- published: 16 Sep 2011
- views: 4618144
- author: MaverickSabreVEVO

Maverick Sabre - I Need
The official video for " I Need", the new single from Maverick Sabre. (C) 2011 Mercury Rec...
published: 16 Sep 2011
author: MaverickSabreVEVO
Maverick Sabre - I Need
The official video for " I Need", the new single from Maverick Sabre. (C) 2011 Mercury Records Ltd "I Need" out 6th November 2011 on iTunes. Maverick Sabre i...
- published: 16 Sep 2011
- views: 4618144
- author: MaverickSabreVEVO

Fencing Men's Sabre Team Gold Finals - Korea v Romania Replay - London 2012 Olympic Games
Fencing Men's Sabre Team Finals - Korea Romania Full Replay from the ExCeL - South Arena 1...
published: 03 Aug 2012
author: olympic
Fencing Men's Sabre Team Gold Finals - Korea v Romania Replay - London 2012 Olympic Games
Fencing Men's Sabre Team Finals - Korea Romania Full Replay from the ExCeL - South Arena 1 at the London 2012 Olympic Games. -- 3 August 2012 Fencing was inc...
- published: 03 Aug 2012
- views: 34608
- author: olympic

Test Cutting Vid 1796 Pattern Sabre
1796 Pattern Sabre test cutting from the free promotional DVD "Cold Steel - Sword Proof". ...
published: 03 Feb 2007
author: dieaufopferung
Test Cutting Vid 1796 Pattern Sabre
1796 Pattern Sabre test cutting from the free promotional DVD "Cold Steel - Sword Proof". DVD no longer available from Cold Steel as they have a new one out....
- published: 03 Feb 2007
- views: 201475
- author: dieaufopferung

Fencing Men's Sabre Gold Medal Bout - Hungary v Italy Full Replay - London 2012 Olympic Games
Fencing Men's Sabre Bronze Medal Bout - Hungary v Italy Full Replay from the ExCeL at the ...
published: 29 Jul 2012
author: olympic
Fencing Men's Sabre Gold Medal Bout - Hungary v Italy Full Replay - London 2012 Olympic Games
Fencing Men's Sabre Bronze Medal Bout - Hungary v Italy Full Replay from the ExCeL at the London 2012 Olympic Games. -- 29 July 2012 Aron Szilagyi wins the G...
- published: 29 Jul 2012
- views: 86247
- author: olympic

Maverick Sabre - Let Me Go
Music video by Maverick Sabre performing Let Me Go. (C) 2011 Mercury Records Limited "Let ...
published: 10 Jun 2011
author: MaverickSabreVEVO
Maverick Sabre - Let Me Go
Music video by Maverick Sabre performing Let Me Go. (C) 2011 Mercury Records Limited "Let Me Go" out 24th July on iTunes www.mavericksabre.com www.facebook.c...
- published: 10 Jun 2011
- views: 4832058
- author: MaverickSabreVEVO

Sabre, Stray & Halogenix (Ivy Lab) Feat Frank Carter III - Oblique - OFFICIAL VIDEO
AVAILABLE NOW - http://bit.ly/CRIT061 iTunes - http://bit.ly/CRIT061iTunes Beatport - http...
published: 22 Feb 2012
author: CriticalMusicDNB
Sabre, Stray & Halogenix (Ivy Lab) Feat Frank Carter III - Oblique - OFFICIAL VIDEO
AVAILABLE NOW - http://bit.ly/CRIT061 iTunes - http://bit.ly/CRIT061iTunes Beatport - http://bit.ly/CriticalBeatport Release date: Feb 27, 2012 "I don't thro...
- published: 22 Feb 2012
- views: 166075
- author: CriticalMusicDNB

Alix Perez - Hemlines ft. Sabre
Subscribe to our channel here - http://bit.ly/Shogun-Audio-TV -- Check out this track from...
published: 25 Apr 2013
author: ShogunAudio
Alix Perez - Hemlines ft. Sabre
Subscribe to our channel here - http://bit.ly/Shogun-Audio-TV -- Check out this track from Alix Perez's debut album '1984' from 2009... Out now on Shogun Aud...
- published: 25 Apr 2013
- views: 2
- author: ShogunAudio

