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National News

Kate McClymont recognised as Fairfax Media's Woman of Influence

Kate McClymont

Ben Grubb 6:15pm Sydney Morning Herald investigative reporter Kate McClymont has been recognised as 2013's Fairfax Woman of Influence.

Tony Abbott urged to set up white-collar crime-fighting agency in response to Leighton scandal

Tony Abbott at a press conference.

Richard Baker, Nick McKenzie 2:53pm The Abbott government is being urged to consider whether Australia should establish a specialist white collar-crime fighting agency amid the fallout from reports of alleged corruption and mis-conduct involving the Leighton group of companies.

Comments 1

Tall ships sail into harbour for start of fleet review

The Hmb Endeavor.

Tim Barlass 1:04pm Grey skies, hail and unfavourable winds accompanied the flotilla of tall ships that nevertheless arrived punctually through the heads at 11am on Thursday to herald the start of the International Fleet Review.

Australian universities slide in international rankings

University student

Benjamin Preiss 10:28am Melbourne University has lost its place in the top 30 of a key international ranking while other Australian universities have also fallen.

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Dirty nappies? You might be sitting on them

Boardwalk and benches made from plastics.

Kim Arlington Today's dirty nappies will be transformed into tomorrow's park benches under an Australian-first recycling scheme.

GG praises fresh look at past

Alison Bashford and Stuart Macintyre.

Nick Toscano Quentin Bryce praises first comprehensive Australian history publication in 25 years as a robust reminder that 'there is no history of Australia which is non-indigenous'.

Push to keep Rinehart case out of court

Gina Rinehart.

RACHEL OLDING Gina Rinehart's youngest daughter has made a last-ditch attempt to avoid a public trial that will examine claims her mother acted deceitfully in running a family trust.

Campaigners ride wave of support for recognition

Jimmy Wavehill.

DAN HARRISON There are no waves at Wave Hill, 800 kilometres south of Darwin, on the edge of the Tanami Desert. Far from the ocean, it seemed a strange place to bring a surfboard. But that is what campaigners for the recognition of indigenous Australians in the constitution did this week when they rolled into the community of Kalkarindji.

Judges told to consider history when sentencing

Aboriginal Flag.

JANE LEE Judges will need to consider the Aboriginal background of an offender when sentencing them, after a High Court decision ruled that the effects of profound disadvantage do not diminish over time.

Program clash confuses Canberra

Tony Abbott.

MARKUS MANNHEIM Federal bureaucrats are so keen to demonstrate their willingness to serve the Abbott government they are changing the way they spell.

Last Post sounds for a soldier's soldier as Rusty is laid to rest

State funeral for Godfrey Eugene

Damien Murphy When Rusty Priest retired from soldiering in 1967, the Australian Army was heading for the doldrums.

Afghan accused killer of 3 Diggers arrested

Private Robert Poate.

DAVID WROE Afghanistan's ambassador vows that alleged turncoat killer of three Australian soldiers will face the full force of the law.

Campaigners on a wave to lift support

Jimmy Wavehill.

DAN HARRISON There are no waves at Wave Hill, 800 kilometres south of Darwin, on the edge of the Tanami Desert.

Building giant Leighton at centre of bribery scandal

Wal King.

Nick McKenzie, Richard Baker Bribery, corruption and cover-ups in Leighton Holdings' international construction empire were rife and known to top company executives and directors, according to internal company files.

Company had connections in high places


RICHARD BAKER The firm's dealings relied heavily on a network of influential middlemen, write Richard Baker and Nick McKenzie.

From billion-dollar market darling to corporate outcast

Wal King.

MICHAEL EVANS Wal King was all smiles for the cameras in September 2010 when Leighton Holdings announced its chief executive's departure after 23 years at the helm.

No change to New Zealanders' rights

Tony Abbott with New Zealand Prime Minister John Key .

MARK KENNY A bid for greater economic rights for the hundreds of thousands of New Zealand citizens living in Australia has fallen on deaf ears in Canberra despite the leaders of the two countries describing each other as brothers.

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Sea Eagles without their prime mover

Tony Abbott.

SARAH WHYTE Socialites, high-flying musicians and the multi-millionaires of Sydney will rub shoulders with diehard fans at the rugby league grand final on Sunday. But there will be one notable absence: Manly supporter Tony Abbott.

Soldier killings suspect faces death penalty


DAVID WROE Afghanistan's ambassador has vowed that the alleged turncoat killer of three Australian soldiers will face the full force of the law, including a possible death sentence, if found guilty.

Push to lift dole as Gillard admits rate is too low

David Star.

DANIELLA MILETIC Campaign to increase Newstart allowance wins renewed support in the wake of former PM conceding welfare payment to unemployed is too low.

New Zealanders' appeal falls on deaf ears

MARK KENNY New Zealanders' appeal falls on deaf ears

Building giant Leighton rife with corruption: claims


Nick McKenzie and Richard Baker Corruption and cover-ups in Leighton Holdings' international construction empire were rife and known to top company executives and directors, according to internal company files.

Catholic Church opts for reform

Clergy abuse

BARNEY ZWARTZ The Catholic Church will create independent strategies for handling clergy sex abuse complaints by the end of next year in response to widespread criticisms, it has told the royal commission.

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Remarkable U-turn comes after lessons learnt the hard way

Barney Zwartz.

BARNEY ZWARTZ Opinion The Catholic Church in Australia has learnt some sharp lessons, Thursday's official submission to the royal commission shows.

Church pledges accountability on abuse

Mr Francis Sullivan.

BARNEY ZWARTZ The Catholic Church will create independent strategies for handling clergy sex abuse complaints by the end of next year in response to widespread criticisms, it has told the royal commission.

PM shifting on gay marriage, says sister

Christine Forster

2:17am Prime Minister Tony Abbott's openly gay sister insists his views on same sex marriage are changing but concedes he may never vote in favour of legalising it.

Summit confesses to using child labour

10-year-old Samvari stitches balls for The Footy Show.

Sarah Whyte and Ben Doherty Summit Sport has admitted it was using children in India to stitch rugby footballs sold in Australia, taking full responsibility and vowing to refund all balls sold.

Schapelle Corby wins parole approval in Bali

Schapelle Corby

Jakarta Schapelle Corby has edged closer to parole after winning crucial approval from the Justice Ministry office in Bali.

Alastair Lynch doesn't expect Buddy to see out a 10-year deal

Alastair Lynch

Rob Forsaith Alastair Lynch, who like Lance Franklin was tempted to change AFL clubs after an extraordinarily long contract, says it can work for both parties.

Private Robert Poate's family welcomes capture of suspect

Private Robert Hugh Frederick Poate
6th Battalion, RAR
29 August 2012. Aged 23.
Killed in a small-arms incident

MATTHEW RAGGATT The Canberra father of one of the three Australian soldiers killed in a ''green on blue attack'' in Afghanistan last year hopes the man accused of murdering his son will be dealt with for his ''heinous'' and ''cowardly crime''.
