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America, the unknown

Robert Henri
Edna 1915

John McDonald The Art Gallery of NSW's summer blockbuster is a sprawling collection from the United States spanning more than two centuries.

No need to get in a froth, people, it's only a beverage


RICHARD GLOVER This week has been declared Australian Coffee Week - a period in which, presumably, the coffee enthusiasts among us can be even more insufferable than usual, banging on about their barista and how he achieves the perfect "grind", and oh, oh, oh, don't even start them on his tamping.

Comments 82

Bill Nighy

'I've just been extremely fortunate': Bill Nighy is having the time of his life

Bill Nighy

STEPHANIE BUNBURY At 60, Bill Nighy is having the time of his life – in no small part because he has finally accepted that he acts for a living.

A novel situation

NoViolet Bulawayo

Stephanie Bunbury Both literary purists and anti-elitists are finding plenty to admire about this year's Booker Prize shortlist.


Naomi Watts' right royal challenge in Diana

Naomi Watts stars in Diana.

Stephanie Bunbury Naomi Watts faced the daunting task of playing the world's most famous woman in Diana.

Mystery Road review: A sinister landscape

Actor Aaron Pederson.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars

SANDRA HALL Mystery Road's links to the classic Hollywood western are as obvious as its hero's cowboy boots and white hat but they do nothing to diminish its Australianness.

Comments 1

Barometer of torment

The Narrow Road to the Deep North

Morag Fraser The son of a World War II veteran, the acclaimed novelist superbly brings the story of Australian soldiers' imprisonment to the page.

Broken dreams and home truths

Designs UK host Kevin

Andrew Taylor Past guests of Grand Designs won't get off lightly in host Kevin McCloud's stage show.

Brush with history

Georges Braque, Black Bird, White Bird, 1960

John McDonald A cubist master abandoned style for individual vision.

Clearing the decks


Erin O'Dwyer If you don't know how to dump stuff, there are ways to get help.

Fear and menace flourish in dementia's unreliable world

The Night Guest by Fiona McFarlane (Penguin Australia)

Louise Swinn In the days when Mick Jagger, at 70, still makes a galah of himself touring the world, dotage is not what it once was. But while age does not always bring a breakneck decline, the general population is ageing and instances of dementia grow. It lurks, as does the fear of it.

Five of the best

Arthur Boyd

Under duress, former AGNSW director Edmund Capon chooses his favourite Australian artworks (for now).

Hot on the case

Spectrum Dining Review Breakfast at Bion Societe

Sarah McInerney A bright Camperdown cafe revives a pastry classic.

Mortal enemies, best of friends

The human face of the Great War by Richard van Emden

Simon Caterson Amid the unfathomable brutality and futile slaughter there were expressions of empathy and even love.

Multiple choice

vitamin pills generic

Paula Goodyer Despite their popularity there is little clear proof multivitamins are beneficial.

Oranges and lemons

Ruth Ritchie

Ruth Ritchie You have to be prepared to hunt around in the wee small channels to find the funniest TV.

Portrait of an elusive magnate

The Story of Clive Palmer by Sean Parnell (HarperCollins Australia)

Ross Fitzgerald The life and times of newly minted politician Clive Palmer.

Practice makes perfect

AAMI Park sports stadium, Melbourne

Stephen Lacey Fearless and forthright, architect Philip Cox marks a milestone.

Patty Griffin's hidden gem surfaces

Patty Griffin

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Bernard Zuel With killer ballads, on Silver Bell Griffin was still happy to offer some tough, Bonnie Raitt-like songs.

Lightning Bolt review: Pearl Jam as good as ever

Pearl Jam cover.

The grunge generation is entering middle age, and while the commemorative 20-year anniversary releases are starting to appear, Pearl Jam are enjoying their third decade together with a renewed commitment that isn't just invigorating but is remarkably free of nostalgia.

Prisoners review: Staring down the barrel

Prisoners. Hugh Jackman as

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

PAUL BYRNES Hugh Jackman's latest role poses some confronting questions.

Reader reviews

More than a bread roll

Spectrum. Bocadillos. Roasted Vegetable and Anchovy Rolls.

Frank Camorra A Spanish favourite, the boccadillo is best filled with big flavours.


The only way is up


Cheryl Maddocks Climbing plants can provide colour, privacy and a stylish distraction.

Interview: Tim Winton

<i>Eyrie</i>, by Tim Winton

Jason Steger The master of landscape turns his eye on a city and a man, both showing the ravages of age.

Undercover: Book News

Keyser Trad, the well-known spokesperson for Islam in Australia, has published a book of poetry called Forays of the Heart.

Susan Wyndham Here are five words you would not expect to see in one cosy sentence: Keyser Trad, Philip Ruddock and poetry.

Need vitamins?

Should you be taking a daily multivitamin pill?

Fresh tangerines in turquoise colander

Paula Goodyer Despite their popularity there is little proof multivitamins are beneficial.


Lorde: pop's newest aristocrat

Pop Royalty ... NZ singer/songwriter/teenager  Lorde.

GEORGE PALATHINGAL She's not Miley Cyrus, she's not Katy Perry, she's not different because she's on YouTube. But she sure stands out.

