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Federal Politics


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Election blog - how the day unfolded

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The campaign rolls on but Day 2 is drawing to a close.

What did we learn today? 

  • Kevin Rudd doesn't mind getting up extra early to have a debate;
  • Tony Abbott is still committed to scrapping the carbon tax (still);
  • The Reserve Bank cut the cash rate to 2.5 per cent, leading Labor to call it good news and the Coalition to label it bad;
  • Campaigning can be a tricky business, particularly when it comes to tricky interview questions (see Jaymes Diaz and David Bradbury);
  • John Howard has adjusted to life after politics and thinks Mr Abbott is ready to be PM; and
  • Mr Rudd thinks Rupert Murdoch is entitled to his views in a democracy.


Many thanks for joining me, Andrew Meares and Alex Ellinghausen and thanks to all who commented. Stephanie Peatling will be back tomorrow! Until then.


Much earlier this morning (see 9.19am post), we touched on the "debate about the debates".

Fairfax reporter Daniel Hurst has been on the case this afternoon to see if there is any update on the negotiations between the parties ... and it turns out there is not.

At the moment, Kevin Rudd has suggested a debate every week of the campaign. The Liberal Party is proposing a National Press Club debate this Sunday and then two community forums.


Transcibing is a tedious business and one of the occupational hazards of the political game. The Coalition must be in a benevolent mood, however, because they have gone to the trouble of transcribing an interview Assistant Treasurer David Bradbury did with Sydney's Smooth FM's Glenn Daniel this morning.

The interview was about interest rates but managed to get quite heated (if you think Mr Bradbury asking for the reporter's surname and if he was member of the Liberal Party equals quite heated). 

The Assistant Treasurer was trying to make the case that the Coalition believes in higher interest rates. Mr Daniel was taking issue with this, suggesting it was twisting a comment into a fact. 

Mr Bradbury holds the Sydney seat of Lindsay with a margin of 1.1 per cent.

Tony Wright has filed this piece from Brisbane which includes Kevin Rudd's frequent habit of "hair flicking".

The manouvre - which Tony describes as "dipping his head and the right hand sweeping the silvery fringe back" - has also caught the attention of the Young Liberal Movement today.

They have gone to the effort of collating Mr Rudd's flicks in a Gen Y-friendly video.



Before the campaign started, Fairfax Media reported that Labor was shipping in Obama-honed digital experts who could pounce on bloopers within minutes. Seems like they aren't the only ones.

Kevin Rudd left his media contingent (that is attached to him during the campaign) in Brisbane when he came back to Canberra for the War Memorial event. The Age national affairs editor Tony Wright tells me that they are now waiting around to take a flight to an undisclosed location this evening.

Sydney Morning Herald sketch writer Jacqueline Maley is travelling with Mr Abbott. She has been told she is travelling somewhere "cold" tonight (Antarctica?).

Election campaigns are not called magical mystery tours for nothing.

Kevin Rudd and Tony Abbott are now at the Australian War Memorial in Canberra for the opening of an exhibition on the Afghanistan War.

Afghanistan: The Australian Story presents the "experiences of servicemen and women in Afghanistan and the Middle East Area of Operations and reveals the dedication and loneliness of their families who wait at home".

Both leaders are expected to make comments after attending a Last Post ceremony.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd his wife Therese Rein and Opposition leader Tony Abbott laying wreaths during the last post ceremony. Photo: Melissa Adams

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd his wife Therese Rein and Opposition leader Tony Abbott laying wreaths during the last post ceremony. Photo: Melissa Adams

There were reports this morning (see 11.33am post) that former Rudd economic man Andrew Charlton may be Labor's candidate in the seat of Dobell - where the ALP is struggling to find someone to stand for "a new way".

But The Sydney Morning Herald's Daisy Dumas now reports that Dr Charlton has pulled out.

 It is understood he was seriously considering the option but has stepped back because of family matters.


Joe Hockey said the Coalition will provide costed policies but it will not provide "rash forecasts" like Labor.

"We will own the economy from day one, whether it's Labor's fault or not," he said.


Shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey speaks to the media at Parliament House in Canberra. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey speaks to the media at Parliament House in Canberra. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Joe Hockey said that interest rates would always be lower under the Coalition than they are under Labor (because the Coalition would manage the economy better).

But he says that they are at record "emergency" lows now becuase the economy is struggling.

There may be a bit of cake having and eating it too going on here.

Shadow treasurer Joe Hockey says all options will be considered as part of a revamped tax system.

Shadow treasurer Joe Hockey says all options will be considered as part of a revamped tax system. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

From Canberra, shadow treasurer Joe Hockey said that the cut in interest rates would be welcomed by Australians "that live every day with the burden of debt".

But he said government debt was rising, as was the unemployment rate.

"It's damn hard to pay off a mortgage if you haven't got a job," Mr Hockey said.

He said that if the economy was performing well, the RBA would not have moved today.

Last week's economic statement said that the jobless rate would climb above 6 per cent this year and next - putting more Australians out of work than at any time during the global financial crisis.

Treasurer Chris Bowen - who handed down the government's economic statement just last Friday - has also used the opportunity of his Sydney press conference to go after Joe Hockey on the Coalition's costings.

This morning on ABC Radio, the shadow treasurer repeated his scepticism of the Charter of Budget Honesty, which he argues has been "corrupted" by the Labor Party.

Mr Hockey said the Coalition will use the independent Parliament Budget Office to cost Coalition policies as well as other experts, "to make sure that our numbers are far more robust than Labor has had".

Mr Hockey also told The Guardian Australia that because the government's figures were not credible, the Coalition would not be "adding up" its policies to forecast a deficit or surplus.

Mr Bowen says the shadow treasurer is committing "not to producing properly costed policies".

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has also been going after Tony Abbott on the Coalition's budget bottom line. Labor's claim that the Coalition has a $70 billion budget black hole was rated as "false" by Politifact yesterday.



Treasurer Chris Bowen has welcomed the rate cut announced this afternoon, saying Australian families and businesses knew it was a "good thing".

"How negative has this opposition become that they seek to paint a reduction in interest rates ... as a bad thing?" he says from Sydney.

Mr Bowen says the cut means that a family with a "standard" mortage of $300,000 will pay about $500 less per month than when the Coalition was last in office.



As The Age's Economics Editor Tim Colebatch wrote today, the future of the car industry is looking increasingly uncertain. It is also another policy flashpoint for the campaign. 

Industry Minister Kim Carr pledged a further $200 million of unspecified funding for car manufacturing on Monday as Opposition Leader Tony Abbott stood by his long-held decision to cut $500 million from support to the industry.

Labor and the Coalition are also clashing over the Rudd government's recently announced crack down on fringe benefits tax.

The Coalition's Industry spokeswoman Sophie Mirabella weighed in to the car funding debate this afternoon with a media release that would win a gold at the Tongue Twist Olympics.

"Carr's Car Con Confusion" it begins, before pointing out differences between Labor's targets to have more Australian made cars sold in Australia.

Seriously, try saying that a few times really quick.



It will be economic analyses at 2.5 paces this afternoon. Treasurer Chris Bowen is due to hold a 3.30pm press conference in Sydney. Shadow treasurer Joe Hockey is in Canberra and will also comment. Expect a continuation of the debate over whether the rate cut is a sign of economic health or failure (see posts at 12.42pm and 12.56pm).

Fairfax Economics Correspondent Peter Martin explains the reasons behind the rate cut by the Reserve Bank.


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Interest rate cut to record low

Economics Correspondent Peter Martin explains the reasons behind Tuesday's rate cut by the Reserve Bank.

This afternoon's rate cut is not the first move during an election campaign. The Reserve Bank pushed up rates during the 2007 campaign.

Rates have only been formally announced since 1990, so it is possible that they have been cut during earlier election campaigns. However, today's rate cut will be the first that can be identified during a federal campaign.



Election campaign rate cut.



Coalition leader Tony Abbott has been pursuing Labor and the Greens over the "squalid deal" they did in 2010 in order for Labor to form government. As soon as the election was announced, Mr Abbott pledged that he would never head up a minority government.

Mr Rudd has said that Labor is out to secure majority government (an even tougher ask now that independents Tony Windsor and Rob Oakeshott are retiring).

But it is worth noting that in his recent book, Treasurer Chris Bowen said Labor should not enter into "formal agreements" with indies and minor parties like Julia Gillard did in 2010.

Either way, the Greens are decidedly unimpressed with the Coalition's calls. In Melbourne, Greens leader Christine Milne said the Liberal Party would not have enjoyed majority government without the Nationals.

"How many Australians have even heard of Warren Truss?" Senator Milne said of the Nationals leader.



No thanks, Kevin.


These kids at Brisbane Adventist College look as though they'd love an autograph from Kevin Rudd.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd waves to chanting schoolchildren at Brisbane Adventist College. Photo: Andrew Meares

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd waves to chanting schoolchildren at Brisbane Adventist College. Photo: Andrew Meares Photo: Andrew Meares

John Howard doesn't appear to be all that sympathetic about what happened to Julia Gillard in June this year.

"Politics is a tough game," he observes, before noting that he found Ms Gillard "quite pleasant" when they met.

On that tough game theme, Mr Howard also told the audience at the Australia-Israel Chamber of Commerce event that not everybody who comes up and asks for an autograph ends up voting for you.



