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Federal Politics

Hunt deplores 'politicising' of a tragedy

DAVID WROE Environment Minister Greg Hunt has condemned attempts to link the bushfires to the need for greater climate action as politicising a ''human tragedy''.

Latest political news

Tick for Coalition costings, but clouds looms

Australia's Treasurer Joe Hockey

PETER MARTIN The Coalition receives a clean bill of health on its election costings, with the Parliamentary Budget Office finding that if anything it understated the boost they will give to the budget.

Hockey looks to Asia as the US stutters

Joe Hockey

Tom Allard Treasurer Joe Hockey expresses doubts the world has seen the last of the US debt impasse as he urges the US to get its house in order and signas a renewed focus on Asia.

Shorten boasts of Gen Xers at his table

Bill Shorten

MARK KENNY Opposition Leader Bill Shorten declines to explain why his new spokesman for the 2015 Anzac centenary is a senator who will be out of Parliament nearly a year before the event itself.

Slipper seeks end to 'sham of justice'

Peter Slipper

DANIEL HURST Former speaker Peter Slipper calls on authorities to consider charging Liberal MP Don Randall, arguing the latest expenses scandal is the starkest example yet of unfair treatment.

Couple tried to fight crooked union boss


KATE MCCLYMONT While disgraced former Labor Party president Michael Williamson looks set to be jailed for stealing $1 million from his former union, a Fairfax Media investigation uncovers a pattern of extraordinary criminality.

Hockey's brief kept secret by Treasury

Canadian warning about Brisbane's G20

Australians moved to safety on Manus

PM to visit bushfire hit areas in NSW

No explanation: Randall repays cash

PM flags war cemetery for Canberra

Crossin hints at Gillard's 'shocking' behaviour

Push to clampdown on building unions

Boat arrives at Christmas Island

Voluntary euthanasia bill voted down

Government won't gag community organisations

Lower bills won't happen, say experts

Troops accused over Afghan deaths

Comment & Analysis

We're in the box seat to feel the squeeze

Peter Hartcher dinkus

PETER HARTCHER 11:59pm Australia's position may be harmed when the US is diminished but there's also a possible advantage for us from our ally's recent debacle.

Tony Abbott: here are your 10 commandments


Nikki McWatters How might Jesus have governed Australia? As a greenie, leftie, pinko atheist, it strikes me that being a Liberal Prime Minister and a devout Christian is a hard ask, so here's some free advice to Tony Abbott.

Comments 38

Climate change ship heads to uncharted waters

Wendy Harmer

Wendy Harmer There's no doubt that many of us who looked up to bruised and belligerent skies swirling with ash and a drift of incinerated gum leaves had to wonder, ''is this what the future will be like''?

Comments 164

Can Shorten calm the madding crowd again?

Tony Wright dinkus.

TONY WRIGHT It was just another night in a pub in the tough little town of Beaconsfield when things turned ugly. It was to become a peculiar test for a union chief named Bill Shorten.

It's time to honour fellow boat people


Arnold Zable On October 19, 2001, an unnamed fishing boat, now known as SIEV X, sank en route to Christmas Island. A total of 353 men, women and children lost their lives.

Labor's carbon tax bind: give in or die fighting

Mark Kenny dinkus

MARK KENNY Opinion She's offered it only within the confines of the government, but word is Peta Credlin has some advice for Labor leader Bill Shorten: take a deep breath, and turn your back on carbon pricing.

Shorten's challenge is to 'do a Whitlam'


John Cain The leadership ballot within Labor Party ranks has recently dominated the party, and so it should. As a long-time party member, I am sure members like the notion of being part of the process of choosing a leader.

Fixing the ALP doesn't start with shouting

Mike Carlton dinkus

MIKE CARLTON Opinion Graciously accepting the Labor leadership, former trade union boss Bill Shorten looked radiant in a tailored charcoal suit, crisp white shirt and a carefully knotted necktie of crushed mulberry.

Comments 64

Labor needs to shut up, grow up, move on

Kevin Rudd

Matthew Franklin Here's some news for federal Labor: No one is interested in your boring, nasty bickering over whether or not Kevin Rudd is a bastard.

Comments 114

MPs behaving badly: we're fed up with them

Josh Gordon

JOSH GORDON The moral framework of many politicians is out of alignment with public expectations.

Comments 83

Special features

Taken for a ride

Kate McClymont and Deborah Snow Janice Hardacre has never forgotten the odd conversation she had with her then colleague, Michael Williamson, 20 years ago.

China frets as US counts debt fallout

Tom Allard and Philip Wen A sombre Barack Obama, framed by a portrait of Abraham Lincoln in the White House's State Dining Room, didn't sugar-coat it when he described the impact of the debt default saga on the US.

Defence all at sea on new submarines

David Wroe Submarines are the stealthy killers in maritime warfare. They are the queens on the chessboard. Any country has to think long and hard about messing with another country that has an advanced submarine fleet.

Taking those vital big steps in childcare

Rachel Browne ''If every single childcare provider shut up shop tomorrow, the whole economy would crumble,'' says childcare veteran Lyn Connolly.

Investigating MPs' expenses

Fairfax Media has conducted an extensive investigation on MPs claiming expense entitlements. Read our coverage here.

Carbon controversy and confusion

The Australian Institute's Richard Denniss discusses the way ahead for cutting greenhouse gas emissions and other issues of the day.

Jesuit influence overplayed

John Warhurst The number of Australian leaders with a Jesuit education is remarkable, its impact on their politics less so.

Comments 12

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Home of the best cartoons by our resident artists from The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age and The Canberra Times.

Poll Booth

Is it enough for MPs to be able to repay their expenses if questions are raised about their legitimacy?

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Yes, taxpayers at least get back the money


No, taxpayers deserve a full explanation and further action if required


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Poll closed 18 Oct, 2013


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Related coverage

No explanation: WA Liberal MP Don Randall pays back cash for Cairns trip

AFP called on to look into Tony Abbott, George Brandis wedding cost claims

'Trust-me Tony's' silence on expenses is curious

  • INTERACTIVE: Tony Abbott's promises

  • Video animations

    Artist Rocco Fazzari teams up with singer Denis Carnahan to satirise politics.
