
Reason in Revolt project aims to bring together primary source documents of Australian radicalism as a readily accessible digitised resource. By 'radical' we refer to those who aimed to make society more equal and to emancipate the exploited or oppressed. As it grows and develops, the project website will become an expanding record of the movements, institutions, venues and publications through which radicals sought to influence Australian society.

The project was established with funding from an Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Grant and is currently sustained by a Roger Coates Labour History Research Grant. Roger Coates devoted himself to his great intellectual passion - exploring the roots of the labour and socialist movements, both in Australia and internationally. Roger had an encyclopaedic knowledge of the Australian labour movement and its various strands, radical, reformist and revolutionary, from the 1880s to the 1920s and beyond.

This website is hosted at the University of Melbourne Department of Social and Political Sciences and Monash University Centre for Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies. The ARC grant was awarded to Professor Verity Burgmann, Professor Stuart Macintyre and Professor Andrew Milner. Research and development of the website is currently being undertaken by Jack Roberts, and previously by Matthew Ryan, Simon Booth, Jeff Sparrow, and David Milner. The website has been developed with the assistance of the eScholarship Research Centre at the University of Melbourne, using the Online Heritage Resource Manager.

How to Contribute to the Site

There are a number of ways in which you can contribute to the Reason in Revolt site:

  • Preparing transcripts
  • Writing descriptions and abstracts
  • Providing additional source documents

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact us and we can provide you with the necessary information on how to proceed.

Further Reading

Vanguards and Avant-Gardes: The 'Reason in Revolt' Online Project on Political and Cultural Radicalism, by Simon Booth, Verity Burgmann, Stuart Macintyre, Andrew Milner and Matthew Ryan.


The University of MelbourneMonash UniversityAustralian Research Council

This website has been developed as a collaboration between Melbourne University and Monash University ("Universities") with the funding support of the Australian Research Council. Copyright in the website resides with the Universities and the Universities have reproduced some source materials under licence from third parties. The website may be accessed and materials downloaded solely for the purposes of personal study. No other reproduction of the website or source materials is authorized without the prior written permission of the Universities.

Further advice regarding the ownership rights and/or use of these materials may be obtained by contacting the Reason in Revolt project.