
Time to change our archaic way of voting in elections?

Time to change our archaic way of voting in elections?

We need to move online for voting?

Is it time to go digital when it comes to our archaic voting system? Tim Webster takes a look at the missing Senate votes of WA and questions how it happened. Is it a perfect case of moving to voting online. Have Your Say!

Alex Lloyd performs live Waterfall

Alex Lloyd performs live for Tim Webster on 2UE 954 Urban Wilderness is the new collection of tracks from one of our most loved music performers. Tim Webster chats with Alex Lloyd ahead of his new tour, and grabs a live version of his incredible song Waterfall.

Frustration over inattentive drivers

Tim Webster: How drivers are driving us all to frustration Frustration boils over when driving behind someone who is fiddling with the phone, doing their make up or simply not paying attention. Tim Webster reveals the frustration over those who don't concentrate and drive.

Driver training for all high schools?

Tim Webster on the training of learner drivers Learner driver should be taught at school, long before they hit the roads, in driver defence schools where they can gain valuable experience. Tim Webster looks at recent road statistics, and says training should begin early.

Paul Clitheroe on financial year ahead?

Where to for the financial markets in 2012? What if you had a crystal ball and could see ahead into 2012 and what will happen on the financial markets? Tim Webster goes one step better and speaks with financial guru Paul Clitheroe to discuss the year ahead.

How dare MPs tell us what to do!

Tim Webster discusses your MP telling you how to live your life How dare MPs think they can tell us how to live our lives! We place them in parliament to serve us. Tim Webster looks at this country becoming a nanny state, and getting their socialist rules and regulations out of our lives.

Consider switching from your bank

Commonwealth Bank suffering computer glitches with NetBank Choice is urging people to consider switching to smaller lenders if the four big banks don't pass on in full an official interest rate cut. Tim Webster with Christopher Zinn on why you need to consider making a change.

Asylum seekers float in by hundreds

Tim Webster: 542 people arrive on 6 asylum boats over 6 days Six days, six boats and 542 people have arrived in Australia with detention centres at peak capacity. Tim Webster reminds those in Labor claiming it's all Tony Abbott's fault, that their solution was overturned by the high court.

Beware the boss may be watching you

Warning over invitations to party via Facebook & Twitter Social media may well be the downfall of many seeking work, with employers checking out facebook pages and previous twitters. Tim Webster on being aware of what you write online, as the boss may well be watching you.

David Jones slipping behind times?

Are David Jones keeping up with the changes in retail? Former David Jones chief Mark McInnes has lashed out at the company he ran, suggesting the retail giant is not servicing their customers. Tim Webster on whether David Jones is keeping up with the current times.

Easing Sydney's traffic congestion

More transport woes on Sydney's train system Congestion across Sydney is a huge and growing concern for commuters. Route changes have been made to buses to help ease the burden. Tim Webster on the proposals for easing traffic through new rapid bus services.

Chilly start to summer climate change?

Tim Webster: sudden climate change for Sydney's summer start Ritchie Benaud's Aussie cricket team took on the West Indies the last time December was this cold in Sydney. Carbon Tax, doom and gloom and yet as Tim Webster points out, we are shivering at the start of a new summer.

Boot camp crackdown by councils

Ever considered a boot camp to get more control of the kids? Boot camps in the local park are being clamped down upon. North Sydney Council are struggling to find harmony between residents and trainers. Tim Webster looks at managing the uptake in fitness along with noise control.

Julia Gillard's presidential poll bounce?

PM Julia Gillard's poll bounce thanks to President Obama? Tony Abbott now trails Julia Gillard as preferred Prime Minister. The Opposition claims her improvement is the result of the visit of President Obama. Tim Webster asks, how does that work? Has anything changed?

Google: all a bit brave new world?

Google re evaluates its direction forward? Computers that think for you so you can dream of other beginnings? Sounds a bit Brave New World, but Tim Webster reveals the new direction Google has announced to the world, to become the storage of all knowledge?

Why Tim Webster boycotts the M2

Tim Webster on the M2 and why he boycotts the motorway 2UE's Road Challenge has proven our toll roads are not cost effective. Tim Webster has boycotted the M2 for good reason. Bumper to bumper, even on weekends, and as the company makes millions, do they care about you?

Tommy Emmanuel back in Sydney

2UE's Tim Webster with Tommy Emmanuel Tommy Emmanuel performs around the globe to an appreciative audience of loyal fans in every corner. Based in Nashville, it's nice to see him return home. Tim Webster catches up with the virtuoso, who performs live.

Time for us to get fair dinkum?

Tim Webster on public sympathy for the public service strikes Public servants protested plans to impose a 2.5% wages cap for public service workers, but did they garner any sympathy from the public. Tim Webster on why it's time we all adhered to the old Aussie mantra 'Fair Dinkum'.

Election now: let the people decide?

Time for the people to decide on the future of Labor policy? Surely its time the PM considered an early election. With failed policy after failed policy, Tim Webster says it's time to let the people decide. When it is proven a government doesn't know what it is doing, time for an election.

Kaplan: The Exceptional Brain

Is nutrition the key to maintaining a healthy brain? Humankind is yet to uncover the secrets of the brain, but what an incredible instrument it has been to the advancement of our species. Tim Webster & psychiatrist Robert M Kaplan on how our brain changed the world.

Labor treating voters with contempt

Tim Webster on the arrogance creeping in to the Labor Party Never bite the hand that feeds you, or votes for you too? Tim Webster looks at Labor MPs and their attack and ridicule on the convoy of no confidence. The convoy of the very people who would usually vote for Labor?

Urs Koch: Laugh With Health

Shoppers already know inflation is rising at the supermarket Manfred Urs Koch's book 'Laugh with Health: Your Complete Guide to Health, Diet, Nutrition and Natural Foods' grapples with good health, the five main food groups, and foods that supply the essential nutrients of life.

Whatever happened to manners?

Mobile phones and bad manners the norm these days? Bernard Salt, Demographer with KPMG tells Tim Webster he feels like he is the only person who sees a moral and ethical obligation to return phone calls and generally be polite to other people. Is he alone these days?

Katie Noonan: First Seed Ripening

Singer & Songwriter Katie Noonan with 2UE's Tim Webster Katie Noonan is such a talented singer of so many styles of music, it's a wonder she has enough time to keep up with her various projects. The latest Elixir album is released, "First Seed Ripening" and it is pure perfection.

Private health cover gap questioned

Tim Webster on why government says your family is Tim Webster has been a staunch defender of the medical profession in their fight with the government over conditions and budgets. He questions why private health care in Australia is becoming more unaffordable.

Molly Birnbaum Season to Taste

Car crash generic A car accident destroyed Molly Birnbaum's sense of smell, and with it her ability to taste, her desire to cook and her dreams of working in a restaurant. She shares what happened next with Tim Webster.

Mobile technology's 30 years

The original Mobile Phone and memory time for Tim Webster The Mobile Phone celebrated its 30th Anniversary through the week. Here's some memories for Tim Webster as 2UE's Trevor Long reveals a news report from the launch of mobile technology by Tim in 1981.

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Judy Horton's Gardening

Gardening with Judy Horton Judy Horton from Yates with advice for your garden on 2UE

Glenn A. Baker's Iconic Song

Iconic Songs with Glenn A. Baker Glenn A. Baker takes you through the iconic songs with Tim Webster. The intriguing history behind the music.

Motoring: John Cadogan

Motoring with Tim Webster Motoring with John Cadogan weekends on 2UE 954

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