- published: 08 Feb 2011
- views: 24522
- author: FractalInfinities

Hebrew/Torah is FRACTAL: The DNA of Creation - Rabbi Mordechai Kraft
Lecture given on August 21st 2008. Please Note: The term Israelite (perhaps the proper ter...
published: 08 Feb 2011
author: FractalInfinities
Hebrew/Torah is FRACTAL: The DNA of Creation - Rabbi Mordechai Kraft
Lecture given on August 21st 2008. Please Note: The term Israelite (perhaps the proper term for a Jew or person of ANY faith,) refers to one who "is on the way to Creator," accordingly, and despite popular misconceptions, everyone is welcome to this STATE of MIND... Further, it is said that NOT ONE WORD of TORAH is about this world, but about that which is HIGHER. (Just notice the contradictions in Torah, then think through them.) Also; 1) Hebrew is written and read right to left. 2) Like English with its 2 forms to the alphabet, an upper and lower case version, Hebrew has a "block and a cursive script." Sometimes this Rabbi mixes both forms when writing a single word, which can easily be confusing. 3) There are 22 letters in Hebrew, each is a consonant. Vowels are not considered as letters, and are depicted as dots or bars. All vowels do is to change the way that the associated consonant is pronounced. 4) You may find it useful to use this or other articles as a tool as you watch. en.wikipedia.org Important Note: I suggest that Hebrew and Torah are fractal as depicted in this lecture because of the way each word or letter is related to every other word, and by so many modes. This fractal is in a sense, only metaphoric, or philosophic, and is not exactly real in the physical dimension. But please see the work of Dan Winter and/or Stan Tenen to examine more physical representations of the ways that Hebrew and Torah manifest as real fractals to/in/of the Universe. (As just ...
- published: 08 Feb 2011
- views: 24522
- author: FractalInfinities

Jesus Christ in the Torah (The Books of Moses)
This video is about parallels and prophecies of Jesus Christ found in the Torah (The first...
published: 14 Feb 2010
author: 1nemind
Jesus Christ in the Torah (The Books of Moses)
This video is about parallels and prophecies of Jesus Christ found in the Torah (The first five Books of the Bible, the Pentateuch). Christ said in John 5:46: "For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me; for he wrote about Me." But where and when did Moses write about Him? I hope this video will help shed some light on that question.
- published: 14 Feb 2010
- views: 25228
- author: 1nemind

Judaism: Inside the Torah - Exodus - National Geographic
Judaism: Inside the Torah - Exodus (Shemot) The story of Moses (Moshe) re-told on how it h...
published: 03 Nov 2011
author: ProudSephardic
Judaism: Inside the Torah - Exodus - National Geographic
Judaism: Inside the Torah - Exodus (Shemot) The story of Moses (Moshe) re-told on how it happened naturally and historically. Gd proves everything, not just Biblically, but also Historically and Naturally. We will never forget what Hashem did for our ancestors when they were slaves in Egypt and returned to the Land of Israel (Canaan). Barukh Hashem. Amen.
- published: 03 Nov 2011
- views: 11625
- author: ProudSephardic

Resurrection Torah Code-2012
Did you realize that the Bible and the Torah have hidden codes that pertain to this time a...
published: 25 Jan 2012
author: teachingyeshua
Resurrection Torah Code-2012
Did you realize that the Bible and the Torah have hidden codes that pertain to this time and specifically to the resurrection of the dead? We have heard a lot about these hidden codes through the books of Eliyahu Ripps, Michael Drosnin and a number of other biblical researchers. We will examine a number of hidden bible codes that were meant for these days. What you may be interested in knowing is that these codes focus on resurrection and our redemption. www.teachingyeshua.com , www.godsimagepage.com
- published: 25 Jan 2012
- views: 42911
- author: teachingyeshua

Is the Law (Torah) "done away with"?
Buckle up....this video is not about being politically correct or walking on glass for the...
published: 03 Oct 2010
author: abranchoftheTrueVine
Is the Law (Torah) "done away with"?
Buckle up....this video is not about being politically correct or walking on glass for the sake of being polite; the message is too important. The Word of the Creator has existed from the beginning. It exists today. It will exist during the Millennial Reign of Yahushua the Messiah, and it will exist after that when YaHuWaH makes the Heavens and Earth anew. The Constitution of the Kingdom of Heaven is in effect now...it is time to read with "eyes that can see" and hear "with ears that can hear" what the Messiah actually said. It is time to remember to fear YaHuWaH, the Creator of everything. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN THE MUSIC OR VIDEO CLIPS CONTAINED IN THIS VIDEO. THE USE OF THE SOURCES ARE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY, I DO NOT PROFIT OFF OF THIS VIDEO IN ANY WAY. Music credit goes to Immediate Music and the soundtrack of The Last of the Mohicans. Video clip credit goes to "A Rood Awakening" and the movies "Knowing" and "2012" and other clips I located on the web. FAIR USE NOTICE: These pages/video may contain copyrighted (© ) material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such material is made available to advance understanding of ecological, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and social justice issues, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 USC Section ...
- published: 03 Oct 2010
- views: 5773
- author: abranchoftheTrueVine