Kevin Rudd has (almost) taken a tumble on the bus in Brisbane. Thankfully, a cameraman was there to help out.

Is this an omen? Bumpy roads ahead? Back from the brink?

No doubt the parties would be able to spin it in several diverse ways.


A cameraman saves Prime Minister Kevin Rudd as he fell on the media bus as it rounded a bend in Brisbane Photo: Andrew Meares

A cameraman saves Prime Minister Kevin Rudd as he fell on the media bus as it rounded a bend in Brisbane Photo: Andrew Meares Photo: Andrew Meares

John Howard is giving a glowing character reference to prime ministerial hopeful, Tony Abbott.

Mr Howard says that his former colleague is "ready" for the big gig, adding he would be a "very thoughtful, strong and compassionate prime minister".

Mr Abbott has very high intelligence and is very interested in people, former PM Howard says.

Prime Minister and member for Griffith Kevin Rudd is trying on sunnies on the campaign bus in Queensland, as his former foe, John Howard lays into him on boat arrivals.

Mr Howard says Mr Rudd doesn't even have a "skerrick" of credibility on the issue, calling it the Prime Minister's "biggest policy failure".

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd trys on a pair of cameraman's sunglasses when travelling on the media bus in Brisbane Photo: Andrew Meares

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd trys on a pair of cameraman's sunglasses when travelling on the media bus in Brisbane Photo: Andrew Meares Photo: Andrew Meares

John Howard notes that he left the economy in superb shape in 2007.

He says that Australia still has a triple-A credit rating "despite" Kevin Rudd (to hoots of laughter from the audience).

Labor honcho Graham Richardson is in the audience at the event. It is not clear whether he laughed.

John Howard says he misses campaigning and is still "interested" in the scene. But says he has adjusted to the political afterlife.

Mr Howard must have more than a passing interest in the 2013 campaign - he lost the prime ministership and his seat of Bennelong in 2007 when Kevin Rudd came to power.

As the former PM observed with a wry smile, his political career ended "abruptly".


Former PM John Howard is talking at an Australia-Israel Chamber of Commerce event at the Four Seasons Hotel in Sydney. 

Mr Howard is a key mentor of Coalition leader Tony Abbott. Indeed, Mr Abbott has described himself as the political lovechild of Mr Howard and Coalition frontbencher Bronwyn Bishop.

Ms Bishop since observed it must have been an immaculate conception.


Still on matters economical, Kevin Rudd said that the Reserve Bank made its own decisions, but nonetheless still claimed some credit for Labor. 

"Under this government, through the independent decisions of the Reserve Bank, we have had interest rates low by historical standards," he said.

Mr Rudd said that the Coalition's economic credentials were a "shambles".

However, he did not say, when asked, that interest rates would always be lower under Labor (an old favourite of former prime minister John Howard).

Mr Howard is due to make a speech in Sydney today from 1pm.

The economy is also (obviously) shaping up as one of the key battlegrounds of the campaign. Both sides have been positioning themselves ahead of an expected rate cut from the Reserve Bank at 2.30 pm today.

The current cash rate is 2.75 per cent and is tipped to go to 2.5 per cent.

The Coalition have been saying that low interest rates are - contrary to popular political wisdom - a bad thing.

As Opposition Leader Tony Abbott said on Tuesday: "If interest rates go down today, it won't be because the Reserve Bank says 'Yippee, isn't our economy in great shape,' it will be because the Reserve Bank thinks the economy is heading south."

Is that really so?

Fairfax economics correspondent Peter Martin has this FactChecker on the Coalition's claim that today's expected cut would be an emergency measure.


The 2013 election campaign is something of a "Who do you trust?" affair. Both leaders have said it's all about the T-word. 

So ... who do you trust? We have a poll right here on that very question.

To help you decide, here's a video wrap on the major parties' first TV ads of the campaign.

We are expecting both Kevin Rudd and Tony Abbott back in Canberra this afternoon for an exhibition on Afghanistan.

I know Canberra weather jokes are a bit passe, but all the same. You'd hardly call this tropical.

Wet weather in Canberra on Tuesday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Wet weather in Canberra on Tuesday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Clive Palmer, candidate for Fairfax, enters his car as Prime Minister Kevin Rudd enters his car after a debate in Brisbane.

Clive Palmer, candidate for Fairfax, enters his car as Prime Minister Kevin Rudd enters his car after a debate in Brisbane.

Both Kevin Rudd and Tony Abbott have made a pitch to supporters to give their respective campaigns some well-needed cashola. Mining magnate Clive Palmer does not appear to be as strapped for funds.

Mr Palmer showed up the Griffith debate earlier today in a slick little Mercedes - a far cry from Mr Rudd's dependable government wheels.

When Mr Palmer was asked how much of his own fortune was being spend on the Palmer United Party, he replied: "You'd have to ask my wife."

It may not come as an earth shattering surprise that Rupert Murdoch and Kevin Rudd are not exactly best pals.

News Corp had a "Kick this mob out" front page on Monday with a picture of Mr Rudd, and Mr Murdoch has recently posted a skeptical tweet about the NBN.

"Oz politics! We all like the ideal of NBN, especally perfect for Foxtel. But first how can it be financed in present situation?"

Mr Rudd brushed off the Murdoch barbs on Tuesday, observing that the media honcho was entitled to his views.

"In terms of his views, and his determination to see Mr Abbott elected as Prime Minister ... it's a free country, he's entitled to those views," the Prime Minister said.

"And I'm sure he can see them with crystal clear clarity all the way from the United States."



Prime Minister Kevin Rudd with Deputy Prime Minister Anthony Albanese at a media conferencebin in Brisbane.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd with Deputy Prime Minister Anthony Albanese at a media conferencebin in Brisbane. Photo: Andrew Meares

The Liberal Party's candidate for the Sydney seat of Greenway has had one of the first bloopers of the 2013 campaign.

As The Sydney Morning Herald reports, Jaymes Diaz had a particularly excrutiating interview with Channel Ten on Monday.

Mr Diaz had some issues remembering the six-points of the Coalition's six-point plan to stop the boats.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd wasn't keen to make hay out of the incident today, telling reporters that campaigns were a "rolling challenge" and that he was sure that some of Labor's candidates would make mistakes too.



Kevin Rudd has been asked about reports that his former economic advisor Andrew Charlton may stand for the ALP in Dobell.

Mr Rudd simply replies: "I'm sure we'll have a first class candidate by the time nominations close."

According to the AEC, nominations for the federal election close at 12 noon on August 15.

You may also remember Dr Charlton from the 2009 utegate affair and his run in with former Liberal leader Malcolm Turnbull.


Kevin Rudd and Albo are putting the case that Labor offers a "new approach" for the future - pointing to Labor's investment in the NBN and commitment to Cross River Rail in Queensland as key indicators.

Notice how this ties into Labor's election campaign slogan, "a new way"? Tidy.


Prime Minister Kevin Rudd with Deputy Prime Minister Anthony Albanese in Brisbane.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd with Deputy Prime Minister Anthony Albanese in Brisbane. Photo: Andrew Meares

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd is checking that everyone is ready to rock n' roll in Brisbane.

Deputy Prime Minister Anthony "Albo" Albanese is by his side, along with Labor candidate Fiona McNamara.

The seat of Brisbane is held by Liberal National Party MP Teresa Gambaro on a margin of 1.1 per cent.

It's a seat the ALP well and truly have it's eye on.

The Twitter spam

The Twitter spam

Twitter isn't always a warm and fuzzy force - for anyone jumping for joy about 2013 being the social media election.  

The Australian Electoral Commission found out the hard way after its Twitter account was hacked.

About 250 users were sent a span message this morning, which read: "I found a funny pic of you!"

The Age online reports that the AEC was taking "appropriate action" and that it was an "isolated Twitter incident".


Tony Abbott is having a bit of a dance around the topic of Craig Thomson.

"The less said about the former Labor member, the better," Mr Abbott observes, before adding that Mr Thomson "characterises and symbolises" the last six years of Labor government.


Tony Abbott campaigning on the NSW Central Coast - first stop with the Florimo family of Wadalba.

Tony Abbott campaigning on the NSW Central Coast - first stop with the Florimo family of Wadalba. Photo: Ryan Osland

Tony Abbott says it is a "pleasure" to be in Dobell where he spent the morning with a "typical" Central Coast family.

He says that for the average family in Australia, costs are going "up and up and up".

Once again, the Coalition leader repeats his pledge to scrap the carbon tax if he wins government.

This, he says is all part of the Coalition's "positive plans".


Tony Abbott campaigning on the NSW Central Coast - first stop with the Florimo family of Wadalba and Liberal candidate Karen McNamara.

Tony Abbott campaigning on the NSW Central Coast - first stop with the Florimo family of Wadalba and Liberal candidate Karen McNamara. Photo: Ryan Osland

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott is in Dobell. You may remember this NSW electorate as the one held by beleaguered Labor MP-turned-independent Craig Thomson (on a margin of 5.1 per cent).

Mr Thomson is standing in the seat as an independent, but Labor finds itself at the start of the campaign without a candidate.

Fairfax political reporter Heath Aston has this report about the current state of affairs.

Karen McNamara, a Red Shield Appeal coordinator is the Liberal Party's candidate.


Therese Rein, Kevin Rudd's wife, has also been up early. And keen to record the moment for posterity.


Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's wife Therese Rein snaps her husband during his electorate debate.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's wife Therese Rein snaps her husband during his electorate debate. Photo: Andrew Meares

Greens leader Christine Milne is also on the campaign trail today. She starts her day in Melbourne where she'll launch a high speed rail initiative with deputy Adam Bandt.

Fairfax chief political correspondant Mark Kenny has reported on the rail plan, which would offer speeds of 450 km/h.

The Greens are fighting hard to hold onto Bandt's seat of Melbourne and their majority in the Senate, with concerns senators Sarah Hanson-Young and Scott Ludlam will struggle to hold on in South Australia and Western Australia.

The Age's National Affairs editor Tony Wright has been keeping an up-close eye on Kevin Rudd. Tony has filed this report on the morning's debate, featuring all the players.

That includes, "Geoff the Green", Dr Bill Glasson and Karen Hunter of Palmer United.

As Tony notes, the debate sure kicked off early. Indeed, it was all over by 8.50 am ... for most people, the normal workday hasn't even started by then.


Dinosaur promoter and leader of the Palmer United Party, Clive Palmer, was also present at the Griffith debate this morning.

PUP is hoping to win big in Queensland (and indeed, around the country, given that Palmer has previously talked of his prime ministerial ambitions).

The mining magnate wasn't there just to watch. He has also challenged Kevin Rudd to a debate, accusing the PM of being "terrified" of debating him.

"Why won't Kevin Rudd debate me? Because he's terrified. He's not terrified of me, he's terrified of facing the reality of our economy and what we need to do to get people employed and investment [going]."

Mining magnate Clive Palmer at the debate in Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's electorate of Griffith in Queensland.

Mining magnate Clive Palmer at the debate in Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's electorate of Griffith in Queensland. Photo: Andrew Meares

Kevin Rudd has begun his day with a spot of early morning election debating in his electorate of Griffith. He may be Prime Minister but he's also a local member too.

He's been up against Liberal National Party candidate Bill Glasson - which has given Mr Rudd a chance to rib Tony Abbott about the fact that the Coalition Leader hasn't agreed to his ideas about the leaders' debates.

The "debate about the debates" is a classic of the election campaign, particularly in the early stages.

But that doesn't mean it is unversially loved. Some, such as Rob Oakeshott, who is busy packing up his office in the NSW electorate of Lyne, find it very tedious.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd with LNP candidate Dr Bill Glasson at a candidates debate for Mr Rudd's seat of Griffith.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd with LNP candidate Dr Bill Glasson at a candidates debate for Mr Rudd's seat of Griffith. Photo: Andrew Meares

Good morning and welcome to Day Two of the 2013 federal election campaign. Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has kicked off his day with a bit of debating in his Queensland seat of Griffith (more on that presently). Opposition Leader Tony Abbott is on the NSW Central Coast, after spending last night in Sydney.

I am filling in for Stephanie Peatling today, as she takes a well-earned break, and we look out for more wrangling between the parties on cost-of-living issues. There's even a Reserve Bank announcement on rate cuts due this afternoon.




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  • Surely Labor has known since April 2012 that they'd need a new candidate in Dobell.

    It's clear the voters of Dobell needed a new way right then.

    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 2:48PM
    • Labor lost Dobell as soon as it was revealed the ALP were paying Thomson's legal bills to protect Gillard. They may as well not bother putting up a candidate.

      Tim of Altona
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 3:34PM
  • Abbott if you are fair dinkum you should have a debate with Mr Rudd. To date I am confuse about your policy, do you actually have one! Apart from scrapping carbon tax or towing the boat away. How will you tackle climate change issue if you scrap carbon tax, we would like to know your vision? Towing boat away when is safe to do so, what do you mean by that? If you were on one of the boat and Aus Navy was to tow your boat away what would you do? This is not a good policy and definitely not a fair dinkum policy.
    Under Coalition government there is no spending what good of achieving surplus while our public school and health care system is in a shamble?
    Labor spending for school is definitely a positive gesture. We all made mistake and even under Howard government he made a mistake for introducing work choice policy, that's definitely not a fair dinkum policy. I hope Labor won this election as I would like to see more creative policy approach.

    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 2:28PM
    • And you guys want me to vote for what this person believes in? I rest my case.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 2:39PM
    • You gotta love Hockey for the comedic effect at least...A man who can contradict himself not just in the same day, but often in the same sentence!

      "We will be responsible for the economy from day one, even if we do blame everything on Labor for years to come..."

      tim bob
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 2:54PM
  • Just listening to Hockey talking up Liberal economic management and trying to rubbish the current economy. If he is fair-dinkum about managing the economy as he says the Libs are then this country is in for the biggest recession since the 1930s. Cannot believe that people, including many of the commenters on here, think that anything he says actually makes sense, let alone misrepresents the current circumstances so blatantly falsely. Anyone with any common sense, not blinded by party ideology that is, can see exactly what a joke he is, and his party is, on economic management. If it wasn't going to make such a mess to the country and lives of its people - exactly what Rudd stopped in 2008/09 - then I would wish the Australian people to vote them in and learn the hard way. In this election, whichever way they vote, the Australian people will get EXACTLY WHAT THEY DESERVE when they vote on 7 September. Driving structural change in this economy should be done with open eyes and flexible management, not blind ideology and massive budget cuts through austerity programs that will strangle a fragile economy. If people can't see that, then pity this country in coming years. Look to what austerity did to Greece, Spain, Ireland, England, etc, etc, then listen to EXACTLY what each side is proposing and use your common sense to interpret what is being said and how it will affect the country. Then vote and don't whinge about the result in three years when you are unemployed and I buy your house for 60% less than you paid for it.

    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 2:25PM
    • Lionel is one the money.

      And now, some wise things spoken by Hockey of late….

      "We will [be responsible for] the economy from day one, whether it's Labor's fault or not,"

      “Extra taxes on tobacco will only end up hurting pensioners who smoke. [We already have lung cancer for that!]”

      “The lowered interest rate is a sign that the economy is performing poorly due to poor Labor management…[then later in the day]…The interest rate will always be lower under Liberal”

      tim bob
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 3:06PM
    • Lionel, it is obvious that you don't understand that it takes time to kill small business. But Labor is doing its best to do so and after 5 years are beginning to succeed. And the inevitable result is job losses. Small business is the biggest employer in the country and the most under-represented. Labor and the unions always have their policies firmly focussed on the big end of town, completely ignoring the collateral damage their policies have on small business. The regulatory imposts added by a monumental amount of new laws passed by Labor are causing small business to stop hiring, defer investments and in some cases move work overseas. No matter what, once job losses start in the small business sector, it will have a snowball effect through the entire economy. There is indeed no joy in low interest rates if you don't have a job to service the loan. What we need is in fact a very positive step of repealing a ton of over-regulation by Labor and making it simpler and more efficient to run a small business.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 3:19PM
    • Timbob....Yes I too saw Hockey's comments about pensioners and smoking. Disgraceful.

      How low can Hockey go
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 3:37PM
  • Lowest interest rates since 1959. Who was P.M. then? Will Abbott and Hockey claim that the interest rates were at Emergency levels under Menzies?

    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 2:21PM
  • Mr Hockeynomics said: "the cut in interest rates would be welcomed by Australians "that live every day with the burden of debt".

    What about Pensioners who can't make ends meet??

    But he said government debt was rising as was the unemployment rate.

    And the Public servants you plan to sack will not add to this unemployment figure, correct?

    "It's damn hard to pay off a mortgage if you haven't got a job," Mr Hockey said.

    Tell that to the 12,000 government servants you plan to sack.

    He said that if the economy was performing well, the RBA would not have moved today.

    Can't win. If it had risen, you would have said Labor are bad financial managers.

    You know what Joe. I don't believe it too.

    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 2:19PM
    • In 2003 we had a 20 million population with a 132000 strong public service sector. By 2012 the population had increased to 22.6 million and the public service increased to 168000. Therefore in percentage terms over the period 2003-2012 our population increase equals 13%, while the public service increase is 27.27%.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 2:26PM
  • The interest rate cut is not necessarily good news overall. Banks are fighting for a smaller pool of new borrowers, with the annual growth of outstanding home loans falling to the slowest pace since at least 1977 as Australians repay debt and boost savings. The annual rate was 4.9% as of July, compared with 14% in 2006. This means banks have less money to fund investment. Furthermore the mortgage rate may have already reached the point that banks will not reduce it further irrespective of what Bowen does.

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 2:14PM
  • $500 per month? The whole cut of 0.25% is only $750 per year. Has this been misreported or did the Treasurer make a gaff?

    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 1:56PM
    • If the govt can get a headline out of this, never mind what is the correct figure - can't understand why the journalists are not pulling them up on these inaccuracies - more spin and deceit from the govt

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 2:15PM
    • The news was misreported.
      What Treasurer Chris Bowen actually said was :
      "This cut means that a family with a standard mortgage of $300,000 will now be paying around $500 less a month and $6,000 less in annual payments than when the Coalition was last in office," Mr Bowen said.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 2:57PM
    • I may be saving money on the mortgage, but it's flying out the door at a greater rate of knots due to skyrocketing cost of living increases (water, electricity, PHI, rates etc. etc. etc.). What has Labor done to arrest that flow? Carbon Tax? Increased Medicare levy? Reduced PHI rebate? Nope, nope, nope...

