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Federal Politics

Federal Election 2013 Live: September 8, 2013


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Another cycle begins for Abbott

It's business as usual for Prime Minister-elect, who celebrates his win with his habitual morning bike ride, lycra and all, as opponent Kevin Rudd concedes defeat. Nine News.

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Okay - that's it from me (and Alex and Andrew). Let's look back on the day that was:

  • Prime minister elect Tony Abbott has held a series of meetings with departmental heads to begin to get to grips with the landscape of government;
  • Mr Abbott will not be sworn in until either late this week or early next week (along with his ministry);
  • former Labor leader Kevin Rudd stayed out of sight;
  • Bill Shorten and Anthony Albanese remain the names most commonly linked to the leadership; and
  • the new Senate looks as if it is going to be very interesting with as many as eight independent and minor party newbies (and that's not counting the Greens).

Thanks to everyone who has read and commented on the blog throughout the campaign. Andrew, Alex and myself have thoroughly enjoyed putting it together and we appreciate your interest and participation.

We are all going to have a few days off but will be back soon.

See you then.

I'm nearly about to call it a day.

Usually I pay tribute to the incredible work of photographers Alex Ellinghausen and Andrew Meares in my wrap up but today I thought I'd give them their own post. Neither have had a day off during the campaign but have consistently maintained their good humour and always captured the best pictures. They are a delight and a privilege to work with.

Here is a gallery of some of their campaign highlights.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd at the People's Forum at the Rooty Hill RSL in Sydney. Click for more photos

Best of Federal Election 2013

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd at the People's Forum at the Rooty Hill RSL in Sydney. Photo: Andrew Meares

Our resident Senate expert, The Age's economics editor Tim Colebatch, thinks the new make up might resemble a "barnyard".

(Given prime minister elect Tony Abbott's warnings about the dangers of independents he might agree.)

Tim writes that based on the most up to date figures there will be eight minor party senators from separate groups, some of them virtually unknown entities with no track record and no known policies, who will be given the power to decide whether not each government bill should be passed.

You can read Tim's piece here.

I should point out that the first indigenous woman has been elected to Parliament.

Nova Peris will take her place in the Senate for Labor.

Ms Peris had a controversial start to her political career when former prime minister Julia Gillard parachuted her into the top place on Labor's Northern Territory Senate ticket at the expense of long serving senator Trish Crossin.

Nova Peris voting at her old school, Dripstone High School, in Darwin on Saturday.

Nova Peris voting at her old school, Dripstone High School, in Darwin on Saturday. Photo: Glenn Campbell

The Greens have heralded an "extraordinary" result in Saturday's election despite recording a swing against the part of 3.4 per cent.

The party attracted 8.4 per cent of the primary vote but looked almost certain to retain all its MPs and collect a new senator for Victoria, Janet Rice.

Bianca Hall has more here.

A colleague just popped into the Parliament House gift shop where staff reported that there had already been several requests for the "Tony Abbott Prime Minister" mug. (It has not been made. Yet.)

A lot of meetings are required in this governing caper.

Prime minister elect Tony Abbott meets with David Tune, Dr Martin Parkinson and Dr Ian Watt at his Sydney office on Sunday.

Prime minister elect Tony Abbott meets with David Tune, Dr Martin Parkinson and Dr Ian Watt at his Sydney office on Sunday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

The Coalition's election victory was built on a huge swing in Tasmania and a surge of support in Victoria but voters in NSW and Queensland were less inclined to switch to Tony Abbott.

You can read our story about which way the states went here.

Lunch. Good plan.

Jessica Rudd arrives at the home of her father Kevin Rudd in Brisbane on Sunday.

Jessica Rudd arrives at the home of her father Kevin Rudd in Brisbane on Sunday. Photo: Andrew Meares

Photographer Andrew Meares has been outside Kevin Rudd's Brisbane home since early this morning but there has been not a glimpse of either Mr Rudd or his wife Therese Rein.

Their daughter, Jessica, just arrived with her daughter, Josephine, who was described by Mr Rudd last night as the "youngest member of young Labor".

Mr Rudd's long time adviser, Patrick Gorman, is also there.

Jessica Rudd and daughter Josephine arrive Kevin Rudd's home in Brisbane on Sunday.

Jessica Rudd and daughter Josephine arrive Kevin Rudd's home in Brisbane on Sunday. Photo: Andrew Meares

In which Fregmonto Stokes explains why and how he photobombed Mr Abbott's victory speech (see 12.01 pm post).

Prankster? taken away as Tony Abbott gives his victory speech at the 4 seasons hotel , Sydney 
With wife Margie and 3 daughters Louise , Bridget and Frances
Pic nick Moir 7 sept 2013
Nick Moir
Photographer Click to play video

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Abbott's photo bomber reveals motives

Fregmonto Stokes, the intruder who photobombed Tony Abbott’s election victory appearance explains how and why he went on stage.

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How did this happen, I hear you ask.

The answers is preferences and the complicated deals that determine them. Everyone who votes above the line in the Senate has their preferences allocated according to those deals which are not exactly transparent.

The Greens are already calling for reform of the Senate voting system to give voters control of preference flows.

"We must end the back room preference deals to safeguard the standing of the Senate," Greens Senator Lee Rhiannon says.

Senator Rhiannon believes the way to deal with this is to introduce optional preferential above the line voting in the Senate.

"The benefit of this reform is that it does not limit new parties forming but it removes the incentive for parties to form smaller front parties for the purpose of harvesting votes through preferences. It also means a candidate is much less likely to be elected off a minuscule vote," Senator Rhiannon says.

So back to the Senate.

In the 10.53 am post I did a quick run through the numbers as they stand now.

The 'what the?' results are the Australian Motoring Enthusiast Party and the Australian Sports Party - the former looks set to pick up a Victorian Senate spot at the expense of the Liberal Party while the latter could well get up in West Australia instead of the Labor Party.

In both cases the parties got less than one per cent of the vote.

An email from Liberal Party headquarters has just gone out to anyone they have an email address for.

"It is with a deep sense of responsibility that the Liberal National Coalition begins its work for you, the Australian people," says the email which has been put out in Mr Abbott's name.

"Elections by their nature are tough contests and I honour everyone, from every political party, who stood or participated in yesterday's election. I respect the conviction that makes men and women stand up for the things they believe in and I pay tribute to it."

"It is our differences that prove we are free and it is our willingness to come together after the contest that makes us strong."

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Tasmanian Independent MP Andrew Wilkie easily hung onto his Hobart based seat of Denison thanks to a big swing towards him.

Mr Wilkie promises to be a "very loud voice in the new Parliament".

"There's an even more important role now for the cross bench to hold the government to account," Mr Wilkie says.

He is looking forward to a "delightful long lunch" with the Greens' Adam Bandt and independent Bob Katter about their priorities.

Some people waste no time cleaning up and moving on:


Mr Abbott will be in Canberra tomorrow.

But he will not be sworn in as prime minister until later in the week or possibly early next week.

Prime minister elect Tony Abbott and his chief of staff, Peta Credlin, meet with Ian Watt, secretary of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, in Sydney on Sunday.

Prime minister elect Tony Abbott and his chief of staff, Peta Credlin, meet with Ian Watt, secretary of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, in Sydney on Sunday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Greens leader Christine Milne is declaring Victoria the new "Green heartland".

(Deputy leader Adam Bandt retained his lower house seat and the party picked up a senator - Janet Rice.)

"The Green team in Parliament will be standing up strongly against the excesses of an Abbott government," Senator Milne says.

Mr Bandt says his campaign "reconnected with the people of Melbourne" and attracted first time voters for the party.

"I will work very hard over the next three years against the brutality of Tony Abbott's government," Mr Bandt says.



Greens deputy leader Adam Bandt, leader Christine Milne and senator elect Janet Rice in Melbourne on Sunday.

Greens deputy leader Adam Bandt, leader Christine Milne and senator elect Janet Rice in Melbourne on Sunday. Photo: Simon Schluter

Remember that moment last night when a young man suddenly appeared on stage with the Abbott family?

He managed to get in wearing a fake security wristband made from a yellow lolly wrapper and is believed to be a 25 year old anti coal protester.

You can read about the incident here.

A prankster is taken away as Tony Abbott gives his victory speech in Sydney on Saturday night.

A prankster is taken away as Tony Abbott gives his victory speech in Sydney on Saturday night. Photo: Nick Moir

If you have the appetite for it here are a couple of longer pieces that you might care to read.

Here is The Age's national affairs editor, Tony Wright, on the surreal campaign.

The Age's political editor, Michael Gordon, analyses what the election result means.

Here is Mr Rudd's.

Rudd's concession speech in full (Video Thumbnail) Click to play video

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Rudd's concession speech in full

Watch outgoing Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's full speech after losing the Federal Election 2013.

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If you feel like reliving a bit of last night allow me to direct you to the videos of the speeches made by prime minister elect Tony Abbott and former Labor leader Kevin Rudd.

Here is Mr Abbott's.

Tony Abbot wins the 2013 Federal Election Click to play video

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'The Coalition has won'

Tony Abbott claims victory in the federal election.

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Labor's Bill Shorten leaves the ABC studios in Melbourne on Sunday.

Labor's Bill Shorten leaves the ABC studios in Melbourne on Sunday. Photo: Angela Wylie

There are, as yet, no formal contenders for the leadership of the Labor Party.

The speculation is still swirling around Bill Shorten, Anthony Albanese and Chris Bowen.

Mr Shorten was circumspect when asked about his position this morning.

"I've got a couple of criteria," Mr Shorten told ABC television. "One is my family - I've been away from them a great deal....In addition, the party is bigger than any individual [and] there's no doubt the Australian people have marked us down for talking ourselves and being too divided."

I'll just give you a state by state break down of the Senate results thus far:

  • Victoria - 2 Coalition, 2 Labor, 1 Green, 1 Motoring Enthusiast Party (Ricky Muir);
  • NSW - 3 Coalition (frontbencher Arthur Sinodinos is holding on at this stage), 2 Labor, 1 Liberal Democratic Party (David Leyonhjelm);
  • Queensland - 3 Coalition, 2 Labor, 1 Palmer United Party (former rugby league star Glenn Lazarus);
  • South Australia - 2 Coalition, 1 Labor, 1 Green, independent Nick Xenophon and 1 Family First (Bob Day);
  • Tasmania - 2 Coalition, 2 Labor, 1 Green, 1 Palmer United Party (Jacqui Lambe);
  • West Australia - 3 Coalition, 1 Labor, 1 Green, 1 Australian Sporting Party (Wayne Dropulich); and
  • ACT and NT each returned one Labor and one Coalition senator.

(NB - the new Senate does not begin until July 1 next year.)

What's going on in the Senate?

