The Wayback Machine -
People Of Walmart (Sexy And I Know It - LMFAO)
How To Trick People Into Thinking You Have Big Boobs
It's's Golden Globe Kiss Cam
Gwyneth Paltrow is PEOPLE's Most Beautiful Woman
Guy Flips Over 7 People & Stands On His Face - Street Performers -
PEOPLE ARE AWESOME (Hadouken! - Mecha Love)
Carrie Underwood on Turning 30: People Expect You to Be an 'Old Lady'
The Walls Group - Perfect People
The Voca People
Skippy Annoying People
The Boy Who Lived Before - Extraordinary People


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People Of Walmart (Sexy And I Know It - LMFAO)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:09
  • Updated: 20 Aug 2013

People Of Walmart (Sexy And I Know It - LMFAO)

The photos are from and cover Walmart shoppers from California to Alaska to Maine to Florida. There is even one from Canada. I am sorry y... Of Walmart (Sexy And I Know It - LMFAO)
How To Trick People Into Thinking You Have Big Boobs
  • Order:
  • Duration: 15:31
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

How To Trick People Into Thinking You Have Big Boobs

Doggy Toys: Titty tricks!! You asked, I answered. NOT MEANT TO BE OFFENSIVE AT ALL TO PEOPLE WITH FAKE BOOBS! I like fake bo... To Trick People Into Thinking You Have Big Boobs
It's's Golden Globe Kiss Cam
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:44
  • Updated: 09 May 2013

It's's Golden Globe Kiss Cam

Megan Fox, Brian Austin Green and more faves share their best smooches on the Golden Globe red carpet. - For more video: ...
  • published: 14 Jan 2013
  • views: 2661
  • author: PEOPLE's's Golden Globe Kiss Cam
Gwyneth Paltrow is PEOPLE's Most Beautiful Woman
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:21
  • Updated: 18 Aug 2013

Gwyneth Paltrow is PEOPLE's Most Beautiful Woman

The actress talks about landing the coveted title, motherhood and how her definition of beauty has changed over time -For more 2013 World's Most Beautiful Wo...
  • published: 24 Apr 2013
  • views: 68793
  • author: PEOPLE Paltrow is PEOPLE's Most Beautiful Woman
Guy Flips Over 7 People & Stands On His Face - Street Performers -
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:11
  • Updated: 20 Aug 2013

Guy Flips Over 7 People & Stands On His Face - Street Performers -

Cali Faces - Street Performers - Raymond and the Strength Project Crew. See more at:
  • published: 28 Oct 2010
  • views: 14711258
  • author: califaces Flips Over 7 People & Stands On His Face - Street Performers -
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:03
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013


Please share this video and leave a like for more epic uploads! Like our FB page! - Thumbnail can be found @ 6:05 Song 1 - Spe...
  • published: 22 Jun 2013
  • views: 244546
  • author: FRlKK ARE AWESOME 2013!
PEOPLE ARE AWESOME (Hadouken! - Mecha Love)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:08
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

PEOPLE ARE AWESOME (Hadouken! - Mecha Love)

The song is 'Mecha Love' by Hadouken, from the album 'Every Weekend' available on iTunes: Subscribe to our channel here:
  • published: 25 Oct 2010
  • views: 67177248
  • author: Hadouken! ARE AWESOME (Hadouken! - Mecha Love)
Carrie Underwood on Turning 30: People Expect You to Be an 'Old Lady'
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:48
  • Updated: 12 Aug 2013

Carrie Underwood on Turning 30: People Expect You to Be an 'Old Lady'

Plus: At her PEOPLE cover photo shoot, the country singer talks about making her marriage work -Get 4 free issues of PEOPLE Magazine when you subscribe here:...
  • published: 05 Apr 2013
  • views: 12718
  • author: PEOPLE Underwood on Turning 30: People Expect You to Be an 'Old Lady'
The Walls Group - Perfect People
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:54
  • Updated: 30 Aug 2013

The Walls Group - Perfect People

Music video by The Walls Group performing Perfect People. (P) & (C) 2013 Fo Yo Soul Recordings LLC/RCA Records
  • published: 30 Aug 2013
  • views: 32857 Walls Group - Perfect People
The Voca People
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:15
  • Updated: 20 Aug 2013

The Voca People

The Voca People is an international vocal theater performance combining vocal sounds and an acapella singing with the art of beat-box. WWW.VOCA-PEOPLE.COM Ar...
  • published: 26 Mar 2009
  • views: 12860060
  • author: 6746623 Voca People
Skippy Annoying People
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:38
  • Updated: 10 Oct 2013

Skippy Annoying People

Met some really nice people today. SUBSCRIBE - Skippy Stare - Drunk Mail Man - I Love Vine. Find Me: @Ed Bassmaster Twitter:!/edbassmaster Buy merchandise! -- Second Channel -- Facebook:
  • published: 10 Oct 2013
  • views: 124772 Annoying People
The Boy Who Lived Before - Extraordinary People
  • Order:
  • Duration: 47:08
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

The Boy Who Lived Before - Extraordinary People

Ever since he was two years old and first started talking, Cameron Macauley has told of his life on the island of Barra. Cameron lives with his mum, Norma, i...
  • published: 05 Apr 2013
  • views: 1257933
  • author: Documentariz Boy Who Lived Before - Extraordinary People
Real People, Fake Arms with Miley Cyrus
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:48
  • Updated: 09 Oct 2013

Real People, Fake Arms with Miley Cyrus

Jimmy and Miley debate the authenticity of their arms when working together on the Canadian soap opera "Jacob's Patience" and show a clip to settle the score. Subscribe NOW to Late Night with Jimmy Fallon: Watch Late Night With Jimmy Fallon Weeknights 12:35/11:35c Get more Jimmy Fallon: Follow Jimmy: Like Jimmy: Get more Late Night with Jimmy Fallon: Follow Late Night: Like Late Night: Late Night Tumblr: Full Episodes: Get more NBC: NBC YouTube: Like NBC: Follow NBC: NBC Tumblr: NBC Google+: Real People, Fake Arms with Miley Cyrus
  • published: 09 Oct 2013
  • views: 2556 People, Fake Arms with Miley Cyrus
Real Life Heroes [ Good people ] 1/2
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:10
  • Updated: 20 Aug 2013

Real Life Heroes [ Good people ] 1/2

Best Road Rage Videos Of The Web - Subscribe Like FreshFailsArmy on F... Life Heroes [ Good people ] 1/2
  • People Of Walmart (Sexy And I Know It - LMFAO)
    People Of Walmart (Sexy And I Know It - LMFAO)
  • How To Trick People Into Thinking You Have Big Boobs
    How To Trick People Into Thinking You Have Big Boobs
  • It's's Golden Globe Kiss Cam
    It's's Golden Globe Kiss Cam
  • Gwyneth Paltrow is PEOPLE's Most Beautiful Woman
    Gwyneth Paltrow is PEOPLE's Most Beautiful Woman
  • Guy Flips Over 7 People & Stands On His Face - Street Performers -
    Guy Flips Over 7 People & Stands On His Face - Street Performers -
  • PEOPLE ARE AWESOME (Hadouken! - Mecha Love)
    PEOPLE ARE AWESOME (Hadouken! - Mecha Love)
  • Carrie Underwood on Turning 30: People Expect You to Be an 'Old Lady'
    Carrie Underwood on Turning 30: People Expect You to Be an 'Old Lady'
  • The Walls Group - Perfect People
    The Walls Group - Perfect People
  • The Voca People
    The Voca People
  • Skippy Annoying People
    Skippy Annoying People
  • The Boy Who Lived Before - Extraordinary People
    The Boy Who Lived Before - Extraordinary People
  • Real People, Fake Arms with Miley Cyrus
    Real People, Fake Arms with Miley Cyrus
  • Real Life Heroes [ Good people ] 1/2
    Real Life Heroes [ Good people ] 1/2

People Of Walmart (Sexy And I Know It - LMFAO)

The photos are from and cover Walmart shoppers from California to Alaska to Maine to Florida. There is even one from Canada. I am sorry y...

Peo­ple Of Wal­mart (Sexy And I Know It - LMFAO)
The pho­tos are from peopleofwalmart.​com and cover Wal­mart shop­pers from Cal­i­for­nia to Alas...
pub­lished: 13 Feb 2012
How To Trick Peo­ple Into Think­ing You Have Big Boobs
Doggy Toys: http://​jennamarblesblog.​com/​shop Titty tricks!! You asked, I an­swered. NOT MEA...
pub­lished: 24 Mar 2011
It's PEOPLE.​com's Gold­en Globe Kiss Cam
Megan Fox, Brian Austin Green and more faves share their best smooches on the Gold­en Globe...
pub­lished: 14 Jan 2013
au­thor: PEO­PLE
Gwyneth Pal­trow is PEO­PLE's Most Beau­ti­ful Woman
The ac­tress talks about land­ing the cov­et­ed title, moth­er­hood and how her def­i­ni­tion of be...
pub­lished: 24 Apr 2013
au­thor: PEO­PLE
Guy Flips Over 7 Peo­ple & Stands On His Face - Street Per­form­ers -
Cali Faces - Street Per­form­ers - Ray­mond and the Strength Pro­ject Crew. See more at: http:...
pub­lished: 28 Oct 2010
au­thor: cal­i­faces
Please share this video and leave a like for more epic up­loads! Like our FB page! - https:...
pub­lished: 22 Jun 2013
au­thor: FRlKK
PEO­PLE ARE AWE­SOME (Hadouken! - Mecha Love)
The song is 'Mecha Love' by Hadouken, from the album 'Every Week­end' avail­able on iTunes: ...
pub­lished: 25 Oct 2010
au­thor: Hadouken!
Car­rie Un­der­wood on Turn­ing 30: Peo­ple Ex­pect You to Be an 'Old Lady'
Plus: At her PEO­PLE cover photo shoot, the coun­try singer talks about mak­ing her mar­riage ...
pub­lished: 05 Apr 2013
au­thor: PEO­PLE
The Walls Group - Per­fect Peo­ple
Music video by The Walls Group per­form­ing Per­fect Peo­ple. (P) & (C) 2013 Fo Yo Soul Record...
pub­lished: 30 Aug 2013
The Voca Peo­ple
The Voca Peo­ple is an in­ter­na­tion­al vocal the­ater per­for­mance com­bin­ing vocal sounds and a...
pub­lished: 26 Mar 2009
au­thor: 6746623
Skip­py An­noy­ing Peo­ple
Met some re­al­ly nice peo­ple today. SUB­SCRIBE - http://​www.​youtube.​com/​channel/​UCGAY8t6KC...​
pub­lished: 10 Oct 2013
The Boy Who Lived Be­fore - Ex­traor­di­nary Peo­ple
Ever since he was two years old and first start­ed talk­ing, Cameron Macauley has told of hi...
pub­lished: 05 Apr 2013
Real Peo­ple, Fake Arms with Miley Cyrus
Jimmy and Miley de­bate the au­then­tic­i­ty of their arms when work­ing to­geth­er on the Cana­dia...
pub­lished: 09 Oct 2013
Real Life Heroes [ Good peo­ple ] 1/2
Best Road Rage Videos Of The Web -http://​bit.​ly/​10UdMkw Sub­scribe http://​www.​youtube.​com/​s...​
pub­lished: 09 May 2013
Youtube results:
John Leg­end - Or­di­nary Peo­ple
Music video by John Leg­end per­form­ing Or­di­nary Peo­ple. (C) 2004 SONY BMG MUSIC EN­TER­TAIN­ME...
pub­lished: 03 Oct 2009
Chan­ning Tatum Is PEO­PLE's Sex­i­est Man Alive!
From his first kiss to his first crush, Chan­ning Tatum the 2012 Sex­i­est Man Alive bares al...
pub­lished: 14 Nov 2012
au­thor: PEO­PLE
Night Peo­ple (1954)
pub­lished: 15 Feb 2012
au­thor: Sun­dEm­ma1
NEW VIDEO CLIP of the Mega Galac­tic sen­sa­tion: THE VOCA PEOPEL Cre­ator, Pro­duc­er & Artisti...
pub­lished: 30 Sep 2009
au­thor: 6746623
photo: AP / Michael Probst
The Bishop of Limburg Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst blesses a new Kindergarden in Frankfurt, Germany, Thursday, Aug. 29, 2013. The Bishop is criticized for his leadership by the Frankfurt Catholic Church.
Edit New Straits/Business Times
23 Oct 2013
German Chancellor Angela Merkel, daughter of a Protestant pastor, has said via her spokesman Steffen Seibert that "I can express the hope that there will be an answer for believers, for people's confidence in their Church." ... St Francis of Assisi, warning that "worldliness is a murderer because it kills souls, kills people, kills the Church."....(size: 4.0Kb)

Edit The Examiner
26 Oct 2013
Alonso Del Arte, writer, musician, and author, has written a reassuring article that the color pink does indeed exist ... http.// ... There is no pink light, video link. There is No Color Pink, video link ... What some people call pink would perhaps be called maroon by some and violet for others....(size: 4.7Kb)
Edit Seattle Post
26 Oct 2013
Water Citizen launches new Keys to Water In Congress (KWIC) program ( http.//www.WaterInCongress.Com) to be led by Dr ... The KWIC program is designed to educate and support an engaged community of people who understand the legislative processes, the people and committees, and the ways to participate, understanding how “water flows through Congress.” ... Finally the last topic will be showing how people can be a part of the process....(size: 7.3Kb)
Edit Houston Chronicle
26 Oct 2013
Water Citizen launches new Keys to Water In Congress (KWIC) program ( http.//www.WaterInCongress.Com) to be led by Dr ... The KWIC program is designed to educate and support an engaged community of people who understand the legislative processes, the people and committees, and the ways to participate, understanding how “water flows through Congress.” ... Finally the last topic will be showing how people can be a part of the process....(size: 7.3Kb)
Edit noodls
26 Oct 2013
ANN ARBOR-People shouldn't assume that someone who can easily read their feelings always has their best interests at heart. Although good emotion-recognition skills might seem like concern and empathy, some people might use these skills to manipulate others, new University of Michigan research suggests ... http.// ... http.// Sara Konrath....(size: 3.4Kb)
Edit Philadelphia Daily News
26 Oct 2013
NEW DELHI (AP) - Days of torrential rains in southeast India have unleashed floods that have blocked roads, halted trains and forced the evacuation of nearly 70,000 people from hundreds of low-lying villages. The Press Trust of India on Saturday cited Andhra Pradesh state officials as saying that 21 people had died in flood-related incidents since the rains began Monday ... Also on ... Advertise on ... About ....(size: 3.8Kb)
Edit Seattle Post
26 Oct 2013
EarthCam, the world’s favorite live webcam network, and introduce their new live streaming webcam, showcasing spectacular live views of Sedona, Arizona ... Experience the unmatched beauty of Sedona, Arizona with live streaming webcam views, brought to people around the world by EarthCam, the world’s favorite live webcam network, and ... To experience more of EarthCam, visit http.// 3.2Kb)
Edit Houston Chronicle
26 Oct 2013
EarthCam, the world’s favorite live webcam network, and introduce their new live streaming webcam, showcasing spectacular live views of Sedona, Arizona ... Experience the unmatched beauty of Sedona, Arizona with live streaming webcam views, brought to people around the world by EarthCam, the world’s favorite live webcam network, and ... To experience more of EarthCam, visit http.// 3.2Kb)
Edit Seattle Post
26 Oct 2013
The new t-shirt that reads “Maybe you should train as hard as you hate,” and has been spotted on multiple members of #TeamSHREDZ and now it is available to entire SHREDZ® social media following – over 12 million unique followers - known as the #SHREDZArmy and the rest of the fitness community at http.// ... Joey Swoll says he is glad to see that people want to wear this shirt and help spread message....(size: 2.4Kb)
Edit Houston Chronicle
26 Oct 2013
The new t-shirt that reads “Maybe you should train as hard as you hate,” and has been spotted on multiple members of #TeamSHREDZ and now it is available to entire SHREDZ® social media following – over 12 million unique followers - known as the #SHREDZArmy and the rest of the fitness community at http.// ... Joey Swoll says he is glad to see that people want to wear this shirt and help spread message....(size: 2.4Kb)
Edit Philadelphia Daily News
26 Oct 2013
In North Philadelphia on Friday, the Latino human-services organization Congreso staged a health fair that had been scheduled to publicize the new insurance marketplace and show people how to sign up. Instead of enrolling them, the staff worked with more basic needs, like creating e-mail accounts - an address is needed to submit an online application - for people who didn't have them ... More About comments ... Also on 11.8Kb)
Edit The Dallas Morning News
26 Oct 2013
Envisioned as the equivalent of for health insurance, it became a huge bottleneck immediately upon launch Oct ... She said, "The majority of people calling for me to resign I would say are people who I don't work for and do not want this program to work in the first place." ... Prior to the website going live, an administration estimate projected nearly 500,000 people would sign up in October alone ... 11.5Kb)
Edit Boston Herald
26 Oct 2013
If a majority of the people don't understand you, so be it. It's better to be seen truly as yourself by one person than for a hundred people to see you pretending ... Life is good because your favorite people also happen to favorite you ... You have a compelling energy, and you will engage people with your enthusiasm ... Pisces and Sagittarius people adore you ... COPYRIGHT 2013 CREATORS.COM ... Holiday Mathis / 6.7Kb)
Edit San Francisco Chronicle
26 Oct 2013
Lots of people are looking to use them although these SSD drives are a bit more expensive ... Hottydeals website has announced its list of top 10 solid state drives for Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Christmas at ... Lots of people are looking to use SSD as a master drive to make their computers boot faster ... For more information and deals, people can go to http.// 2.7Kb)
People Weekly
File:People cover chace .jpg
Editor Michael Laurenza
Categories Celebrity, human interest, news
Total circulation
First issue March 4, 1974

Time Inc. (Time Warner)

Vice President Sylvia Marquez
Country United States
Language English
ISSN 0093-7673

People (originally called People Weekly) is a weekly American magazine of celebrity and human-interest stories, published by Time Inc. As of 2006, it has a circulation of 3.75 million and revenue expected to top $1.5 billion.[2] It was named "Magazine of the Year" by Advertising Age in October 2005, for excellence in editorial, circulation and advertising.[3] People ranked #6 on Advertising Age's annual "A-list" and #3 on Adweek's "Brand Blazers" list in October 2006.

The magazine runs a roughly 50/50 mix of celebrity and human-interest articles. People's editors claim to refrain from printing pure celebrity gossip, enough so to lead celebrity publicists to propose exclusives to the magazine, evidence of what one staffer calls a "publicist-friendly strategy".[2]

People's website,, focuses exclusively on celebrity news.[3] In February 2007, the website drew 39.6 million page views "within a day" of the Golden Globes. However "the mother ship of Oscar coverage" broke a site record with 51.7 million page views on the day after the Oscars, beating the previous record set just a month before from the Golden Globes.[4][5][not in citation given]

People is perhaps best known for its yearly special issues naming "Most Beautiful People", "The Best Dressed", and "The Sexiest Man Alive".

The magazine maintains a single editorial bureau in Los Angeles. Due to economic reasons it has recently closed bureaus in New York City, Austin, Miami, Chicago, and London.[2][3]



The concept for People has been attributed to Andrew Heiskell, Time, Inc.’s chief executive officer at the time and the former publisher of the weekly LIFE magazine. The founding managing editor of People was Richard B. (Dick) Stolley, a former assistant managing editor at LIFE and the journalist who acquired the Zapruder tapes of the John F. Kennedy assassination for Time, Inc. in 1963. People’s first publisher was Richard J. (Dick) Durrell, another Time, Inc. veteran.

