- published: 17 Nov 2007
- views: 152404
The World Bank (WB) & The International Monetary Fund (IMF)
A clip from the documentary "The New Rulers of The World" by film maker John Pilger.
published: 17 Nov 2007
The World Bank (WB) & The International Monetary Fund (IMF)
A clip from the documentary "The New Rulers of The World" by film maker John Pilger.
The WB and the IMF control most of the world's cash flow.
Please check out all of John Pilger's documentaries.
- published: 17 Nov 2007
- views: 152404
Empire - The IMF on trial
Can the International Monetary Fund recover its lost credibility and fix the world economy...
published: 12 Aug 2011
Empire - The IMF on trial
Can the International Monetary Fund recover its lost credibility and fix the world economy?
- published: 12 Aug 2011
- views: 7485
Riz Khan - Does the IMF help or hurt the poor nations?
As countries around the world struggle to emerge from the global economic crisis, are inst...
published: 09 Oct 2010
Riz Khan - Does the IMF help or hurt the poor nations?
As countries around the world struggle to emerge from the global economic crisis, are institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) part of the problem - or the solution? Critics accuse the organisation of pushing poorer nations deeper into debt and poverty through its conditional loans.
- published: 09 Oct 2010
- views: 8925
IMF head calls for more stimulus
http://www.euronews.com/ The head of the International Monetary Fund has said the European...
published: 08 Mar 2013
IMF head calls for more stimulus
http://www.euronews.com/ The head of the International Monetary Fund has said the European Central Bank should cut interest rates and allow higher inflation.
Christine Lagarde, speaking during a visit to bailed-out Ireland, said that would help to ensure a sustained economic recovery.
"Monetary policy should remain accommodative, and we believe that there is still some limited room for the ECB to cut rates further," Lagarde said.
She urged Europe's leaders to think more of helping their recession-hit people by not rushing to hit deficit reduction targets.
"With public debt so high, in many of the euro area and European countries, the direction has to be down, and not up. But how fast should it go down? We believe that the pace should be measured and steady; measured and steady also means coming up with credible, medium-term durable measures and sticking to them, rather than focusing exclusively and predominantly on the headline deficit targets."
The IMF head has also been speaking out on behalf of Ireland - and Portugal - both of which have stuck closely to the economically painful bailout terms imposed by their international lenders.
In return they have asked for those bailout loans to be extended and Lagarde feels Europe should do that and anything else it can to help.
Referring to Ireland, she said "any avenue" should be explored that supported the country's return to economic growth and self-sufficiency.
*And then there's Cyprus*
The next question for Brussels is how much help will Cyprus need.
Talks continue on the terms of a bailout of up to 17 billion euros.
Eurozone officials have said they would like Cyprus to raise its corporate tax and introduce a levy on capital gains and a financial transaction tax to ensure it can repay a bailout.
Russia, which has strong business ties with Nicosia, has also signalled it could consider contributing.
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- published: 08 Mar 2013
- views: 291
Subsidi BBM dan Cadangan Devisa
TANPA banyak yang tahu, pada dua bulan pertama tahun ini perekonomian Indonesia dibikin ce...
published: 11 Mar 2013
Subsidi BBM dan Cadangan Devisa
TANPA banyak yang tahu, pada dua bulan pertama tahun ini perekonomian Indonesia dibikin cemas dengan sedikit limbungnya cadangan devisa. Mengapa limbung? Karena hanya dalam waktu dua bulan itu cadangan devisa tergerus hingga US$7,58 miliar.
Bank Indonesia mencatat, pada akhir Januari 2013 cadangan devisa sudah mulai anjlok menjadi US$108,78 miliar dari posisi Desember 2012 sebesar US$112,78 miliar. Tren penurunan itu berlanjut pada Februari yang akhirnya tinggal menyisakan cadangan sebesar US$105,2 miliar. Angka tersebut merupakan angka terendah bulanan sejak Maret 2011.
