
More coverage and footage in the Italian section and on the Word Riots 24/h facebook page (thanks for the pic, guys!;)   Yesterday in Bologna an open public assembly was called up by the Autonomous University Collective (CUA) in the bustling heart of the university area - the central Piazza Verdi. Its aim was to publicly debate and raise awareness about the odious police provocation of the previous thursday, when anti-riot police corps tried to prevent a solidarity initiative with…
Statement in Italian here   As a recompositive potentiality - driven by struggles for income and fulfillment of partisan needs - emerged in Italy on #19A, between Ljubljana and Maribor the contributions of the delegations of the movements against austerity and crisis - gathered at the 2013 Hub Meeting - followed each other. In Italy the issue of income was being reclaimed from rethorics, propaganda and loose and interested promises by the political class; whereas, in the reflection of the…
Looking forward to the next day of struggle of the logistics' workers on 15M, which will be a part of the transnational European and Mediterranean social strike, we present here our translation of a documentary made by Maria Elena Scandaliato, a freelance reporter, during the earlier mobilizations in March. A situation of tension and worsening of the workers' conditions which goes on up to these days, with the pickets of the loaders of Granarolo dairy cooperative in front of the…
Martedì 30 Aprile 2013 00:12

Les coups de feu sont pour vous

Article original ici Traduction: http://communismeouvrier.wordpress.com/   Si Luigi Preiti s’était suicidé, en se pendant dans la cave de la maison de ses parents ( car de maison il n’en n’avait plus), il aurait tout simplement été un nombre supplémentaire dans une statistique qui tend à augmenter semaine après semaine : celle des désespérés qui remettent au geste ultime l’impuissance de se procurer un revenu avec lequel vivre, coincés entre un sens de faillite personnelle et l’anomie d’une solitude créée par une vie…
  Original article here   Shortly after a conflict a war of numbers always bursts. OpIsrael's second part doesn't seem an exception to this rule. How many websites were overran by the wave of cyber – attacks that Anonymous unleashed against Israeli IT infrastructures since 7 April? Has it really been a failure as Tel Aviv's government stated? What is the amount of the economic damage? While the operation is still running, Infoaut tries to read between the lines by…
Domenica 21 Aprile 2013 23:28

Hub Meeting 2013 Common Statement #HM2013

Common Statement Maribor – Ljubljana Hub Meeting 2013   Hub Meeting 2013 Maribor ‐ Ljubljana is the continuation of a European movements meetings process. We shared our experiences around five topics: governance of the city; knowledge; migration; women, crisis and radical social care; and the constituent process. Starting from our local differences we talked about opening common space in which we think of Europe not as a geographical space divided by borders and defined by hegemonic structures, but rather as…
Original article here Previous editorial by Infoaut.org Translation by ItalyCalling (@ItalyCalling) March 22 2013: let’s dump the bosses Logistics workers strike Block the goods, generalise the struggle, united we win!   The working class is awakening, and the mobilisations of the last few days among the logistics sector workers in Emilia Romagna are the first signs.  Recently, we have seen two different images of work struggles: the Peugeot workers in Paris clashing with the police on one hand; and the…
Original statement here   Logistics workers, students and activists gathered in front of  factories and warehouses on  Wednesday, the 22nd of March, for a 24 hours general strike of the Logistics sector in Italy.The strike was called at a time when the logistics workers have been protesting for several months against their own labour conditions and exploitation; in many cases, disputes between grassroots Si-Cobas Indipendent Union and employers were won by the workers and their union-organizers with radical pickets and…
Uprisings against austerity and corruption are engulfing Europe and the Mediterranean. After Arab springs, occupations of squares in Spain, mass protests against austerity in Portugal and Italy, and dramatic resistance to the European crisis dictatorship in Greece, uprisings are virulently breaking out across Eastern Europe, most notably in Slovenia, Bulgaria and Croatia.   Uprisings across Europe and the Mediterranean are a massive expression of indignation against neoliberal governance and crisis dictatorship, and for a democratization of societies and for people's…
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