Comments 4

After the apocalypse: despair, hope, and all things between

The Swan by Alexis Wright (Giiramondo)

Alison Ravenscroft Can it be said that all indigenous texts after 1788 are post-apocalyptic? If so, then Alexis Wright's The Swan Book, set a century or two in the future, tells not only of the apocalypse of climate change still to come but of the apocalypse already arrived for Aboriginal Australia.

Interview: Alex Miller

Author Alex Miller

Jane Sullivan Acclaimed author Alex Miller finds the voice for his new novel in his experiences as a young stockman in outback Australia.

An uphill battle

fighting against overweight

Paula Goodyer Exercise is essential for the seriously overweight, but programs need to be tailored for individual needs.

Verdi's The Complete Works review: Plenty to be discovered

Fwd: Verdi - again!

---------- Forwarded message ----------

Date: 27 September 2013 18:54
Subject: Fwd: Verdi - again!
To: Bernard Zuel 
---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Barney Zwartz 

Date: 27 September 2013 17:51
Subject: Re: Verdi - again!
Kerrie just asked for it too. I had to get it again, because the original is on my home computer, and it's a long one - I hope it's ok. Ie, the extra width makes it a bit shorter. 
here you are. 
On 27 September 2013 17:09, BERNARD ZUEL  wrote:
hi Barney,
I'm sure it was more reliable and easier when things went by telex!
Could you send to me again, please, the cover image for the Verdi box. I've had it several times and sent it several times but all seem to have disappeared now. Please send it to
thankyou for your patience
Barney Zwartz
Religion Editor
The Age
61 3 8667 2291
0422 373 891
The information contained in this e-mai

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

Barney Zwartz This magnificent 75-CD set, honouring the bicentenary of Verdi's birth on Thursday, is a boon for which I have been waiting a

Chronicle of haunted dreams

The Prince: Faith, Abuse and George Pell by David Marr

Gerard Windsor David Marr paints a devastating portrait of a powerbroker he sees as the enemy.

Enlightened times

Parastou Forouhar's Time of Butterflies at 5th Moscow Biennale: More Light

John McDonald Although the politics of many works on show may be muted, the Russian capital is a thrilling and edgy setting for an exhibition.

Far from cut and dried

Life illustration by Simon Letch

Haircuts shouldn't be so hard. James Walker pines for the lost stylist he can't replace.

Rush review

Rush review: Hell on wheels

playboy James Hunt (

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

PAUL BYRNES Two men, one prize, a rivalry to the death: Rush is a missed opportunity driven by cynicism.

Reader reviews

Introspective Drake seeks answers


Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars

As hip-hop evolves into a mature art form, comfortably mainstream and marketable, it's not just splintering at the edges to reveal fascinating threads, it's evolving at the very centre.

Joyous innocence

Michael Leunig - Imbroglio

Steve Dow Childlike wonder at the world permeates Michael Leunig's art.

Lessons from the Bard

A 1610 portrait of William Shakespeare

Elissa Blake Presenting Hamlet is another semester in Shakespeare's school of life.

Life, inverted

Katrina Lobley An old photographic trick morphs modern hotel rooms into otherworldly spaces.

Gravity review

Gravity review: Mission accomplished

Gravity movie stills.

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

SANDRA HALL A new space odyssey is filled with wonder and suspense.

Reader reviews 6

Natural wonders

Cooh in North Curl Curl

Jacqui Taffel With a focus on organic ingredients, this cafe hits the sweet spot.

Of plots, puns and paranoia

Bleeding Edge

Don Anderson In Pynchon's New York, a mother enters the labyrinth of the internet carrying a Beretta.

Once cherished - now lurking in the shadows


RICHARD GLOVER Magazines often feature stories on the famous celebrities of the past. ''Whatever happened to...?'' they ask, before describing a modest flat up the coast and a man trying to deal with his loss of fame.

Comments 2

The Blacklist

Playing sleazy's just so easy

The Blacklist (Thumbnail)

Ruth Ritchie James Spader shows in Blacklist that he can play a character who is capable of almost anything.

Pure Heroine review: Lorde lives up to the hype

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars

Bernard Zuel That the debut album from a New Zealand teenager has been among the most anticipated records of the year is

Pub grub at home

SPECTRUM. Parmigiana. Chicken Parmigiana with Roast Capsicum and Tomato Salad.

Frank Camorra A great parmigiana needs top quality ingredients, no skimping.

Underneath the sails

At Front, Deborah Mailman Eryn Jean Norville and Lisa McCune. Back row, Teddy T

TIM ELLIOTT As the Sydney Opera House enters its fifth decade as an arts hub, Tim Elliott finds out what it takes to keep the icon humming.

We happy campers

Travel - Book. Check in

Mandy Sayer The Australian nation was indeed born in a tent, tens of thousands of tents. Is this why we have a tendency to leave doors open?

Frank Camorra's pub grub at home

Pub-style chicken parmigiana.

FRANK CAMORRA A great parmigiana needs top quality ingredients, no skimping.

Comments 2

Breaking the rules

Director John Landis.

KARL QUINN John Landis on Hollywood's glory days