At the moment the numbers are as follows (this takes into account the senators who were not up for re election) - the Coalition has 33, Labor has 25, the Greens have 10, the Democratic Labour Party has one and another seven independents.

Clearly a lot of people did not heed prime minister elect Tony Abbott's plea to stay away from independents.


Mr Abbott has just left his home on Sydney's northern beaches bound for the office.

He spoke only briefly to say he was looking forward to "getting down to business".

The new government will not be sworn in until later this week or possibly even early next week. Mr Abbott will have to decide on the make up of his ministry before that can happen.

This would mean the earliest Parliament might return would be late October.

Prime minister elect Tony Abbott talks with neighbours before leaving his home for meetings and briefings on Sunday.

Prime minister elect Tony Abbott talks with neighbours before leaving his home for meetings and briefings on Sunday. Photo: Kate Geraghty

A couple of the more colourful seat campaigns have been the Victorian seat of Indi and the Sydney seat of Greenway.

Here is the latest on Indi.

And here is the latest on Greenway.

The Age's national affairs editor, Tony Wright, finishes up with Team Abbott today.

Tony reports that it will be quiet day in terms of public appearances for Mr Abbott today. He will soon arrive at the government offices in the Sydney CBD to receive briefings from the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Defence and intelligence agencies as well as a run down on the situation in Syria.

Mr Abbott is expected in Canberra tomorrow but there is no word on whether he has accepted Kevin Rudd's invitation to show him around The Lodge.

Margie Abbott says she's giving herself "24 hours to come to terms with this".

"I think at this stage it's a little surreal," Mrs Abbott said earlier this morning.

"Come Monday morning we'll have a much better idea as to what is ahead of us."

Margie Abbott arrives at the Abbott's home in Forestville, Sydney, on Sunday.

Margie Abbott arrives at the Abbott's home in Forestville, Sydney, on Sunday. Photo: Kate Geraghty

Let's have a quick look at the most recent numbers from the Australian Electoral Commission.

The Coalition has 88 lower house seats (that's 57 for the Liberal Party, 21 for the Liberal National Party, nine for the National Party and one for the Country Liberals).

Labor has 57 seats.

The Greens' Adam Bandt and independents Bob Katter and Andrew Wilkie kept their seats.

Two seats remain in contention - Fairfax in Queensland (where billionaire Clive Palmer is in the running) and Indi in Victoria (where Coalition frontbencher Sophie Mirabella has faced a tough battle).

Mr Abbott said last night he would get to work straight away with a day of briefings. Presumably after a shower.

Prime Minister elect Tony Abbott arrives home at his home in Sydney after a morning bike ride on Sunday.

Prime Minister elect Tony Abbott arrives home at his home in Sydney after a morning bike ride on Sunday. Photo: Kate Geraghty

I assume this makes Tony Abbott the first MAMIL (middle aged man in lycra) prime minister.

Prime Minister elect Tony Abbott arrives at his home in Forestville, Sydney, after a morning bike ride on Sunday.

Prime Minister elect Tony Abbott arrives at his home in Forestville, Sydney, after a morning bike ride on Sunday. Photo: Kate Geraghty

Prime Minister elect Tony Abbott leaves his home in Forestville, Sydney for his early morning bike ride on Sunday.

Prime Minister elect Tony Abbott leaves his home in Forestville, Sydney for his early morning bike ride on Sunday. Photo: Kate Geraghty

Just because you've become the prime minister elect is no reason to dump your morning exercise routine.

Good morning.

It's the morning after the campaign before. It's a pleasure to be with you as Andrew Meares, Alex Ellinghausen and I take you through the aftermath.


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  • Tony Abbott is on the record as saying that the function of the opposition is to oppose. His own philosophy is that the role of the opposition in the Senate is to oppose government legislation. How can he expect the ALP to do anything other than oppose his efforts to remove the carbon price or unwind the mining tax?

    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 5:44PM
  • Pulse Team - fantastic five weeks. Thanks and hope you get a break.

    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 2:08PM
  • "I will work very hard over the next three years against the brutality of Tony Abbott's government," - Adam Bandt

    There is just so much wrong with this statement. The newly ELECTED government has not even been sworn in and this guy is already in the frame of mind that he will work against an Abbot government. I don't know, but if he was representing me, I would prefer it if he would engage the government in a positive manner in order to achieve results that all Australians can live with. There is a certain amount of stupidity/foolishness involved when someone heads into the next three years with an attitude like that.

    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 1:40PM
    • that's the very reason he got stand up to the new govt so they are accountable...he worked with the last govt but not this one, now he has to make the new ones accountable. Good luck Adam.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 1:49PM
    • the hypocrisy is outstanding and all consuming.....and totally ignorant

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 1:51PM
    • Adam Bandt said before the election in 2010 that in the event of a hung Parliament he would not work with Abbott.
      So his comment now is is irrelevant as is his vote. Abbott does not need is vote to run a good stable Govt.
      Abbott and everyone can say to him, he is just in Parliament making up the numbers and his vote will not count as will his opposition to everything.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 2:18PM
    • The common sense of one can often change the ignorance of many to wisdom.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 2:35PM
  • Dear Editor,
    Why do you have to categorise a new senator as indigenous. When is this country going to start looking beyond racial characteristics?

    Citizen Number 14 million
    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 1:40PM
    • Fair point but Ms Peris is the first indigenous woman elected to Parliament, which is an achievement worth pointing out, I think, and of interest to readers. I don't see any need to continue to reference her as such after today but I think it's fair to note today.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 1:49PM
    • When I was training as a doctor in New York in 1992, it was standard practice to document case histories by commencing with 48WF or 32BM...
      Ever since I have been sensitive to journalists perseverating the need for racial division.
      I think you and your colleagues should make a conscious effort to avoid such mistakes which only serve to feed prejudice in society.

      Citizen Number 14 million
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 2:02PM
  • Whew! Nearly got run over by a mad cyclist this morning, lucky I saw his fluoro hat just in time.

    Grumpy Cat
    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 1:31PM
  • News Limited reporting - Tony Abbott has ordered go ahead of Operation Sovereign Borders.. Finally someone has the guts to stop the economic refugee rot and "Stands up for what he believes in".
    Game over for Boat people and people smugglers !

    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 1:31PM
    • slogans and fancy names like operation sovereign borders don't magically work...we'll see what happens in time.....can't more talk and slogans ...ha ha he's actually gotta do something now....whoa

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 1:40PM
  • I live in the most collectively stupid nation on Earth. Congratulations Australians. You've signed up for roughly another million people by the time the next election comes around and you will probably still wonder why there is an apparent shortage of everything. Ignorance that is off the scale.

    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 1:14PM
    • Lets face it we live on a planet which is going to keep on adding billions of people to the total population for decades.

      Combined with global industrialisation and consumerism, its pretty obvious what's really driving global warming.

      Well, actually its not obvious at all if you read the endless comments made here on the subject.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 1:43PM
    • Well put Styeve.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 2:24PM
  • It's amazing how the Age, having supported a shambolic Labor Party, is now declaring the Greens the way to go after winning only one lower house seat the result of a huge over spend to get Bandt over the line. There are other seats in Victoria other than the city. You guys really are quite pathetic in your bias.

    Tick Tock
    South Melbourne
    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 1:07PM
    • You tell us how to shed carbon from the atmosphere currently at over 400 ppm and I promise you will have our undivided attention.

      Can't, oh dear what a shame. In that case we must ensure that we put in place meaningful climate change solutions then. Does this make a skerrit of sense for you?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 2:30PM
  • Sorry missed a couple of question marks ! Punctuation now ??????

    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 1:06PM
  • The Sunday morning after Howard was deposed I walked through Bondi Junction, centre of Wentworth, liberal country. There were smiles, 'good mornings', 'hello's', the sense of freedom, of being clear oppression was everywhere.
    This morning? Gloom!
    That is right, gloom in Liberal country!

    Peter Hindrup
    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 1:05PM
    • yeah gloom.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 1:40PM
    • Now tell us of the mornings in 2089?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 2:32PM
  • Hi Just interested in something Pen I notice that at 2.40 pm you have made 29 comments out of 220. That is more than 13% of the comments on this page. Now it is obvious for all where you are coming from but a question. Do you live in a house, and does it contain wood. Is it built on a concrete foundation and does it contain numerous metals? Do you drive around in a motor car or catch public transport. Have you ever flown in a plane? Look my point is this we all generate carbon dioxide through our living and many of us are not "Green" in the sense of our voting but that does not mean that we are all beastly careless nor unaware of the environment in which we live and upon which we depend. Somebody commented earlier that the most significant contributor to carbon dioxide emissions is the coal being exported and used worldwide and how Pen are you going to do anything about that? So you can post 100% of comments but unless you are able to do something about "the coal use" you are going to achieve almost nothing. Elementary Mathematics - Cheers

    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 1:00PM
  • So many angry Labor supporters. Guys, you lost the election fair and square. Get over it. Tony Abbott is our Prime Minister now. Labor lost the election, is no longer in government and has really nothing more to contribute except pass legislation according to Abbott's mandate.

    Steven Deakin
    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 12:59PM
    • What will they all now do with their time during the day, some might even get jobs !!

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 1:22PM
    • sorry get a handle on things will you? an opposition doesn't pass any legislation.....where do you get this c&%p from?

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 1:38PM
    • The Coalition may not control the Senate after all votes have been counted. Tony Abbott has been given a mandate to get rid of the carbon tax because this is what he strongly campaigned to do. Legislation will pass the House of Representative but will need the ALP's support in the Senate as they do not have the numbers. It will be electoral suicide if Labor flatly refuse and force a double dissolution because Tony Abbott can then claim that the ALP are acting against the will of the people by first introducing a tax they never promised to do and then refusing to support it's repeal. Do you now understand JT?

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 1:57PM
  • The Liberals are not the real winners here. For a modest investment of 3 million dollars, the mining companies stand to reap a 3 billion dollar return.

    Riddley Walker
    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 12:57PM
  • Dear Tony Abbott

    You have two highly intelligent and lovely daughters. I would like you to consider the Australian environment their children will be living in when they are the same age as you are now?

    Some 840 scientist are of the opinion that at this time our sea levels will be almost one metre higher than they are today. I understand that you live north of Sydney, therefore I want you to estimate the cost of sea inundation of the entire coastal area of Palm Beach, Avalon and Bilgola. This is what the science suggest is going to happen with a very high rate of probability given the current rate of ice melt plus sea water expansion from temperature rise in both the northern and southern hemispheres.

    Your grandchildren will also experience 50 degree C summer temperatures of which similar temperatures have killed thousands during this northern summer. Of course stone fruit and certain vegetables cannot be grown with mild to warm winters, together with numerous other crops they will have to be imported from places with cooler temperatures such as Greenland, yes Greenland.

