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Digital Life


TV - watch, record or download?

Adam Turner Homes across the country will be planning their weekly viewing schedule, but exactly how will they watch their favourite television shows this season - watch, record or download?

Comments 48

Editor's picks


Apple Maps directs drivers to Alaska airport runway

An Alaskan airport has closed an aircraft access route due to a glitch in Apple Maps that directs drivers up to an active runway.

Comments 55


The end of paying for calls?

LUCY BATTERSBY A new calling feature in Apple's latest operating system threatens billions of dollars of revenue that network operators such as Telstra, Optus and Vodafone receive from mobile voice calls.

Comments 111


Telcos struggle to sell iPhone 5c

BEN GRUBB Australian telcos are struggling to sell Apple's iPhone 5c, according to stores.

Comments 92


Is the iPhone 5c an Apple flop?

Adam Turner Does Apple finally have an iDud on its hands?



Telstra warned over roaming

The Australian Communications and Media Authority has let Telstra off with a warning.

Sight & Sound

Getting picky about sound

It's usually when buying their second home-cinema system that people start getting picky.

The Edge

Cracks in Windows 8

In our experience, Windows 8 might have been better named 'Windows Wait'.


Put down that smartphone

Queensland has developed a smartphone code of conduct.

Comments 67


Samsung phone to get curved screen

Samsung are set to unveil a smartphone with a curved screen in October.


Citizens come to their sensors

An old port city on Spain's Bay of Biscay has emerged as a prototype for high-tech smart cities.


Get the old Gmail compose back

Gmail forced users onto a new interface, but you can get the old one back.

Comments 48

Blogs & Columns

Screen Play

Screenshot jigsaw puzzle #51

James Dominguez It's Friday again, so we've come back around the jigsaw puzzle time. Can you guess the game?

Comments 13


Comet ISON: welcome, stranger

A year ago this Saturday, a couple of Russian astronomers made an unexpected discovery.


One for all, and all in one

The next generation of games consoles are designed to be central home-entertainment hubs.

Bleeding Edge

Cracks in Windows 8

In our experience, Windows 8 might have been better named 'Windows Wait'.

Gadgets on the go

Homeland, Elementary, S.H.I.E.L.D. - watch, record or download?

Adam Turner How will you watch your favourite shows this season?

Comments 48

The Geek

Big hair, black face and taking Twitter way too seriously

John Birmingham The Radike Samo blackface scandal is a storm in a tea cup.

Comments 36


Apple iPhone 5s v 5c: change in your pocket

Apple now has two distinctly different iPhone lines - the colourful iPhone 5C and its big brother, the high-spec 5S. But which one to get?


Rodney Hyett: Australian Beach Girl Calendar's new wave

For 2014, for the first time, the human form is the dominant feature in Hyett's photographs.


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