- published: 16 Feb 2007
- views: 9405508
- author: Swancourt

Who's on first?
Abbott and Costello perform the classic "Who's on first?" baseball sketch in their 1945 fi...
published: 16 Feb 2007
author: Swancourt
Who's on first?
Abbott and Costello perform the classic "Who's on first?" baseball sketch in their 1945 film "The Naughty Nineties" first performed as part of their stage act. Still find this really funny
- published: 16 Feb 2007
- views: 9405508
- author: Swancourt

Abbot & Costello - It's Payday!
My online fantasy (ongoing) legendsandlies.net...
published: 29 Nov 2008
author: anewexplanation
Abbot & Costello - It's Payday!
My online fantasy (ongoing) legendsandlies.net
- published: 29 Nov 2008
- views: 391390
- author: anewexplanation

Abbot and Costello - Who's on First
a funny monolog between Abbot And costello abou abbots baseball team....
published: 08 May 2012
author: Shmuel G.
Abbot and Costello - Who's on First
a funny monolog between Abbot And costello abou abbots baseball team.
- published: 08 May 2012
- views: 103484
- author: Shmuel G.

funny math...style...its a classic... ABBOT AND COSTELLO MATH 28 13 7...
published: 26 Sep 2009
author: Azam Sajjad
funny math...style...its a classic... ABBOT AND COSTELLO MATH 28 13 7
- published: 26 Sep 2009
- views: 92933
- author: Azam Sajjad

Kimbo Vs. Tank Abbot
Kimbo vs Tank Abbot...
published: 12 Sep 2008
author: bobotheclown93
Kimbo Vs. Tank Abbot
Kimbo vs Tank Abbot
- published: 12 Sep 2008
- views: 458583
- author: bobotheclown93

Bud Abbot and Lou Costello In Who's on fist??
published: 19 Oct 2006
author: MasterJedi006
Bud Abbot and Lou Costello In Who's on fist??
- published: 19 Oct 2006
- views: 81921
- author: MasterJedi006

Hannibal - FULL Audio Book - by Jacob Abbot
Hannibal - FULL Audio Book - by Jacob Abbot SUBSCRIBE to www.youtube.com - There are certa...
published: 02 Mar 2013
author: GreenAudioBooks
Hannibal - FULL Audio Book - by Jacob Abbot
Hannibal - FULL Audio Book - by Jacob Abbot SUBSCRIBE to www.youtube.com - There are certain names which are familiar, as names, to all mankind; and every person who seeks for any degree of mental cultivation, feels desirous of informing himself of the leading outlines of their history, that he may know, in brief, what it was in their characters or their doings which has given them so widely-extended a fame. Consequently, great historical names alone are selected; and it has been the writer's aim to present the prominent and leading traits in their characters, and all the important events in their lives, in a bold and free manner, and yet in the plain and simple language which is so obviously required in works which aim at permanent and practical usefulness. This volume is dedicated to Hannibal. (Summary from the preface of the book) - If you enjoyed listening to "Hannibal - FULL Audio Book - by Jacob Abbot" please rate, comment and subscribe to GreenAudioBooks. We really appreciate it :) Thanks for viewing Hannibal - FULL Audio Book - by Jacob Abbot We hope you enjoyed Hannibal - FULL Audio Book - by Jacob Abbot Audio is courtesy of Librivox. For more Librivox audio book recordings please refer to librivox.org
- published: 02 Mar 2013
- views: 18
- author: GreenAudioBooks

MBE BMX stunt show promo (Newton Abbot)
We went along with MBE to a show in Newton Abbot, Devon to capture the days events....
published: 28 Feb 2013
author: wearemakeit
MBE BMX stunt show promo (Newton Abbot)
We went along with MBE to a show in Newton Abbot, Devon to capture the days events.
- published: 28 Feb 2013
- views: 177
- author: wearemakeit