    Nor will your grandchildren be able to enjoy the delights of the Great Barrier Reef as it is today, most of the Reef will be white and skeletal by this time.

    My point is that you are an highly intelligent man, you know full well that the climate policy that you currently embrace will not work, government bodies such as the CSIRO have stated this openly.

    Therefore why does a sensible man like you risk the environment that you enjoy today to the detriment of your own grandchildren by wilfully ignoring meaningful climate change policies?

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 12:50PM
    • How do you know Abbott's Direct action plan won't work , with labor's plan how much do you expect the world's temperatures to drop by? How much more will the earths temperature drop by using Labor's Plan compared to the Coalitions ?
      You can be approximate if you like ??

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 1:19PM
    • Pen
      The Prime Ministerial family has three daughters.
      Maybe you can't see the wood for the trees.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 1:27PM
    • EricW
      No use of banging your head against doomsday greenies.
      they will have no answer to your questions.
      On a bright note people in Tasmania seems to have woken up and realised they need jobs and not fall for folly greens agenda.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 1:36PM
    • EricW

      Why do people lie you continue with absurdity that Australia can effect climate change on it's own? Clearly it what the world commutatively can do. Compared to other nations we are doing very little given that we are the worlds greatest polluter per capita of the envireoment.

      As for Abbott's plan I suggest that read what the CSIRO say about it. In a nutshell it is grossly underfunded thus will not work. The only meaningful climate change solution is to replace the source of the pollution. I suggest that you go to

      There you will see meaningful climate change working.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 2:01PM
    • My wife informed me of this fact shortly after I posted. My sincere apologies to go to Mr and Mrs Abbott's third daughter, her children will also require a safe envireoment to live in as will every other grandchild of this generation.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 2:05PM
    • Jason

      I do believe that Tasmania has a little forest or two, right? Then pray an insect that lives in warmer climates does migrate to Tasmania as it warms and does devastate millions of acres of tree as one has done in the USA.

      This little reality escape your tiny mind did it?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 2:09PM
  • The Greens cannot complain about preference deals. They have usually done very well out of them.
    The rest of us do need to complain, and complain loudly, about being required to preference anyone in either house. We should never be put in a position where our preference vote puts someone over the line even though we had no desire at all to preference anyone. If we are to have preferences at all they should be voluntary, not compulsory.
    The political landscape would be very different without compulsory preferences and would actually come closer to reflecting the will of the people. As it is the current system can mean someone with a very small minority of the votes wields the balance of power and thus ends up being more powerful than someone voted in by a majority. We don't have to end up with a two party system under optional preferences but we would end up with a much fairer one.

    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 12:46PM
    • Nobody should complain about preferences if they didn't vote below the line! People accuse parties of doing dodgy deals with preferences ... but everyone in Australia has the choice to enter their own preferences, there is no requirement to choose a party's preferences. Plus it is very easy now with sites like

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 2:15PM
  • Well done Australia, another culture copy. It used to be Australia followed UK trends, now this seems to have shifted to US trends.
    Welcome to your very own George W Bush.

    Atypical Ozy
    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 12:46PM
  • Well, the Greens held Melbourne, and gained one new Senator. That is a modest gain, made in an election that has shown a clear swing to the "right".

    Now, where are all those commenters who have been telling me all year that the Greens would be wiped out forever this election?

    Apparently you were wrong. I'll be accepting apologies all week. Thank you.

    Riddley Walker
    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 12:44PM
    • Obviously you can't read, the Greens had a swing against them of over 3%, they only hold 1 seat. Still gloating about their success? I'd say they flopped massively but are trying keep a happy face. If I was Milne I would be very disappointed. Even preferencing climate change sceptics didn't work for them... tut, tut, perhaps next time they should stay true to their cause.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 1:42PM
    • Congratulations Melbourne on re-electing Adam Bandt - he has accomplished a lot in his first term even though he is the sole Green member in the Lower House. The Greens held this seat without getting preferences from the ALP or the LIbs because Bandt's primary vote increased significantly. I am thrilled. When I read negative comments about him and his party I just chuckle!

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 2:08PM
  • What's with the stupid, intrusive, unnecessary photos of Rudd's daughter? Get your act together Fairfax.

    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 12:43PM
  • Loving the way you display the comments i.e. 'first in first out' so the first comment we read is the current one. Fairfax hows about adopting this for all comments so those posted in the wee hours of the morning by thinly veiled party aparatchiks are virutally useless. This way we al get a fair crack at the current ones and can read back if interested. Great work Steph. Take a well deserved rest.

    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 12:36PM
  • Has anyone found Jaymes Diaz yet?
    Andy Warhol was right, but Jaymes got more than his 15's worth.

    A country gal
    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 12:31PM
    • His actions could be a forerunner of the actions of Tony and Co when climate change hits.

      Those mango's he held high last week were the lucky ones: much of India's mango crop gave up the ghost due to climate change? Rain then 120 degree F and then rain again, result so much mush.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 12:59PM
    • And you have added to it by bringing it up

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 1:01PM
    • Will go down in Liberal party folklore.. only LNP candidate to deliver a swing to the ALP at this election.

      Diaz 6 point plan
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 1:02PM
  • This too shall pass.

    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 12:31PM
  • The last election could be called the BHP election with mining company advertising against the mining tax, one if the biggest influences. This one could be called the Foxtel election with News Ltd defending the internet's threat to cable TV and associated production. Is this a trend of corporations playing in national politics?

    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 12:26PM
  • A clear victory for the Coalition, but hardly an emphatic one. While it was a resounding defeat for the ALP, it was not the rout that many were predicting. The ALP's defeat was a result of the public's rejection of the infighting and leadership tussles that we have been subjected to over the last three years. The media's preoccupation with this has created the (false) impression in some that the government was disfunctional and its legislative agenda was being compromised. Policy differences seemed to be very much a secondary issue, and did not receive the attention they were due. It was not so much the Coalition's policies that got them over the line, but more the fact that they are not the ALP. In spite of this, I expect that Tony Abbott is going to try to use his election as a mandate for all manner of regressive measures. Unluckily for him, the Senate will not be the rubber stamp he was hoping for. Instead, he will have to negotiate with a disparate group of independents and minor parties, some of which are entirely unknown quantities (the Australian Sports Party, anyone?). The people of Australia have by no means handed the incoming Abbott government unfettered power, and there is a lesson to be gained from this. While the public are prepared to give the Coalition a go (albeit with some restraints in place), they should consider themselves to be very much on trial during their initial term, and would be well advised to refrain from running an extreme agenda.

    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 12:16PM
    • pretty well spot on bugsypal....well done ...summarised well

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 12:48PM
    • It was not the rout which Labor deserved purely because of the orchestrated campaign of outright lies with which Labor and its bedfellows had bombarded. From GST to Workchoices to shutting down the ABC and ripping out the NBN, Labor embarked on one of its greatest ever scare campaigns and most sensible Australians saw it for what it was.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 12:53PM
    • The people of Australia have by no means handed the incoming Abbott government unfettered power
      But labor is now sitting on the lowest vote for 100 years , sorry but that is a rout, Labor lost 4% in the 2010 election & this time approx 6% = 10 %..A huge loss & loss of credibility,the election was Coalition Vs Rudd , not Coalition Vs Labor.. Good riddance to them they got what they deserved.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 1:07PM
    • That my friend is a realistic assessment of the situation. It is also a pity that more people did not have the courage of their own convictions and support climate change policy.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 1:08PM
    • Not emphatic? You're kidding.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 1:11PM
  • Without small business...80% of Australians would have no work.If small businesses fail, as many have since 2008, the pressures on all escalate.

    Those who just pick up a pay chq every week have no idea the anguish and risk required to keep the balls in the air when your home and to a much lesser extent, those of your employees, may be at risk if it all fails.

    ...look in your local neighbourhood, how many empty shops ...and wonder what happened to the owners of those small local businesses.

    We here in Eden Monaro are witness to countless closures, and know of many owners bankrupted and lost everything...the 'workers' just move on KMart or Woolies, largely oblivious..."Better make sure I get all that's owed to me"

    Glad it's over
    South of anywhere important, apparently
    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 12:11PM
    • what makes you think its going to suddenly get better? will Australians just go out and start spending up big on their credit cards again because LNP are in govt? no...we are in a debt reduction phase and the world and us are in slowing economic conditions....I'm sorry Tony Abbott cannot change that any time looks to be a slow recovery at best

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 12:18PM
    • You probably can't hear from there but I'm giving you a very large round of applause. As a small business owner I can completely relate to your post. It's been seven years since I took a holiday or more than one day off a month. Sometimes a pay cheque sounds nice. But only sometimes.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 12:21PM
    • As a retired small business owner and the partner of a small business owner, we did NOT vote for the coalition.
      We voted for the NBN, action on CC, equality and decency.
      Abbott is not the friend of small business he purports to be, he is the puppet of the IPA and the big end of town.
      That the Liberals are a friend to small business is a myth and a long standing one perpetrated by false history.
      What hope has small business got unless workers have job security and spare money to spend!

      A country gal
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 12:26PM
  • The saving grace is that Adam 'the Bandit' will no longer be able to hold the country hostage to the Green agenda.

    HK Voter
    Hong Kong
    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 12:10PM
    • Ha Ha Ha..
      I am sure a lot of people will agree and be relieved..
      And finally Tony can scrap and sink the carbon tax with help of Palmer, Xenephon, Motor Enthusiast & DLP

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 12:16PM
  • Not happy, Jan, as far as the election result is concerned, but thrilled at the massive thumbs-down the voters of Indi have delivered to the extremely odious Sophie Mirabella. To go from a comfortable 9% margin to wishin' & hopin' preferences save her says it all!

    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 12:09PM
  • There's an even more important role now for the cross bench to hold the government to account," Mr Wilkie says.

    Wilkie knows what problems are ahead for the parliament.......they will have to be alert to sort out the propaganda that will spew forth from the new govt

    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 12:02PM
    • they will have to be alert to sort out the propaganda that will spew forth from the new govt
      What new propaganda ?
      The sort of propaganda Labor made with Wilkie to gain his support & agreed about about limiting Pokie betting limits then reneged on it & lied to him ??

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 12:12PM
    • turning all those boats back on the M4 in know the ones causing all the congestion on the M4 and in the Nepean Hospital....surely Fiona will include such problems in her maiden speech in parliament.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 12:23PM
  • Not 24 hours into the job and the budget emergency fizzled into "we inherit a strong economy with which we can build on" and, The Carbon Tax, one of the 5 "Pillars" is not being repealed for three years. Go Tony, you can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the.........ah forget it.

    Slogans for bogans
    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 12:02PM
  • and the much hyped Wikileaks party?

