
Emlékek a magyar szabadságharcból 1848-1849
Huszonnégy esztendővel ezelőtt, 1988-ban készítette el és mutatta be a Katonai Filmstúdió ...
published: 13 Mar 2012
author: elbanatloz
Emlékek a magyar szabadságharcból 1848-1849
Emlékek a magyar szabadságharcból 1848-1849
Huszonnégy esztendővel ezelőtt, 1988-ban készítette el és mutatta be a Katonai Filmstúdió a magyar történelem legnagyobb jelentőségű korszakáról, az 1848/49-...- published: 13 Mar 2012
- views: 3143
- author: elbanatloz

Fredericia Battle 1849
"Fredericia Battle 1849" er et udviklingsforløb i projektet: Leg og læring - kids n tweens...
published: 08 Jul 2011
author: KidsNTweens2010
Fredericia Battle 1849
Fredericia Battle 1849
"Fredericia Battle 1849" er et udviklingsforløb i projektet: Leg og læring - kids n tweens lifestyle. http://www.kidsntweens.dk/idd104.asp.- published: 08 Jul 2011
- views: 467
- author: KidsNTweens2010

Gold Rush (1849 Edition)
"OFFICIAL VIDEO COMING SOON" Download now! http://smarturl.it/iGoldRush Watch the official...
published: 28 May 2013
author: ClintonSparksVEVO
Gold Rush (1849 Edition)
Gold Rush (1849 Edition)
"OFFICIAL VIDEO COMING SOON" Download now! http://smarturl.it/iGoldRush Watch the official video now @ http://pfr.ec/GoldRushOfficial Music video by Clinton ...- published: 28 May 2013
- views: 573292
- author: ClintonSparksVEVO

The Presidents- Taylor to Lincoln 1849-1865
THE PRESIDENTS is an unprecedented eight-part survey of the personal lives and legacies of...
published: 23 Jan 2012
author: HistoryFeed
The Presidents- Taylor to Lincoln 1849-1865
The Presidents- Taylor to Lincoln 1849-1865
THE PRESIDENTS is an unprecedented eight-part survey of the personal lives and legacies of the remarkable men who have presided over the Oval Office. From Ge...- published: 23 Jan 2012
- views: 62577
- author: HistoryFeed

The Presidents 1849 1865
published: 07 Feb 2012
author: Aaron Akwaboah
The Presidents 1849 1865

The Presidents- John Q Adams to Polk 1825-1849
THE PRESIDENTS is an unprecedented eight-part survey of the personal lives and legacies of...
published: 23 Jan 2012
author: HistoryFeed
The Presidents- John Q Adams to Polk 1825-1849
The Presidents- John Q Adams to Polk 1825-1849
THE PRESIDENTS is an unprecedented eight-part survey of the personal lives and legacies of the remarkable men who have presided over the Oval Office. From Ge...- published: 23 Jan 2012
- views: 77020
- author: HistoryFeed

1848-1849: due anni rivoluzionari
published: 30 Apr 2013
author: DeAgostiniScuola
1848-1849: due anni rivoluzionari

Teknillisen korkeakoulun historia 1849-2010
Tuotanto: Teknillisen korkeakoulun viestintä ja ECMediaTeam 2008. Remasteroitu 2011. Ohjau...
published: 15 Dec 2011
author: Aalto University
Teknillisen korkeakoulun historia 1849-2010
Teknillisen korkeakoulun historia 1849-2010
Tuotanto: Teknillisen korkeakoulun viestintä ja ECMediaTeam 2008. Remasteroitu 2011. Ohjaus: Juha Juvonen ja Mikko Raskinen Käsikirjoitus: Panu Nykänen Copyr...- published: 15 Dec 2011
- views: 475
- author: Aalto University

Rothschild Presse in Deutschland seit 1849
Neue Version des Videos unter: http://tinyurl.com/llnphs9 (16.06.2013) Dieses Video steht ...
published: 21 Jan 2013
author: VanNameless
Rothschild Presse in Deutschland seit 1849
Rothschild Presse in Deutschland seit 1849
Neue Version des Videos unter: http://tinyurl.com/llnphs9 (16.06.2013) Dieses Video steht frei zur Verbreitung zur Verfügung ! Bitte verbreiten und herunterl...- published: 21 Jan 2013
- views: 3585
- author: VanNameless

U S Presidents Episode 3 Taylor to Lincoln 1849 1865 Full Documentary)
2013 - This documentary and the other documentaries on this channel are very informative, ...
published: 30 Aug 2013
U S Presidents Episode 3 Taylor to Lincoln 1849 1865 Full Documentary)
U S Presidents Episode 3 Taylor to Lincoln 1849 1865 Full Documentary)
2013 - This documentary and the other documentaries on this channel are very informative, interesting, and even fun. You will see documentaries on important times and figures in history, science, technology, nature, archaeology, and education, as well as some more fringe topics like conspiracy theories and government corruption. The topics of these video documentaries vary greatly and cover ancient history and civilizations like Rome, Greece, Egypt, science, technology, nature, planet earth and other planets, the solar system, the universe, World wars, battles, military and combat technology, current events, teaching and education, biographies, television, movies and cinema, the arts, popular music worldwide, archaeology, the Illuminati, Area 51, serial killers, paranormal and supernatural occurrences, cults, government cover-ups, the law and legal matters, news and current events, corruption, martial arts, space, aliens, ufos, conspiracy theories, Annunaki, Nibiru, Nephilim, satanic rituals, religion, strange phenomenon, origins of Mankind, monsters, racism, genocide, world affairs- published: 30 Aug 2013
- views: 18