Stolley characterized the magazine as "getting back to the people who are causing the news and who are caught up in it, or deserve to be in it. Our focus is on people, not issues."[6] Stolley’s almost religious determination to keep the magazine people-focused contributed significantly to its rapid early success. It is said that although Time, Inc. pumped an estimated $40 million into the venture, the magazine broke even 18 months after its debut in March 1974. Initially, the magazine was sold primarily on newsstands and in supermarkets. To get the magazine out each week, founding staff members regularly slept on the floor of their offices two or three nights each week and severely limited all non-essential outside engagements. The premiere March 4, 1974 edition featured actress Mia Farrow, then starring in the movie The Great Gatsby, on the cover. That issue also featured stories on Gloria Vanderbilt, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, and the wives of U.S. Vietnam veterans who were Missing In Action.[2] The magazine was, apart from its cover, printed in black-and-white. The initial cover price was 35 cents.

The core of the small founding editorial team included other editors, writers, photographers and photo editors from the weekly LIFE magazine, which had ceased publication just 13 months earlier. This group included managing editor Stolley, senior editors Hal Wingo (father of ESPN anchor Trey Wingo), Sam Angeloff (the founding managing editor of Us magazine), and Robert Emmett Ginna (later a producer of films); writers James Watters (a theater reviewer) and Ronald B. Scott (later a biographer of Presidential candidate Mitt Romney); former Time senior editor Richard Burgheim (later the founder of Time’s ill-fated cable television magazine View); Chief of Photography, a LIFE photographer, John Loengard, to be succeeded by John Dominus, a noteworthy LIFE staff photographer; and design artist Bernard Waber, author and illustrator of the “Lyle The Crocodile” book series for children. Many of the noteworthy LIFE photographers contributed to the magazine as well, including legends Alfred Eisenstaedt and Gjon Mili and rising stars Co Rentmeester, David Burnett and Bill Eppridge. Other members of the first editorial staff included editors and writers: Ross Drake, Ralph Novak, Bina Bernard, James Jerome, Sally Moore, Lee Wohlfert, Joy Wansley, Curt Davis, and Jed Horne, later an editor of The Times-Picayune in New Orleans.

In 1996 Time, Inc. launched a Spanish-language magazine entitled People en Español. The company has said that the new publication emerged after a 1995 issue of the original magazine was distributed with two distinct covers, one featuring the slain Tejano singer Selena and the other featuring the hit television series Friends; the Selena cover sold out while the other did not.[7] Though the original idea was that Spanish-language translations of articles from the English magazine would comprise half the content of People en Español over time came to have entirely original content.[8]

In 2002, People introduced People Stylewatch, a title focusing on celebrity style, fashion, and beauty – a newsstand extension of its Stylewatch column. Due to its success, the frequency of People Stylewatch was increased to 10 times per year in 2007.

In Australia, the localized version of People is titled Who because of a pre-existing lad's mag published under the title People.

Teen People[link]

Teen People
Teen People April 2006
Managing Editor Christina Ferrari
Barbara O'Dair
Categories Celebrity
First issue 1998
Final issue September, 2006
Company Time Inc. (Time Warner)
Country United States
Language English
Website [9]

In 1998, the magazine introduced a version targeted at teens called Teen People. However, on July 27, 2006, the company announced it would shut down publication of Teen People immediately. The last issue to be released was scheduled for September 2006.[10] Subscribers to this magazine received Entertainment Weekly for the rest of their issues in exchange. There were numerous reasons cited for the publication shutdown, including a downfall in ad pages, competition from both other teen-oriented magazines and the internet along with a decrease in circulation numbers.[11] was merged into in April 2007. will "carry teen-focused stories that are branded as", Mark Golin the editor of explained, with the decision to merge the brands, "We've got traffic on TeenPeople, People is a larger site, why not combine and have the teen traffic going to one place?"[12]

Competition for celebrity photos[link]

In a July 2006 Variety article, Janice Min, Us Weekly editor-in-chief, blamed People for the increase in cost to publishers of celebrity photos:

"They are among the largest spenders of celebrity photos in the industry....One of the first things they ever did, that led to the jacking up of photo prices, was to pay $75,000 to buy pictures of Jennifer Lopez reading Us magazine, so Us Weekly couldn't buy them.
"That was the watershed moment that kicked off high photo prices in my mind. I had never seen anything like it. But they saw a competitor come along, and responded. It was a business move, and probably a smart one."[2] People reportedly paid $4.1 million for newborn photos of Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt, the child of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt.[2] The photos set a single-day traffic record for their website, attracting 26.5 million page views.[2]

Sexiest Man Alive[link]

The annual feature the "Sexiest Man Alive" is billed as a benchmark of male attractiveness and typically includes only famous people and celebrities. It is determined in a similar procedure to Time's Person of the Year. The origin of the title was a discussion on a planned story on Mel Gibson. A female editor exclaimed, "Oh my God, he is the sexiest man alive!" And someone else said, "You should use that as a cover line."[13]

For the first decade or so, the feature appeared at uneven intervals. Originally awarded in the wintertime, it shifted around the calendar, resulting in gaps as short as seven months and as long as a year and a half (with no selection at all during 1994). Since 1997, the dates have settled between mid-November and early December.

Dates of magazine issues, winners, ages of winners at the time of selection, and pertinent comments are listed below.

As of 2012, John F. Kennedy, Jr. and Patrick Swayze are the only winners to have died since winning.

Year Choice Age Notes
1985-02-04 Mel Gibson   29 First person chosen and then an Australian citizen.
1986-01-27 Mark Harmon[14]   34
1987-03-30 Harry Hamlin   35
1988-09-12 John F. Kennedy, Jr.   27 Longest gap between selections: 18 months. Was the youngest winner. Only non-actor to win. First member to have since died (1999).
1989-12-16 Sean Connery   59 Oldest person to win the title. First winner to have portrayed James Bond. First Scottish winner.
1990-07-23 Tom Cruise   28
1991-07-22 Patrick Swayze   38 Second member to have since died (2009).
1992-03-16 Nick Nolte   51
1993-10-19 Richard Gere
Cindy Crawford
People took a one-year hiatus from Sexiest Man and instead awarded Sexiest Couple.
1995-01-30 Brad Pitt   31 First of two awards.
1996-07-29 Denzel Washington   41 First African American winner.
1997-11-17 George Clooney   36 First of two awards.
1998-11-16 Harrison Ford   56
1999-11-15 Richard Gere   50 First two-time winner.
2000-11-13 Brad Pitt   36 First two-time solo winner.
2001-11-26 Pierce Brosnan   48 Second winner to have portrayed James Bond. First Irish winner.
2002-12-02 Ben Affleck   30
2003-12-01 Johnny Depp   40 First of two awards.
2004-11-29 Jude Law   31 First English winner
2005-11-28 Matthew McConaughey   36
2006-11-27 George Clooney   45 Second win.
2007-11-26 Matt Damon   37
2008-11-25 Hugh Jackman   40 Second Australian winner.
2009-11-18 Johnny Depp   46 Second win.
2010-11-17 Ryan Reynolds   34 First Canadian winner.
2011-11-16 Bradley Cooper[15]   36

Most Intriguing People of the Year[link]

At the end of each year People magazine famously selects 25 news-making individuals or couples who have received a lot of media attention over the past 12 months and showcases them in a special year-end issue, the '25 Most Intriguing People of the Year'. This series of full page features and half page featurettes includes world leaders and political activists, famous actors and entertainers, elite athletes, prominent business people, accomplished scientists and occasionally members of the public whose stories have made an unusual impact in news or tabloid media.

For example, the news-makers People magazine named as the 'Most Intriguing People of 2010' were:

  1. Sandra Bullock and close friend
  2. President Barack Obama and his wife
  3. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie
  4. Michael Douglas
  5. Elizabeth Smart
  6. Prince William and Catherine Middleton
  7. Elin Nordegren
  8. Natalie Portman
  9. Nicki Minaj
  10. Sarah Palin
  11. LeBron James
  12. Bret Michaels
  13. Julian Assange
  14. The Chilean Miners
  15. Ricky Martin
  16. Kim Kardashian
  17. Mark Zuckerberg
  18. Heidi Montag
  19. Jake and Taylor
  20. Ryan Reynolds
  21. Will Smith's kids (Jaden and Willow)
  22. Christina Aguilera
  23. Ali Fedotowsky and Roberto Martinez
  24. James Franco
  25. Conan O’Brien
  26. Yannis V. and Katerina S.

Website[link] is the official online version of People magazine. As of April 2011, was ranked as the third most popular Entertainment News property in the United States by comScore Media Metrix.

comScore US Rank Entertainment News Web Properties March 2011 Readers
1 OMG! by Yahoo 23.7 million
2 TMZ 18.5 million
3 People magazine 13.5 million
4 BuzzMedia Entertainment 12.8 million
5 CNN Entertainment 10.1 million
6 Zimbio 8.9 million
7 Entertainment Weekly 8.2 million
8 E! Online 7.5 million
9 GossipCenter Network 7.1 million
10 Mail Online 6.5 million


^ a: The ratio, according to Variety, is 53% to 47%.

  1. ^ "eCirc for Consumer Magazines". Audit Bureau of Circulations. June 30, 2011. Retrieved December 1, 2011. 
  2. ^ a b c d e f g People who need people, a July 2006 article from Variety magazine.
  3. ^ a b c Martha Nelson Named Editor, The People Group, a January 2006 Time Warner press release.
  4. ^ Seelye, Katharine Q. (19 February 2007). "Old Media Partying With Oscar Online". The New York Times. Retrieved 3 July 2011. 
  5. ^ <Media Industry News letter, March 2006>
  6. ^ "The Press: PEOPLE'S PREMIERE". Time. 1974-03-04.,9171,944778,00.html. 
  7. ^ "Grad Named Head of People en Español." February 29, 2004.
  8. ^ "People En Espanol: Spanish Magazine". Retrieved 15 January 2011. 
  9. ^ "The #1 Celebrity Site for breaking news, celebrity pictures and star style". Retrieved 2010-10-15. 
  10. ^ "Teen People magazine closes, but website will still continue." New York Times. July 26, 2006.
  11. ^ "''''.". Jul 26, 2006. Retrieved 15 January 2011. 
  12. ^ " to Merge Into". April 11, 2007. Retrieved 15 January 2011. 
  13. ^ Argetsinger, Amy; Roberts, Roxanne. "Matt Damon??!!! We Demand to Differ!" The Washington Post. November 19, 2007. Retrieved 2008-01-31.
  14. ^ Post to: (2009-11-03). "All the Sexiest Man Alive Covers - 1986 - Sexiest Man Alive, Sexiest Man Alive".,,20237714_20154495_20349092,00.html. Retrieved 2010-10-15. 
  15. ^ Bradley Cooper Named Sexiest Man Alive, Access Hollywood, November 16, 2011

External links[link]

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Gwyneth Paltrow

Gwyneth Paltrow at the 68th Venice Film Festival, September 2011
Born Gwyneth Kate Paltrow[1]
(1972-09-27) September 27, 1972 (age 39)[2]
Los Angeles, California, U.S.
Occupation Actress, singer, author
Years active 1990–present
Spouse Chris Martin (m. 2003) «start: (2003)»"Marriage: Chris Martin to Gwyneth Paltrow" Location: (linkback:
Children 2
Parents Bruce Paltrow (deceased)
Blythe Danner
Relatives Jake Paltrow (brother)
Katherine Moennig (cousin)

Gwyneth Kate Paltrow (play /ˈɡwɪnɨθ ˈpæltr/; born September 27, 1972) is an American actress and singer.[3][4] She made her acting debut on stage in 1990 and started appearing in films in 1991. After appearing in several films throughout the decade, Paltrow gained early notice for her work in films such as Seven (1995) and Emma (1996) (in which she played the title role). Following the films Sliding Doors (1998) and A Perfect Murder (1998), Paltrow garnered worldwide recognition through her performance in Shakespeare in Love (1998), for which she won an Academy Award for Best Actress, a Golden Globe Award and two Screen Actors Guild Awards, for Outstanding Lead Actress and as a member of the Outstanding Cast. She also won an Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series in 2011 for her role as Holly Holliday on the Fox hit TV show Glee in the episode "The Substitute".

Paltrow has portrayed supporting as well as lead roles in films such as The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999), Shallow Hal (2001), and Proof (2005), for which she earned a Golden Globe nomination as Best Actress in Motion Picture Drama. Since 2008, she has portrayed Pepper Potts in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, starring in Iron Man and its sequel, Iron Man 2 (2010), and also appearing in The Avengers (2012). Paltrow has been the face of Estée Lauder's Pleasures perfume since 2005. She is married to Chris Martin, the lead vocalist of Coldplay. They have two children together, Apple and Moses. She is also the face of American fashion brand Coach,[5] owner of the lifestyle company[6] and author of the cookbook My Father's Daughter: Delicious, Easy Recipes Celebrating Family & Togetherness.[7]


Early life[link]

Paltrow was born in Los Angeles, California. She is the daughter of actress Blythe Danner and film producer/director Bruce Paltrow. Her father was Jewish (of Russian Ashkenazi origin),[8][9] and her mother is a Quaker of Pennsylvania Dutch and more distant white Barbadian ancestry.[10][11][12] Paltrow's paternal great-great-grandfather, whose surname was "Paltrowicz," was a rabbi in Nowogród, Poland.[13] Paltrow has a younger brother, Jake Paltrow, and is a half-cousin of actress Katherine Moennig, and a second cousin of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (AZ-08).[14]

Paltrow was raised in Santa Monica, where she attended Crossroads School, before enrolling in The Spence School, a private girls' school in New York City.[15] Later, she briefly studied art history at University of California in Santa Barbara, before dropping out to act.[16] She is an "adopted daughter" of Talavera de la Reina (Spain), where at 15 she spent a year as an exchange student and learned to speak Spanish.[17][clarification needed][18]


1990–1995: Early work[link]

After spending several summers watching her mother perform at the Williamstown Theatre Festival in Massachusetts, Paltrow made her professional stage debut there in 1990.[16] Her film debut followed with Shout (1991), starring John Travolta, and she was cast by Steven Spielberg in his film Hook (1991), as the young Wendy Darling.[16] Paltrow's next roles were in two made-for-television films: Cruel Doubt (1992) and Deadly Relations (1993). Her first plum supporting role in a big-screen film was in the 1993 drama Flesh and Bone, where she played the much-younger girlfriend of James Caan. In the hit thriller Seven (1995), she played Brad Pitt's wife. Paltrow's character was the high school sweetheart of Pitt's, even though she is nine years younger than him in real life. Her performance earned her a Satellite Award nomination. Also in 1995, she appeared in Moonlight and Valentino and Jefferson in Paris.

1996–2001: Breakthrough and film stardom[link]

Paltrow's first role as the central lead was the title role in Emma (1996), for which she received critical acclaim. She had leading roles in several films throughout 1998, including Sliding Doors and the adaptation of the Charles Dickens novel Great Expectations with Ethan Hawke, Robert De Niro, Anne Bancroft and Chris Cooper. She also appeared in two thrillers, Hush opposite Jessica Lange and A Perfect Murder inspired by Alfred Hitchcock's 1954 film, Dial M for Murder. Paltrow appeared opposite Michael Douglas as Emily Taylor, based on Grace Kelly's character from the original film, though the film was met with mixed reviews.[19]

In 1998, Paltrow starred in Shakespeare in Love, portraying the fictional lover of William Shakespeare, played by Joseph Fiennes. The film earned more than US$100 million in box office receipts in the United States, and Paltrow gained critical acclaim for her portrayal. Entertainment Weekly commented, "Best of all is Gwyneth Paltrow, who, at long last, has a movie to star in that's as radiant as she is."[20] The New York Times summed up her turn as Viola as such: "Gwyneth Paltrow, in her first great, fully realized starring performance, makes a heroine so breathtaking that she seems utterly plausible as the playwright's guiding light."[21] The award-winning Shakespeare in Love[22][23] earned Paltrow the award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role from the Screen Actors Guild,[24] the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress[24] and the Academy Award for Best Actress, among other honors.[23] Her Pink Ralph Lauren dress worn at the 71st Academy Awards in collecting her Oscar was extremely popular and was credited for bringing pink back into fashion.[25]

In 1999, Paltrow co-starred alongside Jude Law, Matt Damon and Cate Blanchett in The Talented Mr. Ripley, which earned $80 million domestically and received positive reviews.[26] She showcased her singing ability in 2000's Duets, which was directed by her father and co-starred singer Huey Lewis. The same year, Paltrow co-starred with Ben Affleck in the romantic drama Bounce as Abby Janello. In 2001, she played Margot Tenenbaum as part of an ensemble cast in the Wes Anderson film The Royal Tenenbaums and starred with Jack Black in the comedy Shallow Hal, where she had to wear a specially designed 25-pound fatsuit and heavy make-up.

2002–2007: Career down[link]

Paltrow at a ceremony for receiving her Hollywood Walk of Fame star, December 2010

Since the Oscar for Shakespeare in Love, Paltrow's film success has been less noteworthy.[27] She said she was unequipped for the pressure, leading to several bad movie choices,[28] agreeing with peers who believe the win is, in some ways, a curse.[29] During this time, Paltrow rarely appeared in films, having taken a career hiatus to raise her family.[15] In The Guardian, she said she divided her career into movies for love and films for money: The Royal Tenenbaums, Proof, and Sylvia fell into the former category, while she did View from the Top and Shallow Hal for the latter.[18] In 2004, she appeared in the science-fiction film Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow opposite Jude Law. The same year, she was recognized as an outstanding woman in entertainment by Women in Film Los Angeles with the Crystal Award.[30] In 2005, she appeared in the film Proof as the depressed daughter of a brilliant, eccentric mathematician. The movie is based on the play of the same name, in which Paltrow also played the same character at London's Donmar Warehouse in 2002. For her performance Paltrow earned her second Golden Globe nomination for Best Actress – Motion Picture Drama. In 2006, she had small roles in Running With Scissors and Infamous, in which she sang Cole Porter's "What Is This Thing Called Love?".

2008–present: Career comeback[link]

In 2008, she appeared in the superhero film Iron Man as Pepper Potts, Tony Stark's closest friend, budding love interest, and business partner.[31] Iron Man is Paltrow's highest-grossing film to date, earning more than $585,000,000 worldwide.[32] Paltrow said she was hesitant to appear in a big-budget project but she was won over by Robert Downey Jr., the film's lead, and director Jon Favreau. She recalled a conversation with Downey, saying:[33]

Robert called me and he said, 'This is gonna be fun, and this is gonna be good.' And then he said to me, 'Don't you want to be in a movie that people see?' And I was like, 'Whoa! What would that feel like?' And he's right. Moviemaking is not supposed to be a masturbatory exercise; it's supposed to be shared by other people.