    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 11:56AM
  • A bit of sour grapes from the Labor cheer squad, who will blame for labor's massive ass kicking ?, most likely Murdoch, the weather, my next door neighbors dog, Murdoch again & anyone/thing else except labor, that's the reason why they lost in the first place & why they will be in opposition for 2+ terms.. Enjoy !

    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 11:44AM
    • You forgot the illuminati, the Vatican and Cardinal Pell, the New World Order, Syrian rebels and anyone but the incompetent, dysfunctional, backstabbing members of the Parliamentary Australian Labor Party.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 12:57PM
  • So the Greens now want electoral reform because our voting system is no match for the intelligence of their voters.

    Perhaps it's simply that if more people had voted green, they'd have a better result.

    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 11:40AM
    • The irony is that it is a "backroom preference deal" that is likely to elect any Greens senator at yesterday's election, despite them losing half of their primary vote.

      None of them will get a quota on primary votes, and it is the poor ALP performance which is enabling a vote transfer to the Greens via this "backroom preference deal".

      I hope that optional preferential voting above the line is introduced, as the Green vote will then be reduced even further.

      I suspect that the Greens will be dropping this demand within a week.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 11:55AM
    • My point exactly? Stupidity is the only thing that springs to mind?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 12:03PM
  • I don't really have any problem with the Senate results as currently projected, but they are still a long way from being certain.

    It seems that Antony Green's senate calculator is being used to predict results, but even this cannot fully account for the volatility of the Senate voting process.

    First of all, only 66% of the votes have been counted so far, which probably excludes most of the pre-poll, absent and postal votes.

    Neither have any of the below-the-line preferences been catered for.

    While 66% is more than enough to make an accurate prediction for House of Reps seats, significant changes can easily occur in the senate even after 95% of the votes have been counted.

    Senators elected with full quotas (usually the first 3 of out 6) can now be confident, but the rest will probably not be sure for at least another week or so.

    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 11:37AM
  • Excellent coverage Stephanie, you must dream politics when you finally get to have a sleep.
    Just one request can the photographers please refrain from the "Lycra" and "budgie" coverage.
    Too much information.

    A country gal
    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 11:17AM
    • Ha ha - it's not our fault Mr Abbott insists on wearing it. We don't want to be accused of censorship!

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 11:52AM
  • Have a whinge all you Labor rusted ons. Even your own paper deserted you, I don't know why you keep reading it and commenting. Suck eggs

    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 11:14AM
  • Congratulations Australia, you have what you voted for. Pope Anthony, supported by Cardinal Joseph, Cardinal Christopher, Cardinal Gregory and not forgeting Sister Julie (Mother superior) who will continue to be strongly mentored by Cardinal Peel. The Catholic's triumph and will continue to be arch deniers and Liars. Denying the truth about Climate change and lying about the economy.

    Jack 63
    East Ringwood
    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 11:08AM
    • Nixon tried this argument against Jack Kennedy in 1960.
      Didn't work then, doesn't work now.

      Gold Coast
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 11:42AM
    • We accept you congratulations.
      Australia will now be a kinder fairer place after six years of darkness in which time we were run as a shelter workshop for Unions hacks.
      Now shock horror those defeated ALP hacks will have to get a proper job or will they go back to their Union job's again to represent just 13% of the workforce.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 11:43AM
    • peteract - are you aware of the irony of your statement? Yeah sure, highlighting Nixon's religious and extreme right views didn't stop him getting elected, but it also didn't stop him from being one of the most destructive influences of the last century.

      I see Abbott as more of a cross between Duba and Regan in his later years, but i agree with you there is some Nixon in there too.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 12:00PM
  • You lefties make me laugh by saying the libs WILL NOT control the Senate. They will by threatening a double dissolution and do you think those newly elected Senators are going to risk 6 years of milk and honey, think about it. Even your old mate Keating said self preservation comes first.

    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 11:05AM
    • Give it some time and I will reply with LOL because all your jobs are going. lol

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 11:08AM
    • AussieMike. Perhaps if you have been following politics as long as I have, you would realise that Senators will not cross the floor just to save their jobs. Those that do will be dumped by their parties. The new independents may well support the Government on some popular things, but not on the unpopular things.

      This will play out according to numbers and politics - and also the legislation.

      The smart thing to do is to let the revenue reduction measures get passed, such as the repeal of the carbon price, but not the spending measures, such as the schoolkids bonus, the Clean Energy Fund and the industry assistance.

      I bet Pants on Fire won't go to a double dissolution arguing in favour of taking money off the community! Especially as the 'budget emergency' has apparently passed, given the huge gap between expenditure and receipts shown in the Liberals costings.

      Tony's Pants On Fire
      The artist formerly known as Whyalla Wipeout
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 11:13AM
    • You think that Abbott will risk going backwards when his "landslide" turned into a mere 3% swing? You think he's got the stones to go to a DD when there so many independents stealing votes? You reckon he doesn't know that he won off a protest vote that wont be there next time? Abbott will talk tough but will cower at the end. And the Senate knows it. Welcome to government - it's gonna be fun to watch.

      get real
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 11:17AM
    • Many of our Senators are passionate and convicted in their beliefs. They are voted in there for that very reason. I admire that conviction and will respect our Senators for upholding their values.
      Abbott is the one who should discover the art of negotiation. A new art form he needs to acquire.

      A country gal
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 11:21AM
    • Just a little point for the vast bulk of you guys out there who don't understand double dissolutions.

      Because all of the Senate seats are up for grabs, not just half of them, a candidate has to win just over half the number of votes in a DD compared to a regular Half-Senate election.

      This means that there is a far greater likelihood of minor parties getting the balance of power after a DD than after a half Senate election.

      Tony's Pants On Fire
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 11:27AM
    • lol, do you know what happens in the senate in a double dissolution? only a half quota required==many, many more minor parties elected, meaning an even more unpredictable/hostile senate. i don' think tony's that game.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 11:29AM
    • Hey Get Real why not get real? The vote for the ALP was the lowest in 100 years. Abbott didn't predict "a landslide" the media did. Don't let reality get in the way of your distorted view.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 11:36AM
    • A dd will be different as the govt would be asking the people for a clear mandate, and that might focus the electorate from minor parties.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 12:41PM
  • There is an option in the article to watch Kevin Rudd's speech in full. For those that have had the benefit of not seeing it yet.......DON'T!!
    It is 20+ minutes of absolute boredom. I have never seen someone so caught up in his own self-importance. He made the office of Prime Minister a joke. I actually watched the speech to see if, for once, he could show humility. He failed.

    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 11:04AM
    • Suffer. I actually thought it was quite upbeat.

      I cannot remember a change in Government where the losing side was so upbeat and the winning side entered into Government with less public enthusiasm than this one.

      Tony's Pants On Fire
      The artist formerly known as Whyalla Wipeout
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 11:15AM
    • To quote Rudd from his 22 minute speech last night

      "It would be unpriministerial of me to say Bill Glasson eat your heart out, so I won't," Mr Rudd said,

      This is very reason why people hate him. I have never heard a Politician says a comment like this about an opponent they have just beaten in an election.
      This just proves what Rudd is all about himself and anyone else.
      Just get out of our lives Rudd and never come back.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 11:32AM
  • Labor smashed. No less painful because it could have been worse. September 8, 2013 day one of regeneration and reconnection to policy built on timeless and enduring values of fairness, justice, integrity, celebration of cultural diversity. While a line must be drawn for Labor under the internal divisions of the past 6 years that delivered the LNP governement and may have squandered the policy achievements of Gillard/Rudd, a line cannot be drawn under the hurt and pain until Abbott himself is brought down.

    Terrence Snedden
    Brunswick East
    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 10:59AM
  • using AFL analogy, One ruddy nerd off, one wabbott nerd on! Although I do hear that the ALP is now going to implement AFL rules to restrict the number of interchanges next year.

    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 10:44AM
  • looks like it's going to be a good result for greens in the senate, still quite early but ludlam returning in WA is a welcome surprise

    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 10:42AM
    • A halving of their primary vote and a complete loss of influence is now a "good result"? Hahahahahahaha.

      I wonder what your definition of a disaster is?

      The fact is that any Greens senators that do survive will only do so because of the collapse of the ALP vote, such that they can't even elect a second senator in several states..

      There is little difference between the Greens and the ALP anyway. They were a federal coalition and remain a state coalition. The ALP to Green preference flow will just make it even more obvious that the are two factions of the same party.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 10:56AM
    • Thank goodness for small mercies?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 11:02AM
    • I remember in the Vic state election Brown was calling it a "success" because their primary vote increased even though they failed to claim a single seat despite claims that they were a new third "force" in politics.
      Its the fact that Tasmania (population of Geelong) gets 12 senate seats is the ONLY reasons the Greens exist. Clean up that constitutional nonsense and make it a FAIR system and watch the Greens evaporate.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 11:04AM
    • Realist

      What a futuristic thinker you are. You would not be a climate change denier too would you? All of that ice melt and seas warming it is all mirage right?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 11:10AM
    • have you seen the (predicted) senate results "Greg"?

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 11:32AM
    • The predicted senate results indicate that the Greens will lose the balance of power in the senate.

      I will agree that the senate prediction is far from being firm, even if it is the best prediction that can be made on the information that is currently available.

      However, any changes from the current prediction will only make things worse for the Greens.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 12:22PM
  • Despite the Age's almost plea type pro labor editorial/advertorial labor still got absolutely hammered. I hop the Age learns a lesson as well, you in the past critisise & pontificate the evils of Murdoch for bias against Labor then do the same yourself against the Coalition....

    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 10:40AM
    • ALL papers state an editorial position on the eve of an election. Thats not bias. Thats common practice. What planet have you been living on? I "hop" you open a history book before posting next time.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 11:07AM
    • Yep. Spot on strewth. Murdoch was biased but there was a fair share of it from the ABC and Fairfax the other way......or should that be Unfairfax??

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 11:08AM
    • Are you kidding me? Most of the articles I've read have been nothing but pro liberal stuff no wonder Rudd lost.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 11:17AM
    • GOOD on the AGE a counterweight to the Americian

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 11:32AM
    • How do you explain Murdoch supported Kevin '07 & John Brumby's state Labor govt , was that bias OK ?
      Is the obvious pro labor bias OK? How about ??..7:30 report, Q&A stacking the panel with lefties..Grow up , labor lost because of disunity , disgraceful NSW labor politicians, stuffing up coalitions costings attack with Treasury denials, moving Garden Island base to cost $4billion to save qld seats etc etc..
      Good on Tony Abbott, he will go down as one of our best PM's ...

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 11:52AM
  • How fantastic is it to wake up knowing that the Rudd/Gillard nightmare is OVER!!! Even better is it to know that all the left wing morons who constantly fill this site with their hatred of Tony Abbott will have to suffer in silence now that our nation has confirmed that a Conservative party is the only choice when it comes to responsible governance.