Finding Happiness by Abbot Christopher Jamison
Abbot Christopher Jamison, author of Finding Sanctuary, and the abbot from the hit TV seri...
published: 06 Nov 2008
author: orionbooks
Finding Happiness by Abbot Christopher Jamison
Abbot Christopher Jamison, author of Finding Sanctuary, and the abbot from the hit TV series The Monastery, discusses his new book, Finiding Happiness, where he looks into the eternal questions of how to be happy, and why we believe it is so important.
- published: 06 Nov 2008
- views: 11975
- author: orionbooks

Abbot And Costello Buy Gas
Abbot And Costello rip off a gas station using a baseball trick, verry funny!!...
published: 19 Feb 2008
author: David Twersky
Abbot And Costello Buy Gas
Abbot And Costello rip off a gas station using a baseball trick, verry funny!!
- published: 19 Feb 2008
- views: 447017
- author: David Twersky

Brazen Abbot - One life to live
"One Life to Live" from Brazen Abbot. Taken from the album "Guilty as Sin"....
published: 13 May 2009
author: runethecrow
Brazen Abbot - One life to live
"One Life to Live" from Brazen Abbot. Taken from the album "Guilty as Sin".
- published: 13 May 2009
- views: 11945
- author: runethecrow

Dylan George Abbot + Main Campaign Video 2012
The new campaign video for Dylan George and Abbot + Main featuring Kellan Lutz and Kate Up...
published: 31 May 2012
author: Abbot Main
Dylan George Abbot + Main Campaign Video 2012
The new campaign video for Dylan George and Abbot + Main featuring Kellan Lutz and Kate Upton.
- published: 31 May 2012
- views: 90873
- author: Abbot Main

Shine On Me - Abbot Kinney Lighthouse Choir
Ripado do filme "Matadores de Velhinhas". Ótimo louvor Gospel....
published: 15 May 2009
author: Glocknerkrieg
Shine On Me - Abbot Kinney Lighthouse Choir
Ripado do filme "Matadores de Velhinhas". Ótimo louvor Gospel.
- published: 15 May 2009
- views: 36947
- author: Glocknerkrieg

Tank Abbott
Biggest hits...
published: 23 Aug 2007
author: justinloc187
Tank Abbott
Biggest hits
- published: 23 Aug 2007
- views: 275719
- author: justinloc187
Vimeo results:

