The problem with all this property hype is that nobody is comparing apples with apples.

The problem with all this property hype is that nobody is comparing apples with apples. Photo: Fiona Morris

With property prices all the talk, you would think they were inflating into a bubble before the Reserve Bank's very eyes.

What's more, the biggest culprits are mum-and-dad super funds borrowing to the hilt and going for bust.

Neither is the case.

Although auction clearance rates are at a record, that doesn't necessarily mean prices are. There's pent-up demand from an election campaign that dragged on for more than eight months and carried the additional uncertainty of what an Abbott government would do - which, at the risk of making a rash judgment - seems to be very little.

More houses and units are on the market than there were a year ago but I can't see that as being all that bullish for prices. There's also some recycling; properties that couldn't sell a year ago are popping up again.

The problem with all this property hype is that nobody is comparing apples with apples.

Most houses change in some way, often unrecognisably, between market outings.

No surprise there, considering the whopping incentive to renovate, because the subsequent lift in value is tax-free.

Nothing else is as tax friendly, unless it's held by a super fund paying a pension.

Unfortunately, there's no knowing how much of a price rise - or, for that matter, fall, if the place has been over-capitalised - was due to a renovation or a rise in land value.

Another thing: you'll hear agents crowing about how a place sold for tens or even thousands above the reserve price, which is never revealed beforehand anyway.

But the percentage increase since the house was originally bought might tell a different story.

I'm told a house in one of Sydney's exclusive suburbs, for example, recently sold for $300,000 more than in the heady days before the global financial crisis struck. Wow, how about that? Call me envious, but the increase only works out at 2.2 per cent annual return. You would have got more than that in a bank account.

Still, it's no accident that there have been some impressive price increases in the past few months at the top of the market.

You don't have to look far for the reason: the dollar. Its drop has made property more attractive to offshore investors, especially from Hong Kong, facilitated by our foreign ownership rules - or lack of them.

These investors seem to be flocking to Sydney, where prices have lagged for some time. The cheaper currency also encourages expatriate professionals who sold at the dollar's peak to buy back in.

But first-home buyers are missing in action, spooked by continual reports of high-profile job losses, the latest being Telstra sacking 1100. Low interest rates won't cut it if you're worried about losing your job. And Treasury forecasts unemployment will rise this financial year.

In a fair dinkum property boom, first-home buyers and investors would be elbowing each other out. But they're wary of getting into debt.