    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 10:36AM
    • Ignoring climate change is responsible? Care to tell us what your take on responsibility is?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 11:00AM
    • Ha Ha

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 11:16AM
    • You're very much mistaken if you think intelligent Australians will sit back and allow Abbott and his team of empty heads to destroy what's left of the environment and the remnant social fabric of this country.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 11:52AM
  • One seat does not, a heartland, make Can they get more not in my lifetime I think!

    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 10:32AM
    • Wait until the heat hits and nature' s global air conditioning system stalls. Then you can brag about only one Green?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 11:06AM
    • For the last time what we can do is insignificant in solving a global problem.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 12:43PM
    • Smitz

      It's obviously escaped your attention that there is only one atmosphere and what the world does has whole effects that atmosphere.

      Although Australian's are the biggest polluters of the atmosphere we do next to nothing about climate change. We don't even produce eneogh green energy to counter our 1.3 billion annual production of Co2 from coal production.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 2:18PM
    • Steve Nosympathy

      The only difference beteen my insignificance and your insignificance mine includes scientific facts from peer reviewed data, your on the hand includes your point of view cloaked in gullibility and ignorance. Of course you could prove me wrong with a few provable facts, alas you have none.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 2:23PM
  • So looks like Victoria has elected a senator from an outfit called the Motoring Enthusiast Party. Fair enough, who are they? I am very curious. I am sent emails to be an Age subscriber once the pay wall starts. So where is the Age story telling me about this Party. All it has put up is a crumby AAP story which tells you nothing. The stories are very thin on the ground - I am not inclined to pay for three paragraph AAP stories that tell me nothing.

    w ch
    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 10:31AM
    • Good grief did they? I checked the Motoring Party out, amongst others when I printed out my "cluey voter" prefs tome.
      They are a weak lot that love roads and want lower rego, that about sums them up.
      Hardly any members from what I read.
      But that's democracy at work or a deliberate vote for an obscure small party, rather than just a donkey? the donkey vote will be interesting.

      A country gal
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 10:56AM
    • Thanks Country Gal. I voted interstate so did not see their how to vote card. I had them around number 70 when I voted. And thanks for telling me something about their policies. It's more than I can say of other sources of information.

      w ch
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 11:47AM
    • Cheers my "cluey voter" put them at 66 and 67 in my personalised deal. They were in row Z, maybe that's an answer in the madness.

      A country gal
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 12:02PM
  • Great to see the adults are back, let the kids continue to squabble in the sand pit... A decisive victory for common sense, congrats to Tony & your family

    Fitzroy, Victoria
    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 10:31AM
    • how can you be from fitzroy! oh gentrification how u have changed melbourne

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 10:50AM
    • Congrats Tony..Thank goodness u won.
      now the nation can focus on core issues (i.e) bringing budget back in black
      turning back the boats and atleast for a guaranteed 3 years forget minor party irrelevant issues like same sex marriage, imaginary climate change, etc.

      Proud Liberal Supporter
      Western Sydney
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 10:50AM
  • It is quite weird to hear and read of Tony Abbott and again the nomen of Abbott - The Coalition has WON the ELECTION - that is the reality. Personalisation is head banging of the worst kind. Listening to the delusional rants of the Greens' Leader suggests that the Member of Melbourne is able to influence legislation, is stupidity of the banal and ridiculous. The Government to be sworn in, has a defined majority and one politician shall warm, only, one seat and be inconsequential. The Senate may test the resolve of the incoming Government, but self interest and the REALITY of ALL OUT, shall temper grandiloquent posturings. People want stability and sureness of the team at the helm. The Electorate do not want another election. Those who posture shall spend an eternity of navel gazing. The new cruise liner has been christened.

    Robert - Hunter Valley
    Hunter Valley
    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 10:28AM
  • Congrats to Tony Abbott, I hope lefties realise that despite their loyalty labor's vote was the lowest for 100 years & the Coalition severely kicked the disunited labor party's collective asses, you & coalition supporters will enjoy seeing Bill Shorton as your new glorious leader..

    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 10:27AM
  • @CGC
    In his view it was & is a budget emergency, although you may disagree in your opinion, by then way why 2 weeks ago did your sill Ex Leader lie about the Liberals costings that ere denied by treasury , sorry pal these are facts ???

    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 10:24AM
  • I really enjoy reading the comments after any Labor Government is defeated. Its always the same theme. "We did not lose its just that the people are to stupid to vote for us"
    The day Labor decides to care about all Australian people is the day I will again support them Congrats to Tony and his supporters.

    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 10:12AM
    • It's "too" stupid, not to stupid, stupid. I enjoy reading comments of people who can spell.

      w ch
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 10:24AM
    • It was actually the Liberal's Billie Mackie Snedden who coined the immortal phrase about not losing, just not getting enough votes.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 10:31AM
    • Stephen is 'to' much comment 'too' much? I enjoy self-righteous people who can't spell.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 10:41AM
  • Unemployment to rise to 8% by the end of this term of government and we will go into recession by the end of 2014.

    Next time you or someone you know loses their job then you should look back on yesterday and you will get your answer why this happened.

    Northern Beaches
    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 10:08AM
    • Tell him he's dreaming! Recession? SORAGU must be alias of Wayne Swan and he never knew what the economy was doing.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 10:20AM
    • soragu - what PROOF do you have to back your ridiculous claims? You have none. These rusted on leftists are an embarrassment to all Australians.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 10:24AM
    • And that is based on what degree in economic ????

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 10:27AM
    • Remember your dismissal of my points come the end of 2014......I look forward to talking to you then!

      Good luck.....I hope it is not your job that is lost!

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 11:34AM
    • Tell that to all the workers that lost their jobs under Rudd/Gillard.... have you heard of Ford or Mitusbishi to name a few.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 1:07PM
  • Phew wiping the sweat from the forehead this morning. I woke up to find the sun was shining and the power was working and shops were even open thank goodness most people take no notice of Pen/WW/ACG/Tone/Steeden/MEH1/and of corse the biggest neg of them all J.Fraser. Get over it guys and pls get out and smile and say hello to someone or even try hugging someone :) :) :)Ahhh I love Sundays

    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 10:02AM
    • why are you on the computer pray tell?

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 10:06AM
    • The majority of negativity and sheer personal attack has been by the rabid right. "We" on the other hand have highlighted how well things have been, the seriousness of climate change and the division that Abbott and co have created over refugees and those less fortunate.
      "Blind are those that cannot see".
      it's overcast and stormy here but it's still a beautiful place. Those with next to nothing smile continuously and say hello. The monks in the temple next door are playing the most deep soulful mesmerising music unlike religious leaders like Pell who rub shoulders with the ultra wealthy and deny CC. Yes, I'll have a beautiful day but it won't be over the thought of a repressive and regressive regime at home.
      On a positive note I trust that senate still looks good and we've seen the last of nasty Mirabella.
      The Tuk Tuk driver appreciated the dozen pairs of reading glasses I gave him to share with his friends and family. A small "gift" yet we have Abbott reduce FA for the sake of a few roads or some PPL for the rich.
      Good luck with him, I'm glad I've paid my mortgage and need little to survive. That my adult kids careers are in social justice fields and not part of the "me", "me" selfish world.

      A country gal
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 10:37AM
  • Well may the burden of responsibility of the office of Prime Minister of Australia hang very, very heavily on the head of Tony Abbott.

    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 10:02AM
  • Pen your climate change, wasn't it global warming why the change ?.

    Its a shame that scientists on both side on the debate are not listened to, rather than jumping on the the side that suits your particular view.

    J Fraser moving overseas, hell that's one cause I will contribute to, oh add Bob Menzies as well!.

    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 9:54AM
    • Indeed it is global and there is only one atmosphere? Australia bending over backwards to destroy that atmosphere while ignoring its responsibilities is not only stupid it borders on the criminal.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 10:13AM
    • watch Billy Connelly's north west passage on telly?....sea once permanently frozen now all liquid water? ...mmmmmmm...sea levels to rise 80cm by end of century....get used to change people

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 10:34AM
    • JT and the self interested oil/gas miners and shipping liners think the melting is a positive. Meanwhile Alaskan Inuits are forced to relocate from their homelands and towns due to inundation from the melting ice. The USA has had their first large resettlement of residents due to CC occur this year.
      Oh, but it's not happening they say!

      A country gal
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 10:48AM
    • What green policies are going to refreeze the ice?

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 12:46PM
  • The sky is falling. The sky is falling. Really? Lets not all sit here bashing our keyboards predicting the end of the world as we know it. Whoever was elected deserves a chance to prove themselves and it would seem the majority of Australians would agree. So lets all talk a deep breath and judge the incoming government on what they actually do. Sound unreasonable?

    nicko g
    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 9:43AM
    • the tables have turned nicko.....the opposition can now pick up every little hickup the LNP do....Tony has taught us well

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:53AM
    • As is the opposition's right. I believe the coalitions criticism of the ALP was entirely fair. I would expect the ALP to play the same role and hold ANY governement to account. I just don't see the point of getting all worked up when we're less than a day in. Seems a little counter productive.

      nicko g
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 10:15AM
    • No it is not reasonable at all. Since when was ignoring certain danger reasonable? Have you no sense of reason for the welfare of all of our children?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 10:16AM
    • Well I think claiming we're facing "certain danger" is a little over the top. But I guess time will tell. I'm happy with the way I voted and I certainly don't feel terrified by imminent danger. I guess I'm just optimistic

      nicko g
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 10:22AM
    • nicko g

      Yeah, good one, nicko? Leave all the terrifying for the children to be terrified about. First class parenting skills you have, nicko. Keep up with the she'll be right mate and stuff everyone but nicko?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 11:17AM
    • It must be terrible to live in constant fear. I don't know how you ever find the strength to leave the house. And it's not a "she'll be right" attitude, it's just an opinion that we have elected a good leader and Australia will be better off. But of course you're entitled to your opinion. The beauty of living in a democracy is that in 3 years time we can all change our minds and be terrified just like you.

      nicko g
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 1:12PM
  • Great to see a man who loves his country and puts australian interests first become PM. Congrats to Abbott for achieving victory through sheer hard work.
    good riddance to the megalomaniac Rudd , his nearly half an hour long so called concession speech yesterday shows once again his narcissistic behaviour.

    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 9:43AM
    • "Great to see a man who loves his country and puts australian [sic] interests first.'

      I hate to intrude on your delusion, but since when has the inundation of all of our low laying coastal lands been in our interests. Not to mention what global warming will do to food production. The disappearance of the Great Barrier Reef.

      Have you more bright ideas that you wish to share with us?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 10:22AM
  • Obviously Shorten realises that he does not have the numbers to be leader. I'll but a bob on Albie with Tanya his deputy. Jool's may be happy with that result.

