Access keys

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Each of the main areas of the web site have an Access key assigned to them. This means that in certain browsers* you can use the keyboard to jump to any main area from anywhere else in the site.

*Please note that Access keys are not supported by Internet Explorer 3, or Netscape 4.

Access keys work slightly differently on Macs and PCs. Below is a list of the main areas of the site, and the keyboard commands that will jump to them.

Area PC Mac
Home page alt + 1 > rtn ctrl + 1
Site map alt + 3 > rtn ctrl + 3
Search alt + 4 > rtn ctrl + 4
Language Selector alt + 5 > rtn ctrl + 5
Help alt + 6 > rtn ctrl + 6
Contact Us alt + 9 > rtn  ctrl + 9
Access Key details alt + 0 > rtn ctrl + 0

'alt + N > rtn' means that you must hold the alt key and the N key at the same time, then press the Return key.

'ctrl + N' means that you must hold the ctrl key and the N key at the same time.

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