In 2010, Paltrow reprised her role in the sequel to Iron Man, Iron Man 2. Later in 2010, she appeared in the musical Country Strong and recorded the song Country Strong for the film's soundtrack.[34] The song was released to country radio in August 2010.[35] At the 83rd Academy Awards, Paltrow performed another song from the movie, "Coming Home," which was nominated for Best Original Song.[36] She also appeared in Fox's Glee, as substitute teacher Holly Holliday, who fills in for Matthew Morrison's character when he falls ill. In her first episode, "The Substitute," she sang "Nowadays" from the musical Chicago with Lea Michele, Cee Lo Green's "Forget You", and a mash-up of "Singin' In the Rain" and Rihanna's "Umbrella" with Morrison and the rest of the cast.[37] She later performed "Forget You" with Cee-Lo Green himself and several puppet characters provided by the Jim Henson Company at the 2011 Grammy Awards.[38] She reprised her role twice more that season, performing "Do You Wanna Touch Me (Oh Yeah)" by Gary Glitter, an acoustic version of "Landslide" by Fleetwood Mac, "Kiss" by Prince, and Adele's "Turning Tables". In 2011, Paltrow appeared in the Steven Soderbergh thriller Contagion, in which she was part of an ensemble cast, including Kate Winslet, Marion Cotillard and her The Talented Mr. Ripley co-stars Matt Damon and Jude Law [39]. The movie opened at number 1 at the US Box Office Weekend and received positive reviews. In 2012 she stars in the independent romantic comedy Thanks for Sharing with Mark Ruffalo and reprised her role as Pepper Potts in the film The Avengers, which broke records as the highest grossing U.S. opening weekend film of all time. It was confirmed that Paltrow will star in a Spanish film alongside Antonio Banderas to shoot in late 2012.

Other projects[link]

Paltrow on the 84th Academy Awards Red Carpet 2012

Paltrow is a Save the Children artist ambassador, raising awareness about World Pneumonia Day.[40] She is on the board of the Robin Hood Foundation, a charitable organization that works to alleviate poverty in New York City.[41] In February 2009, Paltrow received a Grammy nomination for her reading of the classic bear books of author Bill Martin, Jr.[42]

Paltrow had her singing debut in the 2000 film Duets, in which she performed a cover version of Smokey Robinson's "Cruisin'". The song was released as a single. The song went to number one in Australia, while Paltrow's rendition of the Kim Carnes classic "Bette Davis Eyes" reached number three.[citation needed] In the 2006 film Infamous, she sang "What Is This Thing Called Love". On September 27, 2006, Paltrow sang with rapper Jay-Z during his concert at Royal Albert Hall. She sang the chorus for "Song Cry", from the rapper's album Blueprint.[43] In an interview, she said she would be at the concert but not that she would perform. She was quoted as saying "I'm a Jay-Z fan. He's my best friend."[44]

In May 2005, Paltrow became the face of Estée Lauder's Pleasures perfume. She appeared in Chicago on August 17, 2007, to sign bottles of the perfume, and on July 8, 2008, she promoted Lauder's Sensuous perfume in New York with the company's three other models.[45] Estée Lauder donates a minimum of $500,000 of sales of items from the 'Pleasures Gwyneth Paltrow' collection to breast cancer research.[46] In 2006, she became the face for Bean Pole International, a Korean fashion brand.[citation needed]

In October 2007, she signed for a PBS television series Spain... on the road Again with Mario Batali that showcases the food and culture of Spain.[47] In September 2008, she launched a weekly lifestyle newsletter, Goop, encouraging readers to 'nourish the inner aspect'. The website's title is derived from the initials of her first and last names.[48] Each week, the newsletter focuses on an action: Make, Go, Get, Do, Be, and See. It has been ridiculed by E-Online,[49] Vanity Fair,[50] The Independent,[51] and the UK's Daily Mirror.[52]

Personal life[link]

At the age of 24, Paltrow was engaged for six months to actor Brad Pitt, whom she dated from December 1994 to June 1997.[53] The engagement was called off, according to Paltrow, because she was not ready for marriage, and she later felt responsible for hurting Pitt since she was "such a mess" during that time in her life.[54] Paltrow has since said that, as this was her first high-profile relationship with another celebrity, it taught her the need for public discretion about her romantic life; she told Biography magazine, "I said things about being in a relationship [with Brad Pitt] that felt wrong to me even as I was saying them."[55]

Paltrow had an on-off three-year relationship with actor Ben Affleck from 1997 to late 2000.[56] Soon after their breakup, Paltrow convinced Affleck to work in the film Bounce with her;[57] during the making of the film, which was shot in mid 1999, the couple started dating again and eventually broke up in October 2000.[56]

In October 2002, Paltrow met Chris Martin of the British rock group Coldplay backstage three weeks after the death of her father, Bruce Paltrow. They married on December 5, 2003, in a ceremony at a hotel in Southern California.[58] On May 14, 2004, the couple had their first child, a girl named Apple Blythe Alison Martin. Paltrow explained the unusual first name on Oprah, saying: "It sounded so sweet and it conjured such a lovely picture for me – you know, apples are so sweet and they're wholesome and it's biblical – and I just thought it sounded so lovely and … clean! And I just thought, 'Perfect!'"[59]

Her second child, a boy named Moses Bruce Anthony Martin, was born on April 8, 2006, in New York City's Mount Sinai Hospital.[60] Her son's first name was explained as the song, titled "Moses", that her husband wrote for her before their wedding.[60] Paltrow has stated that she cut down on work after becoming a mother.[61] She has also said that she suffered from postpartum depression after the birth of her second child.[62]

In 2010, she suffered a severe tibial plateau fracture, due to a vitamin D deficiency and osteopenia.[63]

Paltrow discovered in 2011 that her father's family came from a long line of influential East European rabbis, and that inspired her to raise her daughter and son in a Jewish environment.[64]


Title Year Role Notes
Shout 1991 Rebecca
Hook 1991 Young Wendy Darling
Cruel Doubt 1992 Angela Pritchard
Deadly Relations 1993 Carol Ann Fagot
Malice 1993 Paula Bell
Flesh and Bone 1993 Ginny
Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle 1994 Paula Hunt
Higher Learning 1995 Student Uncredited
Jefferson in Paris 1995 Patsy Jefferson
Seven 1995 Tracy Mills Nominated—Saturn Award for Best Supporting Actress
Moonlight and Valentino 1995 Lucy Trager
Hard Eight 1996 Clementine
Pallbearer, TheThe Pallbearer 1996 Julie DeMarco
Emma 1996 Emma Woodhouse Satellite Award for Best Actress – Motion Picture Musical or Comedy
Out of the Past 1998 Sarah Orne Jewett Voice
Sliding Doors 1998 Helen Quilley Florida Film Critics Circle Award for Best Actress (also for Shakespeare in Love)
Russian Guild of Film Critics – Best Foreign Actress
Great Expectations 1998 Estella
Hush 1998 Helen Baring
Perfect Murder, AA Perfect Murder 1998 Emily Bradford Taylor Blockbuster Entertainment Award for Favorite Actress
Shakespeare in Love 1998 Viola De Lesseps Academy Award for Best Actress
Empire Award for Best Actress
Florida Film Critics Circle Award for Best Actress (also for Sliding Doors)
Golden Globe Award for Best Actress – Motion Picture Musical or Comedy
Kansas City Film Critics Circle Award for Best Actress
Las Vegas Film Critics Society Award for Best Actress
MTV Movie Award for Best Kiss (shared with Joseph Fiennes)
Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role – Motion Picture
Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture
Nominated—BAFTA Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role
Nominated—Blockbuster Entertainment Award for Favorite Actress
Nominated—Chicago Film Critics Association Award for Best Actress
Nominated—MTV Movie Award for Best Female Performance
Nominated—Online Film Critics Society Award for Best Actress
Nominated—Satellite Award for Best Actress – Motion Picture Musical or Comedy
Nominated—Teen Choice Award for Choice Actress
Nominated—Teen Choice Award for Sexiest Love Scene (shared with Joseph Fiennes)
Talented Mr. Ripley, TheThe Talented Mr. Ripley 1999 Marge Sherwood Nominated—Blockbuster Entertainment Award for Favorite Actress
Intern, TheThe Intern 2000 Herself Uncredited
Duets 2000 Liv
Bounce 2000 Abby Janello Blockbuster Entertainment Award for Favorite Actress
Nominated—MTV Movie Award for Best Kiss (shared with Ben Affleck)
Anniversary Party, TheThe Anniversary Party 2001 Skye Davidson
Royal Tenenbaums, TheThe Royal Tenenbaums 2001 Margot Tenenbaum Nominated—Phoenix Film Critics Society Award for Best Cast
Nominated—Satellite Award for Best Actress – Motion Picture Musical or Comedy
Shallow Hal 2001 Rosemary Shanahan Nominated—Teen Choice Award for Choice Actress
Searching for Debra Winger 2002 Herself Documentary
Austin Powers in Goldmember 2002 Gwyneth Paltrow as Dixie Normous in 'Austinpussy'
Possession 2002 Maud Bailey
View from the Top 2003 Donna Jensen
Sylvia 2003 Sylvia Plath
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow 2004 Polly Perkins Nominated—MTV Movie Award for Best Kiss (shared with Jude Law)
Proof 2005 Catherine Nominated—Golden Globe Award for Best Actress – Motion Picture Drama
Infamous 2006 Kitty Dean
Love and Other Disasters 2006 Hollywood Jacks Cameo appearance
Running with Scissors 2006 Hope Finch
Good Night, TheThe Good Night 2007 Dora
Iron Man 2008 Virginia "Pepper" Potts Nominated—Saturn Award for Best Actress
Nominated—Teen Choice Award for Choice Actress
Two Lovers 2008 Michelle Nominated—Independent Spirit Award for Best Lead Female
Iron Man 2 2010 Virginia "Pepper" Potts Nominated—Teen Choice Award for Choice Science Fiction Actress
Nominated—Scream Award for Best Science Fiction Actress
Country Strong 2010 Kelly Canter
Glee: The 3D Concert Movie 2011 Holly Holliday Cameo
Contagion 2011 Beth Emhoff
Thanks For Sharing 2012 Phoebe Independent film
The Avengers 2012 Virginia "Pepper" Potts
Iron Man 3 2013 Virginia "Pepper" Potts
Title Year Role Notes
Saturday Night Live 1999 Host Hosted episodes in 1999, 2001, and 2011
Spain... On The Road Again 2008 Herself
Marriage Ref, TheThe Marriage Ref 2010 Herself
Glee 2010–present Holly Holliday Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series (2011)
Nominated – People's Choice Award for Favorite TV Guest Star (2012)
Who Do You Think You Are? 2011 Herself Season 2, episode 7 "Gwyneth Paltrow"



Single Year Peak chart positions Certifications
(sales threshold)

"Cruisin'" (with Huey Lewis) 2000 1 1 1 Duets
"Bette Davis Eyes" 3
"Country Strong" 2010 81 30 Country Strong
"Me and Tennessee" (with Tim McGraw) 2011 34 63
"—" denotes releases that did not chart

Featured singles[link]

Single Year Peak chart positions Album
"Forget You" (with Glee Cast) 2010 11 24 12 20 31 Glee: The Music, Volume 4
"Nowadays / Hot Honey Rag" (with Glee Cast)[84] Non-album singles
"Singing in the Rain / Umbrella" (with Glee Cast) 18 23 20 10 22
"Do You Wanna Touch Me (Oh Yeah)" (with Glee Cast) 2011 57 63 95 Glee: The Music, Volume 5
"Kiss" (with Glee Cast) 83 98 80
"Landslide" (with Glee Cast) 23 38 35 36 52
"Turning Tables" (with Glee Cast) 66 66 75 Glee: The Music, Volume 6
"—" denotes releases that did not chart.

Album appearances[link]

Song Year Album
"Silent Worship" (with Ewan McGregor) 1996 Emma
"Just My Imagination (Running Away with Me)" (with Babyface) 2000 Duets
"It's Only Love" (with Sheryl Crow) 2002 C'mon, C'mon
"What Is This Thing Called Love" (with Mark Rubin Band) 2006 Infamous
"Shake That Thing" 2010 Country Strong
"Coming Home"
"A Fighter"
"Somewhere Over The Rainbow" (with Matthew Morrison) 2011 Matthew Morrison
"This Woman's Work" 2011 Every Mother Counts

Music videos[link]

Video Year Director
"Country Strong" 2010 Kristin Barlowe, Christoper Sims
"Me and Tennessee" (with Tim McGraw) 2011 Shana Feste


  1. ^ According to the State of California. California Birth Index, 1905–1995. Center for Health Statistics, California Department of Health Services, Sacramento, California. Searchable at Family Tree Legends
  2. ^ "Gwyneth Paltrow Profile". E! Online. Retrieved 2007-09-17. 
  3. ^ "Gwyneth Paltrow Close to Signing Record Deal" March 7, 2011, Rolling Stone
  4. ^ "She Acts. She Sings. She Cooks?" April 13, 2011, The New York Times
  5. ^ Rees, Alex (11-09-07). "New Fall Fashion Ads: Gwyneth Paltrow’s Coach Campaign, Plus More Givenchy Ads". Retrieved 2011-12-31. 
  6. ^ Goop
  7. ^ My Father's Daughter: Delicious, Easy Recipes Celebrating Family & Togetherness
  8. ^ Brown, Johnathan (April 11, 2006). "Second child for Chris and Gwyneth is the baby Moses". The Independent (London). 
  9. ^ Davis, Ivor. Gvinith Paltrow and Her Jewish Heritage. Jewish
  10. ^ Reardanz, Karen (January 3, 2006). "Paltrow gets serious about Jewish roots". San Francisco Chronicle. 
  11. ^ Staff writer (March 31, 2011). "Hollywood celebrity finds family links in Barbados". The Barbados Advocate. Retrieved 2011-04-04. "The blurb for Friday’s episode explains: “Gwyneth Paltrow digs in to her family’s past and finds a surprising connection to her spiritual roots, a new appreciation for her great-grandmother and ancestors on the island of Barbados.”" 
  12. ^ Natanga Smith Hurdle (March 31, 2011). "Gwyneth Paltrow visits Barbados seeking roots". Nation Newspaper. Retrieved 2011-04-04. "Her great-grandmother Rosamund Stoute was Barbadian." 
  13. ^ Lauder Foundation
  14. ^ "Giffords is 1st female Jew elected from Ariz.". Arizona Daily Star. March 4, 2007. Retrieved 2011-01-09. "Spencer Giffords was firstcousin of the late Bruce Paltrow father of Gwyneth Paltrow" 
  15. ^ a b Gleiberman, Owen (January 12, 2011). "Gwyneth Paltrow: Why do so many people hate on her?". Entertainment Weekly. 
  16. ^ a b c "Gwyneth Paltrow Biography". Yahoo!. Retrieved 2011-04 28. 
  17. ^ Seal, Mark. Mad for Madrid. American Way. June 15, 2004.
  18. ^ a b Brockes, Emma (January 27, 2006). "Where the heart is". The Guardian (London).,,1695582,00.html. Retrieved 2010-05-04. 
  19. ^ Ebert, Roger (June 5, 1998). "A Perfect Murder". Chicago Sun-Times. 
  20. ^ Owen Gleiberman (December 11, 1998). "Shakespeare in Love review". Entertainment Weekly.,,286069,00.html. 
  21. ^ Janet Maslin (December 11, 1998). "Shakespeare Saw a Therapist?". The New York Times. 
  22. ^ James Sterngold (January 25, 1999). "Globes to 'Shakespeare' and 'Ryan'". The New York Times. 
  23. ^ a b Bernard Weinraub (March 22, 1999). "'Shakespeare' Best Picture But Spielberg Best Director". The New York Times. 
  24. ^ a b "Shakespeare in Love (1998) – Awards". The New York Times. 1998. Retrieved 2011-04-28. 
  25. ^ Gale, Colin; Kaur, Jasbir (2004). Fashion and textiles: an overview. Berg Publishers. p. 78. ISBN 978-1-85973-818-4. Retrieved 2011-05-16. 
  26. ^ The Talented Mr. Ripley at
  27. ^ David Gritten (July 30, 2004). "Curse of the Best Actress Oscar". Daily Telegraph (London). 
  28. ^ Zeidler, Sue (January 30, 2007). "Is winning an Oscar a curse or a blessing?". 
  29. ^ Soden, Blair (February 25, 2007). "Is Winning An Oscar a Blessing or a Curse?". ABC News. 
  30. ^ "Hollywood Women Honor Gwyneth and Mom" June 21, 2004, People Magazine
  31. ^ This week's cover: 'Iron Man 2' with exclusive photos! | PopWatch Blog |
  32. ^ "Iron Man (2008)". Box Office Mojo. Retrieved 2011-04-24. 
  33. ^ Catherine Hong (September 2007). Gwyneth Paltrow. W magazine. Retrieved 2008-11-18 
  34. ^ Country Strong Hits Hollywood
  35. ^ Paltrow Says Love Don't Let Me Down Empire. December 3, 2009.
  36. ^ "Presenters & Performers for the 83rd Academy Awards". Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. December 13, 2010. Retrieved 2011-02-24. 
  37. ^ Nguyen, Hahn (November 5, 2010). "'Glee' peek: Gwyneth Paltrow, Matthew Morrison share an umbrella". Zap2it. Tribune Media Services. Retrieved 2010-11-05. 
  38. ^ "Cee Lo Green Takes Flight With Gwyneth Paltrow and The Muppets" February 13, 2011, Celebrity Circuit
  39. ^ Mike Eisenberg (April 5, 2011). "Contagion' footage at CinemaCon is Outbreak Meets Children of Men". Screen Rant. Retrieved 2011-04-24. 
  40. ^ "Child Health Leaders Call for Day to Unite Against Pneumonia, the Neglected Killer". April 7, 2009. Retrieved 2009-11-27. 
  41. ^ "Board of Directors". The Robin Hood Foundation. Retrieved March 17, 2012. 
  42. ^ "2009 Grammy Nominations". Retrieved 2011-02-23. 
  43. ^ "Gwyneth Paltrow duets with Jay-Z". BBC News. September 28, 2006. 
  44. ^ Gwyneth Joins Jay-Z Onstage For Birthday Surprise. Access Hollywood. September 29, 2006.
  45. ^ "Gwyneth's Estee Lauder appearance". Style Crunch. August 17, 2007. 
  46. ^ "Gwyneth Paltrow launches Estee Lauder's "Pleasures Delight"". August 23, 2007. 
  47. ^ "Paltrow to make Spain TV series". BBC. October 3, 2007. Retrieved 2007-12-06. 
  48. ^ Morris, Bob. "Martha, Oprah...Gwyneth?" The New York Times, Sunday. February 22, 2009.
  49. ^ "Nourish Your Inner Self with Gwyneth Paltrow's GOOP". September 23, 2008. 
  50. ^ "Craig Brown on Gwyneth Paltrow". Vanity Fair. August 11, 2009. 
  51. ^ Adams, Guy (September 30, 2008). "If you’re looking for gobbledy-goop, just ask Gwyneth". The Independent (London). Retrieved 2010-05-04. 
  52. ^ "What on earth is Gwyneth Paltrow thinking with her website Goop?". Daily Mirror. January 14, 2009. 
  53. ^ Celebrity Central / Top 25 Celebs Gwyneth Paltrow
  54. ^ "Gwyneth in love". October 19, 2003. 
  55. ^ Clehane, Diane (October 2000). "Beneath the elegance". Biography. 
  56. ^ a b McClurg, Jocelyn (October 9, 2001). "Paltrow dishes about Ben, bum". USA Today. 
  57. ^ Lidz, Frank (September 10, 2000). "Ben Affleck Shocker: I Bargained With Devil for Fame". New York Times. 
  58. ^ Simon Hiscock (April 30, 2008). "Gwyneth Paltrow: I'm back – and I just love it". Daily Telegraph (London). Retrieved 2008-05-25. 
  59. ^ "Gwyneth lets Oprah in on the secret of Apple". Hello!. August 27, 2004. Retrieved 2006-08-21. 
  60. ^ a b "Gwyneth Paltrow Has a Boy". People. April 10, 2006.,,1175007,00.html. 
  61. ^ "Second baby on the way for Gwyneth and Chris". Hello!. January 13, 2006. 
  62. ^ Everett, Jenny (January 6, 2011). "Gwyneth Paltrow Opens Up About Postpartum Depression: Could You Be at Risk?". Self. Retrieved 2011-02-11. 
  63. ^ Vitamin D Association Experts' Forum 2011 – Sunlight Robbery – the failure of UK policy on Vitamin D. Oliver Gillie PhD
  64. ^ "Gwyneth: I'll raise my children as Jewish says the star who 'doesn't believe in religion' Daily Mail Online, July 20, 2011
  65. ^ "Gwyneth Paltrow Album & Song Chart History – Hot 100". Billboard. Prometheus Global Media. Retrieved 2011-04-09. 
  66. ^ "Adult Contemporary Top 10 for chart week of December 16, 2000.". Billboard. Nielsen Business Media, Inc. Retrieved 2010-08-02. 
  67. ^ "Gwyneth Paltrow – "Country Strong" chart history". Billboard. Nielsen Business Media, Inc. Retrieved 2010-11-24. 
  68. ^ " – Australian charts portal". Retrieved 2010-11-29. 
  69. ^ " – New Zealand charts portal". Retrieved 2010-10-11. 
  70. ^ "Chart Stats – Tim McGraw and Gwyneth Paltrow". Retrieved 2011-04-22. 
  71. ^ a b "ARIA Charts – Accreditations – 2001 Singles". ARIA Charts. Retrieved 2010-10-11. 
  72. ^ "Hot 100: Week of December 04, 2010 (Biggest Jump)". Billboard. Nielsen Business Media, Inc. Retrieved 2010-11-28. 
  73. ^ "Hot 100: Week of March 26, 2011 (Biggest Jump)". Billboard. Nielsen Business Media, Inc. Retrieved 2011-03-17. 
  74. ^ Trust, Gary (April 27, 2011). "Katy Perry's 'E.T.' Returns To No. 1 On Hot 100". Billboard (New York: Prometheus Global Media). Retrieved 2011-04-27. 
  75. ^ "Discography Glee Cast". Hung Medien. Retrieved 2010-11-29. 
  76. ^ "Chartifacts – Week Commencing: 21st March 2011". Australian Recording Industry Association. March 21, 2011. Archived from the original on March 22, 2011. Retrieved 2011-04-07. 
  77. ^ "Canadian Hot 100: Week of December 04, 2010 (Biggest Jump)". Billboard. Nielsen Business Media, Inc. Retrieved 2010-11-28. 
  78. ^ "Canadian Hot 100: Week of March 26, 2011 (Biggest Jump)". Billboard. Nielsen Business Media, Inc. Retrieved 2011-03-17. 
  79. ^ "Canadian Hot 100: Week of May 07, 2011 (Biggest Jump)". Billboard. Prometheus Global Media. Retrieved 2011-04-28. 
  80. ^ "Discography Glee Cast". Hung Medien. Retrieved 2011-04-22. 
  81. ^ "Adele holds on to singles and albums charts". BBC News. February 27, 2011. Retrieved 2011-02-28. 
  82. ^ "Official UK Singles Top 100 – 30th April 2011". The Official Charts Company. Retrieved 2011-04-24. 
  83. ^ "Official UK Singles Top 100 – 14th May 2011". The Official Charts Company. Retrieved 2011-05-08. 
  84. ^ "Nowadays / Hot Honey Rag (Glee Cast Version) [feat. Gwyneth Paltrow] – Single". iTunes Store Ireland. Retrieved 2010-11-15. 

