
Martedì 17 Luglio 2012 11:11

Genoa G8: Comrades without justification

Five persons going to jail after being given sentences ranging from six months to fourteen years and another five waiting, in the short, for their own ones. That is how it ought to end, a history which began with three days of international demonstrations against the global agenda of Bush and Berlusconi, Putin and Blair - and three hundred thousand people screaming with rage against the global order of wars, financial speculations, environmental devastation, generalized exploitation of man by man…
Italian original version of the appeal here   For the kind attention of the Media, We are the prisoners in solitary confinement of the prison of Saluzzo (Turin) and we would like to acquaint you with the situation we are forced to live in. We are all defendants awaiting trial (and therefore only under investigation) and, despite that, we are locked in a solitary confinement section. The jail administration says that we (we are 12 inmates) are not in solitary…
Giovedì 23 Febbraio 2012 17:55

The waning article 18

Between the Freudian pronouncements of Walter Veltroni [ideologue of the ‘centre left’ opposition Democratic Party] and the statements by Monti [The appointed technocratic Prime Minister] regarding the reform of the labour market, which will be undertaken with or without the consent of the unions, article 18 [the article in the Italian constitution that should guarantee the minimum conditions of wage workers, most importantly protection from unfair dismissal] is on its death bed. On the inside of the modern technical composition…
Out of the Susa valley in recent years there are continually arriving new encouragements and new indications for those who like us intend to transform society through collective and effective means of struggle.   It has been for years now that the popular Valsusian movement places itself, through its conflictual action, at the centre of every political and social debate occurring in our country, becoming today one of the most advanced points of social opposition to the government of the…
Mercoledì 15 Febbraio 2012 17:17

Letter from jail by Giorgio

English translation of the letter sent from jail by Giorgio Rossetto, one of the arrested people in the No-Tav judicial inquiry [thanks to Lorenzo for the translation]. Dear comrades,On the morning of Thursday the 9th I was moved from the temporary holding cells to a solitary confinement division of the prison with other detainees. I don't want to succumb to the complaining that afflicts the other inmates; instead I will merely describe the reality of my situation. It is a…
On 30 January 2012 the Occupy Movement in Bologna - alongside with the universitary and secondary-school CUA and CAS students' collectives and the Laboratorio Occupato Crash autonomous social centre - promoted a day of action against the government's austerity measures and the awarding, by the local University, of an honorary degree in International Relations to Giorgio Napolitano - Italy's President. Far from being an impartial figurehead, Napolitano was actually responsible for a number of outrageous developments in the Italian political…
Sabato 04 Febbraio 2012 22:16

Why we’re not afraid of the pitchforks

Original article here Translated by ItalyCalling (@ItalyCalling) The 5 day-strike announced by the pitchfork movement is over; but the struggle against the crisis and the blackmail of debt has finally reached the souls of those living on Sicilian lands, and large parts of the movement have announced their will to carry on the protests. Today a big demonstration of more than 1000 students in Palermo is more evidence of the sympathy and complicity of the urban areas with the struggle…
Original article here Occupiers' Manifesto here Interview with the Starbucks occupants at Istanbul Boğaziçi University from our correspondent in Istanbul Josef Yusuf The occupation of Starbucks at the public Boğaziçi University has been going on for over a month and was at the beginning a struggle for clean, healthy and inexpensive food on the campus and for free student certificates and shuttle buses. Has these demands been met and has the occupation produced new needs and desires? Çiçek: Our demands…
Original article in Italian   SOPA and PIPA "undermine the internet's fundamental architecture" professor James Boyle of Duke University said. And he is certainly right. Not by chance yesterday Massimo Gaggi on the Corriere della Sera reported the sarcasm of Chinese newspapers towards the implementation of the censorious barriers entailed by the approval of these bills. There is little space for rejoicing, to say it all. If by any (unlikely) mean the Stop Piracy Online Act and the Protect IP…