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Federal Politics






Fairfax YourView Election Forum

This forum provides a unique opportunity to express your views on a broad range of major election-related issues; see how similar they are to political parties and others; and contribute to the collective wisdom, an alternative to standard opinion poll results.

The Forum is a collaboration between Fairfax Media and YourView Australia, and will run throughout the election period. 

How it works

Listed below is a selection of prominent issues in the 2013 Federal election. You can take a stand on each issue by voting, making comments or replies, and rating others' contributions. From this activity YourView calculates the collective wisdom on each issue. 

The Election Panorama shows how your votes locate you in the landscape of political parties, other organisations, and YourView users. The Panorama also displays where all participants collectively stand. 

To appear on the Panorama, you need to be signed in and to have voted on at least 5 issues. Your position will then be represented by the "YOU" dot. The closer that dot is to the icon for a political party, the more similar you are to that party. The more issues you vote on, the more accurate the map will be for you.

The issue set will evolve over the election period, in coordination with Fairfax coverage of major policy areas.  

For more information see the YourView Election Forum FAQs

The Issues

Click on the tabs to see the issues in each category
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Top Seven

All asylum seekers arriving by boat should be processed offshore
Posted: 19 Jul '13 | By yourview | 201 Votes | 16 Comments
The collective wisdom opposes this issue. You support it. You oppose it. You are undecided.
Kevin Rudd would be a better Prime Minister than Tony Abbott
Posted: 15 Jul '13 | By yourview | 169 Votes | 5 Comments
The collective wisdom supports this issue. You support it. You oppose it. You are undecided.
Commonwealth spending must be scaled back to reduce debt and deficits
Posted: 4 Jul '13 | By yourview | 183 Votes | 7 Comments
The collective wisdom opposes this issue. You support it. You oppose it. You are undecided.
University funding cuts should be reversed
Posted: 30 May '13 | By yourview | 186 Votes | 5 Comments
The collective wisdom supports this issue. You support it. You oppose it. You are undecided.
The Labor National Broadband Network should be implemented in full (FTTP)
Posted: 23 Apr '13 | By Michael MacWilliam | 204 Votes | 11 Comments
The collective wisdom supports this issue. You support it. You oppose it. You are undecided.
Same-sex marriage should be legalised
Posted: 19 Mar '13 | By apross | 221 Votes | 9 Comments
The collective wisdom supports this issue. You support it. You oppose it. You are undecided.
The carbon price should be repealed
Posted: 9 Jul '12 | By James Wight | 285 Votes | 54 Comments
The collective wisdom opposes this issue. You support it. You oppose it. You are undecided.

Economy & Wealth

The company tax rate should be cut by 1.5%
Posted: 7 Aug '13 | By john.tolhurst | 108 Votes | 5 Comments
The collective wisdom opposes this issue. You support it. You oppose it. You are undecided.
Commonwealth spending must be scaled back to reduce debt and deficits
Posted: 4 Jul '13 | By yourview | 183 Votes | 7 Comments
The collective wisdom opposes this issue. You support it. You oppose it. You are undecided.
The mining tax should be redesigned to ensure that the miners actually pay it
Posted: 19 Mar '13 | By Michael MacWilliam | 174 Votes | 3 Comments
The collective wisdom supports this issue. You support it. You oppose it. You are undecided.
The northern reaches of Australia should be targeted for wide reaching and quick growth
Posted: 20 Feb '13 | By Michael MacWilliam | 174 Votes | 11 Comments
The collective wisdom opposes this issue. You support it. You oppose it. You are undecided.


The Schoolkids Bonus should be axed
Posted: 8 Aug '13 | By yourview | 144 Votes | 8 Comments
The collective wisdom is neutral on this issue. You support it. You oppose it. You are undecided.
The collective wisdom opposes this issue. You support it. You oppose it. You are undecided.
The collective wisdom supports this issue. You support it. You oppose it. You are undecided.
The collective wisdom supports this issue. You support it. You oppose it. You are undecided.
University funding cuts should be reversed
Posted: 30 May '13 | By yourview | 186 Votes | 5 Comments
The collective wisdom supports this issue. You support it. You oppose it. You are undecided.
The Better Schools ("Gonski") school funding reforms should be implemented in full
Posted: 19 Mar '13 | By apross | 168 Votes | 4 Comments
The collective wisdom supports this issue. You support it. You oppose it. You are undecided.