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 9:30AM
    • Pen of hrba 11.30am: I hope you are right about Shorten not having the numbers. Albanese would be a healing, stabilising influence...and HE"S loyal.

      St Lucia
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:44AM
    • What about Tanya for leader?..come on...Australian's aren't truly sexist/misogynist are they? was just Julia wasn't it? or is Tony right....all women do not have the capacity to be the country's leader?

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:49AM
    • JT

      I have no interest who leads the Labor party. I am merely stating what I believe is a likely outcome. Tanya as deputy merely compliments Labor like Julie Bishop as Coalition deputy. There has now been a precedent set to have women in their rightful place as leaders, Labor cannot ignore this.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 10:09AM
    • agreed Pen....I guess the best opposition leader of the ALP will be the one who can stand up to the nonsense of Tony Abbott the best....we don't need a meek mild nice person, but someone who can keep Tony accountable to his word

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 10:14AM
    • I hope its not Tanya...she so rudely interrupts those speaking, mumbles asides etc. Even last night she was doing the same ill mannered.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 10:38AM
    • she sounds perfect then.....

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 11:11AM
    • Tanya the standard bearer of the "hand bag hit squad"
      What will she do when Tony says or does something her she does not like?
      Cry out sexist again?
      Get more posters in her office of what Tony did to her?
      She is tied to the Rudd/Gillard era. Notice she did not resign for cabinet when Rudd was PM again only the men did.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 11:54AM
  • The real headline?
    *Minority Liberal Party forms Government with Agrarian Socialists*. Warren Truss comes out of hiding, clutching his hayseed and heavy mining manifesto. Barners lurks in the background plotting with the mad Queen of the Pilbara.

    David D
    Ettalong Beach
    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 9:29AM
  • Hooray!
    Tony Murdoch has been elected Prime Minister by the good folks in Australia!

    Perk Cartel
    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 9:28AM
  • Well done Tony Abbott...good deserve the win and I believe you will surprise many with the soundness of your leadership. Commiserations to those who support other parties. And r.i.p Bob Menzies ,whose son John, posted on another column that he passed away on Friday night. Agree or disagree with Bob..he was always a gentleman.

    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 9:25AM
    • Old Bob would be turning in his grave being mentioned in the same sentence as Abbott.
      He's about as liberal as Attila the Hun.
      The beneficiaries of his reign as PM will be Big business,and stand up comics.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:54AM
    • Wal,

      Whats wrong with Attilla the Hun ???

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 10:45AM
  • I really enjoyed and appreciated my vote yesterday.I waited a long time to have my chance at voting Labor out and it felt great to do so even though I would have preferred to vote out Julia Gillard however, it felt great in any case. Tony Abbott and the Liberal Party have given me fresh hope without so much as a policy nor a budget and I don't care. I don't want Labor rubbishing this incredible country and trashing it with their egotistical, psychotic behaviour for another moment. Tony Abbott represents Australian people, Australian families and our way of life and our culture. It is that simple. If he can stop the boats I will really be overjoyed with him. Labor refused to acknowledge these people are costing this country money - money that can be better spent on hard working families and our hospitals and small business that create jobs and apprenticeships in our local area . The boat people have been mismanaged since 2007 and have abused our kindness. I can assure you we are a most caring and loving country but we will not be taken for granted and our kindness abused. Australia is a gorgeous country with freedom I have not seen anywhere in the world - let us respect and protect our way of life for generations to come. Labor is in denial and the Australian people have spoken.

    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 9:24AM
    • If your kids are planning to live on the coast I suggest that you talk them into living in the hills. Take care?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:33AM
    • Dear Pen, why should we worry about rising sea levels when our Climate Commissioner doesn't? Rather than looking at what he says, look at what he does. Would he really buy it if he thought it would be under water?

      Wayne P
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 10:02AM
    • Wayne P

      If you believe that Flannery is wrong, then you must believe that 95% of 840 leading climate change scientists are wrong. Not only that, but the peer reviewed scientific data is also wrong.

      Personally I believe this attitude is taking denial to the extremes of absurdity otherwise unknown, and is totally beyond any kind of justification.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 10:35AM
    • Wayne P, no doubt you've heard this before but it suits your purpose to conveniently ignore it. Tim Flannery's property is on steeply rising land, so even a sea-level rise of a couple of metres or so won't make much of a difference to it.

      However I fully understand if you continue to use this argument, because facts are just so inconvenient, aren't they?

      Whitfield L'Strol
      The Cuckoo Clock
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 11:08AM
  • Lets see if he keeps his promises.
    "Not a single asylum boat will reach Australia".
    "EVERY household in Australia will have 25MB a second within 3 years of him in office".
    "Interest rates will always be lower under a Liberal Government".
    Our family does not trust this man and he does not deserve to be PM, I don't even like his 2nd in charge Mr Murdoch.

    Talk is cheap
    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 9:19AM
    • "Interest rates will always be lower under a Liberal Government". He never said that. The election is over but the dishonesty of parochial Labor/Green supporters continues.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:50AM
    • Murdoch 2nd in charge? Haha! More like Abbott is 2nd in charge behind the IPA, Gina and Rupert.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:55AM
  • Good to see the dumb lefties still spewing their scare tactics garbage.

    Why don't you all worry about the lowest primary vote for Labor in more than a hundred years.

    Or even better think about Australia and applaud the fact that we now have a Government made up of largely skilled people instead of the rabble of unionists and consistent infighting that we had before who couldnt manage a chook raffle without stuffing it up!.

    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 9:14AM
    • Ray...had you noticed that LNP had not been in govt for the last 6 years? Why weren't they? What did they do wrong? Give it another 3 years and the very small swing achieved of around 4% can be turned around easy....don't get too cocky!

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:22AM
    • Oh dear Ray! First sentence calls fellow Australians dumb, second sentence is simply completely wrong, third sentence is an obsessional grammarian's nightmare come true.
      Let me guess, you're a Tory supporter!

      Perk Cartel
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:27AM
    • Hey Ray, I take offence at you calling the supporters of the left side of politics dummies. Half the Nation didn't have the right to vote through the last hundred years: so there goes that marveling of your historical knowledge out the window. It may seem a lot of seats but the margin was around 4% not a lot to get over the moon about. I was not impressed by the vitriol expressed by tony abbotts supporters last night. We will demonstrate to the world during the next three years that we are a selfish self centred lot. There are children and infants out there in the world that will not have the compassion from Australia as those little ones have previously had. The world does not consist of just Australia. Have a bit of compassion for those who are not as fortunate as we are in this very lucky country.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 10:09AM
  • Tony's first morning went something like this

    Mr. PM-elect.. Obama is on the phone to congratulate you on your victory and to update you on the Syrian situation.. Tony... tell him I'm off for a ride and a swim...

    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 9:11AM
    • Abbott to Obama.....Syria? What's happening in Syria? If they come here by boat we'll turn them back. He he he he

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:25AM
    • Abbot will really hit the peddles if Obama mentions Australia carrying its fair share of the climate change problem.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:36AM
    • Yeah unlike Rudd who could not wait to drag Australia in to a war with Syria, Anoot's response will be measured.

      By the way Obama is well known for spending many hours on golf course during office hours.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:50AM
  • Congratulations Rupert for winniing the prime ministership for Mr Tony "gospel truth" Abbott. Australia, you have just cut off your nose to spite your face.

    Max Gross
    Sapphire Coast
    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 9:10AM
    • Grow up! Cut of your nose! 66% of all Australians disagree, the lowest primary vote and still it's everyone else's fault. Murdoch, disunity... The fact is Labour are hopeless managers. Now it's up to the Libs to do their job with our money. I'm just waiting for someone to work efficiently, manage the budgets, drive innovation, kick start infrastructure, care about the community and the environment. They will stay in for a long time!

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:41AM
    • Err, Realist - the 2-party preferred vote was 53.something% to 46.something%. That's not quite 66%. many of us didn't vote ALP 1 because of their internal divisions, backflips, poor communication, policy timidity and lousy campaign, but we sure as hell didn't put the Coalition ahead of them. The education reforms are badly needed to improve some people's numeracy!

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 10:20AM
  • Given the landslide Coalition victory, Prime Minister Abbott clearly has a mandate to: abolish the carbon tax, ban gay marriage, protect our borders and stop the illegal immigrant invasion.
    This is all reinforced by the massive decline in the Green vote, which lobbied for the opposite.

    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 9:10AM
  • Tony as PM your working starts at 6.00am in the office. Not on the bike. Mate you start @ 6.00am in the office not 11.00am

    No action Abbott
    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 9:04AM
    • Typical Labor hack comments, Fortunately we now have a PM both healthy in body and mind and I hope he continues his rigorous daily routine.
      Rudd only started to do walks to make himself look like Howard again.
      Truly Laborites need to grow up.

      Lyle Marshall
      Castle Hill
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:14AM
    • If there is a prize for the silliest comment of the day get ready to have your award pinned on you. Don't be a goose all your life. And don't forget - it's been a long time since the last once term so you should have 6 years of Tony to enjoy :)

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:14AM
    • It is how he peddles climate change.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:21AM
    • Compared to Rudd who worked insane hours and produced noting worthwhile in output.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:54AM
    • Abbot has o far achieved nothing for anyone but himself in his whole 20 years in parliament. What will change?
      Come to think of it, he's never done anything much of substance as far as work goes. Tell us all about all those long hours working to make ends meet at the seminary Tony.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 12:09PM
  • If Australia is still a fair country everyone will give Tony Abbott a chance to prove himself one way or another and have an open mind. If Australia has become a poisonous bitter country where actually think that sending asylum seekers to a dangerous place like PNG is good policy I suspect that those people will become bitter and disillusioned for the next 6 years or so under the coalition.

    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 8:55AM
    • I'll do a deal with you.

      If you take in a random family who is seeking asylum and provide as much for their day to day living requirements until they get on their feet, I'll do the same.

      We only need 40,000 volunteers a year on present numbers to take the pressure off our public finances.

      Waiting on those who want major expansion to our asylum intake to house and care for them to show they are genuine......then I'll follow suit.

      Opinion Only
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:22AM
    • An open mind? Please explain how an open mind slams shut the door to climate change policy?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:23AM
    • If you really think that Australia should cut is own throat with going it alone on taxing carbon higher than Europe which operates as a cartel with the EU then you want to see Australia die a miserable death.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:31AM
    • the_Truth

      How apt your final words? Have you thought of attending the school for soothsayers?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:55AM
    • pen - now that your mob of mere rabble are out for a good few years Australia can bloom again. What a great it is.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 10:17AM
  • Day 1 new parliament.

    "Are their any questions without notice? The leader of the opposition."