The Presidents of the United States: Episode 3 - 1849-1865 (History Documentary)
The Presidents of the United States: Episode 3 - 1849-1865 (History Documentary)
published: 13 Sep 2013
The Presidents of the United States: Episode 3 - 1849-1865 (History Documentary)
The Presidents of the United States: Episode 3 - 1849-1865 (History Documentary)
The Presidents of the United States: Episode 3 - 1849-1865 (History Documentary) THE PRESIDENTS is an unprecedented eight-part survey of the personal lives and legacies of the remarkable men who have presided over the Oval Office. From George Washington to George W. Bush, THE PRESIDENTS gathers together vivid snapshots of all 43 Commanders in Chief who have guided America throughout its history--their powerful personalities, weaknesses, and major achievements or historical insignificance. Based on the book To the Best of My Ability, edited by Pulitzer Prize-winner James McPherson, THE PRESIDENTS features rare and unseen photographs and footage, unexpected insight and trivia from journalists, scholars, and politicians such as Walter Cronkite, David Brinkley, Wesley Clark, Bob Dole, and former President Jimmy Carter. Viewed within the changing contexts of each administration, the Presidency has never seemed more compelling and human.- published: 13 Sep 2013
- views: 7

"Revoluţia" maghiară din 1848-1849 (1/2)
Razboiul ungar împotriva românilor din 1848-1849. Col. (r) dr. Mircea Dogaru, emisiunea Do...
published: 15 Mar 2010
author: IstorieAdevarataTV
"Revoluţia" maghiară din 1848-1849 (1/2)
"Revoluţia" maghiară din 1848-1849 (1/2)
Razboiul ungar împotriva românilor din 1848-1849. Col. (r) dr. Mircea Dogaru, emisiunea Dor de acasă, TvRM Educaţional, în fiecare Duminică de la ora 17:30.- published: 15 Mar 2010
- views: 1944
- author: IstorieAdevarataTV

The American West 03 - Wagon Trails to the West (1849) - from Timelines.tv
A 14-year-old girl describes a great American adventure, crossing the Plains by wagon on a...
published: 31 Jan 2013
author: timelinesTV
The American West 03 - Wagon Trails to the West (1849) - from Timelines.tv
The American West 03 - Wagon Trails to the West (1849) - from Timelines.tv
A 14-year-old girl describes a great American adventure, crossing the Plains by wagon on a 2000-mile journey west. (9.25 mins) In 1848, the Hester family fro...- published: 31 Jan 2013
- views: 1751
- author: timelinesTV
Youtube results:

Teknillisen korkeakoulun historia 1849-
Teknillisen korkeakoulun (TKK) historia 1849-2008. Video by: TKK / ECMediaTeam, (c)2008. e...
published: 16 Dec 2009
author: ECMediaTeam
Teknillisen korkeakoulun historia 1849-
Teknillisen korkeakoulun historia 1849-
Teknillisen korkeakoulun (TKK) historia 1849-2008. Video by: TKK / ECMediaTeam, (c)2008. ecmedia.tkk.fi.- published: 16 Dec 2009
- views: 681
- author: ECMediaTeam

Bombardementet i Frederits 1849
Da den dengang kun 22-årige fynbo, Anders Nielsen Gamborg, drog ud i felten sammen med and...
published: 27 Jun 2012
author: Thomas Kvist Christiansen
Bombardementet i Frederits 1849
Bombardementet i Frederits 1849
Da den dengang kun 22-årige fynbo, Anders Nielsen Gamborg, drog ud i felten sammen med andre danske landsoldater i 3. Jægerkorps for at forsvare landet mod f...- published: 27 Jun 2012
- views: 198
- author: Thomas Kvist Christiansen

Sir John Everett Millais, Christ in the House of His Parents, 1849-50
Sir John Everett Millais, Christ in the House of His Parents, 1849-50, oil on canvas, 864 ...
published: 02 Apr 2012
author: smarthistoryvideos
Sir John Everett Millais, Christ in the House of His Parents, 1849-50
Sir John Everett Millais, Christ in the House of His Parents, 1849-50
Sir John Everett Millais, Christ in the House of His Parents, 1849-50, oil on canvas, 864 x 1397 mm (Tate Britain, London) View this work up close on the Goo...- published: 02 Apr 2012
- views: 3017
- author: smarthistoryvideos

Adolphe Adam - Le Toréador (1849)
Adolphe Adam Work: Le Toréador ou L'Accord parfait, opéra comique in three acts, first per...
published: 02 Aug 2013
author: KuhlauDilfeng3
Adolphe Adam - Le Toréador (1849)
Adolphe Adam - Le Toréador (1849)
Adolphe Adam Work: Le Toréador ou L'Accord parfait, opéra comique in three acts, first performance 18 May 1849, Opéra-Comique, Paris. Libretto: Thomas Marie ...- published: 02 Aug 2013
- views: 58
- author: KuhlauDilfeng3