External links[link]

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Carrie Underwood

Carrie Underwood at the 2010 Academy of Country Music (ACM) Awards.
Background information
Birth name Carrie Marie Underwood
Born (1983-03-10) March 10, 1983 (age 29)
Muskogee, Oklahoma
Origin Checotah, Oklahoma, United States
Genres Country, country pop
Occupations Singer, songwriter, actress
Instruments Vocals, guitar, piano
Years active 2005–present
Labels 19, Arista Nashville, Arista
Associated acts Brad Paisley, Randy Travis, Tony Bennett

Carrie Marie Underwood (born March 10, 1983) is an American country singer, songwriter and actress who rose to fame as the winner of the fourth season of American Idol, in 2005. Underwood has since become a multi-platinum selling recording artist, a winner of several Grammy Awards, Billboard Music Awards and American Music Awards, a Golden Globe Award nominee, a three-time Academy of Country Music and Country Music Association Female Vocalist winner, and a two-time ACM Entertainer of the Year. She is the first-ever female artist to win back-to-back Academy of Country Music (ACM) Awards for Entertainer of the Year (2009/10). Underwood was inducted into and became a member of the Grand Ole Opry in 2008. She was also inducted into the Oklahoma Music Hall of Fame in 2009.[1] Billboard named Underwood Country Music's reigning Queen in 2012.[2]

Her debut album, Some Hearts, was certified seven times platinum and, since February 2006, is the fastest selling debut country album in Nielsen SoundScan history.[3] It is also the best-selling solo female debut album in country music history, since February 2008,[4] and, since March 2011, the best-selling country album of the last 10 years.[5] Some Hearts yielded three number one hits on the Billboard Hot Country Songs and a number one hit on the Billboard Hot 100 Songs. Her second album, Carnival Ride, was released on October 23, 2007. It has sold over 3 million copies as of January 2010,[6] being certified 3 times Platinum,[7] and produced four consecutive number one hits on the Billboard Hot Country Songs. Underwood released her third album, Play On, on November 3, 2009. It has been certified 2 times Platinum by the RIAA[7] and has produced three consecutive number one hits on the Billboard Hot Country Songs. As of March 2012, Underwood has sold over 22 million singles[8] and more than 14 million albums worldwide.[9] As of May 16, 2011, Underwood became the "American Idol" US Top Earner, selling so far 12.4 million album copies and 19 million digital tracks,[10] along with amassing $66 million in tour revenues, since winning Season 4.[11] Underwood's fourth album, Blown Away, was released on May 1, 2012.

With eleven number one hits on Billboard Hot Country Songs, Underwood is listed in the 2012 Guinness Book of World Records as the Female Country Artist with Most number one Hits on such chart from 1991 to present, tied with Reba McEntire.[12] Underwood is also the only solo Country Artist to have a number one hit on Billboard Hot 100 Songs in the 2000 decade, as "Inside Your Heaven" reached the top of the chart in July 2005. Her album Some Hearts was named the Best Country Album of the 2000 Decade by Billboard,[13] and she's the only Female Artist to appear on the Top 10 of Billboard's Best Country Artists of the 2000 Decade list, ranked at number ten.[14] She was also ranked number 50 on the Artists of the Decade list by Billboard.[15] In June 2011, Rolling Stone magazine ranked Underwood as the number eleven Queen of Pop, based on a lot of criteria from 2009 until 2011.[16] In July 2011, Forbes reported that Underwood earned over $20 million between May 2010 and May 2011.[17]


Early life[link]

Underwood was born to Stephen and Carole Underwood on March 10, 1983, in Muskogee, Oklahoma. She was raised on her parents' farm in the rural town of Checotah, Oklahoma.[18] Her father worked in a sawmill, while her mother taught elementary school.[19] She has two older sisters, Shanna and Stephanie.[20] During her childhood, Underwood performed at Robbins Memorial Talent Show, and sang at her local church, First Free Will Baptist Church.[21] She later sang for local events in Checotah, including Old Settler's Day and the Lion's Club.[22]

A local admirer arranged for her to go to Nashville when she was 14 to audition for Capitol Records.[21] In 1996, Capitol Records was preparing a contract for Underwood but cancelled it when company management changed. Underwood said of the event, "I honestly think it's a lot better that nothing came out of it now, because I wouldn't have been ready then. Everything has a way of working out."[23] While at Checotah High School, she was an Honor Society member, a cheerleader, and played basketball and softball.[24] Underwood graduated from Checotah High School in 2001 as salutatorian.[22] She chose not to pursue singing after graduation. She said, "After high school, I pretty much gave up on the dream of singing. I had reached a point in my life where I had to be practical and prepare for my future in the 'real world'".[24] She attended Northeastern State University in Tahlequah, Oklahoma, graduating magna cum laude in 2006 with a bachelor's degree in mass communication and an emphasis in journalism.[25] She spent part of one of her summers as a page for Oklahoma State Representative Bobby Frame.[26] She also waited tables at a pizzeria, worked at a zoo, and at a veterinary clinic.[24] Underwood is an alumna of the Alpha Iota chapter of Sigma Sigma Sigma sorority.[27] For two years during the summer, she performed in Northeastern State University's Downtown Country show in Tahlequah. She also competed in numerous beauty pageants at the university and was selected as Miss NSU runner-up in 2004.[28]

[edit] American Idol

In the summer of 2004, Underwood auditioned for American Idol in St. Louis, Missouri. After she sang "Could've Been" by Tiffany on the top 12 girls night, judge Simon Cowell commented that she would be one of the favorites to win the competition.  During the top 11 finalists' performance on the March 22, 2005, Idol episode, Underwood sang a rendition of the number one 1980s rock hit "Alone", made famous by Heart, and Cowell predicted that Underwood would not only win the competition, but she would also outsell all previous Idol winners.[29] One of the show's producers later said she dominated the voting, winning each week handily.[30] She gained a fan base known as "Carrie's Care Bears" during the course of the show. During the final, she sang with Rascal Flatts their song "Bless the Broken Road". On May 5, 2005, Underwood became the season four winner. Her winnings included a recording contract worth at least a million dollars, use of a private jet for a year, and a Ford Mustang convertible.[31]

Performances and results[link]

Week Theme Song Original artist Result
Auditions Contestant's choice "I Can't Make You Love Me" Bonnie Raitt Advanced
Hollywood Contestant's choice "Young Hearts Run Free" Candi Staton Advanced
Top 75 Contestant's choice "Independence Day" Martina McBride Advanced
Semi-finals 1 Contestant's Choice "Could've Been" Tiffany Safe
Semi-finals 2 Contestant's choice "Piece of My Heart" Erma Franklin Safe
Semi-finals 3 Contestant's choice "Because You Love Me" Jo Dee Messina Safe
Top 12 Song of the 1960s "When Will I Be Loved" The Everly Brothers Safe
Top 11 Billboard number ones "Alone" i-TEN Safe
Top 10 1990s "Independence Day" Martina McBride Safe
Top 9 Classic Broadway "Hello, Young Lovers" The King and I cast Safe
Top 8 Year they were born "Love Is a Battlefield" Pat Benatar Safe
Top 7 1970s dance music "MacArthur Park" Richard Harris Safe
Top 6 21st Century "When God-Fearin' Women Get the Blues" Martina McBride Safe
Top 5 Lieber & Stoller
Current Billboard chart
"Bless the Broken Road"
Elvis Presley
Nitty Gritty Dirt Band
Top 4 Country
Gamble & Huff
"Sin Wagon"
"If You Don't Know Me by Now"
Dixie Chicks
Harold Melvin & the Blue Notes
Top 3 Clive Davis' choice
Contestant's choice
Judge's choice (Randy Jackson)
"Making Love Out of Nothing at All"
"Man! I Feel Like a Woman!"
Roy Orbison
Air Supply
Shania Twain
Final 2 Idol single
Contestant's choice
Producer's choice
"Inside Your Heaven"
"Independence Day"
"Angels Brought Me Here"
Carrie Underwood/Bo Bice
Martina McBride
Guy Sebastian


[edit] 2005–07: Some Hearts

Underwood performing at the World Arena in 2006.

Underwood's debut album, Some Hearts, was released in November 2005, entering the Billboard charts with 315,000 copies sold, debuting at number one on the Hot Country Albums and at number two on the Hot 200 Albums. The large first week sales of Some Hearts made it the biggest debut of any country artist since the advent of the SoundScan system in 1991. The album was the best-selling album in the United States in 2006 and the best-selling country album in the United States of 2006 and 2007. Some Hearts has since been certified seven-times Platinum by the RIAA, and is the fastest-selling debut country album in the history of the SoundScan era,[32] the best-selling solo female debut album in country music history, as of February 2008,[4] and the best-selling album by an American Idol alumni in the U.S..[33] "Inside Your Heaven", Underwood's first single, was released in June, debuting at number one on the Billboard Hot 100 and the Canadian Singles Chart. It was the longest running single of 2005 in Canada. "Inside Your Heaven" is the only single by a solo country artist in the 2000 decade to reach number one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. It sold nearly one million copies and was certified gold by the RIAA and two times platinum by the CRIA. The album's second single,[34] "Jesus, Take the Wheel" was released to radio in October and later peaked at number one on the Billboard Hot Country Songs, topping it for six consecutive weeks, and at twenty on the Hot 100. The song sold over two million copies and was certified 2-time Platinum by the RIAA.[6] Underwood's third single, "Some Hearts", was also released in October, but just to the pop radios. "Don't Forget to Remember Me", her fourth single, also proved successful, reaching number two on the Billboard Hot Country Songs chart. Later that autumn, Underwood's third country single,[34] "Before He Cheats", hit number one on Billboard's Hot Country Songs, staying there for 5 consecutive weeks. The song peaked at number eight on the Billboard Hot 100, achieving the slowest climb ever to the top 10 of the Billboard Hot 100, breaking the record that was previously held by Creed from July 2000. It sold over three million copies, being certified 3-time Platinum, and is the fourth best-selling country digital song of all time.[35] On April 11, 2007, Underwood continued her streak of top Country singles with the release of "Wasted", which peaked at number one on the Hot Country Songs Chart, sold nearly one million copies and was certified Gold by the RIAA.[36] On August 2008, "Jesus, Take the Wheel" was reported to have been certified Platinum, making Underwood the first country artist ever to have two songs hit Platinum Mastertone status together with "Before He Cheats", which has been certified earlier in 2007.[37] Underwood started her first headlined tour, Carrie Underwood: Live 2006, with dates across North America.

At the 2005 Billboard Music Awards, her hit song "Inside Your Heaven" won the coveted Top-Selling Hot 100 Song of the Year award and also Top-Selling Country Single of the Year award, and she won Country Single Sales Artist of the Year. At the 2006 Academy of Country Music Awards, she won Top New Female Vocalist and Single of the Year, for "Jesus, Take the Wheel". At the 40th Annual Country Music Association Awards she won both the Horizon Award (now Best New Artist) and Female Vocalist of the Year. At the 2006 CMT Awards, Underwood won both the Breakthrough Video of the Year and Female Video of the Year for "Jesus, Take The Wheel". She later won the Breakthrough Artist of the Year Award at the American Music Awards, and was also nominated for Favorite Female Country Artist. She won 5 awards at the 2006 Billboard Music Awards, including the coveted Album of the Year, Top 200 Female Artist of the Year, Female Country Artist, New Country Artist, and Country Album of the Year. Also that year, Underwood won a Gospel Music Association (GMA) Dove Award for Country Recorded Song of the Year, for "Jesus, Take The Wheel". At the Academy of Country Music Awards in 2007, Underwood won Album of the Year, Video of the Year, and Female Vocalist of the Year. She was nominated for "World's Best Selling New Artist" at the 2006 World Music Awards. At the 2007 CMT Awards in Nashville, Tennessee, on April 16, Underwood's "Before He Cheats" won three awards, including Video of the Year, Female Video of the Year, and Video Director of the Year. Underwood won two awards at the 2007 CMA Awards: Female Vocalist of the Year, for the second consecutive time, and Single Record of the Year, for "Before He Cheats". In 2007, at the 49th Grammy Awards, Some Hearts received four Grammy nominations and Underwood won her first two Grammy Awards: Best New Artist and Best Female Country Vocal Performance for "Jesus, Take the Wheel. She sang the Eagles song "Life in the Fast Lane" alongside Grammy nominees Rascal Flatts. She also sang the Eagles' "Desperado" to honour Don Henley of The Eagles. She also paid tribute to Bob Wills and His Texas Playboys by performing "New San Antonio Rose". At the 50th Grammy Awards, in 2008, Underwood was nominated for two more Grammys: Best Female Country Vocal Performance, for "Before He Cheats" and Best Country Collaboration with Vocals, for "Oh, Love" a duet with Brad Paisley. She won one Grammy Award that night, for Best Female Country Vocal Performance, and performed the song at the ceremony.

In December 2005, Underwood was named Oklahoman of the Year by Oklahoma Today.[38] In December 2006, Underwood joined Tony Bennett, Michael Bublé and Josh Groban to sing "For Once In My Life" on The Oprah Winfrey Show.[39] Also that month, she paid tribute to Dolly Parton, by singing "Islands in the Stream" with Kenny Rogers (originally by Parton and Rogers) at the Kennedy Center Honors, which honored Parton that year. Underwood performed with the USO Christmas Tour in Iraq during the 2006 Holiday season.[40] Underwood also performed at the 2007 Idol Gives Back concert singing "I'll Stand By You", a cover of The Pretenders hit. Her version of the song debuted at number six on Billboard's Hot 100 Songs. Also in 2007, Victoria's Secret named Underwood the Sexiest Female Musician.[41]

[edit] 2007–09: Carnival Ride

Underwood performing in a concert, 2007.