Memang, hal tersebut belum menunjukkan sebuah sinyal tanda bahaya karena angka itu masih lebih tinggi daripada standar cadangan devisa yang ditentukan International Monetary Fund (IMF). Cadangan sebesar US$105,2 setara dengan 5,7 bulan impor dan pembayaran utang luar negeri pemerintah, sedangkan standar IMF hanya mensyaratkan cadangan devisa yang setara dengan 3-4 bulan impor.
Akan tetapi, pemerintah tetap harus waspada dan menganggapnya sebagai lampu peringatan. Apalagi, seperti diakui Bank Indonesia, anjloknya cadangan devisa di awal tahun ini salah satunya disebabkan makin tingginya permintaan valuta asing untuk keperluan impor minyak dan bahan bakar minyak (BBM).
Impor minyak itulah yang telah menyebabkan defisit neraca perdagangan migas pada Januari 2013 hingga US$1,4 miliar. Defisit itu diprediksi akan kian melejit mengingat kecenderungan harga minyak di pasar dunia yang terus naik. Akibatnya, amat mungkin cadangan devisa bakal makin berkurang karena banyak dialokasikan untuk membiayai impor migas.
Fakta itu semestinya membuka kesadaran pemerintah untuk tidak lagi bermain-main retorika dalam upaya pengendalian konsumsi BBM di dalam negeri. Apa pun kebijakannya, ujung yang mesti dicapai ialah konsumsi BBM harus dibatasi.
Kita sudah teramat sering mengingatkan pemerintah bahwa salah satu penyebab tidak terkendalinya konsumsi BBM di negeri ini ialah faktor subsidi. Kian tergerusnya cadangan devisa hanyalah satu dari sekian dampak yang mesti ditanggung negara ini jika subsidi BBM terus diobral tanpa ampun.
Karena itu, mencabut subsidi BBM ialah pilihan paling rasional yang mestinya diambil pemerintah untuk membatasi penggunaan BBM secara semena-mena. Menghilangkan subsidi, langsung ataupun bertahap, sekaligus menjadi pilihan paling efektif untuk menyelamatkan keuangan negara.
Menaikkan harga BBM subsidi, apalagi mencabut subsidi BBM, memang langkah yang sangat tidak populis secara politik. Namun, kita sungguh menyayangkan bila pemerintah saat ini terus menutup mata dan malah memilih jalan populis demi kepentingan politik mereka menjelang Pemilu 2014.
EDITORIAL Media Indonesia
Subsidi BBM dan Cadangan Devisa
Edisi 11 Maret 2013
- published: 11 Mar 2013
- views: 3
President Evo Morales Denounces IMF, CNN & Old Order at United Nations
Evo Morales Makes Very Clear What the Non-Profit Industrial Complex Will Not
Bolivian Pre...
published: 06 Mar 2013
President Evo Morales Denounces IMF, CNN & Old Order at United Nations
Evo Morales Makes Very Clear What the Non-Profit Industrial Complex Will Not
Bolivian President Evo Morales held a UN press conference on February 20, 2013. He spoke eloquently about the privatization (robbery) verses nationalization of airports and natural resources by the International Monetary Fund. Morales also spoke to the issue of corporate power and corporate dominance of the UN highlighting the fact that transnational corporations had tried to block the declaration of the International Year of Quinoa. Inner City Press asked Morales his opinion on corporate involvement in UN programs on water, and on climate change. (Bank of America, for example, has been allowed to place its chairman on Secretary General Ban Ki-moon's high level group on sustainable energy for all, despite BofA being the biggest funder of mountain top removal coal mining.)
Morales spoke of successes in Bolivia including the introduction of loans at six percent rather than thirty six percent and the increase in reserves and called for an investigation of the IMF for the money it stole from Latin America. Morales criticized Barack Obama, joking that the only reasons the USA doesn't have a coup d'etat is that there is no American ambassador inside the US.
Racism and Colonialism:
Before all this, Morales called on a Latina reporter for the first question, but was stopped. It was demanded that he call on the UN Correspondents' Association, which has put its name on the corner front row seat. Morales shook his head and continued to call on who he'd called on.
"But it's tradition," Evo Morales was told, loudly.
