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Review - Ja'mie: Private School Girl

Chris Lilley is back with the delightfully self-obsessed Ja'mie King in a mockumentary show of her own.

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I hesitate to say this, and it is said with a heavy heart, but … I think I might be a bit over Ja'mie King. In fact, to be honest, I think I was a bit over her halfway through Summer Heights High.

This is not to put down Chris Lilley, who I believe is one of the most brilliant comedic minds and greatest actors Australia has produced. His first series, We Can Be Heroes, was near flawless in its array of absurd and self-deluded characters, played with stunning versatility by Lilley himself, and managed to smuggle enormous heart into the barrage of guffaws. Summer Heights High brought Lilley the big hit he deserved and was followed by the ambitious Angry Boys, not such a hit but in my view, a greatly underrated series.

In all of these shows Lilley has demonstrated an uncanny Sellers-esque ability to inhabit his characters that brings them to life with a humanity seemingly at odds with their ridiculous premises.

Safe bet: Has Chris Lilley taken the easy road by recycling Ja'ime?

Safe bet: Has Chris Lilley taken the easy road by recycling Ja'ime?

But despite my huge regard for Lilley's skills, I can't help looking at his new show, Private School Girl, and thinking, "Meh". It follows the exploits of Ja'mie, who is now on her third outing, having already featured in We Can Be Heroes and Summer Heights High. Ja'mie seems to be the Lilley character that most penetrated the public consciousness but she was always one of his more shallow and disposable creations. She lacked the depth of Heroes' Pat Mullins and Phil Olivetti, High's superb Jonah Takalua, or the wonderful Sims twins, a one-man double-act spanning both Heroes and Angry Boys. Ja'mie was certainly an original and highly entertaining monster, a ferocious ball of vanity, selfishness and repulsive privilege that showcased her creator's chameleonic capacity for gender-bending. But how much more can be wrung out of her? Ja'mie is a caricature, a wonderfully over-the-top cartoon of the worst kind of entitled teenager, but she's not had to carry a show on her own before and frankly I don't know whether she'll be able to.

My fear is Private School Girl is a retreat to safe ground by Lilley after the disappointing response to Angry Boys. It's to be hoped he's gone back to Ja'mie because he genuinely feels there's untapped potential in the character and not just to play it safe. Not that anyone could blame him - the TV business provides little else but incentives to veer toward conservatism - but it would be a shame to see a pull-back from the whip-smart inventiveness that has characterised his career to date.

Of course I may be wrong. Ja'mie might turn out to be a character of amazing longevity. She might be the Frasier Crane of Australian TV. But early signs aren't all that promising. It looks like Private School Girl is the same old mannerisms, the same old situations, the same old teen-grotesque routine. Eventually Ja'mie will need to find a way to make us care, a way to make herself the character in a story, rather than just a snapshot of satirical horror. If Lilley can find a way to make that happen, Private School Girl could be another triumph for this bona fide genius. But I have my doubts. It feels like a step backward and that just doesn't suit the guy.