Uganda Torah Project
A small missions group traveled halfway across the world to deliver a sefer Torah to the J...
published: 12 Oct 2011
author: TheUgandaProject
Uganda Torah Project
A small missions group traveled halfway across the world to deliver a sefer Torah to the Jewish community in the Putti village of Uganda. The group was supported by Rabbi Nasanya Zakon and Rabbi Avraham Bloomenstiel, and lead/ delivered by Dr. Isador Lieberman and Judah Epstein. The Group also delivered over 200 Kinder Kits which include a backpack filled with useful school supplies for the children of the village. The Mbale community has been in existence since the early 1900's and did not have a torah of their own, but thanks to the work and preparation of the team, finding, restoring, and delivering the Torah, they now celebrate having the Torah in this small village. Please Get involved! Visit: www.puttivillage.org to stay updated and help Putti Village. NEW! See the Uganda Torah Mission featured on the Jewish Life TV's show the J Report www.jltv.tv
- published: 12 Oct 2011
- views: 143639
- author: TheUgandaProject

Hebrew Word Pronunciation The Books of Torah.mp4
Learn to spell and pronounce the first five books of Scripture in Hebrew...
published: 05 Dec 2008
author: Norman Willis
Hebrew Word Pronunciation The Books of Torah.mp4
Learn to spell and pronounce the first five books of Scripture in Hebrew
- published: 05 Dec 2008
- views: 12558
- author: Norman Willis

Torah Bright Documentary - Chasing the White Wave
One of snowboarding's most talented female riders, Torah Bright sits down and dishes about...
published: 22 Dec 2007
author: roxy
Torah Bright Documentary - Chasing the White Wave
One of snowboarding's most talented female riders, Torah Bright sits down and dishes about her hopes, dreams and her worst snowboarding injury.
- published: 22 Dec 2007
- views: 155168
- author: roxy

Torah Bright Feature on EXPN
Watch this feature about Torah Bright from the 2008 Winter X Games. She talks about her su...
published: 20 Mar 2008
author: roxy
Torah Bright Feature on EXPN
Watch this feature about Torah Bright from the 2008 Winter X Games. She talks about her success as a snowboarder and attributes a lot of it to her brother and coach Ben. Torah went on to win the silver at this event.
- published: 20 Mar 2008
- views: 42625
- author: roxy

1 - reading Torah for beginners - Gen 1:1 part 1
Purchase the Book on Amazon: bit.ly Simply Learn Hebrew! How to Learn the Hebrew alphabet!...
published: 14 Feb 2008
author: bnaiorpueblo
1 - reading Torah for beginners - Gen 1:1 part 1
Purchase the Book on Amazon: bit.ly Simply Learn Hebrew! How to Learn the Hebrew alphabet! How to speak Hebrew! Learn to read Hebrew sentences! Ideal for teaching Hebrew! How to Study Hebrew! [Kindle Edition]
- published: 14 Feb 2008
- views: 43556
- author: bnaiorpueblo

Moshe Leviy aka Shyne speaks about Judaism and how it influenced him and kept him going. L...
published: 05 Sep 2010
author: noghlijoon
Moshe Leviy aka Shyne speaks about Judaism and how it influenced him and kept him going. Location: Ba'al Teshuva Yeshiva Ohr Somayach in Jerusalem, Israel. September 4, 2010. A must see!
- published: 05 Sep 2010
- views: 91222
- author: noghlijoon

Winter X Games 15 - Torah Bright hangs out in broadcast booth
After pulling out of the Winter X Games SuperPipe competition earlier in the week, Torah B...
published: 30 Jan 2011
author: XGames
Winter X Games 15 - Torah Bright hangs out in broadcast booth
After pulling out of the Winter X Games SuperPipe competition earlier in the week, Torah Bright joins Sal and Kier in the broadcast booth during Women's SuperPipe.
- published: 30 Jan 2011
- views: 3362
- author: XGames

Olympic gold Medailst Torah Bright shows us how to make the most of the fresh stuff!! Some...
published: 22 Feb 2010
author: roxypodcasts
Olympic gold Medailst Torah Bright shows us how to make the most of the fresh stuff!! Some easy to follow tips to get you riding powder like a pro!
- published: 22 Feb 2010
- views: 17036
- author: roxypodcasts

Life on the Seams - Torah Bright
Check our more Life on the Seams on Teen.com! Pro snowboarder Torah Bright takes you behin...
published: 14 Dec 2010
author: alloy
Life on the Seams - Torah Bright
Check our more Life on the Seams on Teen.com! Pro snowboarder Torah Bright takes you behind-the-scenes of her new line for Roxy. Check out the cool gear you'll be seeing all over the slopes and don't miss Torah's expert tips on having the perfect snow run. Australian pro snowboarder Torah Bright may already have an Olympic gold medal under her belt (She placed first for the half-pipe in 2010!), but now she's ready to take on her biggest challenge yet the fashion industry. Torah launched a signature line called the Roxy Bright Series for the 2008-9 season, and since then, Torah's been setting trends as one of snowboarding's most stylish stars. Liked this video? RATE & SUBSCRIBE! *Awesome Sites* teen.com http alloy.com *Be Our Friend!* http facebook.com twitter.com facebook.com twitter.com facebook.com
- published: 14 Dec 2010
- views: 1587
- author: alloy
Vimeo results:

R. Fischel Schachter on TorahAnytimes Chanukah Campaign
This Chanukah, YOU can spread so much more LIGHT to the world by joining the TorahAnytime....
published: 13 Dec 2012
author: TorahAnytime
R. Fischel Schachter on TorahAnytimes Chanukah Campaign
This Chanukah, YOU can spread so much more LIGHT to the world by joining the TorahAnytime.com Light up the World Campaign.
Right now your donation to TorahAnytime.com will be DOUBLED thanks to a very generous gift from a huge fan of TorahAnytime.com BUT We will only receive as much as we can raise before the deadline.. up to $50,000!!
ACT NOW... And share in the merit of 2.3 million hours of Torah learning all over the world.Your already huge impact will be DOUBLED! Donate Today - and join the thousands who love to learn and want to share in the merit of this all important mitzvah!
This Chanukah, let your light shine bright!

Outside XX Factor Cover Shoot (October 2010)
Jeff Lipsky photographs Torah Bright, Jenna Shoemaker, Alex Puccio, Courtney Conlogue, and...
published: 03 Sep 2010
author: Outside Magazine
Outside XX Factor Cover Shoot (October 2010)
Jeff Lipsky photographs Torah Bright, Jenna Shoemaker, Alex Puccio, Courtney Conlogue, and Sara Mancuso for Outside magazine's October 2010 cover

Chanukah Torah Live Series - Against All Odds - Part 1 of 9
Chanuka is a time for miracles, both in those days and ours. To see more Torah Live Chanuk...
published: 09 Mar 2010
author: Dan Roth
Chanukah Torah Live Series - Against All Odds - Part 1 of 9
Chanuka is a time for miracles, both in those days and ours. To see more Torah Live Chanuka videos, visit www.torahlive.co.il

Sacrifices in the Backyard
When one is presented with the fact that the whole Word of God is still true and applicabl...
published: 16 Dec 2011
author: 119 Ministries
Sacrifices in the Backyard
When one is presented with the fact that the whole Word of God is still true and applicable to us today, it is usually not more than 30 seconds later that the topic of sacrifices enters into the conversation. This teaching very briefly hits some key points and thoughts on this subject, in another - 119 Thoughts.
Youtube results:

Hachnasas Sefer Torah,Amazing Hasidic dance amazing
Hachnasas Sefer Torah,Amazing Hasidic dance amazing in tzefat...
published: 07 Mar 2012
author: elimand1
Hachnasas Sefer Torah,Amazing Hasidic dance amazing
Hachnasas Sefer Torah,Amazing Hasidic dance amazing in tzefat
- published: 07 Mar 2012
- views: 14614
- author: elimand1

From Minister to Torah Observant Jew - Conversion to Judaism
Ms Ahuva Gray (née Delores Gray) is a Jewish convert from Baptism. Born to a working-class...
published: 13 Jul 2012
author: KiruvMedia
From Minister to Torah Observant Jew - Conversion to Judaism
Ms Ahuva Gray (née Delores Gray) is a Jewish convert from Baptism. Born to a working-class family, she worked for 23 years as a flight attendant. Ahuva Gray began to doubt Christianity when she discovered discrepancies in the New Testament. This discovery began a process of searching for the truth. Eventually she found Judaism and converted to Orthodox Judaism. As she began studying the Jewish texts, she believed that the Torah made the most sense to her. In 1996, she gave up her position as a Christian minister and become an Orthodox Jew. She has written a book about this journey entitled My Sister, the Jew. She is also a lecturer. She currently lives in Bayit VeGan, Jerusalem. www.ahuvahgray.com http
- published: 13 Jul 2012
- views: 4984
- author: KiruvMedia

Mordechai Ben David Torah
Mordechai Ben David,Jewish,Torah,Priest...
published: 30 Jul 2011
author: 1958patrizia1
Mordechai Ben David Torah
Mordechai Ben David,Jewish,Torah,Priest
- published: 30 Jul 2011
- views: 12473
- author: 1958patrizia1

Ken Block takes Olympic medalist Torah Bright through Rally Race Car Driving 101
DC SHoes' Ken Block takes Roxy's Olympic Gold Medalist Torah Bright on a ride in one of hi...
published: 17 Mar 2011
author: roxy
Ken Block takes Olympic medalist Torah Bright through Rally Race Car Driving 101
DC SHoes' Ken Block takes Roxy's Olympic Gold Medalist Torah Bright on a ride in one of his famed Rally Race Cars. Torah herself takes a spin on the track and instantly falls in love. Will this Roxy snowboarder trade her favorite sport in for a career in rally race car driving? Watch as these two get behind the wheel of Ford Fiestas.
- published: 17 Mar 2011
- views: 25213
- author: roxy