Want to know how to manage your money? Need some tips in building your wealth? International best selling author, finance and investment expert, radio broadcaster, newspaper columnist and public speaker – Noel Whittaker is Australia’s money management visionary. Each week, Noel Whittaker answers your questions here. Ask Noel Whittaker through Money’s exclusive online Q&A.;

Eligibility age pension

Noel Whittaker Am I eligible for a part age pension?

First home saver accounts

Noel Whittaker Which institutions offer first home saver accounts?

Renting out part of home

Noel Whittaker What are the tax implications of renting out part of my residence?

Self managed super fund

Noel Whittaker What is the position regarding transfer of shares to an SMSF?

Financing a property

Noel Whittaker Is an offset account a good way to go?

Offset accounts

Noel Whittaker Is it possible to have an offset account in the name of the parents with the purpose of reducing the interest on a child's mortgage?

Options for a young person

Noel Whittaker Should I pay down the mortgage or invest elsewhere?

Options for retirement

Noel Whittaker Is buying an investment unit a good option for retirement?

Tax planning

Noel Whittaker What is the best way to arrange my investments to save tax?


Noel Whittaker Best way to build a share portfolio outside super

Long term planning

Noel Whittaker What are the best strategies for planning long term while saving tax?

Investing short term

Noel Whittaker Best place to park money while looking for property.

Buy or rent

Noel Whittaker Strategies for moving forward

Building assets for retirement

Noel Whittaker What is the best way to build a portfolio for retirement?

Getting going

Noel Whittaker Strategies for a 21 year old

Savings tax

Noel Whittaker Can you tell me some ways to save tax

Have two houses – how should we structure the loans?

Noel Whittaker I have a home and my partner has a home as well. What is the best way to structure our finances to minimise tax?

Buy a house now or later?

Noel Whittaker I have a large amount in super – should I buy my home now or wait?

Pension entitlements

Noel Whittaker How can I find out my pension entitlements?

Timing of superannuation payments

Noel Whittaker Getting the pension tax free in a year when you turn 60