Computer Music (Synthesizers, Synclavier) 1986 Pt. 1/3
Outdated but still interesting. Features news on "new" music making machines, including th...
published: 27 Nov 2007
author: cowsill2x2
New England Digital Synclavier II
Richard Atkinson takes a look at the New England Digital Synclavier II. Available for hire...
published: 19 May 2011
jon appleton demonstrates the synclavier ii (1984)
jon appleton demonstrates the synclavier 2....
published: 20 Jan 2009
author: aloofdork
Synclavier demo by Kevin Maloney
Kevin Maloney play Synclavier demo. Sequence extract from NED Synclavier DEMO video casset...
published: 20 Sep 2012
author: jbfairlight
UVI The Beast Demo
The other day I purchased The Beast, which is UVI's recreation of the NED Synclavier. This...
published: 21 Oct 2012
author: Python Blue
Pat Metheny - The Synclavier 1986
First of all, thanks to TERRAKEO (Gustavo) de no ser por este maravilloso muchacho, esto n...
published: 20 Oct 2010
NED Synclavier - Exemples FM
Exemples de sons FM de notre Synclavier II (ici en version 24 voix)...
published: 06 Jun 2012
author: jbfairlight
Frank Zappa - The Black Page (rare synclavier version)
FZ experimenting with the possibilities of his synclavier, from the early 80s I'm guessing...
published: 28 Apr 2009
author: timmo1782
Computer Music (Synthesizers, Synclavier) 1986 Pt. 2/3
Stanley Jordan plays guitar and fiddles with the Commodore 64. From 1986....
published: 27 Nov 2007
author: cowsill2x2
Synclavier II - Demo (audio)
Homemade Demo of the New England Digital SYNCLAVIER II. The pictures comes from an old pap...
published: 21 Jun 2010
author: SoloB3
Synclavier Developer Brad Naples Talks About The Changing Ideas Of Audio Quality In The Digital Age.
We're always hearing about the changing idea of audio quality in the "Digital Age." Syncla...
published: 19 Jun 2010
author: gearwire
16. Synclavier Effects
This is from Disc 2- The Extras....
published: 16 Jun 2012
author: opus289
Synclavier FM ESX24 library demo
This is a music demo of the now available ESX24 Synclavier FM library! Visit www.enhus.com...
published: 11 Sep 2008
author: Tobias Enhus
Frank Zappa - Samba Funk - Synclavier Music
(2011) Feeding the Monkeys at Ma Maison - Synclavier music Copyright Disclaimer Under Sect...
published: 14 Nov 2012
author: ChiDank420 .
Youtube results:
nedco - Synclavier I
Le nedco Synclavier I est le premier synthétiseur musical numérique, ~ 1976 ! C'est l'ancê...
published: 26 May 2010
author: jbfairlight
Synclavier II
Voici un New England Digital (N.E.D.) Synclavier II. L'unité centrale c'est la rack 19" (a...
published: 13 May 2010
author: jbfairlight
cover lullaby the cure dubstep by synclavier@2 mad&renz;
published: 13 Nov 2012
author: frlok
Frank Zappa Synclaiver-Valdez Score (First seven minutes)
A montage of very old paintings done by an teenage Frank Zappa...along with some extra stu...
published: 30 Oct 2009