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 3:15PM
  • Can you imagine the spin and rubbish Bowen and Rudd would be saying if rates were down to 0% like Japan was until recently. They could come out and say that they have forced the banks to give money away for nothing in return. Happy days ALP and their true believers.

    enough is enough
    Labor party La La Land
    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 1:51PM
  • looking at this blog and all the pictures of our Kev I can only assume Judith loves kevin xxxxx

    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 1:30PM
  • The question asked of the prolific "Pen of hrba" is why .... if he doesn't believe in voting ... is he posting so much anti labor propaganda ?

    A little insight as to why he is suddenly so virulent .... all day long.

    As opposed to his usual late afternoon jaunts.

    J. Fraser
    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 1:26PM
    • Still standing by the infamous 10 seat victory to Julia Gillard? oops, she's now gone so I suppose that the 10 seats went with her. Any tips for the mug punters at Doomben this weekend?

      enough is enough
      Labor party La La Land
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 1:53PM
    • J.Fraser, Until you answer my simple question regarding the Labor MP s who refused to work with Rudd you have no right complaining about anybody.
      Another question for you, was it alright for Rudd to accept a free trip to Germany from a company that makes machinery for the Tobacco Industry.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 1:58PM
  • With being an Australian citizen, with the right to vote, is the reality of accepting that freedom demands responsibility, in the exercise of freedom. Mock and humiliate that right, is the act of the self-righteous, ever seeking and demanding, that the act of negation, the active expressiveness of any acceptance of social responsibility, is an act that ought to be lauded. It takes courage to accept and promote the right to vote. Negating that intelligent character is the ultimate unintelligent act of the irresponsible, pretending to be intelligent and caring for others.

    Robert - Hunter Valley
    Hunter Valley
    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 1:16PM
    • Reading this are you "Pen" ?

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 1:28PM
    • You still have to explain why voting for parties which advocate telling lies is not a responsible course of action whereas voting for parties which advocate telling lies is irresponsible. What yo are trying to do is to turn ethical behaviour into unethical behaviour, which is clearly a nonsense.

      I suggest that you read up on practical ethics.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 1:36PM
  • I cannot think of any reason why I should vote for any person who supports lies, deceit, spin and uses dishonest practices as some weird form of integrity. The law states that we do not support wrongdoing or wrongdoers. I am merely choosing the right to support not only the letter of law but the spirit of law by refusing to vote for this pathetic rabble standing for re-election as none can speak for any length of time without kicking truth into the mud.

    I am told that by my action of refusing to vote I am indulging “oppression and hatred of freedom.” Further that I am guilty of “a saddened case of irresponsibility, arrogance and utter disregard to the dignity of having freedom of choice.”

    It is my freedom of choice not to vote? Not only do I advocate not to vote I urge others to do the same, that is unless they can explain why they intend to vote for people who tell lies and how it is morally responsible to do so?

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 12:38PM
    • As this is a political blog I wonder why you are even posting.

      Even more I wonder why you are getting posted.

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 12:48PM
    • Settle down, Pen. Neither I, nor anyone else, can stop you lodging a spoiled ballot and therefore making an informal vote.

      But just remember, people are dying in the streets in many countries for the right to vote for whoever they want. If you don't like what is on offer, just remember that you have the right to stand for election yourself. That is a right that people in too many countries do not have unless they agree to be lackeys of whatever dictator is in power (e.g. Putin).

      Whyalla Wipeout
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 12:56PM
    • It is illegal not to vote or to deface the ballot paper or otherwise not vote correctly.

      So your protest will have to go unnoticed.

      Just draw your line or put 2s in all the boxes in the privacy of your voting booth, fold the paper and quietly put the paper in the ballot box.

      It is called voting informally, and if you were in my electorate, it would have no impact on the outcome whatsoever.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 1:02PM
    • J.Fraser and Whyalla Wipeout

      My post replies to a comment of me made by others below.

      Neither of your comments addressees why anyone should have to vote for those who advocate lies, deceit, spin, and using dishonest practices as a weird form of integrity.

      For example Labor has literally wasted billions of tax payer dollars by lying about climate change. The coalition policy on climate change is a lie. I consider climate change to be the most important policy of all even though I will dead soon (I'm 71).

      So why should vote for them when there is no moral or ethical reason to do so?

      The Greens stood by and watched Labor perpetrate its evil doings, so they deserve nothing from me.

      Unless you can show how liars deserve to be voted into national parliament I suggest that you two get a grip.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 1:14PM
    • TiredOfSpin

      No you can be fined for not turning up to vote or not submitting a postal vote. I intend to turn up the my polling station and submit my ballot papers without anything written on them other than the reason I have done so. The reason is noted and past on, but my ballot papers are not counted as part of the vote other than being informal.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 1:24PM
    • It's called cutting your nose off to spite your face Pen. You get a chance to influence the outcome, so use it. Don't like pollies, then organise and take over a party or start a new one. Good luck.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 2:21PM
    • Norm

      I can only assume that you have trouble understanding the English language. Pay attention, what is the point of voting for a liar?

      You have to respond to this question and nothing else.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 3:12PM
    • "The law states that we do not support wrongdoing or wrongdoers"

      If you have proof of a crime, report it to the Police. And I am not sure of what law that specifically is, your meanderings about what is, or isn't, lawful would make you a poor advocate for either the defense or the prosecution.

      Can I just say that we won't be voting for Jesus H Christ himself in any electorate in Australia in the near future. That absolves us of the worry that anyone we do pick may be a less than perfect human being and maybe prone to human imperfection. Even the last Pope turned out to be a dud choice, but that hasn't caused the planet to stop spinning.

      And can I also add that if you don't intend to vote on the day as some sort of protest, you are actually the one who is the wrongdoer. Failure to attend a voting station is punishable by a fine. And you called me 'gullible'.

      Caffetierra Moka
      Sector 7-G
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 3:46PM
  • Rates down 25 points. Economy must be in trouble !

    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 12:31PM
    • Families jubilant !

      Joyous homeowners spilling out into the streets cheering the Labor government for "keeping rates lower".

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 12:39PM
    • Depends who you want to believe. Rudd, Gillard, Swan or Bowen. They've all held every position known to man on the economy.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 12:43PM
    • why wouldn't they leave it till after the election to see if the economy sparked up with whoever wins? you have millions of people living off their savings and pensioners having to tighten their belts now that an incentive to spend and make the economy recover if ever I didn't hear one. people aren't spending because they have no faith left in the last Labor after the 3 year Gillard debacle. I'm not saying the next but hey the FBT and $500 million promised yesterday with no plan!!! it does make you wonder

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 12:44PM
    • Mr Hockey says the expected cut shows Labor has lost control of the economy.

      And some people thought Joe was an economic dwarf.

      Well ..... very few ..... the vast majority know he is.

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 12:45PM
    • Retirees downcast

      Angry retirees spilling out into the streets condemning the Labor government for "keeping rates lower".

      Life just got harder for our pensioners.

      Tim of Altona
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 12:48PM
    • J Fraser- the bank has continued to cut rates to stimulate the economy - it is not working thanks to the lack of confidence in the current govt - good for homeowners but what about self retired people - too bad for them

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 12:49PM
    • Labor - the only mob that claim credit when interest rates go up (due to strong economy and their good economic management) and when the interest rates go down (due to to strong economy and their good economic management) - You can't have it both ways!

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 12:58PM
    • J Fraser,

      The 66% who do not have mortgages are not dancing in the streets.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 1:00PM
    • The economy is in trouble because of the past three Labor governments; the rudd government, the gillard government, and the latest rudd government.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 1:36PM
    • John Howard boasted about keeping interest rates low. Surely we're not seeing Liberal supporters talking about low interest rates being bad!

      Of course low interest rates and high interest rates are both mixed bags and the government of the day shouldn't get either credit or blame for the interest rates, just as they shouldn't get the blame for a global boom OR a global downturn they had nothing to do with. Only for how they manage the circumstances they are dealt.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 1:37PM
    • reference the Live stream @ 4.11pm

      Mornington Peninsula
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 3:11PM
  • Tony Abbott with a "typical" Dobell family: A family with a child who is wearing the uniform of the local expensive grammar school. They aren't what I call the real battlers of the electorate, that is for sure!

    Central Coast
    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 12:17PM
    • Just because a family choose to send their daughter to a private school (if your assertion is correct in the first place) does not make them well off or not typical. Many parents make significant sacrifices and struggle to try and give their kids a better education. Many struggle week to week. Get out of your socialist mindset and see what's happening in the real world.

      Tim of Altona
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 12:53PM
    • Petty politics of envy?

      Ever considered the parents work 2 jobs each to send the child to an "expensive (sic) grammar school" ?

      Lift your head above the nanny state for just a second and your opinions may mature.

      Louis Cypher
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 12:55PM
    • Would you send your daughter to a Public school, when you could send her to a Private school where she will get a proper education.
      Don't buy Beer and don't play the Pokies and you can afford it.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 2:11PM
  • How irresponsible of Rudd to be standing when the bus is in motion. What would have happened if it had to brake suddenly.

    Lyle Marshall
    CAstle Hill
    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 12:09PM
    • Oh perish the thought.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 12:17PM
  • Hmm, 18 kids looking down at Rudd and only 7 waving: 38.8% he'll have to do better than that.

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 12:06PM
  • What kind of road safety message is Kevin sending our kids here? Standing up on a moving bus should not be something a supposed role model does - especially not when there is a perfectly good empty seat right behind him.

