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ASX 200 5208.017 -26.87 -0.51%
AUD/USD 0.9434 -0.0002 -0.02%
ASX 200 5208.0 -26.9 -0.5%
Dow Jones 15072.6 76.1 0.5%
Nasdaq 3807.8 33.4 0.9%
Hang Seng 23138.5 -75.9 -0.3%
NZ 50 4759.4 -10.8 -0.2%

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Market ends week on low note

ASX GARETH HUTCHENS | This week was dominated by political events in the US, where bickering between Republicans and Democrats forced the government into a partial shutdown.

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A protester has his mouth covered with a dollar bill during a demonstration in front of the US Capitol in Washington, DC, October 3, 2013, urging congress to end the federal government shutdown. US President Barack Obama on October 3, directly attacked Republican Speaker John Boehner, saying he could end a

Investors brace for US debt gridlock

Look for buying opportunities as political gridlock in US threatens to spill into a debt-ceiling battle.



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Shutting down and clicking on

While the American government shut down explored absurdity, we have had to make do with mere bemusement over Harvey Norman chief Gerry Harvey’s actions. Michael Pascoe reports. (04:36)

World Business

Wall Street gets ready for US default

Obama 8:31am | While most on Wall Street continue to believe it very unlikely the United States will default on its debt later this month, banks and securities firms are already gearing up for how to handle any tainted US Treasuries.


Say hello to TWTR

Twitter has unsealed the documents for its IPO, saying it hopes to raise $US1 billion.


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Card schemes not worth it for most of us

x CLANCY YEATES | At a time when many shoppers are turning away from credit cards, banks are devising ever more ways to get us spending on plastic. But near the top of their list is the credit card loyalty scheme.

Pre-loved items.

Lust for preloved luxury

Prices pre-loved items are achieving were unheard of even 10 years ago.