they deserve more.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 9:53AM
    • Yep, talk about middle class welfare.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:21PM
  • Who's fib was bigger?

    Gillard:"I will sooner play full forward for the Bulldogs than challenge for leadership"

    Rudd: "When I say to my parliamentary colleagues and to the people at large across Australia that I would not challenge for the Labor leadership I believe in honouring my word. Others treat such commitments lightly. I do not."

    Someone had better check the audio after Gillard said the loser of the ballot will quit politics... we dont want to make that mistake again...

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 8:53AM
    • Abbot - Do not believe anything I say unless it is in writing. ie WorkChoices, GST, Womens Rights

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 9:12AM
  • I suppose Wayne and Julia will be having an extra long weekend. Though I hate packing up and moving.

    enough is enough
    Labor party/Greens La La Land
    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 8:53AM
  • Apparently some Channel 7 poll had two party preferred 52-48 after Labor dumped Gillard. How long will that bounce hold?

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 8:53AM
    • Wait till Kevin starts campaigning. It's what he does best. The Libs will be wiped off the map.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 9:06AM
    • It may get bigger. Abbott's free ride has just come to a screeching halt. The public, wrongly in my view, stopped listening to Julia Gillard. But they will be listening to Rudd again. He does have an ability to cut through, which he showed in Question Time yesterday - and they will be interested in what the new Kevin has to say.

      As for all the negatives out there from the past, that is already known and accounted for by the voting public. As long as the Liberals keep bashing him and banging the old drum, they will be playing into his hands as he argues the kinder, gentler policy not politics line.

      I'm no Rudd lover, but he is a very effective politician when he is on the ball.

      Whyalla Wipeout
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 9:11AM
    • I think I will wait and see a couple of newspolls first.
      A few weeks of Rudd in our faces will make all the difference. We want a PM not a celebrity.
      I wouldn't be surprised once the excitement of Rudd calms down Abbotts popularity goes up.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 9:26AM
    • You guys probably expressed the same, unwarranted confidence in Gillard when Rudd was the knifee rather than the knifer. In fact, I seem to recall at least one of you were, right up until recently, expressing great confidence in Julia's PMship. A case of 'the Queen is dead, long live the King', I suppose.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 9:27AM
    • @sarajane, Krudd has been campaigning for 3 years and 3 days, and this is the best he can do. Plus Krudd is enjoying the honeymoon period a new leader gets in the polls - and he is still behind.

      Wait until Tony Abbott starts campaigning and can release the coalition policies - it will get even ruddy harder for labor..

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 9:33AM
    • A dead cat bounce.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 9:40AM
    • sarahjane,

      I take it you agree with Rudds proposal to scrap the carbon tax then?

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 9:41AM
    • sarajane,

      Your youthful exuberance is to be commended. I don't think you realise but the Greens are not happy with Kev.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 9:49AM
    • Jack, I agree. Rudd will rise or fall based on the next set of News/Nielsen polls. The not-so-faceless men will be hoping to see something like 50/50, I reckon, and will practically be begging Rudd to go as early as possible.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 9:53AM
    • adam c - gillard got government for them the same year - not misplaced confidence - successful strategy

      rod steiger
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 9:56AM
    • Last I heard, Hockey was saying they wouldn't have all their polices ready before the election. Any so called policies Abbott has is contained in a flimsy booklet. There is fraudband and something called direction action which promises to tax the public and will have no effect on climate change (after all they don't believe in it). He wants to introduce a maternity leave which taxes business, and which most of his party doesn't even support. So far 0/3.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:22PM
    • kp - "still behind"? He hasn't even been in the job for 36 hours yet. Perhaps try not to be too hasty with your attempts to speak for everyone else's opinions.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 1:08PM
  • I sincerely hope that Rudd is on time to the press conference this morning. Actions speak louder than words. I noticed yesterday when he was back at the dispatch box that when seated he had a frequent odd involuntary grimace involving pushing his lower lip up over the upper one. Has he done this previously? Although otherwise he performed very well it was quite a distracting mannerism.

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 8:51AM
  • I can't wait to hear the clangers of policy proposals Rudd will come up with now that he wont get a chance to put them through the lower house before the election.