    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 12:02PM
  • Why does Rudd's hand make him look like he's fumbling?

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 12:01PM
  • Kev talks about Abbott's negativity. All I have heard from Rudd, Albo and Shorten is negativity about Abbott non stop today!
    Shorten was quite hysterical with his negativity.
    The journo's don't even ask questions about Abbott but all they want to do is talk about Abbott and demean him.
    A new way Kev? And you call Abbott negative. Get real please.

    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 11:53AM
    • The opposition's "negativity"- a three word slogan- has always always been just a Labor insincere charge to hide its own weaknesses.

      David Morrison
      Blue Mountains
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 12:17PM
    • Sorry David, I must have imagined the way the Coalition have campaigned on fear every step of the way. Fear of asylum seekers, fear of the mining tax, fear of the carbon tax, fear of "faceless men"- they're lost without a bogeyman to blame.

      They've got no new ideas for the country. Just undoing things and fearing things. Even on education the best they could do is accept Labor's plan (after trying to throw the fear at that for a few months).

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 1:33PM
  • Abbott may well be the political love child of Howard, but he is the spiritual love child of Pell.

    A country gal
    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 11:50AM
    • What a stupid comment...Christians (and I'm not amongst their number) are easy targets aren't they? Lazy drivel.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 12:27PM
    • None of what you assert alters the fact that Tony Abbott will be the new the PM after Sept 7. Give him a go, you never know, you may well end up supporting him.

      Tim of Altona
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 12:32PM
    • Difficult to deny a truthful observation.

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 12:43PM
    • A Country Gal,

      Please tell us where Rudd does his exit interviews on Sundays. There are more Catholics in the Labor Party than any other party. Remember the ecumenical epiphany we had be told about when Rudd dreamt one night that he suddenly supported gay marriage, but has done nothing more about it.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 12:48PM
    • Country Girl and Fraser

      The right and left hemispheres of enlightened rational discourse.

      God the next five weeks are going to pass slowly.

      Louis Cypher
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 12:59PM
    • Atheists are the new religious nutters. When you are old and on deaths door believe me having worked in palliative care you will begin praying or wish you had faith.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 1:26PM
    • Genghis, No not for me. I've seen my fair share too. My vegative Mum lingered and suffered far too long due to a religious Dr. My lifelong atheist Dad chose when he had had enough, thankfully he still had his faculties and ability to make his own decisions. Both were in palliative care but with completely different outcomes.
      Kudos to you though for working in PC.
      My other reply has gone AWOL?

      A country gal
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 1:41PM
  • Pen of HBRA ought to be ashamed of a neglect to vote properly. Many people would be privileged to have the opportunity of voting and determining the future of a country. To Pen, though, a mocking travesty of freedom and responsibility, is the legacy, that Pen leaves in a miserable attitude to the right to vote. Perhaps Pen may seek to revoke his Australian citizenship and be a sad entry in other regimes of oppression and hatred of freedom. Pen is a saddened case of irresponsibility, arrogance and utter disregard to the dignity of having freedom of choice.

    Robert - Hunter Valley
    Hunter Valley
    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 11:42AM
    • If you wish to vote for people that lie to you then be my guest. Personally I think it is the act of a gullible idiot akin to sheep.

      "He goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice" (Jn.10:4).

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 12:16PM
  • Kev's just taken his biggest selfie ever. Was that a NewsCorp photographer?Hope ComCare has Kevvy covered.

    enough is enough
    Labor party La La Land
    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 11:41AM
    • Yea he's pretty late to the party. Abbott got one of himself at the meatworks the other day. They must bring that one of Abbott out with the speedos. That'll win votes!

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 11:57AM
    • @"enough is enough"

      Tell us more Ken.

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 12:22PM
    • Dear Fraser- are you ok? from Not Ken

      enough is enough
      Labor party La La Land
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 1:48PM
  • Did Kev fall off the bus ?

    Maybe he doesn't have a plan for those obstacles..

    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 11:40AM
  • Photo at 1.23pm -

    "I'm Kool Kev, I'm the real deal"

    Tim of Altona
    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 11:39AM
  • Kevin Rudd - calls the election without checking labor had candidates pre-selected. Another half baked plan going pear shaped from Krudd.

    The seats are O'Connor, Parkes, Dobell (currently labor held) and Grey.

    As always, too much posturing by Rudd, and not enough thought about detail.

    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 11:31AM
    • Kevin is only interested in Kevin. All talk and photo shoots and no substance. He's a media tart not a Prime Minister.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 11:41AM
  • Howard will be sought out for comments about Abbott's thumping win on election night but what about Truthful Julia? Surely she'll be sitting next to Richo on the panel talking about the good old days and what could have been.

    enough is enough
    Labor party La La Land
    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 11:14AM
    • Jules will probably be doing what she always does, blaming someone else.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 11:31AM
    • EiE - isn't it funny how both our prospective PM's are channelling Howard.

      Sadly for Kev, it''s unlikely Johnny will provide any endorsement for him. More like scorn.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 11:37AM
  • Liebral shills are out in force today. Col et al have the overtime budget in overdrive.

    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 10:43AM
    • Yes I am 100% sure that the NLP will not ever bother campaigning and will just use the comments section of the SMH to bolster T.A. as the next P.M, how can they possibly win when there are geniuses like you around pointing this type of thing out to everyone, we must all be blind or paid but now you have noticed we can all vote for Kevin and be happy little vegimites!!

      White Elephant
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 11:18AM
    • Ok, apart from the fact that I intend not to vote for anyone for the reason that I refuse to support anyone who lies, point to where I have told a lie and I will donate $20 to a charity of your choice.

      Go ahead make my day.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 11:22AM
    • white elephant; another liebral shill getting peanuts from, col. the organ grinder.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 12:24PM
  • So we have a new approach, and a new way - what do we call the last 6 years then?

    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 10:31AM
    • @null, like all things labor do, the last 6 years was the wrong way.

      Also, isn't 'A New Way' a three word slogan? Oops.

      And since when does an incumbant government preach about voting for 'A New Way' - that is generally a call to change the government.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 10:49AM
    • kp don't waste your time pointing out that Labor is just as bad when it comes to slogans.

      All Labor have to attack the Coalition with is this slogan business, that's how desperate and pathetic they are. ALL political parties use slogans.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 11:30AM
    • Still waiting on Liberal Party policy adrian. Abbott promised us. Still waiting. Not going to break his promise is he?

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 11:59AM
  • It would appear that Rudd is relying on myself and my fellow smokers to save the economy. Normally, I would just happily pay the tax increase and do my part but as cigarettes have now become exorbitantly expensive, I am now obtaining them from the black market at less than half the retail price with no tax going to the government, and I get to look at pretty, colourful packets(like that makes a difference). Oh well, at least I will be recorded as another Quit statistic I suppose.................

    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 10:31AM
    • So you advocate smokers continue being the multi million dollar impost on medical resources without paying? Some may consider this attitude of yours greed not to mention that it stinks to high heaven.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 10:55AM
    • Pen of hrba, the Government gains more revenue from smokers than they cost the health system. As Rudd's price hike clearly shows, the Government gains more from smokers continuing to smoke, than if they quit. If the Government were to make the sale of tobacco illegal, i would quit tomorrow.
      As for what others might think, i am unconcerned, as i do not allow my habit to encroach on other people's right to be smoke-free, and i have proportionately paid more tax than most other Australians.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 11:05AM
    • Not to mention the littering.

      How hard is it to walk 2 metres to deposit your cigarette in the nearest bin instead of grinding it under your heel and leaving it on the ground?

      Surely, nicotine patches and nicotine gum cost less than $2,000 each and every year.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 11:07AM
    • Tristan, its even easier to just put your cigarette butts back in the packet, as I do.
      As for Quit options, if the sale of tobacco were made illegal, it would cost nothing to quit.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 11:21AM
    • liklik, if you look forward to dying in one of the horrible ways that many smokers die, that is your choice. If you think you are smart enough to do it without paying your share of the hospitalisation and treatment it will eventually cost, also fine.

      But the real issue for the rest of us is to stop making it easy for kids to get hooked. Ugly packets matter to them - because so many start smoking as a peer style thing, not because it tastes good. More expensive fags may just deter a few from buying enough to develop an addiction.

      So go on and smoke from your pretty black market packets. But leave our children happy and smoke free. They will need to be to pay the medical bills of their seniors who are unable or unwilling to give up such a poisonous addiction.

      Whyalla Wipeout
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 11:34AM
    • I am sure that the doctors, surgeons, specialist research scientists, radiographers, nursing staff and hospital administration staff are thrilled to know that you have more than paid your share.

      Indeed the annual 43,700 cancer patients costs more than $3.8 billion in direct health system costs.

      Your share being $87,000.00 per year? Well done.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 11:48AM
    • Cry me a river liklik. Like the black market comment by the way, shows your true Liberal colours.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 11:50AM
    • Whyalla Wipeout, please feel free to kid yourself that "kids" care less about the colour of their cigarette packets if it makes you feel better but the reality is that another generation of smokers is being created by the Government's desire to put its electoral prospects ahead of the health of the nation. Making the sale of tobacco illegal, would ensure future generations don't become smokers. Plain packaging only confuses retailers.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 12:10PM
    • liklik - fully agree with you. As an ex smoker and having done the sums, smokers contribute far more to the budget than others, and get less back in return. In other words, smokers subsidise all other voters. They could just say "thank you".

