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Emergency in Gaza

You can donate online, or by calling 020 7226 4114, or by texting (from a UK mobile) 70070 with the phrase "GAZA10 £10" this will deduct £10 from your phone bill.

£5 pays for antibiotics. 

£10 pays for medicine to treat severe blood loss.

£50 pays for 600 disposable syringes. 

£85 pays for antiseptic to treat 30 patients who have suffered from burns. 

£100 pays for a trauma care kit to treat one person who has a life threatening injury.

£1,100 pays a doctor for one month to work in Gaza

£9,000 pays for all the supplies needed to run a burns unit for one month

Child Malnutrition in Gaza

Child Malnutrition in Gaza
Wednesday 5 December 2012
The ongoing closure of the Gaza Strip with reduced access to food, medical supplies and safe drinking water, in...

Protecting the Bedouin Community

Protecting the Bedouin Community
Wednesday 5 December 2012
The Bedouin community is one of the most marginalised and vulnerable groups in the West Bank. It is heavily...

Emergency Response to the Attacks on Gaza

Emergency Response to the Attacks on Gaza
Wednesday 5 December 2012
The world is witnessing the most intense attacks in Gaza from Israel since the 2009 War on Gaza. According...


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Displaced Palestinians from Syria in Lebanon

Update on MAP's support for those displaced

Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) is working with local partners in Lebanon to help provide urgent medical and psychosocial support for Syrians and Palestinians in refugee camps in Lebanon, displaced by the conflict in Syria.


MAP supporter raises over £12,000 for Gaza programmes

Inspired by MAP's emergency relief and development work

MAP supporter, Ayesha Qadir, tells here how she and colleagues came together to raise over £12,000 for MAP's work in Gaza.


Case Study: Blood Bank, Al-Shifa Hospital, Gaza Strip

Coming together during times of crisis

Dr Hossam Rashid, Head of the Blood Bank in Gaza, talks to MAP about how Gazans and the medical community pulled together in November while under relentless bombardment and threat of death


Israeli settlements blasted in UN report

UNHRC report calls on Israel to withdraw from all settlements

The UNHRC's report on the implications of Israeli settlements and their 'creeping annexation' on Palestinian rights reiterates the illegality of Israel's settlements, calls on Israel to dismantle them and 'immediately initiate a process of withdrawal of all settlers'.


In the presence of absence

MAP's emergency aid is helping Palestinian refugees fleeing Syria for Lebanon

Ashraf's parents and siblings fled Syria months before he was born. Without MAP's emergency aid, his parents could not have afforded the life-saving treatment he received during his first weeks of life.

British MPs visit MAP's mobile clinic

British MPs visit MAP's mobile clinic
Friday 19 April 2013
On Sunday 7 April, a delegation of British members of parliament spent the morning accompanying Medical Aid for Palestinians'...

MAP seeks Director of Programmes

MAP seeks Director of Programmes
Friday 19 April 2013
Director of Programmes, occupied Palestinian territory Location: Ramallah Salary: $50,000 per annum plus allowances MAP seeks a Director of Programmes who will...

Art exhibition

Art exhibition
Tuesday 16 April 2013
MAP is pleased to announce that ARTSPACE LONDON will be hosting the exhibition 'From Palestine with Hope', featuring works...


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