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Send 'Go home' campaign packing

A controversial Home Office immigration campaign is "political, deeply divisive and likely to stir up racial hatred", PCS has told the department's most senior civil servant.

Low-paid NHS workers take further strike action

Low-paid NHS workers take further strike action

Our members working on NHS pensions are to take a second day of strike action.

Legal action over Pickles' breach of contract

Legal action over Pickles' breach of contract

We accuse Eric Pickles of breaching our members' contracts over the way union subscriptions are collected.

Criminal enforcement staff act against privatisation

Criminal enforcement staff act against privatisation

Our members who collect court fines, chase up unpaid fines and breached warrants are taking action.

Debate begins over national campaign

Debate begins over national campaign

We have launched a summer of consultation over the next stage of our national campaign.

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Striking Rachel

"It gets me very angry because there are so many alternatives to the cuts. Now is the time when we say ‘enough is enough'.”


 Back our industrial action.


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