Conférence "Le pinceau et le sabre. Les artistes français enrôlés par Napoléon"
En prélude à l'exposition « Napoléon et l'Europe » (27 mars -- 14 juillet 2013), le musée ...
published: 24 Apr 2013
author: MuseeArmeeInvalides
Conférence "Le pinceau et le sabre. Les artistes français enrôlés par Napoléon"
En prélude à l'exposition « Napoléon et l'Europe » (27 mars -- 14 juillet 2013), le musée de l'Armée, en partenariat avec l'Université permanente de la ville...
- published: 24 Apr 2013
- author: MuseeArmeeInvalides

Le Katana : Sabre de Samouraï - Documentaire
Au Japon, gros plan sur la fabrication et le maniement du katana, le sabre traditionnel de...
published: 14 May 2012
author: FanZeroU
Le Katana : Sabre de Samouraï - Documentaire
Au Japon, gros plan sur la fabrication et le maniement du katana, le sabre traditionnel des samouraïs et des shoguns, dont l'art est toujours enseigné.
- published: 14 May 2012
- views: 79638
- author: FanZeroU

MUSIC MAN CLASSIC SABRE BASS DEMO - Lars Lehmann Musikmesse 2013
German bass master Lars Lehmann and the new Music Man Classic Series Sabre Bass! We record...
published: 23 Apr 2013
author: basstheworldbyvideo
MUSIC MAN CLASSIC SABRE BASS DEMO - Lars Lehmann Musikmesse 2013
German bass master Lars Lehmann and the new Music Man Classic Series Sabre Bass! We recorded this video @ Musikmesse 2013 in Frankfurt/Germany. The audio tra...
- published: 23 Apr 2013
- views: 4669
- author: basstheworldbyvideo

Light sabre fun
Eu brincando com meu lightsabre na sala de casa. Me playing with my lightsabre in my livin...
published: 24 Apr 2013
author: Arthur Sacramento
Light sabre fun
Eu brincando com meu lightsabre na sala de casa. Me playing with my lightsabre in my living room.
- published: 24 Apr 2013
- views: 2
- author: Arthur Sacramento

AHF Military sabre sparring Mike vs Nick 2
Another sabre sparring clip, this time with our even newer Sabres. The last clip featured ...
published: 28 Mar 2013
author: Nikos3000
AHF Military sabre sparring Mike vs Nick 2
Another sabre sparring clip, this time with our even newer Sabres. The last clip featured a few prototype models from Peter Regenyei. These two are our new c...
- published: 28 Mar 2013
- views: 687
- author: Nikos3000

Project Honda Sabre Cafe Part 6
In this episode I finish shaping the foam core for the seat and talk about fiberglass....
published: 13 Apr 2013
author: HackaweekTV
Project Honda Sabre Cafe Part 6
In this episode I finish shaping the foam core for the seat and talk about fiberglass.
- published: 13 Apr 2013
- views: 2154
- author: HackaweekTV

Boston Strong and National Anthem, Bruins and Sabre game and Daniel Paille goal.
Wow, all I can say. Boston Strong and National Anthem....
published: 18 Apr 2013
author: Eric Burton
Boston Strong and National Anthem, Bruins and Sabre game and Daniel Paille goal.
Wow, all I can say. Boston Strong and National Anthem.
- published: 18 Apr 2013
- views: 10277
- author: Eric Burton
Vimeo results:

Patrulla Aguila
Los antecedentes de las patrulla acrob...
published: 02 Aug 2011
author: Jorge Molina Lamothe
Patrulla Aguila
Los antecedentes de las patrulla acrobáticas en el seno del Ejército del Aire se remontan al año 1954, fecha en la que se creó la Patrulla de la Escuela Básica de Matacán en Salamanca. Otras patrullas fueron surgiendo como la Patrulla de la Base Aérea de Talavera la Real en Badajoz, la Patrulla Ascua de la Base Aérea de Manises en Valencia y la Patrulla de la Base Aérea de los Llanos en Albacete.
Mención especial merece la Patrulla Ascua, dotada con material F-86 Sabre. Entre 1956 y 1965 realizaron numerosas exhibiciones nacionales e internacionales hasta su definitiva disolución.
La Patrulla Águila es actualmente la Patrulla Acrobática que representa al Ejército de Aire y este año realiza su vigésimo primera temporada de actividad, habiendo cumplimentado más de 16.000 horas de vuelo.
Nació en 1985 con la ilusión y esfuerzo de un grupo de profesores de la Academia General del Aire y realizó su primer entrenamiento el día 4 de junio de ese año con solamente 5 aviones.
A tenor del interés que fueron despertando y con el éxito cosechado en las primeras exhibiciones de la Patrulla, rápidamente se aumentó a seis el número de aviones y se decidió incorporar un sistema generador de humos blancos para realzar y dar más espectacularidad a las maniobras.
En abril de 1988 se realiza ante SS. MM. los Reyes de España la primera exhibición con 7 aviones, adquiriendo su estructura actual.
En octubre de 1991 despegó por primera vez un avión con el nuevo diseño de pintura característica de la Patrulla Águila, inspirado en el mítica Patrulla Ascua, y el 12 de octubre de 1992 en Sevilla lucieron por primera vez humo de color los 7 aviones dibujando en el aire los colores de la Enseña Nacional.
Desde entonces y hasta la fecha el equipo ha trabajado duro sin escatimar esfuerzos para conseguir sus objetivos, habiendo mostrado en la práctica totalidad de España y en Europa la profesionalidad de los componentes del Ejército del Aire, destacando entre estos países algunos tan lejanos como Finlandia, Israel, Turquía y, desde el año 2003, los Estados Unidos y Canadá.