Underwood's second album, Carnival Ride,[42] was released in October 2007.[43] On Carnival Ride, Underwood was more involved in the songwriting process; she set up a writers' retreat at Nashville's famed Ryman Auditorium to collaborate with such Music Row tunesmiths as Hillary Lindsey, Craig Wiseman, Rivers Rutherford, and Gordie Sampson.[44] Carnival Ride moved over 527,000 copies in its first week, debuting at number one on both the Billboard 200 and Hot Country Albums, as well as number one on the Canadian Albums Chart. Carnival Ride was certified double platinum in just two months after its release, in December.[45] The album is certified 3-time Platinum by the RIAA, for sales of over three million. "So Small", the first single from the album, was released in July 2007 and reached number one on Billboard's Hot Country Songs, topping it for three consecutive weeks.[46] "All-American Girl", the second single, also reached number 1 on the Billboard Hot Country Songs. The next single, "Last Name", reached number one on the Hot Country Song chart as well. This made Underwood the first female artist to have two consecutive albums each release three number-ones on this chart since Shania Twain in 1998. "Just a Dream", the album's next single, was released on July 2008 and later peaked at number one on the Hot Country Songs chart, staying there for 2 consecutive weeks. With that, Underwood became the third female artist in country music history to have released four consecutive Number Ones from the same album with Rosanne Cash's King's Record Shop and Shania Twain's The Woman in Me being the other two that have done so. The album's fifth single, "I Told You So", a duet with the original singer of the song, Randy Travis, was released in February 2009. It peaked at number two on the Billboard Country charts and number nine on the Hot 100. Carnival Ride has produced four Platinum-selling singles, "So Small", "All American Girl", "Last Name" and "Just a Dream", and a Gold-selling single, "I Told You So", which sold nearly one million copies.[6] In January 2008, Underwood embarked on a joint tour with Keith Urban named the Love, Pain and the Whole Crazy Carnival Ride Tour, with dates fixed nationwide that continued through April.[47] She then started her headlined tour, the Carnival Ride Tour, in February 2008, with dates across all North America, and ended it on December 14, 2008, playing to 1.2 million fans throughout the tour and being named the top-selling country female touring artist of 2008.[48]

By the end of 2007, Underwood won 5 awards at the Billboard Music Awards, including the coveted Billboard 200 Artist of the Year and also Country Artist of the Year.[49] Also in late 2007, she won three American Music Awards: Artist of the Year, Favorite Female Country Artist and Favorite Country Album, for her debut album, Some Hearts. At the 2008 Academy of Country Music Awards, she won Female Vocalist of the Year, for the 2nd consecutive time. She received two nominations for the 2008 Country Music Association Awards. Underwood and Brad Paisley co-hosted the awards show[50] and she walked away with the Female Vocalist of the Year award for the third consecutive time, but lost the Album of the Year award to George Strait. At the 2008 American Music Awards, Carnival Ride won the Favorite Country Album award, thus making that her 2nd consecutive win in such category. In 2008, Underwood also won her first international award, which was "Female Vocalist of the Year" at the European Country Music Association Awards.[51] For the 44th Academy of Country Music Awards, in 2009, Underwood was nominated for four major awards. Underwood won for Female Vocalist of the Year and Entertainer of The Year, thus making her the first woman to win the award in ten years and the 7th female to take it in the award show's four decade run. Underwood was nominated for Video of the Year at the 2009 CMT Awards for "Just A Dream". In 2009, at the 51st Grammy Awards, she won, for the third year in a row, the Grammy Award for Best Female Country Vocal Performance, for "Last Name", and performed the song at the ceremony. At the 52nd Grammy Awards, in 2010, Underwood won her fifth Grammy Award: She won the Grammy Award for Best Country Collaboration with Vocals for "I Told You So" with Randy Travis and was also nominated again for Best Female Country Vocal Performance, for "Just A Dream". At the ceremony, she performed with Celine Dion, Usher, Smokey Robinson and Jennifer Hudson during the 3-D Michael Jackson tribute.[52] Grammy Awards producer Ken Ehrlich stated that Michael Jackson greatly admired Underwood, which is why she was hand-picked to perform during his tribute.[53]

On May 13, 2008, Underwood was invited by Randy Travis to become a member of the Grand Ole Opry, later that month she was officially inducted by Garth Brooks into the Grand Ole Opry.[54] A few months earlier, she sang Julie Andrews' classic, the title song from The Sound of Music, at the 2007 Movies Rock: A Celebration Of Music In Film.[55] On October 22, 2008, Underwood unveiled her wax figure at Madame Tussauds New York. In 2009, Forbes reported that Underwood was the top earning American Idol alumni from June 2008 – May 17, 2009. She earned more than twice as much as the second place finisher, with estimated earnings of $14 million during this time period.[56] She appeared on the holiday CD Hear Something Country Christmas 2007 with a rendition of "Do You Hear What I Hear?". The song reached number two on the AC Chart, and remained there for 3 consecutive weeks.[57] She recorded the song "Ever Ever After" for the soundtrack of the 2007 Walt Disney film Enchanted. Underwood co-wrote a song for Idol alum Kristy Lee Cook's major-label debut album Why Wait. At the 2008 Idol Gives Back, she sang George Michael's classic "Praying For Time" and later recorded it. In November 2008, Underwood recorded a virtual and posthumous duet with Elvis Presley, on his classic "I'll Be Home For Christmas", for his 2008 album Christmas Duets. Elvis' ex-wife, Priscilla Presley, herself asked Underwood to do the duet: "Priscilla wanted me to do 'I'll Be Home For Christmas'", she says. "I couldn't say 'no'."[58] In March 2009, she tracked a cover of Mötley Crüe's ballad "Home Sweet Home" for the American Idol season 8 farewell theme.[59] Her version debuted at number 21 on the Hot 100 Songs.

[edit] 2009–12: Play On

Underwood on the red carpet of the 2009 American Music Awards in November 2009

Underwood released her third studio album, Play On, in November 2009. The album debuted atop both the Billboard 200 and Hot Country Albums, selling nearly 318,000 copies, giving Underwood the second-highest female artist first week sales for 2009. Underwood wrote a song with pop/R&B singer-songwriter Ne-Yo for the album, the song however did not make the album.[60] The first single from the album, "Cowboy Casanova", co-written by Underwood, Brett James and hip hop producer Mike Elizondo, was released in September, peaked at number one on Billboard's Hot Country Songs and at eleven on the Hot 100 Songs, sold 1.6 million and was certified Platinum by the RIAA. Second single, "Temporary Home"[61] hit number one on the Billboard Hot Country Songs and the RIAA certified it Gold.[62] "Undo It", Underwood's third single from "Play On", was released to radio in May. It was later certified Platinum by the RIAA and hit number one on the Hot Country Songs chart, giving Underwood her tenth number one single on the Hot Country Songs. The 4th single from Play On, "Mama's Song", was released to country radio in September and peaked at two on the Hot Country Songs. The album is certified Double Platinum by the RIAA.[7]

Underwood's Play On Tour started its first leg on March 11, 2010 in Reading, Pennsylvania.[63] The second leg of the tour started on September 25, 2010 in Portland, Oregon, and ended January 1, 2011 in Detroit, Michigan.[64] Underwood sold out the prestigious Hollywood Bowl on October 2, 2010.[65] In December 2010, ranked the Play On Tour one of the Top 50 tours of 2010, at number 18 on the North American raking, and number 31 worldwide. Billboard also ranked Underwood's tour at number 24 for all worldwide tours of 2010. On January 4, 2011, official statistics revealed that Underwood played to over 1 million fans throughout the tour,[66]

At the 2009 CMA Awards she received two nominations and co-hosted the ceremony with Brad Paisley.[67] Underwood was nominated for 6 Academy of Country Music Awards. At the show, Underwood was named Entertainer of the Year, making her the only country female artist in history to win this award twice. Host Reba McEntire presented Underwood with the "ACM Triple Crown Award" signifying her winning Top New Artist, Top Female Vocalist and Entertainer of the Year during her career. She was only the second Female to win the coveted "Triple Crown Award", the first being Barbara Mandrell. At the CMT Music Awards Underwood walked away with Video of the Year for "Cowboy Casanova". She also won CMT Performance of the Year for "Temporary Home" from CMT: Invitation Only presents Carrie Underwood.[68] Underwood won two international awards at the 8th French Country Music Awards, which were Best Female Vocalist and Video of the Year, for "Cowboy Casanova". At the 2010 American Music Awards, she won "Favorite Country Album", for "Play On", making her the only artist in the American Music Award history to have all albums awarded in such a category.[69] She co-hosted the 2010 CMA Awards with Brad Paisley for the third year in a row. Underwood was the 2010 American Country Awards' top winner with six wins, Artist of the Year, Female Artist of the Year, Album of the Year for (Play On), Female Artist Single of the Year for ("Cowboy Casanova"), Female Artist Video of the Year for ("Cowboy Casanova") and Touring Artist of the Year.[70] At the 2011 Grammy Awards, Underwood was nominated for 'Best Female Country Vocal Performance' for "Temporary Home."[71] Underwood was honored by the CMT Artists of the Year special as one of the 5 top Artists of the year in 2010 in country music.[72] The event aired on CMT on December 3, 2010. At the 2011 Academy of Country Music Awards, Underwood sang with Steven Tyler both her song "Undo It" and Aerosmith's "Walk This Way". In May 2011, Underwood was one of the seven women to be honored by the Academy of Country Music at the Girls' Night Out: Superstar Women of Country special. She was recognized for being the first and only female artist in the Academy's history to ever win Entertainer of the Year twice.[73] At the ceremony, Vince Gill introduced Underwood and presented her with the special award. He sang one of her hits, "Jesus, Take The Wheel", and joined Underwood on a rendition performance of "How Great Thou Art". The video of the performance turned into a viral sensation, reaching 3 million views on YouTube within two days.[74] On December 5, 2011, Underwood won three awards at the 2011 American Country Awards, including Female Artist of the Year for the second consecutive time.[75]

In late 2009, Underwood had her very own CMT Invitation Only[76] and also hosted a Christmas special, Carrie Underwood: An All-Star Holiday Special, a two-hour variety show on Fox that featured Dolly Parton, with whom she sang a rendition duet of "I Will Always Love You", seventh-season American Idol champion David Cook, Kristin Chenoweth, Brad Paisley and others.[77] In May 2010, Underwood was selected on People Magazine's 100 Most Beautiful People List for 2010. This was the 4th year in a row that she was selected for the list. Also in May, Victoria's Secret named her legs the Sexiest Legs in Hollywood.[78] Underwood appeared on the CBS sitcom How I Met Your Mother. Her character, Tiffany, is a pharmaceutical sales representative who becomes the love interest for another main character on the show.[79] A few months earlier, she performed a voice-over as 'Carrie Underworm', a parodied "worm" character, in an episode of the PBS children's television series, Sesame Street,[80] Underwood co-wrote and recorded a song entitled "There's a Place for Us," the lead single from The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.[81] Underwood and songwriters, David Hodges and Hillary Lindsey, received a nomination for the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song.[82] In March 2011, Underwood sang John Lennon's "Instant Karma!" at the NBC's special All Together Now – A Celebration of Service, which honored former President George H. W. Bush.[83] She made her big screen debut in Soul Surfer, in April 2011. At the season ten finale of American Idol Underwood selected a song for contestant Lauren Alaina to sing.[84]

Underwood is featured on "Remind Me", a duet with Brad Paisley that reached number one on the Billboard Hot Country Songs, giving Underwood her eleventh number one single on such chart and fourteenth overall. She has also a duet with Tony Bennett on his 2011 album Duets II[85] and another duet with Randy Travis on his 2011 Anniversary Celebration album. Underwood was one of the headliners of the iHeartRadio Music Festival. The event took place on September 23 and 24, 2011.[86] On September 19, Underwood performed "You Really Got a Hold on Me" in order to honor Smokey Robinson, as he was presented with the Ella Award at the Society of Singers annual dinner. Robinson returned the favor to Underwood by singing "My Girl" to her. At the same event, they sang together with Stevie Wonder, Natalie Cole and other artists a medley of multiple songs.[87]

On February 4, 2012, Underwood joined Steven Tyler to record CMT's Crossroads at the Pepsi Coliseum during the Pepsi Super Bowl Fan Jam of Super Bowl XLVI.[88] It was the highest-rated episode in seven years.[89] On February 12, 2012, Underwood and Tony Bennett performed their duet "It Had to Be You" at the 54th Annual Grammy Awards show.[90]

[edit] 2012: Blown Away

Blown Away,[91] Underwood's fourth album, was released on May 1, 2012.[92] Underwood has said that this album features songs with a "darker storyline."[93] Blown Away debuted at number one on the Billboard 200, the Country Albums Chart and the Digital Albums chart in the United States, selling more than 267,000 in its first week.[94] The first single, "Good Girl", was released to the iTunes store on February 23, 2012. It was officially released to Country radio on February 27, 2012.[95][96] The music video for "Good Girl" premiered on Entertainment Tonight and on VEVO on March 12, 2012.[97] The song has already been certified Gold by the RIAA, for sales of half a million.[6]

On May 1, Underwood announced the North American arena tour leg of her Blown Away Tour. The tour will include an international run of shows this summer, including her a concert at Royal Albert Hall in London on June 21,[98] which sold-out in 90 minutes.[99]

Personal interests[link]

Underwood is an animal lover and a vegan.[100] She stopped eating meat at the age of thirteen because she could not stand the thought of eating one of her own animals. She was voted "World's Sexiest Vegetarian" by PETA[101] in 2007 for the second time, the first being in 2005 alongside Coldplay frontman Chris Martin, who is also a vegan.[101] In a 2007 interview with PETA, Underwood stated, "Ever since I was little I loved animals [...] If you told me I could never sing again, I'd say that was horrible, but it's not my life. If you told me I could never be around animals again, I would just die."[102] Underwood is a supporter of the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and has done several public service announcements for the organization.[103] Underwood has also done a "Protect Your Pets" public service announcement for Do Something.[104]

To benefit cancer research, in August 2008 Underwood joined Beyoncé, Mariah Carey, Mary J. Blige and other female artists to record the song "Just Stand Up!". The proceeds benefited Stand Up to Cancer (SU2C). As a result of their fund raising efforts, the SU2C scientific advisory committee, overseen by the American Association for Cancer Research was able to award $73.6 million towards novel, groundbreaking research.[105] The song peaked at number eleven on Billboard's Hot 100 Songs. In August 2009, she formed the Checotah Animal Town and School (C.A.T.S.) Foundation to benefit her hometown of Checotah, Oklahoma. On August 28, 2009, Underwood visited Checotah High School with ABC news anchor Robin Roberts, where she gave a presentation on stage, sang with a young girl in front of students and school faculty, and donated over $117,000 worth of musical instruments to three music programs at three of Checotah's schools. Underwood has participated in the annual City of Hope Celebrity Softball tournament for charity for many years. The event takes place in Nashville, Tennessee, and benefits research for life-threatening diseases.[106] During the 2011 holiday season, her C.A.T.S. foudation donated $350,000 to schools in the singer's hometown of Checotah, Oklahoma.[107] On January 10, 2012, it was reported, but had previously been blogged by Underwood herself on her official fan-site, that the singer rescued an abandoned dog along highway. According to Underwood, she spotted two dogs along the road while traveling with her own dogs, Ace and Penny, from her parents' home in her native Oklahoma. "My guess is that the dogs were thrown out of their car by their owners on the highway", said the singer. One of the dogs was already dead, but she put the other – bloody and limping – into her SUV. She named the puppy Stella, took her to the vet and got her groomed. Within a matter of days, she'd found a nearby home for the dog. "I cried when she walked out the door," she wrote.[108]

Underwood has also stated she has a great interest in sports. In 2005, she performed the "Star-Spangled Banner" at Game 4 of the NBA Finals between the San Antonio Spurs and Detroit Pistons,[109] and in 2006 at the NBA All-Star Game.[110] She also performed the "Star-Spangled Banner" at the NFC Championship Game between the Seattle Seahawks and Carolina Panthers in 2006,[111] as well as at the 2006 edition of NASCAR's Coca-Cola 600,[112] the MLB All Star Game in Pittsburgh, P.A., and at Game 3 of the 2007 World Series between the Boston Red Sox and Colorado Rockies.[113] On February 7, 2010, Underwood performed the National Anthem for Super Bowl XLIV.[114]

Personal life[link]

Underwood is a practicing Christian.[115] She follows a vegan diet.[100] She performed at halftime of the 2006 Thanksgiving Day football game at Texas Stadium in Irving, Texas, and was friends with Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo.[116] She attended his birthday party in April 2007, and on May 15, 2007, he escorted her to the Academy of Country Music Awards. They were rumored to be dating on and off throughout 2007. Although she denied the rumor when asked, Romo confirmed it by saying "[...] I'm dating Carrie Underwood" on his website. He also told an Illinois newspaper that they were dating.[117] In August 2007, Underwood began dating Chace Crawford of the American television series Gossip Girl. On October 4, 2007, People magazine reported that the two were seen holding hands in New York City,[118] though according to further reports, they ended their relationship in the spring of 2008.[119]

She became engaged in December 2009 to then Ottawa Senators (now Nashville Predators) hockey player Mike Fisher, whom she began dating after they met at one of her concerts in 2008.[120] Underwood and Fisher appeared together publicly for the first time in January 2010, at the Bell Sens Soiree, an annual fundraiser in Gatineau for the Ottawa Senators' official charity.[121] After appearing together at the CMT Awards in June 2010, Underwood told reporters that Fisher was planning a surprise honeymoon for the two of them after their summer wedding.[122]

On July 10, 2010, Underwood and Fisher wed at The Ritz-Carlton Lodge, Reynolds Plantation in Greensboro, Georgia, with more than 250 people in attendance. The couple gave People the following statement, which they signed "Mike & Carrie Fisher": "We could not feel more blessed to have found each other and to have shared this day with our friends and family that mean so much to us!" According to People, Monique Lhuillier created a dress of Chantilly lace for Underwood and also designed the bridesmaids' dresses. The ceremony featured classical music and readings of the couple's favorite Bible verses.[123][124] National Hockey League players, as well as Tim McGraw, Faith Hill, Garth Brooks, American Idol contestants, and judges Paula Abdul, Simon Cowell and Randy Jackson were in attendance.[125][126] She surprised her husband by having one of their favorite artists, Brandon Heath, sing his song "Love Never Fails" for their first dance.[127]

On February 11, 2011, an Ottawa radio station, 105.3 CISS-FM, banned the playing of Underwood's music because her husband, Mike Fisher, was traded to the Nashville Predators the day before. Due to Underwood's fans' threats on Facebook to never tune into the radio station, the station later modified their statement. They apologized for their actions, saying that their statements were meant to be taken as a joke, as they do not play Underwood's country songs anyway and it was their tongue-in-cheek way of wishing Fisher the best of luck in Nashville.[128][129] Fisher later criticized the station saying "obviously Carrie had nothing to do with the move or the trade or anything so to imply something like that was just wrong", and noting that both he and Underwood were disappointed in the negativity that was created by the radio station.[130][131] Underwood was selected by The Hockey News on its annual list of the 100 People of Power and Influence in Ice Hockey. For the 2012 list, Underwood ranked at number 85.[132]

Underwood was ranked #60 on Maxim's annual Hot 100 list in 2009.[citation needed]



Year Appearance Role Notes
2005 American Idol Contestant Winner
2007 Saturday Night Live Musical guest
2009 Carrie Underwood: An All-Star Holiday Special Herself
2010 How I Met Your Mother Tiffany Episode: "Hooked"
Sesame Street "Carrie Underworm"
The Buried Life Herself
Extreme Makeover: Home Edition Herself
2011 Soul Surfer Sarah Hill Feature film debut
Blue Bloods Herself
2012 CMT Crossroads (with Steven Tyler)[88] Herself From the Pepsi Super Bowl Fan Jam
Oprah's Next Chapter Herself



See also[link]



  • Tracey, Kathleen. Carrie Underwood: American Idol IV. September 2005. Blue Banner Biography series (Juvenile) ISBN 1-58415-425-X