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 8:50AM
    • oh you mean like fraudband? use copper instead of that old technology optical fibre? or do you mean "Direct Action" policy to stamp out that pesky climate change which isn't happening anyway? Abbot - "more trees, better soil and smarter technology" - Turnbull "If the theory of climate change was proved to be nonsense, then obviously there would be no point in cutting emissions at all. If the rest of the world ultimately resolved to do nothing then we would very likely be better off spending the resources available on adaptation - moving to higher ground and so on." Abbot's scheme will rely on bureaucracy and be less effective than the market in allocating resources.
      A Grattan Institute study found that in the past decade only 3 per cent of state andd federal environmental grants had produced operational projects in the first five years, and only 18 per cent in the first 10 years.

      rod steiger
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 9:44AM
    • No Rod, thats not what I mean at all.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 10:13AM
  • Rudd's a Dudd!!!!!!!

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 8:48AM
  • I notice that in the first poll after the change there are 30% who think Labor can win the election. That sounds like their 30% primary vote in recent polls.

    David Morrison
    Blue Mountains
    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 8:43AM
  • So Rudd's back and the ALP are getting a sniff becuase they think Rudd has Abbott's measure in the popularity stakes. Let's not get carried away people. While Rudd will be desperately trying to re-invent himself and Labor between now and the election, he is carrying so much excess baggage that if he were paying for it, Tiger Airlines would be transformed into Australia's most profitable airline.

    Tim of Altona
    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 8:30AM
    • Tim - if Rudd pushes Sept 14 back to a later date he'll be feeding right into Abbott's hands.

      The more time we get to be reminded of Rudd, the quicker his poll bump will be eroded. The annoying little things like him not being able to keep a self-imposed time frame, as Stephanie mentions.

      He actually did it twice on Wednesday - both his press conferences - 5pm and the acceptance speech.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 8:39AM
    • Except, they carry with them an enormous number of achievements as well.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 8:46AM
    • Beats me why the excess baggage doesn't count. But Australian Voters Airlines has already checked the baggage in and not charged any more.

      It may well be that Mr Rudd will be upgraded when the airline finds out that Abbott has been sitting in First Class with a standby economy ticket and the seat becomes available.

      What is clear is that the work Abbott has put into convincing everyone that Gillard is worse than him has come to nothing with the return of Rudd, and now everyone is listening to Rudd say more crisply exactly what the Gillard Government was saying for the last three years about the miserable negativity and nastiness of Abbott's Opposition.

      Whyalla Wipeout
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 8:53AM
    • 48:52 (latest snap poll) is more than just a sniff Tim. Moreover, if you followed the polling on fairfax online yesterday, over 59% predicted a Labor win...just so you know over 215,000 people took part in that poll...

      Nervous yet???

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 8:54AM
    • And under Abbot and the LNP, Gina Rinehart and Rupert Murdoch would be more profitable.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 9:15AM
    • Whyalla Wipeout / No, what it means is that Abbott saw off both Rudd and Gillard. Every commentator under the southern cross predicted a bounce for Labor - and who wouldn't, yes Gillard was truly that bad. No doubt after the election he will be facing yet another ALP leader - however this time the leader of the ALP (Shorten ) will be in opposition

      Commando - Involved again
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 9:27AM
    • the public has a very short memory. and its all about image.... Rudd has much better stage presence comapred to Abbot

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 10:45AM
    • Are suggesting rather than vote on policy and stability within govt the electorate will do the complete opposite and vote on stage presence and charisma - If that is the case, then I too agree with what many others have said prior - in the end the punter will get the govt they deserve

      Commando - Involved again
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:09AM
  • No . we are waiting to hear Hockeys rebuffal of Palmers reiteration of the accusation they wanted him to pay Ashbys legal fees.,Hockey has laready denied the allegations,But lets hear him call Mr Palmer a liar too, please

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 8:08AM
    • I would put more store in Hockey's word than Palmer's.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 8:43AM
    • Altered - au contraire

      Whyalla Wipeout
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 9:04AM
    • I wouldn't believe Hockey's over anyone's . This is the guy who said $G wireless had the "capacity" (not actual speed but notional capability) to be faster than optical fibre ... There will never be a wireless service that’s superior to fibre optic communication. He should stick to something he's good at, like kissing babies

      rod steiger
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 9:27AM
    • obviously I meant 4G not $G above ... sorry about that

      rod steiger
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 9:47AM
  • Rudd will have a ministry of newbies. Expect to hear a lot more about the Coalition's 'experienced team' during the election campaign!

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 8:06AM
    • Chris Bowen, Kim Carr, newbies? There will be a lot more experience in Rudd's front bench than there is among the clowns who go around pretending to be the Liberal 'talent'.

      Whyalla Wipeout
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 8:56AM
    • Do you mean Bob Carr? The unelected Seator appointed as Minister?

      David Morrison
      Blue Mountains
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 9:05AM
    • Should I take that as deadpan irony?

