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ASX 200 5275.9 41.8 0.8%
Dow Jones 15334.6 -66.8 -0.4%
Nasdaq 3772.4 4.1 0.1%
Hang Seng 23209.6 30.6 0.1%
NZ 50 4764.7 0.0 0.0%

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$A drifts down as US consumers fret

Australian dollar coin. 1:32pm | The Australian dollar is drifting lower amid ebbing consumer confidence in the US and a lull in significant economic pointers.

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Three stocks to gain from M&A

Intelligent Investor This is a "fabulous environment", says Leon Black of private equity firm Apollo – provided you're selling.

World Business

US Fed officials warn against rush to taper

William Dudley 24 Sep | In a strong defence of the Fed's shock decision last week to keep buying bonds unabated, central bank officials warn that the US risks losing its ''economic mojo".


Facing a housing bubble? New Zealand may have the answer

As the world's biggest economies search for ways to let the air out of giant asset bubbles, they might find some answers in tiny New Zealand.


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Gender a fender

Mechanic EMILY CHANTIRI | Most Australian women fear they could be ripped off at car dealerships.

A menu

Tapping more than your appetite

Make no mistake: a menu is a manipulative document meant to make you spend more money than you anticipated.