  1. ^ Inductees. Retrieved on 2011-08-22.
  2. ^
  3. ^ "Chart success continues for Carrie Underwood". Country Standard Time News. February 15, 2006. Retrieved August 6, 2007. 
  4. ^ a b "News : Headlines : Carrie Underwood Sets Sales Record : Great American Country". February 8, 2008.,3034,GAC_26063_5802667_,00.html. Retrieved March 22, 2010. 
  5. ^ Grein, Paul (2012-03-16). "Chart Watch Extra: Top Albums Of Last 10 Years | Chart Watch (NEW) - Yahoo! Music". Retrieved 2012-03-22. 
  6. ^ a b c d "Groban's First Noel, Eagles' 'Long Road' Drive 2007Album Brass". Recording Industry Association of America's. January 18, 2008. Retrieved August 17, 2008. 
  7. ^ a b c RIAA Search – Carrie Underwood. Retrieved on 2011-08-22.
  8. ^ February 26, 2010; Written by Edward Morris (February 26, 2010). "News : Sony Music Nashville's Nautical Follies Add Rocker Bryan Adams to the Musical Mix". CMT. Retrieved January 6, 2011. 
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  10. ^ Top 24 American Idols of All-Time,
  11. ^ Carrie Underwood Surpasses Kelly Clarkson as Idol's Biggest Earner. Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved on 2011-08-22.
  12. ^ "Most country no.1s for a female artist in the US". 2010-01-01. Retrieved 2012-03-17. 
  13. ^ "Music Charts, Most Popular Music, Music by Genre & Top Music Charts". Billboard. December 31, 2009. Retrieved January 6, 2011. 
  14. ^ "Music Charts, Most Popular Music, Music by Genre & Top Music Charts". Billboard. December 31, 2009. Retrieved January 6, 2011. 
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  16. ^ Introducing the Queen of Pop | Rolling Stone Music. Retrieved on 2011-08-22.
  17. ^ 1. Carrie Underwood ($20 million) - Zack O'Malley Greenburg. Forbes. Retrieved on 2011-08-22.
  18. ^ "Carrie Underwood". People. Retrieved June 21, 2008. 
  19. ^ " — Biography". Country Music Television. Retrieved June 21, 2008. 
  20. ^ "Carrie Underwood 1983-". Biography Today (Omnigraphics, Inc.) 16 (2): 143. 2007. ISSN 1058-2347. 
  21. ^ a b Biography Today, p.144
  22. ^ a b "Carrie Underwood". Retrieved June 21, 2008. 
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  25. ^ "Country singer Carrie Underwood graduates". USA Today. Associated Press. May 10, 2006. Retrieved August 5, 2007 ashley. 
  26. ^ Email This (June 11, 2008). "25 Things We Didn't Know About Carrie Underwood". The Boot. Retrieved January 6, 2011. 
  27. ^ "Shining Sigmas". 
  28. ^ "It's My Life.". PBS Kids. Retrieved August 6, 2007. "I was also a hospice volunteer and I got that through the sorority. You go and take care of people that are really sick. They don't want to be in the hospital anymore. It's just kind of about making them comfortable." 
  29. ^ "Carrie Underwood Is America's 'Idol'". Fox News. May 26, 2005.,2933,157706,00.html. Retrieved December 15, 2007. 
  30. ^ Edward Wyatt (May 24, 2008). "'Idol' Tries to Keep Viewers Guessing". New York Times. Retrieved May 24, 2008. 
  31. ^ Biography Today, p. 148
  32. ^ "Carrie Underwood's Album Is Quintuple Platinum". CMT. January 10, 2007. Retrieved August 6, 2007. 
  33. ^ Login or register to post comments (2005-11-15). "Carrie Underwood’s Some Hearts Hits 7 Million, Becoming the Best-Selling Solo Female Country Debut in RIAA History! | The Official Carrie Underwood Site". Retrieved 2012-03-17. 
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  35. ^ Grein, Paul (2011-04-07). "Chart Watch Extra: Lady A Makes Country History | Chart Watch - Yahoo! Music". Retrieved 2012-03-17. 
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  51. ^ "Awards 2007". May 23, 2008. Retrieved January 6, 2011. 
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  53. ^ "Carrie In Michael Jackson Tribute at Grammy's!",, January 20, 2010. Retrieved August 23, 2010.
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  60. ^ "Carrie Underwood writing with Ne-Yo", USA Today, August 25, 2009.
  61. ^ "Future Releases for Country Radio Stations | New Music Artist Free Song |". Retrieved March 22, 2010. 
  62. ^ Posted Mar 30 2010 10:00 am by Donna Hughes Comments [1] (March 30, 2010). "Carrie Underwood Feels Right at 'Home' at No. 1". The Boot. Retrieved June 10, 2010. 
  63. ^ "Carrie to Launch 'Play On Tour' Next Spring", CarrieUnderwoodOfficial, December 14, 2009. Retrieved August 23, 2010.
  64. ^ "Carrie's 'Play On Tour' Wraps First Leg!",, June 28, 2010. Retrieved August 23, 2010.
  65. ^ Login or register to post comments. "Carre Sells Out Hollywood Bowl October 2, 2010 | The Official Carrie Underwood Site". Retrieved 2012-03-17. 
  66. ^ News : Carrie Underwood Tour Reaches 1 Million Fans. CMT (2011-01-05). Retrieved on 2011-08-22.
  67. ^ "Carrie Underwood CMA Performance". The Boot. November 11, 2009. Retrieved March 22, 2010. 
  68. ^ Up for Discussion Jump to Forums (September 14, 2009). "Carrie Underwood Takes Top Prize At CMT Awards". Billboard. Retrieved January 6, 2011. 
  69. ^ Login or register to post comments (November 22, 2010). "Play On Marks Her 3rd AMA Win For "Favorite Country Album" | The Official Carrie Underwood Site". Retrieved January 6, 2011. 
  70. ^ "Underwood tops at American Country Awards", MSNBC, December 7, 2010. Retrieved December 21, 2010.
  71. ^ "Nominees". Retrieved January 6, 2011. 
  72. ^ CMT Artists of the Year : Carrie Underwood, Jason Aldean, Lady Antebellum, Taylor Swift, Zac Brown Band : TV Special. Retrieved on 2011-08-22.
  73. ^ Academy of Country Music. Retrieved on 2011-08-22.
  74. ^ Carrie Underwood's 'How Great Thou Art' Moves The Masses - Our Country. (2011-04-25). Retrieved on 2011-08-22.
  75. ^ Login or register to post comments (1979-05-31). "Carrie Wins Big at the ACA Awards | The Official Carrie Underwood Site". Retrieved 2012-03-17. 
  76. ^ Invitation Only: Carrie Underwood : Special Main. Retrieved on 2011-08-22.
  77. ^ Rocchio, Christopher. 'Idol' champ Carrie Underwood's new 'Play On' album debuts at No. 1",, November 12, 2009.
  78. ^ Victoria's Secret unveils the sexiest ladies of Hollywood!. (2010-05-12). Retrieved on 2011-08-22.
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  84. ^ Carrie Underwood, George Strait picking finale songs for Idols. (2011-05-23). Retrieved on 2011-08-22.
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  87. ^ Sep202011 (1999-02-22). "Carrie Underwood Performs for Smokey Robinson at Awards Dinner-Country Music Is Love". Retrieved 2012-03-17. 
  89. ^ Feb72012 (2012-02-07). "Carrie Underwood and Steven Tyler’s ‘CMT Crossroads’ is High-Rated ‘Crossroads’ Episode in Seven Years-Country Music Is Love". Retrieved 2012-03-17. 
  90. ^ "Tony Bennett, Chris Brown, Carrie Underwood Added To 54th GRAMMYs Lineup". 2012-02-07. Retrieved 2012-03-17. 
  91. ^ Carrie Underwood Reveals Her New Album Cover! (Blown Away album cover),
  92. ^ Carrie Underwood Sets Release Date for New Album by Chuck Dauphin, Nashville, February 02, 2012
  93. ^ Carrie Underwood, 'Blown Away': Cover & Title Revealed. March 5, 2012. Retrieved March 6, 2012.
  94. ^
  95. ^ "Future Releases for Country Radio Stations | New Music Artist Free Song". Retrieved 2012-03-17. 
  96. ^ "Carrie Underwood Music News & Info". Retrieved 2012-03-17. 
  97. ^ Carrie Underwood To World Premiere New Video On Entertainment Tonight. All Access Music Group. March 9, 2012. Retrieved March 9, 2012.
  98. ^
  99. ^
  100. ^ a b Carrie Underwood Shares Diet and Fitness Tips with SELF Magazine April 2012,
  101. ^ a b "Past 'Sexiest Vegetarian Alive' Winners". PETA. Retrieved August 6, 2007. 
  102. ^ "Carrie Underwood: A Vegetarian Success Story". People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Retrieved December 6, 2007. 
  103. ^ "Star Power: Hollywood's Response to Help Pets Hurt by Katrina". The Humane Society of the United States. Retrieved August 6, 2007. 
  104. ^ "Carrie Underwood Protects Pets". Do Something. Retrieved November 22, 2006. 
  105. ^ [AACR, Stand Up To Cancer] [1]
  106. ^ "City of Hope Softball". 
  107. ^ Email This (2012-01-05). "Carrie Underwood Helps Hometown Schools in Need". The Boot. Retrieved 2012-03-17. 
  108. ^ Carrie Underwood Rescues Abandoned Dog Along Highway, By Rolling Stone January 10, 2012
  109. ^ "American Idol | Carrie Underwood Sings National Anthem at NBA Finals". June 18, 2005. Retrieved March 22, 2010. 
  110. ^ "John Legend and Carrie Underwood Headline 2006 NBA All-Star Game Halftime Show; Artists Join All-Star Lineup of Talent Performing During NBA All-Star 2006 Festivities Including Destiny's Child and Andrea Bocelli | Business Wire | Find Articles at BNET". February 15, 2006. Retrieved March 22, 2010. 
  111. ^ "Apart Of Carrie-Underwood.Org – 01/22/06 – NFC Championship Game – Carolina Panthers vs Seattle Seahawks". CarriePhotos.Com. December 4, 2005. Retrieved March 22, 2010. 
  112. ^ By Carla H. (May 28, 2006). "Carrie Underwood at NASCAR Nextel Cup Series Coca-Cola 600". Retrieved March 22, 2010. 
  113. ^ "Carrie Underwood Sings The National Anthem, Game 3 World Series, Denver CO". mjsbigblog. Retrieved March 22, 2010. 
  114. ^ "Underwood, Latifah sing at Super Bowl". Associated Press. ESPN. January 28, 2010. 
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  116. ^ "Lone Star Fun". People. April 25, 2007.,,20036477_11,00.html. Retrieved August 6, 2007. 
  117. ^ "Carrie Underwood, Tony Romo Hit the Red Carpet". ExtraTV. May 16, 2007. Archived from the original on June 19, 2007. Retrieved August 6, 2007. 
  118. ^ Caplan, David (October 17, 2007). "Carrie Underwood on Chace Crawford: 'He's Really Cute' – Caught in the Act, Carrie Underwood". People.,,20152766,00.html. Retrieved March 22, 2010. 
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  120. ^ Lofaro, Tony (December 22, 2009). "Mike Fisher and Carrie Underwood engaged". Retrieved March 22, 2010. 
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  127. ^ "Brandon Heath Sings at Carrie Underwood's Wedding". Clash Entertainment. January 18, 2010. Retrieved February 11, 2011. 
  128. ^ "OFFSTAGE: Radio Station's Carrie Underwood Ban Was Unreal". CMT: Country Music Television. February 11, 2011. Retrieved February 11, 2011. 
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  132. ^ The Hockey News, Issue Date: January 16, 2012, Volume 65, Number 14, Senior Editor: Brian Costello, Published by Transcontinental Medial, p. 29

External links[link]

Preceded by
Fantasia Barrino
American Idol winner
Succeeded by
Taylor Hicks
Preceded by
Emmylou Harris
Grammy Award for Best Female Country Vocal Performance
Succeeded by
Taylor Swift
Preceded by
Dierks Bentley
Country Music Association Award for Horizon Award
Succeeded by
Taylor Swift
Preceded by
Gretchen Wilson
Country Music Association Award for Female Vocalist of the Year
Succeeded by
Taylor Swift
Preceded by
Sara Evans
Academy of Country Music Award for Female Vocalist of the Year
Succeeded by
Miranda Lambert
Preceded by
Kenny Chesney
Academy of Country Music Award for Entertainer of the Year
Succeeded by
Taylor Swift

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

The Walls
Origin Ireland
Genres Rock
Years active 1998–present
Labels Dirtbird Records
Associated acts The Stunning
Website The Walls Official Website
Joe Wall
Steve Wall
Jon O'Connell
Rory Doyle
Carl Harms

The Walls are an Irish rock band. They were formed in 1998 by two ex-members of The Stunning.





Brothers Steve and Joe Wall (previously of The Stunning) returned to Ireland after a two-year failed label stint in London. Their Camden housemate Carl Harms joined the band on guitar and keyboard duties. Drummer Rory Doyle joined soon afterwards. They set up their own label, Earshot Records (later changing it to Dirtbird Records) and recorded and released a string of singles. A remix of one of the album tracks, "Bone Deep", clicked with radio and became a nationwide hit. Many of the songs have featured on a number of TV series and feature films such as Bachelors Walk, Dead Bodies, Goldfish Memory and On the Edge (starring Cillian Murphy).


The Walls heard rumour of a second Slane Castle date for U2 (as the first concert had sold out in hours). They sent four copies of their album to the band. Bono loved it and offered The Walls a support slot. That day the band played to their biggest crowd to date – around 80,000 people. "To the Bright and Shining Sun" was their next single. That June they supported Red Hot Chili Peppers. They spent the next year gigging while building their own studio in Dublin.

In February 2004, original member Carl Harms decided to leave the band to make his own record. They recruited bassist Jon O’Connell, who had just 2 weeks to learn all the songs before a two week tour of the new EU accession states: Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. "To the Bright and Shining Sun" also featured on the EA Sports soundtrack for the UEFA Euro 2004 official licenced game.

2004 - 2006[link]

For the next album, the band went to Studio Black Box in France to record with producer and ex-The Frames guitarist David Odlum. Originally scheduled for a release date in September 2004, The Walls decided to hold their album until the new year. U2 were releasing How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb that autumn and according to Steve "we thought that it would be a fair and gentlemanly gesture to stand back and give them a fair crack of the whip, so to speak".[citation needed]

In October 2004, they released a taster - "Drowning Pool" - a blistering, spleen-venting, blues explosion, 2min 52sec long. It took people by surprise and divided opinion - exactly what the band wanted. They supported Bob Dylan to a capacity crowd in Galway that summer and played a storming set that showed there were changes afoot in The Walls sound. They christened the album New Dawn Breaking after the final track on the record. It went straight into the Irish charts at No. 5 in its first week of release in June 2005 and has produced four hit singles: "To the Bright and Shining Sun", "Passing Through", "Drowning Pool" and "Black and Blue".


The band kicked off 2007 with a gig in Dubai and are presently negotiating gig offers in France, Italy, the Czech Republic and China. They also supported Crowded House on their Australian comeback tour before retreating into their studio to work on album number three.

2010 - 2012[link]

In 2010, the double A-side "Carrying The Fire"/"Phantom Power" was released. Following this, in March 2011, the "Bird In A Cage" EP was released, of which the title track was revealed to also be on the bands forthcoming album "Stop The Lights", which is to be released in 2012. Following this announcement, the band's new single "Stop The Lights" was released in January 2012. The band are currently using the innovative "Fund It" in order to finish their third album. The welcome newcomer Kevin Crowley from Newcastle West playing the spoons.


Studio albums[link]

Singles and albums[link]

  • "The Night I Called It A Day" (Single, released Feb 1999)
  • "Broken Boy" (Single, released Sept 1999)
  • "Something's Wrong" (Single, released Apr 2000)
  • Hi-Lo (Album, released May 2000). A remix of one of the album tracks, Bone Deep, was popular in Ireland. Some songs featured on TV series and feature films: Bachelors Walk, Dead Bodies, Goldfish Memory and On the Edge (starring Cillian Murphy).
  • "To the Bright and Shining Sun" (Single, released 2002) reached No. 11 in the Irish charts.
  • "Drowning Pool" (single, released 2004)
  • New Dawn Breaking (Album, released June 2005) reached No. 5 in Irish charts and has produced four hit singles: "To the Bright and Shining Sun", "Passing Through", "Drowning Pool" and "Black and Blue".
  • "Carrying the Fire" / "Phantom Power" (double-A sided single, released Jun 2010)
  • "Bird In A Cage EP" (4 Track EP, released Mar 2011)

Cover versions[link]

Career highlights[link]


External links[link]

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Miley Cyrus

Cyrus at the 2012 People's Choice Awards
Background information
Birth name Destiny Hope Cyrus
Born (1992-11-23) November 23, 1992 (age 19)
Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.[1]
Genres Pop,[2] country pop, dance, electropop, teen pop
Occupations Actress, musician
Instruments Vocals, guitar, piano
Years active 2001–present
Labels Walt Disney, Hollywood
Associated acts Hannah Montana, Billy Ray Cyrus, Demi Lovato

MileyCyrus signature.svg
Signature of Miley Cyrus.

Miley Ray Cyrus (born Destiny Hope Cyrus; November 23, 1992) is an American actress and pop singer-songwriter. She achieved wide fame for her role as Miley Stewart/Hannah Montana on the Disney Channel sitcom Hannah Montana.

Cyrus recorded music for the soundtracks, Hannah Montana (2006) and Hannah Montana 2/Meet Miley Cyrus (2007), released by Walt Disney Records. With the success of the Hannah Montana franchise she established herself as a teen idol. In 2007, Cyrus signed to Hollywood Records to pursue a solo career. She embarked upon the Best of Both Worlds Tour the same year, in which she performed as both herself and in character as Hannah Montana. The tour was eventually turned into a high-grossing concert film titled Hannah Montana & Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert (2008). In July 2008, Cyrus released her first solo album, Breakout (2008), which was commercially successful.

She began her foray into film by providing the voice of "Penny" in the animated film Bolt (2008). Cyrus earned a nomination for the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song for her performance of Bolt's theme song, "I Thought I Lost You". She also reprised her role as Miley Stewart/Hannah Montana in Hannah Montana: The Movie (2009). The Hannah Montana: The Movie' soundtrack introduced her to new audiences within country and adult contemporary markets.

She began to cultivate an adult image in 2009 with the release of The Time of Our Lives (2009), an extended play which presented a more mainstream pop sound, and by filming The Last Song (2010), a coming-of-age drama film. The former included Cyrus's best-selling single, "Party in the U.S.A." (2009). A studio album titled Can't Be Tamed was released in 2010 and presents a new dance-pop sound. The music video and lyrics of the album's lead single, "Can't Be Tamed", portrays a more sexualized image for the entertainer. Cyrus ranked number thirteen on Forbes' 2010 Celebrity 100.[3] For the 2011 Guinness World Records, she was named the “Most Charted Teenager” following her 29th US Billboard Hot 100 chart entry on November 7, 2009 with “Party in the USA”.[4]


Early life[link]

Cyrus at the 2010 Academy Awards.