      Isn't it funny how Labor rabbits on about health impacts blah blah - but it's like pokies and the state governments - they might demonise the issue but they're addicted to the revenue.

      Tone - based on your comment one presumes you were a big GST supporter 12 years ago due to it's targeting of cash economies / markets.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 12:13PM
    • Pen of hrba, how many of those 43700 patients you mention are smokers? Please stick to relevant data. The Government earns more from smokers than any costs to the health system. Incidentally, this year, I have not cost the government a cent. If you truly wished to see smokers become a thing of the past, you would also be advocating making the sale of tobacco illegal but I expect you much prefer to enjoy the largesse of smoker's taxes and are unconcerned about our health.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 12:16PM
    • Tone, ouch!.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 12:18PM
    • Correct Hacka!
      The main reason Governments give for not making the sale of tobacco illegal is the cost of policing the black market. The reality is that whether legal or illegal, police resources already are being used to police the black market.
      Having addictions myself, i can understand the Government's addiction to excise. What i can't understand is the attitude of those who are anti-smoking, yet hypocritically stay silent about making the sale of tobacco illegal, happily accept the taxes from it, and then demonise smokers for smoking a product which they refuse to disendorse.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 12:40PM
    • Err, this may have escaped you attention due to you smoking too many fags, but it is illegal to purchase black market tobacco products.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 12:44PM
    • Pen of hrba, thanks scoop!
      See how raising the cost of cigarettes does not necessarily lead to people quitting smoking, and the absurdity of the Government's argument?

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 1:03PM
    • liklik, Prohibition increases consumption amongst the "cool kids" and enriches organised crime. That is one lesson from history not worth repeating.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 2:12PM
    • Art, that may have been the case in terms of alcohol (although that too is debatable), however, prohibition of illicit drugs has not led to an increase in consumption. Regardless, due to the exorbitant cost of cigarettes, the same effect as prohibition is being created by our Government.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 2:37PM
  • Let's not forget that Murdoch backed Rudd for PM in 2007 and we all know the outcome. It does not take a rocket scientist to work out why Murdoch now supports Abbott - Labor's performance, apart from one or two positive initiatives, has been disasterous in so many ways.

    Tim of Altona
    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 10:27AM
    • "It does not take a rocket scientist to work out why Murdoch now supports Abbott."

      Yeah, commercial reasons. Labor's NBN threatens Rupert's Foxtel business.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 10:42AM
    • No Tim, it all comes down to Rupert Murdoch trying to shut down the NBN. The economy isn't that bad. Australia has a AAA rating from three independent credit agencies, even with the recent economic downturn.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 10:47AM
    • Murdoch went rabid when Rudd said he'd roll out the NBN because it hurts the foxtel business model and when something goes against Murdoch's financial interests he goes for the jugular.

      Mark C
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 10:53AM
    • Trisatan

      Labor's NBN is a threat to everyone. Asbestos clinging to NBN cables clipped above the doors of homes? Open a door and whoosh asbestos from Wittenoom on the carpet where little Mary and Johnnie are playing?

      Only Labor.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 11:29AM
    • The NBN a threat to everyone, hey Pen. That's the Liberal Party way at the moment, isn't it? Over-sensasionalise everything. "The economy its going to collapse!" (mind you AAA from three independent ratings agencies.) If you believe the Liberals it must be the end of the world as we know it!

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 11:53AM
    • Tone, AAA rating who cares? does credit rating agencys create employment now do they? Do they stop Labor from building up even more debt so that it drops to an AA or A- rating?No they dont so who gives a crap about credit ratings, if they did their job in the first place then they could have stopped the GFC but they helped cause it and u use them as a reason to point to a strong economy?? genius

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 12:16PM
    • Hey pen I think you'll find Telstra accepted liability for the asbestos in their own pits but I'm with you, seal up the pits and stay with the copper network. I mean half of it will stay anyway if Abbott has his way.

      Mark c
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 12:19PM
  • Can the two major parties be summed up by this?
    Party 1: the guy willing to live in a small house, cheapest part of town and with the bare essentials BUT they have $200k in the bank.
    Party 2: the guy living in a nice house in a good part of town with some luxuries BUT owing the bank $200k.

    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 10:21AM
    • No.

      Party 1. Lives in the best part of town, drives a Mercedes and owns the bank.

      Party 2. Pays rent in the worst part of town, takes a bus to work, where the boss insists on pay cuts to match his cousin on a 457 visa.

      Whyalla Wipeout
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 11:17AM
    • Party 2 receives household assistance over and above the cost of the carbon tax to make them better off. They also get the school kids bonus, Family Tax Benefit Part A, Family Tax Benefit Part B, the child care benefit as well as the child care rebate. Didn't have to pay the flood levy and doesn't contribute to the increased Medicare Levy to help fund the Disability Insurance Scheme. If they so choose, they will also be entitled to the full 30% rebate on private health insurance.

      Party 1 - the politics of achievement

      Party 2 - the politics of entitlement

      Smokin Mo
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 1:40PM
  • Stop the boats?

    Under Labor the 2012-2013 budget for offshore asylum seeker management, administration and service delivery amounts to $1.044 billion.

    Immigration and Citizenship Budget 2012-2013, offshore estimated expenses
    Program estimated expenses 2012-2013:
    Offshore Asylum Seeker Management $689,018,000
    Offshore Asylum Seeker Service Delivery $308,202,000
    Policy Advice and Program Design $6,022,000
    Refugee Status Determinations for Offshore Entry Persons $13,617,000
    Offshore Entry Persons - Service Delivery $27,308,000
    Total $1,044,167,000

    The total was revised in Feb. 2013 to $2.2 billion, due to record number of asylum seeker arrivals, with the estimated cost to taxpayers about $2.9 billion next financial year.

    In addition Customs spent at least $300 million in 2012-2013 for civil maritime surveillance and response. However the recent increase in illegal boat arrivals suggests that this figure will substantially increase. Further expense is derived from RAN Patrol Boat Group and Air Force maritime patrol aircraft. The full cost of an Armidale Patrol Boat is $36,000 per sea day. A much larger Anzac Frigate costs $568,000, while a Survey Ship has running costs of approximately $138,000 per sea day.

    Ships on permanent duty in the Christmas Island area cost $650,000 daily not to mention additional costs for AP-C3 Orion aerial surveillance or depreciation (wear and tear factors). Nevertheless Labor allocated at least $2.25 billion for offshore based costs for 2012-2013.

    Since 2009-2010 Labor has exceeded its allocated budget for asylum seekers by $5.0 billion and it is still climbing.

    Stop Labor before the boats.

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 10:02AM
    • yep and his much vaunted no asylum seekers who arrive by boat will get residency in OZ is about to collapse as PNG has second thoughts after only signing a memorandum of understanding.
      The PNG opposition is to fight it in the High Court which seems to have made the PNG Prime Minister hasten a lot slower: The signing is now a week overdue.

      ian f
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 10:25AM
    • Pen,

      Explain under what circumstances would it be safe to turn back a boat especially when every boat will be sabotaged when intercepted by the Aus Navy.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 10:30AM
    • So what are you saying? The Liberal Party policy that Rudd implemented won't work? That Tony Abbott won't be able to stop the boats and he's been lying all this time?

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 10:49AM
    • Sam

      Drones in the air with real time video down link and radar capability, the rest is easy especially with satellite imagery downloaded to our border protection vessels and drones. A few more high speed interception boats and we have a very high rate of boats intercepted and turned around.

      Indonesian crews photographed and their fingerprints taken followed by the issue of informal and formal promise of a mandatory 20 years imprisonment and boat destruction for any repeat offence.

      The few that make it to Christmas Island place on board a vessel that tows their boat back to the border of Indonesian waters on good weather days, provide only sufficient fuel to make harbour, place them back on boat, or if boat is considered unseaworthy sink it and place them in inflatable craft with outboard motors, and bid them bon voyage, notify Indonesian authorities of precise location. If anyone suggest suicide handcuff to boat and give key to a responsible person.

      Make it clear to Indonesia that Indonesia made itself a transit country despite Australia not wanting people in transit. It is not incumbent on Australia to support in any way criminal activity conducted on Indonesian soil. We will support the financing of regional refugee centres along with our regional neighbours to help support the retinal refugee problem, but we will not allow anyone to enter Australia without due process.

      Result no more deaths by drowning, UN regional camps for care of refugees and humane processing.

      We would have to increase our defence budget to carry out this programme, however, it should not have to be in place too long before reductions of our assets take place.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 10:50AM
    • Yea Pen, and how much is that going to cost? Another billion dollar promise from the Liberals? They have no idea.

      Not that Labor are any better on that issue. They are both a disgrace. Don't give either of them your $2.47 first preference vote.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 11:03AM
    • Hey Tone,

      If it only costs a billion then we save $1.2 billion, making Pen a genius compared to your beloved Rudd

      White Elephant
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 11:27AM
    • Pen,

      I agree with you on mandatory sentencing of crew (say 20-25 years).

      However, you must accept that at the point of interception if the boat is sabotaged, there is no turning back of that boat.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 11:35AM
    • Pen,

      Don't do a Hacka and disappear on me...

