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Now trending

Why is everyone Googling Eiza Gonzalez?

SIMONE MITCHELL Everyone's Googling Eiza Gonzalez. Why?

Differences are for celebrating, says Model Search winner Olivia Ludington

JO CASAMENTO Fifteen-year-old Olivia Ludington is the 2013 Girlfriend Rimmel Model Search winner.

The Old Spice guy in Australia: Mustafa sniff at the manliest geek on the planet

Web attack: Kylie: our most dangerous celebrity?

New celeb couple?: Russell Brand and Jemima Khan romance rumours

All twerk and no play?: Miley Cyrus splits from Liam Hemsworth

Editor's picks

Michael Mosley's five biggest health myths

SARAH BERRY Michael Mosley is arguably the most famous human-health guinea pig on the planet.

Comments 167

Family values

'Til marriage do us part

Katherine Feeney Tony Abbott says his daughters do not plan to leave the family fold until they are married. Clearly, the decision relates to the family's proud Catholic values.

Comments 247

I blame Gwyneth

Gluten-free diets are more than a fad for many of us

Shelly Horton I called it the Gwyneth Paltrow effect. Once she started banging on about gluten-free diets it seemed like everyone jumped on the bandwagon.

Modern matrimony

The rise of the feminist wedding

Sandy Smith Weddings are being reinvented as more brides shun tradition in favour of a more feminist celebration.

Comments 201

Oops, I did it again

Is sex with the ex ever a good idea?

MJ Angel I can't recall how many times I have consoled and cajoled friends over the years that have insisted on dragging out the inevitable by embarking on the dangerous and often disastrous path of "ex sex".

Comments 34

Nip, tuck on the catwalk

SARAH BERRY A plastic surgeon's 'designer' handiwork has been modelled on the runway during New York Fashion Week.

Comments 1

Money matters

Money can't buy happiness, but being happy pays

DANIELLA MILETIC Does being happy make you better off financially? After years of studying the influence money has on happiness, one Australian economist set out to examine the reverse.

Comments 57

First buy

Art: you may not need it but it's great to have

SHELLY HORTON It seems the saying "I don't know art but I know what I like" rings true when it comes to buying your first piece of art.

Dating dos and don'ts

The seven deadly sins of dating

M.J. Angel Ever wondered why a certain relationship just fizzled out, questioned why "Mr Right" suddenly became "Mr No Longer Returning Your Calls" or been head-in-hands asking "where did it all go wrong"?

Comments 69

The dad dilemma

Thea O'Connor Most Australian men are present and active at the birth of their children. But not everyone believes this is a good thing, writes Thea O'Connor.

Comments 93

Does the school you went to affect your adult love life?

Katherine Feeney Could single-sex private-schooling set you back severely?

Comments 188

Exercising power

Exercising power: why corporations are making you sweat

Melissa Shedden Some companies are tacking on a fitness component to office culture, making participants think sharper and work hard the old-fashioned way.


Slip, slop, slap

What method of sunscreen is best?

Julia Teen You're diligent about slip, slop, slap, but have you thought about which type of sunscreen is most effective?

Who is sitting behind the screen?

SARAH BERRY New research reveals who the average online daters in Australia are.

Comments 27

Home style

How to grow herbs in your home

Susan Redman Growing herbs in and around your kitchen can brighten your home while adding flavour to your food.

Choosing your daily bread

Paula Goodyer Some white breads come with added fibre and nutrients - but are they as good as wholegrain?


In defence of vices

AMY GRAY With sitting denounced as the new smoking, smoking denounced as the new heroin and heroin now possibly cheaper than a carton of cigarettes, it's fair to say modern society doesn't like vice.

Comments 47

Wedding of the week

Five magical words

It's surprising what you learn about your partner when you move in together, as Renee and Grayson have found.

L&S; Blogs

Shell Shocked

Gluten-free diets are more than a fad for many of us

Shelly Horton I called it the Gwyneth Paltrow effect. Once she started banging on about gluten-free diets it seemed like everyone jumped on the bandwagon.

Chew on This

Choosing your daily bread

Paula Goodyer Some white breads come with added fibre and nutrients - but are they as good as wholegrain?


My Jennaration

Glossing over the election

Jenna Clarke While the newspapers churn out grubby headlines, Australia’s lifestyle media have taken a polished and polite approach to covering the 2013 election.

Comments 1


'Til marriage do us part

Katherine Feeney Tony Abbott says his daughters do not plan to leave the family fold until they are married. Clearly, the decision relates to the family's proud Catholic values.

Comments 247

Style Files

Dressing to win

Paula Joye Clothes may maketh the man but when it comes to Tony Abbott they may maketh a leader.

Comments 53

Love and other flings

Is sex with the ex ever a good idea?

MJ Angel I can't recall how many times I have consoled and cajoled friends over the years that have insisted on dragging out the inevitable by embarking on the dangerous and often disastrous path of "ex sex".

Comments 34


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