Altair, Kings Cross Road.

"Only 25 per cent of renters get any support from the government." Photo: Alex Nikulin

High-income earners are the overwhelming beneficiaries of government support for housing, a report has found, turning on its head the popular perception that low-income Australians get the greatest subsidies through rent assistance.

''Only 25 per cent of renters get any support from the government,'' the cities program director at the Grattan Institute, Jane-Frances Kelly, said. ''They get none of the support that homeowners get. Even landlords get more.''


The report, Renovating Housing Policy, found homeowners received $36 billion a year in government subsidies, landlords about $7 billion and renters less than $3 billion.

''We are not arguing that renters should get lots of government subsidies, but we were just really struck by the level of support for owners, given that there are so many reasons for these people to own their own houses anyway,'' Ms Kelly said. ''It's hard to see why they need that level of subsidy.''

Home owners enjoy an exemption from capital gains tax, an exemption from the land tax faced by landlords, special treatment in applying the pension assets test and an exemption from tax for what is known as imputed rent.

''If a landlord is renting out a place, the landlord pays tax on that rental income,'' she said. ''Homeowners enjoy the same sort of benefit. It's as if they pay themselves rent. But they are not taxed on it.

''We are certainly not recommending that we start to tax those imputed rents, there are very few countries in the world that do that, but the size of that support should be recognised when it comes to calculating how the government skews the housing market.''

The report found the scale of the support for owners pushed up house prices, making it harder for younger and poorer Australians to get into the market.

''Support for owner-occupied housing used to be roughly even across all income groups,'' the report says. ''Now the highest-income owners get government support of roughly $8000 per year, whereas the lowest-income owners get a little over $2000.''

The report found the skewing of support to ownership, rather than renting, forced people to live further away from the centre of cities than they would like and made it hard for them to move because they face stamp duties.

''If you are living out on the fringes, you often can easily access only a small minority of jobs rather than those in the centre. It means employers face a thinner labour market and workers are locked into jobs they might rather not have.''

Ms Kelly said Australian social norms and the state-based rules governing rent gave tenants little security. This further drove Australians into owning rather than renting, making them less mobile and responsive to the jobs market.

The report recommended state governments replace stamp duty with a broad-based annual tax on all properties and re-examine the biggest tax breaks for landlords: negative gearing and discounted capital gains tax rates.