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Federal Politics

Abbott calls on 'pragmatist' Shorten to axe carbon tax

Jonathan Swan and Judith Ireland 2:32pm Prime Minister Tony Abbott says he believes Bill Shorten will be forced to back the Coalition's plan to repeal the carbon tax, saying Labor's new leader was “nothing if not a political pragmatist”.

Latest political news

Burke slams Labor's frontbench carve-up

Anna Burke.

Jonathan Swan and Mark Kenny 12:19pm Anna Burke has attacked the new Labor leader, saying his frontbench feels like it was carved up by a "couple of blokes".

Comments 224

Former HSU boss pleads guilty to fraud

Michael Williamson

KATE MCCLYMONT 11:30am Michael Williamson, once the president of the Australian Labor Party and the head of the powerful Health Services Union, is now facing a jail term after pleading guilty to a raft of charges, including defrauding his former union of close to $1 million.

MP: union members should get say on fees

Stephen Jones

HEATH ASTON A Labor MP has called for the relationship between unions and the ALP to be fundamentally recast by giving the nation's 1 million-plus union members the right to choose whether their membership fees go to Labor.

ALP deputy's migrant memories trigger pride

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten with Deputy Opposition Leader Tanya Plibersek.

DAN HARRISON Margaret Thatcher might seem an unlikely heroine for a girl who would go on to be one of the leading lights of the Australian Labor Party.

Too big for his books: Brandis Library shelved

The bookcase installed in the former Senate suite occupied by Senator George Brandis in Parliament House.

JONATHAN SWAN Senator George Brandis' $7000 taxpayer-funded bookcase, built to house $13,000 worth of taxpayer-funded books and magazines, is too big to be moved into his new Parliament House office.

Comments 197

Skype affair cadet linked to initiation ring

Former ADFA cadets Dylan Deblaquiere, left, and Daniel McDonald, centre, leave the ACT Supreme Court after appearing in relation to the ADFA skype scandal.

Christopher Knaus, David Wroe An Army cadet who secretly streamed images of himself having sex with a female recruit to his friends in the notorious Skype affair has been linked to another, recent case of bastardisation.

Australia has plans to deal with US default, says Hockey

Russian embassy set up to intercept secrets: ASIO

Bushfire risk could rise in coming years

Joe Hockey hedges bets on foreign investment limits

Coalition stands firm on double dissolution threat

Cliver Palmer a tough opponent: associates

Comment & Analysis

Abbott walking tricky tightrope on diplomacy

Hugh White dinkus

HUGH WHITE Our Prime Minister needs to think before opening his mouth, both here and abroad.

Comments 223

Australia had its own cliffhanger

Peter Hartcher dinkus

PETER HARTCHER God created war so Americans would learn geography, according to Mark Twain. Apparently He created government shutdowns so they could learn how to manage budgets.

Comments 38


Melbourne Plan needs healthy dose of reality

Tim Colebatch dinkus

TIM COLEBATCH The Napthine government's Melbourne Plan has many good ideas, some not so good, some welcome changes, and some that remain unclear.

ALP displays courage over populism

Mark Kenny dinkus

MARK KENNY For a party with a less than even record of success over its tumultuous 122 years, the ALP is nothing if not optimistic - even courageous.

Comments 199

Labor must free itself from faction chiefs

Clare O'Neil

Clare O'Neil Opinion The members need more say, backroom heavies less.

Comments 67

To frack or not to frack

Michael West dinkus

MICHAEL WEST When you take a risk, you have to be prepared for the consequences, as well as the rewards.

God can't fix US's pear-shaped politics

Fairfax Media writer

PAUL SHEEHAN The permanent dysfunction in Washington is a symptom, not a cause, of something much deeper afflicting the US.

Lobbyist trio says the field is far from even

Kirsty Needham

KIRSTY NEEDHAM Opinion It has been open season on lobbyists in NSW, and already one minister has declared they shall not darken his door.

Comments 3

Gillard's fatal flaw: she couldn't do vaudeville

Julia Gillard at a doors top after the CEDA State of the Nation conference breakfast.

Barry Donovan The consoling words of Paul Keating to Julia Gillard - 'Luv, we all get taken out in a box!'

Tony Abbott is 'a bludger'

Mike Carlton dinkus

MIKE CARLTON We know that you expect us to be as frugal and prudent with your money, which we hold on trust from you, as you would be with your own hard-earned savings.

Blind to our social reality

Martin Flanagan

MARTIN FLANAGAN You don't have to support the annexation of West Papua to support human rights.

Special features

Don't claim weddings as expenses: Burke gives advice to new MPs

Judith Ireland Outgoing speaker Anna Burke may be ''bitter and twisted'' about Labor's frontbench arrangements, but she is full of practical advice to new parliamentarians on how to be an MP.

Comments 32

Shorten win puts paid to conspiracy theory

Gerard Henderson Thank God Bill Shorten was elected Labor leader on Sunday. At the very least, it will diminish an emerging conspiracy.

Comments 36

Cold time looms for Greenpeace activists held in Russia

Andrew Darby The benefit of hindsight tells us a there were clear signs Russia was hardening up before the arrest of the Greenpeace Arctic 30.


Cartoon Gallery

Home of the best cartoons by our resident artists from The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age and The Canberra Times.

Tanya Plibersek: Cool, calm, elected

Anne Summers on why the federal Labor MP's stock continues to rise.

Time for silence on leadership

'For God's sake stop talking about leadership' says John Flannery, former adivsor to Paul Keating and Kim Beazley.

Tale of 'Showbag Bill'

Tony Wright Bill Shorten has made no shortage of enemies on his rise to the Labor leadership.

Comments 105

A spy like Horrie

Philip Dorling ASIO has declassified secret files that shed new light on one of the most dramatic cases of Cold War espionage in Australia's history.

Happy as a pig in perks

Tom Allard Tony Abbott, defiantly facing down the first major political challenge of his prime ministership, may regret his decision to compete in the 2011 Port Macquarie Ironman.

Poll Booth

Should Australia’s 1 million-plus union members have the right to choose whether their membership fees go to supporting Labor?

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Related coverage

Call for Labor union fee change

MP: union members should get say on fees

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  • Video animations

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