The first question, so hard won, led nowhere. Does UNCA work for Ban Ki-moon, as alleged, essentially the UN Censorship Alliance? It seems so. Morales also discussed how interventions are led by capitalism with a recent example being that of Libya.
Morales criticized the old order which was present, in the form of UNCA and its arrogant insistence that it is entitled to receive the first question - no matter what.
In 2012 UNCA attempted to have investigative press thrown out of the UN for questioning France, Sri Lanka and conflicts of interest.
- published: 06 Mar 2013
- views: 160
Press Briefing by IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde with DOF Sec. Purisima, 16 Nov 2012
Press Briefing Room, New Executive Bldg., Malacañang, | News Releases below | Audio | http...
published: 16 Nov 2012
Press Briefing by IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde with DOF Sec. Purisima, 16 Nov 2012
Press Briefing Room, New Executive Bldg., Malacañang, | News Releases below | Audio | http://www.pcoo.gov.ph/pnoy/briefing-IMF-2.mp3 |
IMF Managing Director cites Philippines and other emerging markets' role to global growth
International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde cited the "critical role" played by the Philippines and other emerging markets in the Asia-Pacific region in driving global growth which she said has helped stabilize the economies of this part of the world.
Lagarde, who is on a two-day visit to the Philippines, told reporters in a press briefing in Malacañang on Friday that this critical role could be used and reviewed by other economies as a way to stabilize theirs from the effects of an economic crisis sweeping the globe.
"Emerging Asia countries such as the Philippines have been playing a critical role in the last few years. When you look at their contribution to global growth, it's very significant particularly in the tough years that we have just gone through," Lagarde said.
"Second, countries that have gone through crisis particularly in the Asia-Pacific can certainly teach lessons and share their experience of how to pull out of the crisis," she added.
She pointed out that the Philippines, despite global turmoil swirling around and bringing down economies of bigger countries, have been able to post positive growth in the last couple of years.
She said that the administration of President Beningo S. Aquino III and the fiscal reforms implemented in the last two years are the main reason for the robust economic growth being experienced by the country.
"This is due in no little part to the excellent policy mix deployed both by the Secretary of Finance and the Central Bank of the Philippines, and the combination of sound fiscal policy as well as sound monetary policy," Lagarde said.
President Aquino has expressed confidence the Philippines will be able to attain its growth target of between 5 and 6 percent this year, 6 and 7 percent in 2013, and at least 7 percent in the succeeding years. PND (rck)
International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde lauds country's resiliency in achieving economic progress
International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Christine Lagarde lauded the Philippines for achieving economic progress amids the global economic uncertainty.
"I congratulate the Filipino authorities for their excellent economic stewardship during difficult times. Credit is also due to Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) for containing inflation and ensuring financial stability," Lagarde said during the press briefing in Malacanang on Friday.
The Philippines is the only country that the IMF raised its growth forecast for this year, Lagarde said.
"In the last decade, the Philippines has managed to have an average growth of about five percent. This year 2012, at a very difficult time because of the financial crisis in other parts of the world, the Philippines is probably the only country of which we have increased the growth forecast as opposed to other places in the world where we actually decreased our forecast," she said.
Lagarde also noted that the Philippines managed to achieve resilient and inclusive growth due to its good policies and reforms.
"Thanks to these good policies and reforms, the Philippines has become a vibrant emerging market that is approaching investment-grade status," she said.
"Looking ahead, we share the government's view that growth must benefit a broader section of the population. This means continuing to improve governance, upgrade infrastructure and boost spending on education and social safety nets. It will also be necessary to deepen reforms to improve the investment climate," she said
The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas said Lagarde's visit to the country solidifies the country's partnership with the IMF in pursuing a stable monetary and financial system of the country. Lagarde arrived in the Philippines last Thursday.
The Philippines, through the BSP, will continue to be supportive of regional and international initiatives in pursuit of sustainable and equitable economic development. PND (js)
- published: 16 Nov 2012
- views: 2731
Word of the Day: International Monetary Fund (IMF)
As the Spring meetings of the International Monetary Fund (and the World Bank) are underwa...
published: 21 Apr 2012
Word of the Day: International Monetary Fund (IMF)
As the Spring meetings of the International Monetary Fund (and the World Bank) are underway in Washington DC, we break down what you really need to know about the IMF. It's a special, on-location, back-by-popular demand Word of the Day.