This Scene expresses- FEAR- noun: an emotion experience...
published: 22 Jun 2009
author: MANI NASRY
This Scene expresses- FEAR- noun: an emotion experienced in anticipation of some specific pain or danger (usually accompanied by a desire to flee or fight). noun: a feeling of anxiety and agitation caused by the presence or nearness of danger, evil, pain, etc.; timidity; dread; terror; fright; apprehension. Terrify not your soul with vain imaginary fears. By realizing that you are the one feeding the fire, you can start to take control of your fears. Panic is a vicious cycle that can be broken. When you start to have irrational fears you need to take action quick. Eleanor Roosevelt once said: "You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing, which you think you cannot do." We must stop running away from things that frighten us, face our fears head on, and do the thing we fear the most. Most of the time we'll find out that the "thing" was not that scary after all. Our imaginations had behaved like a super fertilizer and grown a grotesque monstrosity in our minds. Remember, our imaginations are incredibly powerful. They can work against us, creating horrible images that leave us paralyzed with fear and they can also work for us, building a world where everything we do is an adventure, a miracle. And the most amazing thing is that we hold the power to control our minds - we allow fear to dominate our lives or we choose to dominate fear. Those are our only two choices.
Links of Interest for Producers and Filmmakers
Canadian Film Exhibiton Listing http://www.aflick.ca
Festival Info - Worldwide
Box Office-theatrical box office figures
film releases - chronologically listing of theatrical releases
Coming Soon- trailer archive and other stuff
Indie WIRE -Independent film and dialy new
Academmy of Canadian Cinema - www.academy.ca
Toronto Film and Television Office (for permits, etc.) - www.toronto.ca
Canadian Filmmaker (great site for producers and independent film development) - canadianfilmmaker.com
Writer's Guild Development Funding link - www/wgc/ca
LIFT Film co-op - - www.lift.on.ca
Jobs-Crews - Indie Access - www.indieaccess.com
Mandy.com - Cast and Crew - www.mandy.com
National Screen Instistute - - www.nsi-canada.ca
Canadian Independent Film and Video Fund - - www.cifvf.ca
Ontario Media Development Corporation (former OFDC) www.omdc.on.ca/
Telefilm Canada http://www.telefilm.gc.ca
Canadian Audio-Visual Certification Office http://www.pch.gc.ca/progs/ac-ca/progs/bcpac-cavco/index_e.cfm
Harold Greenberg Fund - - www.astralmedia.com
National Film Board http://www.nfb.ca
National Film Board - Seven week training for docs
BRAVO Fact fund - www.bravofact.com
Canadian Film and Televsion Production Association (CFTPA) http://www.cftpa.ca
Toronto Arts Council http://www.torontoartscouncil.org/
Ontario Arts Council http://www.arts.on.ca/?source=renaissancefaire.ca
Canada Council for the Arts http://www.canadacouncil.ca
Canadian Film Centre http://www.cdnfilmcentre.com
Directors Guild of Canada http://www.dgc.ca
Canadian Society of Cinematographers (CSC)
I.A.T.S.E.- Cameraman http://www.iatse667.com/
I.A.T.S.E.- Technicians http://www.iatse873.com
ACTRA http://www.actra.ca
Writers Guild http://www.writersguildofcanada.com
Canadian Copyright: Infringement, Fair Dealing, Ownership CIPO
Canadian Authors Association CAA
Music Rights and Licenses SOCAN
FilmToronto.com http://www.filmtoronto.com
Women in Film & Television (WIFT) http://www.wift.com
Internet Movie Database (imdb.com) http://www.imdb.com
Playback Magazine http://www.playbackmag.com
My Mediabiz http://www.mymediabiz.com
Links of Interest for Producers and Production Managers
Toronto Film Office - permits, etc.
Film Locations in Toronto
PS Production Services
William F. Whites
Sim Video
Video Scope
Digital video supplies
Film Stock - Kodak
MANI NASRY FILM AND TELEVISION RESUME Performer Profile Gender: Male Height: 5 feet 7 in Weight: 140 Age Range: 21 - 29 Physique: Athletic Hair Color: Brown Eyes: Brown Film Family Curse (2003 TV movie) Cast-Apr 01, 2003 SHADOW WALKERS PRODUCTIONS LTD Dawn of the Dead (2004) Cast-May 25, 2003/Jul 20, 2003 CORPUS VIVOS PRODUCTIONS INC Beautiful Girl (2003 TV movie) Cast-Aug 31, 2003 NEVER TIME PRODUCTIONS LTD New York Minute (2004/I) Cast-Sep 07, 2003 NY MINUTE FILMS INC Prom Queen: The Marc Hall Story (2004 TV movie) Cast-Oct 18, 2003 ADJUSTMENT BULLOCH Childstar (2004) Cast-Nov 23, 2003/Dec 07, 2003 RHOMBUS MEDIA The Coven (2004 TV movie) Cast-Dec 07, 2003 COVEN PRODUCTIONS CORP Man of the Year (2006) Cast-Feb 14, 2006 AXIUM ENTERTAINMENT SERVICES CANADA HOOKED ON SPEEDMAN Cast-Mar 08, 2006 PLAYING ARMY PRODUCTIONS INC "WHAT DO YOU SEE 1" Cast-Mar 14, 2006 ARNOLD WORLDWIDE CANADA Roa

