City of Bern
Berne the capital city of Switzerland lies in the Swiss plateau within the Canton of Berne...
published: 31 Jan 2009
Bern 93A
train from Lucerne to Bern, walk in Old Town on main street, Clock Tower, open market, par...
published: 10 Aug 2009
author: denniscallan
Ausflug nach Bern
In der Schweizer Hauptstadt Bern gibt es viel zu sehen und entdecken. Dank dem ausserorden...
published: 04 Aug 2011
Urban Swimming in Bern, Switzerland
You might know Switzerland for its snow-capped mountains, but on a hot summer's day people...
published: 13 Aug 2009
Ausschreitungen in Bern
Nach dem Tanz dich frei-Event in der Nacht vom 25. Mai 2013. Mehr hier: http://nicolashein...
published: 26 May 2013
Stéphane Bern : "Ce n'est pas de l'outing, c'est une boutade !"
L'animateur s'explique sur la polémique provoquée par sa sortie face à Geoffroy Didier ce ...
published: 04 Jun 2013
author: Le Figaro
Brig - Spiez - Bern : Cab Ride
Schweiz . Brig - Lötschberg-Bergstrecke - Spiez - Bern : Führerstandsmitfahrt....
published: 06 Sep 2012
author: Saalbahnhof
Cash Bern: Swiss may grant unconditional income for all
Swiss citizens are demanding a crucial change in the constitution, pushing for the introdu...
published: 04 Oct 2013
Shopping in Bern+CHOCOLATE Heaven!!! Day in the Life
The reason I speak quietly in many of the stores is because I do not have official permiss...
published: 21 Apr 2011
Der Harlem Shake in Bern: Grosses Kino!
Am Samstag 23. Februar haben sich hunderte Jugendliche auf dem Bundesplatz versammelt um d...
published: 23 Feb 2013
author: JournalBern
1 Teil - Soteria Bern - Akut (Schweizerdeutsch 1/3)
Soteria Bern Die Soteria Bern behandelt junge, an einer akuten Psychose erkrankte Menschen...
published: 14 Feb 2013
author: Einhornfilm
Stéphane Bern à Nabilla : non mais pardon quoi !
EXTRAIT - Stéphane Bern revient sur ses propos concernant Nabila dans Des Clics et Des Cla...
published: 07 May 2013
author: Europe1
Usgang-TV Mad Wallstreet Bern
published: 06 Aug 2012
author: 4utvschweiz
Löschzug der BF Bern rückt aus
Berufsfeuerwehr Bern, ELW50, TLF13, ADL17, TLF15, Löschzug....
published: 20 Apr 2013
Vimeo results:
TROPFEST FINALIST 2011 --- You tell her you love her. And she loves you. Things have neve...
published: 05 Jan 2011
author: Ari Kruger
The Maestro
A destitute man, living on city streets liberates a device and escapes to a symphony of li...
published: 22 Feb 2011
Le Peuple de l'Herbe - Parler le fracas
Le Peuple de l'Herbe - Parler le fracas feat. Marc Nammour ( La canaille ) Official music ...
published: 25 May 2012
author: wasaru
LAIKA, a dynamic typeface. ======================= For our bachelor thesis, we engaged o...
published: 10 Oct 2009

Youtube results:
Helvetic A319 - Short Approach to Bern-Belp HD
Helvetic Airways' new Airbus A319-112 (HB-JVK) with its approach over the old town of Bern...
published: 23 May 2013
AK72 feat. Fresh L - Für mis Bern (Official Video)
Vorabtrack von TBMB II: AK72 feat. Fresh L (New Jack) - Für mis Bern freedownload uf: www....
published: 25 Jul 2011
author: VajdaBeats
city: Bern, Switzerland | euromaxx
Join us for a trip to the historic city of Bern, the seat of the Swiss parliament....
published: 26 Apr 2011
Top 5 Travel Attractions, Bern (Switzerland) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of Top 5 Travel Attractions of Bern, Switzerland - part of the World's Greates...
published: 13 Jul 2010
author: geobeats