- published: 21 Apr 2012
- views: 4158
IMF in Egypt for loan talks
A team from the International Monetary Fund is in Egypt to discuss a $4.8 billion dollar l...
published: 31 Oct 2012
IMF in Egypt for loan talks
A team from the International Monetary Fund is in Egypt to discuss a $4.8 billion dollar loan. The country is facing a budget deficit of about $22 billion after Egyptian assets dropped by half since the revolution that brought down Hosni Mubarak. Al Jazeera's Mike Hanna reports from Cairo.
- published: 31 Oct 2012
- views: 2636
IMF meddling worsens Egypt economy: Webster Griffin Tarpley
An expert tells Press TV meddling by International Monetary Fund (IMF) will worsen the Egy...
published: 04 Mar 2013
IMF meddling worsens Egypt economy: Webster Griffin Tarpley
An expert tells Press TV meddling by International Monetary Fund (IMF) will worsen the Egypt economy and spark more clashes across the north African country. At least 157 people have been injured in clashes between Egyptian police and demonstrators in the Suez Canal city of Port Said. The Egyptians launched the revolution against the pro-Israeli regime on January 25, 2011, which eventually brought an end to Mubarak's 30-year-long dictatorship on February 11, 2011. Egypt has been gripped by nationwide unrest in recent months. Protesters want Morsi to pursue the goals of the revolution that toppled former dictator Hosni Mubarak in 2011.
Press TV has conducted an interview with Dr. Webster Griffin Tarpley, author and historian (Washington), to further discuss the issue of clashes in Egypt.
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- published: 04 Mar 2013
- views: 1111
IMF World Bank Tokyo Japan Meeting Today Global Breaking News
IMF World Bank Tokyo Japan Meeting Today. SBARTSTV Rare Global Breaking News....
published: 11 Oct 2012
IMF World Bank Tokyo Japan Meeting Today Global Breaking News
IMF World Bank Tokyo Japan Meeting Today. SBARTSTV Rare Global Breaking News.
- published: 11 Oct 2012
- views: 239
IMF Tokyo Japan 2012 Global Economy Prospects Deteriorating World News
IMF Tokyo Japan 2012 Global Economy Prospects Deteriorating. SBARTSTV Rare Breaking Global...
published: 10 Oct 2012
IMF Tokyo Japan 2012 Global Economy Prospects Deteriorating World News
IMF Tokyo Japan 2012 Global Economy Prospects Deteriorating. SBARTSTV Rare Breaking Global News Video. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) presented a gloomier picture of the global economy than a few months ago, saying prospects have deteriorated further and risks increased. Overall, the IMF's forecast for global growth was marked down to 3.3 percent this year and a still sluggish 3.6 percent in 2013.
In its latest World Economic Outlook, unveiled in Tokyo ahead of the IMF-World Bank 2012 Annual Meetings, the IMF said advanced economies are projected to grow by 1.3 percent this year, compared with 1.6 percent last year and 3.0 percent in 2010, with public spending cutbacks and the still-weak financial system weighing on prospects
- published: 10 Oct 2012
- views: 533
東京、日本. IMF 2012 Tokyo Meeting with Japanese Subtitles
東京、日本. IMF 2012 Tokyo Meeting に於けるボイス(投票権)とレプリゼンテーションの再調整. Japanese Subtitles....
published: 04 Oct 2012
東京、日本. IMF 2012 Tokyo Meeting with Japanese Subtitles
東京、日本. IMF 2012 Tokyo Meeting に於けるボイス(投票権)とレプリゼンテーションの再調整. Japanese Subtitles.
- published: 04 Oct 2012
- views: 260
Vimeo results:
Music by Modeselektor | Directed by Pfadfinderei | Performed by Fantastic Nobodies
published: 12 Oct 2009
author: Pfadfinderei
Music by Modeselektor | Directed by Pfadfinderei | Performed by Fantastic Nobodies
Facing crisis and tormented by the sorrows of monetary depletion there was only one solution for the House of Modeselektor. All capital must go! And fast!
