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European Transport Workers' Federation

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ETF Congress 2013

European Transport Workers' Federation

graphic for questionnaries and surveys*

for ETF Press Releases click here >>

Affiliates: Download the Annual Membership Questionnaire for 2012 >>


News online

English Version 20 August 2013
Seafarers' bill of rights goes live today
Today, 20 August, the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) – the seafarers’ bill of rights – comes into force. The MLC is a far-reaching, groundbreaking international convention which establishes an international minimum standard that has the potential to make a real difference to seafarers. The ITF was in at its birth and has supported it all the way. Now it becomes a reality. more >>


Luxair Demonstration 1 August 2013
Luxembourg unions celebrate dispute victory
Unions in Luxembourg finally reached an agreement with management last week in a long-running dispute around collective working agreements for aviation workers. more >>


PALEA Campaign 19 July 2013
ETF congratulates but continues to monitor PAL
The European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) has this week congratulated Philippine Airlines (PAL) on opening talks with its employees’ union, PALEA. The airline also received the go ahead this week to resume flights to European Union countries. more >>


stephen_cotton_listens_to_bulgarian_workers 18 July 2013
ITF acting general secretary takes action on members’ concerns
Stephen Cotton, ITF acting general secretary, met with Bulgarian workers earlier this week to get an understanding of the issues they face. Cotton is visiting the country's capital, Sofia - which will host the ITF's next congress in 2014 - on a three-day fact finding mission. more >>


Maritime Womens Best Practice Guide 12 July 2013
‘Rave reviews’ for new women's maritime union resource
Winning a better deal for women is the title of the ITF’s new union resource, the women’s best practice guide, which has received ‘rave reviews’ from delegates during maritime union meetings this week. more >>


Press releases

19 August 2013
ITF gives warm welcome to MLC 2006
As the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (MLC) comes into the force the ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) has promised to dedicate all its resources to helping it make real changes to... more >>


25 July 2013
ITF expresses condolences over Spanish train crash
The ITF has expressed its deepest sympathy to all those affected by last night’s train derailment in Santiago de Compostela.

ITF acting general secretary Steve Cotton said: “This horrific accident is a human tragedy. We send our condolences to all those involved: passengers, staff, emergency and medical services, and to their families.”

He continued: “The ITF is ready to offer all the help it can to those affected.”

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ETF Press releases*
19 August 2013
ITF gives warm welcome to MLC 2006
25 July 2013
ITF expresses condolences over Spanish train crash
News Online*
News online provides updates on issues of concern to the European transport trade union movement, information about the work of the ETF and of the ETF's affiliates more >>
Issues in-Focus*
4th Railway Package Campaign more >>

Stop! Don't mess with ground handling jobs! more >>

Respect for Professional Drivers! Act Against Degrading Jobs and Working Conditions in Road Transport! more >>

graphic - link to solidarity page

Issues of concern to ETF affiliates

Managerial and Professional Staff
Download MPS study

Project Information
ETF Link


Galerie AGORA, Rue du Marché aux Herbes 105, Boîte 11 B - 1000 Bruxelles  |  +32 2 285 46 60   |  etf@etf-europe.org
Galerie AGORA, Rue du Marché aux Herbes 105, Boîte 11 B - 1000 Bruxelles  |  +32 2 285 46 60   |  etf@etf-europe.org