Yes! Yes! - Extra Loveable - Dir : S∆bre'Too†h
Skin Flick for New York Record Label.
Director - S∆bre'Too†h.
Camera - Ed Sabre.
Editor ...
published: 13 Feb 2011
author: S∆bre'Too†h
Yes! Yes! - Extra Loveable - Dir : S∆bre'Too†h
Skin Flick for New York Record Label.
Director - S∆bre'Too†h.
Camera - Ed Sabre.
Editor -Skeleton Bob.
Shower Shots done on 8mm Iphone App.
Lips on Canon 5D,
Record Label - www.sorryforfuckin.com

Base Wanking
Get the mp3 here: http://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/the-ham-machine/id413098595
Base Wanki...
published: 26 Apr 2012
author: Joel Veitch
Base Wanking
Get the mp3 here: http://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/the-ham-machine/id413098595
Base Wanking by rathergood.com from the album The Ham Machine
animation by Ross Butter
Base Wanking
I love my sports extreme and yes I also enjoy wanking,
So for this brand new sport my lucky stars I'm really thanking,
It's like base jumping but it's got an extra spice of danger,
Before you pull your chute you've got to pull your sausage sabre
Atop the Eiffel Tower I drew in a bracing breath,
And leapt into the blue facing the likelihood of death,
As groundward I accelerated from the skies above,
I whipped out my veined purple-helmeted Spartan of Love
I plummeted while pummeling my pocket pleasure pickle,
I hurtled downwards whacking at my huge pink-seeking missile
I polished at the happy lamp, hurtled towards the deck
While praying with my little bishop in a turtle neck
I shouted out with horror at my fast-approaching doom,
As I fiddled with my meaty, manly, magenta mushroom,
But just as I thought this time I would surely surely die,
My man hammer chucked snot from his singular winking eye
I pulled on my rip chord as I relaxed my gripping fist,
My parachute unfurled as I rejoiced that death I'd missed,
I landed on the solid ground, and briefly had a weep,
Then curled up with my pants still down and fell soundly asleep.
Youtube results:

Frontline Club Talks - North Korea: Sabre-rattling or imminent threat?
The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) has announced that it has entered into a ...
published: 25 Apr 2013
author: FrontlineClubLondon
Frontline Club Talks - North Korea: Sabre-rattling or imminent threat?
The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) has announced that it has entered into a 'state of war' with the US and the Republic of Korea (ROK). The US ...
- published: 25 Apr 2013
- views: 29
- author: FrontlineClubLondon

War Thunder - F-86 Sabre in Korea (Historical Battle) PT1
Will be sure to get a video against a MiG-15....
published: 19 Feb 2013
author: Alexander Dean
War Thunder - F-86 Sabre in Korea (Historical Battle) PT1
Will be sure to get a video against a MiG-15.
- published: 19 Feb 2013
- views: 25956
- author: Alexander Dean

Sabre Shop - Saunders 2013 Cancer Campaign Kick Off Video
Sabre Shop is Saunders Secondary School's version of Macklemore's Thrift Shop, The video i...
published: 22 Apr 2013
author: illanTV
Sabre Shop - Saunders 2013 Cancer Campaign Kick Off Video
Sabre Shop is Saunders Secondary School's version of Macklemore's Thrift Shop, The video is used to promote the 2013 Cancer Campaign and raise money for canc...
- published: 22 Apr 2013
- views: 3791
- author: illanTV