Property funds crashing like Windows 2000, investing in gold too 80s and the rights to Jacko's portfolio too expensive. Only one answer remained: Art.
Versed on the international art trade floor it was easy for them to win over two sought-after art dealers; to seal the deal and to go on a shopping spree.
"Art & Cash" is the shocking "behind the scenes" documentary of that German art campaign. In the process a scandal was revealed that is shaking experts to this day. For years and under the watchful eyes of millions did the "Fantastic Nobodies" - exceptionally gifted art counterfeiters and weirdos from Brooklyn - manage to sell themselves as renowned works of art, thus creating inexplicable damage...
The International Monetary Fund
CSIS expert Laurence Meyer, a former governor of the Federal Reserve Bank, discusses the o...
published: 18 May 2011
author: SUNY Global Center
The International Monetary Fund
CSIS expert Laurence Meyer, a former governor of the Federal Reserve Bank, discusses the operations of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the reasons why it is so controversial.
International Monetary Fund Animation
Animation created for the International Monetary Fund's Annual Meeting with the World Bank...
published: 22 Dec 2010
author: SuperLuminal Films
International Monetary Fund Animation
Animation created for the International Monetary Fund's Annual Meeting with the World Bank. This video loop was used on their 15x50 foot main video screen during walk in for 25 minutes.
International Monetary Fund Fitness Center
A promotional video co-produced and edited by William Connell, this was designed to engage...
published: 10 Jan 2012
author: William Connell
International Monetary Fund Fitness Center
A promotional video co-produced and edited by William Connell, this was designed to engage Fund employees and drive interest in joining the Fitness Center. The piece made its debut as digital signage during a sign-up promotion event at the Fund and continues as a continuous video loop on plasma screens in the Fitness Center.
Youtube results:
IMF Warns of "Tepid" U.S. Recovery, Offers Policy Advice
Judy Woodruff talks to Christine Lagarde, managing director of the International Monetary ...
published: 04 Jul 2012
IMF Warns of "Tepid" U.S. Recovery, Offers Policy Advice
Judy Woodruff talks to Christine Lagarde, managing director of the International Monetary Fund, which today released its annual report and offered recommendations to President Obama and Washington. They discuss the IMF recommendations, the U.S. debt, and what's at stake if the U.S. fails to heed the advice.
- published: 04 Jul 2012
- views: 877
IMF Tokyo 2012 Meeting International Monetary Fund Global Lending World News.
SBARTSTV Rare Global Breaking News Video. IMF Tokyo 2012 Meeting International Monetary Fu...
published: 05 Oct 2012
IMF Tokyo 2012 Meeting International Monetary Fund Global Lending World News.
SBARTSTV Rare Global Breaking News Video. IMF Tokyo 2012 Meeting International Monetary Fund Global Lending World News.
- published: 05 Oct 2012
- views: 222
International Monetary Fund Loan Disbursement
Kenya is set to receive 9.4 billion shillings from the international monetary fund.This fo...
published: 25 Oct 2012
International Monetary Fund Loan Disbursement
Kenya is set to receive 9.4 billion shillings from the international monetary fund.This follows the completion of the fourth review of Kenya's economic program by the executive board of IMF which has hailed the country's positive economic growth.The fund has, however, cautioned government to guard against increased spending ahead of the next general election.
- published: 25 Oct 2012
- views: 67
Eurozone and IMF clinch deal on reducing Greece debt
Eurozone countries and the International Monetary Fund strike a deal on cutting Greek debt...
published: 27 Nov 2012
Eurozone and IMF clinch deal on reducing Greece debt
Eurozone countries and the International Monetary Fund strike a deal on cutting Greek debt-to-GDP level.
The eurozone has agreed a deal with the International Monetary Fund to unblock the Greek bailout with a package of measures worth €40bn aimed at bringing an immediate 20pc reduction to the country's debt.
Read more: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/debt-crisis-live/9703629/Eurozone-IMF-buy-time-with-Greek-deal-debt-crisis-live.html
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- published: 27 Nov 2012
- views: 198