
Why we need to talk about male fertility more often

SARAH BERRY Men have biological clocks too, it turns out. But because we live in a society obsessed with male virility, it is a taboo topic.


IVF costs soar as infertility business booms

IVF file pic

Julia Medew and Mark Baker The cost of some IVF services has soared as private equity funds have moved in on many Australian clinics, looking to profit from the booming business of infertility.


Bacon bad, fish good for sperm

IVA part of the great fertility revolution

Woman accused of impregnating maid with husband's sperm

Couple tries crowdfunding for IVF baby


'My daughter has FASD'

MELANIE MAHONEY It’s a big thing to take on board, knowing you’re responsible for the troubles your child is having. But no one ever told me to stop drinking - I just didn't know.

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Why every woman should have a choice: disability and termination


Julia Watson I’ve been known to say that every family could benefit from a child with Down syndrome in it - but I also believe that no woman should have to give birth to any baby she doesn’t want.

Comments 36

Dressing for pregnancy in 'the awkward stage'

Tracking baby's moves may reduce stillbirths

Chevron withdraws 'discriminatory' recruitment form

Women still in the dark on drinking while pregnant


Do modern dads cut the cord?

Libby Hakim With the increasing role many dads play in the care of babies and children, has the symbolic act of cutting the umbilical cord become redundant? Or are fathers still keen to carry on the tradition?

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Free-birthing on the rise

labour home

Jo Hartley It’s a controversial practice that has been branded both dangerous and irresponsible, but there's a growing trend among Australian women who are choosing to birth at home, free from any medical intervention or assistance.

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Midwife on the run

How different cultures celebrate birth

Birth failure is more than a mindset

The push present trend


Everything you need to know about Prince George's christening

After arriving to a global media frenzy, Britain's Prince George will make his second official appearance this week at a christening designed to be as low-key as possible for the world's most-hyped baby.

Macro Organic baby food pouches recalled

baby eating

Staff writers Woolworths has issued a recall on a popular brand of baby food pouches which may cause illness if consumed.

Peaches and cream puree

Pineapple and mango puree

Raising an adventurous eater

Review: Cosmopolitan Mountain Buggy

Bargain buys for baby


Most embarrassing parenting moments

From getting caught with your pants down to having kids blurt out inappropriate things at the worst times, being a parent means your life is filled with opportunities for embarrassment.

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Understanding your child's temperament

shy boy

JODIE BENVENISTE It’s not about a child being ‘good’ or ‘bad’, ‘easy’ or ‘difficult’. It’s about understanding how your children react to situations and how you can help them.

A visit from the dummy fairy

'Revelation moment' for Madeleine McCann investigators

Man arrested after making Madeleine McCann boast

Walking: what’s normal and when to get help

Being Dad

Dads grapple with grief over lost babies too

Ross Larkin Volunteer support can have an amazing impact on dads in mourning for lost babies, writes Ross Larkin.

Watch live surgeries on World Vasectomy Day


MELANIE MAHONEY On World Vasectomy Day, 15 men will be undergoing ‘the big snip’ live on stage in Adelaide – and having the procedure streamed around the world on the internet.


Do men with smaller 'nads make better dads?

Dads in the delivery room

Dad in profile: Pat Cash

Michael Bublé: 'I didn't have that feeling of love for my son'


NSW bushfires: how you can help

While the bushfire devastation continues, our thoughts turn to how we can help those in need. Here are ways to donate and get ioems to those who need them most.


Your mummy style, your way

baby mum

PINKY MCKAY In those simple days BC (before child) you were completely clear about your personal style. And now, as you work out your own authentic mothering style, be kind to yourself.


Ellen DeGeneres pays back single mum's generous act

Limiting the health impacts of air pollution in bushfire season

Sleeping through ... as an adult

Sexualising breast cancer awareness campaigns