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 9:11AM
    • Yeah Chris Bowen, the guy that ran the department of Immigration so well!

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 9:53AM
    • Chris Bowen....he is another joke.
      He ran his Immigration portfolio disgracefully.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:26AM
    • Abbott's team (including Abbott himself) are a bunch of pathetic B-grade Howard era hacks who should have been banished from politics after the LIberals' 2007 election defeat. With the exception of Turnbull and perhaps Hockey (under better leadership), the Liberals are a rabble - and despite the government's troubles over the last 3 years, have been ever since Rudd swept to power in 2007! Look at all the fresh faces on Abbott's back bench who still haven't had a go - O'Dwyer, Hawke, Roy, etc, etc - the list goes on! The Rudd team looks far more energised by comparison!

      Go Rudd!
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 11:34AM
    • Go Rudd!...should I say Go Dudd!...If you say Liberal have B-grade hacks then you would put Chris Bowen...F-Grade for FAILURE.
      He botched up his position as Immigration Minister and now wants to handle the books....we are going downhill very quickly. He will be de-promoted in no time.

      "the Liberals are a rabble"...sorry you meant Labor. If things are so great at Labor why would you change PM for the 2nd time....Why would a third of the ministers resign?
      Labor are doing great guns...NOT.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 12:10PM
    • Surely renewal is a good thing. I mean, regardless of your political views, isnt it better to have new ideas and fresh appraoches than the same old career politicians with their same old views. I am giving Labor a go this election precisely because of this; the LNP front bench is an anachronism.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 1:35PM
  • Hope Rudd weed out use by date.As he say we need to energize and put some gas back .He need young ,talented with new ideas.To appeal to young voters.

    Chou Chou
    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 7:45AM
    • Oh. Rudd will provide plenty of gas

      Louis Cypher
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 8:37AM
  • A floating price ETS sooner than later is better......and better than none at all. It is the way of the future and I hop Tony puts one in too if he gets in. I don't care about lies....just do what's good for us long term.

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 7:40AM
    • Well said JT...

      The right time to do the right thing is now....not when it is convenient.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 8:46AM
  • There's still some unanswered questions from this week.

    • What’s happened to McTernan ?
    • When is the next Women for Gillard meeting ?
    • Or did Bill put Chloe out of a job ?
    • Why on earth is Slipper recontesting ?

    Date and time
    June 28, 2013, 7:39AM
    • "Women for Gillard" - that went well .

      Tim of Altona
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 7:53AM
    • You really have been reduced to sound bites Hacka. If Slipper recontests his seat it will probably be on the back of the AFP investigation into Ashbygate and Brough. It seems that Hockey is about to get a little acid as well.

      Abbott and Pyne won't escape either.

      The cats amongst the pigeons
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 8:09AM
    • Things change...but women aren't going anywhere Tim....get used to it!

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 8:15AM
    • Women for Gillard - you are obviously referring to the ones in the trenches with her aka Plibersek, Ellis, Lundy, Macklin and Wong. Gee didn't they show ther support for her by resigning on mass and.............hand they didn;t did they?

      Wong actually supported Rudd. With friends like that who needs enemies. Hypocrites with a capital H!!

      Smokin Mo
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 8:22AM
    • Cat - nice try but this week, like the previous 157, has all been about Labor and their appetite for self-destruction.

      Smokin Mo - yes loyalty doesn't seem to run too deep. Maybe Women for Kev is in the pipeline.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 8:50AM
    • Slipper really is an odd fellow. Why not just slink out quietly? He seems to have no sense of dignity.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 8:54AM
    • Slipper is recontesting for one reason only the thousands of dollars he will receive from the tax payers as compensation for losing his seat.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 8:55AM
    • As some of them already said: support for JG is important but the need of the Party and above all else the need of the Country is paramount. And I, and I am sure a lots of like minded readers of this paper will support them in their new roles. Follow the leader blindly only happens in a undemocratic country.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 9:04AM
    • Hey Smokin Mo (ron). What's its like to have never changed your mind? Does it get boring always having to buy the same brands, shop at the same place, listen to the same music as? Or have you changed your views over time? Decided that your world view at 16 wasn't exactly spot on or that the person you thought was fantastic wasn't (or vice versa)?

      If you've never changed your mind or re-evaluted your views then I understand the LNP's for you. If you have however then all I can say is hypocrite with a capital H.

      Glass houses
      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 10:00AM
    • Is there no end to the depth of your insight?

      Please share your intellect with the world, not just us favoured few of the Age.

      Date and time
      June 28, 2013, 1:36PM
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