    "Thank you speaker. Speaker I move that so much of sessional and standing orders be suspended to allow the Prime Minister and the member for Fisher to fully explain to the Australian people their knowledge and involvement in what has become known as Ashbygate and......."

    For some the fun is only just beginning.

    Good for the goose.....
    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 8:54AM
    • For some the sour grapes are only beginning....

      Act Rationally
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:09AM
    • Did you happen to see the percentage vote for Mr Slipper?

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:11AM
    • Out of 67,593 votes counted so far Slipper only got 920 or 1.4%
      A fitting end to another Queenslander clown.

      Lyle Marshall
      Castle Hill NSW
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:27AM
    • For some there is dancing in the street while others played fiddles?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:58AM
    • As much as 1.4%? Now that's an issue that will grip the public's interest. Not.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 12:51PM
  • Will Tony be flying to Indonesia this week to tell them how he plans to tow the boats back? He promised that he would do just such a thing in his first week as PM - multiple times. First broken promise coming up?

    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 8:53AM
    • I've got a spare boat. What will Tony pay me for it?

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:03AM
    • The local Indonesian fisherman are busy hammering away building boats as we speak as they have just heard a cashed up newly elected PM is in the market paying top dollar for leaky boats.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:13AM
    • Darling, our good friends Rudd / Gillard have had since 2007 to figure our the boat people solution and ahhhh... I hate to say - because the issue is so serious on so many levels - nothing has been done. More people came. More people to manage and feed and medicate and house but no... no solution. We are not able to house and medicate our own. Our hospitals and our Department of Housing waiting lists are shocking. Come on - seriously. I hope Tony is able to do something I will love him for it I can assure you as this very topic is my only reason for voting Labor out and it felt great.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:45AM
  • Despite retaining Bandt, the Greens have been spanked overall. Down to about 8%.

    Is Christine Milne's leadership in trouble ?

    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 8:39AM
    • As a Palmer candidate, I found the media and commentators whom mock him are themselves the ones whom looked stupid, they laugh saying he cant win his seat or get any vote power and many other things, but never admit they were wrong when he succeeds all these matters, they are words he is action, He did get a huge national vote slice, he did win his seat and offered them a bet, he even got such huge results with a 4 month old party, hardly anyone can set up a full party this fast, let-alone get it so many votes on its birth whilst so new. Clive is far more intelligent than anyone who I've seen knocking him, they have not even backgrounded him. They are media sheep whom he keeps proving they are moronic and out of touch. Soon they might study then respect him. People in this election mostly said they want an alternative Govt, they were just whingers as they still voted the ones they hated. I shall be suggesting we merge a minor party coalition, already forming naturally and to no longer represent low performing seats like Chisholm and instead put rookies in such seats and the experienced in the more selective voter electorates, Chisholm voted LIB but got ALP on prefs a party not in power, whilst PUP will have more power via its power of balance. PUP stamped itself on the map yesterday, and will keep fighting as shall be seen in other big ways at state level

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 8:57AM
    • Hacka

      I am beginning to suspect that your point of view holds no bounds when it comes to stupidity. Don't you read science reports at all? Perhaps your only information source is Andrew Bolt care of Gina?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:04AM
    • No.

      Did you happen to notice the change in preferencing from the Libs?

      The vote went down because Labor and Lib now see the Greens as serious challengers.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:06AM
    • Brian, tell/educate Clive how the multiplier works in real life in slow economic conditions......a little different to the textbook model.....not everyone is fooled by his revolution

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:13AM
    • Hacka.. how did Abbott's strategy of putting the greens last in Melbourne go? Not too well given Bandt's primary vote was up by 10% and is set to be returned...

      Tony put green's last..
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:16AM
    • Brian, One of the most bizarrely incoherent posts I’ve ever read. How much did every vote cost?

      Already Reflected
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:16AM
    • Yes, Bandt did much better than some of us predicted, and were hoping for. But overall the Greens have gone from roughly 12% to 8%.

      Or put differently, one in every three of their voters at the last election has walked away. The clock it ticking on Milne, perhaps Bandt is their new way.

      Pen - you're post is very hard to follow - can you explain a bit more clearly ?

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:37AM
  • So let's now put pressure on Malcolm Turnbull to give us the right NBN.

    The NBN is not a budget item.
    2019 or 2021? What difference do 2 years completion time make for such a major project.

    Start emailing Malcolm Turnbull now.

    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 8:39AM
    • The NBN won't be finished for well over 10 years under the Labor plan and by the time it is finished will be redundant with the speed with which technology advances. Who needs that much speed to read their online material. It's a Royce where a Mini Minor would do for the majority.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:17AM
    • @the_Truth: what? Are you suggesting new technology will be faster than light? Yeah. Good luck with that.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 10:42AM
    • dude, not one cent to get a vote, not one donation accepted, and hopefully you learn more about politics in the interim.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 10:56AM
    • @PeterY: What? Are you suggesting that the NBN has downloads at the speed of light? Really? Yeah. Good luck with that.

      Maybe you need to google the concept of communications bandwidth.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 11:02AM
    • I and other members of my family work from our residences with and in freelance, IT small businesses.
      We need the higher upload speed to be profitable. We will, under Turnbull's scheme, have to compete with larger (though not otherwise technically better) similar businesses located in commercial centres who will get their fibre to the premises free.
      Please get onto Turnbull for us. He has admitted that fibre to the premises is superior.

      Lucy original
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 12:19PM
  • Hi Stephie

    Now I have got my last post of my chest, the next most important thing is to say thank-you to you and tour team. The coverage of the election was first class, my only regret climate change science was left in the dark.

    I trust that you will have breakfast in bed next Sunday, you thoroughly deserve it.


    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 8:28AM
    • For once I agree with the Pen.

      David Morrison
      Blue Mountains
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 8:43AM
    • Thank you! Will need to readjust my thinking over the next few days to get used to everyone's new titles.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:33AM
    • Pen, are you making a promise that this is your post if so may I say Yeah Ha!!

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 11:12AM
  • So you voted for change, that is no climate change, meanwhile a UN committee of scientists state climate change is accelerating to the extent a one metre rise in sea levels will occur in 87-years.

    So Australia will suffer tens of $ billions damage due to encroaching seas. Coastal farms and homes will be overwhelmed, many coastal towns will suffer inundation the damage and cost will be colossal.

    Now is the time of prevention and what do you do? You pay attention to a man who repeats “in three years there won’t be a carbon tax”? There never was to be a carbon tax in three years, next year it would have been an ETS, right?

    Nevertheless you cast the future of millions into the Abbott chamber of spin based on incredible stupidity, your credulousness begs belief.

    The IPCC reports synthesis the findings of thousands of peer-reviewed research papers from the past few years. It comprises 840 main authors from 38 of the IPCC’s 195 member countries including British and American scientists.

    It includes certainty that humans are the main cause of climate change has risen to 95%, from 90% in the assessment six years ago. A significant increase on the 66% certainty reached in 2001’s and just over 50% in 1995.

    Now 95% of 840 climate scientists say climate change is mainly produced by mankind using fossil fuels.

    Who produces more fossil fuels that anyone else: Australians? So you listen to a politician with an ulterior motive and ignore 840 scientists. Think about this, seriously how dumb can you be?

    There is one political party serious about climate change and you gave them one parliamentary seat?

    Basically you have all become latter day King Canute’s, who was perhaps the most stupid person ever known.

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 8:22AM
    • @"Pen"

      "Australia is open for business" Abbott.

      Some idiots think the miners are going to double production of exports and Abbott will have more revenue.

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 8:40AM
    • I just knew that Tony Abbott is single-handedly making sea level rise, just to improve his surfing. Shame on him.

      David Morrison
      Blue Mountains
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 8:42AM
    • David Morrison

      Exactly what is the point of your comment other than another infantile exercise that marks stupidity.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 8:52AM
    • ... and so, just to clear things up, exactly how much cooler is the planet because of Labor's carbon tax?

      Mt Waverley
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 8:57AM
    • J.Fraser

      Coal production has "more than doubled, from 1.7 % in 2006-07 to 3.5 % in 2008-09, making it the largest contributor to the mining sector.

      In 2011, Australia’s thermal coal exports grew by four %, relative to 2010, to total 148 million tonnes. Projections for 2012 see an increase of 10% in 2012 to 162 million tonnes, then growing at an average annual rate of 11 % between 2013 and 2017, to total 271 million tonnes by the end of the period.

      Australia’s exports of metallurgical coal are forecast to increase at an average annual rate of eight %, reaching 218 million tonnes in 2017" (Australian Coal Association).

      Will the stupidity never end?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 8:59AM
    • @Pen of hrba

      Not just that, but the Greens vote went backwards this election. Bandt is pretty much neutered now that a party has a majority.

      Calling the electorate idiots is only likely to have that trend continue. Enjoy.

      Act Rationally
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:13AM
    • So a UN committee concludes that weather changes. Really. Who knew?
      And the cure is to send more money, jobs and industry to the countries with the least environmental controls. Brilliant.
      Thank goodness Prime Minister Abbott and the Coalition federal government can now rescue the country from this idiocy.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:16AM
    • Peter

      Just to clear things up see my reply to J.Fraser just below your first comment. Obviously the obvious seems to have escaped you.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:17AM
    • J Fraser - what time is your flight booked - you were saying you were moving to NZ. Haven't you got a friend to drive you to the airport? Get over it - your team got slaughtered and you are going to have at least 6 years of the coalition to enjoy. all that bile doesn't make you sick for that long :)

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:19AM
    • Act rationally

      I prefer stating the truth. It is fact that the truth hurts more than anything else. An act of gross stupidity is an act of gross stupidity, how would you have me dress it up as something else?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:41AM
    • Greg

      You seem to be as highly informed as the run of the mill denier. Would you care to work out the disparity of funding on climate between China and Australia? In 2012 China spent $109.8 billion on green energy. The USA invested $35 billion. India set aside US $7.9 billion alone to facilitate the flow of renewable energy into its electricity grid.

      Have you any more illogic that you would like to share with us?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:51AM
    • Pen, you seem to be as highly informed as the run of the mill alarmist.
      I've been to India and China within the last 12 months. I've seen the pollution first hand. All of that alleged green energy spending doesn't seem to be doing much good. Maybe it's the use of non per capita data which leads to your misleading conclusions, or the fact that most of China's green energy funding is spent on building solar panels for other countries, using cheap labour in factories with no environmental constraints.

      It's not difficult to understand, unless you try really hard not to.

      Your mob of alarmists have had years to justify your "arguments", assisted by a gullible government and media, yet you have only convinced a small minority of zealots.

      The majority have examined the facts and made a decision. End of story.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 10:35AM
    • Now that Julia has won by 10 seats you must be very happy, j Fraser.