Cyrus was born on November 23, 1992, in Nashville, Tennessee, to Letitia Jean "Tish"[5] (née Finley) and country singer Billy Ray Cyrus.[6][7] Her parents named her Destiny Hope because they believed that she would accomplish great things with her life. They gave her the nickname "Smiley", which was later shortened to "Miley", because she smiled so often as a baby.[8] Cyrus suffers from a mild heart condition causing tachycardia which, though not dangerous, is often bothersome.[9]

Against the wishes of her father's record company,[10] Cyrus's parents secretly married a year after Cyrus's birth on December 28, 1993.[7][11] Tish had two children from a previous relationship: Trace and Brandi. Billy Ray adopted Trace and Brandi when they were young.[12] She has a half-brother, Christopher Cody, Billy Ray's son from a brief relationship, born the same year as Miley; he grew up with his mother in South Carolina.[10] Tish and Billy Ray had two more children, Braison and Noah. Cyrus's godmother is entertainer Dolly Parton.[13] Cyrus was very close to her paternal grandfather, Democratic politician Ronald Ray Cyrus.[14] Cyrus has paid her grandfather several tributes since his death in 2006, including eventually changing her middle name to "Ray".[15] According to Cyrus's father, "A lot of people say Miley changed her name to Miley Ray because of Billy Ray, but that's not true. She did that in honor of my dad, because the two of them just loved each other to pieces."[9]

Cyrus grew up on a 500-acre (2.0 km2) farm in Franklin, Tennessee, a suburb of Nashville,[16] and attended Heritage Elementary School.[17] She was raised Christian and was baptized in a Southern Baptist church prior to moving to Hollywood in 2005. She attended church regularly while growing up and wore a purity ring.[18] Several of Cyrus's siblings also eventually entered the entertainment business: Trace became a vocalist and guitarist for the electronic pop band Metro Station,[19] Noah became an actress, and Brandi became a guitarist.[20]


2001–05: Career beginnings[link]

In 2001, when Cyrus was eight, she and her family moved to Toronto, Canada while her father filmed the television series Doc.[21] Cyrus said watching her father film the show inspired her to pursue acting. After Billy Ray took her to see a 2001 Mirvish production of Mamma Mia! at the Royal Alexandra Theatre, Cyrus grabbed his arm and told him, "This is what I want to do, daddy. I want to be an actress."[22] She began taking singing and acting classes at the Armstrong Acting Studio in Toronto.[23] In her first role, Cyrus played a girl named Kylie on Doc.[8] In 2003, Cyrus was credited under her birth name for her role as "Young Ruthie" in Tim Burton's Big Fish.[24]

At age 11, Cyrus learned about the casting for what became Hannah Montana, a Disney Channel children's television series about a school girl with a secret double life as a teen pop star. Cyrus sent in a tape auditioning for the show's best friend role, but received a call asking her to audition for the lead, "Chloe Stewart".[1] After sending in a new tape and flying to Hollywood for further auditions,[25] Cyrus was told that she was too young and too small for the part.[25][26] However, her persistence and ability to sing in addition to act led the show's producers to invite her back for further auditions. Cyrus eventually received the lead, renamed "Miley Stewart" after herself, at the age of twelve.[25] During this time, she also auditioned with Taylor Lautner for the feature film The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl in 3-D and it came down to her and another actress, but Cyrus started doing Hannah Montana instead.[27]

As Cyrus's career took off, Tish Cyrus made several critical decisions regarding her daughter's representation. She signed Cyrus with Mitchell Gossett, director of the youth division at Cunningham Escott Slevin Doherty. Gossett, who specializes in creating child stars, had arranged for Cyrus's auditions for Hannah Montana and is credited with "discovering" her.[28][29] For Cyrus's music career, Tish followed the advice of Dolly Parton, Cyrus's godmother and a singer herself, and signed Cyrus with Jason Morey of Morey Management Group. "Dolly said the Moreys are people you can trust around your daughter," Tish Cyrus recalls, "and she said they have good morals, which is not always the case in this business."[30] According to trade magazine The Hollywood Reporter, Parton's advice was "the best advice [Tish] could [have gotten] on who should rep her daughter."[30] Tish also recruited Billy Ray's business manager to manage her daughter's finances. Tish herself continues to co-manage or produce many of Cyrus's career decisions.[30] For her education, Cyrus enrolled at Options for Youth Charter Schools[31] and studied with a private tutor on the set of her television show.[32]

[edit] 2006–07: Hannah Montana and Hannah Montana 2: Meet Miley Cyrus

Cyrus performing on the Best of Both Worlds Tour

Hannah Montana became an instant hit and propelled Cyrus to teen idol status, according to The Daily Telegraph.[24] The series premiered on March 26, 2006, to the largest audience ever for a Disney Channel show[33] and soon became one of the highest-rated series on basic cable, elevating Cyrus's wealth and fame along with it.[34] Time magazine reports that Cyrus's "phenom[enal]" success is due partially to her talent and partially to "Disney learning to use its vast, multimedia holdings" and market Cyrus and Hannah Montana appropriately.[35] Cyrus eventually became the first artist to have deals in television, film, consumer products, and music within The Walt Disney Company.[28]

The first single was "The Best of Both Worlds", the theme song to Hannah Montana, which was released on March 28, 2006.[36] "The Best of Both Worlds" is credited to "Hannah Montana", the pop star Cyrus portrays on the series by the same name. As with other songs credited to Montana, Cyrus typically dressed as the character when performing the song live.[37] Cyrus's first release under her own name was a cover of James Baskett's "Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah", released on April 4, 2006, on the fourth edition of DisneyMania.[38] Dressed as Hannah Montana, Cyrus opened for The Cheetah Girls on twenty dates of their The Party's Just Begun Tour, beginning on September 15, 2006.[39] On October 24 of same year, Walt Disney Records released the first Hannah Montana soundtrack. Of the nine tracks on the soundtrack performed by Cyrus, eight were credited to "Hannah Montana" and one, a duet with her father titled "I Learned from You", was credited to Cyrus as herself. The album peaked at number one on the U.S. Billboard 200 chart.[40]

Cyrus and her father, Billy Ray, performing "Ready, Set, Don't Go" at the Kids' Inaugural: "We Are the Future." – January 19, 2009; Washington D.C.

The second season of Hannah Montana premiered on April 23, 2007, and ran until October 12, 2008.[41] Cyrus signed a four-album deal with Disney-owned Hollywood Records and, on June 26, 2007, released a double-disc album. The first disc was the soundtrack to the second season of Hannah Montana, while the second, titled Meet Miley Cyrus, was Cyrus's debut album credited to her own name. The double-disc album peaked at number one on the Billboard 200[42] and was later certified three times platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA).[43] Meet Miley Cyrus generated "See You Again", Cyrus's first single to be released under her own name and her first top ten hit on the Billboard Hot 100.[44] In fall 2007, Cyrus launched her first tour, the Best of Both Worlds Tour, to promote Meet Miley Cyrus and the Hannah Montana soundtracks. With the Jonas Brothers, Aly & AJ, and Everlife as her opening acts, Cyrus toured from October 17, 2007, to January 31, 2008, with stops in the U.S. and Canada.[45] Tickets sold out in minutes and were scalped for up to $2,500 and an average of $214, well above their $26–$65 face value.[46] A Ticketmaster official commented, "Hell hath no fury like the parent of a child throwing a tantrum. People who have been in this business for a long time are watching what's happening, and they say there hasn't been a demand of this level or intensity since The Beatles or Elvis."[47]

[edit] 2008–09: Breakout, transitions and film career launch

Cyrus at 2008 MTV Video Music Awards

After the end of the Best of Both Worlds Tour in January 2008, Walt Disney Pictures released Hannah Montana & Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert, a 3D concert film of the tour, on February 1, 2008, for what was expected to be a one-week run. The film earned over $31 million[48] at the box-office and an average of $42,000 per theater, twice the expected total, convincing Disney executives to extend the release for an indefinite run. "We don't want to turn away kids from the theaters who couldn't get into the concerts," said Chuck Viane, Disney's chief of distribution.[49] The film's soundtrack was released by Walt Disney Records/Hollywood Records on March 11, 2008, and peaked at number three on the Billboard 200.[50]

On July 22, 2008, Cyrus released her second studio album under her own name, titled Breakout. Cyrus said Breakout was inspired by "what's been going on in my life in the past year."[51] Cyrus co-wrote eight out of twelve songs on the album.[51] "Songwriting is what I really want to do with my life forever, [...] I just hope this record showcases that, more than anything, I'm a writer."[52] The album debuted at #1 on the U.S. Billboard 200 chart[53] and its lead single, "7 Things", peaked at number 9 on the Billboard Hot 100.[54][55] She hosted the 2008 CMT Music Awards with her father in April[56] and the 2008 Teen Choice Awards by herself in August.[57] Cyrus provided the voice of Penny in the 2008 computer-animated film Bolt, which was released on November 21, 2008, to critical acclaim.[58] Cyrus also co-wrote and recorded the song "I Thought I Lost You" as a duet with John Travolta for the film, for which she received a Golden Globe nomination.[59] In September 2009, she participated in the charity single "Just Stand Up!" in support of the anti-cancer campaign Stand Up to Cancer[60] and in the City of Hope Benefit Concert in support of cancer research and training programs.[61] She also became involved in Disney's Friends for Change, an environmentalist group, for which she recorded the charity single "Send It On" along with several other Disney Channel stars.[62]

Cyrus performing on the Wonder World Tour

Cyrus had already begun transitioning to a more grown-up image in late 2008, when her representatives negotiated a deal for novelist Nicholas Sparks to write the screenplay and novel basis for a film that would serve as a star vehicle for Cyrus by introducing her to audiences older than the young fans she had gained through Hannah Montana.[63] Sparks and co-writer Jeff Van Wie developed The Last Song.[63] It was important to Cyrus that she not be type cast as a singer: "I didn't want to be a singer in another film. I don't want to do that anymore. You have no idea how many musicals show up on my door. I want to do something a little more serious."[64] In March 2009, Cyrus published Miles to Go, a memoir co-written by Hilary Liftin chronicling her life through age sixteen.[65] Cyrus starred as Miley Stewart/Hannah Montana in Hannah Montana: The Movie, released April 10, 2009. Both the film and its soundtrack, which contained twelve songs performed by Cyrus,[66] achieved commercial success.[67][68] The soundtrack's lead single, "The Climb", became a Top 40 hit in twelve countries[69] and introduced Cyrus to listeners outside her typical teen pop audience.[70] Cyrus had considered ending Hannah Montana after its third season, which finished production on June 5, 2009,[71] but Disney retained and exercised its option for a fourth season.[72]

Production on The Last Song lasted from June 15, 2009, to August 18, 2009.[73] In between, Cyrus launched the third Hannah Montana soundtrack, recorded the extended play The Time of Our Lives (EP), and released the EP's lead single, "Party in the U.S.A."[74] Cyrus said The Time of Our Lives "is a transitioning album. [...] really to introduce people to what I want my next record to sound like and with time I will be able to do that a little more."[75] "Party in the U.S.A." debuted at number two on the Billboard Hot 100 for her best-ever ranking on the chart.[76] The Time of Our Lives was released in conjunction with a clothing line co-designed by Cyrus and Max Azria for Walmart.[77]

From September 14, 2009, to December 29, 2010, Cyrus toured on her Wonder World Tour to promote Breakout and The Time of Our Lives.[citation needed] On December 7, 2009, Cyrus performed for Queen Elizabeth II and numerous other members of the British Royal Family at the Royal Variety Performance in Blackpool, North West England.[78]

[edit] 2010–2011: Can't Be Tamed, focus on film career, and Gypsy Heart Tour

Cyrus at 2010 MuchMusic Video Awards soundcheck.

Production on the fourth and final season of Hannah Montana began on January 18, 2010.[79] In the aftermath of the 2010 Haiti earthquake, Cyrus appeared on the charity singles "We Are the World: 25 for Haiti" and "Everybody Hurts".[80][81] Her third studio album, Can't Be Tamed, was released on June 21, 2010. The album's first single is the title track, "Can't Be Tamed". The single was released for sale on May 18, 2010, and entered the Billboard Hot 100 at number eight.[82] Cyrus's costumes and dances while promoting Can't Be Tamed were also considerably more provocative than previous performances, arousing media criticism.[83] After releasing the album, Cyrus intends to take a break from the music industry in order to focus on her film career.[84] She commented, "I've not taken, like, acting lessons or anything, but it doesn't mean I don't need to because I'm sure I do [...] I'm probably going to go book an acting coach."[85] Cyrus has also decided to opt out of college for the same reason, saying "I'm a firm believer that you can go back at any age you want, because my Grandma went back to college at 62 [...] For right now, I really want to focus on my career. I've worked hard to get to where I am now, and I want to enjoy it while it lasts."[86][87][88]

Cyrus starred in The Last Song, which was released on March 31, 2010, and received generally poor reviews, as did Cyrus's performance.[89] Nonetheless, the film was commercially successful, grossing more than $88 million at the worldwide box office.[90] According to box-office analyst Exhibitor Relations, the film marked "a successful transition to adult roles for Miley Cyrus."[91] The fourth and final season of Hannah Montana began airing on Disney Channel on July 11, 2010, and was ended on January 16, 2011.[92] Cyrus filmed two more films, LOL: Laughing Out Loud and So Undercover in 2010. In LOL, a remake of a 2008 French teen film of the same name, Cyrus plays "a daughter who is involved with all the wrong kids, doing drugs, failing school, but [...whose] mother has her on this perfect pedestal" and says "[She] just fell in love with the story."[93] Cyrus' character loses her virginity, smokes cannabis, gets wasted and kisses two girlfriends on the lips.[94] She will also star in So Undercover, an action comedy film. Cyrus will play the part of "a tough, street-smart private eye hired by the FBI to go undercover in a college sorority."[95] She learned street fighting for the role.[95]

Despite her earlier announcement that she'd be focusing more on acting in the future, in February 2011, Cyrus confirmed she had no films lineup and was going to go on tour.[96] On April 29, 2011, Cyrus embarked on her international Gypsy Heart Tour in South America and ended the tour on July 2, 2011, in Australia. Cyrus hosted Saturday Night Live on March 5, 2011, where she performed in several sketches. She also sang a brief song about her several controversies, such as the bong incident, the photo of her friend and she eating a Twizzler, and the "pole dance" on a hotel pole at the Teen Choice Awards, stating "I'm sorry that I'm not perfect."[97][98] In March 2011, father Billy Ray Cyrus confirmed on talk show, The View, that Cyrus had been in talks with producer Dr. Luke on a new album.[99] In July 2011, it was announced that she would record her fourth studio album and she has no plans to sign onto any other film projects.[100] However, it was reported on August 2, 2011, by Contact Music that Cyrus has signed on to star in a comedy in which she plays a woman who broke a promise to God.[101]

Cyrus released on YouTube a remix of her song "Liberty Walk" in November 2011, dedicated to the Occupy movement, which she referred to as, "the thousands of people who are standing up for what they believe in."[102]

[edit] 2012–present: LOL, So Undercover, and focus on music career

LOL came out on May 4th

In January 2012, it was announced that Cyrus would be on Punk'd. Cyrus would be on the show alongside friend and co-star in her new film So Undercover, Kelly Osbourne. Cyrus and Osbourne on an episode of the show would punk reality star and TV personality Khloé Kardashian Odom. They punk Khloe by having a young food delivery man pretends to get his family jewels caught in his zipper while using Miley's bathroom.[103][104]

On January 24, the album Chimes of Freedom: Songs of Bob Dylan Honoring 50 Years of Amnesty International was released in honor of Bob Dylan, Cyrus covered Dylan's song "You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go" from his 15th studio album Blood on the Tracks, in which she also made a music video.[105] Cyrus's version of the song earned positive reviews from music critics.[106][107][108]

In February, Cyrus dropped out of the animated comedy Hotel Transylvania, in which she was meant to play the role of Mavis, the daughter of Dracula who is voiced by Adam Sandler, the movie also stars Andy Samberg, Kevin James, Fran Drescher, and David Spade.[109] It was later announced that she will be replaced by fellow Disney star and friend Selena Gomez.[110] She later announced that she dropped out of the film because she wanted to work on her music this year.[111][112]


In 2008, Cyrus earned $25 million, up from her earnings of $18 million in 2007, and was ranked number 35 on Forbes magazine's "Celebrity 100" list.[113] Parade magazine reported she was the richest teenage celebrity and that her franchise would be worth approximately $1 billion by the end of the year.[114] In 2009, Forbes ranked her #29 on the Celebrity 100 and reported she had earned a total of $25 million.[115] Then Cyrus got ranked number thirteen on Forbes' 2010 Celebrity 100 ranking $48 million.[3] From the $48 million she made between June 2009 to June 2010 made her the no. 4 highest earners under 30 and the youngest on the list.[116] between June 2010 and June 2011, Cyrus earned $54 million.[117]

From working on Hannah Montana, Cyrus got paid $15,000 per episode she did on the hit show, making her the 6th highest paid child star on television behind fellow Disney stars Dylan and Cole Sprouse and Keke Palmer with $20,000 for their shows. Also, she is behind friend and Disney star Selena Gomez that makes $25,000 per episode of her show, Nick star Miranda Cosgrove with $180,000 per episode of her show, and one time co-star Angus T. Jones that got paid $250,000 for each episode of his show.[118] Though she had not got paid as much as other Disney stars,when she was 17 she was named #19 on the "Top 20 World's Richest Female Singers Of All Time" list with over $100 million in 5 years active throughout her career, which made her the youngest female artist on the list.[119] In 2011, she was named #1 on the "Top 10 Richest Teens in Hollywood" with $120 million.[120]

Personal life and image[link]

Cyrus on the Red Carpet at VH1 Divas 2009

A Christian, she was baptized in a Southern Baptist church in 2005.[121]

In February 2008, Cyrus and her friend Mandy Jiroux opened a YouTube account and began posting videos of what they called The Miley and Mandy Show. The show, described as a "YouTube hit," is said to be filmed for fun by Cyrus and Jiroux and to be entirely their work, with Cyrus and Jiroux editing the footage together.[122]

With Cyrus's increased success came increased media attention. In a May 2008 interview with The Los Angeles Times, Francois Navarre, the proprietor of the X17 photo agency, said Cyrus's market value had picked up considerably after the Vanity Fair photo controversy: "She's started to sell more. [...] It used to be $300, and now it's $2,000 for a picture."[123] Estimates for a picture of the then-15 year old's first kiss ranged from $30,000 to $150,000.[123] Navarre noted that Cyrus rarely behaved against her wholesome image or went out without a parent and stated, "She has people waiting for the moment she starts to be less traditional. [...] It's natural. Any teenager. But it's going to come very fast. [...] As soon as her mom lets her go out by herself. It's going to start to be interesting."[123] Time magazine included her on the 2008 Time 100, the magazine's list of the 100 most influential people in the world. Her write-up was written by former child star Donny Osmond, who warned, "As an idol to tweens the world over, singer-actress Miley Cyrus, 15, is riding a huge tidal wave at the pinnacle of her career; this is as it should be. I hope she enjoys it. [...] Within three to five years, Miley will have to face adulthood. [...] As she does, she'll want to change her image, and that change will be met with adversity."[124]

Cyrus celebrated her 16th birthday at Disneyland with a charity fundraiser for Youth Service America, a youth volunteer service organization.[125][126][127]

In June 2009, Cyrus ended her nine-month relationship with model Justin Gaston shortly before flying to Georgia to film The Last Song.[128] While filming later that month, Cyrus began dating her co-star in The Last Song, Australian actor Liam Hemsworth.[129] She later called him her "first serious boyfriend".[130] In August 2010, it was confirmed that her relationship with Hemsworth had ended.[131][132] Cyrus and Hemsworth were seen together a month later, and were reportedly back together.[133] It was announced in early November that the couple had split again.[134] They have since rekindled their relationship.[135]

At the end of 2009, Billboard magazine ranked Cyrus the fourth best-selling female artist[136] and the fifth best-selling singer overall.[137] Also in 2009, at the age of sixteen, she became the youngest artist to have four number one albums on the charts.[138]


Cyrus performing at the Kids Inaugural: We Are the Future concert in 2009.

In December 2007, a brief controversy emerged when photos Cyrus had posted on her private MySpace account, depicting her and a female friend sharing a piece of licorice and "almost kissing", were spread across the internet, prompting rumors of lesbianism. Cyrus comments, "For me, I was like, That's two girls—it's not a big deal. But they got spread around. Like someone copied and pasted and said, Omigod, look at this, and blah blah blah."[139]

In April 2008, several provocative images of Cyrus in her underwear and swimsuit were leaked onto the web by a teenager who hacked Cyrus's Gmail account.[140][141][142][143] Cyrus described the images as "silly, inappropriate shots" and stated, "I am going to make mistakes and I am not perfect. I never intended for any of this to happen and I am truly sorry if I have disappointed anyone."[144][145] On April 25, 2008, the televised entertainment program Entertainment Tonight reported that Cyrus, then 15, had posed topless for a photoshoot taken by photographer Annie Leibovitz for Vanity Fair.[146] On April 29, 2008, The New York Times clarified that though the pictures left an impression that she was bare-breasted, Cyrus was wrapped in a bedsheet and was actually not topless.[147] Some parents expressed outrage at the nature of the photograph, which a Disney spokesperson described as "a situation [that] was created to deliberately manipulate a 15-year-old in order to sell magazines." Gary Marsh, president of entertainment for Disney Channel Worldwide, was quoted by Portfolio magazine to have said, "For Miley Cyrus to be a 'good girl' is now a business decision for her. Parents have invested in her a godliness. If she violates that trust, she won't get it back."[147] In response to the Internet circulation of the photo and ensuing media attention, Cyrus released a statement of apology on April 27, 2008: "I took part in a photo shoot that was supposed to be 'artistic' and now, seeing the photographs and reading the story, I feel so embarrassed. I never intended for any of this to happen and I apologize to my fans who I care so deeply about."[147] Leibovitz also released a statement: "I'm sorry that my portrait of Miley has been misinterpreted. The photograph is a simple, classic portrait, shot with very little makeup, and I think it is very beautiful."[147][148]

In May 2008, Gossett, Cyrus's longtime acting agent, left Cunningham Escott Slevin Doherty for United Talent Agency, partially with the hope of "giving Cyrus the major-agency backing that would support a widening career", according to The Hollywood Reporter.[30][149] About a year later in June 2009, Cyrus left both Gossett and UTA, which had recently negotiated her deals for The Last Song and the fourth season of Hannah Montana, and joined the Creative Artists Agency, which had already represented her for music.[150] Nikki Finke, who broke the news, reported, "Is this fair to UTA? Of course not. But I hear the decision was made by Miley's mother Trish [sic] Cyrus".[151]

Cyrus performing during the Wonder World Tour, in 2009.