The Problem Being - Electro.Is.Dead... by Simon Kennedy
Top London electro band The Problem Being with their single "Electro Is Dead".
Directed b...
published: 10 Oct 2008
author: Simon Kennedy
The Problem Being - Electro.Is.Dead... by Simon Kennedy
Top London electro band The Problem Being with their single "Electro Is Dead".
Directed by Simon Kennedy.
All editing, post-production and animation by Simon Kennedy.
Original music by The Problem Being http://www.myspace.com/problembeing
Starring The Problem Being and Peter Tompkins as The Construction worker.
Make-up by Elizabeth Hsieh assisted by Irene Ferraro.
Costumes by Prangsta.
"This is my first music video, combining motion graphics with full animation and live footage. The video has a gothic, cartoon-like feel, which is reflected in the music. The video shows a construction worker, stopping by some mime artists on his way through the city. He tosses them a coin, and is surprised by an electrifying performance. The video is a performance video with a difference."
The Problem Being would like to thank all those involved in the making of this video & the people who have stood by us and haven't given up on us in our painful quest to get this out there.
The band would like to thank some people who have helped in the video as well as generally inspired us or been there for us in someway:
Simon Kennedy (your belief and dedication has been carved in stone) & our make-up creatives, the UCL, Anna Sundlof, Stamatis Zografos, Stefan Schulz-Rittich, Ernesto Loeza-Ruiz, Tarquin & Cameron Sutherland, Juliett Cronk, Uolevi, Steven Carter, Robin Morrison, Nadege & Simon Kennet, Linda Oksanen, Selina M, Catasha Kin, Sotiris Varsamis, Listen Lisse, Martin & Theo (the odd couple for tea and twats), Seibold, Kate Way, The Lust Reality family, The Dirty Disco, The Bad Robots, Abbot Street Studios, Shoreditch, East London, Soho and there various haunts, Frankie D, Charlie & his Fighting Cocks, Jennifer Galler, Nina Pitt, Dan Flanagan, Psychik Chick, Marriane Blosche ;), our parents & grandparents, aunts and uncles, syblings and semi-syblings & long suffering housemates & friends too many to name. Guy's 'thankyous' have been censored for his own good.
Dedicated to all our loves and losses.
R.I.P. Arther George Palmer

The Jewel in the Heart of the Lotus
A short animated guide to Buddhist breath meditation, using the metaphor of an opening lot...
published: 12 Sep 2008
author: Glenn Marshall
The Jewel in the Heart of the Lotus
A short animated guide to Buddhist breath meditation, using the metaphor of an opening lotus. The narration was adapted from a talk given by Ajahn Brahm, a popular Buddhist teacher, author and abbot of Serpentine monastery, Perth.
Further info on technical terms such as 'Jhanas' on my blog at www.butterfly.ie
Youtube results:

Abbot & Costello Explain Obama's Stimulus Plan For Workers
Abbot & Costello Explain Obama's Stimulus Plan For Workers :)...
published: 02 Jul 2009
author: ww2guy1945
Abbot & Costello Explain Obama's Stimulus Plan For Workers
Abbot & Costello Explain Obama's Stimulus Plan For Workers :)
- published: 02 Jul 2009
- views: 165905
- author: ww2guy1945

Russ Abbot in Cooperman's Hotel
Russ Abbot in Cooperman's Hotel. visit www.russabbot.co.uk...
published: 11 Mar 2009
author: russabbotfan
Russ Abbot in Cooperman's Hotel
Russ Abbot in Cooperman's Hotel. visit www.russabbot.co.uk
- published: 11 Mar 2009
- views: 30225
- author: russabbotfan

When November Reigns - Brazen Abbot
Band: Brazen Abbot Songs: When November Reigns Title: Live and learn Label: USG Release ye...
published: 23 Jul 2008
author: thomasvikstrom
When November Reigns - Brazen Abbot
Band: Brazen Abbot Songs: When November Reigns Title: Live and learn Label: USG Release year: 1995
- published: 23 Jul 2008
- views: 9026
- author: thomasvikstrom