      I am interested in your views.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 12:29PM
    • Sam

      I have previously covered your point: if boat is considered unseaworthy sink it. Take passengers to edge of Indonesian waters on a calm day and place them in inflatable craft with outboard motors, and bid them bon voyage.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 12:52PM
    • Pen,

      1. Is that what the LNP propose to do??

      2. What happens if they jump into the ocean when they are being boarded onto the inflatable boats or sabotage the inflatables??

      Don't mean to be argumentative mate, just want you to think through a full scenario. Refugees are desperate people and they will take desperate measures.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 1:15PM
    • Sam

      No these are my ideas. No one would be allowed into boats without first wearing a life jacket, this is standard practice. But at the end of the day you can only go so far to protect people from themselves. If we take all reasonable precautions to preserve life I think that is where we have to draw the line.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 2:34PM
  • So Rudd is back on the old NBN donkey with all remediation work suspended while 200 asbestos removal specialists are deployed throughout the country.

    Its obviously another Labor snow job: to remove the asbestos requires removing the pits made by James Hardie and CSR subsidiary Wunderlich contained all three forms of asbestos – including the most deadly blue type from Wittenoom.

    How long will it take 200 people to remove hundreds of thousands of pits put in place over decades and containing asbestos cement pipes in which NBN cables are installed and connect domestic users all over the country?

    There are tens of thousands of kilometres of asbestos cement pipework which also connect to these pits.

    Meanwhile Chattanooga is America's first Broadband City with internet speeds of one gigabit per second - 100 times faster than pretty much anywhere else in the country. Typically of US efficiency it was not government built but a joint venture between the city council and the local power company. Most other cities in the US are set to copy this model.

    What's the betting that the yanks serve up broadband to 23 million people years faster than the NBN does?

    Only Labor?

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 9:57AM
    • Er, not government hey? So what do you call a city council?

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 10:50AM
    • Gee, you really need to go outside and enjoy some fresh air or do something constructive. How many comments a day do you need to make on the same issues? Comments on political stories are basically pointless - they never change the mind of anyone and normally degenerate into name calling and fact free ranting.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 10:54AM
    • Tone

      "In addition to general purpose local governments, there may be local or regional special-purpose local governments, such as school districts and districts for fire protection, sanitary sewer service, public transportation, public libraries, and power and water resource management. Such special purpose districts often encompass areas in multiple municipalities. As of 2012, there were 89,055 local government units in the United States."

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 11:10AM
    • William

      Has it not occurred to you that readership here is in a continual flux and many have not read what has previously been posted. Or perhaps you believe that you are the only person to be kept informed of the opinion of others.

      As for my posts you will find that I write facts backed by quotes, if you find the truth abrasive then I suggest that you do not read it.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 11:18AM
    • So what are you saying Pen, that I'm right? That a city council is government, and therefore your comment was pointless? Thanks mate, got it.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 11:49AM
  • Kev out there saying the Coalition are in a shambles on the economy. LOL Laugh of the century.
    So glad he's found a "new way".

    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 9:35AM
    • Kev going to "Save us All"

      Sarah of Carnegie
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 9:52AM
    • Apparently the new way is one day to increase tobacco tax, the following day spend more after school care. Then cut all of the superannuation increases. And then impose a more severe FBT tax. Then give the auto industry $200 million?

      It is becoming known as the New Way to look incredibly more stupid than previously thought - if possible.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 10:16AM
  • In your polifacts check it appears that it is only the difference between 50 billion and 70 billion is in question regards Penny Wong's claim. In which case should not your conclusion be mostly true instead of false as in the other case where you maintain that after care increases are partly due to beaurecracy?

    Epping NSW
    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 9:35AM
  • Astounded by Tony Abbott's positive tv ad last night.

    But what does the ad end with?

    The bleeping "Real Solutions" pamphlet again.

    Hey Tony, if Lib candidate for Greenaway, Jaymes Diaz can't explain the Liberal's 6 point plan to "stop the boats" while clutching the "Real Solutions" pamphlet, how do you expect us to find anything there?

    "But Hill persisted, ultimately asking Mr Diaz eight times – unsuccessfully – to outline the Coalition's asylum seeker policy."

    "You've said turn back the boats, you told me it's a six-point plan. What about the other five points?"

    He's priceless! More please!

    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 9:33AM
    • Hopefully you will be equally critical when a young Labor candidate stuffs up their first TV interview - highly unlikely you will though.

      Tim of Altona
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 10:09AM
    • "Stopping the boats" is a core slogan, oops I mean core Liberal party policy slogan Tim of Altona.

      "Stumped while on the stump and clutching the Coalition's "Real Solutions" pamphlet, Mr Diaz at one stage offered: "Well, one of the points, the key point would be stopping the boats when it's safe to do so."

      So the Coalition's strategy for stopping the boats is to stop the boats when it's safe to do so.

      What the?!!

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 10:28AM
    • I've been considering writing to Abbott and his "A team", recommending Jaymes as their frontman for all future advertising, door stop interviews and debates.
      What a stellar performance, and so succinctly represents the state of the party.
      Well done Jaymes and clutching "our plan" for strength and policy revelations.
      "Stop the boats"! "Stop the wicked carbon tax" and pay rich mums.
      Strike Greenway of the win list.

      A country gal
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 10:41AM
    • Tristan, you really are getting desperate and it is showing in your comments. Did you watch Bowen bumbling around on 7-30 Report, he was asked how he was going to create jobs and whether Labor would form a minority government. He would not answer, the man is a clown.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 2:33PM
    • Hey Tony, if Lib candidate for Greenaway, Jaymes Diaz can't explain the Liberal's 6 point plan to "stop the boats" while clutching the "Real Solutions" pamphlet, how do you expect us to find anything there?

      Maybe we could actually READ the pamphlet? Although that would be wasting valuable seconds...

      tim bob
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 3:08PM
  • You'd think Kev would team up with his old pal Wayne 'Where has my surplus gone' Swann. Maybe they'll catch up soon at a local shopping centre to chit chat with locals about how good they have it. Got to love that ALP team work and their life long friendships.

    enough is enough
    Labor party La La Land
    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 9:24AM
  • It's tragic that Australia currently has a Prime Minister who thinks that it's actually a good thing that our economy is so weak, and slowing further, that the Reserve Bank is forced to cut interest rates to below GFC levels. That sort of rhetoric may fool the school kids in shopping malls and the rusted on brigade, but fortunately, not everyone is an economic illiterate. May God help us all if this actor is re-elected. Why doesn't the media take Rudd to task on his attempted con job?

    Facts are
    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 9:21AM
    • The tragedy is that if Abbott becomes PM, the rate of outsourcing and offshoring of jobs will accelerate because Abbott still plans to axe 20,000 public service jobs, and Abbott voted against Labor's amendments to improve the integrity of the Coalition's 457 visa system, which the ABC reported, is widely rorted.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 10:12AM
    • Tristan. How do you think that Labor will achieve it's increase in the "efficiency dividend" in the Federal public sector? Finance Minister Wong (the same woman who has promised a budget surplus for the past five years), says it will all be through "natural attrition". What a joke. Section heads will cut staff to save their own necks. That's the way it works. And, the ABC is not recently known for unbiased news delivery. ABC Insiders programme is a front for Sussex Street, in my opinion.

      Facts are
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 10:22AM
    • Low interest rates may mean a weak economy. But the coalition objective of budget surplus will send it into a tail spin. Tightening spending will only contract the economy further, reduce tax takes further, and increase unemployment. Be upset with the ALP, but think about what the libs are really offering - economic recession and erosion of your rights at work.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 10:31AM
    • Facts are,

      Don't confuse commentary with investigative journalism.

      Don't forget that ABC's 4 Corners' Sarah Ferguson won the Gold Walkley for journalistic excellence for her "Bloody Business" report.

      "Report shows past rorting of visa program was widespread" (ABC World Today 22 Jul 2013)

      "Obtained from the Department of Immigration under Freedom of Information, the documents show fraud rates for general skilled migration visas of around 50 per cent, and for Indian student visas around 40 per cent."

      There were also 2 inquiries into the 457 visa system in 2008 and 2013, numerous articles of rorts by Fairfax, plus blatant breaches of 457 visa regulations in the job ads placed in Gumtree classifieds.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 10:56AM
  • Has PUP publicly begged for $10 donations like Rudd has done. Ten dollar donations so we can be lied too more often has got to be a winner.

    Pen of hrba
    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 9:20AM
    • Whereas Tony Abbott has the richest person in Australia, News Ltd, Toll Holdings, the Macquarie network of radio stations with John, Mark, Alan, Ray, and Chris, the tobacco industry - Phillip Morris, British American Tobacco, the Chinese billionaire listed on Forbes who makes cigarette papers, the gambling industry - Clubs NSW, Australian Hotels Association, Tom Waterhouse, employer unions - ACCI, AIG, ARA, BCA, RCA, AMMA, RCSA, ITCRA, etc, bankrolling the Liberal's campaign.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 10:22AM
    • So many people can't be wrong Tristan.
      You should come on board and back the winning team.

      Tim of Altona
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 10:34AM
    • Tristan

      Don't blame me, if I had my way all political donations would be made illegal. Political entities funded through the community purse at a common rate is the only way to stop this moral corruption.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 10:59AM
    • Tristan - Come over to the dark side bwahahhaha - It's much more fun than being on the Jersey side!!

      City of the Fallen
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 12:01PM
  • I wonder if Tony found the Central Coast by looking in his Fantasy Island Travel Brochure ?(ref Q$A Mon).
    Oh, and while he is here, can I get one of the showbags shown in his first ad? Lovc showbags - full of tiny versions of real things...

