Economists said they expected at least one more rate cut this year unless the currency slips further.

Wall Street is surging but Australian shares aren't. Big investors say a Coalition victory would turn things around. Photo: Peter Braig

Investors say a change of government would revive Australian business confidence, bolstering a stock market that is lagging behind Wall Street by the most in more than a decade.

A Coalition victory would boost earnings at utilities companies and construction firms that have suffered from uncertainty under Labor, said Don Williams, chief investment officer at Platypus Asset Management. A change of government next month would encourage firms to resurrect spending plans, according to David Cassidy of UBS AG.

"Business confidence is as dreadful as I've ever seen it," Mr Williams said. "Assuming there is a change of government, you'd expect that to improve. Investors have something to look forward to."

The S&P500 since 2002. Note the collapse during the GFC, and the continuing improvement since then.

The S&P500; since 2002. Note the collapse during the GFC, and the continuing improvement since then.

History suggests the election - whatever the outcome - will boost stock prices, with the All Ordinaries Index climbing an average 5.3 per cent in the three months following the 11 national votes since 1983.

The All Ordinaries index this year has returned about half the Standard & Poor's 500 Index and remains 25 per cent below its record high in 2007 as the resources raw-investment boom wanes. The All Ord's 8 per cent advance in 2013 through to July 31 trailed the S&P 500 by the most since 1998.

Earlier this week the All Ords was trading at 14.9 times estimated earnings, compared with a multiple of 15.3 for the S&P 500. The Australian gauge closed little changed at 5141 on Wednesday.

The S&P500 since 2002. Note how it matches the US market before and after the GFC, but has failed to match its onward charge in recent years.

The S&P500; since 2002. Note how it matches the US market before and after the GFC, but has failed to match its onward charge in recent years.

Fading boom

The huge resources investments of recent years are now dwindling, with the value of planned business investment projects and those under consideration or possible falling 14.3 per cent as of June 30 from the prior quarter, a Deloitte Access Economics report showed last month.

A lack of business confidence is hampering the economy from growing in non-mining sectors, Reserve Bank governor Glenn Stevens said in a speech last month. "There is no such thing as a confidence policy lever," he said.

The Aussie dollar against the dollar over the past year-and-a-half. Note the time spent above parity.

The Aussie dollar against the dollar over the past year-and-a-half. Note the time spent above parity.

For shareholders, that lever may be the election, bringing greater clarity about how companies will spend and invest, said Mr Cassidy, a Sydney-based equity strategist at UBS.

"A change in government would be positive for the market, giving a lift to business confidence," said Mr Cassidy, who forecasts the S&P/ASX 200 Index will rise 4.7 per cent to 5,400 by June 30 next year.

"A lift in business confidence will spur some degree of business investment and borrowing, helped by a lower currency and low interest rates. We care more than usual about this election."

At stake in the election is the management of the world's 12th-largest economy. Tony Abbott has pledged to cut the company tax rate by 1.5 percentage points, adding to previous promises to abandon Labor's carbon emissions trading program and a 30 per cent tax on coal and iron-ore company profits introduced by Labor in 2012. Rudd has also said he would scrap the world's highest carbon price by moving to emissions trading in mid-2014, a year earlier than previously planned.

Stable history

"Australia has a long tradition of pretty stable politics," Stephen Halmarick, Sydney-based head of economic and market research at Colonial First State Global Asset Management, which manages more than A$160 billion, said in an interview. "This isn't any different. The key issue will be getting a good majority from whoever wins and they can proceed with their election platform."

While Labor steered the nation through the aftermath of the US sub-prime crisis without a recession, business sentiment has suffered as the nation's resources boom fades and manufacturers struggled with a local currency that traded above parity with the US dollar from mid-2012 to May, the longest such stretch since it was floated in 1983.

The local dollar has dropped since April, slipping as low as $US0.8848 cents on August 5 and boosting exporters' earnings. Since the Aussie began declining from a three-month high of $US1.0582 reached on April 11, the stock price of Arrium, Australia's fourth-largest iron-ore producer, surged 28 per cent, compared with a 2.6 per cent gain on the All Ordinaries Index.

Arrium chief executive officer Andrew Roberts said last month that every 1 cent decrease in the Aussie against the dollar would probably deliver a benefit of between $10 million and $12 million for the company's EBITDA.

The US economy grew more than projected in the second quarter, with annualised gross domestic product rising 1.7 per cent from a 1.1 per cent gain in the prior three months. The RBA last week lowered its growth outlook to 2.25 per cent in the year to December 2013, compared with 2.5 per cent forecast three months earlier.

"In contrast to the US, Australia's growth rate is slowing," said Matthew Sherwood, head of investment markets research in Sydney at Perpetual Investments. "The rise in equities has not been backed by increased earnings. The key question remains whether cost-reduction drives by companies will outweigh the slowing domestic economy."

Stock-market returns increase as business confidence measures pick up, according to a study of 31 countries over a period of more than 20 years by Vichet Sum, an assistant professor at the University of Maryland-Eastern Shore.

"Once you get a government that's not a minority government, you get clarity," George Boubouras, Melbourne-based chief investment officer at Equity Trustees, said.

"With clarity, you'll see business-confidence conditions can improve and therefore households can be a bit more comfortable. When you get that certainty, combined with the other two pre-conditions of lower rates and a stabilised Aussie dollar, all that helps earnings."