      Evans Yates
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 12:55PM
    • So , Greg, what exactly is YOUR decision, then? It sounds like it is "I'm just going to bury my head in the sand". Really, pathetic. You are more defeatist in your attitude than any so-called "alarmist" Greens supporters who at least want to face facts and take action. This election has made me realize that a lot of Aussies are basically selfish, ignorant cowards.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 2:30PM
  • I don't kow if this is relevant, but a small face book page called 'Dont Risk Tony Abbott' had 12000 followers pre election. A eleven pm last night, they changed their name to 'Tony Abbott - Wrst PM in Australian history' and in the last 10 hours have gone to nearly 130,000 members.

    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 8:20AM
    • I go back to 1975. And no new Prime Minister, with the possible exception of Malcolm Fraser, has taken office with less general goodwill than Abbott.

      If Labor plays its cards right (and that's a big if) they could be back in 3 years - which is not enough time for Abbott's cronies to restore all their privileges.

      Whyalla Wipeout
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 8:35AM
    • And he's not even Pm yet!! Shows stupid they are.

      David Morrison
      Blue Mountains
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 8:41AM
    • Worst PM in Australia's history when he hasn't even become PM yet and is only PM elect - what an absolute classic - the haters will be feeling miserable for a long long time.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 8:57AM
    • And my reply shows just how inept at typing I am.

      David Morrison
      Blue Mountains
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:00AM
    • Whyalla, and just like all the other rusties you still have no touch on reality. That is why your party has been thoroughly beaten.

      Already Reflected
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:03AM
    • Its just part of the grieving process...

      Act Rationally
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:11AM
    • Haters are gonna hate.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:28AM
    • Not sure what the sad people are doing on Facebook but I am happy to like Tony Abbott today I'm one happy voter - it's a big like from me.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:47AM
    • Tony has his fans, no doubt. But he is unloved for the way he got to power.

      He ditched values and Australia's national interest to get there. And his own behaviour and the behaviour he encouraged in others like Alan Jones towards Julia Gillard, whether gender-based or not struck a new low in character for the leader of a major political party.

      The one lesson from the last three years is that no matter how negative, dishonest and outright lying your opposition is, you can drag down a good government. Especially when you have a fifth columnist on the other side (I'm looking straight at you Kevin).

      There are plenty of capable people left in the Labor leadership to give Tony a dose of his own medicine - with cream.

      And he is going to have a huge amount of fun in the Senate - not. whatever the outcome, the Coalition does not have control. And Tony is very, very bad at negotiation.

      Tony's Pants On Fire
      The artist formerly known as Whyalla Wipeout
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 11:21AM
  • Sounds as if Rupert Murdoch is losing the plot. Seems to be turning into more of a bitter and twisted old man with a deluded dream for world domination.

    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 8:16AM
    • defeat Australia domination...never watch Ch 7, don't buy or read any Murdoch newspapers, don't buy Foxtel....starve him and he might go away

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 8:22AM
    • What you call world domination Rupert calls "just another day in the office."

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 8:24AM
    • And then what is going to happening is... recession, jobs loss, protests, crazy policies. Then I will type LOL told you all so and you voted for it now you have it. So lets now focus on gay marriage as well get that out of the way for better. If he says he is for the people then let's start what the people want. Majority statistics show people are fine with it.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:00AM
    • Murdoch sold out his aussie citizenship... spent millions on getting Romney over the line in the US only to have the US voters reject the Murdoch/Fox puppet... Aussies aren't as bright though...

      Go home yanks...
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:17AM
    • Here come the conspiracy theorists. Murdoch's support was the consequence of the Coalition's popularity, not the cause of it. He always backs whomever he thinks will win, as showed by his past support of Rudd in 2007 and also Labor in the UK for most of the 90s and 00s.
      Meanwhile the ABC and SBS have had a far left bias forever, and boycotting them make no difference, everybody gets taxed to fund their propaganda regardless.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:26AM
    • Greg, only in the alternative Universe inhabited by the right wing could anyone suggest that the ABC and SBS have a left wing bias. You only have to look at Chris Uhlmann's slavering after Pants on Fire when he interviewed him, or Tony the narcissist Jones's constant interruptions of Labor ministers under interview or even on Q and A to know what you said is utter crap.

      The really sad thing about the ABC, in particular, is how it failed to hold Pants on Fire and his mates to account for their dishonest. I wonder if they will be tougher when in Government.

      Tony's Pants On Fire
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 11:36AM
    • Only in the alternative Universe inhabited by the far left wing could anyone suggest that the ABC and SBS do not have a left wing bias.
      Criticism of ALP MPs or "constant interruptions of Labor ministers" does not indicate a lack of left wing bias, particularly when they are being criticised for being insufficiently left wing.
      The criticism is always from the left, regardless of the interviewee.
      Every documentary has a left wing bias, whether the topic is illegal immigration, global warming, or whatever.
      The ABC is run as a workers' collective.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 1:12PM
  • just shows that Australians aren't completely stupid.....the so called landslide didn't happen, Rudd didn't lose his seat, Bandt didn't lose his seat and the public did not hand Abbott dictator status in House of Reps and the Senate........the ridiculous crazy lunatic idiotic bills that will be put forward by Abbotts govt in the next 3 years will be able to be defeated, leaving only probably a few decent bills through. Australia wins.........phew!

    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 8:08AM
    • At least we can say that Queenslanders are a lot more stupid having given Clive Palmer a leg up to be the new clown in the Parliament. This is the State that kept on electing Joh Bejlke and this new clown worked for Joh. I just hope that Rudd resigns and allows Glasson to have another crack it and win Griffith.

      Lyle Marshall
      Castle Hill
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 8:31AM
    • The election certainly showed that Australians aren't completely stupid.

      David Morrison
      Blue Mountains
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 8:44AM
    • Clive Palmer just joins alot of clowns that were there before...and a few new ones.....wonder if Fiona Scott will introduce a members bill to catch boats going up the M4 and turn them around?

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 8:45AM
    • David Morrison

      Oh really, a close reading of my post actually proves otherwise.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:18AM
    • The fact Queenslanders are stupid is not in dispute here... they voted for one-nation remember... Big Clive needs to sit on the cross benchers now.. will be interesting to watch... Katter will retreat to his cave and lick his words as there's a new clown in the parliament.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:20AM
    • The lowest ALP vote in over 100 years is not a landslide? Hahahahahahaha!
      As for Rudd, the longer he stays in as an ALP MP the better for the coalition, who would like to extend the Rudd-Gillard era of poison for as long as possible.
      As for the senate, it's rare that any party has had full control, but the good news is that the ALP and Greens will not have the balance of power, and legislation can be passed without their interference.
      Australia wins.......phew!

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:21AM
    • Hey Greg...haven't you noticed how many Palmer people got into the Senate....and they don't like Abbotts policies....also the motorists party wont allow any stupid extreme policies through.......the LDP support gay marriage and an ETS, oppose direct action......ha ha ha ha....we are saved from Abbott by the new Senate next year....phew

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:44AM
    • Hey JT, haven't you notived that the new minor parties that may win some senate seats don't like Abbott's policies because they are not right wing enough? They make Abbott look like a soft headed leftie.

      The PUP wants more tax cuts and the LDP want smaller government and less welfare payments. The motorists will have to do deals to get any of their policies implemented.

      Abbott will be saved by the new Senate next year....phew

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 10:49AM
    • JT - you must be choking on your cornflakes this morning knowing that the forces of the left have been comprehensively defeated.

      A new era has arrived where responsible governance is the norm. Goodbye labor.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 10:49AM
    • Soon I will be typing LOL I TOLD you so.People are in for a shock soon! Your jobs starting going, crazy policies come in place all I will reply is, told you so.. You wanted it, now you got it!

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 11:05AM
    • Simon, no....very relieved actually....knowing that a small 4% swing can easily be reversed in as little as a year possibly! Not the biggest landslide you all predicted huh?

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 11:27AM
    • Not sure if you can call the second lowest number of seats, and lowest primary vote to be a success. Pretty close to a landslide.

      Me too
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 12:58PM
    • not success but not landslide me too.......landslides usually can't be turned around at the next may take two elections......but this one can....he he he and only a 3% swing in NSW....he he he

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 1:20PM
  • Congratulations Tony to you and your Family and to the Coalition. Again be a good PM Tony, be humble and fair and both an employee of the people and a their public servant.

    Far & wide, Near & Far
    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 8:03AM
    • affirmations can only go so far........

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 8:18AM
    • By ignoring climate change? Isn't that an oxymoron?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:37AM
    • Dear Pen, no one argues there is no climate change. The argument, as you would know, is what effect, if any, humans have on climate change? Once there is evidence to show that, the next question is what to do about it. If a carbon tax is the answer, can you tell me how much difference the carbon tax & green schemes will make to the temperature & over what period of time? Given it costs us $billions, we should know what value we will get for our investment.

      Wayne P
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 10:07AM
    • Wayne P

      The cost of inaction is vastly more than taking preventative action now. Think of the cost of the damage from a one metre rise in sea level alone would be?

      As for denial, you are saying that 95% of 840 climate change scientists are wrong. Do you have the credentials to prove your case?

      No? Then you are being stupid aren't you?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 10:43AM
    • Ummm I don't recognize this man and his strange family as my PM. What a shame and embarrassment. This guy is going to take us backwards 50 years.

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 11:06AM
    • You forgot to mention the environment, social welfare, education and human rights. These are the areas where Abbott has no concept or sympathy and 3 years of his government will destroy all the ground achieved by the previous govt. I hope you're happy with your decision.

      Rob S
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 11:15AM
    • Take us backward 50 years Meh 1? You should be OK then as you seem to belong much more to the 1950s than the 21st century. And Pen Why not stop exporting coal from Australia as the emissions from burning that coal overseas add more to the global CO2 concentration than does the population of Australia

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 11:42AM
    • Pen of hrba... you are an insignificant, hysterical, emotional echo, merely rabbiting mainstream statistics. You have no idea, other than has been quoted elsewhere, on the argument of climate change. Scientists have no idea, they are guessing - I would have suggested you use your own intelligence to come to a conclusion but your previous behavior suggests that would be wasted suggestion.

      Steve Nosympathy
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 1:09PM
  • New management, a new way even. Congratulations Prime Minister Tony Abbott.

    When can expect the Ministry to be announced ?

    Date and time
    September 08, 2013, 7:49AM
    • He can announce the new ministry after he comes out and explains to the Australian people why he lied about the budget emergency and has produced coatings that show absolutely no commitment to his 3 year mantra about the need to fix the economy through savings. Already full of hypocrisies!

      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 9:32AM
    • Sophie might be a glitch when arranging the deadwood.

      A country gal
      Date and time
      September 08, 2013, 10:38AM
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