    David D
    Ettalong Beach
    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 9:16AM
    • Perhaps you should enlighten us as to what a lovc show-bag is? Are the peculiar to Ettalong Beach?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 9:28AM
    • Sorry typo lovE showbags. love the liberal iconography. the showbag is the perfect symbol for them; redolent of a huge expensive day out, which ends with everybody tired, sick, cranky, and holding a bag full of broken crap nobody really wanted

      David D
      Ettalong Beach
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 9:43AM
    • Err, how can this Coalition "broken crap" be known to be broken before we know what the crap is?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 10:06AM
    • Pen is that an admission that we havent been given any policies to judge?
      Tony has been going around telling us it is all in his Big Blue Brochure.

      David D
      Ettalong Beach
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 10:25AM
    • You've got one thing right Pen and it is that the Coalition policies are crap and they are a fraud.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 11:04AM
    • Err, Tone

      Son you are not paying attention again: a policy that has not been released cannot be crap before it is read as crap or otherwise.

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 11:32AM
    • Policies that haven't been formally announced can still be crap when they've been leaked, or reported elsewhere.

      Opposition to good policies can also be crap like Abbott's stance on opposing plain packaging of cigarettes (those donations to the Liberal party by the tobacco industry really paid off), and Abbott and the Coalition's opposition to Labor improving the integrity of the 457 visa system with labour market testing and an onus on employers and employment agencies to advertise vacancies locally.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 12:49PM
    • Keen to see the paperwork for the 457's for Obama's crack digital squad hired by KRudd.

      Have you seen them?

      Smokin Mo
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 1:44PM
  • Here's one seat gone to the Coalition. Abbott is there supporting Karen McNamara the Lib candidate in Dobell.

    Labor don't even have a candidate for that seat yet. The signs are indeed ominous for Labor.

    Tim of Altona
    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 8:57AM
    • My father live up there in that seat and from what Iv been told labour wouldn't dare put a candidate in. Also around the hunter they seem very pissed off with labour for some strange reason? something to do with mining lic's LOL

      Labour gone
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 9:30AM
    • There is an ALP candidate: A former Gosford City councillor, who used to be in the Liberal Party, Trevor Drake lol.

      Central Coast
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 12:19PM
  • All those people which still did not make up their mind for who to vote for- after all those rhetoric over the last few years - should not be allowed to vote at all. Facts of the past should count- not empty promises for the future. But well- a nice promise feels better that reality.

    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 8:55AM
  • Well done Bill Glasson - you showed that Kev13 is all smoke and mirrors - and what about the deal done with Naru - that was a big con AND we all fell for it

    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 8:50AM
    • You speak for yourself, how dare you implicate me with gross gullibility?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 9:21AM
  • If the Reserve Bank lowers interest rates I hope Mr Rudd is honest enough to admit that is a sign of a weakish economy and that Mr Abbott (or Joe) is honest enough to admit that it is good for people with mortgages.

    David Morrison
    Blue Mountains
    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 8:44AM
    • But its not good for people with savings or self funded retirees who Rudd and Labor seem to despise. Low interest rates, higher unemployment. low growth, low business doesn't look good to me.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 9:19AM
    • Yep. Low interest rates means a slowing economy. In the longer term a slowing economy generally means higher unemployment. Most people don't get it. If you don't have a job then it doesn't matter what your interest rate on your mortgage is because you can't pay it anyway.
      Labor need to stop conning most Australians into believing low interest rates are something to be aspired to by government.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 9:52AM
    • Labor-pains,

      Please remind everyone that it is the state Liberal governments in Vic, NSW and Qld sacking tens of thousands of public servants, spending billions of dollars on employment agencies to replace those staff with casuals, contractors and labour hire employees.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 10:15AM
  • Rudd has just found out that high school debating skills don't translate into the real world...welcome back to earth Kevin.

    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 8:36AM
    • Yes - shame about that negative net satisfaction rating in Newspoll too - looks like the honeymoon is well and truly over.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 8:57AM
    • PM in lead in his seat, as tobacco trips up his opponent Read and weep. Try to keep up.

      Gold Coast
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 10:01AM
    • Well Jason that's nice to know. At one point before Jules was rolled even Griffith was in trouble.

      Although with Kev's ratings plunging maybe it's not so safe ....

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 11:16AM
  • Glasson just made smarty pants Rudd look like the walking talking media tart with no substance he is.

    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 8:29AM
    • PM in lead in his seat, as tobacco trips up his opponent Read and weep.

      Gold Coast
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 10:05AM
    • You obviously didn't watch the debate. Glasson walked all over Rudd.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 10:39AM
    • Alex. You and your opinion is what it is and so does not mean anything. The opinion expressed by the majority and in the article I mentioned is of the opposite view.

      Gold Coast
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 11:56AM
    • Jason, even the ABC journo's gave it to Glasson.
      Rudd was the loser mate.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 12:14PM
    • Richard. What is your authority for your unsupportable statement.

      Gold Coast
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 2:43PM
  • Can not have enough photo's of Kev eh Therese. geeez...........

    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 8:13AM
    • She is the only one smiling. Delusional antics by all of the Krudds

      eden monaro
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 9:14AM
    • I think Rudd has lost some of his silly grin after the last newspoll. I'm sure Rudd would have thought he would have Labor well ahead in the polls if he came back to the leadership. Not so and falling..

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 9:28AM
  • Glasson just made Rudd look and sound like he's all talk and media appearances nothing else. Well done Glasson.
    Rudd thinks he's the hero of debates, well from what I just saw, no he isn't.

    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 8:11AM
    • Abbott is too scared to face off from him though in debates , we all know that, runs a country mile from debates. His attention span is only 3 word bogan slogans. LOL

      Mt Evelyn
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 8:24AM
    • The first debate is on Sunday - Abbott has requested 2 more after that. Your comment is factually incorrect.

      Having watched Rudd in debate this morning, he may be advised to avoid Sunday's debate with Abbott.

      Tim of Altona
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 8:47AM
    • Piesnchess - there will be debates and no Tony is not hiding under the bed - and when the PM is asked about the economy - how can he defend their record - that's right we have a new 3 word slogan "A New Way" - we just forget about the past 6 years

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 8:56AM
    • So true.....

      "CHRIS UHLMANN: And if we look at last three elections, in 2007 you were selling the Howard Government. In 2010 you were selling us a Howard Government cabinet and you're doing it again in 2013. Isn't it time we saw what an Abbott Government would look like rather than a reheated Howard Government?

      TONY ABBOTT: And the great thing about the Coalition is you know exactly what you'll get from the Coalition ...

      CHRIS UHLMANN: The past?"

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 9:36AM
    • piesnchess - why wont Rudd debate Palmer?

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 9:53AM
    • jimc, I can answer that: Because Palmer is a nobody.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 10:59AM
    • Labor supporters prattling on about "three word slogans" and "slogans for bogans" apparently not realising the irony that these are in fact slogans too.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 11:24AM
    • Piesnchess

      When you have a Masters you will be able to tell us how dumb you are?

      Pen of hrba
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 11:59AM
  • Bill Glasson was so much more real than fake Kevin Rudd.

    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 8:01AM
    • Glasson smashed him. Kev exposed for the fool he is.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 1:30PM
  • Watching the Rudd vs Glasson ABC radio debate in Brisbane leaves me with the strong impression that Rudd may not be the supreme debater he would have us believe. Bill Glasson is having Rudd on toast right now.

    Tim of Altona
    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 8:00AM
    • Rubbish, Rudd torpedoed him beautifully on the tobacco issue, and interest rates. Wheres Tony with debates, hiding under a bed is he. ?? LOL

      Mt Evelyn
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 8:25AM
    • After watching Rudd debating Glasson this morning I can't see what Abbott needs to be worried about.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 8:53AM
    • Where is Abbott by the way? Anyone seen him? Is he still even in charge of the Liberals? I never see him anymore. They must be scared that people merely looking at the man is a repulsive turnoff.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 11:01AM
    • no point debating Kev - he answers a question by asking himself a different question.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 1:29PM
  • If nothing else, the removal of Hanson-Young, Bandt, Ludlam and, hopefully, Milne would be an excellent result.

    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 7:55AM
    • Perhaps you should try "Vote Compass" just to make certain your "Comment" is accurate.

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 8:04AM
  • Interesting that Politifact called it "false" when the Coalition's budget black hole is 50 billion instead of 70 billion, but "half true" when by their own admission there's a bunch of factors that have driven up the cost of child care and it's only anecdotal that "bureaucracy" has done so.

    How does THAT work, exactly?

    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 7:27AM
    • The answer is simple. There is 80% truth to every good lie.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 12:03PM
    • I'd would also like to know.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 1:44PM
  • Is Rudd debating himself in Griffith today? you know ask the question and then answer it. Brilliant debating eh? I hope Tony pops in to see the current sitting member for Dobell, just to wish him well in the future.

    enough is enough
    Labor party La La Land
    Date and time
    August 06, 2013, 7:13AM
    • Well debating someone who isn't there a la Tony Abbott debating Rudd "every day" is about as ridiculous as it gets. Maybe Rudd should advertise free high vis vests at his next location and perhaps then we will see TA's brochure clinging minions roll into town.

      Date and time
      August 06, 2013, 7:48AM
Comments are now closed