Cyrus's performance of "Party in the U.S.A." at the 2009 Teen Choice Awards incited a media uproar, with some viewers criticizing Cyrus's provocative outfit and inclusion of a brief pole dance as inappropriate for her age, then sixteen, and for her young fans.[152][153] Conversely, Newsday reported that her sexualization "has been coming for some time."[154] Ian Drew, senior editor of US Weekly, said, "She already has this risque image, so it really wasn't much of a stretch. That's how Britney [Spears] took off. She was the good girl gone bad, and it looks to be working for Miley as well."[154] Cyrus was also criticized that year for dating Gaston, five years her senior,[155] and for a photo displaying Cyrus and friends making "slant-eyed" expressions, which the Organization of Chinese Americans claimed was offensive to the Asian community.[156] Cyrus apologized for the photo on her website, defending her actions and saying, "In NO way was I making fun of any ethnicity! I was simply making a goofy face."[157]

Later in 2010, TMZ released a video of Cyrus, then 16, giving Adam Shankman, producer of The Last Song, a lap dance at the film's wrap party.[158][159][160] Cyrus's father defended her actions, saying Miley was just "having fun" and that "it's what people her age do".[161] Later that year in December, TMZ released a video of Cyrus, which took place five days after her 18th birthday at her Los Angeles home, in which she is seen smoking from a bong. She claimed she was smoking the psychoactive plant salvia divinorum, although this has not been confirmed by anybody but Cyrus herself.[162][163][164] Salvia is legal in the state of California, and Cyrus was of legal age at the time the video was shot.[165] Cyrus's father expressed his sadness regarding the matter on Twitter, saying, "Sorry guys. I had no idea. Just saw this stuff for the first time myself. I'm so sad. There is much beyond my control right now".[166][167]

In a video obtained by The Daily, taking place at Cyrus' 19th birthday party at the Roosevelt Hotel in Los Angeles, Cyrus went to the microphone and addressed the crowd. Immediately after her Bob Marley-themed birthday cake had been brought out, Cyrus said, "You know you're a stoner when your friends make you a Bob Marley cake. You know you smoke way too much f****n' weed."[168] One week later, Cyrus' representative stated that Cyrus was just being a "smart-ass" and that the Bob Marley cake had just been an "inside joke" with Cyrus and her friends, as Cyrus' friend, Kelly Osbourne had been calling her "Bob Miley" since Cyrus' 2010 salvia incident.[169]


Year Title Role Notes
2003 Big Fish Young Ruthie Film debut
2007 High School Musical 2 Girl at pool Cameo
2008 Hannah Montana & Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert Herself and Hannah Montana 3D Concert film
2008 Bolt Penny Voice-over Role
Nominated—Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Song
Nominated—Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song
Nominated—Kids Choice Awards for Favorite Voice From an Animated Movie
2009 Hannah Montana: The Movie Miley Stewart / Hannah Montana Based on TV series
Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards for Best Movie Actress
MTV Movie Award for Best Song from a Movie
People's Choice Awards for favorite breakout movie actress
Teen Choice Awards for Choice movie actress: Music/Dance
Teen Choice Awards for Choice movie Hissy Fit
Nominated—Teen Choice Awards for Choice movie: Liplock
Nominated—American Music Awards for favorite Soundtrack
Nominated—MTV Movie Award for Best Breakthrough Performance
Nominated—Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Actress
2010 Last Song, TheThe Last Song Veronica "Ronnie" Miller Film adaption of book
Teen Choice Awards for Choice movie Hissy Fit
Teen Choice Awards for Choice Music: Love Song
Nickelodeon Australian Kids' Choice Awards for Fave Movie Star
Nickelodeon Australian Kids' Choice Awardsfor Fave Kiss
Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards for Favorite Movie Actress
J-14 Teen Icon Awards for Iconic Movie Actress
Nominated—Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Actress
2010 Sex and the City 2 Herself Cameo
2011 Justin Bieber: Never Say Never Herself Cameo
2012 LOL Lola Remake of French film
2012 So Undercover Molly Without release date
Year Title Role Notes
2001–2003 Doc Kylie Recurring role (3 episodes)
2006–2011 Hannah Montana Miley Stewart / Hannah Montana Lead role
2006–2008 Disney Channel Herself / Hannah Montana Contestant, special performer
2006 The Suite Life of Zack & Cody Miley Stewart / Hannah Montana "That's So Suite Life of Hannah Montana" (Season 2, Episode 20)
2006–2008 Disney 365 Herself In 9 episodes, 2006–2008.
2007 Replacements, TheThe Replacements Celebrity Star (voice) "Frog Prince" (Season 2, Episode 5)
2007–2008 Emperor's New School, TheThe Emperor's New School Yata (voice) Recurring role
2008 E! True Hollywood Story Herself TV special documentary
2009 Suite Life on Deck, TheThe Suite Life on Deck Miley Stewart / Hannah Montana "Double-Crossed" (Season 1, Episode 21)
2011 Saturday Night Live Herself Host, March 5 episode.
2011 FIRST: Science is Rock and Roll Herself Back-to-school special.
2012 The Conversation Herself Interview series. April 14 episode.
2012 Punk'd Herself Guest on MTV prank series.


Studio albums[link]

Extended plays[link]

Live albums[link]



Awards and nominations[link]

See also[link]


  1. ^ a b Cyrus, Miley (2009). Miles to Go. Disney Hyperion. p. 7. ISBN 978-1-4231-1992-0. 
  2. ^ Deming, Mark. "Miley Cyrus – Biography". Allmusic. Rovi Corporation. Retrieved 2009-10-21. 
  3. ^ a b "The World's Most Powerful Celebrities". June 29, 2010. Retrieved 2010-08-27. 
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Further reading[link]

External links[link]

Awards and achievements
Preceded by
Jamie Lynn Spears
for Zoey 101
Kids' Choice Awards Favorite TV Actress
2007, 2008
for Hannah Montana
Succeeded by
Selena Gomez
for Wizards of Waverly Place
Preceded by
America Ferrera
for Ugly Betty
Teen Choice Awards TV Actress Comedy
2007, 2008
for Hannah Montana
Preceded by
Teen Choice Awards Music Female Star
Preceded by
Christa B. Allen
for Cake
Young Artist Awards Best Performance in a TV Series – Leading Young Actress
for Hannah Montana
Preceded by
Beyoncé Knowles
Kids' Choice Awards Favorite Female Singer
2008, 2009
Preceded by
Ashley Tisdale
for The Suite Life of Zack & Cody
UK Kids' Choice Awards Favorite Female TV Star

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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Here comes baby, are you ready for her?
My name is Bubblegum
Live for moon and sun
You're in so much fun
Life's just be- life has just begun
Her name is Bubblegum
Live for moon and sun
You're in so much fun
Life's just be- life has just begun
Hit it girls
Here I started
Here it comes
Her name is Bubblegum
Live for moon and sun
You're bein' so much fun
Life's just be- life has just begun
Bubblegum yeah
Oh yeah

Warm, and sweet and soft and pink
Or so I was led to believe
The good things went from bad to worst
Every bubble has to burst
It seemed so sweet before, but not anymore
Just chewed me up and spit me out like bubblegum
Cold and bitter, hard and grey
The whole world seems to be that way
Its no surprise. Its only life.
It makes me want to hide inside
It used to make me cry, but now I'm just to numb
What seemed so sweet before, means nothing anymore
Just chewed me up and spit me out like bubblegum
Small minds firing words that freeze
Conspire to drive me to my knees
Fine. I know that I can find
Courage burning deep inside
Fire to keep me warm for when the winter comes
It just so bad before, but never anymore
I'll never be used up like that by anyone
Never be used up like bubblegum

Warm, and sweet and soft and pink Or so I was led to believe The good things went from bad to worst Every bubble has to burst It seemed so sweet before, but not anymore Just chewed me up and spit me out like bubblegum Cold and bitter, hard and grey The whole world seems to be that way Its no surprise. Its only life. It used to make me cry, but now I'm just to numb It makes me want to hide inside What seemed so sweet before, means nothing anymore Just chewed me up and spit me out like bubblegum Conspire to drive me to my knees Small minds firing words that freeze Fine. I know that I can find Courage burning deep inside It just so bad before, but never anymore Fire to keep me warm for when the winter comes I'll never be used up like that by anyone Never be used up like bubblegum It seemed so sweet before.

Shampoo, lollipop, rich boy ya wash a lot.
Soap suds & your milk duds, your empty head's a block
Thats where yer comfortable,
Thats what ya can afford
The underground is openin'
You don't gotta look at the world
And you can all go drown alone
Me the right is really wrong
A suntan model man
And the fancy cars ya stole
Thats where yer comfortable,
Thats what ya can afford
The underground is openin'
You don't gotta look at the world
Your face is swollen up in bubble gum
Substance blowing up
Swollen up in bubble gum
Substance blowing up
No freedom or justice for all
Bringing in people redemption call
They're over there cloning in pairs
Taken my job for skars
Your people, taking the land
We're over there does liberty stand
Your swollen up in bubble gum

To Do and Breaking into Cars.
ShareI will never do the same
I tried to stick around
To ease your troubled mind
Reached out for you in this town
It take some time to cool down
Some time to cool up...
Did you go down, did you go out of your way
I don't like this town, don't run away, yeah that's right
Too much for me, much for you, it's to dark here
I remember when we swore
We never separate
It was never a surprise
It was already made
Did you go down, did you go out of your way
I don't like this town, don't run away, yeah that's right
(I tried)

[Verse 1: Hodgy]
Save all your letters and drop your tomatoes
Hodgy Beats, where he? Looking for a large payroll
Not dimes, nickels, pennies, pesos
I'm tryna stack chips nigga, peelin' my potatoes
If I'm not the biggest boss that you've see thus far
Take a look at the exquisite luxury cars
Big ponts being stuck into a Cuban cigar
Promethazine on the leaf only to get bizarre
We don't go to the club nigga, we post at the bar
Have conversation with girls that don't know who we are
With diamonds in our ears, looking like cube stars
I live a Matrix life and we cruise hard
[Hook: Casey]
And I swear I'm a fiend, dope fiend, I'm an addict
Crack music going hard, Odd Future got a bag it
Yeah, make it stretch like bubble gum
Eh, all the little females like yummy yum
[Verse 2: Tyler]
Now ugly girls get out, the light skinned girls about
Without a doubt you niggas don't amount to shit, no
need to count
Now bring the ruler out like Rick the Ruler paid in
I'm cooler than your cooler, got these hoes, now
where's my garden tool
Fuck 'em all, all them fuck with the Future
I back with Thrash Hard backyard beach cruiser, look
You niggas can't contain the thoughts that's flowin' in
my brain
It synthesizes skits oh neutron from steering paper
And the white girls love me and the haters shove me
And push me until I beat the pussy up like it was ugly
And that's without the loot, niggas take the time to
The diamond dolla's, bitch I'm complex like Einstein's
Rubix Cube
Look, I'm the truth, now stop daring me
Niggas kill yourself and decide to go back to therapy
And my right is right, my right is left, my left is
Now bitches throw your fucking bras off while I'll be
writin' my songs
[Verse 3: Hodgy]
Gimme a couple commas while I abreviate
The war between the pen and paper I aleviate
Alexander is Hodgy, cause I can be the Great
As long as I have a hundred mill' in the cheese steak
In a big breifcase like I won a sweepstakes
Odd Future got money out the ass for G's sakes
I feel like I can fly without wings on my back
This is crack with me, but this crack ain't whack
I got niggas hooked, yeah, the stadium packed
And I flip that like a gymnasium mat
His grind time, and I'm making it stretch
Why get less for more when you can get more for less
Pure for less, down, five three 18 thousand impression
If you comprehend what I recommend press send
If you comprehend what I recommend, Odd Future

Bub-Bubble Gum
In the rain and the sun
Bub-Bubble Gum
Every day I have Fun
I get up every morning
Take my bubble gum
My parents give a warning
Beware of chewing on
Day in and day out
I cannot live without it
Day in and day out
There ain't no doubt about it
Day in and day out
Cause it is mine oh mine
I love my bub-bubble gum
In the rain and the sun
Every day from August till July
Love my bub-bubble gum
Every day I have fun
It's my favourite waste of time
I love my bubble gum
I love my bub-bubble gum
In the rain and the sun
Every day from August till July
Love my bub-bubble gum
Every day I have fun
It's my favourite waste of time
I love my bubble gum
So when the sun is shining
I take my bubble gum
And when the moon is rising
The chewing-work is done
Day in and day out
I make a lot of bubbles
Day in and day out
I don't have any trouble
Day in and day out
Cause it is mine oh mine
I love my bub-bubble gum
In the rain and the sun
Every day from August till July
Love my bub-bubble gum
Every day I have fun
It's my favourite waste of time

Hey, shopkeeper
Can I have some of the yellow... some of the pink?
Some of the music in the monitors louder?
Uh-huh, uh-huh
I got so many to chose from
I could be chewing for days
And I won't share with the classroom
Don't give a fuck what you say
Got every kind you can think of
I can't just have only one
I wanna double my pleasure
I wanna double my fun
You want it, I got it
I'm not gonna give it up
You want it, I got it
I'm not gonna give you...
Bubble-bubble-bubble gum
Bubble-yum yum
Bubble-bubble-bubble gum
Bubble-yum yum
You want it, I got it
But you're not gonna get none
Of my bubble-bubble gum gum
Bubble yum
I blow them big as I can, create a total eclipse
And when they pop I lick the bubble gum off of my lips
And when they lose all the flavor, I stick them under my seat
Got every shade of the rainbow, Wrigley's jealous of me
You want it, I got it
I'm not gonna give it up
You want it, I got it
I'm not gonna give you...
Bubble-bubble-bubble gum
Bubble-yum yum
Bubble-bubble-bubble gum
Bubble-yum yum
You want it, I got it
But you're not gonna get none
Of my bubble-bubble gum gum
Bubble yum
Blow them big as I can
Blow them big as I can
Blow them big as I can
Blow them big as I can
Uh-huh, uh-huh
Let's go
Bubble-bubble-bubble gum
Bubble-yum yum
Bubble-bubble-bubble gum
Bubble-yum yum
You want it, I got it
But you're not gonna get none
Of my bubble-bubble gum gum
Bubble yum
Bubble-bubble-bubble gum
Bubble-yum yum
Bubble-bubble-bubble gum
Bubble-yum yum
You want it, I got it
But you're not gonna get none
Of my bubble-bubble-bubble gum gum

So add some more juice to your fruit
Yeah baby it's no news you're so cute and I'm falling
I'm falling for you
I know your jaws are just like steel
A kind of Janet Jackson feel
You shouldn't swallow
But you do!
Oh, it's carzy - it's just like you
So what's that, what's that on your tongue?
Don't you know it's only, only bubblegum
You got a problem with multi-tasking
Are you dancing, coz I'm asking
No error in syntax
You're definitely intact
A world revolving 'round almost nuthin'
A haze of industry, a head for relaxation
And a body for excitation
She's a craze, for a whole new nation
So what's that, what's that on your tongue?
Don't you know it's only, only bubblegum
And can't you let me have my fun
Don't ya know how much I love you, my bubblegum
Na na na na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na na na na na na
I know your jaws are just like steel
A kind of Janet Jackson feel
You shouldn't swallow
But you do!
Oh, it's carzy - it's just like you
So what's that, what's that on your tongue?
Don't you know it's only, only bubblegum
And can't you let me have my fun
Don't ya know how much I love you, my bubblegum
And those hot pants are rising up, coast the sidewalk
But you won't ever get some
Of my bubblegum


Bubble Gum (x4)
I saw you at homeroom
with you hall pass
You were only with your crew
and had a lot of class
Gonna get to know you
as soon as i get a chance
Its not the kinda
thing i do everyday
Excuse me boy
i just gotta know you name
Something about the way you look
got me going crazy
Don`t know what it is you do but ..
Boy , you`re the one
got me choking on my bubble gum
And I know boy its you
got me acting the way i do
Boy , you`re the one
got me choking on my bubble gum
And I know boy if you choose me
like candy life , it`ll seem so sweet
All my friends are telling me
That i should play it cool
But something about me changes around you
I can`t help my self from acting like a fool
Suddenly I seem to loose complete control
Tryna keep my cool so that my nerves don`t show
Something you do , got me freakin out
Oh baby , Can`t you see what you do to me ..
Boy , you`re the one
got me choking on my bubble gum
And I know boy its you
got me acting the way i do
Boy , you`re the one
got me choking on my bubble gum
And I know boy if you choose me
like candy life , it`ll seem so sweet
Boy You`re the one you got me choking on my BUBBLEGUM
And boy you know its cause you got me acting the way
Chocolate , strawberry , raspberry bubbles
Vanilla , Cinnamon brush of your troubles
Blueberry , pineapple , popsicle dream
Rocky road , Orange and lemon lime creme
Boy , you`re the one
got me choking on my bubble gum (x2)
Boy , you`re the one
got me choking on my bubble gum
And I know boy its you
got me acting the way i do
Boy , you`re the one
got me choking on my bubble gum (x2)
Chocolate , strawberry , raspberry bubbles
Vanilla , Cinnamon brush of your troubles
Blueberry , pineapple , popsicle dream
Rocky road , Orange and lemon lime creme
hmmmmmhmmmmmmm !

Taste it, bite it, chew it, pop it, lick it, smack it, move it, drop it, crack it, smack it, you know you want my bubblegum. Taste it, bite it, chew it, pop it, lick it, smack it, move it, drop it, crack it, smack it, you can't stop my bubblegum. I know that you like it, you want a piece of my bubblegum. (my bubblegum.) You know I don't mind that you want a piece of my bubblegum, my b- my bubblegum.
Everybody knows that we like the noise. And we like to go dancing with all the boys. But, don't get us wrong, we ain't no toy. We just wanna make your bubble pop. Watch out here we come, cuz your gonna get stuck. Were girls just having fun, don't cha wanna have some? You can't deny it.
I know that you like it, you want a piece of my bubblegum (my bubblegum.) You know I don't mind that you want a piece of my bubblegum, my b- my bubblegum. Taste it, bite it, chew it, pop it, lick it, smack it, move it, drop it, crack it, smack it you know you want.
Come feel the beat, make you delirious. Don't cha wanna dance with the five of us? Let's keep it sweet, not serious. Come on make my bubble pop. We've got the sweetest sound, make you say it loud. You wanna say it loud, everybody's down. You can't deny it.
I know that you like it, you want a piece of my bubblegum (my bubblegum.) You know I don't mind that you want a piece of my bubblegum, my b- my bubblegum. I know that you like it, I like it too. I don't wanna get any stuck on you. You know that you like it, you know that you like it.
Taste it, bite it, chew it, pop it, lick it, smack it, move it, drop it, crack it, smack it, you know you want my bubblegum. Taste it, bite it, chew it, pop it, lick it, smack it, move it, drop it, crack it, smack it, you know you want.