Environment and Energy

The shift from a carbon tax to an emissions trading scheme should be brought forward
Posted: 26 Jul '13 | By James Wight | 99 Votes | 3 Comments
The collective wisdom supports this issue. You support it. You oppose it. You are undecided.
Farmers should have the right to refuse coal seam gas developments on their land
Posted: 14 Jul '13 | By yourview | 113 Votes | 0 Comments
The collective wisdom supports this issue. You support it. You oppose it. You are undecided.
The collective wisdom opposes this issue. You support it. You oppose it. You are undecided.
The Coalition's Direct Action Plan is the best way to achieve our emissions reduction targets
Posted: 30 May '13 | By James Wight | 94 Votes | 6 Comments
The collective wisdom opposes this issue. You support it. You oppose it. You are undecided.
All fossil fuel subsidies should be abolished
Posted: 30 May '13 | By yourview | 106 Votes | 0 Comments
The collective wisdom supports this issue. You support it. You oppose it. You are undecided.
The Great Barrier Reef should have much stronger Commonwealth protection
Posted: 21 Mar '13 | By apross | 150 Votes | 1 Comment
The collective wisdom supports this issue. You support it. You oppose it. You are undecided.
The carbon price should be repealed
Posted: 9 Jul '12 | By James Wight | 285 Votes | 54 Comments
The collective wisdom opposes this issue. You support it. You oppose it. You are undecided.

Immigration and Asylum

Asylum seekers arriving by boat without a visa are acting illegally
Posted: 14 Aug '13 | By yourview | 6 Votes | 0 Comments
The collective wisdom opposes this issue. You support it. You oppose it. You are undecided.
All asylum seekers arriving by boat should be processed offshore
Posted: 19 Jul '13 | By yourview | 201 Votes | 16 Comments
The collective wisdom opposes this issue. You support it. You oppose it. You are undecided.
Asylum seekers in the community on bridging visas should have the right to work
Posted: 28 May '13 | By apross | 163 Votes | 3 Comments
The collective wisdom supports this issue. You support it. You oppose it. You are undecided.
Children should never be held in mandatory detention centres
Posted: 28 May '13 | By apross | 152 Votes | 3 Comments
The collective wisdom supports this issue. You support it. You oppose it. You are undecided.
The Navy should turn back illegal boat arrivals where it is safe to do so
Posted: 28 May '13 | By apross | 165 Votes | 5 Comments
The collective wisdom opposes this issue. You support it. You oppose it. You are undecided.

NBN and Communications

ABC and SBS should be privatised
Posted: 14 Jul '13 | By yourview | 103 Votes | 4 Comments
The collective wisdom opposes this issue. You support it. You oppose it. You are undecided.
The media should be subject to tighter government regulation
Posted: 24 Jun '13 | By yourview | 158 Votes | 10 Comments
The collective wisdom opposes this issue. You support it. You oppose it. You are undecided.
Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act should be repealed
Posted: 30 May '13 | By yourview | 140 Votes | 5 Comments
The collective wisdom opposes this issue. You support it. You oppose it. You are undecided.
The Labor National Broadband Network should be implemented in full (FTTP)
Posted: 23 Apr '13 | By Michael MacWilliam | 204 Votes | 11 Comments
The collective wisdom supports this issue. You support it. You oppose it. You are undecided.

Trust and Credibility

Kevin Rudd would be a better Prime Minister than Tony Abbott
Posted: 15 Jul '13 | By yourview | 169 Votes | 5 Comments
The collective wisdom supports this issue. You support it. You oppose it. You are undecided.
The Coalition's policies are too vague and not properly costed
Posted: 19 Mar '13 | By yourview | 99 Votes | 0 Comments
The collective wisdom supports this issue. You support it. You oppose it. You are undecided.
The Labor Government has been incompetent
Posted: 28 Feb '13 | By Michael MacWilliam | 158 Votes | 7 Comments
The collective wisdom opposes this issue. You support it. You oppose it. You are undecided.

Work, Family and Equity

The Government should subsidise a major expansion of childcare places
Posted: 5 Aug '13 | By yourview | 117 Votes | 2 Comments
The collective wisdom opposes this issue. You support it. You oppose it. You are undecided.
The collective wisdom supports this issue. You support it. You oppose it. You are undecided.
The Newstart Allowance should be raised by $50 a week
Posted: 30 May '13 | By yourview | 144 Votes | 2 Comments
The collective wisdom supports this issue. You support it. You oppose it. You are undecided.
The collective wisdom opposes this issue. You support it. You oppose it. You are undecided.
There should be no Workchoices-style reform of the Fair Work Act.
Posted: 20 Mar '13 | By Michael MacWilliam | 146 Votes | 5 Comments
The collective wisdom supports this issue. You support it. You oppose it. You are undecided.
Same-sex marriage should be legalised
Posted: 19 Mar '13 | By apross | 221 Votes | 9 Comments
The collective wisdom supports this issue. You support it. You oppose it. You are undecided.
We cannot afford generous new welfare programs
Posted: 19 Mar '13 | By apross | 144 Votes | 4 Comments
The collective wisdom supports this issue. You support it. You oppose it. You are undecided.