Bill McKibben - Founder,


Bill McKibben is an author, environmentalist, and activist.  In 1988, he wrote The End of Nature, the first book for a common audience about global warming.  He is the co-founder and Chairman of the Board at, an international climate campaign that works in 188 countries around the world. 

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Editorials and Op-Eds

Bill McKibben's Bio


Editorials and Op-Eds


Aug 17, 2010, Triple Pundit Talks to Bill McKibben

Aug 5, 2010, Speaking of Faith: Bill McKibben, the Moral Math of Climate Change

June 7, 2010, NPR: Environmentalists to Obama 'Seize the Moment,' an interview with Bill McKibben

May 26, 2010, PRI: The Take Away, Gulf Coast Oil Spill: Just a Reminder, an interview with Bill McKibben

May 17, 2010, Charlie Rose: Bill McKibben

Apr 30, 2010, Bill McKibben on NPR's On Point

Apr 15, 2010, Bill McKibben on Democracy Now

Apr 13, 2010, Bill McKibben on MarketPlace

Aug 17, 2009, Bill McKibben on the Colbert Report

The Colbert Report Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Bill McKibben

Bill McKibben's Biography


Bill McKibben, a well known environmental author and activist, is the founder of, an international climate change campaign. is named for the safe level of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere, 350 parts per million. 

When he's not busy organizing, Bill is an active writer on the climate crisis and other environmental issues. His 1989 book The End of Nature was the first book to warn the general public about the threat of global warming. Bill is a frequent contributor to various magazines including The New York Times, The Atlantic Monthly, Harper's, Orion Magazine, Mother Jones, The New York Review of Books, Granta, Rolling Stone, and Outside. He is also a board member and contributor to Grist Magazine. He has been awarded Guggenheim and Lyndhurst Fellowships, and won the Lannan Prize for nonfiction writing in 2000. He is currently a Scholar in Residence at Middlebury College and lives in Ripton, Vermont with his wife, author Sue Halpern, and daughter Sophie. 

For more information, please visit:

Bill's been leading the fight against global warming for 20 years, since he wrote the first book for a general audience on the subject, The End of Nature in 1989. But, let's face it, taking on the climate crisis is going to take more than a few good books: it's going to take a movement.

Photos of Bill


Photo Credit: Steve Liptay. Download high-resolution original here. 

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Bill McKibben outside COP15

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Creative Commons with attribution to Kris Krüg